Political Situation Menacing Continued from pa-. in : Baldwin lias b. ? u more tf..:nu I.- and w?ioc\? r now n.im- to l> wr.iti- Sir??i will be in a worse vit iation than all three of his im v.i-'diate predecessors. What Would Kjmo Suppose that Lord Derby takes tS'.e reins of power. H?- must at ?nce s? . k Liberal support. In practUv ho iu>>t ? ither win Asquith 01 Lloyd t;. n-?'. Hut if In* seeks to make a ha: uahi with Asquith then it is far fri'in 111\Iik?*l> that Lloyd Georue will so? u lead an attack upon the fore it; n pr'io ft l>*iby. which ma> b?* tivn,;.l> to Krance and in this lie wi I |.. >Mp|iortt>d by a similar Labor o' n?i\? It. hy contrast. l)??rb? i... .? - t- rins with I.loyd Geor-e he \vi : di\ide hi* own party perhaps ho eb *?ly. ;:?,t if Holneare. havinu resolved U( ti a conrs? of action which n.r-ht Vi voke British protest, sees tin* Bri li~ Ministry hopelessly divided. In c.? abb oi liiakinu up its own mind, b. In hardly likely to hesitate to uo ab'tv. t*'e pathway" outlined. Actual |v vou have the foreiun polic> of t British Kmplre paralyzed hy the m.-t personal and parochial consid erations Imaginable. Whoevet is Pi line Minister will represent r.s to liS own party n political oruaniza ti. :i in the minority in the country a-.d In the House of Commons and 1*-. refore will continue only on suf f? i ance. I.loyd Georue has now a nem op poitunlty to make his Ions ch? rlshed e\ ?.??riment. the creation of a central party, drawing Its strength from the II'- rpl Tories and the Tory Liberals. Hi- Idea would be to create by fu >i? 11 of a majority of Tory and Lib ? ral parties a n?*w party which would b. the ultimate opponent of Labor. H? would destroy both the Tory and thr Liberal parties and create a new patty which would be. in reality his I < i sona! party and would insure bim a' loir- leas** of power. Hut it is haid to luiaulne that either Tories or Liberals would consent to such- a transformation at the present mo rn, it. On the contrary I believe that * n> ?i-I: Tories and enough Liberals would pt??f* r Labor to Lloyd Oi ttr^e to prevent such a development now. llMniM of I.loyd tieorue. In tlp> end it is hard to see how irtich r. combination of the Tories and tli* Liberals in a new conservative l?;tity. conservative by contrast to Labor, can be prevented. It w-.ubl probably co!iie much more prom ptly ne-v. ir it dbl not entail the return ot Lloyd Cleorue to control of what would be at the outset a coalitloi ev er. if eventually it led"'to n fusion. O . factor in tin* Itritish situation \.: '.eh must not be underestimated is t' <> tremendous distrust and dislike ot' Llovd (leorye common to the La bet and Tory parties and shared by .it b ast half of the Liberals. Labor wS'A not take lilin on ally terms. Vis ct'tMU Younper and his majority ??f l? Hard Tories are equally rescsved a'~:*inst any Lloyd Georne soluiion an-1 the Asquith Liberals only trade ^ ; c?- with fieorue In the hope ot" re unlniuK a position which was not re-j c.e ? iit? r. d In the last . lection How can a treat nation, in alt its traditions, institutions and political , \ ? rb nee habituated to n two p-iijty system of Kovernmeiit adapt itself to a three party system? Is a three pain svsteni hi any sense viable while the three parties represent doctrine-. Which are tnutimlly r\rlu siv\ ? There you have the funda mental problem in Britain today. Hut. by contrast, chaos is incoweiv ?b!e, paralysis cannot endure with out fatal consequences. Thus you h.*.\e tlo amaxlnu paradox that l?ns iand never In h? r Ions: history so nr. ded authoritative leadej^Jiip and ... ctl \e and continued party control .1 nev? r seemed so utterly' con .!? : ine.l to Incoherence and chaos. p essential to perceive, too. that t'.i- Itritish situation is hy no means unique Italy has a dictator pree|*e iv I.. cause parljauu ntary ?ov< ru nt, ht failed to function and the na tion despairing of b-irtl paralysis tur.ied to extra loyal dictatorship. Si-aln has dot!" the sane . Germany has moved with unmistakable r? *-ii lnrlt\ toward a similar situation. The collapse Of the Czarist fiovernment %",i< In no small decree due to the f;>ci that it found Itself Incapable of direct inp the rtusslan u at Ion at war. Only France, of nil the K.iro v? . n nntlons, has been able to adapt iiw institutions to the present world cri-is and proceed without a violent bt>ak with Its past. Concern for Amcrlcn Vow there Is no more Interesting pre1 >lent in the world today, certain ly t one of more immediate and even in I concern for Americans *han that idled M Great Hrltflln. The fash i, in which It meets and surmounts it. sent problems will have e.tor . . , meaniirr for even* country and f(ours perhaps llrst ??f all. Tlritaln ??;ive the world Its present form of i. ,-r. seiitatlve Kovemment. which despite many modifications lutM been Adopted ov? r tnost nf the civilized world. Ilttf tint system was found ed. as I have said before. 113.011 the two party system and now the two party system has broken down. ,\? a consequence of trie prevent crl-ls. will Britain turn to that con tineiital variation expressed in gov ernment by blocs, by the fusloi. of ?half a <1iIy follow lli?' lorman ?-\aiii|il<>. where tiiere are many parties hut lhcM> parties an- ho divided b> questions of major importance, thai no slroiu ministry can e me rue and no Chancellor can hobl ofiici* beyond a few brief w? i kc? It may b* thai we are not .!*?>? ' tilled to witm-*.* an intermediate slaut*. Lord l>erb>. for example, ?ululit hold office for a time, supi ort *?<1 by the laruer part of the Tories and a certain fraction of the Liber als. I'nder cover of this compromise there mi.;lit slowly come about a fu sion between Liberals and To.ies. the creation of ii new party on the ruins of th? ? Tories and ihe Liberals. Itnt the tioublc i.- that |?? rby ?>? not of the stature to accomplish this task and the single man w ho mi.-hi. namely Llo>d t?e??r*;**. i? personally repugnant lo a majority oi the Ton ies and Lite-rat-* who might conceiv ably share in Mich an amalgamation. Hit tntoi-*hi|i I ncotireU able. That final Bniain will have a dic tator !;? unthinkable; in practice it has had or* in Lloyd Oeorge and Hie experience l:.is l.een disastrous. Tmit ilier?- will ??? any sudden or violent solution of the present crisis b equally unlikely in view of the tra ditional d??lMierateness of the British mind and method. The supreme po litical iilft of the race is an ability to advance not by rushes hut b> compromise and to avoid nnaichy when no complete solution is discov erable Bui the one disturbing fact, which, must l:e considered, i* the present posture of British affairs. The coun try needs a strong policy at home and abroad. Its domestic and Its lor elun problems are not only tjryn?en* dous but the need at least for some partial adjustment is clamant; If. for example', tin* present Fr.iTico tferman 'agreement in the Hulir ;ic l unity comes Into operation. Knglnnd is uoinu to suffer an enormous de cline in i* * coal trade ?n?l not im possibly il'uj its markets at home flooded v. )l:? Ihe cheap products nf Ceriu'Mi I ml u-it ry and perhaps of French s?* v ? II. This would mean a new ??\pam-l??n in th*- intoler. bjt evil of uiicniidoy metit and a fre?di ir.cn as*- of the al ready well niuli nondurable bur den of taxation lo sustain the unem ployed. It would then 'mean an ac centuation and a swill und very con slderalrlo expansion of doi-.i* ?iic Ills. A gOl ernIDC!'t. r.ef e.';.4i?-|?v J _\v? resting on Interim t?>?:*??i.? ? ? ??- .1 ? ?| lacking in all authorit" voiiM '? called upon lo face conditions which won Id call for tlie exercise alike of great capacity and unrestricted authority. Ml things considered li is harjl t?. see how the relent election can b> regarded as anything but a supreim calamity for the British people. It was unnecessary. Instead of settl ing any thin? il replaced comparative order with political incoherence which cannot ? \ji_it decided nothinu. >a\? t ? v ni;-. minor question ??t prot?-? ????? . ??' wa-i at b*?st a \rltol<> f??rivd :? r:?t un r? al i?riic. \iul. as ! h;?\?- said. {J. ;;s mmy siuii* in \Ya*hit -ton *:.?w t. our own ('onuri'Mt ami our own ail ministration art- about to tar** sr.im* thinu of tlo* same bloc problem with soiii*- of the sain** circunistai r??s. Prltish politics for a lonu line to ooni?* will hu\** for the Cnit?-d States a v#-r> r?al ami ? luiurinu Interest. TKX.W iim>ks roiiw m:i? TO \VI\TKK Y| X(a S:*' -? nil. T-x-.s. IWivu h>-r J"? ?Po!?? teams from fi?ur ci?IIe?c*-!? mil i in.tii lio/i-u civilian and army ?? :m :? * wii. maki- t!i?? fh'lii ???' Hi- .M!Oii! wint -r polo tourna ment. '.. tip.; lit-*-*- |)?'p??m ? r -?? and ?"iur;riM:nM throughout the Christmas hididiw. It :* the first tiin*- t..< tliabranches w.ll coin I'i'lf S'S i uri'Mp. flu* iaiiouf elapse* her?'iof?>i ?? holding individual tour naments. Civil" iii teams from Detroit. St. !. ? {?*. Ii.illa*. i\an-?n? CMv .ir.?l l?os M-'ith < .1' *hr- !:;?? hos* ? i r.i ??(.: y |? ? I? ? f.?ur% u!?ns th? \?ca:i ?t?Um Mil. !i.iill* with the ..?? the m viit army t-.itus uhi? li a:. |ocat< <1 in San An t ?n;o. Th" toiVgc iimiik mo l'niv??rsity of Aiizonu. Tuscon. Arizona. Nf* Mexico Militur> Institute, l{osw?*ll, N. \W: I'nhvrsitj ??f Oklahoma. Nor man. Oklahoma. and T**\us A. \ M. I'oltfjgo Station. Toia?. It i* pltui'-tl to have the winner t?f tli. colhK?- ?*v?*ni hero nn*et the champion of tfie Kastt-rn lnt?Tcoll?" jsi-.iie loiirnaniriit at a snlisrqwnt ?\eiil to l>?- ntsiui'tl in San Antonio in t li?- t'urlv sprint:. rroviitHiu-f township i? the loca tion of some of the most lti:*>r?'>tiuK Iar:ti4 in ilo- Comity. Hi'vj* out* may I -11 ? I a number of progressive tami ??r? wlio an* gelling excellent rosiili* froju their crops their slock ?mE JUST AS POSniVC,OCAft K/C7M.4N, THAT I'M THAT YOU'fcc *U(3.0nC2 I L'u. Q.&T risht gj ihc "Dictionary anD^Provns iy TO YOU, Too il (vG(.C, TWIS UTT<-<5 HOU'SIS H j(_Ti DICTIONARY KxSSIM'T ?w~7 - ^."j I -IH- South Water Street ?.? ??? ?-? i WHAT ABOUT LINEN Popularly priced,