Time filth A Good Tim? Club composed of members of t? young s? t had a club party s. iutday afternoon at 3:30 at I J'.*4 home ol Miss Elizabeth Uriuht *i!i lload street. Every one had a jolly -la>itiu uc.ates. the b-ature of the afternoon beinu guessinu contests. There were two conte.-ts. The first was won b> Frances P? ndh ton who received a. box of candy, with a second prize by Florence Pendleton. In the second contest the prize wan won by Mary llyrd Saun dor i>. Alter the game* and contests ice cream. r;i?c. choco late candy, and mints w. re served. Younu ?ladies enjo>in~ the afternoon were: Shirley pi-aridK- Mary Pyrd Saunders, Florenc* Mallard. France?' Pendleton. Margaret Harris. Camilla Foreman. Florence Pendleton. MIs (iercre 11 ? ttrick. Doris Harrison. lsa Mnran, Gertrude Glover and. Sara Jeoning*. \Var?l Illhle t'l?*s Meets The Ward Illhle Class of Black well Memorial Sunday school met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dentils Van Horn on West Pur rfess street. Dullness of the class was transacted and there was an in teresting discussion on "Prayer," led, by the teacher, C. J. Ward, after, which delicious refreshment* were serv? d by the hostess. Those pres ent were: C. J. Ward. Mesdames J. W. Dawson, J. H. Wllkins, J. H. Aydlett. J. O. Metres. M. R. Pritch-1 ard and Miss Partita Pell. Tuesday llrhlgc Club The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Cecil Garrett on West Church street. A dainty saald course was served. Playing at the two tables; were Mesdames R. L. Kendrick. W.! E. Griffin, Aubrey McCahe, Ray Tox ev, Calvin Twlddy. Frank Grice. Jr.. Miss Margaret Sheep and Miss Car-, rie White. I'irM HnptiM* Win Again The First Baptists of Elisabeth City again won over the Laurens. S. C. Baptists last week on prayer meeting attendance, with a record of 221 present, lf>2 having read the llible lesson. Laurens had 20t> pres-. ent, Illhle lesson read by 185. Personals Mis. J. M. Weeks and Mrs. Frank Weekh of this city left for Norfolk Sunday to fp^nd a few days. .Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Foreman re-1 turned Sundty uiglit front New York uftor *p* riding several days. I Mr. altd Mrs. Wilson Hollowell re-? tttrned from N< w York Monday after ?P? ndlng some time there. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Edword Hughes, Mrs. Thorhurn llenn tt. Messrs Sam Par k? r. Camden lilades and Frank Kra mer left Monday night on a ducking trip in Currituck Sound. Mrs. Cloy Foreman has returned lifter spending" Thanksgiving with her daughter. Miss Margaret, at Mary Hi Id win College, Staunton. Va. Charlie Conger of Ahoskle spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. .Con- r at 817 West Church street. Mrs. D. L. Strain of A h? vllle Is the guofit of Mrs. W. H. W? ath?*rlv. Jr., at her home 5"7 Riverside Drive J. O. Meg*--;. Norman Shnp-on and J. F. Jon?'s loft Tuesday for Norfolk on a buslm t-s trip. , Mrs. Jolin Kraimr lia? returned from a visit lo friends at Norfolk and Sparrows Point. Md. Mr. and Mrs. Everett I'ritchard, accompanied by Mrs. Raymond Moore, motored to Norfolk Tuesday. Kirhnrdhuh Sedgwick and Hay wood I)uk?' returned Monday from K.i!> kIi w;n're tlicy sp? ut the liol ld.?y?. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fearing and Mi>s_ I>? II Kwrinx sptnt Sunday and Monday in Windsor visiting rela tives. Mr. and fMrs. Mulh-n \Wek* and >on. Kdward. ??f Hertford have re (urned after, spending some time with Mrs. Week's parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. K. S< dgwlck at lier home ut Out Riverside Drive. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brock and ( !uldr* n. C. C. llrock. Jr.. and Nancy of Bristol. Virginia left for th?ir. home Sunday after spending some tlm?> as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' K?anyon Bulley of llivrMWi' Drive an I .?th?-r relatives. MAIUll \(.D ANI> TIIK WOMAN The emotional actress. lta.td. com. io ilu- Alkrama toda> it? h<*i ! Mxiiiiutors i? atu!'*. "\Vli? n llu?hand& lVceiw.*' It i? a:n>i..?-r one i?f Mi?> I laird's own tli.i:n;i!ic stori"*. relating how one woman wus deceived into marriage, and d??r* iv?'d during tho marriage. I l?nt found freedom through truth. Alis< Haird may hi* said to ho sup ported by an ali-star cost. Wallace Woi-l?y directed. The production wan eivon tin* personal supervision of Arthur F. Dock. SM \TJ..Mrl'IIKI(so\ Suiulav aftvriUHiii i!.?- I'uixiuaL.i if t'i? l*ir>t MfiliiMlUt CViurch *;i t'i> of a <1 tii? r \v.?Mii? vvi:. r: IT N H P W:.-. :: .! Ml-' \l.*l'?.. r.oa t i Mr ?|.-r-=.; IV Iiitth ??f SoitlM Mi1!* MK* Mr I *! 11-* *?"! i - I'- .1 v.i t. *.* .-r ?; r. ;? t <1 Mr T? iiitM- V.-IV.. r- :t ??!?.! Mr. Stna'i- |?ar? lit* ;ir? Mr. a ml Mrs. Kim !i.- Si.tall, :iIt of <. 'it >Sill-* Tlu* i'nut>l> wi n1 arcnit t< ?! I?> Mr. ami Mr**. \Y. J Cardura. "Croatan" Mnry, Johnson's new novel featuring the Roanoke Inland Lost Colony will make an Ideal present for a relative or friend. Decides, you can read It yourself on the sly 1>? fore presenting it. Get your copy today AT MELICK'S 1 A FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when you know that tin- medicine you nr-' ahout to take Is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit pro ducing drugs. Such a medicine Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, kidney, llvfer and blad der medicine. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence Is main tained in every bottle of Swamp Root. It Is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It Is not a stimulant and Is taken In teaspoonful do*# s. It Is not rtCdftimended for every-! thing. It Is nature's great helper In re-, llevlng and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity I with every bottle of I)r. Kilmer'* Swamp-Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the be*f. On sale nt all drne stores In bottles of two sizes, medi um and large. However. If yon wl?h first to try thla great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Rlnghamton. N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writ ing be sure and mention this paper, adv. HOLIDAY GROCERIES \Imi iIh- ??\ ?*i> IihhIv l ifsll Iruil.s mid ii'ucialili's, i M. V. PERRY 'ROUP For Spasmodic Croup rub Vicks over the ihroat and chest unt:l the difficult breathing is relieved ? then cover with a warm flannel cloth. VapoRub Ovtr 17 Million Jar? UstJ Yearly 666 K ji IV^'riplhiii int'iKirril for Colds, I'over and (Jrippe II K I hr mo*t rfiuiMly wi* know Preventing Pneumonia s.iv Merry ClirNtma* with vol i: I'MiHih.i; %i*n. ; /on't wait until a ):? avy iohl g??*?; it grip on you; be y '.v. t.? i :?l;o Ciudo's now. Your drug* I,i't ha., it, in liquid and tablet form. 1'rec Trial Tablets v l%-pt.>Ma?n- m. ncnil for gru ?..tiir iiiiik* ?n?l ndtlre** to M. J. im>t? nU-w-Ii Co., M Warrca St.. N. Y. Gude's pepto-Mangan Tonic and Blood Enricher ?vwwwb-b-W SENSATIONAL PRICES AT MITCHELL'S ON 500 VERY EXCLUSIVE DRESSES I* r i. [? Onues al an opporlunc time and excels an\ previous offer or purchase we iiave ever marie in our twenty-one years. Mr. (itllirr! just louml I lie |* m aim fact nrer overloaded ami bought for cash over two thousand dollars4 worth of these beautiful dresses, which we are placing on sale today C ^ !: at iiiueli les?s than the wholesale cost?Divideded into five lot viz. $10, 81 1, 819, 829, 839. I LOT NO. 1 | !*. All Wool PoliVt Twill and ?omc Canton Crt'p?* -Very latent styles. " Sonio v? ry Klaborat* <1 Kmhrold'-rcd and th?\v run in sizes ijp to 4 4. Thev are unreserved values?Navy, Dlack and Urown? LOT NO. 2 % This Is a fine lot of good. rvir< i* able brpnea. Some very fine drpw* i, are tin* kind you u. i* ually pay $2n to $29.Oo for. S:- ial f! prlct Size.* iip to 4S LOT NO. 3 You must tlione I)ro.?*#?n to know what they really are. They are valued up to $35 and $.19.00 and you'll want two of them at this very low price?All sizes to 52? NEW FROCKS Herald The Winter Mode At Unbelieveable Prices Furorin^ the Mrnifzlil ?illimielte and rhooxinp soft nilk? and velvet* for their fashioning, ihrw.' froek* feature a wealth of imii?iml detail in oriiumrnlnlioii. Odd oriental embroideries, rihhon* deftly nrrlinked, mid ereainy lure* enhaiiee their elinrin. DON'T PUT IT OFF?there'* an Fxehi?ive l)re?? for yon licre?nt le** limn Wholesale Cost. LOT NO. 4 This lot I* thr foest l lo $60. You will ^ i>ll us tluy ni'f unusual Unri;nin8. ? Join?- In and h'c tluiu NOW? i LOT NO. 5 Il? r? V* tho fiii'-.-l lol of Dn'rfsoo ? ?ver aMKfiul?l?il in this city. They rej?r? ? lit l!i? i?h*k I)n sws of LoiiIb iOrnur A- ro. of New York?They tu, 82 und up Street Dresses, Party Dresses, Dinner Dresses, Evening Dresses. No such lot of Dresses ever shown at such prices. Some Values up to SI00. MITCHELL'S DEPT. STORE' The Christmas Store With the Christmas Spirit