VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATl'RDAV EVENINC. DKCE.MIJKU 22, Ii?2:! E1CI1T PACES. NO ".17 Coolidge Dosen't Propose Be Bulldozed By Congress H ?? Sfrviil Niilifc in Insistence ??n l ailt'*'? \|i|Hiiutiii?>iil l<> the Shipping Hoard That llo \\ ill Nol In- Intim idated in Exeroisinj! Appointive Ciwrr? H>- MVIII I.AWKKM'K (Co??ri?M. IU], By The A??anrt> Washington. December 21 ? President C'oolidire has served no'ice 011 the Senate that he does not intend to lie intimidated in the making of executive appointments by Senatorial influence:;., the abrupt action ot the: President in withdrawing from the Senate two nominations which had t>een favorably acted upon because the Senate com nvrce committee had rendered an adverse report on another nomination?all three for the' L'nited States Shipping Board- ? has behind it more than appears 011 the surface. Chairman Kdward Farley of the S'ii.i|itnu Hoard has been the center of attack for wvrral wttka from dif f?M?nt quarters. It was he who re fu<> d to |M?rmit tho nmiiaulnc oper ators to continue tlioir famous "M.1 0 ? 4" contract whereby their com iui--ions for operating Government were deducted from gross re-' ceipts irrespective of whether the Government actually made a profit. It was lie who further incurred the! antagonism of ship operators h> de cli. inu to recommend a plan where hy the Government fl<*et would he Vol.1 at nominal rates or leased on t the Government even for th? present of the merchant marine and that there are persons who would like to see the merchant fleet kept In chaos so that other shipping llnV* niiuht profit by the disorder. Whatever the Influences are, the Pr- -Ident Is not going to allow tin hostile forces to tot the upper hand. Mr. Farley Is a practical shipping 1 nin and has familiarised himself In a lemarkahly short time with the * ?o\? rnment'p problem. To re organ *z< the hoard means further setbacks and delays in uetting the shippinc problem solved. The nominations of Fred. f. Thompson of Alabama and Pert Ha I..-* of Oregon have h**en; vlthdr-'vi 1 'ot because then# men ar- In any involved In the Farley contro versy hut because the President may f. I It necrssart to appoint from their sections of the country a new man for tin chairmanship in case the Senate insists on the technical ity. MUST MKTHOIMSTS I'OSTI'ONK CANT AT \ Tli?? Cantata by the Choir of the Flr?t M'-liKNlitil church, ?tnnonn?'"d for Sunday night, bus bwn poatpon ed until the afternoon of Sunday. lXoember 30. Bit VAN SAYS I OKI) M \I>K lilt; III.I NOKIS >1 In nit. Kin . !)??< 22 Wllllnm Jcnnlnga llrynn In n atntement today wild 11? it i the nactlon of Henry Ford's endoraement of Coolldw* hurt Instead of lii-liw'd tlx- I'rosldi'nt, He nald that Ford a* n milllnnnlr< champion of the poor people would have made an Inapirltii: apectaelo, but that Ford loaea prominence when "he Join a the reat of big htiafnean men in nupportfif a reactionary can didate." row.uiw i:xt iktkii hticokk Peter FV llurgeaa. 57 yeara old. j imminent Old Trap farmer #ho waa anlcken with para I vain Ttteaday at a h killing at the home of hla slater. Mr* Hlanch flnrgeaa of Old Trap, wa* taken home Friday and la ap-' pa rent ly making aatlafactory pro* reaa toward recovery. according to reporta received her* Saturday. GOT HVKHKI.S HOLIDAY I.IQrOlt Haiti more. I h e. 22?A scon* ?if armed meuand a (1h?| - of truck.'* last niiiht swooped down on Gwyn brook Distillery warehouse* at Gwynbrook. shackled three guards. and broke into two or three will* key stocked huildinus. Four in*'n were Cautured in a motor truck and half a doz ??n others esca|?ed amid a fu silade oT shots, abandoning two truck*. Mor** than 4ft barrels of whiskey a valued at $60,000 were stoh'ii. GREATER CHANCE FOR A LONG I IFE Child (torn Today Much More Fortunate Than Our Born Twenty-five Years Afjo Says Sir Vi illiam WliM-lor. T.oudon. I>eCi 22.-?A child* born today has a prospect of 12 more yean? lif?* than #ene born 2." years ai:o'. Sir Killiitm Wheeler. president of the (loyal t'olleye of Surgeons in Ireland, stated today. Medicine and surgery. l*e assert ed. ha\e made greater advance* in the last 2." years than in the 2ft |?r?* ceding centuries. He said that before present medi cal students reach the zenith of their careers cancer will be controlled and taken Into the ranks of such con quered diseases as .diabetes and small pox. MOItKISON PAttOI.ES ONI.Y FIVE CONVICTS lialeiuli. Dec 22. Fhre convicts today were pa rolled by Governor Morrison to be able to spend Christ mas at home. The> Include a biua trist. a liquor violator, a bank rob her and two men charged with housebreaking. He refused IT# oth er applications. Iteraitse their sentence expired prior to January 1ft ttevt year and havinif in mind the holiday season, the Governor pardoned four prison ers a' the State penitentiary. N".? ueneral amnesty will be extended, he stated. DISCUSS LIMITATION OF AI It \HMAMENT Wil.Hhinutoii. Dec. 22. The fner al question of an international coji fereiice for the limitation of air arm anient was discussed today at a con ference bet ween ('oolldue and the Duke of Sutherlaud. under secretary for the Itritish air cabinet. emphatic denials OF PEACE KEI'OKTS fill '-foil. Itr 2 ?* ?!**iiin I tluil ov.rinre* of ? ? ptii le> v ill r?ntncd i?* ?Hum In forcer- wan pontdlni'il today in an official di*patch from Castillo. wrr?' tar> of for?i?n affair* for Huerta. at Vera Ciiiz to Adolph .llinln?-7. ??*??? I aircnt. The message hmi?l "the r?'\ olution l.s Iriumphlnu evor\win r?\ Iredell <"??nilly Has l.ntv mid Order f.t'a^iir Htatosvllle. Here tit her 22. Iv< r 22 Mod? rn 1st of the I'fotrMant Kplscopal CIiimt'i today. declared flint the ^riiion* tlH*v preach tomorrow without e\ c? |?ti??t? H ill he In Conformity with the diocesan letter of lti*hof? Wil liam T VfnntiliiK. a*klttu that a trn^? he observed in tho Interfactlonal rontrover*y durln? tho l?o||rl21 \m TIi fundament all*t*. If i? understood. Iiavo tacitly as rood not to discus* factional Itmucn in their pulpit* to morrow. ItOt AVKM*OltT Mlaa Annie Davenport and Mr.' I?ennl* Houghton both of thin city, were married Friday afternoon by Rev. K. F. Sawyer at hln home on Pearl street. cinder the Hudson The great vehicular tunnel under th- H-idfon River at New Yoik la *apldly nearlnff completion. Th'? *how- n?? c ii,?ivnt 1?t??rlor view of the r:?antlc enelneerin* task Only One Miss Alice P^rlcham (:i1>ove). U. 8. "folstrl'c t Court cleik of Ilanda Island. Ik the only won inn In the country. It l-i said. hnldlntr that ofTirc. rhoto taken In Providcnce, R. X. MKS. \M?ITKIHv\l> .Mr*. Cyntliin Whitehead of !'?> quotank died si I ln-r homo Kri?.i> morning after an illlic-M of t?to weeks. She Is survived h> I".o daughters. Mrs. Nathan Thompson ??f Ait. Hennon ami Mrs. Joseph Daven port of Columhii; two sons. I>a' *1 and John Morgan; thrf slut s. Mw. Josephine (Ifali* and Mw Nar rlssa (tankhorn of Norfolk and Mm. Kllaha Harris of Mi. Ilernion: oii?? brother, Zenas I. Whitehead; and several grandchildren. The funoral wax conducted s?t tin honi" hv Ih'V. W. T I'hippx Sat urday afternoon 1.1 two o'clock, and iitt? rni?*iit wax mad*- In the famih burying ground at Pasquotank. i\ \NS \S CON V IC I S Ol I ON !'M(OI I S i.analtr'. Kansas. In c. 22. T?< ti I\ flvi* roiivirtx of Ksius.is |nIf? ii tlar* are at liberty loda* on 1 .*? d;iv Christ man parol*** given l>\ t?ov? rnor .lonalhan M. I?:i\ls The* are on their honor to return at Hie.o\plra Hon c?f that period. r TIIK TdCkKltS I.KAN K SOUTUKKN PINKS Southern lines, Dee. 22 Mi and Mrs llilrton S. Tueker. !!??? *?> ? pie of wldi'lv dlvcrxonf avs. hi* IT and her'* 4x. i?fi here in their ant"" mobile j esterday nfternooii presn ably f??r Jeraej City. N*\V Jers? where tl.ey an* indicted for coiMpii acy to violate lh? marring** law. 1^ ^ w* f Jersey Indictmen Is Were selfTM (WfTOfl 51 \nkKT New York, hm-mbit 22 ? Spot cotton pIommI quiet todiy. declln'ng in points. .Middling 3l.no. Fu ture* < V>**'1 as follows: Iter,.in' er :H?.n2; J.?unary 31.77: March 3a. 14; July 34.'42; October 28.45 New Yofk. r>eremher 22 - Cotton futures opened this moraine at he following levels: December 36:21; January 34h?; March 3f?:3rt May 36:42; July 34:f?4; October 28:64. , George Modlln la at home from Wake Forest College to upend the holidays with his parent*.- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Modlln onjL'harcb street* ' HIT BY FARMER NEGRO MAY DIE If So Charge Ag:aiii*l Jonr I li<> ('lian^t-tl to "lurdrr ami 11** Will Fare Slay in Jail I'nlil IVclimiliary Hearing. Alex Jones of NVu'laiul. broth er- Iii -Im \y of l>. K. Williams of Soulli .Mills and a partner wltn liim on a , State road project. was before the rectirdfr Saiurilay to renew the bond ?of $5tH?.. returnable at that time. giv ??ii when li?* wurd. Witnesses for the negro, however, if is reported, will testily that . VIfred was running from the while man and had reached tie road win n the blow was struck; If the negro dies, as seems now probable, the charge again-1 Mr. .Jones will be changed to murder and lie will in remanded io Jill pending the preliminary hearing before Trial Justice Spenre of ilw recorder's court Whether he -'OUld then be released on bail will rest with Judge Spenee. Hl.Wt K .Wit llt Mi lltl \ mktti f. CO.VTIipVKIIMV I'OSTA!. IIHIIT Sofia, December 22 Bulgaria and Frince have Mettled their i on troversy relative to a French debt to the Itulgarlan postal service. It? ;.?re Hulgarla entered the war in 1 '? I"? Franco owed the Itulg irian postal service 18.Jinn francs. In 1921 the French postal service offered to ray the debt in leva which before the "??ii", -v.; equivalent' in vn'iie to French and other contlmntal fi-thcs. Sitice tiie war. )|oweVer, the leva li a h declined in valine, so that it Is now KOItKIlT T. SMAI.l. iCoj,r.?h|. |qjj. B( Th? Atfv?i"-*r Now York. Da*. 21.?Now York is ending up its year t?C Iremendous spending with a Christinas shopping rush that U breaking all records. Through trade channels it is reported that many lines of merchandise have been cleaned out fully a week before the Christmas trade usually ends. S.VITKDAl WAS SHOI'JMNi; l)AY "Saturday wan _ Christ mas Shopper*' Day in Klizaheth Cit>. All day hint fro w <1 s thronged the streets and near ly all ?lav the mores were jammed and parked with Cus tomers. Indications are (hat never in the history of KlUuheth City has Christmas business Im-'-ii quite Hi I LOIhI. Kmriui rs. who have made a killing in cotton this yeur. have heen too hllsV harvesting their crops up to the last lew weeks to do much spending. Now they are turning loose some of their high |>rired cot ton inoi)e\ and are spending it freely. However, recent, hank state ments tell a story of increased savings accounts, which seems to argil" that I he farmers are not spending lavishl> or reck lessly as in flie days of war tittle prices, hut are using jud g in*' ii t in making ilnir pur chases and al the same time keeping something of a nest egg in way of savings lo tide 111ein ov? r until tlie harvesting of crops begins for another VENIZELOS NOT anxious ret? Say* (?hiil t<> Iti-ci-ivi- llili'p' lion From (iri-i-i-i- Kill I>(??? l>tfill Alimil Ai'iT|>liiu Thi-ir Invitation. tropyricM, 117), By Th? Adunrr) Paris, I)????. 22. Veuixelos was to ?In> Informed through news sou re** ? hnl ?i commit!* ?? lo ask Premier V??iil/.o|ns. without conditions an wllh couiplcti IIImtIv and Initiative. lo r?* turn to Ofe'ece to take Ihe political situation in hand. lilt. \ ANN <;k i s tw o Tl'ltKKYS IN A l>U Raleigh. DtMpiwtKT 22 SwinginK a Win wild youtiK gobbler tiinh i his left Hhiiltso elf vii and his nun Mi ller the riKht. Rev. I?r. Khhanl T. Vmiiii. iff* t-iloiiHloly known as tho "arinloj-* wonder" walked into tin anion slut'on Thursday evening a.Hi hi- Chrlstm.** dinner. Tin noted Ha pi 1st preacher wiilKi'd hi gobbler near llohKood " ! t '"!li:? *i?: Mm d* wit made hint ? tt i i?v mark for his aMiM'lat'm. 1'iior to plu< king ills lurkoy hip from the skitji tho clergyman downed another hn! h? dhl not hoMKl of bin sports manship in trigging the first Bvl dently ho gumshoed tin- hlrd. In i'i 11 In k two wilil tuikoys in ono 'Viy h* tut nod a feat in sportsmanship that att> sharp shooter in tlto nation tt I guard would have !?? ??>)? glad to iiihI< h. Th" former president of Mofodlrtr c ollvr*' wlioae arms w?-ro lost when a ????>?. Is a dead -hot w!!h a lianitn?-rl? - breath h'a'h-r. ami a ?irillk tl^d to a trigger pulled by li* tooth It I* doubtful if Ills in-Jirh is on lb** Mrlh. Itt MKI.S K\ \? I \ I K. cm oi rt kiii.a ? 1? tti? ^iwliiwl l'r?? > V-ra 'ii 17. !>? ??. 22 Th. n h? |n ligto evacuated tho city of Puehli "(or ri'jtMitm of milltaiN expedience" it was announced toda* M their fioadqiiart* rs. Thoy had hold Ih* r II>? for several days. TWO MO; Ktl.l.KI) \Ml IIO.MK IS WKKCkKI) .fohnavllle, Ohio, l?oc. 22 Mr. slid Mrs. A'rthiir llriimhaugh nro dead and flu Ir bono- is wrecked lo day as tho result of tho explosion of the acetylene lighting plant In the basement of tbfir home The explo sion win hewrd Ave miles away and' shuttered tho wlndowa of nearby Virtually all of the big dc? ! partment stores havo been so lswam|>ed with crowds that they have had to institute traffic reg ulations. One way aisles and J one way entrances and exit* have been established and uni formed employes aire acting as traffic cops, giving the signals 11 when to **go" and when to ??stop." Late deliveries ^have been made next to impossible and limousines and taxi cabs have lieen pressed jnto service to carry home the bundles. Trull lr In lue Mrwl* Iihk Incline an almost iiupeiietrable maze. Tie 'cops haw found It difficult ennimh .to handle the vehicle*. They have | thrown up their hands at the task of trying t?> direct tin* on rushing; Christ ! inns shoppers who go dashing .icro:*i tin* street. regardless of the senu?? ? pliores (jurio'd against them. SivcupiL ? stationed" at the busiest corner* of I nrtli Aveiine have heeii unable to St.-Ml the tide of leek*nlli? r* who will not wait for the ai tv slun. Mini, of this wild traffic mi' niim Is attributed to tin* thous'iinli nf out-of-town people In IV- ?*Hx ! Among the most distlnuuWied < f it In* ont-of-l owners has been Mrs. II.-lit > Cor.l. She came all the way from homp In Dearborn. Mlchluan. in 21 private'ear to do a single d r h shopplnu in tin* metropolis. I.Ik ? all tin- rest of the metropolitan "com I millers" she almost missed her homo hound lr in. Mrs. Kerd travelled .the private car ??Fairway" and slio I w a? ,< an led hy a party of friends and whole retinue of set " v ants The y trailed through sever. I I of the more exclusive shops. Mrs Kurd In tne lead and friends ifnd ? servants following In close form. t ion. When the party dashed throuu'i the Crand I'entral station to uink ? "th?? Wolverine" Kxpress. the s?t vunts each and everyone, looked liko an Iii?|i\ iiliial Santa Clans. Ii was said at the railway oiTIc# h today lh.it tlie trip cost Mrs. Cold it.-ii11\ $1.:;no in rail charges alone. Henry l'ord president of a i t" load, the Detroit. Toledo & I rout or. and as a railroad man hl.< family would ordlnarih he entitled to ? 1' ? roitrte>-> of the other railroads, lint I tin auto manufacturer. It In said. ?!? rline-i to avail himself of the com (??si of free transportation on t! ? "connecting linen" of his own p? ? son.il railroad. Mrs. ford and her party u? ' ram ht in several of the worst Ira' flc jatos of the day. hut avoided ?h? aecident which befell so many otlj- r shoptM IS. The trnfflr cops say thai, vur lijis nothing on the present Sir. . I condition In New York, mi l they .-erioiisly assert that everyon" vidHim the city at this time of tin* viiir should wear identification tius of some sort. S|m tiklna more lightly. however. o! the rotiK at rorty-recoiid sue i and Klfth n venue. allow.-1 that ?? would not have to do an r iri-imaM shopping if a few more p.-destrians would only net hit ami have their bundles scattered far an 1 wide There Is not only a greater ahop pllu crush thrtn New York ever ha? known before hut the average of purchase* per shopper Is the highest in hint or v. This Is In keeping wit toe lavish spending New York hat heen doing during the last 13 month*. , . . Theatrical and moving pICturo price- have ln-