ti i? r t it v ti s t !' ll.nrv I'lino lulu Srr u? Oil Tanker for ( lark. II" TauiaraH;. "'in1' I'' ? ym t nt ||< ?r? I iml, wt-iit down 1 !s?? -ou >1 with !:? r first oar-u of p*tro leu i products ;i> i?.- property of M. L. Chirk. a--em ?>f ? IT?*as C'?m pa'. ? at 11 *?Zii !?? Ih City. Tin* vnk s o: i> tins the Tamarack from. si x.?ri into an oil boat was compi.-i.d \! ? lay at ih?* plant of th?? Kliza'*i-th City Iron Works and the I*. S in-j sptdors of luilU arrived and pa.-si-d , />:. tin- vessel. S ?? \\a? taiion out from her moor-, i si - > at th?' iron works Monday af-. ternoon and Uvcn a trial run of a; f. w lullfs. ? H?r full speed wax not dff? rmined In tin* trials as slip vas not lft out to the full pow?r of her en.Irion. Alter the run. the was load-' ?>d Willi petroleum products at the T? \;?s Company wharf at the foot of rearing street. Her trim Hoe,-: will enable Iter to make fast time to servej tlii? section. C.iplain- K. I'. Outlaw has n rhi -? n as matter of the Tamarack.' " Co -lain Outlaw has -been up to now in charge of the Carolina. Captilnf \V. t). Gihhs will be in charge of the Carrrtinn now. Karl Taft is en-' i;i?h?r of the Tamarack and John' Patrick the mate. John Smith is co*"-1:. . T ?? Tamarack is the vessel that Vjir. ? d to the water line in the A I lii iarh- sound three years ago. She wa- purchased |?y Mr. Clark from tin. und? rwt iters. I I Ml WAIIM STII.I. Washington, IVc. 1 k.,?D?put\ S'. 11IT J. .1. Hodges and Kllsw u*tii Kv.ru. located a 200 uallop copper ili-iillinv plant Saturday afternoon wit .in a half mlof the municipal ? cltie and water plant towards. T':- t<-rs Creek. The plant was' >v.im i vh'-n found by the officers go i*'- 'o show that it had he?n func ' tic; i:m .a short time before lie of llc. i - appeared. Over ft.OPO gallons of beer were poured. T. is i? said to he one of the larg est si ills ever captured. m:t \K> i:i->.n iit?-:i? vrri:\i? II \M-ltAM-i W SKIW It Hs Washington. Dee. n?'fnrd?'r Van uir and Chbf Hamilton nr> ?!? - lor Unit i* 1 ? "drunjcs" l? 'on* f' ? court from now on to the clese of ltam-ltamsay iniotlnu will be required to attend e:irh and >or\lee for ii> least ten days. Tneso ?"dmnks" will not be jail* rl nor um-d hut ??rd? rod to uo to church. Kach ??n cn?d? r and chief no tillod. If tin* said "drunk" fair* to -ho- himself at a sinalc service for .? p? Hod of tti i <' ii ??? in I ho discretion of tin- recor der. While tM.? If a novel way to ????,?? ke folk * at loud church it if a uood one. Chi? t' l'uhi-r Morris should provide n ?o:it of honor for the pro*p< ? ?ivo imbibers, It la a pity som-' folks l. iV' to fill up on "fire water" in or d? i to. hear a Kospcl message. BODIES FOUND IN CAS FII.I.ED HOI SF. Sonttie.- Wash.. Dee, 18 The bod ies of Kimono A. Chllde, prominent lawvt r and legislator. ami Mrs. Cla ra Men dancer and mu?lclsn. wer' frit d tod.v in a gas-AIIed Iioiika -v. ?'i ?' if I-? believed th'"" died t '1 t heforo they were discovered. < IIII.DHEN HELP STOP ACCIDENTS Sun Francisco, Doc. in One thousand pnhlic school hoys* of San f-'ranclftCO, from 12 to 1H year* old. have hoen organised Into u traffic re serve force. I.Ike the regular I raf fle policemen thev are posted or the corners surrounding schools. were they reuiihite tin prosn-w of auto mobile.1* and woe that thefnfellow stu dents croM the xtr??ets* safely. They *tuv|th the police in i-irp : rousing reekb driving and care io ? walklm.'. anil In supervising the flow of traffic. During the fen months the drath raf for motor accidents here was re dncod 2.r? per eent from that oT the same period In 1??22, according to ?tatl*ttcs prepared by the assocla-' ion. * j Representnfives of northern and tr?l California cities, at a recent tinu here, decided to ndntil a ? lar plan in their communltl - . K\ i NINt. miKHHKH KOM THK rtfltlSTM.lM |).IX( I: Jtist received a shipment of dainty evening dresses?Pretty styles -pop ular prices. M. l/eigh Sheep Co. ad Beauty Mile. Germaine". famous French lEannoquln, shows above In a re* raarkable pictorial study, has risen to claim the title of the most bea??( tlful mannequin in the French city*! Kit; It NED TO DEATH 1\ HOI S I ON HO I EI. Houston, Te\., Di e. H, ? Three unidentified bodies l.uv.i en removed and ll is feage* heart of the at a tu? ? tin. of Mixta Is which w'as attend* .! b.. Lloyd r.rciTr and |?r;u t irall\ ??v?*r> Liberal nieut ber of puritan ? tit. declarer! t!i;it the Liberals intend t*? remain free from alliances with other parti* *. CAI.I.S |t ,S? a ft? Contention, and wi'.i preach sit j{lv erside Sunday, that i bur* It having called 11im for his full tine Hev. Mr. ISankK recent!^ r* duned iif hotli Itiv* rshb and Sal* in. ' ut Itiv? .-i?le declined to accent hi - i- m. tuition and ? .t* tided i.iiu a call for his mil time. II \Uh\ o\ \\ ^ \M? r.is \iri i hi; <>\ thi: i;t \ In p!acv r>f ti - stcaiiK r P; rby, tlie St? .uner Gratitude, Captain K. \V. Simmons. of Nnrfolli. arrived Mon day nLhi wiili a full* carj^o of iimt chandi.?e includin a larjfe <|ii;> itlty of apples. The tiratitude was-*' tie- |;ii/j/beth fity Itoat Line to t;ik" the Harhy'ii run wVilr lliat vessel uflderuoes her annua! ov erhauling ami painting. When tin llarby Is back In -er>ice th? Steamer Virginia Hare will u?> on the wa>.- fit Norfolk for overhauling. The w ork Is beinu done at Tailors wa in Norfolk. OVSTF.lt rtClffMlXKII IMH KS Tlifi 8chonn?>r KMofnnce iiri *\ed Tip *dr?y will* a load of n? i-ir which were dl*churM?*d at the loot of Cnuith tfln-i-t. WETS WIN ELECTION IIY INCKKASEI) MAIU.IN Svilni v. N s. \v.. rv-r. is Tlf. overwhelming victory of the "wet**" In tl*e rwent i-l^ctlon al Que. n*lnnd, whi>rcln thf voter* In favor of con ti nuance W(ir?' than doubled ?? ? ?*lr majority over the plwtiin of 1920, is dlr amend* d h ?-lulntion. It *n? tl?. f;i-t poll fViat would hutc prohlhiffoi a* an t**ue. The result wa? mor* tlintl usually uncertain beenure c> mi?Ul# ory votinu. which wat* nptdl'. l to a liquor poll for the flrMt time In \ t?<| oi?. rfhorily before the poll, how-.erf the Il#inor conUtivnt \ nlunt.-nlv i*uhm1lli'(l to * rT7?- curtailment #?f hour* from 17 to 12 dally. The bar* atcreed to open at * a. m. and c'onr . at H p. m. Thin r? form had a pro found effect ?n public opinion, and the ronult wati a clean awcep for! continuance. Mra. Oeor*e J. gpenCe and her j mother. Mm. C. W. Stevena, ?*pent, Monday In Norfolk nhopplnu. Cann Memorial To Have Revival Sow Pastor Hopes For Overflow And Will Secure Larger Au ditorium If Necessary ; It. 1> W;.!th:?w. I? ' I ? ?'f \V? !t. V.i.. will arrive in I-H - ? 'Ctt (ill V t??.a--d>t l!"V. I I! in a s?*rh s ot ir< ? I in he li*-M :-t tin- Cann Mer.or ill rii'Mntfrhiii Church. heuipuinw ?' Sunday. Janttat;> ?'?. These *er ' - will In hili!.- Mini!".' in the af ' ? ? -noon and I V:in^? li rutin tlt"\ ? rtri?l arrangements will In* made to j uj" other church huildinus if tin . cf?iw-?N are too lam- fer the Cann ,\|. mortal buildinu. Johnson Will I'il?' III Imleprntlflll (lolumn Washington, P.c. is.? Srnatnr {Hiram Johnson of California. ;ui ] noun cod candidate far I lie noinlna ition for l!ii' presidency. slated ye* ! terday thill Ik1 would file ill the in dependent column of tin- South l?a j kota Republican primary ballot ; when lie was told that South Dako ta supreme court has ruled that all further filing in t'i?? Republican inln joriiy column would ho prohibited. TISI \l. 1*1111.11* I OX TO I.AST ALL WKEh ; Atlanta. I??-o. IS.- It is indicated thai tin- tjjat of Philip K. Fov, cdi ? lor of the Nisiht llawk.. official pub lication of the Kit Klu\ Klan, for tin- an it r?l?* i* of William S. Cohurn, attorney ?? f one faction or the Klan. will not he completed before Satur day. ajthoir.-h th?- trial Judue y:nve notice yesterday Moil b< -uinninv I?h? flay nluht sessions of the court will he In Id. vsk i\\ i'.s i h; vtion or row 1:1; company Hitl. I ;||. 1X><- IV -llrl. f* r.l.'il with tin- North Carolina Corporallott Commission by r- s{?onu>a. Dviuncra tir slate chairman-, at Pierre. South' Dakota. McAdoo nt n l?-h~ram to ?*i?tlrr lumlnw lnt?" t* of tlx* city ?>xtondn ;< ronllH !?? * ?1 ?? ?Ion to (ti?> public to attend tin- I . ? mii North Carolina Shlpp? i ? fiiK to f??-ld In Crtlilnhoro l'? Ml.> DtrBinlifT 28. TIiIj* !???>?'? |?? ?n ralb-d l?> thi? office rx of tin i.? a*poclailon that w?s formed in Wi! non wvi-rni works &ko nnd it >? ? 1 Mirli Importance that ev??ry ahl*<|? i in North Carolina ahotlhl attend I' I * loIiiu to Im' npccMiry to .-tanre to th" mov? ? nirnt that will !?? ? lannehed In fluid boro at 11? i- tk" nn ? tlnn. \l rt MN I.It U>l VI|0\ \T > l\Nl Olil? t \ IX I It-I I % Htarford I iJV?'rnllv, Cnl . Iwr'Mn-1 h?-f 1* S? vi nty-fhrc* MilriotM* h^r? will r? #??? I \ ?? il' . n ?" at the eloy of I'??* autumn "XMou. tin j? ? :Mfai atindUnrirn I'ortj HkM will '?? award* d ?ll|il??inr??? ax bachelor- of art*. If. K'Hi t;ikr< ifu' ?l? of ina t<*r of nrtr1, whM< I ?? ar?* fo i vb?- named Jurli" d(^(ori NKW M ICS htll I lllllsTM \H Always *ofeome - the "(lift ol i Kin**'"- -FI RS. We hav?> Juat ro. reived a nice aafortmont of nil Hint . la *ood In fur*?Attrarllvoly priced. I lloaa'. Choker* and Coataea. M. I?elxh Hh* ? i? Co artrj COOL1DGE LIEUTENANTS. r From Frank W. Stearns, rltuvc, who is a guest ot tho White House, came- an an nou'uement recently winch was interpreted to moan that Prcsid-nt Coolidfce l? n candi date to succeed himself. Will iam flutter, hMow, National Committeeman for Massachu setts, may act as the personal representative of the Presi dent in all matters that re lated to tho choice of dole gates in the next nominating convention. Persons who are inf-irmed as to ihe plans of Mr. Puller assert '.hat he will cooperate with an-' have the n distance of Rasconi Slcmp, the President's secretary, in nil effort'' to line up dele gates in the Southern States. niF.CKS Kill \\ ll>OW s V\l) I Oil \ KTF.K VNS CIl'fkK Valued II p to i I, t*.V 0(1 have l?4??*t? reee|v?-d l?y Kl-iie?t I.., Sawyer, clerk of Superior Court, ?or fiiatrlhut iop aiiioii)* J 1 widow* and Hx vtcruns of the Cmi't v -iejlly iiiipoMSihl*. llio #?!?? ck will l>f -lv?'n only after proier nftlduvlt is iDiidp bv the .?K? nt of th? veteran HT?ivtnK it. These clucks are mailed out >? 'ni annually. nnd on< fniyinent is made In l>ec? mt??-1* so that the spirit of the season tuny ?inl< k<*n tin* |???te? ?wnts of tin- #?!?? tiiu- is v ho won tto unifoiius of tH< Confederacy. or of t !>.?? 11 WiiliiWS, Some |M>hnlnnp'rH have nlr ad> < ill? (I to receive their checks*. :? ti?l tierk of the Court Sawyer is uri in_ all Who have not done so to > ? ?? Mm ns promptly ?ipossible \ 11 t !:?? v? t'lnns an? wry Scoti ami -li Clam TP ||? I'endleton of \\>e|< vlll* wete quh'tly married Sunda m< it int at Ifjrpn hv l)r J i It T or at |h" parsonage. 1u2 Kant Hut . ? street I OK KM,.N (.1 MM)ATS ON UAItltOK OF CANTON ? a* TVia ti? I - ? . ? , t: ..- I ... I ill' (in I- "1 'lit. '? if. \ ir?-?. io !>.?? I !?.;-? .\!t ?? i?; ri-1?? ii ? ?!i. f.iMrnl-- .! :n? invn '!-? amount ?'l* ai.iinunitMu.* a*n| M>vri,il train.-* ii-? ?! Ii> I!;? r. twin. m \ski: i it m i. TOM<;irr ih:t\\ i:i.\ iiomi: tkams Tin Kliz;.b.\iii City High Srh'M.l .itnl ih? ni'wlx form.mI Athli-tie Amso ? iatioii will, haul.* totiirrlit at tin* Community HuHtllng and alt fan* an*. Invii*d in !??? pr.'siMii fr.'.' of j-harj;o.' 'I lii* i* *h iiractleo k.v.ih* wlinh will no: pri vH.i Its Ihmiik int r.-stliu; for, i! will b.' a ri'iil garni* as isirli twin is anxtouH to rhiitn tli?a IiiimI chain-! phiiiftliip. III. I in.' ii p will |>e tin* Hail"*, wfili a cliane*1 or two, us tin* tiir.lit ?\irli pin >"??ii Stanton (Jtiar.l K. IijmkUi ; l.im.-r Markhuin si rrost-:i? htimo coi'V riUIVK.S TITIAN WOltli l.on.fini, l>?'?<*iiil? r Is Tiinii's | painting "WniH and Adonic" in the National i.?iillt?r> 1 .* re ha* Imm-ii ion sid?!. d ti> li?* only :i ytinlto n |?* t.lion oi ?m?' at Madrid. Mil mi tlir cM-rM! of nnoviitHiu 1.1???ration tin- dicoV cry I not h.-.-n in ?d? .that tin* painting is .? f|i>l i'*;j.ni lni. i:till Vi'l ion ? it ill. Mil.icrl l?s tiii- lua.fter liiius- If. It ctliihits Titan'* ?t>|. in tlo "I'licclm'.* and Arfinlm " nnd tin f.< niotis ".Motlii'i* and. .CJ'IM." riuoitm roil itoM s om:ii t\\ tti;\isio\ Vk'-ashin inn,' IVc. 1ft Tin- .1 ad look in II.? S.-nalt ov i If..* . I .Hon of n eliairnii.il of the lni? i .into com .noire conii.iilt.M- . i.niliin.tl . >???!? r da; . I?iti tit. II..iis.* <-oiii|>l< i< d it oi mil/at Mu l.\ ai.provini; !? r?n ,;ii; i? ? ? ? Ii"? Tl.i fiiiimitli'ts ran not l?? - ill llllslll.'HK. II \? .i iii.|i?Ml.-'l tli? mad.- In flu w;i>- and iilihu.?*,oni? niiltW' 1,0 'i .? j'i ioi ii> ..f c.nsi.i: ra? lion to flu ?f<'Mi? i-' ItoiuiH, Mil and not to tj.? .Motion ta\ r?-\i>i^n. /ill: \ v ii \? ix o\ .101; llf.' Iff? hIi*i V" empty, h\ 1 ? .tson ??f tlx fait Huil lil |? if miiii i- >mii ill'-- ' 'I In It is li?n|\ to pri \? hi Irrlta I ion of tin t'.tuixliol wound iit |)Im < t.. 1. ?;i?? Mim.i1 iSni* I !>.?? 1 nil liiw J?l? tlii. w . Mr. Ilr?iv wa? *li?t"hy tlio iurtilom :il ill: rluir of a shot'-nil ofi Snjulii . 11I: M. I?? r-?> in !?#-1 I'art of a l.iiiil of htu-kvliof took I'ffi-rt III liis Hirst inkI ;il?o\?? lil-* In-art. lint ji llo ? buckshot ratir* d 11 |iward lhri ir. li tin- iniisi'li'H of tin- I'lii-vt ftinti-ad of through Ihi' body, Mr. Rrny ? oifi"' rod MothiiiV molo nnrlouH |h 11 tl an iirli flesh wmi 11 il. anil Wii? In tl-?? l-o tdtal for oti!\ a f? w ilav.H. It \va? 1 <-t un lit I lit? \v< k. I1.11W1 - 1 r, I'.Ml In- ?. tut ni-il to bin nff-U*** or was 1? ? 11 on "?ho Hr*ot. KKI'I Ki ll \NS MM) l?l.\!\S \IIK l)KI. \> KI) Itofombcr IS ?!e j?t?b" > :ifn af'iM* IvrrirllfiK rommltl'i' orKuhizalloti^ y -tord.iy ? ti< ??u 11 t*-ri il a t-nthneft fftilwy whon tin- nWctHix *?f 1 fi 1 Wny? and nioins lommlttio volt f in^i lb d. Tjw y find planned It) take up the Mellnn ii?x ptorrun Hbtud of 1 Ii?? hontix. ll< |))ilillr.'inM iiutfci* no explanation. I'O-iTOl I II 1 I'M 1*1 in lis 1'.1 11 i> m w audition Cr? . ? horn, Dw* I* I'o-toffU-i ? li: I *??> ? bef** t ? r? nil derbbd tiot ( tn'wjill for appropriation* fur til - 1 i ? 1 ' -I " ? ' ' 1 11 ;?.????? ttl ttii WW! 5 nllcr aijfl h.'tllf ti ndd|tb->i t! ? i ? lv? A ti /.nnnlft" floor 12 hy t * fill v .0. * tltlti 1 lifted. Tin material for (h? spare W.n ; pilfrhfej*oil I*v fh#' j?o toflli"'- offHnh' and i uiploye* h?v> in-'-n iitilliUt'v It In ? ?>?-1r |'.?i< mono nl II j?r car t II IF. TWO kll I.I.I) Vt IIK.N \IHIM.\NK t.ltASIIKf ?an Anlonlo. I).'C. 11- liar old E. UlriK-krn nnil Hi-riri>?Dt C. E . Ily?l? w- kill. <1 Imln.v wlipn thi-lr' atrnM|> craKhnd to lit.- itrouud Ht . ivnrilrlnn. Ti'xm. The)' men on [Hilt ?? I" ttallM. I KING GEORGE ASKED TO IE WF (irrrk (?ovrriiiueilt Ail* i?C9 Mini to (rrl (hit of Country I litiI ( mi Deride on IJri: imr. I!. W I'll (? ,t\.- \| ? *1 i : U"iii;ini:i. J.. w -i.il- . l*r> :!M:?Miii?'? it !? day. .Ml . ?*. t>. | v TU? : .... rrir,:.T.t i?.-t i.i.' ? ii.!..riti. it Kinu ?oor.e i.< u rilm i!; il il * ? ? n-l?|. i ? . London. Ib \n Aii ncy dis patch iiimii MIi. ns sa>h ilu> kin*, nml t|ii< - n nr?- l.?avinu for Cuiiiuuia to uiulit without sivninu any i|i-<*i?>???<, anil \11 iniriiI Knitiiiftuiriotlx will l>? SI |* T>< ?i lit ?*?| |i-fci>||l. Anoilo r l? li ?rnm rrpKrln Hint ropposi-ntatUi?s of tin- arniv ami navy la.-t ui: lit informed Colon. I I !a*? fl',i :iH lliat i In* oil ii ? rs of hoth got**' tiros i*i Lanl'-tl tin* removal of (h.o (lyiiaiily as a national neeonHlty. Pri-nib-r (ionala* anil Colonel Has Itras, ailv ir? s 'nay. signed a letter r*f quest in-.; tin- kfllg to lonve. \ r- niral N.-ws At In ns dispatch na>s tin- kin is leaving for Hur'iar ? ?hI this cvi-jilni: and tlial il is slatert ii|?on tooit mitlioriiy that the Ainu |i*hI'Hphi ll V?'lli/I Ioh a ill J. |l? him.to Ink. th? n ins of Kovorniueht. and I tint Admiral Koundou riot is linn assumod ifn- p - nr\ until the fu*ure rot:innv i i doHded Upon. ? l'.\|)liiius Making of llricks \\ it hunt Straw Wake t-'orwl. IH-r IS.- Tin- Into Imiionl of th<- ruptivi* children of Israel o\?r itii'ir Inability to i-i:?1:?? brick without ttnnv was e\pl. ito I t.li> Prof. Ii W, Snllivan to lh> olnlor CliHiilrni .^ticli'ly hi n?. C'het istrv. a in! more particular!* coll ?nlal chemistr>. ptaved iiM part In ili? cry of nit* turnout* ?. '{)? *, w? hat ? i ? Kirmv." ? . Th'o nnoirnl Kuvptlanf. hron-,! t to pr?>niinenei- recently l?\ Kin ? Till, in I hi* time of tin- famous Itihliral Pharaoh put Into Use hoiuo of t,I" pra< tin brick. Accordiifu to Prof. Snllivai., a wat? r ? trai l of ?>tryw render: clay .mor?' ilrastir. and t!io denial of straw by Pharaoti n?n'ss|i;itf(l lhat il i-aplivc ,1. ?. work in ii c|i Ii ir?i''r t> make their usual number of I i i< without iir.uv than with straw How thi* nami* principle, ontploy? ' by iho ancients in their hrirk i. ? k ittir is now employed in inod'-rn a-i n< s was expl.ilnod,*" Prof Kal i- n shown! tli?' t?ir? rollidnl ?heml-tiv plivH in tit - fh-M of inedlcltie. The ??r|? tv ? before whi'-li 11 ? vf?. ? ?-t? w.f ih-Hvrrod was fouudi ' ? i-lit ' af :? o priu?arlly%,la ?it', hilo int*-r? t In tlo1 Aeld of chetnl Ir> and al ihe sano tiine to ?:? ??*? a spirit of ro-operutidn >.im >:i? Ihos* stinhntR who ar?- takit.^ advanced rourx* . In the nuhj*rt s lirl?d oil ll?* IuihIh of liil??r?*st at'' nijinifi 'i ability in ehonilfa) rour si vi-rnl new no ml??-rs havo been !? ' tiati il n (???nil'. They are: F V tiuekell. \V. ,1 WvhII. lo o. Ma'1.: . i: I. Splr? V. \V. C Martin and V. Hollow. II. IMI I'lll pill III O 11-.' S?l||!.' Ill f I ' t irnciIcins of folltwlfli Hi^rolHlry J" h?* ? tnplo> inoUl >if straw in iir?,J"ti^ <;kii!\i \\ <;ymn\st ijiks im.wim; a nkw ?;ami A ihn yarne ?? t-o lock ? l !n ? motor 'rue! rid tr?k?n fo: ? n Ion ? rid* Thou thoy nr?* release?' ii(l. If# uncoi - H<|o..-"ntul two Imnkrlnu on thnt. roftdltlon. Ivr.iplnk yarf had pi ? J ?*i * *1 I1i? rloh fi fur. (oi.oiti i) i;\nin:it i im:d Only om conviction wan aroun I ?mii of reorder'* court in 111 CSeorif* Po'il. colored barb- r. dm win# at flio of $f? no and coata on a ?iuiph> drunk charge, I I5IM MOTOIt HO VI' IS iikim; hi il l ni.iti: \ ? pafiou* kiuI trim motor lK?nt lj ii?i|?T conni ruction ? T. I' ll ? ah k Khlpynrd on I'ivr- l?t ? iMi'- b. Captain Mavniai' Tli" ? n ? *!???.Inv quarter* forward lor i lul l i?rT?oii> and a roomy after ? Mii wlilch will l? launched in January in ail^robnhli Hy. Captain Hayman la N?kl not lo have fhoaen a nnme for Ijlx craft. I WTO* M MIK i :t Vnw ,Y6rk. DffMnbfr 1ft ? - Snot rotton cloned steady this afternoon with the market unchanged. Mn' riling: 35:30. Futures: December 15.05: January 34:2t; March 84:73; \! .1 ,|> <4 2M