******** THE H EATHER * Fair tonight and Sim day. Little chance in tent perature. Moderate \. and X.E. winds. ******* * ? CIRCL'HTlOy Friday 2.32.1 (.ofties VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1, 192:5. EIGHT PAGES. NO. 279 MONROE DOCTRINE' SURE TO ENDURE .More I.a>tin^ Thai the Eon Miliition lt?rlf Saw l{?'|ir?' M'litalivt* Moore al ( cnli-ii llial. V/i'llnmshttrV, Va., Dec. 1. ? The I*:.it. ill ncvt'P turn awiiv, fi*4>111 tin* policy announced by Moatoc in 1K2U unless il should be come-so helpless and hopeless as to turn away from what was declared in?liTfi." -Representative Wn.ton Moore of Virginia asserted today at til-' Monroe Centennial celebration at \YiUfani and Marv College here. "The doctrine is not written In the Constitution hut It is more fun damental than the Constitution it self. "It has never been Thrown Into tin form of a statute, hut no sta tute Is so authorativc and endur ing." BUSINESS BETTER DURING OCTOBER I'Vdpral Kcserve KrjMirt of Iiftli District Cites In creased Price of (lot ton This Fall. Richmond, Dec. 1.?Business In the Fifth Federal Reserve District during October was fully up to seas onal average and in some lines much of the September dullness disap peared, according to the monthly re view of the Federal Reserve Rank of Richmond ,issued here Friday night. According to the review the outstanding development during the month was the increase in the price of cotton which advanced approxi mately $25 a hale between the mid <1I? of October and the middle of No v? i iber/ This price was six cents above the price of the product at or November 15, 1922, according to the figures of the report. The increase in the size of the crop is set at 21 per cent, amounting to 420,GOO bah s. As a result of this improvement in lhti-condition. of the cotton produ cer.-- throughout the dlstrlcf^fTw ueir" < ra 1 conditions have Improved and the Increased prosperity is noted in the increase of bhnk deposits. Business failures in the district during October while slwwinu an in crease over September were fewer in proportion than in the mitlon as a whole. Labor, according to the re port, continues fully employed a* high wages and enough labor is available for all purposes except dairying and a few minor industries of the section. The efToct of the Increase in raw cotton prices Is beginning to be felt by textile mills which ar?- flndini' it hard to continue operations at a profit due to increased cost of n nn ufacturing goods, says the report, but as yet there has hern no appre ciable curtailment in production and during October more of the mw product was consumed by the. mills than In September and in October of last year. The condition of rrops, espr-nally tobacco and cotton, is unusually (Continued On Page Fight) GOVERNOR ORDERS TROOPS TO NASHVILLE Ralelph, Dec. 1.?Governor Morri son yesterday ordered troops sent to Nasliville. this State, to be present at the resumption of the trial today of Lee Washington, negro, charged with attacking a white woman near Momcyer several weeks ago. Win*loii-Salrui Leads In Ruilriing Permits Richmond, Va., December 1?Win ston Salem was leading all North Carolina cities in the number of per mits issued for new building and re pairs to old buildings during the month of October, according to the monthly report of the Ferlerol Re serve Rank of Richmond of activi ties of the Fifth Federal Reserve District. In the value of new con struction. however. (Jrennsboro was leading with a total expenditure dur ing the month of $378,210. The number of permits Issued for new instruction In Winston Salem was 74 ind those for repairs 119. The value of Winston Salem's new activities ran second to Greensboro, the amount spent being *265.835. The value of repair work at Winston S.fh m exceeded that of ofher cities in the Spite, the amount expended being $4 4,015. Ashevllle came se cond with $29,960. LODGE AGAIN IS TIIE PARTY LEADER Washlnston. Dec. 1.-?All mem 1,i t- of the Sennte progressive Ijloc si it ed theimelr** from t ho Rr jinWtoan Senate conference today at wlik' party organization was speed ily i ffected with the re-election of Kenator Lodge of Massachusetts as leader. Mr. and Mra. J. L. Needham of Shlloh were in the cltr ahopplng on Friday. CHOP ESTIMATES ' WOKSE T?! \N W KK\ II. Washington. Dec. 1. ? Readjust nit'Hi of method* used in estimating tho cotton crop by the jjovommom w.:*? ririnuuMuiwl today in the reso lution ? idcpted at a meeting of the I cotton bloe in CoSigre-*. A commit-I t? ?? o: five was named to draw up and l:gi? tlor. t'? Congress to i|*|< effect. Representative Rankin of Mississippi de dared that c otton growers I'ad Io*f this y-.tr more, through "misinformation upon crop estimate* hv the government than from boll weevil v.d other ravages." : prospects i?ooi{ foii ?t WINTEII FISHING HERE First-day-of-the-month winds pre- ( vail for the remainder of the month ! , say t!jo old sailors, nnd as northerly . winds were felt on Saturday it is ex-I pected that northerly winds and \ ? rough weather will continue until ; tho end of December. This bit of I s.ea faring weather prophesy indi-j ' cates that December will b?*"'i?nothcr i ? "off month" in the fishing trades. j I Very few fish are caught In the; fall of the year in the sound. Most ) of the Ashing is done on the ocean j , where weather conditions have a dl l rect bearing on the success of the j j venture. With northeasterly winds! ,most of the fall, the fishermen have been unable to accomplish their us-. I uaUamount of fishing with the re sult that this fall has been one of the dullest in several years, accord-j iIn? to A. S. Daniels of the Globes jrish Company. The company Is operating two; boats, the Pompano and the Hnttie I Creef for fish, while the third, 111" Daniels, has been taking out net poles for the fishermen by way of ; preparation for tho shad season op-, jening in February. A quantity of fish has been re jceived here from Florida this fall to 'fill the demand as fish are so scarce J ?in this section. I ' i Calumbus Wrote An Interesting Story And What Christopher Did Not Tell His Son Ferdinand j Finished From Log Washington. Dec. 1 ?That Ben jjamin Franklin's grandfather, who j was a blacksmith, may have plied his I trade on horses owned by tho ances tors of George Washington and of John Adams and John Quincy Ad ams. before any. members of fiese famous families ever dreamed of try ing their fortunes in America. J?' an interesting possibility developed b\ the discovery nnd recent purcnase land dedication of the Adams ar.oes- i tral home at Floore, Northampton-1 | shire, less than ten miles from the Washington home at Sul crave and the Franklin home at Ecton. "Not content with being the source of Washington. Adams and Franklin families. Northamptonshire. n fimnll JTiWl I4H 111 |l small Inland county only ;i trifle larger than Cook County. Illinois, oyvr which Chicago Kpreads, also claim-* that within a ten-mile radius of Sulgrave manor lived the ances tors *?f Henry W. Longfellow, Hie late Warren G. Harding. and Wil liam Penn," says a bulletin of the I National Geographic Society. "From Northamptonshire and the counties to the north. Lincoln, York and Nottingham, came the main stream of pioneer English stock to settle and make America, but few i places can challenge Northampcon Ishire's claim as an outstanding war den of heroes and great minds. "One counterpart to Northampton shire In the Fnited States Is to be found in Virginia. On a clear da;, one can stand on the watershed of the Ulue Ridge Mountains at the In tersection of Rockingham. Greene! and Madison Counties and opp over j 'a countryside containing tho life-1 long home of Madison, in Orange County, the birthplace of John .Mar shall at Midland, the birthplace of i Thomas Jefferson at Shndwell. the birthplace of Woodrow Wilson at Staunton, the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln's father at Broadway, the birthplace of John Sevier, first gov ernor of Tennessee near Lacey Springs, and the birthplace of Zach ary Taylor near Orange. "Within a radius of 75 miles from a point 4?, miles northwest of Rlch jmond. Virginia, were born 2?. men whose names loom large In Amerl- j lean history: George Washington. James Monroe. Thomas Llghtfoot Leo. Richard Henry I,ee. nnd Rob ert E. Lee in Westmoreland County; Zachary Taylor and Jam"" Madison 1 In Orange County. Lincoln's father' and John Sevier. Ttocklughrm e mp ty. Thomas Jefferson In Albemarle {County. Henry Clay and Patrick Henry In Hanover County. John Randolph In Chesterfield County,} Woodrow Wilson In Augusta Coun ty, George Mason In Stafford C miii | jty, John Tyler nnd Benjamin Harri son In Charles City County. General; j Wlnflold Scott. Dinwiddle (County; j John Marshall. Fauquier County; jSam Houston, Rockbridge County.! land three signers of the Declaration, !of Independence, Carter Braxton. IKing and Queen County; John Penn. Caroline County, and George Wal l ton, Frederick County. "Ohio has produced seven Presl-1 dents but she generously distributed I the honor* to all parts of the state. " | In His Home Comptroller Charles L. Craig must go to Jail for 60 Says for criticiz ing Federal Judge Mayer, fits photo shows Mr. Craig and his wife In their comfortable New York mty home. They don't ?eem to b? worried. Mrs. Craig says 8ho will go t) Jail with her famous hubby. AMERICA IWITEI) APPOINT MEMBERS j I Br TUf Afwltinl Paris, Dec. l.?An invitation to the l'nlled Stat<"? to appoint mom-1 born of each i.f two committees which are to Investigate German | finance* imp been forward**! to Washington hv Col. James A. Logan1 on hcliair of the re parut ions commix aion. CONFESSES CIC ANTIC ROBBERY CltLSIAMPS Washlntrlon, Pee. 1.?Confession that h?- has systematically robbed the Post Office Department of stamps valued at approximately 575.O0O after nearly 2.1 years In its service has been obtained, according to Federal officials, from Herman Davis. Davis Is at liberty under 000 bond. MAX COMMITS Kl iriDK ON TIIANKSOIVIXG DAY Washington. N. C . December 1.? King I'dwnrds. white man, about sixty-five years of nge, committed suicide Thursday morning 'by shoot ing himself with a shot gun through the heart near the home of Guilford Dixon at Choeow'nlty. The entire load of the gun entered the head of Edwards over the eve, com in" ort at the hack. Death was instantaneous. Within a short while after the tragedy Edwards was found on the road dead with with the shot gun with one barrel empty beneath him. No motive has beon assigned fnr the act unless the poor health of the de ceased was the cause. Karly Thursday morning Edwards arose and after eating his breakfast at the home of Guilford Dixon took his gun and left. This was the last ?ei n of him allVQ.- Mr. Dixon says that while he heard several guns fire near his house, he pa Id no attention to it -is It was Thanksgiv ing and quite a number were hunt ing. A few minute* after eight o'clock he was notified that a white man was lying in the road about 600 yards from his house dead. Invest!-, nation followed, the dead man prov ing to be King Edwards came to his death at his own hands with a shot *un. The deceased had no family, leav ing only one sister and a nephew The funeral took place Friday at 12.30 o'clock ot the home of hl? nephew and the Interment wis in the family burying ground. DENBY\S ACTION WAS ENTIRELY APPROVED Washington, Dec. 1.?The pro posed transfer of naval oil reserves to the supervision of the Deparlment of the Interior was submitted by Secretary Denby to the Navy Depart-' ment council and unanimously ap proved, aceordlne to testimony be fore the Sennte public lands commit tee Investigating the Icasifif; of t!i? . Tenpot Dome reserve to the Sinclair oil Interests. Denbv had t' - filled that be did not corsult the depart ment heads on the transfer. t'OTTOX 51 tlCKF.T New York. December 1?Spot cot-, ? on market Hosed stead 'today, with an advance of 30 points. Middling JT7.fir,. Futures, closing bid: De cember. 37.10; March 36.74: May 3* 88; July 35.88; October 29.40. New York December 1 ? Cotton j futures opened this morning at the following levels: December 36.65; January SS.tB; March 34.10; May, 26.25; July SB.SO; October SS.II. 1 nn. i.oris n, mkniki/.a Noted orator of Norfolk who will make an address at the Klks Memor ial wrvlce to be held at the AI k it inn theatre Sunday afternoon trt 2.30. Dr. Mendoza was mentioned in a reeent Issin- of the Literary DlRORt as one of tIn* 12 leading Ilabbis of the country. lie w*js railed a few weeks ago to one of thd largest syn agogues of Baltimore but declined In order to stay In Norfolk whet? lie began IiIb work and has remained. I)r. Mendoza made quite an envia ble name for himself during the war as an orator when he traveled from one end of the Mate of Virginia to the other in the interest of the Red Cross. TO ESTABLISH BUREAU WELFARE FOK NEGROES 1taleigh, Dec. 1.?Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson, commissioner of public welfare, announced yesterday chat the next development planned by the welfare board of the State Is the establishment of a welfare bureau lor negroes with a competent negro at Its head. Policy Is With Monroe Doclrinr Philadelphia. Dec. 1 The Amer ican foreign pollc) today whether with yelatlpn to ? ope, Latin America, or f!?*? I'aciflc. squares consistently with the Monroe Doctrine, declared Secretary 11 in. he* here last night. GET PBIEST FROM CHINESE BANDITS !???!er was rescued last Wednesday, according to official report. FINISHES RACE IN SPITE OF INJURIES Flour Cltv, Dec. 1. Paul Kills of Dunlap. Iowa, finished the four-mile cross-country race yesterday, al though he fell In the start and irac tured his leg. Closes For llepnlrs / The Linden. the Woman* Club ;Tea Room, will be closed for repairs Monday. The date of reopening 1 will be announced later. CIIINKSE CONDEMN WHITE TO DEATH ? p.. t- I i'i. ? ? It-irl.in. \;.iiichurin. I?-c. 1. !"??r- iIh> first tin.*- in hls i??!?>. Ih? <*!.ii!? court ? tuda> eond? mie.l a \vItil? man In de.ilh. TIi" sentt nc<> wns lti?' r?\ult Of t J: * ? lli.tl ?.f llie llOfed des perado, l\orril'iff. an i-ducat* d Ilii^iiin of vim "I taiaih charted wit I* murders aml robin ri?'s ami t.? whom Invi* I imputed :? variety of exploits lit almost iiH'iion plot tire sensationalism. The conn's -flrrrtlnjr rs garthd as indicative of a low iim'cmI state of whiti' prestige here. ARMY CUT BEI.OW | ITS VITAL NEEDS 1 Secretary Weeks in Annual | Keport ti> Coiifirc-s liivo Urgent Warning Again*! ^ I'iirllicr 1'iillin^ Wimlilnuton. IW. I.?-An nrnnl warnlim ?'ii-aiimt tin- sllulitf?i <111 ?>f Hi-- hnilei't" for tin- Arniv Is contained in s.ontaiy WpoIik' an inual report to Congress. TIu? Army Hot only is "cut In-low ; our vital n? i Ut increased appropriations for national defense soon would l>o nec essary iluc to the consumption of ? war Mocks. "\W are not nlilc even now to jmako tlm progress which is norca sarv to insure the fulfillment of the pntpoii ^ of national defense," tin* report continued. "Since 1!?21. Ihe total number of individuals under military training, or in military or | sanitations has d'-crcascd from 51H. 041 to 501,Hlu. This does not spell jpro*;ress, tint rather reaction. i j "I am. convinced that our peofflc as a whnlo are in accord with the constructive policy under which wo are endeavoring to operate. i he lleve that they will dei-ply approve the constructive statesmanshiii which demand* that this policy he fulfllled ? v. n nt the expense of the natural complaint* on the part of tin- tax payers." ~J fir ^jrrefftir*- fenny. Secretary \Vnrk~ renfTirmed his recommendations or former years that tin* enlisted strength of tho regular Army !>?? in created from its present limit of 12~?.H00 men to 1.r?O.OfiH men "at the earliest pocsihlv date." Mr. Weeks recommended repeal of the law requiring proof of aye for Army enlistments, which lie said obstructed efforts to recruit the Ar my and tended "to discredit the ser vice which symbolizes our country anil our flag." He urged also an In create of the commissioned strength of the regular Army to i:i,000 as com pa red to 12.000 tho preesnt IIm HLEACIIEItY I'HO.IECT SEEMS IN PKOSPEIT \shevlllo, Doc. 1. Announcement that the sale of r,00 acres of land to .lom ph llancroft and Sons, a com pany #>f Wilmington. Delaware, would he completed today at Old Port, was made here today by per sons who said they arranged the sale. A hleachery project Involving a final expenditure of a sum sal.l to b#? 9-S0.00H.000 or more was declared to be in pros|M-ct. i , TTT ? IIFAIMN'O I'HSTI'ONKI) IS Participate in ItrMrirlrri lni|iiiry in (Jer man I'iiiaiirrs. |{< ply to l.alrM Invitation. Wnslilnstiui. li..- 1.?Tli" Aiwrl can Co\ eminent still Is unwilling to participate in a restricted inquiry into G. i man linanr< s and so In formed Col. James Logan. American iiliin'rvt r with tin* IS? |iaratlonH Com ~nrty:j:tnn _1ir~t*arl5T~ioiiav:? Tin- communication outlining tlio Government's position was sent to Col. I.ouaii after In* had Informed lIn1 Slat*- Department that tin* Kep a rat ions^/om mission favored Amerl ran menila rship on the two commit tees created hy it to investigate and 'report on the state of German fln anres as related to the ability of that Government to pay reparations. f.OIJNTKY SCHOOLS FIGUItK IN COURT : Saturday is usually a dull day In I lie recorder's court, but the first (Saturday in December proved an ex ception. It was two country schools of tlio County that took the center of the static early in the session and be tween them held that position until I nearly 1 o'clock. A school entertainment in each .ense was the occasion of the trouble. In the case of the Corinth school the entertainment was the one given at I the close of the session last May. Re freshments were served and some lco i cream was left oyer. It was care fully packed, uimI the building closed, but next day, apparently, a window had been forced open and the lee cream had been disposed of. Four mature young men of the community were charged with 'res pa sa in connection with the affair; I but they were acquitted by a record 'er's court Jury Saturday morning. ^A social affair at the Newland Ifiuli School during the present ses sion, about two weeks ago, was the occasion of a moonlight affray be tween Kdlson Granger and Logan Sharber. two IR-year-old high school students, in which a pocket knife and a spark-plug wrench played a part. Granger u*ed the knife, hut there was no evidence that Sharper. who had the wrench in his pocket when the difficulty started,' brought it Into plav. Sharher. however, did have the wrench handy and struck the first .blow; and both were adjudged about equally guilty. They would have been given stiff fines, probably, but when the youngsters shook bunds in court, the prosecut i Ing attorney united with W. L. Co boon, attorney for Granger, In asking that the defendants be let off with the costs, and Assistant Trial Justice Markham complied with their suggestion. Nelson Pel ton. colored. Tor oper ating a motor car with a defective muffler, was let off under suspend ed Judgment on payment of costs. TIIE 1923 EDITION IS Ul* TO TIIE MINUTE j "Far surpassing anything ever produced hy local talent in this city will be the Klk's .Minstrels, 1923 edition." il is predicted, "which takes place at tire Alkrama on the evenings of December 19 anil 20. I(eh<.irsa1s for this show start Monday nlglit and Judging from the I talent on hand it looks like it will Island out as the best of all the good shows the Klks luive staged hero. Ilesldes special scenery which has been engaged for this production, the music is all new and catchy. The latest Hroidway song hits will he used as well as a few old time ballads. The cast this year will be composed of forty men and twenty glrltj all chosen because of their ability. Within the next few days, F. F. Gosden of the Joe Bren Production Company, will arrive and will assist In the directing of the show. Mr. Gosden will also be nn end min In the production. Ilesldes assisting In the directing of the show, Mr. Gosden will also be an end man In the minstrel. As Is the custom, the proceeds from these shows are to be used for charity. It \DfO S W.KHM XV IS AltltKSTKI) AT KDKXTOtt Kdenton, Dec. 1. Charging em* hezxlement of $100 funds of the I'nlted Klansmen of America C. Ly man of Tarboro. who has been In stalling radio machines here, wart ar rested Friday by Sheriff Goodwin on a Washington County warrant. P.all In the sum of $200 was furnished by local men, for his fipuearanco In re corder's court Mqnday. A NOTII Kit FOI1I) TO HANKS As part of her cargo to Avon and f'.uxton the Schooner Missouri load ed a brand new shiny Ford roadster In Klixabeth City Friday. Jf there are Fords on the banks, the tin II* xles are practically ubiquitous, In the of the average Ilestcltlon. How ever. those here who have lived or visited on the 'banks say that resi dents can drive a Ford along this beach all the way to Norfolk be tween tides.