******* THE WEATHER ^ hiir tonight ami I lies- ^//Al Tj 11^^^ * CIK(ll.iTH) \ ,iay s/'-/"';v'"' '"? (ixjJL I Irilfil^ ilJ HIMmrMfilr 55^\lfilrlnir^T^^ s??(r,/?, niulit. t resit h> stron:: northwest winds. ? VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITIOS'. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENINti. PECEMl'EU 21. 1!>2.",. TWKI VE PACES. NO ?>??< SOUTHERN MILLS HAVE ADVANTAGE H.Mlnt-Elerlrir I'iwit !)r discussion wa- not any means of expanding N- w KiiKlandV i?? \tiindustry or Ii adenine its markets; but ratio r (V question of survival. If was recognized with the candor . ( the business mind that the mills t.ii- nssociat* \\ represents fuc?-d the H'C.ssity if securing better condi tio s at h".iic or surrendering finally to Soufl.sm Competition. In this c? auction the president, Robert A iory. pointed out: f'or the last year and a half there ..a- been practically no new con stiuction. There has not even been' su: icient replacement of wornout Machinery. Mills are operating at 09 per cent and less o( full single s il t production. In the Carolinas op* ration was for full and overtime. In tile last two months for wlvlch flg ur-< w# re available Massachusetts i??v ??? and Carolinas 121 per cent! _Southern Mill* and I?m\\ MaleiiuN Seeklnu th*- causes which have lit* Hpltated such a crisis, Mr. Amory attacks as a fallacy the idea that Southern cotton mills owe their In creasing predominance to the fact t'.at they are "located in the cotton tieMs." In the great cotton mill OUlrict of the South, tin* Piedmont l Virginia. North and-South Carolina a: 2 (ieoruia i. in the venr August 1. 1021. lo August 1. 1022, consumed babs against 2.?K7.0oo hal s produced within the states in w'licli its mills are situated. Not did it import &20,ft9ft bales for manufacture, but was forced to get the. cotton grown in its own states )-> u fairly long railway haul at h? avy freight charue. Sine New K land's cotton can -cor.ie from, ul i.iot anvwliere in tlo- cotton belt by wa?. r. t(he difference in tin* freight rat^ is negligible and. in addition, t ? New England manufacturer has all the advantage in obtaining tlo r enc?- in co?t of production has meant that New England mills h ive suffered Int- rmlttent operation, partial em j'lr meiit. and a loss of profit that threatens not only the primacy but the existence of the industry. ~ Further analyzing the situation, Mr. Amory denies the statement that "N. w Knuland labor is inferior in ?iug?'ity. or that management is in ? niciMit. Ills e\planatlon. finally, is that politics i= the cause. The nlills ar* hampered by a superfluity of ???- laws, nominally humane and hem - tic-nt, which In practice prevent Hi operation of two shifts and thus min imize production, prevent competi tion in the cheaper trades, and make it ini|H)ssihle to secure adequate uti lization of plant. The only remedy be suggests is an appeal to tlie-law tiia>l..i bodies to repeal these re strictive statutes a dream and a d> ill#ion desperate on its fare. I'ower and Piediiloot It will be noted, however, that there Is one question on which Mr. Amory does not touch .t matter that explains why the Piedmont ? m plr? 'if textile manufacture has been abb to expand and run full time and ta on the character of magnet to ,i ' isle Industry. That is the Incident of hvdro-elec trlc power. Next to labor, power Is th* chief production cost. Given abundant and relatively cheap pow er. freight charges for raw material become a secondary, factor. In the c.is? of Cotton goods, where the prod uct is of lluht weight, distribution i?- fairly independent (?? location, ao that production costs are reasonable. Look at any railroad map of the Pi'dmout and one will see the dots indicating cotton manufacture clus tered like a pattern of shot from h chdke-borcd tun about the power lines. So loni: as it was a yiere question of distance to tb? cotton fields. New England** advantages of Wat* r transportation go Yt her .some thing better than a competing chance Now that it has cotnc to flu point where the Southern mill "hos the advantage of hydro-electric power, the latter can haul it cotfo.i lo; ?_ distances from Its own fields , and Import It from other slot's and abroad, meet n competition seek in.' enough business to run part time, and still find enough to do to kee,i -oln- overtime. Polhlrnl DnuitiflikN Conn nt nh.it Mr. Amory nays about lio^t4lo l? il*fatl<>n 1* irin. end It will be found that )ii?< n*i of N. w Rnxland labor 1? dlslnnenuon*. # That labor I* not *o much lnd? |K?nd 'Piil nn hostile. In rontradlatlnrtlon to the co-op# ratlvo spirit illnplayod b> the native InduM rlol labor of lh#> South. if New Knutand mill* nr?> hampered by hoMlle legislation, It Is because t Knulnnd labor ha* he?n pin'iiv.' pollllr! Inptcait of teainlnu: up with Industry. and no has boon 1< f V11 n tr Its own jroos?-. If tbat la true, what a warning It i? to the Piedmont of the several, *t*le? and to North Carolina parti-. ???*. 21 Cliiilliam Conn It.v's lli'W COUIltV home if described I us one of the !?? >i in I ho State bv I Uoy M. Itrown (it* the Stat?' Hoard* of Charities ami Public Welfare. Mr. If row n recently Visited the home .which i? located about two miles I from I'lttshoro. | Tho Iioiii" has been .constructed {during th" past year and can accone I modate 40 person*. Mr. Ilrown de clares that it presents a cheerful ap l?earance both outside and inside (and that the wants of the Inmate I are cared f?>r excellently. BAIL ALLOWFD IN JONES CASE iN'ewluiul Farmer (iivfs Bond for 825,001) for Appear ance before Magistrate Wil son oil Murder Charge. 1 Alex Jones. in lim? with tho fore cast mad** by this newspaper Satur day. faces a charge of murder on a warrant sworn out In-fore Magistrate )T. It. Wilson and is under $25.0nn bond for his ap|*-arance before Mr. Wilson for a preliminary hearing next Friday.V The warrant was' issued Sunday evening at about T? o'clock, follow in:: the death of .V+fr*-rt Ferebi*e. col . ored. in the Comniuuity Hospital at about 4: till, and was served with in an hour by Sheriff Charles Iteld and Deputy Sheriff I'ritchard on Mr. Jones at his home in Newland. Ytond was allowed hv the court at the sug gestion of Solicitor Small. Fere bee's deatlrwrs due to a blow on th*' bead alleued to have been iiifllet? rl by Mr. Jones Thursday ev ening about dusk as a result of an argument over money whieh the ne gro is said to have claimed Mr. J^ones t owed him. The nearo was brouuht to the hos pital Thursday niuht. at which time it was thought that Ihpre niiuht be some lio|?tr for him: but since Sat urday afternoon hope of savlnt: his Ii 1 ?- had been practically abandoned. Tin- more usual proceedure would .have be< n for Trial Justice Sp? iir< of th.- recorder's court to have is silod the warrant and to have pre sided at the preliminary hearing but Sh? riff Held, when lie rereiv. Rabi-h. I?.r 24.?-The following chart* i of Incorporation wan urant ? ?l !???'?? til kv hv the Socrclary of State, W. N Kverett Seligman, Williams k Hall, Inc . floutb Mills. N. to liu> iin?l sell lumber and do a general lop sine business with a capital stock "f $12K.0?m> ami T> K. Williams, K. W William* and S. (}, Selicman and Harrison Hall as inrorporatois. mills arc not operated by a clasp amenable to agitator*. An to Dm na ilvc labor. the acceptance of the rule of Hv. mid let live lias procured uOod living and working conditions without the punishment of the in dustry by whirh Its living comet*. It Ih n? r?'?*HHry that In tbe cose of pow er, the next essential. the statf be preserved from the reckless political Interest that would artificially limit the cvpnnsion of the mill lndustr> by prohibitive restrictions upon tin allied enterprise upon which it rnu-t depend for the economical tMiuinu of its Wheels. Keep the l-Mgc Sliatp If the logical |h rum r ent ascend ancv of the Piedmont In tie textile world Is to work Itself out to n con clusion. there must be |a quick mul tiplication of pow# r ri souw? ?. Capi tal requirements to tiring this about will be even greater than iho*. to take cart* of the addition of t? xtilc ma nufact tires which would b? re spouse to tbe development. The Pled mont now has the cdue It I* a question of dttlllnu or" keeping it sharp. The dream of brlnwink the N* a Knuland (e\t||e mills f?? n South, ready to absorb and furnish thetti r? lease front alien labor domination Is rich but Justified llut it.must be remembered that Ihe preparation for surh^ati econ omic adjustment I* a tr"m? ndotts task?of which hydro-electric devel opment Is the chief Incident. ? To the first question of labor, the State can answer satisfactorily. It must make sure that It can answer the next question of power In the affirmative.?-Natural Resource*. I COUM.K KKTI'IIN Ol OW \ XCCOISD ltichard I.. Ward. .'ia-year old Shlloh farmer, nn?? loiuclnt to the ui-'*s stepfath er. on tin1 nitht of Novi'iiitifr la. roturiinl Sunday nlulit of t!???!r own accord, according to report* reaching Kliza belli City Monday. The Kirl went to li*?r home ar.d tin- man went to his wife and two children. ? They returned $-!f?0 or $15o of th?* tiioney, ac cording to reports, which vary as to the amount hroumit hack. It is not yef known what sort of welcome tlii1 prodigals received at their homes, hut the neighbors of the commun ity declare that they are not particularly proud of tin- cou ple and their conduct, and cannot uive them a very joy ous welcome, tv.n if it is Christmas time and the season of good will to all. I.EXINGTON GUTS Jt'NIOH OIU'llWAGK ltah-iuh. I)i'c. 24. !?e\iimton has been selected as I he site for the or plianaxe to he erected in North Car olina hy the Junior Order of lulled Aineriean Merhanics, accorditm to a t' leuram Wn ive?| hv W. A. Cooj?er, chairman of the Stale Orphanage Committee from J. I). Tunison, N*?w York chairman of the national site committee of the order. A $."00,000 huildiiiK Is to !>e erected with a $500.000 addition to ;he constructed later, it was stated. 1*14 'Qt' KTT-M11N; KTT Miss Alma Midtett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1*. W. Miduett of FYar ius street, this city, and .lemher of SliJIoh lliuh School faftuitv. und Mr. Arthur ric?|Uett of ^.(iwih-h lib- and principal of Sliiloh High School, were married Sunday iiiorniu^ at 10:30 o'clock hy I>r. N. II l> Wil son. at his homo on Hast Church street, in the presence of a few r?? hi fi ves and friends.. Mr. and Mrs. Picqiiett h'ft on thr 11:15 train for their wedding trip and to visit relatives at Columbia. S. C. After January 5 they will he at home at Shlloh. \V. A. 1 i:i: C2KTH IIO \?? SKVTKM K loll I.UMIvW A sentence of four months on lie roads was imposed in recorder s court Monday on W. A. Lee, white man. for larceny. The store or W J. Wood ley, wholesale urocer. was hrotten into Saturday evening or Sat urday niuht and candy from the Woodley store was found in a wood shed on the defendant's preniis- - He told conflict int stories in the pi lice about buyinc tie candy from a neuro; and besides, ilw police claim, tave them a liumher of false tip< Saturday niuht that took them otf Poinde\ter and Water streets as on?* niiuht have who sought a clear field for his own operations in that area. The Wood ley store was entered from the roof through the skylight. I! K. I.asslfer. Tor simple assault, was taxed with the costs. Sam Smith and Calvin Patrick w-re ?found utility of pariicipatinu in an affray and Patrick drew a fine of $'? and costs, while Smith was let o,'f with the cosfs. Howard Kouthton, for assault on Henry "Dinkey" Divers, was bt off with the costs. fieorue Jordan, colored, for slap* pint hi* wife, was h i off with the COKts; while Nelson Whlfehiirst. al so colored, for a more serious as sault on his wife, was lined $10 and costs. Noah Mc.Murrcn. colored, for fail ure to pay dot law was let off with t a \? .-< and costs It belnn Christina* fcve. Trial Jus tice Spence was dispos< d to deal as lightly as possible with nil offender*.: uhaii) go cm in ii IIKCAI'SK Ol TIIIUvVIS Convent, N. J.. !>? l?i>l*<*o|?al Church M* proni^pllvi' fosti-r w?n, ?? i?? ? clnrH li>- Moml'li Say re. wealthy i?a troii of Kmitrlv Kius?*rt, to have lh?' reason for hi* nbHrncc at r vlc?-s. Th?* school boy was In*! v?.?r Bcnnlltpd of th?' murder ??f a fcehool ulrl nt Mndioon. Many threats !.:?\? t#?" ti ?un?l? against the hoy'n lif- . Say rr say*. M \joi< w. A. <.l< Ml \M OIKS Ol I'NKI MOM V llalitKh l^ffinln-r 24 -Major W. A ha in, Slate romml!t!<;on<>r of a grhiiltfire, at 4.3B thin mo ii lnk at a local hospital of|#?r *ev? rat ?? Hln^s* from pneumonia. , II NKHIS H IIJ. \|| I \ I > I I \KII\I, IN \ IM?I?V Th?* officer* aninlire for 1 !?- I is t^tinv? il by fohimi.>siotiet \l. I.. Shipmaii ??! tin !>? partim-nt of Labor and I'rintinu in a nport Is Sited hi liiin in which lie h'VirW it Hi*- industrial ami agricultural *lt uatiiui in North Carolina during 1 f*2?* ami math1 :i i? r?i? il??n foj* 102 1 I based on reports f?? his department | from all M-rtitini? of the Stat*-. Mr. iSliipmaii'H ?i> p;i i t in* til usually do?*sj ; not issue a report except biennially; , lull as IVdcral Commissioner of I.a-. ? l?or t??r North Carolina li?* 1 tlo Information on which lite report ' I !?? based for tlo* !?? partiiM iit of l.a-J I t?or at Wasliinatmi. that department having requested it in preparing a> 1 -??ii? raI reviow of conditions of the I runtitry. . Vaklnu up l?nil?liii^ artlvili* s. mu nicipal Improvement*. factory condl*, ;U>Mii<, crop conditions. roail building ami school buildim: programs. Mr. I Shiptniin discussed tin1 10211 accom-j plUhmcntM ami I>!in*iI his forecast j for 1021 siii<1 what actually has been 1 appropriated for work durini: that iy?*ar. wlndlni: up with the assertion thai "it is safe to say" that the actlv | ities predict* (I for th?> comlnu >?ar "will carry the Stale In 1024 through a period of prosperity as ureal and ' pi-rhaps srealer than in that of 102*1. TI)"1 farmers an- hopeful. ' hulldinu-actIvities. ar?- constantly ex panding., load buildim: will In* eon I tinned at an equal s|>e? d to that of j 1023, municipal pro-rams 'are larm ier than heretofore, manufacturing I plants are operating at full time ha j sis with no prospect of a let-up and the m-ral situation Is ? \c? Ilent III rviiv rosp.ct North Carolina. a< ycording to every. Indication, will i have a year of |?rospcrlt> wln :i lal?or of every kind add classification will )**- fully employed and during which tin* |M'oplo ns a whole, il is e\|iecled. will ? ap? rionce a period of material prosperity equall> as ureat as 1 !? 2-S and perhaps i; renter." Mr. Slilpman's report discussed .tlo- crop situation in 102'!. "It" crops have exceeded all expecta tion*." lie snlrt. "lis farmers -luive lo-eii fortunate that the larire cotton crop came at a time when there was an apparent shortage in the coun try's crop and the resultant high prices for I lie product greatly* fan - pioved the purchasing power of the farmer." Of tobacco lie said that tin- la rue crop raised while it would not brim; as lame a price per pound probably would itlve a return greater than ever before realized on one >ear's tobacco crop. A slight reduc tion in tobacco acr? ace In 1 !? 2 I was predicted with an Increase in cotton acreage and diversified farming. l!oad buildim--. Mr Shlpman de clared.-will l c continued ill the sum-* mnnner as In 102'!. The Highway Com mission's report showed a con tcmplated pro-ram of snn miles #?f romis for tile >ear with .100 in hard surfaced roads, an appropriation of 1* millions heinu available for new construction, two millions being on hand fin- contract* let but not bepnn and with a number of projects as > et uncompleted to be completed d urine 1021. VENIZEI.OS V VMS TO KNOW THE SITI'VrtOM |R? Hi# A??>r|iM l*r??? I Athens. Dec. 2 1 Wnl/.e|os today telegraphed from I'atls to Col. IMa* tlras of the' revolutionary commit* trequentlnj: Inforiiuitlon on the relative strength of contending par ties ill (? TeeCe l.\nv \STOH SEMIS cuius I'M \s MESS \(;I: Dec. 24. I?ad> \*t??r in Iter Christum* nnxsaKe toda> to the I'lilted State* mid r>?tiada fund*- r? f er? nc1 to *ar day* win n ?!.?? h? 11*? d minifft< r to ti t- wntinded Canndlat ? 'Mi tlx \stor estate. Pitvinu "Winn Christina* come* my li?*nrt tn?i liaik Divio and Canada and I li?|>c on? Clivi d? n Canadian* ml** u* jn?' a 1 i?11 ? i *hall think of tin m and drink to their health in C?rad? A ?rfiIk. the Hnd thi-y know *?? Well. s s discissions W II I, l?HO\ K IIKI PI l I ttoston. !)IMS IN \ M.I K Washington. Dec. 24? Import* of agricultural product* ? v? ? d-d f f >r ? Isn countrle* I* attributed by 'lie Department of Agriculture chiefly to IncreaMd value of Import* and ?ht decreased value of export* i. investigate IJermany's fi iiaiiri's und?r the auspice* ot ihe 1 J l?a rat imi mm hi i-siun. CUIUS I'M \S ( MUM S siM. \t w in i k norsi: Washington. U '< ?>inli* r L'l - \LI tho gates "f ihe White ground* will be thrown op. n tonk'lit while ClirUlinaii carols will ho sung t* the cmtu*! live maiisioiv Mrs. <'oolldge is tho moving spirit : in reviving t.lie old custom and at her , invitation tho public will take part , in Ili?* celebration. \WOlM K It El .K ASK coim kss <;koiu;iana I I??i 1*1 iii. liiT?*iiil)?r 24 The Free State government today annoaii'-od i the release of Countess Ceorgiana Markievb/.. title of the holding wom en republicans arrested here Novem ber. 2?. The government aunoit.ic ed ihat between December 1 and political prisoners numbering $^1 4>1 had been liberated. MISS HATTIR IeRKY PAYS \ IIU.IMA > ISIT Rblunond. Dee 2 1.?The credit union movement lor agricultural in-! terests is getting under way in Vir ; giuia as a result of it recent visit of Miss Hatti?* lh*rry secretary ?nf the North Carolina Credit 1'nion Asso ciation. Miss 1 terry addressed a rep- i resent alive group of agricultural workers, professors man diks VI IIOSIMTAI. <). F, Midg>n died at the Commu nity Hospital Sunday night at ei^ht | o'clock of pneumonia. I Mr. Midg' tt is a m?*mher of ?he Coast tluiiril of Chicamacomico Sta-i tion and his home is ot Hodaiithe.1 l-'or sever?rl-weeks he had been at i'altimore taking a course in the op eration of gas engines and while there rontracted pneumonia. On his wiiy home he entered the Com muiiity Hospital here last Moin'ty where he had been until his death. lie |< survived by" his wife; two chlhli^n;'* iii- mother. Mrs. ites.de Mi?!.-T*/?f Manns Harbor; and nev er.il brothers ond ulsters among whom are Mrs. Charles Hopkins and Alexander Midgetl of this city. Mr. Midgett's body was taken to Manteo on a supply boat Monday morning. t\\ ini:.\viiitk Norfolk. 24 Tin* inartiam* of Misr \d<-laid<- White. daiit:lit? r of Mm. KII/.iiIm Mi l\ Whlf. . of I-: 11 r.i? ??Hli City, N C . anil flan nee Klbert Twim . hoii of Mi and Mm ?I K Twill*', of Uil.- ellv, look plucc Snl unlay ?-v? nin. al 7 o'clock, at the boiiic of In .1 \V. Moitc, pastor of tlo Kpworth M?lliorI?l? - room had ;? ?* hi- l? t tnau. o Saturday, it be?-nmc known tod v. They dropp. i! '$6."i00 in 'muds taken fr< mi a dc*k. otto wood i oi nd (a im oi mi unit: CJr? ? mtooro. fh-c 2 I Otto Wood, on trial lien in connection with the doalh of W. Kaplan, local pawnbrok er, wju? found Ktillly of j?crond dc xree nmrd'-r yottcrdav by thf Jury j fit tint: In the mac. The maximum aontoncc of I!0 year* In the penlten-1 tUry wns rccammended. 0. C. BRAY DIED MONDAY MORNING V a* (ii'lliii^ Vi I'll I 11 ? il I'lKimioiiia Sri In. Wlii-n Mr lluil No ( liam r for |{i>. (??>r? julii r T. iii a critical conditio!', as the i. -nil of a bullet wound lu ? in1 hip aiid abdomen received when lie was !i? Id u|i by a bandit. sup posci|l> la-Uiiv (Sap i White. now* loduod in jail. Vr llra> was Letting nlnnx well wiiii Itls wounds lealinu satisfactor ilv. unlit pneumonia set in. Thin dis? ax1, in hi^ weakened condition h?* was unable to combat. Mr. Ilra> was horn in Camden County. hut had lived in lirizabet'i City for tin last 1 ?; years. H?* was in the insurance business here and - was out solicit inu business when field up hy the handit on the night of December 7. He wsis one of th-? kindest and gentlest of men. and his untimely death brings sadness to th? rom m unity. The funeral will he conducted at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home on West Hurgess street, hy l?r. S. II Tempb-man and Interment wilt In* made In Hollywood Ccme 'tery. He is survived hv his wife; two Utile uirls. Dorothy and Itutli llray; his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. I), llray of Martin street; two sisters. Mrs. Tom Whaley of Shiloh and Mrs. C. _ I'. Harris of this city; and two broth ers. Until ii I (ray of HelcrosS and ! Frank 11 ray of Norfolk. OFFERS ATTORNEY pint of ins m oon Paris. December 24 ? A man nam ed L. Ilappell who said that Tlu?m:?l Lee Wool wine, former district attor ney of Los Angeles. hud sent him t? prison, called ;tt the hotel today and offi-red to give Wool'wine. who U 1 very ill. a pint of his Mood. Til" 'offer was neglected "because thv> physicians had already decided t ? take the hlood from a little hoi>'t 1 maid. kkiici.s aimmioaciiim; TIIK MEXICAN CAI'lTAt. IRi Th? A?fnr|?|rd PfW.I - \'era Cruz. December 24 ? The rebels made their nearest approach to Mexico City with the capture yes. terday of Cnernavaoa. 40 miles i south of the capital, a revolution ry communique wys. Otherwise tie* 1 gnerul situation is unchanged a":' ! Fiiebla has not beeen evacuated, 0 " statement says. IIEVII. H UN F.I) I.OOSK IN COl'NTY OF WII-SON Wilson. Dec 24. "During t ten years on the Superior Court bench I have found no such comli lion evisiinf. in North Carolina as I find in Wilson, my native county.' dei-liired .Indve (?eorue W. Cohno?: addressing the iiraml Jury here :i? opeiilllt: of court this Week. "Th devil seems to be turned loose l^i as th? wild spirit of lawlessness is rn ii ii in u amuck. I find on the crim inal docket -J : 1 cases eiiihraclnu all grades of lawlessness. . . . ThD condition of things. I am ashamed of iiud I am sure each one of you fe? I the s.nne way!" The Judge urged that the crand Jury take effective Slops to curb the alleged crime wax - in Wilson County and promised his fullest support. OllSF.lt YK SI V|).\Y lioi lts The local Western I'nlon will oh e; vi? Stuidav hours on Christmas I>i.v, and Manager Byken says th'it I he eo operation of the public In such observance will he appreciated. The hours are !? to 10 a. in., and 5 to t? p. m. i.rrri.K (.uti. <;kts IKKKIIOM l-'KOM PAIN CfimdeH. 'N. J. I>??c. 24 ? Tn? ChrlsUniix s? aaon brought the 1.1 y. iir old girl. Helen Hnmllton. th gift sh? rim*t d*?lred iiml for Wh'ch sh? had pfliypd death. After in<1 iitTih of Intolerable piiMi dii?' to ruptur? of thr hftnrt as uIr i? suit of a childish prank eight ye?irs a?ro, lite heroic girl died yealerd ?v In her mother's tirinf, tightly clasp ing In r favorite doll which sho tsk *??! t< i v v r t > i ait but a tit la I fund waa ra!s ??d and gift* of all description!* were ?-nt from many parti of the %<>un try. ro rrov m MIKRT New York. Dt'Miiibcr 24? Cotton futures rioted this afternoon at th folio win it levels: December 3 ?: ^ ; January :i4:7H; March 95:17; Max ?.2 July 514:47; October 2*:fr? New York. December 24?? Cotton futures opened this morning at th* following levels: December M.3*?. January ?.4:**; March 35:22; May 31:32; July 34:46; October 23:52.