nil: ir t: mint lin-rftisiiif: iliiiidim .? I ^?11 IVniV'\\ ~ * (.'l<( I l.tll()\ * Thursday fair mill iiuriii- ** '* cr. E. to S. ninds. ********* VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION*. ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVF.NIN'C. DECEMBER 12. i;>2:'.. KICIIT PACKS. NO. SSH. Sap Remanded To Jaii After Trial Wednesday Henry Divers'. WJiite Man. Incriminated l>y Sup's Kvidcnri' ?Mu>l Serious Oiarpe Against Bandit !Not Yet Ili-on^lit Against Him. Awaiting Outcome Bray's Wounds Pi^/ict!iik guilty of t v* ?> charts ??f *1 liii'islai'} and incriminating Hviiry 1 Diver*. young white man. us a con- . It?!??! .ite. Ii? lil for prt 'table cause. 1 u . I??r each ??f four warrants chaig in. highway robbery. aud given sen- I tcnce of 1- mouths on the roads for ic.irying concealed wcupon* and mx t ?r larceny. Leltoy White, negro, xv.i-< remanded to Jiii to uwuii trial at the .March term of Superior Court fallowing a preliminary hearing in it- order's court Wednesday morn in*. Nine warrants in all have been Ik- ! *U* ?i against Sap and more art* yet tu loliow*. Divert is in Jail also. and hag been! there since .Monday nighl on a war-, vau^ charging hou.t* breaking, though the warrant was not inadej public until Wednesday, as the po lice were afraid Sap would not tell lacVame story on the stand us he! had already told Police Officers Houghton and Winslow in hi.s cell litre. With Sap's evidence, as a be ginning. the police are trying to wUild up a strong case agaiust inv ert. preliminary hearing of whom Is h. lag continued until there Is time to run down a number oi leads on which police are uowr at work. The shooting of O. C. Bray, local insurance man whose life hangs by a Ihtead. the most serious charge age Inst Sap, wis not preferred against him at nil iu Wednesday morning's hearing, "the court await ing the outcome of Mr. Ilray's wound and the possibility or having him t? -1 ify for the State in this case. N it Iter did "the holdup of J. T. Thompson, hosiery mill operative, up !??*. r In any of the four warrants -urging highway robbery. Mr. Th mipsou not being abb* to identify tile negro positively and Sap declar ing that he *its in Kdenton Sunday w:-. n this holdup occurred. liow tvti'i Mr. Thompson declares that the ai..:i who held him up had very much th same general appearance as Sap. The defendant was positively Iden titied by young l.loyd Winslow. by C. \. Long, by J. I,. Houghton, and F. II. (tibson as haying ro'abed ill cm oi money or merchandise. John P. Ovei man. the last man lull up on the-night . !? admits that he broke into, th* n? gro also testifying thai on et t? 1 burglary. He v.l>s jM. .,Iso a suit of clothes and a ladles' ' from the Albert sou residence, one of the first witnesses to take t -fund was l.loyd Winslow. fondant nix months on the mails. F. It. Gibson said Sap had Iwn to his store a number of times and that he had oomf to know him wejl. be cause things had a W4,v of turning up missing after the negro left. On last Friday night. lie said, the n^gro came Into his store, corner of Shir-, ley street and Skinner avenue, and, with his tun partially concealed inj his coat, pointed il at Mr. Gibson and demanded money. .Mr. Gibson, who Is an elderly and apparently not a vigorous man. says that In* was. standing in the door of the lilt!* of fice in his store at the time, some what above the- negro. who Is l?e|pw average height, and "I sort of fell over on him and smothered him and the weapon." the merchant testified. This was at 8:within a half hour AT" tTie time and hardly a two tnin . ntes* walk from where o. C. Itrav was shot on the same night. Henry Williams. Parsonage street merchant, testified to hearing the alarm hell on his cash drawer ring one day as he sat on the sidewalk In front of his store; and when he ran in, he said. Sap was getting out bv a back door. The charge in till* case was forcible trespass. J. I?. Overman, local insurance man who was with O. C. Ilray on the night the latter was shot. prior to the shooting, testified that as he was on his way home and was on Persse street at the foot of Fearing a negro of the same description as Sap stuck the muzzle of a gwn into his stomach and said: "Gimme your money!'* "f shoved the uun aside tjie first time." Mr. Overman testified, "but when he 11.rust it against my bodv a s? crtml time ahd in a menacing toin ordered me to put up m\ hands t did ? o. I bad about three dollars iu the side pocket of my troi.sers and he tot all of it. and walked off sideways." Mr. Overman's home is at 11?2 Persse street; and In was within lens than a block of it when lie was held Up Sap knew him.when Mr Over man visited the negro's cqll, as the Insurance man had collected Insur ance i n a number of occasion* from the negro's mother: but Mr. Over man hail never noticed Sap. That Police Officers 1'oul Men and Twiddy were clo-fc oi: Sap's heels twice rill the night of the -! ing w is developed from testimony of the negro, who took the -1and in his own behalf when he was not sal Vfied with the story told by wi* nouses for the State. Once in the far tory district shortly after lino was shot about o'clock, be saw Officer Houghton approaching him and highballed. The other time was when from an automobile Officer Twiddy caught sight of the negro on Main street near l)r Kend rick's res idence. Sap was beaded for the one o'clock freight, but he eluded Twld dy by heading across vacant lots back toward Cherry,afreet. He didn't catch th ? freight that night but It seems to have been bis regular de pendence in getting from Kfltahcth Cltv to Fdenton. Sap did not present the appear ance of the mentally defective negro that many had pictured him by rear on of the nlckmitiie. short for Sap lo ad, which be has acquired in l-Mli abeth'Cifv. He was not represented by counsel and displayed rather more than average acumen both In testifying and In questioning wit nesses. "You don't think f got your flout, do vou?" he questioned J. I.. Iloiivh ton. "Ain't you Jes saying that be^aus' you've beard Sap's In a lot of ?rou ble?" the negro pressed the witness when the latter hud answered the foregoing question In tin affirma tive. Sap denies that lie has partirlpat ed lii any of the holdups that have terrorized the ett> recently and even denies that j he has had any gun whatever. However, both l.lovd Wlnslow and John P. Overman tes tified that the gut) Sap Is allege^ to have pawned at Fdenton and which lay on the table before County Pros ecutor Sawyer resembled the weapon} that was drawn on them last Friday' night. I TAX ItKDl CTION TO UK ? c. 12?Definite as surance that tax reduction leuisla fion will !>?? con*id?-r<>d promptly by the Housf ways and means commit-j t?-?* wuh uiven today by liepn-wnta-1 tive Green of Iowa, prospective chairman, after conferrln? with tlv* Republican members of the commit-{ tee. CM S*: MILLIONS LOSS Washington. I>? c. 12 -Tree-killing Insects do damaue ?m iui;tt??l at i SIOO.AOO.OdO annually in the I'nlted' Sfat?-*?. and damaue forest products to the i-xti'iit of an additional $45.- J 000.noo each year according to ex-| pert* of the bureau of entomology, j Much of thin damase can be pre venfed bv the control methods n*c ommendod by the bureau. Depart- ?, ment of Agricultural officials de clan*. 'I'm a Tough Guv!' "Don't get gay with me." thi* pus. il:i?cot for the L\ S. Maum*. probably is saying. The doj; appeared at |\il football feumc* played this season by the "devil dogs." I PROVIDES FOOD FOR THE ANIMALS New York il? Mir the licasl^, birds, ami (i?Lo.s the. city bouses in ibe ilronx and Central I'urk zous and Ibe Aquarium in llattery I'ark excei'dH -luO.Hiio a year. "I he up keep of some ol III.' captives from remote corners of the globe is espe cially high bet-jusc of tin- epicurean last*** they bring from , their native haunts. The board loll for the habit tied of th<> Bronx zoo last year was <32.02*.7 4. not including certain food commodities grown on the zoo firm in the park. Mentis for the in habitants or the Central Park# xoo nuit $12.2G0 and the board bill of td'-ni/a-iiH of the Aquarium totals $:?.0000 annually, not including *< > food gathered direct from nearby waters for tie more finicky gues?*s. Leading all other captive-^ ill *!i?? cost of his board is the 4>ig Atriiii cl?'| in the Ilronx zoo. I1;k daily entree of 2uo pounds ui hay. with desert of vegetables, fruit and bread, costs bet w wen $7 and $S daily. Ill* fallow countryman, the pigmy elephant. eats only ii-.ilf as much. Thi'se "heavy boarders" contrast sharply with the d? er which are fed ? ui .Mir. a d'iy. or even le>-?. Hut sinci* there is a h"id of i:?o. their upk?'. p Is far from a negligible item The meat bills of each of tho five Pons in Mrohx zoo average about rents d-iiiy. The tie rs eat about tie* name amount, while the leopard? eat about otic-third less. All lie- ? jUIIKle ;i aiji are now fed be**f They once were fed horse flesh, but litis diet proved too ric h for tic in Of all the temperamental eat. is the big python, which measures 2:'. feet holds the record. His hoard bill 's only a month, but In* Iihh his own ideas as to how hi* monthly no il should be served. lie insists on a -live pig. but the keep ers play a trick on him. K.teh month they take a pig to his cage, kill it outside, then placing it at ouc ? in the cage, move ;t about wltk Mick The python thinks the pi^ i* alive and gulps it down with relish. The ea;:|e is tin heaviest enlet among the birds, with a daily board bill of ohout 40 cents. Ho usually Is satisfied with meat, although a stray eat Is now and then fed* I? hini: M the Aquarium fh? yen lion, Htis ter now 21 years old. Is the heaviest eater, his diet of herring .ind ^o'l costing ff?no a venr. The *? :i horses ate the only Aquarium board ers that deui'iud live food. The surrounding water* are scored lor sea leftnee. which is always swarm ing with minute shrimps. worms, tiny crabs and I iby muscles, which the sen horse bolls down a v ally. Sea , horses have a weakness for" gupple*. a small fish from the tropins. but !? would cost $ I?! illy to feed col: sea hoise on these delicacies. TO MOItKHK.ll> 4 ITV l?r. J. C. It,mm of I'opdar flrnnch passed through tip- city Tuesday on hU way to Mor*head rity to nttend a meeting of the Fisheries Hoard. Mr* A. W. Herfreu of Hertford! was in the city Tuesday. BVSKBAI.L hulks BEING DISCI SSKI) Chicago, lVp. 12. -Scventi ???!! |tro|??!*w| amendments iii tlie base l>;ill rules and oIImt matters of im portance. sonic of which affect tlx* powers of tin- commissioner, ?i?- hi' fun* ilu> joint session of tin- National ami American lcai;ii(osiiion lo tin* soldier 'bonus wan char icterized as a "summary disinissiil of just claims for consid eration" in an iiddreu of MeAdoo today la;fori1 the Democratic Club nid the Woman's Democratic League. Il? derided tin* President's pro |iosal tor voluntary consolidation of the transportation system as the "seven year lich for rcrlneed freight ? ind pa?si nger rales with no csstir anci- of relief." BAPTIST IXINV ENTION BEGINS I IS SESSIONS Cnstonia. 1>c<\ 12 The. nlncM/ third annual N'orth Carolina Captist Convention uot under wav In r? .last niuht with the "Cnal. r Mir. ditlT movement and tie ways and in ..n of 'bringing to a close fie $?:.,oon ???r.i cam pa I mi in N'orth Camlli;;< |?\ luakinu up a deficit of $mio.ouo in the hiM year's colIcctions on ;i quota ? ?r % 1 .20(1.1100 a> lie principal CiMi \ ention themes. rtiuis.Tivi \s c.wr \ta -B\ UK6 I II VI'I IM S The beautiful ChrMtnas Cantata. Jirirt Child. ' will lie stniK bv tIn* choir of the First Baptist church e '? i;i"i J'uas, De.cvmhcr 2".. 'Ihe choir will he assisted by .Mrs .1 I*. Cireenlejif. Mrs W. IV Duff. \iiss KmeialU Hyke.*, L. K. Skinner and o. S. HuiKesa. '1 lie organ. pkiycd by Mrs, I M M"'kliM. will iJ>o accompanied by lour v olin* played by Mix* Minnie N'ish, Misa Kflu'l Jones Hobby Fear* inc. .iiid Joseph Kramer. and a liarp played by Mrs. J. N. Keelin. i he rehe>1r*.?ls hare been most *a? tory and Mrs. Sleeking prom* i<* .i /liltsited |N*|toriiiH!l(N Mits. Hot \z: mim'iii i; piks Mrs. A. II. llotilx left Sunday ItiMht for New -York wlon she was call* d on acoiuxl of tii?' Midden death of her mother. 'Irs: Lawler, SMITII ONK SIIOIIT oi i n Mini wsiiii' W'ashiiiFtoii, December 12 - Al t1ioui;h there was a break in the i lUiMrii; La Collet te tod ly. the Sen it? reii. fined deadlocked on Ihe f.rsf uiid second 'allots for the election of a chairman of the Interstate com i'i' rce committee On the fir?*l Ml :?<> ( ummiiiH ind Si.iiih received 40 w?te* each and LaKollete. .1' On tie second. Smith received 41. Cum mains 39. and LaKollett. 2. iivikitiK Sin it it one short of election. ON Dt'CKINti Tltfr P. 0. Sawyer lefr Wednesday morn In* for a ducklnc trip to Jar vlthttrg where he will Join torn* friends for a few day* shooting. \mi:m< v\ \n> w i! 1 SOON Hi: \> Ml.Mil K \\\.- ?I -u ..'I i? ? r I J Only .? f- ? T ?] i?-- 1 ?? II till ?u-fnl.' Ar?? ii? ..i: i.rmtlii ia! iis ???!?Jfjiwin. T. ?? ;:T ? ?. umv rum* sit ?? thnmnh ili. :??;?.?!.itii?n- <-ti:iitiii-sinn ? **j to .{?** A in i'i< ail I t r ? in *ii (iii :)i? ? ' i\u < muiiiMt< ?'* :ilit! iu?|itii*' int.? ihi* iui?- ?'f t???r-, inaity's t 11 mi i * T.i. irapr>?.i*ioii 1l?iv i"? that ih?- iMii-ua. ?'inn ..f tin* plaji- is .1 iiKitii f of ?!.?> - MASONS HOLDING EXCELLENT MEET Xejsro l.t-nalrrx of State !>?? elaro North Carolina llir IWt in liiion in Kt'piril to Both Itari'n. lt? ?\ m. ki*i*ks Tlio opeiiiim xokhIoii of Mnttniiio tirand I.oduo ? ?f N? i:n? Masons was one of ureal hem-fit to the craf'. , ('?rand Master Sln-pard ?1* -1 i \? ? r* ??) n, masterful annual add re**. llis review! of the pear's work was ciiliuhton-1 inc. Tlo' recommendations are lie iiiconsidered by tin- ?lIfTI com iiiIVt????>? lo which they were rt'forh'il. !!?? reported T??o and nior?> lodues in this jurisdiction There a r?' the three.ureut neuro organizations: tin Masons. Odd I*. Mows ami Pytliiatis that si'li'Oi their Irnilofs having an idea to tlio satiitvof the same. Tin1 report of the R \V H'-inil Secretary l>r. f\ S. Prown of Win ' ton. N C . tln? I'lTouni/i'd successor in leadership to tlio late Col. James If Vomit:. showed efficiency. pains taking and care. Ho reported ro-j ceipts for tlw jurisdiction' for tin* ueneral fund of $ 1 1.7?!4.1 ?*.: hnlaurc on hand from last year $0*7 2 I and borrowed $2,r?rt?. Ills recommc?tda I If mis are fur tlio scaling of c\|ioiisos. I>r. W. H. Monro of Wilmington tlio :-rand treasurer. nave an ? \hihit of receipt and ?*xi?**iiil|tni*op.-iiilileiit Tin- endowment department Is tho most important annex to the fratern Ity. It must have necessarily tho vorv host prepared man in urinaue Ho- sann*. _ Jir. W. f?. Pearson. who lia? for 32 yearn rerved as -principal of the hiirhani cr?(l?d school for no uro children. Is tin man: with such a in hi as Co-neral Purr as chairman of its hoard of trustees. Ho |?: at tho head of tho largest no^ro flro'ln v?iliinr.? roin|i;iny and oin- of th j State's largest property holdors i a ill on twur tlio finances for an otln r viar. Tho reception of llit? lrand |odre hv 11:*? Min or ? .. tiiijde his representative. I{ K .htii?;? who ph-as'd his audience Tho orcaiilzatJan in Inn lo-re win n it Hp? :?k. on ocotidinic and in t' lraclal niatl? r-- dro n? v? r more happj wlM-ii in Kiivtiin Carolina. No Vlaiitfor Of Migration North Carolina will not l?? _ilis turh?d wiih niItfraHon. Toda> tlnnls ? ml of (li 'ii ian- havo Hocked to North (.!nioliija?-h? cause of it moat program for Interraelal hetternn nt Di <;? o |i Cartn s. Wilmington last nit:lit in r? ponding to tlio diff?-r? nt itildf . struck tin kc> nolo n|.i'ir ho . vrlalnnd that North farollni i tIn vn it? -t and lost Stiit" in tin I'nlon. with tlw h. ~t or ? ach i.<" ?" oporatluc. The days of hot In-ads af? ov? r ainonu in vio h*ad? i On W?-din ? \ a?}? follows: Hr. Jaiiies K Sln-pard. : l and m. -t'i: I-: W. Miller. : mud S. W : If- nn M Kontn-dy. vratid .1 \V ; in- <* > llrown. vratid ? ?'r> taiv; Pi W II Moore train! trea ure'r. The . -ion In thl ellv I oim J. Ill on v Hn he?t I vir held III the yt ite Tlo courtesy and hosplt ilit> of the in ?- ro and -aliHe cl?i7' ir will not soon In roi othn. and a tli? doleuntew |?-;ive tin inspiiiiflon t?? '?? home and tir ? the nnro peoph ??f State to stand firm f??r tin- hulHllntr UP <.f ex. iythlnu Hint will hrlnc tin two face closer together Is t#iken with them. 1)1 \MO\l> ItlCOTIII ICS \M) I'M IMIICIKI) Nov. YoH(. !?? '' jnh'-r 12 Morrl* Harlow Diamond. hi-.- brother, .!<> till, ?n':< CJovrntnont oHtlm;ii?*. of th" rot ton Top. Ik 10.081.000t ltHlr* or 4,ft21.33-1.000 pound*. s j Mr. on?l Mm. Howard Krninrr and j Warren Finicr who motored to Nor folk returned Tnendmy. j SITUATION GETS MORE MENACING Tlirw Separate I onis of In Mirreetiuiii*!* in Mc\ini l!i porli'il as Marching on I apilal. ? r T v.'ih.l I't.-.l San Antonio. 'IV*.. ln?\ 12 - The M<>-io\ne d> scrihi-tl th?' wounds. Sliepard told of the po litical m?'? ami Manager* iIIm-Iom - ilnii woni'ii mint lie ncrordoi a* minh consideration an tliat uiv? n tie -ink in- of ralKHon*. ihiildinu manager's Iiiivi- found, .??cordiiii: 10 Ho report. tIimt if !!>? proji ci i to . surc? vKfnl it mu-t li!i\? flu- t-ood will of women. xx ho ? 11:i> h?- i-iiltrr < mploxi'? or visitor*. TM- conoid* in I Ifiii I- collected chiefly in planning for ad?-wa Agency. Many inert of inferior <|iialification* today ho'J ? v? 1 nnp'ittnl position*. atid 0* a r? nil competent employ*-* are not getting their salaries t cyfTot MtitKi-rr Now York. December 12 ? Spot ' Otton closed ?le?dy loday. idvsn 11 k 1*"? point*. Midi in g H1J5. Futures closed as follows: |)ec?'tn hi-r ir? ? ; January t !?