VSi'uthtT Moriiiv mill ihrcali'!. ini? il ymi itti? lli> Klk?" "Vlin-li ? I Iiciiifiiiltrr llic dalr-, \\ . da\ and I liur-iiay. Dr.-. I<> and 2(1 ai ilit* MUraiiiii St'l'PLKMENT TO ''UK DAILY AI >YAX(.'E, TiKSDAV. 1)KC. IS, PUCK A I'.oosr" ELKS MINSTRELS PROMISE TO BE THE GREATEST PRODUCTION EVER SHOWN HERE Fun From Beginning To The Very Last Act Nothing Has Been Left Undone By Local Elks to Put Over This "Greatest Ever" Show Fun-from the very beginning is assured to those who witness the Elks' Minstrels, 1!)'23 edition to he presented at the Alkrama Wednesday and Thursday nijrhls by the local l .dtre of Elks With"a cast of stars which' v. mill make any professional producer turn green with envy, minstrels this year will be re membered as the greatest event in the show business si:ice the breaking up of the old Weber anil Fields min strels of world fame. With an opening.?Hiorus which i>iurtii oft at a r|l|? which would t r V.? ?: Mini-?In Meinorlain. the mdw oiT tight alonu so that tli entire two hours of iu?-rrini< 111 hits jmsseil before one r? -adzes ii Is tint** to iso home. Thf op?n'iiK c:Ji 'UiH hv ih** entire comiiany. con sj- t inu ot forty of the bent voked ??i- n In town. and tw? nty young lai!;es selected for their leauiy as well ;;?< Ihelr voi.-.s, literally knocks on - off their ft ? l ?ii it hardly s? ems ffisslble thilt Io'mI talent is capable' ot tendering sucli music in su?-h a huh rlass stylo. And .token (ialoie The Joke* this yeur will he fun-1 tier than ever. Some are ordinal.; M>me are written for the Elk* ex oir*id\ l?y AI Jolson. while lie v. ns In Norfolk a short time ago. hut tlo> ?io all funny as they can be and caused surh a (?cream at rehearsal? that they had to he\ practiced in private. VI Jolson really outdid himself .v!on he wrote the Jokes for this y? .?r'?* Klks' Minstrels. Moments of Sentiment Hetwcen the rocking spasms ??f tun mil laughter. there are also unetit ?? of sentiment. Several ?Had? a:< on rhe programme and the men chosen for this work are ; wily ci pa hie of putting them over in i distinctively original manner. Aiol tin* FxtriH N'it to over|oc!-' ?ni? rif tie- he** t< of the how it ii n-M-: nry mentloll flint the ifer prr? Is :i J?J minute skit which Is a scroafn nil start to finish. Then. too. iVre will -he a saxophone quartette. 1 o buck and wins dancers, an uk . . le concert and several other lovellles which will doubtless tak? 'he patrons diving In th? tr pokets and paying itior-* more y lor the s? its whieli th- y secured at the itn nstsafl> usual |irle? of a dollar a .'Cat. To si e 2?eir;fh-!(lH l' lli?sro ;| / $4.OT. ?%hlle you ore wit tie slag a chnrity show here for a "?ut one I If III the cost and seeing a better sh w at that. If yoa don't be llcve Ii. step up to the hox yfffce iml .\n l.ik'-. min-irrl uiilmiii Waller llarrio would Ih? likr. ( liilil's iin. taimiut without it* piin-< uke?. Till* ji'jh* \\ *.*u> If >mi mi?s Hi'i'inu Wdlirr in the l-'.lk's MiiiMifN >oiril frrl 11 llic holiday K nil uiiiliK. s lum or oi:k,i\ or elks' <;keei in<; William (loddarTl. of Minneapolis, r.o<> . No. 11. |h the original *? I'II'? 1:111 or Klkdom. hihI lilv cheerful salutation which Ims found ItH >vay around the world, original* d in Min m -a poll* during III' 111 k National C> union in that city in 1 x!? 7. Mr Clodda 1 il was fTi?- treamin 1 of Minm a poll* Lody?\ rliairtnan of the Kiunn oIImt committee* that had in charue tin arranut n-fnt>* for tin Elks' Iteuutnn that >?;ir. and hp m?*|?rit a irr? at deal of hi? tin. ? at tin* committee head?iuai ter.<. When \it*ltln>; I! Ik ft rami* to tin hend'iuarter* to inquire fihout mat tor* they wanted to know about if they hnp|M'ii?*d to meet atiyom vhh riot fully ;inntcd, th? w??re u: u "I; ? -'d *r> "f*?i o\ rr ? '.?? ; 1 M:iy r?>dd;-/d." and !t \.\iA : < n taut f-treaiii of "Billy, ran you 1?11 mo, "See Hilly, he known," etc. Tliln won repeated so incemuintly that the straituer 1-11k.*< when they approached J Mr. Goddnrd in-etcd hlin with lli?> e\ !>re?s|o|i. "Hello. Hill!" I il a daN or two tin custom sj?r? ad to th? stn < t? with l!lkn from all (HirtM of the country. and. Iih -hIir: each other th? y fat;: out ch- < rii'lly. "II* ll.o, Itill! and they e.iriied tlo fro-tlhvj hark to tln-if'home lodu'n, and mo it ha* Kpi? id to tin end/ of the ?-arth. witn t'i K.ks' Miiistrf'-. Hi J' \S TIIK n IM \l\ GOKS I P The above cut ix from a wood-< arviiitf made by I). fJuy IJrock ?t! one iil/nt during rehearsals. ISy a rinse rtudv ? ??? frees o i' will ea.' ily reroirnizt' C.o^len, .Mill- UNI. Uillic I! ?i/nrs, 't v <* :>>?> :?ihI Hill Phelps ns Ihey appear with the burnt cork, Thi? vinj? is Mr. BrockettW masterpiece ,j:s, he seems to have ex -*ed in it ^all the manly valor of tlvn> jirvt "id pier.. The ri lolling is very impressionistic, but accuntc, r i.l i \presses I! (ckett's almost uncann>\ i-e.Hpon.se to the plastic beauty of ani mals, if such license can be used in describing this wonderfu' s,; of histrionic artists. Mr. Brockett, of course, is shown to the \ ion <. k o i i i < f. i: s W. C. SAWYF.n Exalted lluK-r MILLS RELL Esteemed Lendiiur Kr.ichl !.. W. CAUTU IMCIIT Esteemed Loyal Knight II. I!. S1IF.ELY Esteemed Lecturing Knight I). 1JUOCKETT ^IpF Secretary <\ W. STEVENS, -Ili. Tiler W. (I. POOL Inner Gnard II. S. TOXEY Treasurer 1. FKAIUNG Esquire !!. F. HILL Chaplain Trustee.*: LOl'IS SELIG. T. P. XASII. I. FEAIMNG. ii \ i) m o i) i: s I iik(;inm \ <. The birthplace of the Order of the.Jilks was a room in a modest boarding house in Kim street, New York City. Its charter membership was fifteen. At the time of the orders birth, gar, wa< just be ginning to supercede oi! lamps for general illumina ting purpose^; New York practirallv ended at 551th street; horse drawn vehicles were the principal means of transportation. and a little steamboat car ried freight and passengers from the lowest East Side to Harlem. At thi; time the Atlantic cable was one of the world's wonders, the telephone was un known and the gr< possibilities of the forces of electricity was just dav.ning upon the ,i ion of meii of science. The first regular meeting of the (Iraml I.o.lgi was held February 12th. 17S1. in Clarendon Hal!. Hast l.'ith Street. New Yorii, anil the office of the Grand Secretary was his hat. The membership of the order, far from remain ing at th" orijrifl.il fifteen, has become over one mil lion; electHcaJrflluminntion Ifhs role;:; ted g.-if. to lite kitchen: cable, teleg'Mpu. telephone and wireless have girdled the earth wi'h a continuous line of com munication; New York City has spread over fi\< counties; eleva.otl railrojir'.s, trolleys, rubwavs and taxics have transformed a former day's journey into a ten minute Jnurt. The order ha* grown great, rich, powerful, fore most amorfg American fraternities. Its records arc valuable and voluminous: the demand for office space is increasing every day. A permanent execu tive office, a modern structure in every way, is now under construction in Chicago where all business of this great order is to be transacted. Everybody's Going To The Christmas Carnival Tlii* Drlinlil fill Fiiii-1'Y*I? I*iit on l>\ ilir Wuys ami Mean* (.ommithT of I lit- Woman*?* ? .111!?. Follows Inimc dialrly I j?on llir HrrU of lli#? F.lk* Min>trrl Tlu< Christmas Carnival, guaranteed to ho a real joy-fest, follows straightway upon the heels of the I'.lks Minstrel, and the Klks* expect to attend, of course, if not in a Itody, well, separately and individually, hut none the less sorely. Ilillii- Hughes. lS\ltl ami |Ii*v I'oint, makes lii- ilehui in iliin gear's show*. Alt ho a I?ii sli> Inthiihi1 of ;>? iii.iiix uii K in tin1 ?Ii?w, Itillie luimlli'it lii*? pari a* w?-ll as any mai* rieil man eonhl In* i?> han dle il. Ills favorite mmik. "That ('r?N?iiiiiK Melody" has h'*eii aligned him < ?|N-<-iall3 jiinrc In* has heeii ptai'lii'iiiK it tor M*\?'i'al jears. Il* shirs Im'Iiiu a singer of note, Itillie is an a?le|?t al (laming with flu* girls n? rehearsals as well as an expei i in |?|il?H'hh ami an ?'\|H'rl in picking the losing tram in all world'* scries for I lie |tas| i en >ear*. .\If Iioii^Ii ilils is mi ??t?| |? i?'i iii<*, our rim si ill ??i>c llii- lll?rin-s> It, >|il|s l??-ll, uiir fir (In- 11 III rut ?mis in ? ill** yi'Hr'f* mliisin Is. Mills vo|?-c mil Im* (raliiffl when li,v li?- citn rr.-u-li inn mill* in fit - *p*i f? ?I siuV i, ,? incut ioiiin^ f In s#' in! |?m] mil j(| ?)(? iiM'toi-'s mi r'tii{*s. 'in In-ill- Mills ?*lllj* Is (is pfl'.lsillK lis III llntf J| Will <-1- |"p? Imii-sI in |ln< in i< |i 11 ? ? ??f tin- iiiulit. Tli'-irfiii-c >011 should !??**? !? 111 III. The ladies are uointc to the Klks Minstrel, and turn about is fair play. Tin Carnival o|M>im up at o'clock I'riday afternoon willi a riot of fun in llu- Shrine Club b'ooins. It last* , till titimtiiltI?*?? of tln? Wo. ;uiiin'> C'1111? is doini: tin work. Thoan ? w'?o attend tin Carnival will ha'T a uood tinn nml help Mart something, worth wl.ll. Tlwre will In I'l^ht hoot ho: A can . booth lllhil with Christmas dO inus. the ri'fii shini; ice rnsiin booth, aii'l tin* pr? tt> faiirv work booth. A $.r> bos of randy is on ill? play ami mid' r ttitard at Hip fponcpr* W.'lki-r Com pa n> ami Is to be jrlv?'ii to tin- prettiest t:irl at the Christina* C.irnival Tin- contest will bo rlos* . it will be In-ated. it will In- simply. Ib*i re. but tin- pri -ft lent Kir I will pel tin- randy. A I ' iiutiful doll Ih oil fllsplav at !!?? M. I.i luli tfheep Company w;,ldi will I ?? vl\?-n lo tho prettiest child nt th> Chritsiiiiis Carnival, and ?v? ? rv little tot for mih's ami n lies a roil ml want that lovely (bill. Tin i' will In a social ball, a danc ing hall, ami a card room win r? all sort* i.f card values may be ph:yed anmdinv to the taBte and conscirnc of |he plaM'rn. * I'm r\ body's unlou lo the Christ mas Carnival. It simply Isn't sv'lsfi not to. I lls is I'ltOHI'KlllTY I * in :i hoot!. Ktjrr's daughter, I -un h do 1 iI;i- my rin. \V dfln'. corn InMoad of water. ??; i ? tin money do roll in. .1 N-Mio-nwiru* lost 14'J"? la I.Horem. M i Imi a man with that name nhnuldn't earn wh it l ine hap* pen ? Ol U OW N ? Viivil. in KiiiKinK of his arms and men sotting out from Troy, en iM not ano as well i'S our own kiwanis Quartette whose pit - luir is shown hl>o,e; I>? it unfortunately the eut wax too well sup plied with ink die- lo tin- fuel that Herl) IVele slipped as he was ? i:ikifiy Hi oi'c-!.i!ik : chiae. Anyway tfiese Ixiys sinjf their way lilfht i o your heart and out again before you know it. While |;ill the nicmlicrH of t!i - iiuartette are products of the sand-lots. I as they nay in luiseli II, they have toured the country extensively and it is only at a very great expense that they could !>ooke