BATTERED BY HEAVY SEAS DUE TO JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE. Photo shows two of the nine U. S. destroyers which went aground in an imepentrable fog on the rocks at La Honda, seventy-five miles from S anta Barbara on the coast of California, battered to pieces by the heavy swells which have swept th Pacific since the Japanese earthquake. Road Convention To Be Held In Chicago Plans For Meeting In Chicago In January Are Complete Says Upham Raleigh. Oct. 2.?Plans for the annual convention and road show of' the American Roadbullders Associa tion in Chicago January 14 to 19, inclusive, are practically complete, according to G. M. Upham, chief en gineer of the North Carolina Stute , Highway Commission, who has .been appointed manager of the show by Frank Page, chairman of the North Carolina Highway Commission and j president of the American Road bulders' Association. The road show, at which road working niachimry machinery and materials will be displayed together with exhibits from various states of tlue Union reflecting the development of highways in 'those states, will be held in the Coliseum. Coliseum an nex and the Greer building in Chi cago, the same building in which last year's show was held. The problem of sufficient space, although three large buildings have been obtained, has made it necessary to instruct exhibitors to "trim" their exhibits, said Mr. Upham. More and larger exhibits are expect ed for the show this year than there have been at any previous show, de clared the manager. Officials of the North Carolina Highway Commission already are preparing exhibits for the 1924 road \ show. Besides photographs and charts showing the progress of road building in North Carolina, u bridge model and other models will be ex hibited at the show by this State, according to H. K. Witherspoop. edi tor of the North Carolina Highway Bulletin, who will have charge of the exhibit. Working cooperatively with the American Highway Builders' Asso ciation in producing the road show is the Highway Industries Exhibi tors' Association, with the directors of which Mr. Upham said he has re cently completed satisfactory ar rangements. The two organizations are working together in complete harmony, practically as a single or ganization. to the end of making the r coming convention and road show the .best ever held, he added. The program .for the convention. It was explained, provides for much more attention to methods of hand - J1ng eonMmcHon and maiTrteirancir work, and to relations between the contractor, engineer and the ma chinery and material producers than has heretofore been customary. These features of the program are still in process of development, but announcement of the details of the program Is expected to be made within the near future. Business Report Very Optimistic! Fifth Fcdrrml Rwrvf District Indl (?(<>? Mont Favorable Out look Richmond, Oct. 2.?The tone of the monthly review of business and agricultural conditions In the Fifth Federal Reserve !>l?trlct for the month of August la markedly opti mistic. The review which wan Is The Kiglit Smicf al Tlic Kiglit Pricc! The best groceries to bo had In what we have for our customers. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit In season. We solicit your patronage. Phones 3 and 57. M. P. GALLOP CO. 666 I* the mnit ?P"frtr remedy we know for ConntlpiUlon, Rllkmi*e'k>liln and economic leturns, and la bor If fully and profitabl" employed. Cn.'dl* is being u?*ed luurh more e\ teujively than last vor r. partly b?? iuuho of a general expnusion in bust neiK activity d party a result of high* i price# *his year fcr agricul tural products, which makct ji nec essary to use a larger volume of j money In moving the crops. The banks ci the district arc on tn*? i whole I" to .rant tN* ! }?*ry arcommdilations*. anO n > 1> malf busiti?'<* app? ir< lo bo puilVr 1 ':'t from a:?> laoU of crM?l facilities. "IN- of Mn! m run l'iu'i Nr I'.nts a >?i?r auo. rviti* nc it.v iii\" ; t> r volume of In?: im>s now b? it:- (io'ic *?i a'l section* of il?* ?!i?u*;ct. ltns'ti*'-. failures nr?* !? *?* i.mi'-'iN'us (linn in r?22. Labor is nol orly fully ??m|?lu\? il. a* |iiv xl?-u-ly ui??ntio:i? %\. bn' ? 1;? r* lati.tns I t.ctwwn t ni/loyerx n*j?l ??iuiilnycs I" mor?' bar.Morion* t!iun they Invr Ihm ii in wvcial >? :irs. ami ? lio sltiii of ll?r? at*-nii?? iui l?anc? ? ' ar?- Coal n?ii?- ?? arc o|<>rat i .nu ncru.ull:. assuring all tin- fu? ! 1 li?r iiwu.'vholders a hI industrial j ?dants t'at th** railroad* can trans ! port. mills. aftrr s?'V? ral , months of unsatisfactory business, I are exper.tficmp. a revival ot Inter uiev.'lu.i short in VlraMi't, but th? iCarollnas have fine crops, and prices I are considerably higher ti?au a year ? auo. probably enough hiuher to com ' prnsate growers for tie* short crop 1 in Virginia. Otnrr crops such as corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, peanuts, truck, etc.. are promising, on the av Gelfand's Relish and Mayonnaise at all good grocers. r raise. and nearly a'l pile-** are re munerative. lluildinv: conMruction i* holding up remarkably well for liii:* season of the year. atld v?\? ral important proj? ct* are on I!??? point of i>?*iuK started. Tin- v. rath* r U fa vorable for fall trade in r*t;?ii cir cles. and merchants are proving th?*ir confidence in the future b> placing orders* lor a lar^e volume of merchandise. Collections are up to the seasonal expectations*, and ?ood i?-turiitf to the laruieis lor their year's work appears to indicate the probability of a neral liquidation i of indebtedness during the fall. While all classes are optimistic on tin* near future, cons* rvatism is quite generally in ? videiice through out the district, and there appears little of the reckless, speculative ac tivity that marked the years Inline diately following tin* war. On the { whole, busiue&s appe ars to bo rest ing 011 about as solid u basis as is possible until European conditions ! improve sufficiently to take a larger | volume of exports ol raw materials ; from the I'nited States." OPTICAL SERVICE DR. J. W. SELJG OPTOMETRIST 621 Main St. ? Elltabeth CIt7 THE UNIVERSAL CAR 7kw Roadster Business men?with whom the runabout ha9 always been very popular?are well pleased with the changes embodied in this model. Always rugged, the car has been made decidedly trimmer and more comlortable. This result is obtained by raising the radiator and enlarging the cowl; making a decided improvement in looks and providing more leg room. A well designed top and slanting windshield do their share toward adding a finished, clean-cut appearance. Make it a point to see: the other new models also on display in the nearest Ford dealer's show room. Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc. &XB.S ?TfciUOKS ? XRACTOHS Tin' unpleasant coiriid of |ho fire alarm will lint cause you very much concern if you know ttint your prop erty Is fully Insured. Let us talk fire innur* auce with you. "Think of the l*'iittire" TRUST CO. SOUTHERN insurance: Ilopsack Palm Beach and Kool-Kloth Suits laundered to look like new Albemarle Laundry PRONE 125 CHANGE OF LIFE Florida Lady Wu in a Miserable Condition, Bat Say* She Found Cardui Helpful, and Got Well. Altha, Fla.?In explaining how the found Cardui so helpful during change of life. Mrs. Ella M. Bailey, of Route 2, this I place, said: "1 became so weakened it was an effort for me lo get around. I knew what was i the matter, but I felt like I couldn't give up. "I just dragged, and I certainly was nervous. I was so restless I could not sit down lone?yet so weak I couldn't get about. It is a most miserable and such a helpless feeling. "1 would get depressed and out of heart. I "I began to feel, after awhile, there was I no use to try to get well. This is all wrong, for it makes a person worse. "I had heard ol Cardui, and thought it might strengthen me. A neighbor had used it with good results. 1?"1 tOok one bottle (of Cardui), then I saw 1 wasn't so nervous, so kept it up. j "Gradually the nervousness left me. I began to eat and sleep better. Was soon well, and all right. Cardui did wonders for me, ana I certainly do recommend it." Thousands of other women have writ ten, to tell of the beneficial results obtain ed by taking Cardui, and to recommend , it to others. Sold everywhere. Try it. NC-148 DON'T RISK NEGLECT Don't neglcct n constant backache, sharp, darting pains or urinary dis orders. The danger of dropsy or I Ilright's disease Is tof> serlou* to j Ignore. Use Doan'H Kidney PlUa |an have your friends and neighbors. An Elizabeth City case: I.. P. Morgan, draymun. No. 5 Kitelbl Helgb+?v says: - -I suffered a lot with my kidneys. My left kid ney wan no bad the? pains Jimt throbbed. Many timet* 1 had .to alt down and rest for a while. The pains In r?y back tired me and hnd me In a weak condition. There was gravel sediment in the secretions which were unnatural and at one time I passed a gravel stone the size of a bean. Ah a member of my family had used Doan's Kidney Pills I was advised to take them. I did and In a short time the trouble was over. 1 haven't been troubled since and credit Doan's for the wonderful help they gave me." Price 80c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy? get Doan's Kidney Pills?tbe same that Mr. Morgan had. Foster-Mil burn Company, Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. oct 2adv SAYS HE FEELS LIKE NEW MAN Sayr Dr- Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup Hat Given Him a New Lease on Life "I feci n