* nest to nortlim sl ninth. * 77IE WEATHER * l{uin anil rohh-r toniuht. ::::! :::!? J91H1 AEnin^ ZtfzX VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, TIU'USDAV KVKNINtJ. DKC'KMUI-'.U 1:'>. 1:^:1. KICIIT PACKS. NO. 2S!>. JOB'S REPORT OF MUCH INTEREST SiiTilary Tells (iliamiirr of, ( omiiirrct* Alton! \\ alcr ways .Mcrliiijj and Fr?*i{ilil I Sulcs on ('oal. ri(U?nallr inU'rostins was tlt? r* Voit mad** by secretary Job of the Kli.'.abeth City Chamber of Ooiu 1 ? ir<- fo this week's meeting of the iril of directors of lhal oruani/.a ti< monc other matters reported on by Mr. Job wa>? bis attendance upon 1 recent meeting of the Atlantic I?- ? j?er Waterways Association at Net folk and on tbe session of the Ri\?-rs and Harbors Congress at Washington, whore Mr. Job ably and successfully presented for cndorse i.i? it the claims of the Pismal S-.,-am|> Canal upon the Federal Cov et :::nent. ?Ir. Job also reported to the di rectors on the steps being taken by 111:.: to secure relief from the dis criTlnatorv coal freight rate now in fojce auainst Elizabeth City. "This Is a matter," says Mr. Job, "of interest not only to the mannfac tntr who uses coal In large quan t it I* s. but also to the smaller con ? >u:ner who would secure the benefit ?f any reduction In-rate on every ton of coal purchnscd during the winter." Mr. Job in his report also In foi ied the directors that he had put Into the hands of Congressman Hal lot S. Ward a bill providing for the improvement of the channel of K ??hhs Creek; that he was seeking t? . vpedite the delivery of mail from KHzabeth City in New York, which now arriving there at R:04 in the morning is not delivered until about 2 o'clock In the afternoon; and that h? was also at work In an endeavor to * ave express shipments from New Ynik to Elizabeth City, which are now. apparently, routed by Raleluh so its to make a delay of on*' day in nnival, routed directly here by way of Norfolk. Mr. Job told the directors that he > in! been laboring hard with the NVifolk Southern to secure the ex t : if ion of the sheds, extension of the paving and extension lights at the Not folk Southern passenger station, and. though he had not made the progress he could have wished, that h* iad the promise of an early ex tension of lights to the end of The llnr of jitney cars at the station and of the putting of the approach to the station in better repair by the use of l.illington gravel. L. CiRRETT OS STASD IV HIS DH V DEFENSE Cumberland Courthouse, Vi.. Dtromber 1.1?Larkln (Jarrett look his stand In his own defenae shortly before noon In lils swonil trial on the charge of murder for his pari In I J). fatal shooting of Rev. K. S. Pierce. As at previous trials of h5m1 f and his brother. Garret de clared that Pierce struck the first i?I? ? w with his fist and fired the first >hoi. Attorney Byrd subjected tho de fendant to a stiff cross examination. HIT iHOY WITH M'i'i.i: jiki.h ?;i ii.ty \ss,\n.r C.iarles Davis. Cypri o* and Second str? ?'t merchant, who. exasperated at the annoyance causcd him hy a sn ail bov who. running in and out of his store. grimaced at and teased him < i nlinuously, flung an apple at the ynU!ii.Ht?T and hit hint, was taxed wit It 11 cost r on the charge of as sault in police court Thursday. The court admitted that Mr. Davis had considerable provocafIon. This was the only case tried In the recorder's court Thursday. ROM'S REINTRODUCED Washington. Dec. 13?-The soldier lut ? bill, which was vetoed by Har tli was reintroduced today by i; ? tentative McKenzle. Itepohll c. "f flllnois. at the request of lie publican veterans In the house, and carries only minor changes from the original. S\I? S RKVOI.VKR IS NOT A FORTY-FIVK - Thi' revolver taken alonrr with Sa|i's suitcase at a negro lod&fne hous? at Kdeuton Mon day Is not a "Torty-Ave." Neither, in the oplnlor of Dr. C. II. Williams, who. with Dr. Sallba. removed It jusl un der th? skin of the abdomen, was the bullet which ent'-red tbe hip and penetrated tb* nb donien nf o. C. llray last Fri day night. "I am not an expert on bul lets." said Dr. Williams, "and this particular bullet is de faced as though It had struck or glanced from a bone, but it appears to me no Inraer than a 38." The same thins Might be -aid of the revolver which dur ing the preliminary trial of .?|? lay across the table in r?nt of County Prosecutor iwyer. It was long of bar i but not of large caliber. However, the police now have the revolver and will make no atatcment as to It* -i*c. Pledge To Build Greater Meredith Gastonia. I'- r. i:?. ? Tin North Carol hi a Daptlst Con- I vention in annual fission here la>t iil-lit pledged its credit to the issuance of in bond* tor linancin. ami i?-lo ration ami establishment *?n a laruer seal** of Meredith Col leiit* on tlo* 1 :T am* sit' re cently purchased mar ISal?'i|?h on the Durham road. It is planm d to roiuplctc a I1.10U.ihmi plant to accommo date r>nu students l?y the open ing of the fall session in 192a. Tlo- present facilities of the | college inside UalcUh are in adequate. The question c?f (ireek let ter fraternities at Wake Forest College precipitated a heated discussion yesterday, hut the matter was not brought to a point. It being referred to h committee of 15 with Instruc tions to report on it' next year. HEALTH SERVICE TO STUDY COLDS Washington. December 13?A de ! tailed study of common colds is to be made by the Public Health Ser vice in co-operation with a number of the country's leading universities. Dr. Hugh S. Cuniiuing. surgeon gen eral. says colds, influenza and simi i lar conditions are responsible for a great deal of suffering. loss of time, I disability and not inconsiderable number of deaths. He says there are few. If any. in j dividual* who do nut suffer with . some acute respiratory condition sit h ast once a year, losing from a day to a week or more as a result, and some attacks develop into more se | rious conditions, at limes even a latent pulmonary tuberculosis being lighted up. Comparatively little is definitely known as to the real causes, distri ' hiitlon. manner of spread, and epi demiology of these so-called minor j respiratory ailments. Dr. Cunirfiing says, and this detailed study being undertaken is expected to 'be of value in attempting to prevent these affec t tona The work will be actively under i taken at Harvard I'niversity. Johns Hopkins Medicil School. Georgetown and Harvard I'nlversitles, Washing ton; Tulane I'niversity, New Or leans; Ohio State I'niversity, I'niver sity of Chicago, and I'niversity of | California. It is anticipated the I studies will extend over two or three years. THOUSANDS Ol TKOUT PASS TIIIIOIKIH CITY Twenty-two thousand s?-a lr.out. ' oniii;hi off llo(lvn Island this side of ? Oregon Inlet. arrived here Wednes 1 day and were f?l?ii?i?^<] fo Northern markets by the Globe Fish Company. Tills* shipment represents a return of $5,400 to Dare County fishermen. cooi.idce chaises WINIFRED M ATH EH 1 Washington. Dec. 1H. President Coolidse today wrote Mr-. Winifred Holt Mather of New York praising her part In the establishment of "liuht house" home* for the ollnd In various cities IIENHY IOK1) Wil l. GET NOMINATION Ifc-troit. December 1.1 llenry Ford will he nominated for the Pres 1 Ideney whether he desire* it or not. it was decided at a meotinK last 'night at which the National Ford For-Presldent Club was organized by a score of supporters who came ! regardless of the f ict that the Ford For-President meeting to which they were delegates had been cancelled. > They will draft Ford Into service If he doesn't lead the way himself, , the president of the club said. I'OHTt Gt ESE CABINET DECIDED TO ItKSIttN Iflr T.O A- Vr\ I.isbon. h' c iThe Portuguese cabln- t resUned today. I It was reported yesterday that the jcabinet ask'd President flower. to ; dissolve parliament on the i rmind of n hostile majority The re?luna tion Indicates that the < MfUliv* f - fu??ed. \ It AN \ IM 1*11(1% KM I || |*M| I Vienna, l?ec. in. The Socialist government of this cit> Is e\tendint its amldtlous program of public works, and thus st<?adllv redur-ln* unemployment. Its latent enterprise is to take over the underground or l?elt railway, which has be# n out nf commission since the second year of fh* war when Its equipment w?.? se|z? d for military purposes. Tin line will be electrified and made part of the mu nicipal street railway ?ystem. The new equipment Is to be constructed In the country. Mrs. F.llsworth (Ionian of Wash incton, D. C.. and little daughter. Mary Elizabeth, are here on ft visit to Mrs. Homan's parentn, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Wright, corner Front tnd Sbepard streets. CITY MANAGER IS OUT OF HOSPITAL Now < :il Hi* Home ll<*rt? and Apparently 011 llic Koatl to < 'omplete Kn'OVl'IV. City Malta.* r John Bray. who lias been ;it Hi#' Community Hospital ' >=li?o?? Sunday iiiuht as a result of a I gunshot wound in the >lioiild?*r. was discharged from the hospital Thurs day afternoon and is mm* convales cent at his homo on Baxter and I Shirley avenue. Mr. liray received part of a load 'of buckshot in the shoulder Sunday 1 niuht from the accidental discharge of a shotuun while he was out as sistini: the police to maintain order 1 and to try to locate Li-Roy White, necro uunman wanted on more than la half dozen warrants. Fortunately, the pun wont off with i the barrel at such an anisle that only part of the load entered Mr. Bray's body, and the shot that did penetrate .the skin ploughed upward through the muscles of the chest rather than 'straight through the body. There have been no complications and Mr. ' Bray, though lie lias suffered' con siderable pain, is apparently on the 1 road to early and complete recovery. JOHN M. MOREHEAD DIES IN CHARLOTTE Charlotte. Dec. 1",^?John M. Moreherid.-former Congressman and one time Republican National Com mitteeman from North Carolina, died of pneumonia at his home here. He had been ill for a week. Hi* was 57 years old. PASTOR ST. MARKS UP BEFORE BISHOP New York. Dec. 13.? Norman Cuthrie. pastor of St. Marks in the Bowery and his board of vestrymen, were today called before Bishop William T. Manning of the Protest ant Episcopal Diocese of New York, to explain the ('.reek classic dances in festivals in the down-town church .and parish house. ; The reports "shocked and scandal ized" the bishop, he said. STORES TO BE OPEN , IN EVENINGS SOON The Klizaheth City stores will noon be keeping open in the evening* for the convenience of Christmas shoppers. Just what evening this will be be gun. by all the store*, had not teen definitely derided Thursday at noon* An effort is being made to agree up on some night for all stores to be gin keeping open. Next Thursday evening Is Maid to be the choice of the majority, and it is hoped tint a definite decision may be made right awa>v Meantime, all the stores urge shoppers to shop during the morniir hours all that they can and help to avoid congestion in the aftenmon. SE\ ( / /? DEADLOCK COES OVER TO VO\D IV Washington, Dec. i:;. The d a<J lork in the Senate over the election of a chairman of the interstate coin merce committee remains unbroken. \fter taking three ballots the Se iate adjourned until Saturday with an agreement that further votinu will lie deferred until Monday. KEIIEI. 1.E\EI{ I/..S // II E KEEN EXEC.l'TED Nogales. Ariz . Dec. in. Two rel. e| generals have he* n executed and another captim-d by the Obr? aoii forces of the govei|tmont. accordln. to advles received lien cono-mlir. the Mexican rebellion. GUILTY OF LIBEL UPON CHURCHILL Lord \l!rr<l Douglas Sni triKM'd lo Six Month Impris on11h'111 \Jtrr \\ liicli Miis?t Kfrp lli?* I Van*# <IU T.? A?"?-.<nrd Pr? l.ond.i, 1). r. 1:: l.ord \lfivd IhMluliK,. Mill III till' lilli* M-'l!'<]Uis ??r <JU',iifbur>. was imla> found miilty of criminal lilt. l upon Winston Spen o r Churchill. formerly first lord of Hn' aUmiralt). hv the publication of tit*1 statement that Churchill Issued a false ?*??miniiitafter the battle of Jutlatiil fi?r tin' purpose i?f influ encing th?' stock market. I.ord A If roil was sentenced to six itiontlis Imprisonment. after which !*?* must keep the peace or serve an additional like t? riu. <;OI.DSROItO WANTS to<;et okpiian \<;e Secretary Job of the Klizahcth City Chamber of Commerce has re ceived a letter from W. C. Don mark, secretary of the chamber of com merce at Coldshoro. urging that the board of directors of the Kllza belli City commercial organization go on record as favoring tJoldsboro for tin' location of tin* Junior Order Orphan age to lie established In this Slate. Mr. Job hroimht the matter to the attention of tin- hoard of directors at their re mi la r meeting Wednes day night; hut as the'Worth lint: ley Council Junior Order was understood to have endorsed the claims of Ita bdcli for the orphanage the direc tors felt that they should not lake actimi counter lo the sentiment, of the local council. SHIPPKKS t'l?;KI> I K.Il l KOK PltKSKNT KltKIGIITS Tli>- following letter addressed to the president of the Chamber .of Commerce was referred by the di rectors in regular session Wednes day night to Klizabeth City shippers as worthy of their attention.. "I am writing to urge you to as sist in securing a la rue delegation of business men of your city to attend an Important conference of the Kast erti North Carolina Shippers' Asso ciation to he lield at (Joldsboro. X. C.. at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at 11 a. in. Friday, December 28. 1523 "The purpose of this meeting is to permanently organize the business forces of Kastern North Carolina lo maintain our present rate advantag es which the Virginia cities have -riv en notice that flicy will soon attack, and to take appropriate action re garding the establishment of SiMe owned water terminals at ne? ded points in Kastern North Carolina, (lovernor Cameron Morrison and Honorable p. XI. Simmons have kind ly accepted invitations to attend this meeting. All of our representatives In the t'nited Slates Congress from the eastern half of the State have also been invited lo attend this.con ference of business men. "I do not need to tell you how important just rates and adequate transportation facilities are to the development of ev? ry line of l usi ness in Kastern North Carolina. AN"111 you not. therefore, take it upon your self to see that n stroiiu delegation of your business men attend this Im portant meeting at Coldtd?Oro on Friday, December 2X? "The execiltivi committee of th? New Hern chamber of com no rc? have requested me to write you this letter." "Yours very truly " The letter is sinned b\ C. C. Kirk Patrick, president of the chamber of commerce of New flern. The Woman's Missionary Soriet\ or the First Methodist Church will hold a Christinas sale Friday alter noon at o'clock at tin Studebaker .ii.me on th?' corner of Main and lioad streets. Basketball Game Tonight Starts The Ball Rolling h.liznln'1 h 4 ity Allilrlic tutorial ion and llrrlforil II ill ("?? ' Ilir Hvnl S/iorls of I In* i.ommimily n (?nmv II orlli (?oinfi Out lo Srr. Tlivy lirrlori? A pl"aaant mirprlne for the aport lovitm public I* tit* announcement of 11 haMkHhall irftii??- toniitht bit *???!? Klizaheth City AllilHIr Association and Hertford nt (lie Communif* Ijuildinu nt h o'clock. \ m<?mh?-r of tlv asaoelationx reports: "Hfloki tliall fan*, ftlK dov* ii into th?- <>l?l nook. and brine your lad* fair to the (Community lluildin. foi a real treat tonfklit. Tin- basketball ?n?i?on will be 0|ti'h<*<l then- wh? n 111? Klixabith C*it>" Athletic \.-*oehi lion met t* ll> rtford in brand and uloriollM llHttlf. "rive l??i.?ky tad1* and Iru? hav? combined forceij nnd are ready for all ottcotnera." The train in made up of loeal men. eOnie rif them wlio played basketball on different college (eniim. They have been practicing altnoat every night and are In uood shape to live up to their promlsea. V. DwIkM will play forward. He ? f of II" IiIl-!i s( Jifliil l?n Wet Itali team ntxl will umlnijliMlj nmkc h wnml chowitm. J. II. .Moruart Mill play forvnrd and I." |?r>rl? il to II" ?lar itf tl?V? ? v? ??ln II- h:?* iilaw'd ti?r mv? ral ?.?r* In \N' i Vlivinla' Mirk ^??iRWlrk. guard, hn* 'md fan v?-.(r frniniiik with Kli/al'<*lli *'if\ Mali afhool. Jack Itjtitti?. wlin Mill play. uiurd. look an nMlv?- |?nrt In nlhlHlf' nt Carolina and I* orii of IIm ln-ft on the t< inn. J. r. \lfnrd, the ofh?-r umrd. idny?-d two viar* on tin lf*itf?*i*l (enni and In noted ff?r HI* lotitr final ??hniF. Ho generally Khnot* froir the <i nt? r of tin' floor. Itllly Wlnslow wilt niilmt it lit ?? for tciistrd and Ik u very faat (ilayei. ? A lar*** attrndane#* I* exfwcted n? the bova have worked hard and ar** .In rondltlon to give the fan* a lino aanie. | os< \k Kt; u II \s l?M l MOM \ i> ?" I'.ray. w ho f? ? r tin- la>t s?-v **!'?! I 4 il.i v s l.a> rhowti .?i?r,s of itit? no nt at t':.e Cum oiubit\ wliii'c p. was taken la*r l-'rida> with Willi. 1 Wound in hit* ami al? <1<III1<U. has developed | omnia. acTniiliny in u hull* tin Isstn ?l 1 ?> 11. ? unending |???\ si - ciatis Thiirsilav. ami hi- coioli tloil i-. tb? r? i??r.-. mil I as for tin- hist Iv\ i? nr |!nto days. I FA KM CONI KKKM K AT 1NKW OKI.KAN'S I New Orleans, pec. i::. I riKniin Ity in agricultural laws. standardiza tion in marketing mxl warehousing, and standard grades and rlasso of all farm products, will he cnnshh red I at tin- tIti'?*?? days' conft |-e nee cif nun-' ' mlssloners of agricultural Southern I states whirh began today. FARMER DEAD i\!> his so\ u oi \nEn\ Holly Springs. Miss.. IVc. 1 :!.* ? I Prank McFarrin, 7ft-vear-old farmer.! is dead, and his son Leo Is wound-1 ed. while Ji*? Brent Is In jail as the' [ tcsult of a shooting affray !ast night. Ilreiit surrendered hut de clined to talk. The* motive ~is un known. FIND RUINS OF SLAV SANCTUARY Dirwlor Iti ilin !>|iim'|iiii Uii rarllis liil<-rc?liii? < jnilriliu lion to Arilim-olo^v INYar (.rriiian <!ity of I'cllnir^. Kcldlwru', Mecklenburg, Di*f. l litiins of an ancient Slav sanctu Inry have h<en unearthed near this town l>y - l)r. Karl Srhuehhard. ?1 i rector of the llerlln Museum of An , thropology. which he believes to have hceii ltethra, the chief t ere pie of the Slavs between the rivers Kibe and Oder. Suarasici was the name of the god who was worshipped here, and the temple was relatively more Important than tlx* Delphi of the Greeks. ltethra stood for several centur ies and was destroyed in |n?;x and ]???;?? under the r?dj?n <>f Henry IV. The liishop of Halherstadt. under orders from the emperor, destroyed I'the sanctuary. Iturchhard was the name of this bishop, and it Ts 's'lrfl preserved in the folklore of North ern Germany. He is supposed to have become immensely rich t In . n - plundering the temple, and tta?re is a nurser> rhyme which make? an appeal to this ancient bishop to make; gifts to children. Dr.. Schuchhard says descriptions of the temple written by the Itishop of Mcrsoliurg. who lived uhout the year Kiimi, tally with his discoveries and h? is confident lie has loca'ed the hist shrine for which archaeol ogists have been seeking for gener ation.-. ; la the .-'preewnld. near llcrlin, the population till retains the custom dress ;uid language of the ancient Slav.-* wiio lived in Northern tier ?mail) b?'for the Teutons made their appearance, especially all along the Kibe. \\i\>ru\.s\i.i;M .it im.i: is ii \itn \iTKit t it \t i i i:i i:s Winston-Salem. Dec. t:',. Di'v? r of automobih-s who are cnnvi"tcd here before Judge Henry IV l,m<< in Superior Court, need not expect to be released with fines, according to the address of the magisterial officer to i the nand Jury at the openln: of court here this week. .Indue Lane asserted that he intended to punish such violations with jail or road *? n lenceu and that when lie noes to Guilford. Dathh'in and Stokes coun ties affei the first of the ycai to hold court. lo '? sp? f i ? to follow out this pollcv Jlld-e Laiie lefctred part leu larl) to the class of automo i Idler" de.-iiilin'-d 51. jltlle\J which Op erate en I'm roadv. botw i'en several North Carolina elites. riCMit \?:\\ hi \i? Ol' l?KST I ITV MKItrllWTS Til' M? fChailtv' X^nrlliH'UI ??f KK/.-iIm til City hH?l 9 li?* it nil it ;i I ' kf 11<9li of offlrei-? TiH'H?l;i?. iiioruli-- lit It oMwk ntiil Hi'- following men were # f? ri??| t?? ri rvr in 1'iL'l T. T. Turner, |?r? ?Wt"iit; (' \V '.illVli'T. fit t vl^ president: W II \W.it|i' il . Jr.. Mi-wind vim pr?-*i d? lit; .1 ('. Snwvrr, (Ifftnurcr, TIm f <?11 < I ii u- \v< t< i JitIhI oii llu* board ? if director T T Turin r. (' \V UiililH r. V. I ^i" i)f'*r. J. r Hnuji-r, M r. i;?lloi?. M I, Kli?"|i. .1 T Mr (>????. it. n sim?i>. (i r. cnhMi. W If \Vo;'tli#>rl>. Jr.. C Camden lilnd'-w. I! f* \\d|ctt. Jr., Prank Hi:. J M Week*. S C Klln rllU* . rono\ MMtKKT New York. rvcemfoer 11 - Spot riillnil doncd qillft today. ildvanrlnfc 7*> point*. Middling $(.(0. Foturt'S floncd as follow*: December 3f> 10; 1 .lanunrv 34f.O; March 516.00; May .15.20; July .14.4T.. October 28 r,7. New York. December in - Cotton future opened thin morning at the following leve|?; December 34:00; January 3B.26; March 35.65; May 31.00! July 34.80; October 29.60. I BATTLE IMMINENT NEAR MEXICO CITY I iiMinit'iit* EiiIitiicIkmI on < hie Si<l?* and ()lu'(kp>n I iiito on (Ik* Other lo l i^lil for Possesion. Vera Cm/.. I?cc?'inber ! ^ ? A newa ijm rumri accompanying tin- nbeli ;n their 0,1 Mexico tele era plo d in.lay that tbv jutuatioa in i li?' >tate of I'ueblo Is unchanged hut a bailie is apparently imminent The insurgents on a line runKjut; from Ksp>'iaiiza lo Oriental to Apiz aco. Ohrcgou's forces an* conU'red at S?.iu A mill's, Tehuacun and Samar cos. Itctweeii Ili?'si? points surely the deciding battle will be fought for tlw* IHiM'.^sioti of Mexico CiiyKthe corres pondent says. Mexico City. December 1 !1 ?It is generally felt here that the decis ive battle between Sanchez and Ob regon troops will be fought on the Vera Cruz front uiur where Carran-. za was defeated by Sanchez in 191!). The government is concent rating soldiers in that district to halt the icbel advance. San Antonio. Tex., Dec. 1 :t.? Re potts received here state that the insurgent* have occupied Jalapa af ter :;7 hours lighting, an annihilated tile federal troops^ F.i-hl\ were killed and 11G wounded. 320 made prisoners, a la rue supply of lilies. atriniuniflUft and horses captured. (iOT ANSWKIt IN SKIKS TO KNOTTY QUESTIONS league, liecember 13?From time lo time fragile gives up to somu persistent deLvei* in records of the past thai are not without Interest. For it is an ancient city aud its mil seiims and bookstalls are filled with | chronicle* of what its people saitl and did in other centuries. A re c?'iil discovery is >.111 old hook 011 as tronomy which shows that the men of iliat day spent no Ii111?- time in endeavor** to rt\wl what they cailed the "enigma ?>r the ages," m oilier words, tlo-ir womankind. Miised oil tile illillieiice supposed to lit* exerted oil humans by the con stelation of the planets in the month in which they were born, this vol ume analyzes girls, according lo the Calendar, as follows: A girl born in January is very likely to become a good housewife. Sin- will inclinc to melancholy, hut will-have a gentle disposition. Feb ruary girls will he good mothers, and faithful. March maidens, however, will he loquacious. contentious ami quarrel some, while April babies wjll grow m> lo be iiierctirkil and u us tea dy women. May guarantees merry and ;?ood tempered girls, while June give* them passionate and fiery tempera ments. with an inclination to super ficially. July produces the roses among women, according to this old sage; beautiful but thorny. Horn a inorth later th'-y are amiable and sonsibK . but Mther keen for rich husbands. tJIrls 'born in September are of fine susceptibilities and are always ready to help others; they will, therefore, be wi-lcojm-d everywhere, but should guard against being Im posed upon 'by selfish people. Octo ber favors tie- ? irtli with creature* who Kirrpas allothers of the Sex a* depth and ardor of love. \V<?meii born in November arc kiiidhearted and friendly: If they are not it Is ilways the fault of Home body el He. never 11) ?? i r own. Th? lasl month of the year brings forth racy and very good looking girls, t'n fortunately lliey cannot be recom mended to earnest men. for they are very exiMvuguul and always 011 the hunt for sensations. INIIKCKYI KKMMtkS I O.NS M H'TK ASSAI LT Itab-luh. In r | \r? Jndf.'tent remark r? il rour tlni?*a by ?? n? - . ni man to a 1". vtiir-old white ulrl ron."Hiutes mi Ji.-?iiuli. aroordlftp to it <l? rlaion huntl*-<l down by the Hu I>piii?' Touit of Norfli Carolina yr*? t?rdny In th?- cuce of the Stat'- vm. ??? l orn? William*. Tin- Sui?i? iim' t'ourt nphr-ld the rip rl-lon of Judcc N. A. Sluflalr. who u? Hlfiirt ?| H <? ii? to IK month* till lh< Ciimbi 1 faird county road. H.IPTIHT?4 N??n XOT I'lT riCK.I< IIHIt l\ I'ltlKONS fin?toTiiii. Txw*niT??r 11 ? Th North Carolina HapUM Htutf Con* vintioti, ufltT ii brief tllnriiMfiton. thia mom In ic d?>riinv<i to adopt it nnolmion ln?t run lug tin* board of mlaftlon* to ?-inploy a man for wdVk In tht? prlnoii?* of tht* State. I>r M A. Adam* of lluthr-rfordton w.is ib" author of the movement. Kxcellent proKrct - wan rojiorircl by th?' l?aptl?t orphnnac- nnd the Wimfnn Ml**lonary t'nlon. The convention at tht morning Roatdnn here today nam'-d a tt^erlnu committee of nine tnemhera to d'rect collection of tbr remainder of the Utate'w nhare of the aeventy-five mil lion dollar rampalan. The campaign rloae* November 30, 1924, and the State'* ahare Mill In more than $2. UOO.OOO abort.

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