???***??? ? THE HEATHER * ?* northeast triads, ****#?**? * (loiidy tonitiht ami* /?/V)M r#i! ^\\ * CIRCVUTIO.\ VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION". ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. Tl'KSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11. 102:5. EIGHT PAGES. NO. 287. SEEKS REVISION NAVIGATION LAWS Secretary Hoover Also A>k> I or Control Of Traffic In The Air And Stabilization Uudio Service Washington, Dec. 11.?Legislation {'?? th?? revision of the navigation la*..**. for control of traffic in tin- air. a . I for stabilization of radio service TV- .-e among the recommendations Made by Secretary Hoover in the an i.n.tl report of the Commerce Depart r.vnt. The rapid growth of aircraft an I radio transmission alike, he sai I. had created a need for admin iMiatlon development, while the navigation- laws, lonn under scru tiny, required adjustment to the in creased commercial expansion. Within the department Itself. Mr. H over recommended that Congress fi"!!ow the general re-organIzation 1 l.r.i prepared under the Hardltu- ad ministration, and make three admin i.?f.atlve groupings to deal respec tive ly with industry, trade, and nav i.ation. He likewise urged conures -k.nal alTirmation for the acts by w itch President Harding created Alaskan fisheries reserve*, and sug ? ? -ted relief from Federal taxation ?? t Americans resident abroad and ? ...aged in furthering American cc..imerce. Much of the report dealt with the f ? clal enterprise, in which the Com i.K-i'ce Department has engaged dur ln. the year, designed to standardize commodity and material specifica tions, to collect facts about world a.rlcultural production, and to de tftmlne the character of organiza tions abroad by which it has been charged that American consumers have been threatened with unduly hl.lt prices. It) this connection, likewise, the r< . ort dealt with the foreign trade sltuatlou, and the studies made un d*r Mr. Hoover's direction for de U i mining the financial situation of t .? I'nlted States as left by trad*' balances in "visible" and "invisible" ? \. oris and imports. It was noted t'.at during the period under re view?the fiscal year 192^-24? hapc. This Is the third automobile accl d< nt within the week. Alton Owens of Harbinger ran his car off the end of a bridge into a ditch last Thursday night and tore th?- front end up. Friday night a trm k driven by Webster Wolston ? mashed Into a trttck driven by Wt Ilia m A yd let t of Mamie. Moth trucks were damaged considerably, specially Walston*s as it had a bent axle and two holes punched Into the ? naine. WILLIAM PINKERTON DETECTIVE IS DEAD I.os A,ngeles, Dec. 11.?William Plnkerton, famous detective, died tills morning at the Hotel Dlttmore. Preliminary Hearing of Gunman Vi cdiipsiday I.? ltov White. alias short f??r iSaplwad. will l??- uiven a prelimlMar> I hearing before Trial Justice S|h iui' ' in the r ('oril?T'i? court W? ?d Heyday I moriiinu. uccordinu to the present I scIhmIu)*'. Sap fac?-s charges of buru i lary. assault with deadly weapon : with Intent to kill, and highway rob bery. Two white men were before Trial (Justice sp?*nc?? in recorder'* court Tuesday morninu on a charge of j "simple drunk." The defendants. D. F. Gregory and J. II. Seymote, both of Catiidetl. were flned $"? and costs each. ^ Alplionso Sp#?nce. colored, for slapping his wife was l? t off under suspended sentence on payment of I costs. I.AKMN GAKKETT IS .FACING TRIAL AGAIN (Br TIi? A'wuiiil PrrM I Cumberland Courthouse. Va.. (Dec. 11?l?arkin C. Garrett, charged with first degree murder In eonnec I tion with the shooting to death of i Rev. K. S. Pierce. June 5. today faced trial for the second time In I Cumberland County circuit court. under the change of venire granted , by Judge R. I>. White. The jury for this trial will be chosen from Surry j County veniremen. The judge yes terday overruled the motion of the | defense for dismissal of the charges i on the ground that the defendant's life bad already been once placed in I Jeopardy by the first trial; At the opening of court. Wcnde | burg for the defense asked a con , tinuance for a week on account of illnHHs of Justus, attorney for the de fens*'. This .motion was overruled, j Wendenburg then asked for a 1 brief delay in order that the defense ' might look Into the qualification1 of some veniremen. Harry M. Smith^Tor the def* nse moved to quash the venire facias on which the list was drawn on the ground that It wa* illegal and un constitutional. This was overruled without argu ment and the court recessed so that the defense might rearrange its plans. Indications were that It would be ; late today l?efore the jury is selected. Til\MI? OX W \VS The square end freighter Tramp was hauled out on the ways at the Kllzaheth City Iron Works Monday for adjustment. Slip Is a new rraft and has boon in operation about two weeks. WON'T IWY KENT IN FOREIGNERS HOUSES Iterlin. Dec. 11.? Foreigners who bought real estate in Cermany for speculation In the days before the government legislated against trans fers of realty to non-Herman* are in a state of constant uncertainty. Some foreign owners do not even try to collect the rents, which are fixed by law anil are so low that the number of paper marks realized would not meet repairs. Hut whib many foreigners do not both* r col lecting rents they also fail to make repairs. Such repairs fall up the tenants If they desire to have them made. Oerman tenants have had practi cally free rent for such ? long pe riod that there are great complaints when any charges of any sort are forced upon them in connection with their lodgings. SPEAKS TO PEOPLE AT SAWYERS ('REEK llelcross. Dec. 11. The eon^rega tlon of Si.wyers Creek Haptlst Church greatly enjoyed tin talk by Kdltor Herbert I'eele of The Daily Advance at the morning service of last Sunday. Mr. I'eele came as a supply in tlnsj absence of the pastor. Itev. I.. \. Johnson, whose presence was re quired at his home In Sampson County, owing to the recent death of Ills father. Mr. Peele's topic was "Religion and Ituslness." the te\t being from the Sermon on the Mount. '"No man can serve two niasteYs." That choice must be made nr to whether on? will serve s? If or Christ, and that when the right choice Is made the business man's r'-llglon Is manifest In his business and the pro fessional man's In the practice of bis profession was the thought pr.'-ent ed by the speaker with remarkable clearness and force. The congregation gave Mr. I'eele thoughtful and earnest attention, and many expressions of apprecia tion were heard after the service. Ill'MAN WltHt K AfiK IS stoiiy or Ditto n m.i i On#' of the most gripping effects In the Mrs. Wallace Reld. film "Human Wreckage." at the Alkrama Tues day and Wednesday Is the Introduc tlon of a beast re present In the dope menace. At various points in the picture the beast walks aero- in front'of the action Indicating the In fluence of the drug evil. The drama is one of fit:lit against the power of druus arid Is de^l- tied to warn old and voting of the dan gers that lurk behind the taking of habit forming drugs either as a lark or to relieve pain. The operation of a druir rinu de signing auainst the happiness and well being of men, women and chil dren In order to swell their own profits Is depicted. MAY FIND CITIES UNDER DEAD SEA Srienti*!* Think Vi irked Solium ami (.omorruli \nd, Aloiifi Vt illi Lot's Wife. Must Be Siilinirr^i'd There St. I?oul*. Dec. 11.?It may be necessary to search under'the Dead Sea to locate the sites* of Sodom and (?oinotrah. accordinu to the Itev. Melviu Kyle, president of the Xcnia Theological Seminary here, who will head a scientific expedition to Palestine. salHtm December 20. The party will search for the exact locations of the "cities of the plain." I which also include Zoar. Admah and . Zeboilni. According to the Hlhllcal account, Sodom and Gomorrah were des ; t roved by ft re and brimstone because i of the wickedness of their inhabi tants, and Arabian tradition says the , pillar of salt into which l,ot's wife was turned still stands. I Dr. Kyle, who also Is professor of nibllcal archaeology at the loca! in stitution. expressed the opinion '.hat 'the date. 1892 It. C.. for the destrur j tlon of the two cities is approximate* | ly correct. He said he believes the 'sites of the two cities are under the shallow part of .the Dead Sea. which has no outlet, and In which no pis catorial life can exist. The party will Include Dr. F. W. Albright, director of the American School of Oriental Research In Jeru salem; Prof. Day of the American University at Ilelrut. who will take care of the geological work of the expedition; Herbert Tay. a fellow of Dr. Kyle at the seminary, and Her bert Kent, a student. Should evi dence he found that the two cities are under the sea. divers may be employed. Dr. Kyle explained. SHOULD APPLY NOW AT THE POST OFFICE War snvinuR stamps. series 1010. will mature January 1. 1024. (t Is estimated that about Ido.ooo.oon of these hi amps arr outstanding at this Treas ury savings certificate and $10'i In war savings stamps will buy $12." in Treasury savings certificates. Simi lar exchanges can be made In other amounts. Owners wishing to receive cash or to reinvest their biddings should ap ply at once to the post office for prompt settlement. I.t xi'ltv MXKKttS II \ ISl> IIIT HV KMITIHJI AKK Toklo. Nov. 11 Industries in all parts of Japan are feeling the ef fects of the decreased demand as a result of the earthquake ami fire. , 1'nemidoyment Is on the increase ev erywhere except In the devastated area where there Is plenty of work, especially for manual laborers. Farmers, too. are complaining that the reduction of the duties on fooil products has brought down the prices of what they have to sell Meanwhile the builders ami their workmen, ami the people who ?up plv building matiyial. are reaplrg a harvest, charging in many case* ex orbitant prices for the merest m.ik? shift buildings. ^ Workmen ar?? surprising their en. plovers. An American resilient l.ere for upwards of 50 years, ahd Indi rectly an employer of many work men. says the Japah'^e n?ver worked so hard before. They have given up all amusements and Ititv unreservedly set themselves the task (?f making the deatroved cities hab itable. \\\i' \i, meeting or IMTHOI.KIM INSTITI TI St Lonlx. I>?-c. 11 The fourth annual meeting'of the Ann rlcan l'? trolcum Institute opened here today with an attendance of 1,000 rr? pentatltre* of l<*adlun oil companl"* with ii capitalization of Ifc.OOO.OuO. .000. Tin- keynote dUniMlnn wiji a more varh-d n??? of oil, particularly furl for tli" home. Ol I'M rOU N MlDi'l'llis \iir: i:\.iovi\\ lirep.ted their pleasure In fhla d. lUhtful little place, which la provid ed by the Woman> Club. Many pernon* who live In F.Mxa beth City an* finding The l,lnd'>n h moat convenient place for meal* dur ing th^holldajr *ea*on, ali?o. NEGRO MASONS MEETING HERE i Leaders* of the Kact* ill Norlli C.arolina Promt at (h'UIhI L o il v Si>>ion l.a?*liiif? Thrrt* Days. (Iiy ? . M. KIM'KS) j The negro Uimul Lodge of .Mason-* Ffor the Jurisdiction of North Curo i Una is in sessiou in litis city lor three days. | Dr. James K. Shepard. the grand | master is pn^iillmc. Dr. John A. I Hlu:u. deputy grand master; K. \V.? | Millar o( Aslieville; grand senior i warden; Dr. H. It. Kennedy of New llern. grind Junior warden; Dr. Cal vln S. Drown. grand secretary: Dr. J J. A. Itonaer. grand historian and jand oilier officer are present. Dr. James It. Dudley, president of1 I the negro A A: T. College, Oivimih | lniro. is chairinan of the committee. ' oil loreign correspondence. This body of men is representative 'of the best and most progressive leadership of the race in this State. I). \V. (J. Pearson. Dr. J. \V. Jones. ! Winston Salem, lterry OKelly Kal elgli. and C. C. Spaiilding of Dur ' ham representing the hanking. In st! ran re and building loan interests are here to aid Urond Master She pard in piloting the foremost negro Institution for the race. The fine spirit of North Carolina's white citizenship has given the ne gro ;i new hope .jnd confidence in his State. The grand master is an out standing figure of the race. lie is the first negro graduate pharmacist of the race, president of Durham Stat*- Normal. TOBACCO MUMS HAYK BKKIN CONSOLIDATED New York, I)??c. 11.? Negotiations for the consolidation or tin* t'lifted Clear Stows Company of America, and tin* Schulte Itctnil Stores Cor poration. two of the larM*'Ht retail to bacco distributors in tlx* 1 *nl(?*cl States, were virtually completed to day. accord in k to tin* Now York World. Tlx- combined sales of the two companies last year was $'t".727t 345. JKItltY OALTON MAY ESCAPE THE CHAIR Raleigh, I).c. 1 1.--Governor Mor lison stated yesterday at the end of tin- hearing- on the caso of Jerry Dalton. sentenced to death for mur der of his sweetheart and a man with her in Macon County in 1!'1H, that h<* was leaning towards th< opinion that the evidence presented at the trial of Dalton's case did not show that he committed the crime aft*-r Premoditatloif. If tlie Governor arrives at a def inite conclusion in tills direct ion Dalton will not to to the Hect'ric rhair, for without preim*ditatlon the defendant is not utility of. first de gree murder, and therefore the sen tence of death cannot be carried out. YKKDICT Mil! \\ l.ltlt IN CONTKSt OF WILL N'w York, I)ec. 11. A verdict for f'lurlM Webb. htiHltanil ??f the late Gertrude Gorman Webb. was ordered returned l?v tin* surrogate today In tho contest of Mrs. W< hb'? $2.IMM),out) estate brought by her fHlliiT, S. Jennings Coriuun, and oth .?r relatives. THY TODAY TO KKKAk THK SENATE DEADLOCK Washington, 1>ec. 11 Voting will he resumed in the Senate toda\ with tie- hope of break!Ill: the deadlock which resulted yesterday when lle pti hi leans favorlim a sharp aim nd nieiif to the transimrtation act pre vented the election of a chairman of 11?? Interstate commerce commit!* ? . WiifhiiU'ton, l>"C. 11 Tin Sen at. llepnbiicyn leader* today faced an Indefinite deadlock o\? r the nom ination of Cummin^ ??f Iowa, |?r?*sl deiit pro teni of the Semite, for tlie chairmanship of the Interstate com merce committee. Some members pi?-dlct that it will last f-v- ral ? peks. The HenMn adjourned until to morrow. after three Unsuccessful ballots on Cummins nomination. On th? flr.? 1 ami second ballot* Cum-uln* received 41. Smith La l-'ollette 7 vote ; f>n the fl.ird, t'uinuilli-' Smith and La Pollette the same. KKI'OItT l- AVOH Mll.V KKlAAMiC, \OMIN \TION Washington. I>#*r. 1 1 Tlw ? oni Inatlon of Frank II. K'IIokk of M In - I?? t h? ambat.<*adorftblp of (ircHt l!rifnin 'v:ix today ordt-nwl f;t vnrnbty r? port# ?l hv lbo S^naU* for ?? lui? relation* commit tcc. AM I-SAI.OON I.K\M V. ? Ml'ST HI.K KXI'KNSKS Now York. tw-r. 1 1 Tlw Mile attorficy UfiH-ral'x office today took th<* pre liminary *t?*pa to ron^l tbc Anti-Saloon I ..rate ft c to flip an ac count for th?' fall primary and gen eral election expcnncn of 1!?22. im>rrr\i. i?t i.i.ktiv Tin* Itiilh'tin of lli?- attcnd ir.u |>h\.-ioiatts ;it th*- futii tiitlll it> II??-pital. rrlativo to tho I'liiKililim of i >. t\ Ilray. shot liy ii ii* urn hiuhu a> man last l*rida> it 1 ulit. i- that his c??ndl ti?ui conlinii* as it ha* !?*??? ii from tli*'* tlr.?t. ura\*'l> critical. fitv Manauor John I'ray, who was shot in tho shoulder Sunday uiuht hy tho accidont al disHiarw*- of a shotgun toad i-d with liurksliol. continues to fMift'-r cmuddoriihlo pain, lint his condition is not rouardod as critical. Ilo is apparently on tho road to normal recov ery. GIVES HISTORY OF FRANKLIN COUNTY Col. Fred Olds Tells llnw ll \\ as Orguni/.ed to Divide 1111 Overgrown County in the Year 1778. Raleigh. Dec. 11. Franklin Coun-1 ly was oruiiniii'il primarily. accord-' i 11 xi to tin* history of North Carolina | counties compiled by Colnel Fred A. Old*, to divide the over in rue county ' of Hut*- so that tin- citizens of the southern portion would not be un duly burdened in taking part in pub lic affairs. Tin* act of tin* Legisla ture creating this county was passed in August. 177* when that body was] in session at Hillsboro. The county \ of Itute hv the act was divided Into Warren and Franklin counties by a' direct line from the (Sranville line' to the Halifax or Nash County line, which ever uiis necessary to leave in each county the same number of acres.. The county of Kratiklin was named for the Illustrious American, Hen jam in Franklin. '?Tin* llrst court for Franklin." continues the account "was ordered , held 'at the house of Henjamin Sea well. lately owned by Hell.' The commissioners were to Hud the cen ter of each county and locate the court Houses on audi a site, if i;ood water was convenient, but if not con venient to choose a place where it was \ tax of two shll-' lines and six pence on every hun dred pounds taxable property and six pence on Mil persons who had an estule of lull pounds taxable prop erty, for three years, was levied to pay the costs of surveys and build ings. "Ill .March 177ft. Captain Thomas Sherrod informed tSoveinor IMchard Caswell that the 'light horse men' I cavalry) of Frunklin were properly > equipped with guns and horses and that lie also had furnished .'*3 able bodied recruits for the army, the number required, and had paid the men their bounties <$::uii for each volunteer, $ir.O for each drafted man). In 1780 a draft of men was-' sent from the county to Hillsborough to work in the army shoe factory. "In 177!) iin net id Assembly said 100 acre* had Im-i'ii l?oti uliI for a court house Mite and town ami named the town L? wlsburv ( proper ly spelled l/MiinlMirK; named for the city and fort in Canada raptured by the I!ritisJi and Amcricans in 1 7"? 7 I. Tin* first court house was of 'ous. near tlie prcM-nt site. It was w ath ? rhoarih d and was us? d until 1XR2. Osborne Jeffreys. VV'illiaiu (}rei?n. William Iliil. William llrlckall. and John Hunt were made commission ers to lav out the town and d'rect the liulldinu ??f it. and the conduct of its affairs. "In 17*0. Captain Harrison's com pany from the county was in Colo 11 * * I benjamin Knuiii's regiment at th?* battle of Camden, S. C. Arthur llarrlnuton was the army commis sary of supplies for the county and William llrlckall was the receiver of tobacco for the state. In July. 17x1, all the expert riflemen left in the county were sent to llurton's Kord on Koanoke River to check the ad vance of the llrltish cavalry. Iii 17M th?* OOtn inla id Oil or* Wef? <1 li? Mi ll III" 'illh lie granary in which wheat and corn ' had he |?:ii |yti had IIv? ?1 ? and then divide tin r*lunlntux tnotiev hvlwH'ii Warren and Franklin. A State n .-ii? lak'-n In ITK'i. xav?? Franklin 7 in whit' iniih m hetwe# li 21 and Mi and l.ni'ifi under 21 and ov? r f?0; 1 k 14 white female*; !?:: 1 hlacks Im twecn 12 and ?in, nnd und? r 12 mid o\? r ?;u. ?? I::; making the total |*c?|?n latloll 5.4 7a. "An act of 1781 < lahli .h?>d Frank lln Ncadeniv at l?oulflhurK w Iff ti Dr. John Klni: and a fwore of oih? r* ;?* trustee*. The |?art ??f Wake County north of MofCAnln Creek wan thin to Franklin. In 17x7 tin Jail wa* hiirm-d and th?? io ral A?>" nihiv levied a ta\ to !?? |il?r?? It. Th'* I". S. coiiaus of 17fi0 k?v tin county I.OHft frep white male* r?f If, years and ov? r. Includ ing head* of families; under 1 years. 1.40M; white female*. 2.1 36; other free i?-rnond (Mark*) 7; slave* 2.717." To the fttate Franklin County Via* furnlnhod one Governor. Thnmnn Walter Illckrtt; two conarenvnen., Itatcllff lloone and Jn*eph J. Da via. and a number of councillor* of itatc and other State official*. HUERTA FORCES MARCH ON CAPITAL Met l>y IViIt'i'al hirrcit ul Sunn- Plan* W hen- (larraii za Di-li'al in Wra Itiiz l'lifslii.
neral Sanchez advancinn toward' Mexico City today met a detachment of fed eral troops mar Itora Del Monte. Tlu? Olirevon force* retreated af ter a skirmish. If the forces clash near Ili?* present positions the en Kauement will be fouuht at nearly tin* nam*' location where Carranza was defeated In his flight to Vera Cruz. Kl l'aso. Dep. 11.- Disruption of communication with tin* Interior and strict censorship are permitting lit tle information to aeep through of what is happening in the uprising liy supporters of Huerta against Ob reu'on. FAVOItS PARTICIPATION IN EXPERTS INQUIRY Washington, Dec. 11.?The Gov ernment "would view with favor" participation of American experts In tin- Reparations Commission Inquiry, . It was announced at the White House today. emphasizing that the Government cannot participate offi cially. IIHTCIIX. KIIOM I l .NKKAl, Mr. and Mrs. C. It. l'ugh have re turned alter attending the fi|ueral of Mr. I'uuh's mother, Mrs. S C. l'ugh of Wanchese. who died Sunday mornliiK at x o'clock, after a linger ing Illness. Mrs. l'ugh was HI years old and is survival by two sons. C. It. l'ugh of this city and Curl l'ugh t?f Wanchese; by one sis ter, Mrs. John T. Daniels of Man teo, and by a brother, George Tom Wescott of Manteo. The funeral was conducted by I lev. A. W. I'rlce at the Methodist Church. Monday ait 1 a. m. and in ternient was made ill the family "burying ground at Wancliege. EACII WILL CAMPAIGN IN OTHER'S STATE New_York. Pec. 11. Soyator Hlr .-iiii Johnson of California. candidate for.(Ik- Republican presidential noin i 11 at ion-, will make n personal cam* paiun in MasnachusettH, toe homo state of President Coolldge. On the other hand, friends of President CiNilldcc plan to waK*' his campaign In California and enter hiin in the primary In that state. They predict for hi in success there over Senator Johnson. NO TKOI HI.K KINDINt l\l \N I OH TIIE PLACE Twickenham. Knc.. Dec. 11.?The official nl<- fiixt'T to tin- Duke of Northumberland, Frtilerlck Stuck hy, of Sinn Manor, lidcworth, In dead. Ill I ho uood old day* when Knullnh ale wiin real alo, punuent. rich in color and ponnefMlnK a kick unobtainable from any of f11?* light er. frothy brew* at one time fainl liar in America, many Kitkllnhiii**ti considered tlx- iliiral ;11?? tauter the most fortunate man In the Kina'a realm. He .had the iiiithority to enter n public house, rail for lieer. taMe It, and condemn It if not of good qual ity. In recent yearn, however, he ha* not taken advantage of hi* of ficial position. The office of ah- tauter extendi! hack to the time when the Kinoiim ruled in Knaland. The Injunction to the official on annuminc IiIm duties wan an follow*: "You shall swear that you Mtall well mid truly nerve the King's MaJ ? tv and the l.ord of thin Leet, In the office of ale tast? r. "You shall have diligent rare dur ing the time of your being In office to all the brewers and tipplers with in your office, that they and every one of them do make good and wholesome ale and beer for man's body, and that the mime he Hold ac cording to the prices limited and ap pointed by the King's justices of the pence." Sunday School IcimIi'I-h Mi'Hinp lit Nuxlivilli' N'lislivlil*-. TVnn.. I>