SKYSCRAPERS MADE OF GLASS. Picture of the modern German houses which are being erected Id Berlin as long as the necessary material Is available. In the background on the right is a skyscraper the walls of which are made of glatq. It Is supported by an inner framework of steel ribs. In front, on the left, is an office building also made entirely of glass?colored glass for the walls, transparent glass for the win dows. Between these and the other edifices are a few detached houses In the new cubic and quadratic style. SHAFT MARKS PIONEER WAY Women's Organizations of Kansas Select Pawnee Kock As Site for Most Elaborate of the Markers. / f Topeka, Kan., Sept. 27.?In their campaign to place permanent mark era along through Kansas, the wo men's organizations of Kansas se lected as the site for the most elabo rate monumept of all, the historic Pawnee Kock. It was here, histor ians declare, that ttoe most -bloody battles with Indian* occurred in the old days of the Santa Fe Trail, which passes within a quarter of a mile of the rocky eminence. On the crest of the outcropping of reddish, volcanic roclc which served as a natural look-out for the Pawnee Indians in tbe^r last stand against the whites' Invasion, a granite shaft. 40 feet in height, has been erected. In bold lettering at the base are the , words 'Pawnee Rock' and Just above i? an immense buffalo bead, en graved in relief on the shaft, and the Inscription: "In honor of the brave men and women who passing over the Old San ta Fe Tr.^il endured th?' hardships of frontbr life and blazed the path of civilization for posterity." It was through the efforts of wo men's organizations that a tract of about five acres was donated to the ; state as a park by Denjamn P. Un ruh, in 190S. Year by year these or ganizations have improved the site with a granite gateway end wall, an . observation tower, the mounting of two pieces of heavy artillery and a flag pole, and finally the granite I shaft. Through the efforts of these or ganizations scores of granite mark ers have been placed along the orig- , Inal route* of the Santa Fo, the Ore gon and other historic trails in this state. Soviet Red Cross Cloaked Espionage ItulKarln (ioremirwit Put* End (o Its AfMvHIw In That Country Sofia, Sept. 27.?What tho minis try ot tb?- interior maintains to be evidence of the political and espion age activities of the Soviet Red Cross delegation, admitted to Bul garia un<* r the auspices an.l at tho Instance .a the League of Nation*, was give i out her'' recently 'Sy 'he' Bureau of Public Safety, after an in vestigation of the archives of tho delegation. The examination of the seized doc-! uments was carried on in the pres-J ence of Walter Collin**. Of Great Brl-j tain, who was appointed to repre sent I)r. F. Nansen In Bulgaria in the j repatriation of Russian refugees.! The evidence adduced will be sub The Kiglit Service at The Kight Price! The be*t sroeerlea to bo bad la what wo have for our customers. Fresh Vegetable* and Fruit In noanon. We solicit your patronage. I'h.onc* 3 and 67. M. I'. gallop co. m it ted to Dr. Xansen, in Geneva. The documents show, as summar ized by Vladimir Natcheff, director of public safety: That the Russian Red Cross dele gation operated both as a section' of the Soviet mission in Bulgaria and of the Communist party of Bulgaria, and that the parading of Russian refugees through the streets of Sofia under the Red Flag was designed to operate as Communist demonstra tions of strength. That the delegation busied itself in military espionage, as is shown by the presence among its seized papers of detailed plan* of Bulgarian bar racks and fortifications One of the most striking dlscover lei anions tka effects of the Red Cross agents was a bomb, several re volvers and two whips with iron handles, objects foreign to the mis sion of a Red Cross delegation. It is pointed out by the director of pub lic safety. A code, invisible Ink. and in gen eral complete equipment for espion ago activities wore dictated in the presence of l>r Nanson's repru^nta live. Mr. Collins. Kvidence will also be- sublnittod to Dr. Nanstn from the archive* t ? prove that a representative of i' Bulgarian Communist party, A. Ned elkoff. was attached to th?? Ruulau Red Cro'S and the liuig-irian Com munist party. In communicating its discoveries to the public, the ministry of the in terior points out that there was only one course for the Bulgarian goveru men to. pursue after its realization of tli.? courae adoptod by tho Sovi? t Kid ami iliul v.i1* l?? put tu ?*u 1 t.? ii? activities in lluZg.n ia. A r? ??out dispatch from Mo?'iiw ?ri I lU^ia ha I protv*t?sl to IluJ L.iri.i uuain*t thf "pt-rsi'. uiio:i" of t!i. Ku.-*ia lt*?d Cm-*. and had thivatvU'-d reprisal*. Mr*. CI. \V. Ward and Mr*. Ca^lc Morrifti'tlo w.-nt to Norfolk \Vmftn? day to BiH-nd *i*v?*ral day*. Long Time Real Estate Loans from One to Fifteen Years at 5V2% INTEREST Money Immediately Available Carolina Banking & Trust Company Elizabeth City, N. C., Hertford, N. C Mr. Business Man You cannot play the role of surress dressed in n coWmito of failure. I/Pl us help you keep nem hy looking after jour cleaning nn?l pressing. Absolute sAtNfnrlion guaranteed. Eleven years* ex|>erieiicc. Established 1012. - - $ Cooper Cleaning Works IMIONE 2?0. . 2 Matthews Street. "Have those valves set right * One of the machines had developed a certain kind of motor knock. The Fleet Boas bet that the valves weren't adjusted right?and won. The manufacturer recommended a valve clearance of 10. to 12 thou sandths, but a mechanic who thought he knew more about it had Riven them about 5 or 6 thousandths. The Fleet Boss' c . rr?ot guesses are based on long, practical experience; his whole crew of drivers trusts his advice. Orwi? this live experience You can trust likewise the practical knowlec^c and long experience that enter into the production of Polarine. The men who make it are old hands at the refining business. They know their trade because they've been at it for years. When you use Polarine Say regularly, you arc giving your motor the best lubri. cation it can get. "Polarine" STANDARD OIL COMPANY ?lU)t jllSt (New Jersey) "a quart of Oil" The Polarine Chart boiU down year* of experience with every kind of car and recommend* the right consistency of Polarine for yours. Consult It at your dealer's. We are prepared to serve our friends in anything in the way of home furnishings. We have on hand the largest stock of furniture and household goods of every description we have ever carried, and the most complete and up-to-date lines. If there is anything you want, see us. Our slogan is: Cash if you have it Credit if you want it If you want anything in our line, there is no reason for not buying. Follow Our Slogan M.G.Morrisette&Co ALKRAMA Today m&A i?:&seO'iheSea Fn iii Countess Rarcynxlcu'x world-read novel Flung from the son, a beautiful waif; filing back again into another sea?stormy with intrigue, bright with ad venture-, bitter with costly romance. She 8(|Uf ndered her love on a reckless youth and was paid in full by his father. REAL HEART-DRAMA HERE, INTENSE, SURPRISING, IRRESISTIBLE Directed hi/ Fieri Niblo. Rudolph Cameron and Thomas Holding in nu]>]>Qrting cant. A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION ADMISSION Matinee 10c & 35c; Night 15c and 35c FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON GOOD FOR 100,0