******* ****** THE Iff nni li * I imi'ttlcd mill iiiirim r llhl I -"T V ? CUt(THTH)\ loniulit mill riuirsiluy. llyjlj l| lrlru2? Iririf ^ksA\If^rlrir^lrTrlrTr^i 1^9 'liirsilm I'rohaltly rain. U oihriih i ?_ "n>_ ** _ -.2<l.'i ( <>/>/? Y.fc*. mid E. irimls. VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION". ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENINi!. DECE.MIJED !!?. i:?L':i. EICIIT PACES. , NO. 29 S. SmokingRuinsMarkSite Of the Ideal Hosiery Mill I ire Karly 1 lie-day Morning Cau-ed Nearly S|(MMMK) Dam age. Slore of J<M'|>li Klli? ('.?>u?ialisi*alily Damaged, and Klli* lliiii-rll Had \ er\ Narrow K?ea|ie Smokinjf ruins mark the site of I ho Ideal Hosiery Company's mill on l'oindexter street, just north of the I'oindexter street KridjfO. and the roof and part of the south wall of the store of Joseph Ellis, next door to the mill, has fallen in. while the stock, 01 "he store is damaged by heat and water. This is the result of a lire dis co w red Tuesday morn in if a; hali past 1 o'clock, at which time the mill's interior was in a lljrht blaze and the windows weie crackinjr from the heat. The origin of the fire is un known. T ,e Io?s Is estliiint.-d stt lietw. en ?4 .'mm' anil $loo.um?, tin* iaru? r jmil of which, by far. wan sustain* d by the Idoal Hosiery Ooni|?aov. w.iic'i tin?1 ? very |;,rx.. Httirk of hos ?iyon hand. Thebiiildinu orrii|?i*?| l>> J?iw |?li. Kills is own. d by \V. K. Pu:i-tan. who estimates th.> damage to I o hitildini: at abriut $ 1.000. Probably. the daniauf to Joseph Ki lls'* Mock would hardly ? \c? ihi.t mi. i. The remainder of the ioss fall* u.?< the hosiery company's building, eqni ?men! and stork. The los? i part hilly covered by insurance. T e fii'v, Mas discovered In' Miss Hut'. Johnson. 313 Pearl *tre.i. who was ciwak'-in d bv t-he cracking ^lass Ix????cin. frbin her window. .Miss JoY -on saw the lire and i>roni|?tl;. tel. .-honed the lire department. \ inoi nt later. .1 \V s-M-j. . ' ?:?* cialist. saw the r.-lbction of is.. hlaz from Jload slreet a? ?.? wjj r. - turi inti home after the F'lc.s Mir,. tr. I r> hi arsal. and driving bark' ?;ov... tr>\vn turned in tlx- alan- I om oo\ 51. ffl.ini's had made such h.-:i?! AV:' ' Y ?'<? - department i-.r. .? it t! .?? scene. nardly a mom* lit alt i the alarm \V\ia (urn* d in 11, r 1 . eheckinu of the flame* b< fore t :?v i.ad spread to (he entire blocU ?'? qnired h.-roir work. .\ hose was alt r " .| t'? tli?- hydrant in front of i ? standard Maniilarturinji L'om l?at.y, just arjr?ss the bridv from ? ld'-al mill, and from tills tie fit-i >(iv;,ni uns tlireei.,1 U|.<>n the nil ... Till, wronil si t'.i, 111 \v;i s r I'. 1111 tile V.llilTll HI lv.nl I'oln.l.s I I. I ililril from ili;,t ?i M?nii. "???' while II,,... siiwMtis v > ,-. obtained frt.in fuinji'T *,,r*" which rtnilimi'il ind-M.-r hir,.,.t lirlclj:. ?n,| m,v "* wu r .lir. til from r,? Alllllll. r nil, a,,,???!!, |.|||;,||? ,| iro i.umi? r u ii in In ? i* <,,]<? u|((1 ( -I .,11 WjiI. , Ml.. | '?II I-' . Willi,. Illn I,,v| cam, f,.??, ?" ?t Mi. 11 aud Mart in sire. t. 1 i - 'ii rtn-iima' in nil ? i ????-. fly, ..f v. i-3. i. .ti..... ' "f- the l.iill.Hns. \v! ,.|i ii,p Hi. ? .;.i?ii?..,;i lu,,l i,.- , m. i.? nt work. I n.lillll,,,, flu],.In, fit. ii,; ?!< p hi.h iii i?,,i its ? matter of f. rin thm n(.l?>i|, ' i LlSf'?!?. <lel"h "n'l R"l? nml wi?,i,. lim, i i i.i.V,In """" '..iim 1 i ' " ' h" ?""?f" ?lor... ii ???, II ,1 II,lit the Kill,,.., "" """l?.l ntnri i.f ' ".Iill.ll.it, 1,11,1 aft.r ?,B1)V f || miv.-. en amuini ?f t|?. r, I l?r, nurreedwl it, tet'lnt ,, i,?|,|,.,. "' ' . e?e,.| w|n..,.,v i, " l"t" i I'i'.ii Tin ,, '? ? ''' ? ? i.'i ? .,t I',, t:;:: r. ' MWliM'-i ?-. |. 1,1 II,i |,ar<> f... Si,,re on II,.. n, I floor, nnri . Mellrey, a tivichlior, hml ton, ' . I'eiir entr:,l,er nftil K,.| n,, f.|h, ' II,e onl-Me, ?n,!l> pf II,, , , ? ti'y ol.Kl Kill. jr. ??'V U r lifllf flazefl I inoltf. .nil 11 f ,1 Willi , rileniPtit Iml '? ti'n I"|' i'liMdlnt 1,1,-t hnd -nlinh'-t forr|i |. hi .n.M ..in I,, Chi I- Flora. t T!>'. 1,f "1r* r" '"''I fj?H ltk. th' !? f l.'f.-tnc -n In'on ? that ">umi of it: in '.i r f hi ' It, |M piov I bark from it in... street hrld ,,,-d vli. .. ' " ba-vinv ahni.'d. Nv ,~ mo". .! hMV n r iMn.rib.M #ph l.roic ? "fur her for ?|>r. t > MM- b. jt, ? ont .f conimfs}?|o;. Tlu t. f f ' repaireil wit I. in a short Mm , ?rV 1 ' r- ?r<<! hiiiiftif r th|>e v.?,! dottt.f. v. h- r ? ' for ^ ... W" M b< for* ti fl.-\ j (,o?n It w?* a foM nl ht d. f !|t, Ihr l|L.ht< Off. ;? dai'T: O". t" ?? i?? i\Vti pr?,|?. mornlrr |... ,,.r' l ?l <le j, r 'r... and i)?. w.itn (ban ?n. ?!? iii?? V; ,..w I I ' r ' , r.n Throw I, n.e ,i., j, '"''I 1 ii,I. ... ?f ii,. , hi. ,,t lull. -I ?r,'iiou?ly mi ni.it , ' !'?!' tn >,0,||.' t n>, ?nrl U'etihenl.i ?lion t|,e f,r? v , ? el , ,f,ny of fhe,,) Tinrt In lepnM for "V ?,'"lr1 rj.u-.lt. r lohs. - " l-r H e RllZllVtl, , Inionl lake all ||,|, :1, h, (ll, n Int like a murtnnr ,nf rum I'l I from one of limn,. tloclrlc llcht polp rarrvlim |h,. 7, wJfp? "lr Kllfahath Oil. I.l*h? Comi.nni *a? nrnr lo URGES FARMERS DIVERSIFY CROPS! I i'ilt'i'al Farm I .nan Hoard VI m> Strong for Co-operative! Marketing ill (idiifcrpiic'r, Today. Waxlunsion, Dec. 1!>?The Feder al Farm Loan Board today nwd tin" farmers of tin- country to turn to tin*! diversification of crops and the de-| velopmeiit of co-operative marketing as Hi- only sound basis of agricul tural prosperity. Tile board bases its observations upon data supplied by twel*4? F? d i-ral I.and liituk presidents who have just concluded a conference. Agricultural renditions as a win 1?? continue to improve. tin- board's stati in> nt says, in Virginia and West Virginia. General conoilious are faVorabje,1 prices of products have advanced.' and farmers .ire meeting their ol?!i Kaiiotis promptly. In Nortl^i ( ..mlina conditions are .'letter thap in three years. ' Pio duciion of cotton, corn and -ov bea ti s \good a lid the m;irk> t favor able. KM-iiKss < ii vim;ks lll l.l) t MtKASON MU.K Washington. Hi r. l ??. T: ? li pi'tsji Com pa u > proposals to increa.*-* 1 ."i per c? nt the charm s paid h> Florida fruit and v? lable ^rhvvi ts* for i? rri :eraiiir.;. produce in Norths re toda> held tiiii - ? i*j?t by the Int? rstate Conimi rre Com mission. NVUKO COMMWOWT ot coast <;i vi:i? Wa-Mir- I oil. Die. I !? Fredc-H'-: (' Kitiard of Maryland. s?-rvir,: i ti.e r.ink of commander : aid* . wa today nominated by CoolidLe in !? commuudant of the Coast Cum. with t'n rank of r?:ir aduiir.1I. II sofN'?-? d ' Admiral WiJHiim II Keyn (ilihi who retires i ?n account of a i.- t month. ki ci.ksi \s ru \i, WAI5 COM IM ? .V \v Voi I;. incomer lM !?????> v-ts and Fundamentalist < rere ttr? i jutinnintr lln ir ecclesiastical w ir n all. fivp denoinlnailon--. 1 **?*? t< latil Kp?.-eopal, 1 piitJi. I*r? v letjan. Met hodt. " ti Fni'.irl ii. have bei ii drawn bit ? t 1 ? ' ?trr.i! battle which center chn !l' ?" th- virgin birth of Christ and .ii pliyslo.il resurrection. <.!iki:k nation is Totm w iTiiot i i? iv, ? ^ London, D ember 10 - ? I-.ing (?? ?rg ? and One* a Kilzaheth of (Jir<ce left IMrai us In -1 night aboard a Moil flier, soys art JureiU'V dipatch London. tier. 1 f? Ti e ' ? tion today will be without ? I i.i ? under the rojfcehev of Adiiifril.C'U'b dom'h.t !.?* who filled ?iini?ai ,?< : fion In 1920 '? 1 a result oT th" \ ic .' tor> ''f tlif llb"nl? and t? ptl? nt recent election*. 1 he Ifano : and turned ?o ti. ? i ' fhron i i?;*f the wji"' - v? :e are to th' tir?>iven and. H)w? r had to he 1 :jt off. joittin . tfe w *t b ei in da r Ui.e.- . ,sitd rut? b. ; ? dustrial nlJinl in the c!t;, dn-? ? -lit on ?-!eetr'cite for pnitji-. < r ?? flic!: t : ! t that (lit lint I I 1 . fr-r . !| wh' 1 lie poje had bveij ' and |M?wer w??k tifr?e-d mi n ' . could oil" of tbelli tuia ; , f The \dvan<e w;i? r,?. i '???>! ' < i all, for after the p??v r ( ne <, ?? waK an hotn* before f i ? fa I In elec-trle crucib.b > * :? * i> ? > (\ d< n niid the fi j.. t?ihi:' ni;t? hini ' fro \ be if, v' ork. This \- - I,. r, TI. ' . vane*- shows the ? ff<et of i; fie hill e\ I TV worker. ?!i I 111* !??;?? ' r ' When the power did rmj'ir rm r , make up for tbe lost t-line and tte? issuing of even ? ttCh afi i--ir- ;>? th' - within the short tlfre ul tin tii-i ! of Th \d\iii '" I* r all; ;i e,.i n Itble achie'. tfi.enf. officers of the Ideal Hosiery C int pany are: M. C Morrl-ette. pie i d"nt; W. O. f?nlther, vice-president and fleorge Wrltsht. secretary-trea urer and manaKer. Acts (l'hoto Co; ;.:. lit. II.in i- A: 11*lng) r .r.'l-'tb <Svr?! n H trim, *:ia!.<l?Jrr::*ht. i the luto Mar* ILir. J. ti.-? moving *:htil ?'i' tho J>. <:u:i!lc Club ? : V..?->u"r.?ton, L? C.. an cfKuiii.: ition u >??'.? '? ty i-Vi.* '.?> t'nuv - i.?i iO?tui.-;u of on?? cl the i>atls &l.e *? r'tasvl Popular Intiodutin: Tin 1! hnc s r.aj fUijcfclnvai bhti Stv.ni MaharnJ tflnrhji, V* ' iciidra &hir<>im<iii Otv I'lioto:-.;?!>!;? <| Ut i ? Hi LoihIoii v.! . liv ivpi* ? nt* 'I 1.' |ivO;-lo <>( th? : .? . flii ot V I .1 I 1 * < . i.<. ?. 1. Will Investigate ? Routing Expre fK'Q Superintendent Egjlcston Una Attention Called To Matter By Secretary Job Klli l: ?PMOiy r.f 1 ? "rtl'ili"1 ?-.!??? <if t!i? AlVt tit . i il ikri-JH? hu t \vii'l?n ? ? t iiiry jolt r?r. iln- Chamber of Com .'?l? It? ?? plottitHiJI.! full || ,?i!n ?' i)i?' loittit ? <?f ?xj? j . ? .< *rnin N ?? Yor\ to i;i?/ < it v. ay r?f |(ali>lxli, vrhlc-'i r"?:ii?-. M?? JoU ? ?. ?i ? j , i,. ?irrlv. i j j i :)(>t(pftU j? il ? Ifct< Mi. I ? < *'.n | . t . . Mr. .f" ? .. t > the n-.'tik ? In* J?? ??M I... t ion irr.jiK. ?i;<) Mr. J?>?> i? ' ??>!?? f III I til* t u I- III r | l ?)?: l- I tJi?' ??? yliifiiipnis may-tx- . ? \o nmioi s it won l> IIKI'OIJTKI) I>K \I> l.rt?fjf<n. lii?Ofrtibt*r 1ft ?? Aunt In r -* port ?<f '!?? <l'nfh i f Mulal Ahni'-?i IIabuH. n<?iorlott? bftfKttt r.ii i ? I Mtipnffo, r*r:?rh??! t?OH<f'>n loda.v frmn MM !?onilon Ma (I'm TftPftteri WfTPv P?ni1"nt, Thn report Mfrt wmm j suspicion that Italsnll wan poinon eil. GENERAL TREND of prices down ISt-lail I'oixl I'l irr- \<j\jtin-il One IVr I.Viil in Nnvrniliri', However, ami ral In i'ira?i' During Yriir. . '\r??liii)Klon. .. P*t. I- AillimlKli thi Ki'iU'TAl trend <#f wlio!<>;ti? ? r w:> ? ilomtuiii'il iit Nnvt'iiiiw-r. t* I1 food |tiir?-s Ailvu tired (Mi*- |?t?r ????til <iv? r ocIoIm r 1?-v? Ik. Ih'iMr* iii? hi ?.r Lilmr s>ii?fI-ftr ?- nniiwinr?-d i iid \}| nf tho r. 1 cilic-* r? poiilti *!?ow?d on iti'i*:i>? in retail hiod lirlf*'' for iln- 12 i.uonfli^. Km nil | rod lie! *?". clutti* nnil rlotli in >how*.'J t'.? Inc?'? wlill* lion- inrni.-ihin- ?. fn? 1. in. I li'-Milii hIiovv< <1 I ? - r? ;i I - ' d?*Him . C !:iill ji;ii?rn I 'or Mr I ii?I tiii'IimI <"iii ; ? o. 11. <- I it \ i , i.11.; k li for Ihm???K'fi'Tfl d'-'? ?. ;ii< i?? liarl> Mi Ailoo" r i ndid'W ? ; I I! !? I ?? iimji'I ,il ir rr?iiv?*iiiloii will rrl? ?! In nil Hi' stall .- w!o io IiIh f?? i? ii?l - !??! t'?:i? i' i* M(JvI?hI?I?-. Unvid l.nild I.'nck????!!. . rliairni.iii r?f |.|i?? Mr.Ndoo rjiinj?al'-:n roniinitiiniioniXM il f\ lf< v?? I ho would j?ii liistrnrl*'I d?'l? ? tlon from Ii!iii"l I'OIJCI I M II \N(iKI) HKC VHI)!N<; MIAICO iiinfotnr-i 1I..U5T sun ir: i pkoposm, ruoMjm.Y kkjkciw \V ? h r?. ir;in)K r id- 1(1 -? \!? t ? t m"*' t" < n ii- ? , 111 Him 1r.it -I .*? u v\llh a CCM M ll)(.! \M) rOfM-l I'OItt! M.I Y \( c .l irl > OM'it- i'i i ? ' -I'll Ci h. V c:\im: i kah m\ im i;kts \i i.otmiyj \Vi?.? i' 'Intl. !>f" 1'? T1*< -''allot nw Iif of .<1 O.ono f-.r ?'?jm r. . r rlv r v?.11)? '* n.ftafi, oni t>r t? ' r.ur ? r, I flvr ITR'I ? 41 l.??r :u>fronrbtioo.< iifiimrvd t?t<|ar l?> MhJoI* C,? u ? ral I:?? ? . ci.ji f of Arfny MiKltntr-. rievdaii'l uii ? ls? no low It nri-fH :i political convention now more than it will next aprlni*. French Debt Continues Be Uppermost In Many Minds \ml ll - Nul Mninp' Thai a Con^rr^ WIiom* Main Idea I a\ l%i*\Uii?n l liink- l un^in^K i?|' Hot* Interest on I rencli N\ mild 11? 11? lo ll:at Knd i:> H win i .a wit fn rr: IClll'ltM. I I.M. n? TIk Adtii <?> W ;i>!i!i.i;irli?!i, !>?.. is. Although the Kreneh foreign office told American newspaper tn?*n several <la\> sitfo that a proposal i to pay tin* I'nited .St * it r?< the war del?t of approximately three and a halt billion dollars l?y payments extending over 1 lo years at two per rent interest was lieini* considered, no Mich offer has lieen made to the I'nited States Government. ARMISTICE IS BEING SOUGH V lt**|>nrl* (iomr liont S\lrxi<*?; I 11 *11 llurrta ;?inl Marline/ \rr Srrkin^ In Km! iI it*?. V ra (Mi/. I?? ?? i-mlf r- 1V \ nc.vs |ki|m.v ciirrtHpoiiilfnt id Uinruiuul.i 11 Oilr S in Marcos r< ports I lint an .ir-. mNtirr is living nrratm<>il I?? ? I vv? ? ? 4 relod mid IVil.-ral font's ami thai 11 uert a has coin mini i<viti>d with <2 11 oral Marline/. fed oral. relative to, cessation of hostilities. Revolutionary hvadqu irt??r* coin-! manl< 1 u? s sav tliat real casualty's ar?* plticod at :!??. 11 vols Suffer Heavily Mexico City. n?(?;:nlior IV His-, .'pa'clies from Villa Henu?,>*a, oipital ; o* Tid.ascn. say that. rebels uiiivr 1 0? norals Carlos (5r? ? ? n. Kcrdlnaiido Soijovl'i. ami Mace line Lticvro, whudi have lio.-u attacking Villa lleruiotfa for two Mays, suffered hoavlly today in t"?'?? hl?iMl("Hl fighting of tin- |?i*?->; ? ?!!? resolution. ? (ioiioral Vicente (ioii/'tlis (*t>lii ma ml;: the federal# there. Taken Over lt> Kehels N' w" ( rh-an I.ioroiii'???r 1H Mor iil.i. capital of Yucatan, loo.uni) pop ulation. was taken over by the rch*la win n tliuarrUon declared <"or Ifu. 11 a. tIn- Mexican consul g--nei.il I ? ? i*' ? aiinounoed. Norfolk Road Bid* He Let Next Week Road Is To Be Of Concrete Construction And Eighteen Feel Wide Isldft will le I# 1 f<.r Hie road from Norfolk via (If-al I Sr. Id to the Vir inia 1 sri? ? at \orthw?M oti i-'riday, Poc' intier 2K. , 'I " l' i?l i-? t.i li. of concrete eon -truetiofi and I* !'? < t wide, acn.nl in l<? 1 ?? |.?.r t. In iv. r.'.i?, rt?. j; Mr Nil11. toiiuerlv wi'li llif ?"- * -1' - III 'i- :i< < *> >li 1 111 i iri|| I.Ill now -,v ill, a |?|-|v;?I? ? ? out j1 in;? firm. 1 ? ?i? d thiol!---':: tii'* cjty Wi'iiiii d i 1 nrou t * t<i \oi foil; to Idd on t In }>|o ii ri !',? j - flrt l. Mr. M'-Nut' 'was the eir;iii?-? r in ?'< 1 v. I< dilution flu* II on 11 (?oi)ci)t< roi'-d wa- laid from the Sf:ir-- - brld;:? arrows the m:n h ? I' MjicIjoU ' I: land and file swamp (?f t! ? |'?i>?|iiota 1 \ f?n the t'amd' .11 I ?inni/iin fli*-? lute siturhici of I '? 21 and en din: in tie e; 1 II into' r of i '<::j roirn hkitses i:r\ \(; \I?T ( MO! vim:*-: 1? *: -it. I ' I' II. Ml. I'ord I" d iv d li-" I thai "li1 ? 1 ?-'!? ?? 111 a }oi ti ? 1 : \ tii? r-i?. ?? 1 icfd'-"" Iv ft- ? f ? -i antr i f" v it'i r? . ? ? nnJ <<! ?? ho wlM |i? v'r nit. id 1 1 rmii':* iivait I (*tedido,i ; 11 -' t i?? i.' t. 1 Dcciilc l>cfcr \rli??n fill ll?f Sr.J !icr |??>tiu? V ton. !?? !'? Til. If.Ml ? ? d tiniMtoo d.Hdrd! >r \ > v ,, j I looriniT \i?nrirtli?>n I- (Ifdcfctl I *i ? fii> cil ? ft ? fd . 1 i? - iV, Tlt? di? rd'ul.Vr? ? f flit v| |.M? In. M ?? f ti?r-ri?' N *?'' " rid -f 1?\ ? r \. v 111 I ? t .'|l d t ?'? lo t T order w; . ??t?i.-d <'< no tior of 1' r.t,i , ;-f v ) l?*h < ? . d t . .. ?M-jiuioi, with ?>?|n * : u -?*)!'< \v f ?i I eoHtf?lii:>f loft In f tr:iint. SFA V I K I \ \lll.K TO CIIOOSK < 11 \ 1101 \n \N ; -hStiKton. 1 >???'epih^r II* - After, t.iking nine balloln, ihe Senate >???-' terday remained unnhle to break U&j dvdioek over tre election of 4 chair man of (hednteratate commerce rom-i mltteo. 1 While tho offer oh its face conllicts with the provisions of I hi' existing law whereby (,'or. ^re.-s empowered the World War Funding Commission to make arranKcmcnts for pay ments extending not over 25 years, the French .suggestion has nttrai ted considerable inter est here largely because it is tlw lirst time the French have pre sented anything concrete. Tlii'i'i* is soiiio doubt oxpivaneil lin'r in well informed <|uarlorw that l-Vanco will i-vr m.iki1 tin* proposal officially to tin- I uiti'd Statos (iov* ornrio-ul. Tin* disposition of thoso who havt? follow.-,! French policy rlOM'ly is lo bi-lievo Hint the Frmicli oiiu4> was uiu(l<' for newspaper con ion. ;iml in recognition only of Iho^isiii" tide nf s?nt hintit in tho lulled .^lai.'s respect lo th French attiiinb toward the Annri ?om.ii debt Tin* French have boon critieired for 4l?*?-1 ii-iiitic? discuss Iheiriiulebt-. oihiess lo AliM'iica, Tin- fact of tlm matter Is that tin* French have noioi* ackiiow h'dufd lln-ir obligation to |?iy ih?? Ciiiti-d States in fxplicit negotia tion with I'll*1 American <rOV?'i*n moat. Soon newspaper stat.-nu-nt*. !. im1 ;i|i|m ari-d statim. that IK* French of rmirsi" would sum*- day I?;i> their d'l'is and.had no bb-a ?if l'|?U?ll.lt ill - 111* 111 hilt I h'01 I 1*111 ll H 11n i> i 'miliiiiK official on rVrnril t i show that ih?- French i:overntiiot?l mi. i\y io pay ll..- ?b btl. No i?t ov i ion has Im?? it in.ob in ii'iy i Fivnch bin!.'I hine. ib?> war for In tcro?l or -in!; in- fund on tin \in? r icun ih'bt \|.anwhllo tin- French ! *<\C. toil ll.-'i IIHUU lo KOflfe id llit' : i ? i ;? 11 ? ? i" 1 'o 11 ii I rlo - in l*uro|u andha\< in.-i |. i| thai Germany pay to I. full' amount of lor pim ral ions. ? ('oir:rr-:- i- . iiiiii' to diccuss 111*; French altitude >*sI? 11 :-i\?? 1 >?. TV i \'Tiill\t' branch of th.' <ibveminent ami t!i?? World War Funding f'on iiiission an not pressiir' l'iaio? <? tin* contrary iio nioy. If beini.' im title in lhat ilir*-''tbin, lhoni.li S? iinlur ? Suioot j* 11 il liorah ha'." hijrllf"'(|ad that lbe I nil. 'I .-'late* should not! ? l? I'l'-iir to Franco ihjit Aiiiifi'lritti pub Sic opinion do.-* tiol favor th<- ran <?* ll.Hioa <>r ropuuhtl ion of I In ?!??' ; Tin- fundiir. coniuiisfdon lia ' ii cahd |o I In- Fro'ncli a wlllin: a- ? foi. o Ij i lul'/ro.t api iininl;11. <1 t d ;i' oil tic I i *v i n'' i d?\bt and 111. < ? i tn-H ih-al bllt t von thl?< did imf ni' f willi imy r< pons'- front th '?'i ??nc,h. T' ? iimtu'V loar >1 Fralie* durin lie war Vi?? rai-' from I ho A morionti oplo. .who hai.o t'i b?? n paid ? Ifher l>v flic FYoninh i ? bv th"' \itn iifan t!ov. rni'u nt. \t l-i - . ? i;l th' I'lilf.d StahH tlovj'in ?'tif i ? t i ?. in- H.i fit i/?l|: to I ;ii. ? lh? nioti- i |o r??bi in tho bonds i - iin il dm inv Iho var for tin- boni?fl< '?1 tiii IK nrh loans. Tho lnloi' <t -? *?111*? in Iho \nn rjcfin binkot on ?M war *?. ? b t i 11 < -111 * I i n : - flu l-'r* uc amotml to mor?* than a billion t]6! fa? - a yi iH' or ini?r?- lh-?M otn* fourt: ' I '? fill II ? )' i i |*| f f'llll I IVf . Ir ' I t r ? . Ii ? t !; itisii. v/rro t" *? ?? t in fi- iti i.t:????.-r ;lo> burden of ?a'\a1!oii w i >u hi b - J and foiie i.; i in '.v i ;.i n - Jii.o (Ij** boliU r?in'? t f t !<??[) ca i ? bf. \V t i>lii?'h f - hot'*' aro Wond' Hn i ! ! '? ? '? n mitlli!U? to b lul ?ii' ? to olln r nation!^ and d'clhit' in ;>a; il l' fi ? on {-'? d> '??! i in' ri'- i fi.!- . ???' ? wiii d' bnt'- Ii ? lu'ilf? i ; ? sin ? irt'I.v dato. w itnkssi;s n s rn \ I OX LKII I 4st un: f!a i . f>. r 1'. ?Th*. >f r.L -> tit- r. <f uooli II-. r.'bnltal < ? '': ? ? i' 1 ? I'd bv t ho df fon'it t ? i < ? I'hiiiti W. Ko- odlto , i ' Ha * K ? Kins Kh.n j ? ? >' ? w ir ? i. -alt1.. t?|fi, ? h-'l \\ f 111 - ? ? i S rVbiirn. Mttor'n if ?? ' lac 'I oi ? ; t kijik. > i v ri'l \ Min-y - p?t ? " Ir, f lit' il III i ! l ull I, .1 'I Hf' :? n.l I'm' in lln?|f . it.rrii'v ii ii:kkt T' ' V-Of! I " H? r 1 !? I 'i>t I 'tli th! < ?>v>r., ?jfe It fh * following ? ? I Ii f pinbt i % I oi; .limn iry I J 7 : Matc|. 4 ? i'i'I : Mny n 4 : J???. Jul;. :: i lo: (>'"obi'i N. w York, tb-retti.ber I II Spo? rott.a) r!(i^f(l ic-i4> tiil^ afternoon, ndvyncjn^ j ?.'i*fv MiibHiiitf Sr.^a. l-'iit tf v'loyi'.l {is follow*: inb?*r Jo?.*2?j January 34:35; M 11 / i \!it% Jnly' HI ; Hrlohi-r 2S: 17. ()fflrlaN think a Ln? Aiik>-U * woman w4th ncvpn husbanils all her own. I* craay. Ho do we.

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