? #***??? THE II /. IV III it * loir ti'lli-.llt nn:l V-fjf ? ^5'r=ri I a-J />^/.^\ ^ * (IIU'I I. I I ll>\ &. Mil?.IlillK ^^MP?te3K iinlnv. V mill \.l.. nintl> VOL. XTI1. l-'IXAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY EVENINM. Ml".; ilMI'.Kl: II. 1!^::. TWELVE RACES. NO. 290. DISCUSS OPENING S [|KAf) *V.V K C I Mi t \?I Mri-lini* ;il Morrliratl 1 il> i?? l itki' I |? M?iI1it \is;:in :?! Kulriilii in .|;iiiuar\. at lia! ?1 i . .,u? -5'"H i ? iv i ii ..I ?.ut s*t??l <!? t?? rn:ii.? <1. T' ? e.-uir.ii-d ro-t i?j ? i!ti? N'-w If. let is $?;?i.(<i>oa but I'm iiuin'-i i ? * in in ? 1111 that an additional ? ???o ho rfsi'nt'il to take can* of fur ther <1 t**iluiiiu and eventualities. This jn ill very nearly use wp the a| j rn~ priatiou of $1 no.moo the Kisli I'olil .iission lias to spend in niteninu in 1? is oil the North Carolina coaM. ( A biaser ami much more valuable ,wo,tort under consideration is the opening of Nays H?ad Inlet, which would probably cost a million and a half, since the Croatan Sound w? uld have to be dammed, but this would iiioan. not only, salt water at Kden toiv. but.the far more valuable a*?*et.| a return of fishing prosperity. ?ucli sis was known 50 or more years auo. It is estimated that if Naus Head li'.b-t were opened the revenue *rom *had fish in*- in these waters, al la>t >tar's prices, would mean about a r.iillion dollars per annum, and since Mbemarle Sound and the l*oto'iiac are now about the only sullable wat-; ers for the tishim: for shad and her rinu. since other large bodies had been contaminated by shipping and luannlacturiiip plants. Another great influence h"lnt: Krou^lit to hear urulnu the op< nln;' i?t Nairs /H? ad Inlet is from the In ternational I'i lots' Association. a most influential body of ri.noti or ?nrote skippers, who demand some I hnrhor **f refuse south of Hatleras. All these things point to the reas onableness of our demand for Naus llead Ilihl beliiK Opened and the chambers of commerce of Kdenion. Hertford. Klizahcth City and every o?h?-r organization of representative citizens, as well as individuals, should take immediate action, with petitions and representations to i|ie l-'isb Commission setting forth this ?-rent need. It ii were bnt the flshinu Industry alone that benefitted from the open* iiiw of an inlet at Naus Head the vol ume of business demands this **ork h.ins done, and in this connection it should be remembered that shad is c:niuht in these waters durinu I ? nt. when the people of the count r> re quire this food, which Ihe present supply does not in any sense accom modate. There will be a (heeling of the! chamber of cominern called here Immejtllalely after Christmas, and i-1? ? c bodies will be urued to takej similar action. In the meantime ey | ? ry person should* be considering | this matter so that when the time,, comes si uii:antlc jiet.ition may be. signed reaily to present to the Fish Commission for consideration on January ,1 next. UKVDQUAHTEHS PCMt <ooi,iih,i, at <:iii<:\<;o Washington. l>?'f*. 14. -The u?m r ?l campaign Ix-ail'iuartors for Cool l<fv:?? will l>e established at Chicago r?ii December 27. It was ftrinoueced tnday. ( OM ICTS ESC il'IC It V SIIOOTI\(. It HI'I TV NVwport. Ark.. Dec. 14.? Il"T,ny ' ;iii?1 Harney flutier. escaped convicis from Kansas penitentiary, who wore raptured at Tevnrkana re cently. avaln ? scaped today, after one man obtained a pistol fr??n? the dep ?ijm returning them to Kansas. He j - ? 11 tlw deputy ami leaped from the tr.dn. after pnllint: tIm* cord. Tin puty wa* hadlv wounded. sicvehk i i<;iitin<; DOWN IN MEXICO 1*1 l'a?o. !>?<? It. Report of se vere fiyhtinv between the otiTposl. of Insurgents advancing on Mexico City and tha federal trnoim entrenched in their path was received here today. MKTUODISTS IMSCI SS I'KOBl.KMS OF CIIIIUII m* Tti? A-c.?-|?*r.l t'ri-N 1 1 * San Antonio, Dee. 1t?t'nlflcntlon I of the northern and southern branch-} ? and the duty of the church to bold fast to the established faith and re pudiate the tendenev to heresy. ?erc{ among the questions to be discussed at the college of bishops of tile Methodlst Kpiscopa I Church. South, in the three day*' meeting beaun to day. NOV KM IlKIt t'OTTON ItKI'OIIT Washington. her. II The Ce'ntnmJ ftureau report of cotton consumed and on hand for the month of No-} \* mber Issued today Is: Consumer. 5.11.6*1 hale*. Held. 1.438.1*13 bales Mr*. W. M. Perry of North Rwd i street is visiting Mr. and Mm. J. 0.j Hurgeai at Norfolk for aeveral days. | I STl IH'N I S Mi l l !> < IN ??i lU^l 1 11 i Tv/o feies Tonight Good Basketball That's What the Boys And Girls Teams Of High School Promise TonlRht at T : :i?? in the Community liiiililintc liaxki'ihall fans will see tln? girla ami hoys of Klizaheth City High School lxtMk**t ball teams put. up a good fight against (he ?irls and. hoys of Chowan hiKit school. Tiic season opens tonight with t double header, there being a game ''M'lwot n the i wo girl's' teams and one between the two boys* teams, limit are guaranteed to he lively, it is declared by the roachoH. F-1 n * are asked to be there promptly at to see ihe lirst game played by the girls which will be followed immediately hy the second. played by the boys. The n* liable line-up for the Eliz abelli City hoys is: Krwin Midgett. center: Marvin Mann. Wilfred Jones, forwards; Addison St'inton. Lister Mnrkhaui. guards. Substitute*: Marion Sevfj. rt. Waller Pearson. John Will'.ims. Minion Harris. The probable liii" up for the girls is: .\|argaret s iwyer. Monterey Cart wright. forwards-: Je?i<< Williams. Katheritie Hathaway. ? renters; Rachel Willi tins. Linn Stanton, guard*. HH.MIKS in \oi;i:i. rmzi: l oll MI DinVi: WITH llltJTlSIIKIC Kiel, Dee. It?Dr. Meverhaf of Kiel shared the Nobel prize for no di cine this year with Dr. A. V. Hill of London for their discoveries in the processes of muscle-moving. Botn ar rived at practically the same discov cries from entirely different means. Dr. Meyerhof delivered lecture? in New York. Ilaltiinore and Morton l(ist year on Invitation of the Tiockc felb r Foundation. (?ermany has been much flower than foreign countries to recognize Ills discoveries because he holds no chair in a Co rman univerMlty. CATCHY MUSIC \M) RltAM) MKW C \CS Willi only a few niuhls *?ff !?? r??f? Ifirs! showing of (he Klks Mm trel, there remain* but very lift I? that tin* rast cnn do. In a* much a* they are already 1041 |?er cent per fect ami ready to 120. Tli'1 catchy 111 upic. the m w t-in". the in w dance* ami everything are hound to be npp"alin? to the crowd* which will 1 tli?* actor? ami ac trcaye* vIh m the curtain. uo?? up m*\t Wi'dW'nday itlfflii nt the A Ik fa in n F. F*. <;?wil?'n of 11 ? Joo Tlren Pro durtion (Company of Chicauo ami K It. Cobb ??f Chariot? havi !????*n Add ed to tli'* cast ami both of these men arc professional* with yearn ?>f n.ins trel experience. |{ejierv<'(l seats vo on v;iI? ? Momlav moriilliir at 8 o'clock at lie Savings Hank & Trust Companv and tin nut est way to tret a fat Is to ? it early. The entire proceeds from the shows this year will b? donated in charity as has been the custom for many yearn with the K!kn. rilKI-'KIt l noMK liurlington. Vt.. Dec. 14 ? The old woman who llv. il In a ?hoe has a rival In a woman who for yearn has lived with Iter husband and Tamil) in an old scow moored at a coal wharf In I.ake Champlain in this city, where they have rained 1# children? \l on?- time Ibis family mov? d ashore to a regular hou??. but they noon went back to their marine quartern. On another occasion He wife and mother, who Ikih been bed rldd'-n for s<a\?rai v?-ar*. went to a hospital for t r> atlix nt. btit after five day* she said nhe ilid 110} c?-t ? aonsih frenh nlr. and Insist* d on I' tur; Iny to the ncow. ^ \MKKICW ( III |{< IIKS MI'S I Ml) KIKOI'KW f'olnillbnn. fill'*. | ???r#M|ih',r it American chiirche* iuu*t ko to th< aid of European Plotentaatlsni or ii will crumble. Ilev. Charles .*?. Mr Karl and. neneral n'ory of th?* federal Council of Charche-. d?*? c la fed here today In hl? add rem at in executive committee me?-ilnK. (. If. MIW IS TEH l\l> i.KT nth. P1YNOI.I. Philadelphia. December 14 Two h?ndlts bound and gagged the pay in anter of Mlctrael Melody and Hon Company' today and ear*peri with 91B.7H6 which he wn placing in the j envelopes of empljroen. ?Hsanssr .^;^,' ? | ? Th? oldest and younpcst fixtj) n,.,. ,.. a.,.| ?*!??? r.. .? woman member arc shown abovo. !.> ? i.? i; u. ? (? i .,:4. ,-w ? of Ohio, ape 89; Mrs. May hi. Nolan. ?? \\.<u..?u tnv:n'?.T. and. l.;>tcr H..1 of Alabama, a^o 2S. IIMF1I.I.I) I.K\I)S Vt TO IHKKDOX1 llilslol. TViin.. I i-p. H.? Five prison* is headed 1 ?> .1 nilII H.it fit-Id. au*-?| "rt, veteran ?>T ll?*? Hatfleld-McCoy f??ud. ur<* lit lai".?- in 111*? Cumberland mountain* t'liilowinu their . en nulioii.ll escape from WIm' Coilllty JiliI I;|::| lliiihl. Tin* men slid i low it tlic Are ho'i' Irom tin1 I'ourtIt floor. The sheriff's posse' is handicapped in tlx- pursuit by a heavy snowfall. Hailh-hl is mull r a 2n-year feliipiipi* for murder of liis coii.?in. Stephen Woods is un d?:r a 2u-y?ar nee for murder. A lev Mul! ins is charged wltli murder. C Ou Kd wards with criminal assault, and Carl Miller \vi(li prohibi tion violation. (,ki:m xm s i h i. i< vs I AITII IN KKICII IJA.NK ? l III) l>.-r. 1 I Tint.- art* l. iluy many lo-rmmis who thoroughly be lieve thai tin* old. red-slamp*d thou sand mark notes, of the lieich hank, issued before the war have not shared tlie decline of other paper money, and will sonic day he re deemed at their fare value in wold. Incidentally there is a la rue crouji of Itiissians who fe? I the same wax ahout the rubles of I lie (lays of tile czar. Trade in the old Oerman momy has heen especially lively iii for* Inn countries, and all sorts of ruses have heen adopted to yet those hills out of ('lermajiv in violation of the law against hiicIi export. Women liave sewed them into their clothing. a'lid they have heen concealed In ever, possible wa\ in baggage and freight. I.arge <|iiautities of this Mirrenc* ul timately find their way to Pugland and the United States. l.nrUin (>urri'll to Jury This Afternoon Cumin rl.uid Courthouse. Va.. December It With the ?testimony ? onpleted yesterday and the final argument-* starting to the Jury tills morning Indication* were that the Jury would get the ease In the nild afternoon III the second trial of Lirkiu (iarrett for the murder of llev. K. S. Pierre. XXII I \K<;OTIXIK XXn il TUK I KKNCII Pari . I)er. It The Cernian. .?ov ertinient has officially announced its intention to Initiate dlr* ct negotia tions with the French concern Iiil* the Uhiuelauil and the Ruhr. according to a llavas dispatch from Iterl'n. OI.YMPIf IMMhl.Y TF\MS wii.i. M?-.irr mm \i:v -J." Cliamonlx. France, pec. 1 I The Olympic hockev teams ropr?sontin the rfilled St.it> s and Canada xx i I he placed at I lie Head of the two se Hen of teams entered for tie- <-omp< tltlon here this winter. heuiiuiit.j January 2:1. X'1'1 total Mimber of countries entered to date niin.l*?-r eight and no further entries are ? pected.. Canada will lead the upper half of the draw, playing Ktiuland in theli first match and the winner of Prance and Norway In the semi fin als The Niaericirns have n much hard ? r road to travel in the lower half. They meet in the first round the t??mil representing Sweden. Should they survive that round then 11 >? \ - xvill have to face the winner of'the Switzerland versu- Csecho-Slox akin gam** iu order to r?ach the final The Sxvhs v* ill probabl; ?. ive -the Americans a very hard Aiihl. s Ml i ?it: sot Til .Sjo Vh'dni. lie*-. || Parking th* ?r br*t?i skin coats at home a'oiu with their worries about the price of coal, a ^ roup of Swedlfh adventur ers lias just sailed awax from 11* winter nights of the North, hruind for llorneo and other South Sea Isl ands, where they will take motion pictures and write up their impres sions for the benefit of Ihelr fellow citizens. They will l>e gone eight months. Senate Aspirant. This is Tom Morgan Butler. Itc? publican national committeeman from Massachusetts, who will bo it candidate (or the U. 8- Senate tl that state next fall/ AW M l KKI'OKT I KOM \ II.I.\?;K GOLD SKKKKIt SJiv?n. Ilulsnria. Dp<*, u \ bran* of Turkish chick* us ivi'iilly hrituuht fdim; uold iiucin-tx into Sli \ill th?'ir vull?'Is. aiiirr wliirli time til** towiispf oplf have Im-imi ihiuUinv far mori ??f prnsp?*rf In:: than ? >1 i!i#?ir avoid ii??1 ii,?| i \ of si'iiin In;: woolen elm h. Tin* hlrils wori- ran icl to Up market place l>v a Turkish |*?-kv.?iit. sine- ??am rly souuht. and sold Ir. Iv an Mannloff. I'r**pnrlnu IIumii r??r tin* | Mil Ivan f mi ml tin* nuv ?->" whirh. att? i his e\cit? iiietit ahi.l'-d. hf siil11 to th<- l?ic;ti voldsmith for ?100 b*va I\iin has <|nit work, anil Is (li'vnlin^ all his thin- In s?#kinv t!ii? villai;** wln-n* tli** Tuik rnlw-'l tin- Ohirkfiis. His ar_ nun-tit is t ..it thus could In* tract* tin ?nuiiif ol ill* filial. Hut In- is still lookiiiu. for, tIn* r?- iic m. ii- Turkish trljlNllt'ji in tin* Sllvrti (listrh't. ami tin- Turkish l?<asaiit has not r*-i?i*?-?l in tin* mnrkft |?|ji*liir?* tin* ?ln> of tin* now historic oerurfiic*. N KTWUNS lit? W KM. \s skii.i.i:i) i.Mil Ih rlln, Dir 1 I Mm who lost tin Ir i*>i-sIlIiI during flu- war. to ih?* minihir of f?l. tmlav f? it?l profit abl< in|?l?iyniciif In lh? Sb?nii'i' Srhtirk ? it K loot r lea I Works in t h Im rlty. Tiny work on liorlnu ami Ktaiupltw luachini s. ami sm h has bri n ?11?? Ir tralnlnL' flint tin > lalior suon sufully alonuslde of iiH-ti who-' hIaiIiI l? nut impaired. Itut spfiial ib vh * s hav? In !??? attached to tin* rmirh.lm i?f, th? blind to protect them against a? < iib nt. i \n i;rv to kxkiu isk \M) KKIH'CK \\ Kll.ll'l \Vnk#? I'iikhI. !'<:'? II I'lill I I |i v, assistant roach at Wnk? I'i :?-? f'olb announce* a plan ' the I'durlion of avotdiipois amoi..- fac iilty nnmberr of tin- I'.apti-t In* t if u lion and a program w lib it tt i'l ' ot incluib readlnu freshim-u i!ftn? . ? ?reek dipbthouk"*. the cOi r? #?* i:i - of ipily.zv-i or examination- I 11? ?, in tend* orfianiflht; a volb t?.? 11 t> ;nn amonu tin profex-ers at Wake I'or i?f. "If v ?? ran arrant'* uann-s. w? will fdn> cm >? t- wl*h tin faiiiJtbs of staff, Trltilt v and f*arnliiia.A states fin assistant coach. \|fiMtn rs of th** fafiiii' Ifi whom I'thy has broarh'd tin* subject an fnlhu la* tlr ovr?r the pro--pert ><' of a-Hint (In If daily doz? n without tin nere. *ar> accompaniment of winding lh? Vlrfrola. "Voll? \ hall !-? tl>f coiuliik -vino, f.ifx-clnlh for thou** who need anme moderate fv rr|?e that will off* i tin /??si of fomiif lit ionf lat' ? I"? *? \ II-- walls that win :? I." was at th* I'll-v isit of Illinois l,?ht era I htindrfd b-ariifl urn* k ni r?* nightly en joy Ins tin Indoor rfmrt "W" ru'/hf to In m?lf to ori(atil).' a ?'m^| team nt Wak' Konnt," In fhe opinion of I'tley. I'racftcr would r'i|iilre mi boiir or more xrvornl tlmen i-acli we? k mil would brliiK Nome la nifmbfrN of the faculty to the hardwood floor, j 1T i ! \T9 Si(ivtir/rd .. rt* j i j , imirschv V. !y AtSlctic \j>-' sr.cia?ion Put Up Good Ci.u.io, I i.:v. v ? >t 1.. - ' livll't i. I ? Y'e :.;!!??? ? till t ? *? I oi. tt it i :? i ?!*h. I! ? '! " f 1 ? ? l?' .11. l. : .-vl'i' 1 ! ?? III I. ? ."I : ? - o.i I. hnl i: ti. to luake ;i lit-. ? I ! ? r | he lirsl li< ? tr'uMI*-* ? ?1' i?S:i\. T iis w.:> ? i i!i'? 11*Iy in i ? r?* ?: j 11 ?' it-iml Tl*eii tn ? ? . i'ii ? ?? ? h;iis w? r?' shot si>t?l t!i? srnri in tin* lirsl ?|iiart?*r mood i .ii "i*'. v. r?Mi?i I'll.i fl-T started off W ?'i I 11 ?? ?Ltl?* llO>> <i< Ii I'lllilli'd t?? i vi ii U|? l!' ? miiiv, ami they l'i>lluIit :i i;ir.| uane At 1 ; ? Mow of I ho v. 11 i -11 ? ? tor ill-- h:.!f. the sciirc was; n lit- I;? \ or of H?'i Monl wJth lit. As soHjilinii -.ain'tr-:. Tii*' third quarter v'.is tin* most' i'\Mi:iiu of thi* coat*-I w'iImth team.- rl.'*d iJi.-ir ulnovsi. efforts to vain a i1i-cmI<'iI loud. In this period flo* home defense i-ain?"l headway aiid for .t while seeiued ilie virion*. Til** scuii' ;ii |lie 1'iid of this session was Mil! with Hertford in tho lead. In lh? fourth <|uuNer I lie Siaine was definitely won h> Hertford wllh a filial score of \t on#' time during Hi" play the score was lied. thf fans shout in*: in d. li-ht. At all .Hint's tlii- play was fast and few fort Is w? r?- called. The ..star of tin* evening was Dwi'.iit for tho local ho> S. shooting Ji\ ? - voals. Moruart followed with two. both Italian! and Alford scor ing on?* ? ach. Itaujn as Kiiard l?liiy??d a hard and consist*-nI ^anii' and had his share of credit that tho score of tin- visit inu t<-aiu was not mure, Kor the leather tosse-rs of the op po?dnv side the honors were noire di vided. Me.Miillan Catherine in four of the uoals. Willford three. Stokes three. Silts two and Skinner one. The linr ti|? was as follows'. Ilertfor?1, Ull. I*iis. K. I'ily, IK 1,. Skinner forward Italian! Stokes . forward hwiulit McMullan center Mon.art Willford uuiiril AI ford Sills l ua I'd llau hi Aulhorizril Tu KnIciiiI l.inr To Coul Mine Washington. Dec. 14 ? -Tin Inter state Commerce Co minis:* ion decision today authorized -the Virginia rail way to extend its Ciiyandot river hronch a distance of slightly over a mile in order that no further railway const ruction should !ie authorized to open tn-w coal mines. ih\i:i:s iii:m;i\(. ki\tim i:d The |.|. liminarv iSearinu in the c:i ? of 11 ?? II ??> Idvels. >OIIII" w'life man rharired with having le eji an tic complice nf |.i Koy White, colored, in two hni":la'ies. and who has teen held, so far as is known, oil no evl denci olher than thai of White ,:im .?lelf. in jail vince last Sund:?v, has l??*."ii set for Monday of next w Absence of I'rosecutirv Attorney Saw\? r from lh< citv is now tlv ?n as the reason for continuing the case. MM OMOTIN KS C;iVK\ \F.\V <;i.AM)S OF MF.'U San !?*???lirlfiro, 1>?r\ 11 Lornmo th< . wlilh not to xhtml 1 miiHplantInn. ran ln? h-Juv li8t#d, according to mi jiiinounr?-ui?'nt l?v t!?<? Southern I'arlflc ComiiMiiv Tin- railroad l.? authority for tin1 id iiteiiH'lit that weak ;i'?*! ?!?-#? ???? |?jt !<? <*? * 111?it h> - r; III In V il till/* (I. ??in I _ i 7,ft\ anil oth?rvii-? mad? ov? r Into I-hr<l wofklm hauler-* of iruin* "Sihih- of t>i?* ? nuln- ?< iir# hcinu ??!?? r*i't? ?| with tn-iifi i I'ltlf.lfiiry than u h< n f 11?? \ w?r? iM-u ," said '? ?ni'sc Mrf'ormlrk, yii|MTlnlend' n' of luo flw- jiow? i for I ho* railroad. ViiHfMj im w af?|dlanc? * and fmrtw ?f on tin- old cnLim-*. Tl>? ? at" ov? -rliauh-d from I? ti*I* r to row catch* r. No i>i tin old' t limine of 11m t'i" on tin S. IV Hm Kwntly it *ji- refitted. Und now it I* esirr> in t!?? D.ivli.lit Limit* d daily the ? titIr?? dl-tanre Im Iw'h'Ii San l-'rHtiel# rii and l.o> AnM lew. IT I tnI!????. rnrrtiN m mikct N' w York, I>ee 1 I H|?ot cotton rlovf d Iillddlinv I'n fill'* filled ill tin following lo*i'ls: li'o ftilu r : I Im. Jantia? . Ma?* 11 .1 2T,. M?y 31.40, July n iiii'iin i 2x.o0. Sy# York. iW^i'mbiT II At two f?. rn. fotton future* W?T?* an fol low H^'-mlwr uti. January ? *?v: M.irrh 3 4 9*.: May ?,5.12; .luiN : I Ocinbi'r 2<*.r?n. *.? n York, |)it, I t Cotton fu inr'-x 0|i.n?d Ml th?- fol low In* r?v?*l?: |n-f Januan : I 20. March :m ?,*. M?v ::f.H?. July ::1.12. Octo ber 2*4.47. ? ? Mr* Henry Whltchur*t U npopd in if h few day* In Norfolk with friend*. BAPTISTS VIII AD JOI RN TODAY .?n??mhii- i>\ < <?i:\cniion lo ( Willi Memorial^ In l)?Tr;<H <1 I'ihloi'* ;iikI V?l fire-* !in Dr. I'nrlcr. - - - J II 1' It. w K' ? ?? ??? i ? <1.1' was r. ? . f. .1 id. m of ? . N i. C iIhU'list . ??? . : t ? T:.i v ill his >? A-Iilli t-ii 1 . i .>ri\? !:t i?>li at it - elo.-iuu m-s ??I. ! ? I ? I ? ni;i v | ? i 11 r .111 > s? I aside. .1 ti.?i v 17 a- i ? ?!;?> ??n which Noil i t*.irnliiM liaplist will hi' oil!!???! r in tin ir local church**}! for ta-iin^ and prayer. Th? eoniliiission named las| year to r?'|Min plans for tin- denomination sd work alter lli?< rlw of the :?ev enl> li\e Million dollar campaign recommended a goal for 1 !?'.!"? of one million dollars for all denomination* al ohjirb t?\rlusi\e of the orphan am'. It recommended thai every. UH'iiiht'r of ihf church be canvassed (Inline I In* lasl week of 1!I24. Tin' hoards of missions ami ??du ration were instrucied io take charge of tlif 1925 campaign. No Invatlou for I he iii'Nl Hi'Hsloti of l ho conven tion havinu he*ati received the ?elec lion was h it to tin* executive com mittee of'the hoard of missions. I:- \ \ I'aul llacliy of Wake For est v. il! preach Ho- convention ser nion with IJi'V. W. I). Splnx of Wins ton-Salem a." nl tern ale. ' Castonla. life. 14. Klection of a president for the ? uniting year wan deferred until today by tlte North Carolina I la pi ist convention at its session last lilf-hl I)r. I:. W. S |il 11 mil n of Kin?ton, ih?- pre*# nt head of the convention, and Dr. \V. t' llarrett of (iastonia, have Im i'ii iioiuiiint?'d for the presi de my. 1 \ resolution rail in p. for the con solidation of tin- state hoards of ed iieation and missions was defeat* d at til*- ronvi-iitIon's sslons yesterday. Today's sessions afe scheduled to In* tiijki'ii np with discussion and con sideration of I'ducutlonal problems. The conv? nt Ion will adjourn this afternoon after no mortals to pastors of P.aptist churches in North Caro lina who have died during the year, have I nad and the llual address has heeti d< livered hy Dr. S. J. Por ter. A < OUKKITIOV. In the advertisement of D. Wal ler Harris. Tile City Tailor, yester day. there was a typographical error making it appear that one was sav in*-: $|o.uuu on the purchase of uu overcoat. Mr. Harris says that doubt less one saves this much if lie con siders the fact that lie might catch cold aird die from not having an ov ercoat. hut he only meant to call at tention lo Hh far! that one would save at lean $10.uu In buying one of his special values now on sale. TltlNi n IS DOING I'HM TICAI, WOKK Trinity Colh Durham, Dcf, 14. Trinity profc .??mm mi'Uj to havw I lie 11v lit i?|. )i ahout linking up pruc It' oni of tin- i-liiiis room with tlmo i> In i In* rhts iiHiiu H whh report ?'I >i ii r?ln> thitt Dr. Cotton of the I rl hii'iil of KcoiioiiiIch look III* Has. hi I iii nsporl ii (ion Hitd cotton in ;i I k ? 11 ii l- down lo llnlolKli lcc? .tly lo study it *- s\mi. in unod by the North Carolina Cotton Co-operative .\ n ^oc hit Ion. Thin aft'inoon I'rof. I). C. Jack on. Jr . of ihi* department of enjn i crliik. takes lilr class of i hIrtn -indents In hi'aiii cnuincerlnK out to lino river lo imikc a flftif hand Miudy of the plant of tli?? Southern lvw??r Compan\ TliI* tin- tillr?l trip that I'rof Jackson iiri?t lily clans liavo tak ? n The firhi Ir11? wn.i made to the plant or tin I in rf i :< r n Traction Com pany. whi'ii' ?i. <!? lsiiI* i! ptudy of the -Hani plant of tin- traction company wa.j l hoiotiwhly invest irated and ills nm?< i| "latter the Him* went to Ha Iimj'i :ii,i| looked ovi r (hp wteam plant of ih? Carolina I'ower A Light Company local ? d then . Tin oi" in all iluht mo loitK an you .k? ? j- M'iictfri- up with, or a little ahi ad of. Mich theory, think* I'rof .fack-<nu It lt? r< ionrkahle how re.ioh nmr* lull nut hi- student* arc fa* ink lu Hu ll ?ii. Inccrlns ponrwn sine.* hv h.-.m ta kin. I h? *?*? trip* to uludy moiiI' of tin principal steam plant* in this section. It I \ in I S I t I' l l RE I IIISKSH TOII S in* T>* Pr??? I Htisuiuhai. Iw?r. 14 Three thous and )?(*ftflItH captured lli?- lowit of CliflliP, hilrnfl and lontid the hoti* ? I'n111***1 hw.tt four official.*, ??i?<t mop t!?:i ii 100 resident# Inrfniilnx women. Jiri-onlli'.. to ili<i|>nlrlM't?. I'IKST I1AITIHTH \VOllKI\(i Ai Wedneaduy nfkht'?? ?? rvlce, and wii!? the pa*tor awav. the Flrat Hup - iiif.i here mailt* >i r?ri?rd for au?'n? (Inner* of 40 per cent. having 24S present. with I9S having read th?l nrrlptiife leanon. Them -in* only 1 wo more Wedn** day night's before l he attendance contest with Uiureniv 8. P. Ilaptiat church will Homo, and all good Klmt Ilaptlsta Ate making an effort to win.

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