Two Powerful Voices Are Added To Irreconcilables Oforp' llarvi'y \iul Kicliard Washburn Child Vt'ill Keturn lldinr More fnufirmed Than Ever In Their Views Thai The l ulled Slates Should Stay Out Of F'urope By DAVID LAWRENCE corrliM 1*23 to Tin Dally Washington, Oct. 6?Two powerful voices will be added to the "irreconcilable" Kroup in American politics when Ambassa dors George Harvey and Richard Washburn Child return home, j Both men, after a period of first hand acquaintance with European problems and old world diplomacy from London to the Near East, are coming back to America more confirm ed in their views that the Uni ted States should stay out of Europe than they were before they left. f?!"1 ?? 'hi? has reached 1 iM-fi'i . v lwo Mmbas?ailors on M Atlantic. Mr. Harvey originally wax one of the most bitter his n" ?' the Lea?ue or^Tatlons and his first speech in London was an an nouncement that the Harding admin-! i^ration would have nothing to with !!?. Harding came out for the per _tonenwh.chUrt "f ln,ernatl?'>?' Jus-. ??Which?was create! bv the I^KuTand wfifr. he dTdm. like the~ idea he did not break *ith Mr. Hard -*?"} I?* out^'? dlplomtlcally worded statement to the effect that he saw nothing Inconsistent in the President's position. Both Mr. Harvey and Mr assisted Warren Harding in the ? L pa ration of his 1920 speeche.?^ f eer?awanv' V"* b?i.h UrR' '1 hlm lo steer away from European nues ions as much as possible 'J me,f,h I,,arrey "wa" has' been? I literary'" ? ? 1, *r?up ?' American .iona|rLnX,r?o^Gr"a^U?1,aJ,:iradi; the belief nrcval.s'now ^M^comes | t JE k 1 38 trk'ud,y other side are Ambassador Allen 1) Houghton, American ambassador to Germany, who favors a more active program of cooperation with Europe ?? and aid for Germany, and Myron T it. Trick.. American Ambassador to Prance, who feels that American moral support should be thrown to the French and that America should assume a position of alert Interest In I European affairs. It will he Inter-1 estlng to see what types will succeed Mr. Harvey and Mr. Child. I FARMERS UNION TO MEET IN RALEIGH Greensboro. Oct. 6 ? The North Carolina division of the Farmers* Educational and Cooperative Union of America will meet In annual - ^option at Raleigh, November 21 s?n?l 22, It Is announced by R. \v H. Stone, of this city, who is president of the Union. Officers of the organization, be- j sides Mr. Stone, are J>r J. M. Tern pleton, Cary, vice president; and J. M. L. Lyerly, Wlnston-Balem. secre tary and treasurer. | Good To Eat OllDKIt NOW Fit?h Mince Meat FIk I'ikMIiiu I'llltn INlddlUK Cocoa In 1 lb. Jars R. L. Garrett Health Association Meeting In Boston DlMlintfiiiHhfsl Knicll*h Industrial Hy uieiiist In S|?eaker of Note Boston. Oct. 8?Health talks Sun- j day in many of the churches in this city unci the suburbs served as a pre- 1 liminury to the fifty-second annual j meeting of the American Public Health Association. which opens' here today. There will be gen-! eral sessions on Monday and Wed-| nesday evenings and the remainder of the four days' meeting will be de voted to sectional discussions and visits to points of particular Interest < to the delegates. One of the speakers at the Wed- | nesday evening session will be Sir Thomas Oliver of Newcastle, Eng- j land, distinguished industrial hygien-, 1st who will make a tour of the coun- 1 try this fall. He will take for his topic "American. Leadership In Safe-' ty and Sanitation in Modern Indus tries." Dr. George E. Vincent, pres ident of the Hockfeller Foundation, also will deliver an address. The various sections will take ujp the matters of public health admin litration, laboratories, sanitary engi-] neering. vital statistics, childe hy- I giene. food and drugs, industrial hy giene, public health nursing, health 1 education and publicity. An impor-i tant report of the committee on mun- ' icipal health department practice ; will be presented In the public health administration section. In connection with the convention, t the Bottoi Health Show has been arranged under the Joint auspices of the Boston health department, the i Massachusetts department of public j health au(l the Boston health exhibit committee. Its purpose, as outlined t by Dr. Francis X. Mahoney. Boston health commissioner, is "to effective-, ly educate the general public in the ways of health and the avoidance of i sickness and thus to promote human ! efficiency, prosperity and happiness." There will be numerous education- i el exhibits, a better babies confer-' ? nee at which it Is planned to exam- ' Ine several hundred babies, free1 health examinations, popular health talks, scientific motion pictures and a health pageant. Clans To Gather At Red Springs Chieftain from Old Scotland Comes to S|K'Hk to the Clan Cameron Red Springs, Oct. 8.?This little 1 Scotch town In the heart of Robe- i son county, called the "country of the God Blessed Mac's.*' is astir with preparations (or ? gathering of the Clan Cameron here. October 12 which will be attended by lhe chief tain Lochlel. General Donald Wal ter Cameron, of Scotland, lyid his wife. Lady Hermione Emily Gra ham. Lochiel and his wfe will be the guests of the Scottish Society of America and of Flora Macdonald College. Among other persons expected to attend the gathering of the Clan Cameron are two governors?Gover-I nor Cameron Morrison, of North Carolina, and Governor Thomas Mc Leod. of South Carolina?John Gor don Gray, a former president of the St. Andrews Society of Philadelphia, and Angus Wilton McLean, of Lum ber. democratic national committee man from North Carolina. An invi tation to attend the gathering also has been extended to Governor T. C. MacRae. of Arkansas. Hundreds of Americans of Scotch descent from all sections of the coun try are expected to attend the gath-1 triii* of the Clan Cameron. Flora' Macdonald College will be the center 01 activities. f- Through th?> courtesy of Col. Wal ter Scott, of New York, arrangement* ! jhavt- been made for Angus FraserJ i champion piper of the state of' XeW 1 York, to attend the celebration here. ' Lochiel is a territorial name applied to General Donald Walter Cameron. | All chiefs of the Clan Cameron have l borne the name. The present Lochiel is a veteran of both the lioer War and the World War. In the World I War he led the Fifth Battalion of the "Queen's Own Cameron High landers." to France where the bat-' italion won the nat^e. "the fighting fifth." and where Lochiel was pro moted from the rank of colonel to brigadier general. ?Since the. war Lochiel has devoted his time to the admtnistrtttfofi of his estates near his home. Achnarry Cas tle. Scotland. His wife. Lady Her mlone Emily Graham. Is a daughter of the Duke of Montrose, of the Clan Graham. The Favored Frocks For Now Even if you have llic time iiiul ability to make your own Frocks, it is not worth the effort when you can come here and buy such beautiful crea tions in the latest styles at prices as low as we are now quoting them. The finer fabrics fc?r dresswear, the heavier weaves for street wear, are both to be found in ample range of colors and patterns to please every desire. McCABE & GRICE THROUGH THE MIST OF THE AGES "The Mystery Ship" IS COMING TO ANCHOR AT THE Alkrama Theater Tuesday & Wednesday OCTOBER 9TH ANI) 10TH ADMISSION: MATINEE 10c nncl 3.?c; NIGIIT, l.>o an<1 3.",r SPECIAL MUSIC Get On Board?All Yon Amiiarinnil Sprkrr? And Takr Tie Miwl Amazing Trip On The Flying Dutchman SEE THE GREAT 1 a [?] (1 (ii Vehe a displayed at 1 The District Fair | a ii a isi 3 "Every Time We Sell a Car a ? ?; ? We Make a Friend" a ? ? I | Auto Supply & Vulc.Co. | a 1 m ?*>. ? > .. - in ?? - - ? Harris Knows the Style in Fall Suits i ( The makers of our Clothes have a rep iilalion to sustain. That"* why you're certain?season after season?to pet <;iiaiitv at its hest. With our elose mar gin profit policy you get super value. That's the story that'll interest you when Inlying our Suits. D. Walter Harris The City Tailor and Clothier roproferntB the latent achievement In typewriter construction, nlvea the greateat meaaure of ratl* fartory aerrice and a quality of work that la un* aurpaaaed. Cotialtter iIicm* fact*: The Woodatock m e a n a more for the money, hna many superior featurea and exeela In every parti cular. t Price an?l term* moat attractive?full partltulara on request. Ask for Demonstration. WOODSTOCK OFFICE SALES & SERVICE CO., 121 West Tazewell Street Norfolk ..... Virginia Mr. Business Man You cannot piny the ro1? of dremcd In r rmlome of failure. 1/et n? help yon kr^p nrnf by looking after your cleaning an?l preying. Ahwlute ?at l?fact Ion Kliamnlffd. ' Kleven yearn' experience. Rfltabltohed 1012. Cooper Gteaning Works