******* JUL UE IT 11 Eli I ??" mi': itrrun-r niiihl. r/'nr*. H/ifl utinmr. >oli'ii tun! >i>#///'/ti-..f itimls. VOL. XIII. I'i.N'AL KDITIOX. KLIZAl'liTlI CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. S ? i:!?AV !.\'i.N:N.i. i'l ? i; >. j.. . .. v,;:;s N() ,s ?*EL ?i- .....<?? 7.*. y ?ltoi By ia^iiiis. Lis .,3 ?11 oa 0?ilSit^'k8 Local Insurance Man Was Victim Of Gunman In Factory District Of City Friday Night ? Leroy White, Negro Bandit, Is Still At Large O. C. llray. 4 4 yoar? old, a '.oral ( r-urance man. is in critical comll tion at tin* Community Ho* pita1 as a r suit of a bullet wound in hip and, ahJ<men received Friday night a^ Mr. Dray turned to run when !.? Roy W.iiN', . onlor* (I, attempted to hold. t'K white man up shortly ?((? r " !? o'clock in tin* factory district of this city. The msro if still at large. Mr. Ilray was semi conscious Sat urday afternoon. <?nd his condition v.-i? -desi'ri''???*! by attending physi cians as quite critical. The luuro far* cl as his victim] turned in flight and while the wl.He man's body was bent forward. The bulh t entered the right hip but wa< ?l?rtl? cted irpWard Into the abdomen, win re it punctured the small Intes Viii? in four places and lodged jiift itud? r the skin to the right of the navel. Mr. Itray continued running after tht negro fin d and.walked or rat4 all th?' way to his home at 22 Vest l?ur.? ss street. When lie r?a/*hed hor.ie his physician. l)r. Claude Wil liai.-iwas summoned. and Dr. Wil liams. on arrival, after the briefest < Nomination, hurried his patient to thi; Community Hospital, where he v?a? put upon ihc operating tal if. i T' < re the bullet was extracted an.' the punctures in the inte:t|ne wi r- sewed up by Dr. John Sail ha. assisted by Dr. Williams and Dr. Ft-jrlng. Mr. Dray Is described having a chance to recover, but the shock of the hold-up and the bullet wound, together with the strain of the long walk end ran home and the Waiting for the arrival of a physi cian. left him in a weakened condi tion when he reached the hospital and the operation was the more se rious on tli-.it account. Mr. Bray Is a large man carrying considerable flesh, and a wound of this sort is usually :?:ore serious for a n: in of Ills build than for a man of loss weight, physicians say. The hold-up. which was (he ll.ird in a series staled by Leltov White, .eii' rally known as Sap. Fr'dav night, occurred on Factory street v i. re Mr. Itray was making night calls on policy holders or prospect lee policy holders ef his company. !!?* was not out collecting, a* has *h? en reported, and prntialily had very I It - tl- money on his person when the hold-up was staged. "Throw up vonr. hands.*" torn manded Sap. leve ling a hi:., h'e. steel "1.V against the white iimih' l?roast. Mr. Ilray, startled, obeyed the first impulse and turned to run. As he turned, the negro phr.-'d him. Prior or nu?-nf to that time, in ii'? snmf evening. Sap Is charged wJt'i having pulled-*off three oth<*r 1;"|?s In various'narts of the city. I]i? result of four, probably, netting lilm less than $10. At about 6:30 lio held uj? Floyd \Vin?low. is year o|d -on of a Southern nv? nuo Rroc?*r. whi: l!?*? father, H. <*. Winslow. way out of tin- store, and compelled the b.?v |.. fork over $2.r?o. I*. it. r.iimon. Skinner avenue urn '.Ifh whoiu Sap was accustomed hi 11?<d'1. van ne\t on Sap's lift, and I ? ' ro found Mr. Cibftnn alone in flie -tore and about to lock up for tin nmiit. "Mry. CJIbson and tuv son I'et^r." ?)?ay> Mr. Gibson, "had Just pone on! to ? d tho cow - leaving nu t?? lock II p shortly after S:30. I had Ju.ul Hit the mnn<y In the saf< . prepara tory tfi lock In': up. when Sap "Mine In. He raid he wanted some han?. .mm! 1 told hint we had none, but that h< l *i::ht look In the ni' .al bo\ and see if there was anything lie wanJe,d. Sap did so and on bin way out. Just as it. cane oppo*it< tie in tlx door of in\ office, he eoked bis pun In my breast and said: " '<;lv. me money or I II kill you.' "I knocked lb?- weapon aside and sprang at the m:ro. but he eluded me and ran off across the ral'road track. That's the last I saw of him." Maddened probably by the faiSu><' to rob Oihdon, Sap flred when Mr. lira'., who was hi* next victim, s'art ? d to run. Tie noirro nay have thought to halt the white man b> a shot at clos' quarters In the lea but, if so. his aim was hitch and the po -itIon of Mr. Hroy's body puts the unman In line to be most severely If with If he Ih ever hrouzht into iirt to to ansv/er for his offense. 'I e fourth holdup occurred In t'?o section of the city about 1 .*? t il iles after the wounding of Mr. Hr.iy. John P. .Overman on Perrse street was the victim in this instance and Sap look about off of Mm. In addition to I in* holdups. one one broke Into the stori' of T \V. Wl)lltunn on Polndexter *tr>? t Fri day night shortly after midnight. The intruder left a lot of loot stacked on the? sidewalk but is believed to havf been frightened off before l?< ? K?-t awiy with anything. This, also. Is Im llcved to have been Sap's work. ( Prior to lite lir*t holdup. Sip stopped II. W. Klliott on Parsonag? street and a*ked for change for n I dollar. When lie got the rh ?ii??, It Is si ifl. he ran off with the motley. Police believe it Is Hap who has bee|| responsible'for til' epidemic (if pell- bur. larle* that lia- broken nut in the city within the last f? v.* w * i"?. Slip'* reputation I* bad. About two uiotithn ago lit held up \. I.ong. Oak street rroor; and during ili#? Fair here hf? Is nlb-ffed to h.ive robbed a woman- on the Fah 'ro'ind. KlUaSeth C'ify au:?iorPI- hiv <?f f?red a $ 1"(? reward for Information snrljjed nsleadlng to Sap's arre-i. ; Sap' i* il"i' t'Im i' * * b inir about five feet. eight Indie* h'gli. nud w? IgMng about 14% pound He i kald to bo almost a* black >?< a n ? live African. Sup'* art I title* t!?e !-*H*ab? tb City police ib uartmerit a wild > i !?'. the flre department beini: calb ' on for assistance In the search, n ? *i -? posse on foot and In piitos ??'rc^tui, for the npcro all nlcbt, ;? b'dd-itp followed ho!d-fiP and erltii" followed rrlme In swift . siiccessloa. f bf Gregory and n number of r d*n men. In addition to the regular nluhl forci. were up and active a? I n'- bf. but Sap gate the whole departm* nt the slip. An Interesting sidelight on the holdup was brought out by the dis covery of a bicycle which had been , stolen Friday from John Glover nr<ir the depot where Bray was shot. ' GENERAL CALIFS AIDING OBREGON ({enounces Candidacy for I'roidpiicy ami Takes Slxud Against Insurgents. \\ hose Number If (.rowing. rllv Til/ A--- |"J Pnti.1 Mexico City. r>. r. s.?General IMutarco Calie* today renounced his candidacy for jiri-'itli-nt and olT^nd liis services to OI>ri'uon auainst tin* insurgents. Twenty-civ lit tlinu.ianil Fed* r;? 1 troops are said to I??? converging i;i the Vera Cruz revolutionary 7011 ? ?. General Knrioue Kstrnda. of military opt rations, has joined tin revolt and Is said to Iiavc l.ono fol lowers. Juanz. Mexico. l)rc. 8.?Control of cotmnun (rations hv Ohrouon has stoj?|?od tin- ilow of neys on the |v l?a llut-rta revolt in Southern M< \i co. Ohroton says the revolt will l?o stamped out. Sunclii x and not Hii' r ta Is d^rlari d to ho the leuder of the ?? he llion. New York. Pi r. fc.?The Mexican overnment today stopped all code toiecraphic niessav* < to and from M?'\lco via Galveston and Imposed a censorship on plain language nn-s sages of the Western 1'nion and ra llies. DI TCH SCHOONKK IS SKI/KI) \MTII I.IOIiOII New York, Dor. S.?Tin- Dutch Srhoowr Znehond. was s? i/? d off Fire Mand by a Coast Guard cutter today. Tin- cnidnin arid crow arc held for violation ?f th?- prohibition *?w. Twenty fix. hundred case* of chain imuiic and other lici?i??rs valti* ?1 at $200,000 were found in tla* hold wii.i. iii-: TinitD <oi,i,i:<;i: \Val;?- For. *t. l>*e. S Should Wake Forest be admitted t?? the. SomIIhtii !n't?-rri?n?.f?fatc Athletic Cnnfrn iH'-. I? will be ill" third North < ?rolina r?d|es?- 1" Join tin* body. At |?r* < in Site College and th? Fni versily of North Curolina belong and Stat?' i-t spun -'?i- i 11 ir the petition for admD ion of Wak ? Fore**. The mat-' tor will !)?? decided at the annual j.'netInk of the omiferonthl? week .t the Fnlvrr*lty of Maryland . Not a Man! (Photo copyright, Harris ft Ewtnsr ^The chef at tho Whito House Is not a man. Mrs. Martha MnWcy [camo to tho Whito Houho durlnjr President Taft'a administration and. 'as been there hlnco, preparing) / mcaU for the chief executive. PAGE WOULD HAVE BEEN PRESIDENT Di'i'laivs Governor Morrison in llecpiviii'S I'orlmit of l.atf Waller llino Pugr for the State. I'uViL'h. 1W. K. Tin portrait of Walter Hinos I'a - . 11.? ]:it?? xnihus sudor to <ti*< at Ilrltali:. a nativi- of North Carolina, wan r?*o?-iv?'d for t!*?? St.it?- bv iii'Vcrimr Morri son at tin- tin I sslon of. t??#? annual no^tlnu of 11 ? < North ('.uullna Ills toiiml Soeb-l> last nil-lit "If In- '.v? re now Iiv ir n, I n?M sine ||f would In- loll'll' I'lVHlrtMl' of tJ.i: r?i"iil>lir." >>.ii?l the (Joviriior. *? 11? r?' wan a man wlm <li'l 'his work as 1-? ? wns ini|>?-|!o<| Itriio it. ami who followed 11:- Im-iiI of Ills own umiIii*," said I*r. AIb? rt Shaw. ??! I - tor of lh?- II* \ i?-\v ??f Kcvii ws, in nifllcinu the prlneipal address of IIm rvonlnv. SON lOlNI) DEAI) MOTIIEH WOl'NDED M?-rr? r. I'a . I>?o. K. Mr* ^?11 Swo^iii r. at:?-?! fitJ. was prohnhh fa tally wounded today whjju a ?hot vim Wii- disehnruod llirourh tin window of h?T hom?\ I .a t ? r h? r son. riiMh-s. win found d? :id in 111?? barn with shot t.tm wounds pud his ni-ck brok# n bj hniittinu. fIfflrlal*' said t! ;it Ollh Sv:av: r fa*h?-r of th< ih-wd nian. ????fuaed to talk hut admitted that h?? founM I'i son's body. N?d?hbors said tin n 1 ;*d b?-?n a family ?junrr< 1 earlier In tho da) CONGHKSS NOW IS JUST MMIKIM, IIMK \Vn?hlii){li>n. |)-r. s rou: n ' i now marking linn* l?ut it - l? ,l'? nr?' uolnjt iilicici with n*-orv:.itilxaH??ii of rominltt*< m. Tli' iH'm?irrat* :? m- |?rc*:?s*rir: t?> launch a Mrinritiy wl??n <*"i ? i? r?ronvf?n< - after th?* v ? '< ? r ?i iin - for r?'-orantifitntlnn ??f !'?? S? ? :?I?? It 1* lliotiir'it ixohn'lc f ;i! tlwlr motion tc? |iror? ? d ?i?!i f!? rirrtl??fi of a pr?*??U!ent will ? ?!? f? rr#-?l until i?fI? r rommlttfM' p \ : ia?'nfj? havf Ih oi) mnO<. ^ni.i.i'ox iv rii mci.oti i: CliiirlftH?'. * I?. t ? t mined thai Charlotte ^l<n 11 ????t I ? ??\potu d to a fsmr> II i?o* i-fdd* fir h?'Miiiw? of thr* resident:* not Iwlnc vacHnntcd. ji* r? <iulr<-d l? v <? . I?? \V. \. Mr'I'hUiil r|!v 1i? ?:'??? i^f! r? r l-n? nnnounrtd thsit he will maVo a rofin?r?:b? *??? I v ?urvc\ of t1i? c* 11 > find (I i?t an old r)MlnAnci> on t?ir trill l?" r nforc d \ fin? r?f f."?0 for '??'?!? dr?v v.?rrlnntl**f? l.? taken I t-rovldi-rt for In Ih? ordi nance. There are at pre?? nt forty active In the clt^ and the health officer Is r<??olved thai there must not l>o an epidemic if it I* |?on idhlc to prevent It. fo *4 j y ?\ i ii I \ V?l\ ii ?? ! ? ??: i '. ? i;* i tiioii i.riuii is?'.10. O'M J:i\ W ;:!i\ < ;ul ? 13 T .* 0 I ". - ? :? ? mi. I < *? ?? r ? ? '? fin .! ? v . ih.i ? ? : ; . I. ill? ! ?"..*??. | \ |i i .,\ . ? i Oil a *t: ? .;.f i ? i!? u:ii>?u If Ji?;? ? !? |? nta hi ;? I \\ ?.. k lull.. ? fit; I ? ; -ii :i i?i i if : : i. .. itr T1 ?':??. c*kin|iKiiiti that roll.,..11, I ,i|..| |o provide lIn* !mai Ullio'.- v.V'i l.itf *=!:??? |K. 'I triKf ? ? -jo.i.iim ||?d>.oii 1 l?c?li<i?'lt||*]i*> i sJls I lil?i ;ilf li? tl. I i.i"?u oiiieials nif Miiil in 1i<- ? \ rrtii .. their efforts in pr?v?nt a liiu ilo iii* of I'm- mini s. .J iK'irnjl. I>i*o. S.- ? A strike In Hot is l? irm inaih-d out to all mainteii aiin uf way in?n in Canada. Ihe I 'nit ? <i lti'i?i Ki?*rlii??Mi o f Maintenance oi \V iy Kiuployo* si>n| Hallway Shop I.abu!i-r> iiiiitmincfil tixlay. lit M i:t \NKHS HAD St'CCKSSFl I. mciit .Miaillir City. I>it. s. T'.?- Coa.-t Cilia rd today reported tlis:t durinu flip ni^hi rttttt runners from .\il;iiiti?* Cit* viriuity niiii|ilrlnl one of tin* mo: i micc? >>fii[_ landings from the ruin'!-? t rvi'r made south of the Iliv'ilaiidM, hitherto the niitir of Milium I inu operations. A >t*>iiml;oat ami four sailinu M's s?'Ip. I ell?-veil to lie pail of tlif Hif.ii IuikN tl<? t a re anehorrd off Atlantic City. ANOTIIEIt I$I5K\K IN TIIK COTTON MAKKKT Nf.v York. I>ec\ s,- Cotton broke $i a hole on the local market today upon publication of tin- tlovirnim lit r? port ami miW (ruiii $ 15 to $1u a liali Im-Io\v the }???;? ?i?h*h lilult point. Wmdiliitttnii. |i?iv 8. ^Cotton t-.inm-d prior lo l>eceml?er the flr?t iMiioiinlfil to !i,24H,M7 'liali'K, the Ci-nms lliin-aii niiuouuci-d t*??!;? \ (?Innlnus in North Carolina amounted to r.if. hales. i i<i:h;ht on coai. is iik;iiki{ to kkstcity Kllsahrth City's freight rale ?>n rn:il I"? cents a Ion III excesn of ihat enjoyed hy Washington oml X. w Hern. according to Secretary; .loh of tin- Chamber of ('omiiK-rn-. although coal for hoth thes\? cities mii-i | iss through Klizahcth City to r.-oh Ms destination. Mr. .loh took this matter up with the proper authorities while in Wash ington to att?*ntl the Rivers am! Il.ir liors (*ongr? ss this week and hope* I hut steps have hei-n ?M In motion l??r relief from tliN dlmrlminitlon ;u*.i n*t this city. lie <|uolc> K. II. Conger. prominent roal ilenler. as ? living that If-lite relief *? obtained ? t'e Rlixaheth City <o|i-UIII?r will &e| the benefit of it. Flltei n c<rnts .i ton doe-* not seem k? :i great de;il, hut Mr. Joh ha if all fiR'jml Ollt lhal the excess means nn Increase of $.l.ono in the wholesale cost of one yeor's supply of conl for this city. Tin: o\vi.s \\i? i:\tii.FN \v 1:1c ??: imi:i:i 11 \\?.i:i> lly error. In l-Vlilay's advert ls< men! of -tin- Savlif-'s liank /.? Trust < oiupaiiv's f'hri-Ju?;t Savlnus Chili, tie names of the two teams were in terchanued. The Owls anil I'avles are the two ?e.'ims at the hank com pet In u for i'ie vrejitent numher of Cltrlsl nuis Savin:;* Club member for lf'24. The Owls hp : (Jeiteva |{oaite, Vi. I* ri;? Scnll. \ |'. Mill .11. The Kautes are: \iirilbt Strahl. W. It, Siowe. W W. Wooillc . Jr. IMI'ATIKM' MAIN shoots n* ( \i i Chlrauo. I>?o. V H ur\ IXir u ;ilfrr, mhJ I.'-ftpnld (iutli. -f?:in!. v .11- rl.ot MMil kill. d, nf.il :i ?! f-r llv w;ih woitnd?*d l?> :i tm:? fi i?i? ? 11fI ill n.-s Jol.n SIm "hy. ul-o im fiitficnt \vlt?--u his ? -r?l? r f r t-rnf ";./-d i'? itt ii c;tf? In if I,-I t ill. 1 i w.i d? lit -??l. Sliwfiy 1 Imim If w.i M<tl?aM> f;i f W'oiiiiiImI :? f*otn|i; nloii nf I*??? d<-to.-tiv*'. \ lntnrti 'l and daiw iv \vi ri' fluown Into j.iiliir, Tli' I???)|?. ic rfi-rvm w? :i ? ?fi t iliOticd wlii ii i '.rllvil pal J OI.S :-lf>i i i?? ? I f i r? f\lt. I \l M II ON \\ ^ Tl??* !I"i T on WIM'\ v Tor |*Hlfitl.l)& and (M'llkln:. A m *.v k? <?l lii?; at o h??n installed. i?i:i'\i:is \\ruioi r r\m;o Tin* .v>h??{?rrr Kli.f 1'>rtl?* Imlllri" ffotti \\'i ??,lf?t, Virginia, nrrlvi'il in I ;ll*J?b?tll f'if\ Iisrlit on S:if ?? i ?! I \ but dr>pftrt'>d wlllifttll f;ikfnv rnr'.o f?r Norfolk by tli? f>l?tnal Swatn|? Canal. Ill Mi Mill I; All Kvomhurp Pen* and l??>n* Sl? toirrhnnod from your .b'Wi'lor Rinc<? 1**2 f?nurarr*d freo, by our *xi>? rf engraver. ?dv tf !??!? ??!?;?- ??: : 1 ?? v...: up rau.1. ;iv- ? of*.. . .\?*i * ? ? l...\n V.? II ;i* l?v ;i ?}??.. :.r li. \m?':k i ; .? jiroj? ?-t .M.iyor fowaii i'j Wilmitiutm .li ! S-M jflarv .lull. Mr. Jcli foiiiiil > *:ifinivjij f;ivor.tMc f??r (Snv?'is;ni*-tii purrlia**' i?t Ili<> i,i* till not nti'y in I li <? waterway.* con si'vh* . Inn ;?!>?? ainoiiK ??f 111 ? ? 11 t?i| si 11 ? I of I hi* Si'iMli* witli whom lit* talk?'?l. Tin* majority of i't? *??. In* h;iill. art' |ilo<lK''<l lit Hiippori liovi'Miiiii'iii purrhaM* ??f this water way. 'I In* Klizalii tli City r?-preventatives were honored |?y the wviterwav* run* pre** wliirli iiatne?l Mr.-Hi ay' on ihe iioniinaliotiH and Mr. Job on I he reso lution* roilllllitteo. It M.DW IN l AI'l.l I I I) to |{KS1<;\ MONIUY l,om!on. IW. s. ? The Kv? uIhr Standard says licit I!:? 1?lwin will r?? ?:kii Men/lay and likely recommend ?ii* liiii successor J. It-unsay Marlkm* ;<ld wlm as !ii*ad of tin* labor party is leader of tin- opposition in the house of common*. rinTo is no indication. however, of the authority of Ihe statement. IIK \I)I.KSS IIODV Ol WOMAN IS I Ol Nl> Milwaukee. Her. s.?TIh? headless nude hotly of Mrs. Hollo Tompkins, wife of a real estate deal* r i.itid for mer instructor in Milwaukee Normal School, was found today in a wooded ravine II miles from Milwaukee. \KW <?t i n Kits t l.1 :< l i n I (Mi THK <i|i|i ri;i.l.(l\VS At I lie lf>. O. I*. lorlue In Friday eveninv; whicll was lo Id on tin corner of lioad and Fearing , .streets, election of officers for the roivilnc year v.as Im-IiI and the fol lowing I.Ji li elei ti'd: Ili-|>*e> I.Jsliih, N. (*. IS. Fuh'her. v. : J. \v. .Johnson, |{. S : M. I\ Jennings. F. t'.; William ftuud\. t??.?;? un t; W. T. Love. Jr.. hittluu f\ <!. \\ \l\i: rnltKST Tl HNS cm r mi 'id *n oriKKits Wnkc I'orMl, Doc. S. If Rrnil iiat?'? of Wak) Forest College contin ue/to k<i the way 11?- ? i 21 In hi iii 11 vitiK' ill AshevlMe have gone. ItaptislA In North f'.irollm.i n?*?-?! not fear for chunli officials. Also a few of tlac* ;;ra<ltitites <? ? *i Ik* Inane 1 us officials f??r <>r h<<r ?|i !i<hiiilia; ion>. At :in alum iii< < tint' in ill* Mountain City re '?? :111>. Alumni S<rroiaty J. A. Mo Mi]I:iit found that of is men present 10 were officer* (ii I li? Ituptiit church r.ti'li' were offlMTH in oilier churches. Tin- nineteenth tiian was Jii't oik of college ami another year *v.!I fin<! him with official church connection-. Mr. McMillan -aid. Among the H? men |tr<M-ni 1 ?? v? re d? .o-oiiv. 1 \v;r i pastor. I wan a |?r? hyicrhm ? I?l? r. ami 1 an Kj.l copal Ian vestryman. Six of ihe nil in her, in addition to their other ?hi;r<h office*. were tc.ichlnK Sun ilay school classes. while 2 were Sun day -< hool superintendents. "The cuhc of the Ashevllle alumni is typical of the Iir?- hody oT mud iiati'f and former students,*" stales Mi McMllkin. Tlji A?h' villi' men mentioned ah ?v. are hading in preparation^ for Ih?? tr?'ite?t Wake Kore.?l gathering ev? r ytagc^ A !i? v i 11 ? oil I ? ? ?? lie*- lv. Alumni from the t? rn p irt . of tin- ihi.te and I roi^ eastern T?uii? ^ ? e will attend the meeting, which i ? ? X)?' '? d 'o a new record for \Vak> S-'orest aiinnnl ti)e?-iing... Alumni S- relarv McMillan will he present and Co u h tiarritv will lie tl). i n- ? of honor at the occaidotl. , i: u Hill: llis liriw \ T'm tffi'-aiuer J{iiy In ok? down Sat ilr?t.i *' ? lol fll' 2i(i(| ' |'i h? th< (,,Mfi!iii#M!'.i? . frgji' South Mill-. T' ?? :im< i lliiittia K. I - now f*i !???:???}?.? -liajM mid -t?.iin wa-< up; Oil *:!t f n?<lrt . I loth I ai ? o|i rrut?-d hy Ihc Matthew lloat I.lit'-. Il{<?\ WOltlvs it| | |;?: MNKS Th?- "Cult.,1 ? p. ra?< d h> the flliftiln <'i f'Hy Iron Wnrfc :?tt* Saturday niortiliu nejii t!*?' nitlwai hrfd 1 ll !? thou~l;t ah" !?;??' it hot ill I hi *???!? . 1 iff*?rf ? wn r h? in made Saturday to ralne her. lo h\ixk w .ur.it i i:\ Kii Pflcflfhh^haf'-n, Oerniany. I>< 7. I.h!<'? < -?-1 in'", fumed as the litiii l m?' 11 ? of O'Tinan Zepp'din*. i? i!? iin?d ultimately to ic<'?me a v-'* rvolr f > fciv? th" Rhino a *? lady flow of water ho that even In 'iim n:? r ih" t?iiiii will nJVigahle. 'lio lak' i* in) ?ftcI<M?d valley, and the Itftfti' panne* through It. Forty nhjli Ion* and efKht mile* wid'-. offer- an < X' i lit lit opportunify f(ir Mi" Morai(4 <?C wih*r from Ihn unrroundinK mount/tftn which could h<- fed out, im the dry summer *eason advances*, to maintain a serviceable level on the river. r\wzvr v ; . ? i # ? i '? i i v * u-?7'y ""lint! ?\ School ( ';li\ rntiott Km!- Siircr-^l'til Sc?iotl :m l K;)iM'<ip;tl S u n <1 a y SIiool W in- iVtiiKinl. i V . 1 !???:?'? :i. ! i i ? P;i* iun tal'k i' ?" ?X Sfl ???>! c?i|j Vi-U* i ion !. : it, r .,. *. i;I riiiirch W. dr..T ,:.i> st111! Friday of ? i i . . ; "\\. J that 12 Sllrelay -< ll?M ?>. W ? ? I '!'??? ntcil ill 11 !?* IM? ? I i'U: I?> I.iI.<? J?;i *1 ill*. l.ine Htlj i'r ? i:t? till* ?:f - j'tn1 vl teacher* him! offi ?civ. Tin- t?? t;iI alt< n da tico at the ? Mlloii wa*? about L'lMI people. The attendance at the closini: session of the ronvi ntimi Friday niuht was larger that) at an> previous m'mhIoii. and all ;ito nded oxprised Ilu nisi-U? ?s an beinu highly ple.med with tin* work done. 1'hc pennant offered to the Sun d;i\ school havinu present at the con vention tli?- larii'st it it in Im'i* of rep resentatives ov? r 1 ?? years of aue, ? bayoil oil tlif total ? nrollnieiit of tho Sunday school, was won hy Christ ' Fpi^cepal Sunday school. The attendant i- percentage of tlie winning Sunday school was 27. The pennant i.< of h?MUtlfiil quality, crimson l> tiers oil >i background of rich Id lie. it will be placed on the wall* of the I'arhh house. The thp " \ {siting speakers, D. \V. Sim* of it.ih'i^li. Fred U. Cartwrlght of Albany, N V.. mid Miss Flora Da \ is of Itah-iuh, -o directly from Eliz abeth City to att? nd the Wake Coun ty Sund. v School convention which will be hold in tin- First Presbyte rian Church in Ituleigh, Sunday. Monday and Tuesday of next week. A feature of tlo- closing pension of th<* Pasquotank County meeting last night was tin- (lection of officers for the ctistlinu year. The following were elected: I'resident, C. F. Seyf fert; vice president, \V. ,\r Worth; seen t-arv. S. ti. Scott. Township presidents Providence H. F. Sam ple; Ni'wland. \V. A. Foster; Nixon ton. \. S. Moi-au; Salem, J. O. II row u. \uk noNoit <;i!Esrs " AT I.INDKN SIIPPEK A. M Itolzo of Imrliatii. provident nf tin Home Security l.lfe Insurance Coinpan> *if lluil city. was honor j.iii?1 :if un oyjjfi r supper when W. S. Swain ? 111?? rI:tiIioino Security insurance im-n of-this city and hoc* lion at iJio Linden Krlday evening at ?! oVIiick. Out of town reprepenta tiv?s of tin company were It. II. .1 ? -fl? ? of Knuland. a special imh-hI: It. Iv Ito.vco of lldcnton, IP. !?*. Ward of i!?t? 111??11 and \V. It Miller of Hert ford. The Kiizaheth ("itv men wore: II i: Hods wick, w. T Ward, R. It. Ilerrv mid the ho^t. W. S. Swain. Af t? r the kiijij i r tlio party convened at tli? Home Security office here, where a district meeting of the company wan hold. FOUND DKA1J WITH PISTOL AT HIS SIDE l'hiiad<lphi:i. Dec. K. Col. Theo dore Noble of Srrnnton, well known in milroad anil h ual clrclen wu found dead today at his hotel with :i Imllot' hole throti-.h hi* hind and his pistol at his side. IIOKKOWKD IMS HH. AM) SHOT II1MSKLF Augusta. c? ;* , I?*?<?. S. ('. A. Hath* uwav df SpurtunhiirK. S. today ? *tif**r? *i| si li-iriluar?- atore here, aHked to h? ? <? a pistol, borrowed a bullet from 11?*? dork, placed the gun .Multilist his I'inplc. ami nhot and killed itlllis. )f. lie leave* U Wife* ? iii(I five children. % i okmi i! "ill ki: i ?? i. \\ \rn 1^ TO |{?; WIllXK < II \IT Oi" of the "pick# t" launchcx Hold le. the <Jo\' lament Is helnis r'V'iod* ?l?d l?? tin- l-'.li/aheth ('My Iron Work* for a wncklm; boat. An S inch pump |m.<* l>oofi installed and i' ? ? kI? am ?Tifiii?' removed to lie r? pl.T.-d hv a 40 h p. Twentieth <*?? ri tun motor \ idiot hoilc'1 I* 1)?'ltr btlllt-and tin Interior Ikid been p?ar tan- ? d by 11m frnioviil of the t?nlk in id? fo? comfortable hcrthH and <|tiartei for the cr? w. Thin vc*p*l will t?> kno'vn mh flu- '*Picket" and will I- ti-ed iii eno rgrncleH In the ri\ r and sound. Slu- 1* l.'o feet liintf with a 12 foot beam and Ih *cr wortliy. MOTIIKII >m> baby KII.I.KI) l?Y TIC\IN Mariil/a. CJa., l)rc. S. rMrx. Joe hniihin and her *ix months old ba'?y wrt' kllh-d here today by n pa**cn? U'-r train when the woman ottempted to cro** tho track*. rorro\ m wtKftT N'e# York. 1>ec. s. Spot roiton rioted < pi let wllh 7 a point decline. Middllm lin.fift. Kutur*** rlwp'l at the following I* v? ls |i#?c?'inb?T :i4 IS, JaniiHti 3 . 8 0, March 34.20, Mm "I ::s, Jnly 33.*;2, October 27 79 New York. Dec. 8.? Cotton futu re* opened today at the following level*: |)ic. 35.10, Jan. 34 <17. March 3 4 SO. May 34.so. July 34.15. Oct 2*.00.

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