*?*****#? ? THE WEATHER * * / nselllcd tonight ami //fH I ^AV ? CIRCULATIOV igzuzzz. tx? yR JpHi : Jirsx. * to moderate Hinds ********* * ? VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1923. EIGHT PAGES. NO. 290. FARMER CHARGED WITH ASSAULT Warrant Scned l>y Sheriff Keid oil Alex Joiie* of Mew land at Midnight Thurs day. ,\ warrant rliartcinu assault wan HM Sheriff Ileld on Alex Jones of Newland townxhi|t. Pasquotank Count}, at midnight Thursday, fol lowing the report received here that ( Mr. Jones had hit Alfred Ferebee.J colored, over the bead with a clui>| and that the negro was . In precar-i lous condition. Mr. JoiifH is a prominent farmer I of the Newland section and besides j i* partner of !>. K. Williams in the' contract for hulldint: the State hlgh-l way from the Newland road to South i Mills. According to reports of the! dlttlculty received here, the neitrol wa* impudent Thursday eveiilnt! about dusk and Mr. Jones ordered! him out of the yard. When Alfred [ ivfused to get out. It I* said. Mr ' Jor.? s struck him. Reports Thursday were Jo the ef-j feet that the negro's condition- vas 1 still critical. He Is now semi -con-1 scions at the Community Hospital.! to which he was brought by Dr. Wil li- . \ Peter* Thursday night. And shows symptoms of concussion ol ] the. brain and may also have ?i frac tured skull. The X-Ray will b?? used to determine as to the latter ques. j tlon. Me\ S. Jones, a brother-ir-law of W. I.. Oohoon of this city, lives mi the Newland brick road at the point where It Joins the State hijiv/nv from Newland to South Mill.* The place is about nine miles from town. ' The case against Mr. J one/ will : probably come up for a heprln* oc- : for#4 Trial Justice S|?ence eatlv next PEACE REPORTS GAIN GROUND Mi'Nicun HcIh'Ik Leaders and < Mire^nuist* are Said to lie in (^inference to Hring Knd to Y\ ar. A', ra Cruz. December 21?Tin* Ini ptv--ion prevalent for several days i liar lluerta and Sanchez rebels would compose their differences with the Obregoiiists Rained ground touav by newspaper advices that General Gimlalupe Sanchez. Senotor Rafael. Zuhanan Capmany have uone to Ks -peniiiza to confer with rebl leaders In the states of I'uehla and Oaxaca relative to the termination of w.?r fare. Capmunv is said to represent Hit t la. Vera Cruz, December 21 Reports reaching here slate that step* 'ire un?!"r way to bring ? ihout a peacw ?mIoii. t li<* presidency of the commit (< to examine (Jerman finance*. dhtetKO, !>?"? 2 1 "I thank .urn \- :?> much. tnit have notiiinu tMay." .-aid f>awes. refusing comment. TOWNS I>KSTHOYKI> in KAIMIiyi AKK Douglas, Arizona,. Per. 21 (rfdnad'e*. liuasaha* anil Opto, tlir townh in the HI# rramadre Mountains, Sonora. Mfvlco. with aggregate pop ulation of ft.ono. were diitfnyi'd bj eaithrinake Wednesday nlaht. ac cordInu to a story by courier, wlio arrived ?\ linn mt?-d from Niivoxarl 1.1 tr yesterday. Ho had !????!? riding *lnr< Wednesday nixlii. "Many an? dead," be said. bkstcitv no i .ox; Kit ! is to i?k oMi rrun I!. C. Job has leeelved a b tt? r from l?. Kyle, vice president c?f the Norfolk-Hout hern Railroad Com pany. advising that tiio matter of| plarinu the name of Klixaboth C*l?%? on the bulletin board of the Norfolk South' rn rafl/oad at Norfolk station would be ftlvon Immediate attention, ? d that Kllsaheth City's name wuld be placed on this bulletin b rd at onre Til* letter was In answer to one frotii Mr. Job, calling attention to1 th?- fact that while Wilson. Char - lott* and many other North Carolina cities were on the bulletin board. Elizabeth City was omitted. YOUTH AM) AGE TIE KNOT AGAIN Raleigh. DwpiwImt 21 ? To make more certain their uni-.n. Burton S. Tucker. Jersey City youth, and the wealthy widow or Joseph Simpson. yesterday were remarried before Squire Joxe Fry al Carthage. accord ing to a story sent to ihe Raleigh New# and Observer hy its Carthage correspondent. Jersey City. N. J. Dec. 21 ? Hurtoti S. Tucker, aged 17. and his wife, who gave her age as 4 6. who remarried yesterday at Carthage. N. C. will return and face the indlcturents of perjury in connection with the first marriage at 1'nlon Hill. New Jersey, on October 2. Their counsel. J. Ray mond Tiffany, said today that no date had been set. however, and the couple are still at Southern Pines. Vesper Service On Sunday Afternoon Beautiful Program Will Be Given Under Direction Of Mrs. I. M. Meekins Tin- program for Ihe cantata "Christ Child" to be sung at the First Baptist Church Sunday aft' r noon is as follows: Cum I. Prelude?organ, .Mrs. I. M. Meok ins; violinists. Mioses Nash and Jones, Messrs Feartnc and Kramer, i Soprano solo?"The Voice of Him that Crieth in tin- Wilderness*."? Mrs. J. n. Aldennin. Cass recitathm - "The People, that Walked in the Darkness,"?S G. Scott Chorus?"Arise. Shine, for Thy Light IsjCome." Trio, {'Behold. a Klnu Shall Ileiun in Righteousness" Basso*. Messrs.! Scott. See|\ and Alderman. Trio. "He Shall l-\ed This Flock Like ii Shepherd" Misses Annie Miller Se?-|y. l?itterald Svkea and Mrs. w. C. Twldtty. Alto solo, ouassi resit. "The Anuel Gabriel Was Stent front God"? Mi.. W. P. Dull. Soprano solo. "Hal Thou That Art Highly Favored" -Mrs. J. p. Green* leaf. Quartet and chorus. "How i?? ant? ful I'pon the Mounlains." Soprano solo. "Hall Thou that An nify the 1,ord"-s-.M rs. J. P. fit leaf. Chorus "Sin'.*! C) lleavt-us " Nativity. Adesi. KldellM -Choir and congregation. Pint II. Pastorale Oruan and violins. Sopratio solo. "() Little Town of Bethlehem" Mrs J. P. Alderman, accompanied l>\ Mrs. James Keel in ? at the harp. Alto solos. "And Lo, the An;. - I of the Lord Came I'pon Them"? Mrs. W. C Twlddy. Soprano recital ion. "And Sudden- 1 |v There Was With Angela"- Mrs. : J I' Green leaf. Chorus "Glory to God in til Hlche. Male quartet. "Let I's Go Now Kt en Cnto Bethlehem" Messrs. L. K. Skinner. S. S. Burgess. J. S. Se?ly and S. G. Scott. Alio solo. "And Thex ('aim With Haste' Mrs W C Twlddy. Chorus, "Holy Niubt. INaoTnl Night." Nolo, "And thf Shepherds" Mrs. J. I.. I'rltchnrd. rhoriiH "o. I'rnlse tin* l.oic! All Y?* Nations." The volc?*s will be accompanied by Oh- orsan and l>y stringed Instru ments. \* j*?l I n l*?t?: MIhswi M in lib- Nash. KthH Jon?'H, M?-*srs. Itohh\ (-'earing and Jo*?p|? Kramer. Harpist: Mr-. Jam*-* K?-Hln. Chorus Sopranos: Mrs. .1 Prltchard. Mm. J.-li. Vhb rtuan. Mr* .1. I*. f.ni nb'Jif. Mrs Kdwitt Mrs. S. K. I.??luli. Mrs J. S. S?*elv. Mrs. S. 0. Kthnrlfli:". Misses Marua ret Coojm r. Annie Mllh r S?-? I>. Orac?' Samb rlln. f>oroth> Scoft. Ilufh Cook. Kveiyn Svk? s. and lli-mloi Twldd\ : alio*: Mrs. \V f T'vliidv. Mrs \V I'. I HIT. Mrs. J t? Svk? . and Mis* Knwrftld Syk?-s: h not - K. I!. Skln ner and S S. fliir} e 21-- M iry Smith Woodcock Wllmot who lnV*r ited $7Rii.0n<> from hi r father. c|op ? d today with .ImhM Ha|f?-rty. a tax Irgh driver. 'I h?> !?rld? is 3.". and the bridegroom 2a. 4he lias been divorced twice. rorriiV MARKI i N? *? York. Ik-olnnd's new l*ut?ltc Auditorium. where Mm- li?i?utdican pnrl>""\vllMn~'H ne\t June to picl? itn candidal*1 for IJh1 iTchlilf-nry, It is tin* I;i?n??>*i huildinu of its kind in tin* world, can -;it 12,f>4VO per sons and lias facilitie s for s?aiiti^ s??v?*ral thousand more in a idncli. In adillfion to it* larii?* hall, fli*> audilorlum lias 70 smaller rooms .where private caucuses and committee met-tlnus may lie held. The huihllni; was erected at a cost of Approximately oOu. MODKHMSTS SCOKK TECHNICAL VICTOin Xi?\v York, Jinher 21 ? Tl'u modern!*!* last niKht Hi'orcd a U'di ' ti lea I victory ov?*r their con?ei vat'vo ] opponent* ?h White. > ?' ored. on lint ..londay. i>ecember 1?. and held for Superior Court al 1 ? ?pr? MiniU'iry hearing in the rocord' i court this week. ha* arranged ?????! ?ind I* now out under bond Tor hi* appearance at the next term of Superior court. PHILIP FOX CASE goks to i in; .ii ic% Atlanta. I?ec 21. At noon todn no verdict had He# n reached In tie c;V*-e of I'l.lii*. K. Pot. charged with iii(tr(!<'.r of William s Coburn. f? ' low Klandman The Jury wnx j?lv? u the cane at 10 2 1 last night. R AILWAY ASKING I Oil nil'IIOVKMKNT HOM?*> Washington. December ?1 * The Vh Kltilan Railway Com pan; toijv osked the Interstate Commerce Com mission for authority to, iKsne i ml i?ei| #."?(ooe,(Mio ,rn five per .lent inott kskc bond* to reimburse the ro;ids treasury 'or expenditure! for addi tion* and betterments, The Virginian Termlnny Hsllwiv Company, a RiihfOriUry al?o sought permission to Issne and deliver to. me parent corporation fl.7H6.Ono; In five per cent bonds for advaneeaj made by the system In connection; with termlnsl construction In Nor folk. Primary Grades ?> All Have Programs In each room in tin* primary, neb oof al eleven o'clock Friday i morning a delightful Christmas pro Krmi wail glv?-ii by tin* children, p ir and friend* funning flu* happy a nd it'll ct* Reporters for The Advance were itItlc* lo visit only two rooms. ihoiigh III* . would ha v.- Ilk. <1 to bave been uiil*' to ace Ilii'in all. However. Minn Sba*ley. th<* prin-? cljil. iiMiurcil t li?* in thai all were excellent add thai much credit in <1 in* Ihe initiative, patleiir? and fiiTHcr^Min p* iftf I he teachers in tl?e training for Ilic*fit >? -i altenr. J H. Thayer. thi* Inir an extra on the program of ti?hi foam. Mm. Cook*'* pupils. an al ways. witbi well trained, and went tlnougli their program with <-ii(bu* liisin that ^hara?t< i ail lo i w-iirk In Wins fvmfh;i Willi*' rifom. who h i? Special A S?'???iid grad? . a delight ful littlp play wan part of tin* pN? Krdin, 1 ii11* John !?? win. playing the part of H-inta. and little .Vliv s.u ? Ii William*. Mm. Saikh. and the other* joining in the play and ion*<. ii a very ?|e||ghtful way. The ?chool reporter* hav? promt* ?fl :?rth? r dot'11in for School New* Saturday. ' w kdoim; <;ovt \ o\ kii III NDKKI) } KAIIS Ol II N< w- York. I)w . 21." A wedding gown 130 yearn old was worn W'? d tO'oliiv by Mh? Jojophlli** l.anicr when ?lie wan marrie i in the I.Htle Church Around tb?- Corner to, Major J ii n I ii W. Jon*-* of the A liny Air Service. Tb* gown wu worn by lier .git*at- J greats rand mot her when she wa* married to Albert Oallltln. Herretary . of th# Treasury under Jefferson Id >!??>** I '.?H' .lfci I I .HfHMtl.*. Tiirnrtl ill l ire Aliirm Vi'lii'ii Trii-d Mail l.fltt'l' The Kllxuhctli City Fire Oe pa it meiit wus rnlli'd mil til ahout 2 o'clock l-'riday after noon hy a rail from llox Til, corner Main am) I'oin?l?<\t?-1. the principal liimincHM cornel of tin city, when koiim1 oim' tried to mull a letter in tin* Ore alarm liox nn that corner. Tli'- department ha* an ? wered many fait"- alirm* in Itrt day; hilt lo-ver before f?:> n mixta!" of ???.ur'tlv this nil lure resulted in a fal. ?? alarm, o Tar an tli?- memory of the m?-m-ti* r- of the tire rompany |{o iii tin* record* of tin- fin* d'-parthi'iit fIid*-, I I N I OK SI or i s ON SMI HI)AY MOHNINf; Haftirday niorniltx at m o'clock ail |!i?\ Scout* who will enter the paper. ch.?-?? will report on ftie Court Mouse VP '-II, Tie route for the elmy hart in?? ii ntupp^d out. Team* will t?n formed and il ?? chape beulft prompt* I> .t k?15. f.luht luniiiri:- equipment will he UK?tl , ScoutuiavH r Seattn vood will um pire Four fKkckrt of ptipi r torn Info one Inch M|tiates will he needed. Till* If the rtf?? t of winter fport* OthMs will follow* fays tin scoutmaster. MICS. 111.1 MOM NX II I. w ED w,\i\ soon New York, hi^inlitr 2 1 Tin* ? n-j KH'.ene lit of Mr* Augustus IP i mont, Jr., to John D King. II. o( New Vork wax announced today II* I - mont died three yearn into. iwo nki.ko Yoints ki.w:tk'<*. 21. Frnllk flattie* and Julius Harvin, - ueuro youth*, were alert rncul?*d at the |?en* itentiary today for the murder on July !5 of Mm. W. I). Iirown of lleau* fori County. Ilotli negroes confessed. PUTS FRIEND IN BAD LIGHT \l|ilii>n>n KiiiM-y on Trial for Trespass Tolls Aliout After l.iquor Jtli Employer. W. K. I tall. rt'i'Nliihlf and prom Incut Pasquotank County farinet', was- (Mil in light in the record - ??r'.i cmirl Friday morning when Al |iln)H?? Klnw. drrcnilant on a rliarti' of forcible trespass as a re sult of which he got off with a fltio of i -ami costs, wan put on th*?. stand under the Discovery Act. Alphonso swore that when lie committed tl'e trespass lie wait un* der the influence of liquor, and Pros ecuting Attorney Sawyer at onci wanted to know where the liquor came from. Instead of telling the usual story about getting the liquor from a kIIiii. tail man whom he met at night along the road and r.hon\ he would not recognize if lit* saw ? Mm again. Alphonso. who is a nep.ro of good reputation, told a straight forward story about going Wedn*?s ! da> night with his employer. W. E. Hall, in Mr. Ball's automobile, to the home of Jack Colson In P? rqulmnns I County where. according to the lie ' urn, purchase was made ol a half ] gallon of liquor, one quart for him I self and another for Mr. Hall. Mr. Hail, who was not swoHi. admitted i uolnu with the negro in quest of th? , liquor but denied getting any. The iit'uro may have ko) a dllnk, he mid, hut none -was brought to the auto mobile in any container. | The trespass was committed Thuisdav. and Alphonso wan n?ord or less intoxicated at that ti?w. i Mr. Hall was prosecuting witness against Alphonso in the tr'spas* (ease; hut gave Hih negro a good 'character and jtsked the court to l?e as liulit as possTTde on h I tit This was before Alphonso had told his liquor story, however. | An amazing story was told by Ji r ! vis Coo|?er. younu white man mho I lives in town but claims to wor't on his mother's farm In the country, ' when lie was put on the stand I'll* i day under the Discovery Act. Mr. Cooper swore that he gave a "cash" check for $ l?i to a mail name he did not know and whom lie could not describe. This man. Cooper swore, took the check to lh/> Innki j cashed it and brought him I be mostly for it The witness refu:-e?| to say what he want, d with the money but j declared positively that the check was not iu-l\?n in puymcn' f.?r Ibeior. Wiley fSrtffln. li? year old negro, wn*"given a sentence of nine mon'lu on the roads on a charge of ?s .-?IIIIt with deadly weapon and an id : ditional sentence of three mon',H for carrying a concealed weapon. In recorder's court Friday morning. Tn? assault occurred- on Harney str et Thursday of last week following an argument in a wagon as a number of cotton pickers were coming to town from \V. A Hrock's farm in Camden County. Van Tlllctt, colored driver of i lie wag oil, was the mm w iioiii the defendant was charge J 'with tiring upon. According to the evid'-ii'^, the de fendant Jumped from the" viuin when It reached Harney at reef. Went hone* and got a gun. and 'ire I at Til lett before the latter could ITt out. of the way. Griffin then left town and wax arrested III Norfolk. whei?* he was held by the authorities until a police officer from Kllzabeth City could he sent for him. M??>i of the court's time Friday morn in v.. however, was taken up with the trial of Prince Webster, n 10. for larceti> or an automobll" lire: but the negro was found not guilty. Trial Justice s'pence is ill ut bis bono ?in West Main street and \s slNtant Trial Justice Markb.nu pr? sided at Friday's session of police court. I.KVI VHI \N CIM (I M)KI) IN NKW YOKk IIAKBOIt IH* Th? AiMflitrd I'fw.l N? w Yc?i k, iKM ombfft 21 -The ! ? vfitluin. In hound from Cherbourg, imhry gnmnded on Kobln'a IteM. New Yolk harbor A cull wax aenl out to nil available Itijc*. The f1d?? Witm th< n cliblnx and it will be eleht InnlRhl Im fore tlw bikIt w.iter mark Ail! Im* rpiiphnl again. ciiina is i im;in<; BOYCOTT AM KMC V 'll? ft# I fI<>nv; Konic, iJefember 21?A?' vi WIFE (a 11.TV OK Ml'HDF.H New York, Deer 21? Kriteat Vwlt'T mill wife, Murle, w?ri? tod.iv foiiml guilty of flrat degroe man (daughter for killing Alonzo Rtor^y. fdriu#T suitor of Mr*. yettera Tht? , maximum penalty that nv?y be lai , pomkI la 20 years Impflaomueni