Censorship Menaces Stage But Producers' Own Fault Vile IMuy* And Kcviii1!. On This S ill .Not He Stopped I'ntil Slafi?' 1 - tltancd Lip Or Shut I'p ii> HoltlKT T. sma LI, t r?ii''lNI ?rtJ Th? UalU A4rmn? New York. December 1?Censorship, gaunt and puritanical, threatens the American xtajfe. The reform forces wrr.ch have'combined in ; n attack on the vile plays ami revues pro duced in New York this season, are in such full cry at this time that nothing short of a state censor is likely to appease them. Theatrical munu;:< rs have failed to heed the many warning signs h?-l?l up to them. Tin y liaye Insisted that the public wanted risque comedy annud?* an urtj"* tic considerations would permit. rhe boldness of some of the producers* has been little short of startling. But now they are in a fair way of reaping the whirlwind. Not only are the professional reformers aroused, but various church organi sations whclh work quietly and with out ostenstation. have taken a band ill the movement to clean up the stage and it i? not likely* they will stop until the job Is completed. A state censor here In New \ ork would be the stage censor for the entire country because of the fact that more than ninety per cent of theatrical productions nowadays ap* planned and put on in thin city. The New York stag*' has its influence on all American drama. A New \ ork "run" is the hallmark of dramatic quality. Lately it has been in too many Instances the hallmark of In decency. So true is this that most of the New York productions have had to 'be toned down for the road. Two pieces which were not toned down recently were, suppressed?one in Philadelphia and one iu Los Angeles. Many persons In the "busines" thought that nothing would shock Los Angeles, but "Getting Gertie's Garter." after an uninterrupted and unexpurgated run in the Eastern halt of the country, got the goat of the hornet of the movies and the police stepped in. , Augustus Thomas, the eminent playwright, who a year ago was named as the Will Hays of the spok en drama, has not had the same right of censorship over plays th-? t young Mr. liays had exercised ov? r movie production. Mr. Thomas has been Inclined to stand aside and let the managers try out almost anything they wanted on the llroudway "dogs." ! Some of these dogs are now about to turn around and bite them. In the extremity of the danger that confronted them, the producer* are clamoring today to have the clti sens* Jury plan placed In operation They realize that is the most liberal alement in all the reform ideas which are abroad in the city. The jury idea was evolved something more than a year ago and was generlly ac cepted at that-time, both by the man agers and by the officers of the com missioner of licenses for his guid ance in granting permits to certain play houses to continue in operation. The stage wasn't so very bad a year ago and so the plan fell into inno cuous desuetude, or something akin to that. Now the stage is about nt the depths and the jury agreement has run out. The managers want It re stored at onco and Mr. Thomas is leading them In the hope that an at tire Jury may shut r ff the more fu rious and narrow minded Of the re formers. Certainly the established panel from which the play juries of 12 men and women are to be druwn has a liberal enough personnel. Prominent among those near the top of the list Is Bernard M. Baruch. the distinguished chairman of the war Industries board under Presi dent Wilson. It also Includes Col onel Tilllnghast L'Honimedleu Hus ton. until recently half owner of the New York American League base ball team, a man who 'believes In the doctrine of live and let live. Christopher Morley. the scrivener; Owen I>avls, the playwright; Morti mer Schlff, the banker; Prince Pierre Troubetkay. the artist; Will Irwin, the writer; Otto II. Kahn. Interna tional financier and head of the Me tropolitan Opera Company; these ar? some of the panel of 150 prominent citlxens suggested for jury duty. The managers today are eager to place themselves at the mercy of the Jury. They beg that some one pro tect them from the gathering storm and show them, miserable sinners that they are. Just how they can put their houses In order. Until this new /uror ngalnst the stage arose there has been organized EAT! NVinekream It is no! only the brut, bat it'i made in Eliza beth City. Wrote of Travels And Discoveries Colurobur and Son Ferdinand Gave World Interesting Travels Washington. Dec. II.?Ask your friends lo name a fi'W of tin- great travel writers of all and you will many names?Marco Polo. Ilichard Hakluyl. Henry M. Stanley ?probably none will mention Co lumbus. If lie did and you inquired "which Columbus" ho would conclude you were asking a trick question "The fame of Christopher Coiiim bus as the discovered of America has both overshadowed hi* own remark ably observant account ??f what he found amonu the Indies and the hio graphical narrative*, of his son. Fer j dinand CoPimbus." says a bulletin from the National Geographic Sod ety. -v? "notli documents are accesslblc and known to geographers* and his torians. Indeed the lattcr's author ship has aroused considerable con troversy. yet they, are not read so popularly as are"many other travel rlassics." Trees "StretchInir to Star***' An example of the descriptive style of Columbus is quoted from his remarks about Cuba, which he called Jnana, and nt first believed to |?e a part of the China coast. Columbus wrote; "This Island Is surrounded by many very safe and wide harbors, not excelled by any others that 1 have ever seen. Many great and sal ? uhrlous rivers flow through It. There; are also many very high mountains there. ''All these Islands are very beau tiful. and distinuuislw d bv various qualities; they are accessible, and full of a great variety of trees stretching up to the stars; the leaves! of whloh I believe an* never shed, for I saw them.as green, and flour ishing ns they nre usually in S,?ain in the month of May; some of them | were blossoming. som?- were hearing fruit, some were in other conditions; each one was thriving In Its own way. The nlghtlngalo and varlotu other birds without number were singinc in the month of Novemoer when I was exploring them. There nre besides In the raid Island J.ianai seven or eight kinds of palm trees ! which far excel ours In height ana beauty. Just as all the other trees;1 herbs, and fruits do." Visitor* Were Celestial Of the natives of the island* Co-! Illmbus wrote: "These people practice no kind of Idolatry; on the contrary they firm ly believe that all strength and pow er. and In fact all good things art' n pretty general demand for the abol ishment of the state censorship of films. It looks now as though that movement were doomed to defeat and Instead the censorship may he broadened to Include every stage production. legislation to that ef fect already Is being prepared for In troduction at Albany. Under such a censorship (ho stage might easily I lose much of Its legitimate virility, '?but the producers will have only themselves to blame. In heaven. and that I had come down ' from thence with these ships and sailors; and in this belief I was re * c?*ived there after they had put aside ftar. Nor are they slow or un skilled. but of excellent and acute understand!;:'.;; and - the men who have navkpt'tl that s*-a give ai? ac count of ev? r> thlu^ in an adinlrubie manner; but Ihey never saw people clothed, lu r this l.ind of ships." .On* island v hicji jColuinbus calhd Maleunin. probably Martinique. h< b* 11?\? (1 to b?- inhabited only b> vo llie'i. "Tlies*" women." He said, "perforin no kind of v.*ork of their m?x. for they use b??*vs and darts; th?y pro tect themselves with sh* ? is of iop r. The;, t? lI nie r.f another |>l :;i;d. wl.i?s?Inb il are without hair, and which , abounds in ..olu above all ot*i? r-." A t' ?IMIlletvi.il l{e|M?|*t i The evplot. r"> KUi.insary of th? commercial aovanta-e* of t!ie i>i ands said: ? "I promise ibis, thai if I am sup ported by our mo??t invincible sover eigns with :i little of tlielr help, a much gold can be* supplied as they will need. I?uhed as much of spice*, of cotton, of clu wlnu^um (which Is only found in Chios I, also as much of aloes-wood, and as many slaves for the navy, as their majesties will wish to demand." Interesting sidelights on the first trans-Atlantic voyage abound in the biography of Ferdinand Columbus, based on his illustrious father's log This Journal contained a surprising amount of data telling what winds blew, how far lie sailed with each particular wind, what currents are! found, and "everything that was I j seen by the way, whether birds. fish ea, or any other thin*." Ix)b?trr Played Part Every school child knows that the birds cave the mariners their first [ tnklinu of their approach to land;, the lobater has scarcely had his due| for contlrmlnu the portent of the bird*. Ferdinand Columbus writes: * "N' \t day 4 September 17? the y .iwi i d wih seen In much ureutei ?iu.iutity. and a -mall live lobster w.ts observed aiuoiia tin* we*ds: from this circumstance many af-J li 1 in* ti that tin > were certainly ucar the lantl." dlt t am! hi t::s!? ? f k? ? piliv a voium* jtiri.al CohiuibuM frequently I m! to 1.4 p his in*-11 from turninuj ijf'i by ?:i|. 'vi| ai d ihu?'tiioiin ap-l peal*. Following the excitement of - 1 :? j? ia.r lli?. irregularities ol 1 f! ? fi t i|.;e - the i.; rratur sax s that t',;>Jti:.?hu>-. II* c-il th.it it was ??cc:t-| -i* ?:? d !?;. the poiar star makltiu a rueiiit round th? by which they ; ? 1 ? ?.** a little satieli'd." For Rent Or Sale One 11 __r?K?ni Houmn Klwirlc l.iiilits Hot iiikI Colli Water, Hot Water Heat, Hadiators in eaeli room. |'osM"??iiHi at onee, Xo. 50."* Penn. Axe. Apply to W. 8. White at W. S. White & Co 124) POINDKXTKH ST, Kllzaheth 1'lty, X. C. MORGAN'S SPECIAL COFFEE SERVE IT FOR BREAKFAST ? IT IS SUHE TO START THE DAY RIGHT. ABSOLUTELY PURE, BEGULAR 33c VALUE, OUR PBICE, PER LB 28c ? SOLD BY ? \ FOB HIGHEST IUABKET PRICES " 1 i Ship COTTON To WINBORNE&CO. j , NORFOLK, VIRGINIA % X They pay drafts for 90 per cent on cotton to he Hold on arrival and 75 per cent if to he stored. DOINGS OF TIIE DUFFS Thanks to Belly Jano BY ALLMAN IT'S FUNNY HOW TOM, VOU HAD , BETTER START TO ( vouR WIFE ALWAYS GET READY" YOU nfTr? PICKS OUT THE NIGHT KNOW WE ARE GOING OVER TO BAILEY'S TO SPEND THE EVENING OH .TOM-YOU HAD BETTER CALL MRS. BAILEY ON THE PHONE AND TELL HCR WE WILL NOT 8E OVER THIS EVENING- I THINK BETTY JANE HAS the COLIC ? I'LL CALL HER \ RIGHT AWAY! / v?V TO GO SOME PLACE WHEN YOU ARE ALL TIRED OUT-WOW-BETTY JANE MAKES HERSELF KNOWN ! THERE ARE ADVANTAGES IN HAVING A COUPLE OF CHILDREN IN YOUR HOME SOME TIMES" THIS HAPPEN5 TO BE ONE OF THEM" COLIC 1.00E5N T LAST LONG - K To The Kiddies DO\'T FOm.ET TO Mill. THAT LETTER TO S <\T I ( f. il S IX THE BOX AT OUR STORE. HE fT ILL BE HERE I V PERSQ\ ()\ THE III TEEM II OF THIS MOXTH. BE SURE t \l) SEE HIM. M.G.Morrisette&Co MAIN STKEET FlIHMTUKE STOKE -?*t -??: -fi -c-t -c-t -*?? -?.i -??! S'posin' S'POSIN' you could save worry. S'POSIN' you knew you could save worry. S'POSIN' you knew if you could save a lot of worry you could save money. S'POSIN' you knew that you really could save a lot of worry and a lot of money. S'POSIN'. ?Oh, set your CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT MELICK'S AND END THE AGONY A Few Suggestions? China Dinner Set f ancy Classitare Floor Lamps Cedar Chests Pedestal Tahourctte Furniture of any kind Toys Wagons Velocipedes Doll Carriages dames and Hooks Wagons Dolls in Wonderful Variety. Pshaw, if none of these appeal to you then buv a Living Koom or Dinin}; ltoom Suite that will delijrht every member of the family. Melick's Our Door Opens With a Welcome k . II v caxh (.hrintmng Saving* (.liorkt and lihe to rival * with /?'(?/