??******? * THE WEATHER * Instilled ir cat her.* '(("A | (H I L=1 I /^/\\ - * CUiClI. iTIO.S prohahlv rttin Itinivlj' :-: iWkjPj llfW^y ^J^^flnirifllflir SkAYl Flrl rlQaflrTrTrIr=Sl \^St Tltestlti\ and ihttrstltty. Vii * -^1' v o.3l0 Copies * change in temperature. * " ^ "*"" ***#***??? VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH C1TV, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENIN'G. NOVEMBER 10^:5. LIGHT BACKS. -' NO. 277. SERVICES \T THE CITY'S CHURCHES rii::!ik?;jivin;j Day No I tn Bo Given Over ^ hotly to i"?-11' i?-!i PleaMiros s-.tiil liiilu! {jeiiciv. Ii I- Ho|ii'(i. T'ltrnk^ivin:; I>a>* will !>?? ol? served in Kiizab' (S) City tIlls year by thanli^iviu:-. servhvs in 11*?? church es ?-SKm r 011 Wotlii''il.iy i \? ninu or ? at tin- 11 o'clock liour on ThurMiay tuo;uiii.u. The churches s( rvicc Thursday mornir.j: an- Christ Church, the First Methodist, Cann Memorial I'lvshyierian and lllack-' well Memorial Baptist. "With the President of our coun try. the Governor of our Stat*. r.nd tin- y*i>' ? :? ??; our city u'Vir.; or, u<. " sei of t'!H e!ty pa: lord Sunday, "to 'i it a day given oynr entirely to \> - at tire and selfish enjoyment." "Good Tilings from Above" will be the text of the Thanksgiving ser inon to be preached by Dr. N. II. D. Wilson, pastor of the First Metho dist Church. "The Opulence of IJfe" will be the subject of Rev. Frank Scatter-j pood, minister at Cann Memorial Presbyterian Church. Rev. G. F. Hill, rector of Christ j Church, and Dr. J. H. Thayer. pas-! tor of Blackwell Memorial, have not announced their texts; but will, of course, speak on the general theme) of thanksgiving. At the churches not ho'.olng Thanksgiving Day service, the regu lar weekly prayer service will be made a service of thanksgiving. HIGHWAY COMMISSION LETS LAST CONTRACTS" Ralc-igli. Nov. 28.?The Highway j Commission yesterday let contracts for IS projects embracing a mileage of 127.10 and three bridges. .The j low bid figures totalled $2,4 40,372.; and this is the last letting of the year. TRUCK FARMERS TALK ON TRANSPORTATION Goldsboro, Nov. 28.?Three hun dred truck farmers of Kastorn North | Carolina met in a- conference here yesterday called by Congressman! Charles F. Abernethy and discussed ; better transportation facilities for, produce with railway and express j companies officials presents. i INCREASE PRODUCTION or BASIC COMMODITIES Washington, Nov. 28.?An in crease of three percent in the pro duction of basic commodities was featured in business conditions iii OctoboT and the first half of Novem- i b? r. 'according to the Federal R< s? : vo review made public yesterday. | RALEIGH I! VS FIRE IN BUSINESS SECTION Raleigh, Nov ml r 2S ?D.im:r.?e amounting to approximately ?20.000 was caused by fire in thic" stories in the down town district h? re last night, according to an official state ment made public this morning. IIIKAM JOHNSON TELLS SOME OF HIS VIEWS """ C'llca'co. November 28 ? Senator! Hiram \lohn-on in his first address since the announcement of his can didacy for the Republican preslden-! ti;?1 nomination criticized the art-' mini; t lit ion' foreign policy here yesterday. ?lie artvoented n national soldier! bonus and a > definite reduction in taxes. U. ? declared himself as not in favor of American participation In a reparations confprenc*. and odvocr* ted a constitutional ameii&M"nt making !"snJ the child labor law and wo?:h n's mini) r-n ?? r \e laws. ) S.TKKJEKV \?.l) TO IIE <:il\NCEI.I, ::?t. V;sm SIf? I' rv ?:f<1. form r pr^nVlrr of Ifiih^ia j?nd centrnfl*t l< m1 i nn o*(?rJK!?. N-.v.'l - Dr. V: I!, t: j !? >. -I I',.:-n r. ? IN r. M-!-Mi ? : i. K:.sV j Church In so Saturday. according ?"? an au:i"unc>-iuvut from III ? v? -try.)! *!? !ii1kT> C't the v. 'Ivy Ull?I< I that Tr.o*. C. D; rst will ni-| <\\ Dr. 1 i.u i if..'"?"?!?< r ion ly t'. i ? uailnr.'H [ Dr. Hut *!??>' j l.? i*ti i . hi ai.ot! r il;or . ??. j las j?r? :?<;:? il In i :.ny j.i.rl- of! Uneriea. li is an i: t ??lie clergy-1 man, an ?l? * j n* nt i-i? i |?i.? ? ? r ami a man of exceptional ?:uali;'c.iilons. With Dr. Hartb ; s cotniai: to'St.! VaiyV a!l tin E??i: copal p.-ejic!*ers j li-?v wiil I ?? D;iti%v* of Vuullcanj church i- rrit? ??>*. !??? v : < rcir- d in 1 the British I>|.4. Mi**ioncr J. M.I Lord, in charge of Christ Church. I came to this country from Mancbes t' r. E'luland. KcV. Jamc-< E. Holder.J in ch:-r-? of nearo congregations'. is I :? nr.tivf t.r British Ceitn a. !)r. H:irt-! ]i-V m'c??m t!.?* IJ? v. Crancls Coffin.' aow of Larch moat. X iv York. CRIME W WE* SWIMS Sill! TED TO SEATTLE Seattle, Wash.. Nov. 28.?A. dar ing and well planned hold-up of two' bank messenger** at a street inter-j section l?i tile heart of Seattle's bus-1 Iness district late yesterday yielded} seven bandits $20,000 worth of ne-[ gotiahle bonds. No trace of the robbers, who were heavily armed,1 had been found early today. ANOTHER ARREST IN BROOKLYN ROBBERY New York, Nov. 28?Anthony Pla toha, young Brooklyn salesman, was arrested today as the third figure In the murder and robbery of two bank messengers on Noyemher 14. He was ? charged with homicide and robbery while fn concert with Harlow and Juseiili .Diamond. BESS CITY HAS BOM) DAYTIME ROBBEBY TOO A daylight robbery in which the offender got away with nearly $100 worth of. valuables occured In Eliz abeth City one day last week. Tlu* home broken Into was that of H. II. Sedberry, pharmacist, on South Dyer street, and the burglary "was committed between the hour of 9 o'clock in the morning and noon. The pane of a back window was broken out. so that the sash could be unlocked, and then the marauder raised the sash and entered through the window. He made his escape through a back door, unlocking it from the inside. Missing valuables include a watch, Jji ring, and a number of trinkets prized more as lit irlooms than for their intrinsic worth. No clue a* to the identity of the offender has been found. Begin Sale Seals Thanksgiving Day Beginning November li9, Thanks* giving J)ay, the North Carolina Tu rculosis Association will launch its sixteenth annual Seal Sale. This1 association is the only or ganization in the Slate that is au thorized to sell nnd appoint it :? nta for the sale of Tuberculosis Christ mas Seals. It is finau^ed exclu-ivr ly by the sale of Tuberculosis Christ mas Srcis and spends the-e funds to fight tuberculosis in accordance with the program adopted oy its board of directors, which board i representative of tile entire State. As n matter of fact, the North Car olina Tuberculosis Association is the only organized association in the State engaged exclusively in the fight against tuberculosis. It i* of ficially recognized by the National Tuberculosis Association. UN Kit A I, W. 1.. FOItltKH Indiantown, Nov. 28?Tin- fun eral of W. L. Pomes wua comlm ted from his Into residence at Indian town in Camden County. Sunday .I.t'-rnoon at two o'clock by R?-v. \V. I. i yr-rm. p-istorof Pleasant Grove Ur,M:M < hurth. and concluded by Itall L ? lge No. 53* A.F. fc A.M. In terment wa^ made in the family burying ground. 51 r. Coi i??-s w.-'x fifty-nine yeira old. and is survived by hi* wife. Mr*. Alice Forlifa; erne son and one daughter. W. I,. For'.M"* Jr.. and M'm .\'? "iii" .1. Forbes. Though ho ii id be? n in iKid health for some time, his <1< ith ( Hi,*' as ii.dirilnet f hock ?o the community. He wan a m^n'mr of Pit .'i.-.ant Grive Ilapilst Church ?ince its orgi^n :zrtion. it* flr.?t ani only clerk. lie was thr?*? times sheriff of Cnmdon County -ind po?fmaster of IluM Lodge No. A. I*. .V A. M Mr. i v.rbe.. . n!v Interested in .all civic activities and took an aetivcf ii?I'? r. ,t in ? v? ry movoiin n' for the betfermeht of t*14 county. State and country. The honorary pall bearer* u *r? : I'. li. William*. Dr. Waltrr Rnwyr-r, Dr. Claude Williams. C. K William-, i-In Pritchar. Norman Hallunce, Mile* Ferebee. and II. K. Flora. The active pall bearers were all nephews: M. F. Lcary, W. F. Lea ry. Oeoige Hathaway. .1 J. Forbe4 Jr., Charles M. Grieg*. Philip Greg ory. Dennis Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Fearing and Mr. and Mrs. Thorburn Dennett left Wednesday morning for Chapel Hfll to attend the foot ball game. - He's Popular When Mliam Johnson reached Washinston the other-day he found this d?:cfratlvii waiting to extend hlin a joyful reception. Hi's real news now and these boys of the press are plying hlin with questions about his recently announced candidacy (or the Republican nomination for president. Malnutrition is By No Means Fad First 1-NmmiMaI In (iHlins; Child Well Is liciilox inu ( aii>o Of Defer Ik Malnutrition is not a fad. It in a condition found in elxildron UilMlly of school ago which if not corrected tends to produce .serious CQ|lSPf|iionr?w . The term means badly nourished, and not lack of nourishment, as some suppose. " The condition in found in well to ^lo families an well as in families of meager circum stances. Dr. WillkJin It. I*. Emer-1 son, child specialist, says that at i least oh?-third of the children of school ago and pre-schodl age are underweight or malnourished. The main system of malnutrition in children is underweight and the chief causes that have been assign ed to it are in the order of their im portance: (1) physical defects and disease, .(2) Irck of home con trol, (31 oven-fatigue, (4) improper dftt, (\ faulty health habits. Dr. Emerson says that the first essential of getting a child well of malnutrition is to remove the causes; that is to remove the phys ical defects, to establish home con trol. to prevent over-fatigue and the correction of food and health habits. The nutrition class, which is a feature of the Modern Health Cru sade work and which is being con ducted in a large number of the schools of this State, has proved to be the most effective means for correcting malnutrition yet found. The results have been that mal nourished children have been made to gain in their .usual environment e,t the rate erf from two hundred per cent to eleven hundred per cent of the av< rage rate of gain of a normal child. For the rf.ison that the child of underweight ha:- 1< s p i-lance to insidious disease^, particularly to fuherculosi:,, workers in the field of tuberculosis consider the preven tion of this disease at this point pro bfiV:y the most effective' means of prevention. Dy building up iIk < weight and by safeguarding his health at other points his resi* tar?-e in built up not only against tuberculosis hut against many other d'sease's. The nutrition efusade is featured throughout the T'nited Stut> : by the National Tuberculosis Association, Sanatorium. N. the expense in both oru-anlaztions helm: tat !? > >n of by the sale of Tuberculosis Christ mas Seals. CIIAN4.KD MINDS WIIKX 11 1.1 COI,D OF NOIITIIKIIX WIM I It Horace Gregory of Woodvil! end M.ie.i Fletcher, Jr.. of Weck.ville, -.turned from Detroit, Michigan, 'ititv .y night. The young men had go;; 'to the Northern city expecting ? o trI:e vorl* there. hut changed their inlful. "ftei" encountering tti in tense colrl ef a'Northej n winter. W\KF IorFST I IIFHMMKV M:\VF, FOIt Wll.MJNCJTON Wake .Forest, November 2S?T'.te \\ Forest freUtmen team left today for Wilmington where on Thnn'tsgiving they will . ipf.lv Thanksgiving sport for the peopV i?v the e?j in a football game v. m the Wilmington Light Infantry F.ieven. The freshmen go- to Wil mington with a record of four vic tories and no defeats. The t :n h; - J-ccred 121 points and in n Jt allowed it marker against it. (ill \MM tit BCHOOf, ?| ts ADDF.D TO f.lllltMtY The grammar pehoni of Elizabeth City has made a valuable addition to it* library in the World Boot Ei cyclopedia in 11 volumes, and oth er much needed books to the value of $200. Some of the books have already arrived while the others are on the way. \o l\\rt:il THI'ICSDW Following Its usual custom, Tlio Advance will not upiicar on Thanksgiving I?ay, It boln;; Ilio policy nf this newrpnpor to give the members of Its force and staff this day off for rest and recuper ation. The Christmas peason Is a ptreiiuous otu* tor Tlio Advance, as v.H as for tin* clty'n ui? rcan til eucrprlM*. and it Is believed ,| that iill Artvancr-WTTTkers Will nr better able to meet tin di-niands of tin* Christinas rub by reason of the holiday. THE STATE HAS NEW PRESS AGENT lti<-liurn d'; trial ralvntion by the utilisation of forces within it "If, Mr. Rlch ar ison writes. In other word = Its people have sought happiness under tin Ir own vine and fl- tre . ?Ir. Rich irdson gives account of t'i progress of the State in eduea i?"v. In industry, agriculture nnil ;: <' roads, "w ent v-ffve illT*?t rat ion* lend i i a I Intorrt to the article. They It ? vl" pictures of Governor Morri of the StHte Capitol, of Fayette* vi' Street, Italeigh, of W. A. Ora lis at. crmmIss toner of agriculture*: pr. K. C. jjrooks, president of S'at ? 'College; A. T. Allen, superinten ded ? of pi'Mlc Instruction In North Caf-ollna; Dr. W. H. Rankin. "<'!?? tary of the North cnro'Mn Po; rd nf tlri<: Charles M Coh.tm. chl f engine' *? of the tftate Illch v Cowm!' ?Son: pictures of tobac co and corn field-". trtfM picture0, school h')'tces, ji rural home and' No. :h c irotln i h'Rhway wnos. mmrm\<; conti.vi u:iiv\v Frldnv nk-h?. VovemV r 31, r?t S T? trt.. there w'll b- a "irr1" | \" HIP, b? t*.\'?n TjII' ' ji!rnes and Weldeji S|l't''i. he vywep.bt There will be a m imj* final and a prclimlnnrv b# -ford the bl? cot'itr t AC Render Is tof r r, and the admission I? 3i>c. tHWKHVK HIMlAV llOt I'.H Tho loral Western t'nlon office will observe Sunday hours on Thanksgivinr day. The offire will be oppn from 0 to 10 a. m. and from & to 6 p. m. Mrs. Louis Sellg returned Tuea di# rrsnlng from Norfolk where! she hsa been visiting friends. j ?'* ?? /bny "iJadeHappvBy Gifts From Children ?i'?\ !? i-' ? l T* n.-i.--J.ii' .? l.\ Ir. w. ? \\ ? ?! ? jo r. . ?>V 1?in wlir.ir. i*\i? ? m i the ?*-!io?d to t*j? ? i'??or) .shire win-re the !.;??* lots w? re il I l**4l l?v Mio follow Si?x In - -li. s- Mrs. R. T. WMi'rs. Mrs. An i list I.'Wis. Mrs. S.-'in 1 In tin's ;.:id, Mr*. Ileat (Joodwin. Tin v were illroflnl by Mayor ? (StuMln'in. Oilier men and worn* n | who lielni' l in lendini: tln-lr car^nndl I ulvln;* ll>elr s? -rvice* in d< Hverliu: I - Hm hn^rtu? irrm: t\- .?. Wnril. Mrs.' , Fred 1>:ivJ*?. Mrs. !>? nnis" Yanlmrn. Mrs. II. S. Willey and Mrs. Anna I . hf??????. Names of the families* ate* "Mm: I | lio||? were turned In by lite different! jchaarohos niid tlio town was IVor-1 otavlily covered. BODY OF WOMAN IS FOUND ON Tl< \< KS ' ImliannpnllK. Now 2R.?Th" Imdy of Mrs. Helen linger. need was found today on the llltr Pour tracks followir?u on all ni^hl foarrli hecian when 'the neighbors reported that ? they, heard her scream and saw an [ automobile boinir- driven hmrrhdlyj : away. The body bore numerous bruise*. 'Tin- automobile found abandoned near the body was made the hands; M1IS. CARUSO WKDS I CAl'T. KRNKST 1NC.RAM London. Nov. 2^, Mrs. Knrloo Caruso and Capt. Krn<-?t Ingram of London wcr?- married in Hrompton Oratory today. RADIO INVENTION BY MARYLAND MAN Washington, Nov. 2K.?A radio receiving set erjuipp<-d with an 'un derground a re rial" Invented by l>r. J. Harris I'o^i i-.m of llyattuviili', .Maryland, picked up messages from London last niuht on a wave length ranging from .'HJfi to '.170 nii'tcm. BaliP I,I'll Like Moses Only in BrooniKlrnw Concord. Nov. 28.?A story strik ingly similar to that of the Infant j .Mosi r i ; being told In n- today by po lir ? officers who teJI of finding a li my ha by boy in a pitch of woods in ' No. :? township Saturday. Tin* hiding plan- of thin modern child w.r not o different Jroni that >f ih?? nm-ii-nt babe, for although (ho de-, r-rt' is of the babe found this morn-' liK used broom straw and wm iIs Io { hide lit"? resting place instead of hull ru-V *, tin y had Wrapped him in .Vi'ddliim clothes and had given, him ? ) isk' t for a erlb. Tho finding of the babe Was* re-? j o-? mI hv members of the family ofi K'twund Cook, who livt-a about Fix miles from Concord. in No. ,ri town-, ship, on the old Salisbury road. A soon ns tho child wmh found the pol c?' officers were notified and they mrnrnd ?he boy and brought him to Concord. Tie- kind Providence that guarded the destiny of thin babe must have b"? n the same that watched over Moses*, for the fact that the child v\ is alive wH' ti found is nothing le<< than a miracle. Kv ry fact ? y.ti? > llthed po far In the cane prove* al most conclusively th it the child ha? h? f n desi?rfed a few hours After hisj b!rih jit'd h*id !."? ? for-honrs In 111" ily ;*ain th". fi )l Friday ind F*rld?" flight. Although half frozen' ft- M-i horrible ??*|>ooire, tho child n i- -t!ll living when found and *o' ft can he determined* now. he ill continue to live. 181,1 E DKVII.S 1*1,AY Wil l) CATS THURSDAY T?'nlty Colh'g'-, Durham. Nov. 2^ Only n ti'f sfRiial ''rill stands be tween t'-d.iv's practice a ltd the tu? *le that the lllue Devils ire going to hav? with th?- Davidson WIldci'H* in charlotte on Thanksgiving. .which '?ohii't will deride which team can lay claim to a 11" with Stale College for third place In the State Chain j?|en 'ship. With th" drill this afternoon O - ?. fhe.filH" I)' vll sound, r gulnrs -? i?d r? < t ve. w ill rr t over nlr?h*. "id leave in the morning for the .'?cat of action. flKVIVAl \'i i in1, ril?' I'il lo A-Iila>vn, the lloiiw of .(unit** Moiiroi*. IS:??!.? u>nd. N. v. 2v An riutomo Jt;! - i t? ? r r W'l dllt'fduy to A ' lawn. l ? ! t? ??I' JiiniiH Monroe, ??va- a?;t.ouv.r. I todav :i.. nil added* '??alnr< ?>i I! e l:.iein;>t ional Centen nial e? I '-ration of l'i Mt f:Vi>on. and a reception will In- li? ld at ili?- rnlvrrslty of Vir ginia. STO!!i: ItUOhKN INTO O'J \y a.fcAV. applet,.to. far. a& roulrt - lie if* n. rewarded the had. bold rob ber who entered tin* grocery store of J. S. Jones Tuesday night by smash ing a plate glass window of tlie store's front. The robbery was not discovered until WVdm^dny morning, though the store I* in a residence section. This rohlwry, though tho thief's haul was Final I. following ho closely on tin* lieels of oik* on South Dyer at red last week. leads to the fear that another epidemic of petty rob beries of tlie sort that Elizabeth City has had visited upon it from time til time in the part, may he pet ti nu under way, unless police can nip It bv speedy work In locating the offender or offenders. OUTLAWS KII.I.KD IN A NKAK UI'ltlSING (Hv T)i? A?vr|iitd 1'rni.l Manila, Nov. 2H. ?f.overnor San tms of l.anao province. Island of Mindanao. In advising constabulary h'-ad description of Klchard I*. \Vard and Mattle Simpson. wlio disappeared yfroiii thf Shlloli ai tlo- same time and, It Ih believed loc-cther, wt-ri' not tin* pair wan I'd her v , Croat evelttnieot, li Im said, pre vailed at Slilloli Mond:iv nr.-lit when li win iii"n M t'i:i' Ward and tlio ? irl wllli l.lm In.! been raptured. DlAMOND lilSOTIIElIS MARK CONFESSION N \v York. Nov. 28. Harlow Mor ris Dim..on.I arid Ills brother, Joseph. 11av? ? wad" ii complete confession of tlH'i'r part in tie- robbery and mur der or two West Knd llank messen L-'-rH in a Hrooklyn elevated station Nov'Miibor H. District Attorney Dodd announced todav after seven addl l ioealt iirr?-sts bnd been made, ttotti Diamonds denied firing the shot* which killed III" messengers but furiii'b ?! Die trim? i of the three uuiimeo who flid the actual slaying. D< ipiini of ih?* trio baa betn (la i?'d all over the country. To si:r. \not t nisiixiK Kdenton. Nov* inber 28 ? Messrs Kr.ink Wood. <\ S Vann and K. It. Conr< r left Monday fvr Raleigh where Ibey met with the State High v.nv Commission on the question of routing a bridge over the lower '"iow.in. If a brldg ? rr?n not bo built ai lhi- time, Ih?? Kdenton dele ? iDon a?l "d thai a f"rry he operated ? lie- lower part of the Chowan Ulv> . connecting thin county with llertle. J M'ANESE MIUTAHY m:\der DIES IN TORIO ? ?< Ttr. <%??... i?f' ?f Toklo, Nov. 2*< '?"iieral KIRuro Otanl, military councilor < r Hh> Jap anese : oVernmerc today. He wv. i 67 * ears old. cotton* maiikkt New York. Nov. 28 Spot closed quiet with in advance of 10f? points Mlddlinir. 37.no; Future* closing b?d December 37.07; January 36.62; March 3H.70; May 36.82; July 35.98; October 29.7K. New York, November 28?Cotton futures opened thin morning at the following levels: December 36 40; Jannary 36.8ft; March 36.10; May 36.10; July 3ft.37; October 31.20.