t settled tonipht and' '^f^l -^- ? CIRC.l L iTin\ '??'? /lire. Moderate triads. "? VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION". ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY EVEN INC. DKC'E.MDER 20. 1!>j::. EIGIIT PACES. NO >9.r? Director Extension Work Impressed With Progress (.ln>|er I). Snoll of 1'uivrrxily of Norlli ( arolina S|i?'iul \\Yilnr?duy lltw r.onfrrriii:: Willi (>rjsaiii/.:iliou Hi'iiilsi Itrlulivc (Vrlain Scr* ice- to !>?> I!*'ii<1 r r D. Snell. dim-tor of tin 1 \ ?? i>t.|\sUy of North Carolina K\ten- | wio Division sj?-nt \Vednesda> in \ eity conf?-rrliii: with official* of local organizations and arntnalnu i? i ? ? rtuin ser\ices to be rendered i ,? |.y the 1'nlversity 1Is* year. \V in the city Mr. Siu-ll stai-d i -t he was tli^jily impressed with t. ? progressive way In which c??m i ju -.iiy problems Arc l?? in^ handled lot:* My. * * I n its effort to render some edu c-iti-nal service to every citizen of I ho State.*' said Mr. Snell. "the Kx t. r.-ion Division Is constantly en larging and widening its field of v.-m .. Regular clauses In colleue ?u^pcts are now held in over two seen* cities of the State from "Waynesvllle to Washington. These ? < lu-?"S whlcli are taught by the pro-; l, ?sor* from Chapel Hill meet once or twice a week and college credit roay he secured by those who meet all the rnlversity requirements. ' "Individuals, who cannot stand ?coll* --e or these extension classes inav take correspondence courses a:. 1 derive the same kind of benefit. \ A large number of new correspond-' er.c? courses," said Mr. Snell, "have added this year in the depart in? ts of education, history, com in- i? ?*, English. geology, <;erman. I.ati mathematics, music, psychol ogy. French, public w? -lfare. econom ic* and sociology. "Other lines of service which In dividuals and .organizations may use from the State University are: Lec ture?. woman's club programs, home tal it play coaching-. business sur veys, community surveys, playgroynd and recreation demonstrations, school arouml improvement. pack a-^ libraries and tlirectlo.il In produc ing I'Hueants. In fact," Mr. Snell de clared. "the University. because it is o\v:d by all the people of the State is i.mkinv: a Gigantic effort to place iill its resources faculty, depart in. 's. libraries, laboratories :it the dij: osal of the whole commonwealth. T'V' I ni \ ersity is trying to piny its parts in the progress of a great jStalv." Widow Is Facing Two Damage Suite Mrs. P. H. Small Of Hertford Charged With Injuring Child H.rtrord, ! c at -old Elizabeth Morse wh? *' she was knocked down and run iiwr, several months ago. by a motor cat driven by Mrs. Small. T' ? child's right |e? was broken as a result of th? accident and she is siiid tf) have suffered other injur h -? as weli. One suit is brought for the child by her father. C. 1*. Morse r "next friend." while the other suit the father brines in his own r.t: 10 for alleged mental anmiish . 1 ?I financial loss sustained by him self by reason of his little girl's In jure s. T' ? complaint in the action, filed l?v Khrlnnhatis and IIjiII of Eliza beth City, allei.es that Mr*. Small's r : ? ?! t he li'^e of the jiceJdet'.* Whk driven In a reckless and careless It; I^ner. l child, it seems, ran out from ? ? home on Church street, llert t id. to enter :i motor car statidiii': . t the irate. She ran around in front : lh? car to enter from the sble nc\| t . th? street, and just a,? she passed f;?r eriough beyond the Hntidi'ift au tomobile to make the turn fowarcf it-* Moor. Mrs. Sfnall's carj passim.-, trnci the child and ran over her. Thd complaint allege* thai Mrs Small was new*lb:eDt In driving too rapidly and in passim- too close to the standing car. C I*. Morse i? bookkeeper fr?r the Km-i. in Oil Company and stand w? i| in the com in u it It1 So also does Mi- Small, hut si " ha-; been twice fin- ,| in the mayor's court In Hertford for exceeding the speed limit. She in the widow a.id at |ea*t 2?> >? ar- the Jenlor of the late Patrick Henry Small, who died at an advanced age several years ago. T'i" Ciis? ' -is )>e? n placi d on the 1V rf|Wltuat>s Conntv Superior Con it calendar for trial Mit the time of trial ha - riot >?t been fixed. COTTON M \ ItKHT N? w York. Dec. 2o. - Spot cotton. 4 losed Quiet. Middling 3f>.H3>, an ad ? inc. of 1." points. Kutitfes', clos'ng 1. Dec. JIB.57, Jan. I..*? *?, March j ?a. July 34.27. Oct. 28U35. New York. Dtfcem.'ier 20?Cotton fu ires 'opened this morning at the following levels: December 35:50; January T,4:55; March 34.95; May, 33:15; July 34:36; October 18:45 GROWING INTEREST IN WELFARE WORK (Tin roller. K\|>r?'?? Their1 I nimiiemlaliiiii and Show Their Interest hy Their Ac tive Support. Ihlt-iuli, Dec. 20. I*111*1 io welfare) officials consider that one of tli?k| most lienrlrninu' si-ns of the timer-j Is tlio recent increased ? interest of tlo* churches in North Camllna in J the work of the Stale Hoard of Cliar-| ities Hiid l*u!>lic Welfare. \s the* Commissioner of Public Welfare points out. the rhurelK's and tliej hoard have a common objects wliicii, Is to Iwtti'r conditions of life. There have bt^n tlirw recent *:r;\ tifylnu Instances of tills urowlnje in terest, of tin* churches in public wel fare. One was Western conference of the Methodists ut Winston-Salem, where much attention was paid to the social service program and where t'ol. W. A. Hlair and Re*-. W. I.. Hutchlns of the Hoard of- Piihbc ; W? Ifare spoke. Another was at lie .social service conference of tie K plseo pal Church in the diocese of North Carolina held ai Chapel Hill, at which the Commissioner of- Piihli>* Welfare, ami Col. .loseph Hyde Pratt.' president of tl.?- North Carolina con-, ferenco for social service,, were two of tl?e chief |ie;tk? i- The third was the |'*astern Methodist Conference a* Klizahet li City. . The Mcthodl>ts at Winston-Salem reviewed quite fully various aspects of the progress of sucial conditions in North Carolin:'. Parts *?f the re port of tii? social service committer are 11noted as follows.: "As cHlzcns of a Slate ?hat has made such rapid advance in social , legislation that leaders in social i work throughout the nation 'are studying her method, we should our selves know what these laws are. \\v are then-lore requestinu' the supi r imendent ??f public welfare to send a copy of n- recent compilation of social welfare laws to each member of litis conference. '"?We ask your aid in making our penal Institutions the no-ans of send ing out those covmiiif led lo them bet I* r citizens than when Ihcy entered. This means sltidy, publicity, and in vestigation on the part of pastor and people. "The aid lo mothers act which >oil endorsed last year has h? Come a IkW. That onr church people may ;Jvi ? n , liuhtete.-d ? support to this provh-ion. **e ur_? our pastors lo s'-'ck , out the county welfare ofTlc-rs in their K sprctlve counties and to con fer with tlietn and lo brini; them in to close <;o op< i.ition with t.heir Church social service commll'e. .. "W?- i? joice in the splendid work of the Stonewall Jackson Training School in trair.in ? citizens. Satnar cand is dolnc a line work for wa> ward t-irls. I tot If are full and many turned away. Our church can ai tor delinquent ne^ro boys authorized by the Legislature r?f 1 f?21 Jris not ? et linen bul.lt. end dee'r-nd fh:t' "pn'dle ! en'it lent -liou* ? ?? i ta.i similar provision for delinqhent col ored girls," and endorsed the Com missioner of Public Welfares Idea that the Hoard of Public Welfare should have a bureau tinder the charge of a trained neuro worker. The HI. Rev. Joseph Hloont Che shire. bishop of North Carolina, told the Kpi&cuJiftllang at Chapel Hill Hi it the church people should Interest themselves more^actively In tie so cial problems of ihelr own Slate. Mrs. Johnson told th? ciuifer* ne. Which he;-rtl her with mat . -1 att i lion srtiiwthinir of IV worl of tin Hoard of public Welfare and d ciai'ed that it Is nio?t able, well trained p< r oi. ?t . ,. pointed as SU|Mrinle|o|e||ts ft puMic w? Ifare In (he counfi. . to < -. .?i > sentitnefit for more ad?'iuni< j>io\j sion for the feeble minded and i'.-, '?'ore satisfactory prison ?t?-m id North Carollii.1. in addition to tinder taking special social project; of their own. The conference appoint- d a com nilt lee to Work *1111 !? (floces; ?, J service policy and program to he ?uh mltted for consideration t j.. i lUeet i |) y r?f I he dlOCej . The follow I') ? re-olutlon V. adopted by the f'.aslein Methodist .1 Klixaheth City; "A new da* has dawned |p Xort'i Carolina with reysrd to the ditl> owed the child, the dependent and the afflicted. Tin- leadership of Christian men and women b:m brought about enlarged facilities for i Ills LAST JOt'ICSm William "Wild Hill" Donovan, tormor liiu l?*aj:iio Itasihall manau<>r. who watt killed in tin r.?vnt wr?rK of tli?? Tw.ntliili CVniury l,lmit*M n?*ar niii*. I'a . w;i" carried to his last n .^tinu l?laco in la]iiladcl|diin, wlu-n* liis family liv*?i*. Take* Vuuiij! 11 ii l>l ty I'o Soul hern fines Southern Pines. | >i'p. 2?. Mr. niKl Mrs. Iturtnu s. Turk ? r. Hie couple renin ly married in New Jersey. the Hie age staled yt-.-ivrdiiy, adding thai their in torney v. on til r ;?1v?? ran- of the chanes of conspiracy to vio late the N< w J. rbi. i lii;irriauc laws and of perjin y brought against them by th?* -New jVr s? y court:-*. concrkss iik<;ins TWO WKKKS HOI Jl) Washington. I i. e. 2?? (*onui ?*.,a, lodjM Iii ;? two V . '.s : i.H.Ij.n wlih tin- Senate or.-atiizalinn Murom plcte and Willi praciica'h a Idaiik record of legislative'accomplishment since it assembled Dei > ml?? tit .i ti'h urain to former I'remjer V"tr /? los at Paris, urging 1.1 in lo cone to AtIh-iis iit)in*-dial* ? . uiikp s\\s rim: \\ \s ALMOST I \sT.\ \T \ \ 111 ?l ^ "Where were you night nun Tti"s day night Chief?" a reporter for Th?* Advance asked Chief of Poller Hi g or.v 'I hursday' morning. 'Patrolling t In* city, as usual." an swered Chief Gregory proinptlv. The fire in the hosiery mill hhix<-d up so suddenly thit rcgidonts right along Hie direct and in th? same M.? k fall, d to nee it until the whole In t' t lor was aflame. ilcforo Hi. v **ouId v t to an alarm hox the alarm had already heen turned in." The i. porter*!* 'incstion w s prompt'd l?v current adverse cr ? rism of. the night police for failure "? ,!' ??* e : "i fire the fl'MV Of ?\ hi. : could 11? '-i-n l.y ;? p;i "^Ing motor i from North I toad street. Th" motorist. .1 \V S? lig, who v .? "n ill- way to |t|* \v,.Ht m f, street home from fhe Kll; ?> r.diear I hy way of tfurgesK street in md. : ' > 'i a 11 i.-nd .it the tailor's ho saw the reflection of tin- JI r<* In sky when lie came alongside th? r? .v Mgh school building. ||. thou hi that til. fire was in Camden i drove without hurrying bnrk ?i. i KlVMi lo n<.. If ho coilld locate the blaze from the water front. W h? n Mr. tfelig turn ed on Mie alarm at box ft I Misn Ituth John i had Ju -?? telephoned it to the fir ?'? 1 t ri rn? i?: from her hdm" on Pc ?I d:ee|. While al l? a>t one rrildetit 411 Martin street had ??? in awakened l*y the t; low. ' ' **are. treat men! and frnitt.hr.' o; I'.o-. w!.o by immature a-. or Ii iinnlt> of mind and hod> m. a ?ial Cat* upon the Slat Pr|vi>'. Ilbcrallt. and i-uhlie uenerosii* i\, promise Hint l.lu tin. I not far dl fr'tif w ben doors of hope and rov? fort Will be open to nil wbo |i,1v< claim neon heju voletice. Tb. wl ? lei.blaflon fotichlnv welfare w?.? Including Hie mother's |-r-nsir>n. i proof n, ib< fuller nppr.cli.HoK of ti'< Si te" hit ' . st duty. "This year mark, the 'iffiHui m i biv-f^j! fh< I ? h in prir< n ? T ' i a lf#nc *tep toward mod'rn pri-ou reforms. The biimaii" rare of n . i cr>ti\icled of ei ime is tlic- as?iir*i:n ?? Hint th- period of har.-h treatm nt of those who have \lolnted the law has ended. We have conic to n r< t oy nil Ion ?>f the truth |j,af pnn|rh. ment Is ln:end(>d lo mend, m t to' break, prisoners." NEW INVENTION WILL HELP DEAF Device IVoviili-K Tor Itm-iv ? nix Imprr?.ion of Oral S|?'itIi |?y I In- S-n-r of Tout-li. i:\:illstnn. >11 mt|i-. l?tv. I'd Kv ry iii-!iit points n sucrtMH in ?!??? V' |.?|?::iu a hand ili'Vlro 'Mhit'll III*1 IIy ?!??;?i" may oury and l?y which lii'ay nn-jw impression ?>i' oral siN-?rrli. i'nift !- . amman r?il lini' toilav. 1'riilt'Min C uili ha-? hi- ail lioiiiiri-iiii-iit i'ii the |irnKi'i'!>> of a '>?*ur of inr?-n>ive work on tii'<- pro . Iilrm. ami in iiinltiii? ??xpnrlnp'nts in deled in# word* and to-iiteim * ??v t.K I mil ?'4iniiir|. "Today it i.> safe in * i.v that tin J1.1: nisi ii licing raw' f?*<*l sound' waves hy loiirh, mid can ii<-irly iransKitc >arli tiniuul iinpri.-inns into words and st utfin-* Aiiid I'rofoBsor (I mil. i JFiiri than a y?ar aj?o l1*o:?ss4ir (?null started , work with two stu m-iit(J< t'l^i- in.I .Infin Crane, brother*. of. l-'oi't Wayiii-. Indiana., ami .-.uccii-ded in CoiiitiiUliii ating w; ii :? no tul 11 ?? various win d- tid s? iii<-:n? s which tin Cram- hr th is ihM??i?il with a In* hand only. Ai that time one of the -hroih -at in i room .and spoK?' through tin I iih?- vvhil I o? Ii? i Mi .in adjoining lOOiii, ?-.ir> inii.lid and with faatlll o\. r the i ? < ? . . in! ? nd of In- tiibe. iiiiinniin. il hi inr<\rpii-tatioii of tIi? mjiiiuI vibration*. This yi-a r Prof, j ? J .Ml it has h.'.-n utilizing an nmni ii <11 f-?r atnpilfvli.s'. vjlii.itii.ii lit ? 1.. -indiUR end, wlii..* In- ? nip ov . a ismall riTtdvin* d? -k In Id in tin land at the otln-r- I'rof. Canlt Ii i III M' I f )l 21 - h'CII Ul'tkilll! II}.Oil' .?? I'Mu vnwi-l.s i'tid upon y' v. : || hort M-nt<-ii('?'M which :i gradual'- s'udi'iH. S. N*. Steven*. sitting in mi adjoining building '!a a way. r?? | ?* -i t s. I'rof. (Sault My- tin lung VMv-el-. ?'?. ? . i. o. u. ar.- more difficult to d? let than an* acul'iuc.. How v? r. by lonjc and patient pnetire. In- h;i\* ho ha* leactud a point where ho "f- ? Is" the long vow "Is cori?-<'ly ii bo in 85 per rent of tlv* time. l';.on aeiitcnce* he dm * l?? iter, he explains he.; a u mi* of tin- Kt r? - iiiivr of Aordx. Tactual hi iring of lhe.?- font -? n t?M" . Ii k u t v' ii 11.?- fol lowing | o suit Did J ark like loaiclo'rs fi I" ' 4 ' ??* perf?*??!'; H'liiy did liol ?' I I ?t i-4 i.t: iii. did iik? work >7 p. r cent; Say. did .I n k ncr. lit ??]09 ji< r cent. I'rofi-^y .r (fault di-.?< rihes |ii? ion I" r < v.t trading of tin* fourth ?. u t' lni- in tin- natural emphii is placed "ti tin- hi \i ml words, and the Mat .ural pau-en In tn'M n the word-*. A?k'?d in what way the < \p. ; Or Ms would hi'io fit htiinaiili v. illy prof. .,r explained Unit tin t-.t >ll\ iN af would he b"in fitfi d a h? ' ? ? I i :? am t!o- "(actual I it . . I '? " i) tSffit pl irtli' . Ciriv an !' '????iritIralt- apparal'i . and ictr-a what :HIC aid im-' fy fi' ltnt'" soaiid. i im m u. i \iu: s nirnsnw \in;nsoo\ I'irr. whh-t) |>> .he oil? thorMv af*- r iwn o'clock tind'r tin fiiimn - ?iair w. ' "f IMf i . X Gun- 11;ii 111 iu. ?''-mi ii oat tJo- Kli/:iU?th < ifv KJr I) pitiuien* and appnf?titiy half th" town Thnrndoy aft* ?noon How#vr, ?fti:ji'l?o had thrown a <4.upl?- of hu< k<- ^ of ?a nft r on, the flami < and it wi? j? if' ly txtinicuifhed mh'ii th tire (O.npany r'in'he'j the y.< ?*no. ( lu micals w. j?. u - <1 ih cnmpr t in?f (h?* woik of rinbdHfng the mlni< ttt; ? c/?nflairriitioti The dairai(4 wan prohahly In th ?n five dollars KNMOV ll(H>.MS Mnny Chr'simai ?hopper<< are find ln? 111" rest rooms of lh?? ' hnmh. r ol Commerce th^ae day? and others are hulled to come. WOM V N hi II.1,1) in Mi'AII \\ ll\M)||> I:;iI.? -r. . p. I.ioi't r;, Kill.-.I l.v fi;iin]j|s ii ?;iii\ Will Sii|?|)l\ Poultry Ki|iii|iinriil for (iovcrninnil luIiulnliLi lion W ork Anion*; N cleriiib TI.e l'u\ton \V!iii?< S'-t'il Company of I'lir.aheth City wcro the jjuoh'?'ss I'ul liidiliTs for the supplyjtiu ??f poul iiv ?'>|ui|?tiont to llii* I". S. Covern niont for its rehabilitation work anions World War veterans for the Fifth District. ofvwhich NorlirCiirr. Una is **- * una is a part. Tin* llrsi' shipment ? iif these supplied, consisting of poul-j try f?'(>(|crx, fountains, hoppers, urit ami si..11 lio\?'s. ami cat sprouters. | lias Just Koii'- forward to a disabled war veteran at Jacksonville. i'lori-i da. Tin- Veterans' Itureau is Ilii*^ year luritinu out in this district several, thousand rehabilitation students in pouItrv husbandry. Sttch equipment as is essential for the trainee to c?n tiiuie in the vocation for which lu was train* ?! is h> ? leasi <1 tn him ?'l at the t iuie by th? Veterhiif-' linr.,, , V.V,'** Th- III:>\itnimi ?l ?.i equipment, inn ipjs 4 it(ji.? jv,H-mlitiir. is i..t| incurred nnleis 'he e'rciin. t.ine. s are such as to i,'. cessjtat.* jr. St-eurirr: this husim ss hy this lo cal lire s|.? aks w.ll for it, larye and iC..III|.IHo t If,el; ?f ,,I|I||M>.. " ?l>ilil> In Hiu <-i-s?rnll< I" li Willi III! Iin ...hiii,~i>.< |? '?nilnlry mi a |ii'u|Hisninii or lliii sir:. Diploma Mill Hits i.lliirtrr lu'\okril Richmond. Her. 2n. Th. charter of i >ri. fitiij I 'iiiv<*sit> of ("herrydah . N iin?.?. ji]|, . ,| ? diploma mill. : was revoked this afternoon hy .hid . ' arter >?-?itt of Mo ciiy circuit court. the action came alt. r the pr? ii"* tation or charges |?\ the state ?,f \*j,. i-inia wliirh acted jointh it h the I nil* d StaU tlo'vei ntueut. I \t?I.K% NOMINATION i:ki'oi:it;i> \n\ i-:iiski.y WnnlitiiMmi, l-ri... nam. million of Cdwiiiil I', Carle.. .,f ri,i cat o as chairman of t|j, Shippin itoj.rd will h. reported i.dv r , iv to under decision toda\ o, the full. I ;.|C colli 111 it lee. I he . i-'ioii is based on the provi , ;oti> of i , Jaw allotting one mem r to tit. loticliltm I he C.r. i.r 1. C. O'Connor i - nlnad. r? j-'T-cntin;: that section. oi \i:\M INK STVI'ION i:n.m?n s oi ii:t skason New York, iU'ccinher ';ti The fiiinu or the immi^ration quota , of most ?>| i he foreign nations and tlic usual winter deihio: in tourist tr.if : ? ill' ?! pprechited more per hap, at Hie ?fiiarantim Nation main! lined hv the I'nited Ktj|c; public lie;, i|, sirvii. on Sfafeji Island tliaii nnv w'|f '' ? I I Miring the summer and antumn with the rush of ffffful urani- md tourists doctor and olio i . atI'a? he?| to iji#- -tation ??.ol little spill.1 time. Oil' Ii tljer. Were .1 dozen or more .-hip-i 'i lie hoi ?'d off Stated f: hind at ?one time awaiting perm! ion to pro ' * ed to tli> r berths. t'otme(|u*ati'ly Ho dm tor who inquire Into the h? i'i'i of e v. t* lltf'Cil illK P issellir# r. as well ji 11]?? < rewsof panm-infej- ?nd frviulu \ w IT k'Miif on the Jump from slinrif to mm-ei Nirtwith-tandiliK the fnlllOK nff in truffle witli tlo coiii In ^ of < old w i th**r, p )?> not una u il in the eour u* ;? day for I*, or more ve... | (o *1 rr?p anrhor off Stntcn fuland. liow-1 ' Vej*. til \ e !t?v more often rou;? !-t:i Iv mid With the short' r d ivs tlo- me IIhf r O. the ..tuff find mote 1'1'oire time. Many of t;.? vat-tcd . ;? ! to have fo.iie from th" t" hnried. It Wils hrotlffht to St a f?*n f-land hy the pur ? r of pn ihcojplnt "Miyt. who, r- ?'.ird-n?! Ii of no particular valtiv*. prr^nted it to the offirei W ',io hoarded Ills Hlllp. If v ?? * ui" ;1 in lh> con truMkm of the i'-onne. and wlun the htil'din? was last *old the purrhas. r chanced to hr i native of ftujy who pfixex hlffhiy lh?- slah lieeatisc of iti< supposed as sociation with the body of Cnlumhus. Your Wile may keop you in hot water. Could he worse. A Spanish 1 one boiled her huhby In oil. QUITS BUSINESS FOR NEWSPAPER W.allln llri.krr Will Lot I 'arl nri's Mnk?- Their W liilc Hi- |'iir?m> lli? Ohn ivi ii..i.i.x. ^??rVrt ?n? Th- A?i?i..| l*r'?. ? N? u I?? c. 2". llavinz nc iit.iiil.il> i| a fortune of titori- 111:?ri Will 'street. John !? adinu hi*inhers of the N. w VorU ?mil market. tod.iv :iiti:? nf 'ilii- lirtu. "I ha\** made inv I'll#*, so 1 net -.'r fellow H In,I l?e till Irs." Ill' Hill (I today. "I nm p.n ticiilarly anxious to it ? voti' in> iinn' to my hotihy, a news paper. While not n ii* WH|ia|M>r mar.. I liioi' tn> own ideas *as to how a newspaper should l??> run." Resume Fight On Outskirts Puebla Tehuacan Evacuated By Re bels And Occupied By Fed eral Column Today m? Ti? a?*? himI Prr?? I Me\|co <*ii\, Di>c. 20.?News dis patched from A pi/two nay that fluht* inn has l.??n r**.-*itm?*il on the out > kil ls of l'iii-hla anil Ksperanza. w hili Tehunrau has heen evaciiati d h> I ho rebels ami occupied Iiv th??_ fi ih r.il diliimn. Pm-hla ,1s r.:: mlh-H -oiiiln ast of M> \ico ?*ity. Mi-xiro City. 1>i>? i-uit;i?r 20 ? ll< l??.'|s attacking Villa Ilermo a. capital of Tnhnsco. ha**- lin n defi-ated after :tn hours buttle with a loss of 200 killed. \Vrn*Criiz. December 2H? News paper ijurri.'stHtiulonts at the front re port riit* silualion unchanRc.d from I'm-i^ ari till at Ksperansa. TKI\IT\ IHKSHMKN A IIK IM>1N<; nim.l.KI) Triiiiiv ('oIIcro. liurham. Herein* In r -'?? TlH^Trinity Fri'shinan bas ket hali I com in taking a daily walk out in tlu> ryuinasium under "Iih tutelage of Ikry Taylor,' freshman 11 tli?* fre^hm in to.* sent will make a lour of tho wi sti i n pai l of the I'late lit l-VWru arv llavidsou, Oak Itldige and Mv.rs Hiil will h ? t iken oil. in ssi w hocks roil liiinai I nkw ^ K VI! Moscow. I >?'<'? mhrr 3'i Itoth Ku >iyn people and thi' Russian koy ( i liim-iit hop*- lo 1'iiior tin* year 1if 4 with strain on their purses tlwn during Ho closing year. High cost of operation in both government and priv.iii- in'lu-trios loft many defiril; at flu' ?nd of this year, despite hint: l?rii i The government is trying to introduce economy in all depart ments and hv c*nrtld rale i! <1 iiwi.y with blirnaln.s In RilNsia. Tti?' recall was- that in DCcemhcr priifor the commodltldH other flmn foodstiifTs wer?? from four l? fi.?? t itil?? lh? pre-wir level. - The government, wiiow rsonic di^n-' of makiii: further e' onoiuic conc. >? ? ii< la private capital. ilurlnK the i' ii in if y *'ii r in ord*r lo secure ? 'h'-'apnr production, it also hopes If* v impel its to initiative hy liftlni? Ihe limit on > ilarles of state eia plo; i Soini- of the West of th- ? no ti wire leaVinjr the Rovernim lit ? : vi< ? and KoftiK Into private ihusi* ne? < hecaus- the .limit with the statf w.i fftfi or ?7'? t month. co r i on <;ko\\ kks to <;kt wothik i iii;ck HhU Irrmb( r 2??'- -In fl'-fxlon Mt n v Ihr |)1re*loft nf ih#? iVorJii ( itr?>lii4.'i Coijon (iron r * (Viopero ? \isftc!nii(in n?i l*>rl?.?il th?> lm? mediate pa??> n necond nd vjinc lo ,iti nitwit}'1? of *h<> Aluo ? Iitiori. TliN p;iym? nt w ch??ckn and ovry member will receive the check with in the week. . ?