Christmas Boxes For Six Years On Board The Ice-Bound Maud :??: . ? ' -i ,innrf\ r* >1 have given jp j-aiuo and Lebanon Belle "luur Hi'1 !???!?? ? i?l ? 111 ;i I ? f \ ?? i|? | l?> tj?.? it.iir.f-* . 1 ? I>i?triljtltc?l llv? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY Writ Slir?-t. i:> \?:\ "*i*i \ i? ? Nome. \ . l? ? - Klllt Mu'iil i>i :> -i> if . ? !*.? FO i???lnl? ?1 I: ?? i n . t! .tr m 'p ears i ? .???'- r ? l' ?? it-. ; .-r w. ? ? i . ? . ? ?? \f. ? : :ir?-i ? tlriff ? : t: .?? ' t . . Jill.' 2". 1 . . . I! I . - ? ? ?ui'i . i.if;, 11?:? ii. t ? v ?'?.? i. ?. ?|| ? .f ? V i ? ? ; ? ? ? t .1i I V .? ? : r ?? ii i aid rii?. ? r.i ? : ;; .u.: t I:?-. >'? ;i i? I: ? ?Ii?? nl..r.d m . ;? toi minal in' "I \vlih*h wiil .? t ? mi? ?! Jv atf* el liii v.url'l'i h r casting. Tin ir ? will mtiiij. fly. . tu ?>'??< f vi n. T!?eir l* a*b r. Captain l!uiilil Am iindH tl. fan:?n: - arrlic utnl aut aro?Jc explorer. is hark in (!>? I' n i t ???! Still**}*, h avion ti lupoid n!> aban doned *iis iirnjimii'il airp'.'ii*- il-:?t across ih?* north pob*. \ I'olni' ( lii i>liiia> If ever there w*-ro a dr?ary >e?tin:. for Christina* Day. it is tin* *?ne of maddening roM and tracUhss i* > wastes Hurroiindinu i!i?* cr?w of th* 300-foot schooner M.iud. who Isim* ?iicrificed the comforts* of limn** and tii** civilised world in tin- interests of Hint Merit ;.o not to bo de nied this on*- day of celebration. thin clinging remnant, of an almost-for ^otfi-n world, for packed in the ship's hold arc six lars*v boxes, .inch of then) marked with a dale. On*- was opened last Christmas; the other* are for the *ucce**diim ones. Imagine, then, that it is Christ mas on hoard tin* Maud. Insl?l?- the little, Ktlly decorated cabin sit half a dozen ni*u. eau**rly watchtnu Cap tain Oscar Wistinu. their present leaders and I'rof. II. I*. Sverdrup. scientist of tio- expedition. In front of Captain Wistiim is a huge box marked. "To bo opi i.? ?i Christinas Pay. 1022." Tin* captain pri* s open th*? lid wliib- tin- im u 'liMiii on expectantly. First, ami best of all, there are lettvrs from ilie oti**s at homo l? ((?'!*?* thai list\ ho??n lyiiiL in ilust li??\ for moit- llisiti a >eur an-lr u halt', which. m-verthoicsx. ard. and the rr? w t';c:i >-its down to its Clirisi tints dinm r. 1.51 t? that is not all. Shut off Untiluli tlx->* aro, they are. within rcaeh of the \viiv|? ?s that i?rol?o?? ?i.?? etlier f-r them it ^r.larly from tin* Norwegian roast The Maud's biys radio will i??- K?*|*t busy t!.i- Christmas Pay icoiviiiL iiixl s< ti?liii- l l??t ?????? I!?.? lli-?ahi?l*** in Ninwii) aiul tin- frozen u( tlu> io|i of ilu wiirhl. WIm-ii iu*'ii, rut off froui t'o- world us t!??->?? aiv, villi ito u^iiraiic1 ?.f I Sterling SHrvr I'fiitil for SI..H). This value cannot be dupli cated. Full line of Kversharp I'ens and Pencils. All |M*iuil? liw 11\ , i>iii Knui'rri..\Tio\ i\rKK\>i\(i in >oi tiiwist Washington. l)<>in :ti??n ??! tin* country i? lorited in Allen Coiinty, Indiana. hks mih's ?-.???t of Ni*w 11;?\ ? t?. having, I :i k ?'?!! a -Mil: westward ti?-w?l aitvr two (l> ? ? 1" "?>uth? > a>:ward movement. In de termining th? foreign-horn c? iih r. the Census nun-ail found it ( moved ls.9-mUi-ft in tie- t? n y- .irs ' from 1910 t ? li#20. lis movement was 11.r? miles puntfard ami 15 miles southward. | "The change in direct ion of the movement of 'his center from ea??t lo went is jjue principally to the lii crenne iti foreign horn white popula t ion in loo sfate of California. ' says the ureaii. ?'Tin- total incrr the in w Hrotherhood of l.ocomo li\e EncIntern $4,000,000 20-ntory office building. at the southwest cor jer of St. Clair avenue and Ontario ? treet. ha* he? n awarded and the work of wrecking the huildiiu- now on the g|te in under way. The con tract call* for compltlon of tli'e work In 16 month*. The Hrotherhood Hulldinu Com pany will construct the building |t will he r f Me?*l, with white exterior, hinii!;'! t-? the present eng.ile ? : '.itildln*- on the opposite corm I . which is owned by the Hrotherhood rf Locomotive Knicineers. ARIDOR Candy Caddy Tin- jar alone ha* h re tail value of .Sl.2.> and in a practieal lipcen?lly in (lie home. Your (Irogifiixt or ffro rrr will deliver you a eaounds of candy for prnc ? cally the cost of one. A MERRY Christmas May (his be the happiest <>?' all for you and yours is (he1 wish of the? Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc. Christmas Thoughts May your Christmas Day be one long to be remembered in the coming years, because of its cheer and happy friendship; and may the New Year of 1924 be one of brightness and sun shine undimmed by the sor rows of tears? OLIVER F. GILBERT MITCHELL'S DEPT. STORE For PEOPLES BARGAIN STORE GILBERTS BARGAIN SHOP