? ******?? ? THE WEATHER "? * litlin tonipln. Mini, cold- ' /flWl, I * CIKCULATIOS * iccsl jrinds. ********* VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. MONhAYJKVKMM:. MKCEMISEU :il. 1!il?::. EICIIT PACES. , NO:}ivj New York Police Shocked But Not By Benner's Crimes UalliiT lt\ in l.ijilil K<*iiiier*s> Itevrluliont I lirow on ( < - of TIiom' W Ini I'lnploy Hirril 11 < -11 > in CIioomiis 111>11~<11 <>I<I Servant* New York, Dec. 2!?.?It takes a jrood deal in these days of locum iitf crime waves to shock the police of the city of New York but they arc shocked today. They are shocked at the revo latipns of the man, Frank Ben net*, who has confessed to stran gling one young woman to death in this city and attempting to kill another young woman in Philadelphia. Frank llunner is a low typo. Most of the crimes In tin- metropolitan district recently have been traced to; degenerates. The police, however, have not been shocked by the revolt (n. details contained in llenner's, confessions. ? What has made them gasp Is the| readiness with which llenner has ob tained employment in city after city ! without his employers ever having? made any inquiry into his past. This confessed murderer. this sti angler, this madman?even the polir?- beljeve him deranged actual ly obtained employment as a cook in a -irl's school in llryn Mawr. Penn sylvania. llenner has told the police that ?when the impulse comes to him to attack a victim,, he is utterly unable to resist it. That is Ills only excuse. He says he Is fully conscious of the wrong-doing afterward, but when the fury is upon him nothing can stop it. While at the school in llryn Mawr llenner evidently had the run of the place, but fortunately for tlje women and girls In the building the only im pulse he had While there was one of vjpobbery. He entered one of the girl's rooms and took $125 he found among h?'r possessions. With this petty crime accomplished he left,the place. llenner's next employment was al most as: amazing. took a place In a hospital for tubercular patients outside Philadelphia, where there were many nurses and women pa tients. llenner said by deliberately, days ahead, selected one of the nurses for attack. When the im pulse came' he brutally beat her and left her on the hospital lawn for d? ad. This ended Itenner's series of jobs In the Philadelphia district. He re turned nearer to his home in Ilrook lyn and obtained emplo>m*?nt as an assistant cook in a Mineola Hospital. The jobbery complex once more got the upper hand at Mineola and he left that place after committing some petty thefts. llenner learned what little he knows about cooking while he was In the army during the World War. It Is * said It was one of the great disappointments of his life that they made him a cook at home instead of a righting man in France. He has the build of a gorilla and the strength of an ape-man. The police wert? inclined today to throw up their hands. "What can we do to protect peo ple who will not protect them selves?" they say. The police insist that even the most casual inquiry into any story Henner may have told at the places bo sought employment would have revealed him as a liar and would have been sufficient to warn anyone against him. More than 50 per cent of the job beries in New York are what the police call "Inside Jobs." They are '/pulled ofT" by crooks who take em* ployments as cooks, butlers or maids. Kven staid old banking Institutions have been known to take men with criminal records Into their service. The recent murder of two bank mes sengers and the theft of $4J1,00?)j Hiey were carrying was traced by the police to the "tip off" of a man in side th# bank. llenner. the apiazing criminal now In custody, obtained most of his Jobs through employment agencies and It was thr'?rtigh his return to one of these agencies that he fell Into the hands of the police. The police have Issued warnings that even where help Is obtained through a reputable agency th*re should be a thorough Investigation of references. MISSION A HI KS AUK CAPTt'HKD BY BANDITS rllr n.?J A*-- re- ? \ PoklhK. Doc. 31. ? Follower* of the notorious bandit Uo Ynojrn to day raptund tk*' American nilaalon "*r>. Mm. Jtillann Kll< n, and Wound ed two other mtMlAiilHm. I'rof. H?*rnhard HofT and Mri. Holt. In a raid'on thr town of Tsaoyanx. In th?? northern part of Ifuprlt prov ince. according to advice* recHved here. TRAIN IS DERAILED B1 \ mi; \* 4SH0I r * Cincinnati. Dec. 31?Tha locotno tlv# tender, two mall, two baggage, two coache*. and four Pullman* of the Baltimore and Ohio f.aat New York to Cincinnati espreaa lyere de railed today by a waahout two and a half miles weit of Zallsky, .Ohio. HundredH of paassngers were shaken ip Nt bom aorlooaly Injured Autos Must Park Parallel to Curb City Manager and Chief Police Ask Public Give New Traffic Regulation Trial City Manager Bray and Chief of Police Gregory are hoping that among the New Year resolutions of j all iiestcitlahs will lie one to observe 1 the traffic regulations, pissed by the present city administration ?on Mr. Bray's recommendation, | which are to be put Into force on New Year's Day. The most radical provision of tlie new truffle ordinances is that requir ing the parking of vehicles parallel to the curb. The reason for \hls provision is obvious. City Mauagt-r Hi .1 > Is confident that there will be no legitimate objection to'the meas ure.it ii is given a fiir trial aud he j and the police are asking, the public that it be given such a trial. 1 his provision in lujl is as follows: : "It shall be unlawful for any I driver of any motor driven vehicle or any horse drawu vehicle to park in any other manner in any place with in tile city except that all vehicles shall park in a position parallel to the curl) or ditch line of the street, and that the inside of the wlieei next to the curb or ditch, shall not be further from the curb or ditch line than twelve Inches; aud thai there .-hall be a distance or space between each vehicle til' three or more feet at either end." "Our streets were laid out before automobiles cxime jnto general use," savs City Manager Ilray. "and are too narrow at best. Parallel park ing Is the one remedy to relieve the situation, as I see it." <;ou> AM) SILVER RUSH IN KLONDYKE Dawson. Yukon. December .11 The Klondyk? is In the throes of another gold and silver rush at the head of Heaver river, FiO miles west of Keno Hill. # The reported discovery of gold , flu it I'd a stampede fnmi Keno nnd? Mayo. Assays have revealed pay dirt running from 1.100 ounces of silver to a ton. , TWO MEN KILLED IN DYNAMITE EXPLOSION Emporium. Pa.. December 1 Two meti were killed and two In jured today when the dynamite packing house of the Hercules Pow der Company, two miles from here, was destroyed by explosion. coi n wavk coming Washington. Dec. ::1. Cold wave warnings were today issued for North Carolina. Kentucky. Tenne?< see^. South Carolina and the #?\treni* western part of Virginia and other Southern and Southeastern slates Snow was predicted in the next 4* hours In nearly ?|| the eastern slat and |>arts of the southern section. WARN VETERANS NOT TO MAKE THE TRIP Washington. Dec HI. Disabled American veterans. In a statement issued -today by the Veterans' Hu reau. are warned not t*? -make th ? trip to Washington unless sure that their individual folders are In the central office of the bureau. Man> claimants arrive with small fund* and find they must lemaln until the paiiers are received from home dis trlcts. "becoming destitute" before the folders re a eh the bureau. rovi KO\1.KSY lil5K\KS OUT AHtKSII SIM)\V JkVw York. I>er :: l Effort ?o settle wllhftiK puhlir dlftefiwion tlf?* doctrinal controversy in tli? Prol iant Kplsropal Church. whl?*Ji "Wei" heuun at a conference Krldnv wliit modcrniM* ami roRifrvKliri-H pf* ent, appear cndnnvcrpd by ?lay's pulpit. ANdrtlonH t fm t th'* Christ ma* truce requnAfcd by IlMiop MannUm'* diocesan letter wan end ed anil the utriiKKh' would continue with renewed vigor. Minn Maud Leigh who> ban been spending the holidays with h?*r parents. Judge and Mm. J. It. I?elgh. at COO Cherry at ret. and her guest. Mlaa CUrlum Wlnalow. will l?-ave Tuesday for achool. Miss Leigh to Gre?naboro Btate College, and Miss Wlnalow to Handbtph \l&cnn.* Turn over the pane, for a year is done And nineteen hundred and twenty-three Is a book that's finished, a yarn that's spun. A thing that isn't'?but used to l>e; Here's a brand new. page. and a brand new [k:i With which to scribble some brand new lore. We can't write last year over again So?what'll we write in '21? Shall we carry over the last year's dope Of greed, hypocrisy, hate and doubt-? Or shall we substitute Love and Ilope And leave those uglier passions out? Here's a brand new page and a brand new chance For a brand new tally, a brand new score. What'll we write on this clean expanse, What'll we write itu'21? The blots and errors of '23 The blurs and scratches are absent here. For this is a brand new page we see, A brand new pajfe and a brand new year. Whatever is written is ours to write; Shall we improve on the days of yore? It's up to us?here's a page that's white, What'll we write in '21? (Copyriulit. 1M24. NKA S?*rvlF?\ I no. i WATER COURSES FORMED COUNTIES At liTaitl, I*1 it\i'<l Important I'art in h'ormiiif! Tlinii. (!ol. Olds l'iii<ls in Hi* lli-torieal InvrMigulioii*. Raleigh. December 1 ? - That the water courseH of the N'orlji Carolina Rivers played a part in the forma tion of .the. counties is disclosed in Col. Fred A. Olds history of North Carolina counties. it being assigned a? one of the main reasons for the, division of Bladen county, the new county of Kohcson being formed out of the westerh half of the county in January t>. 17N7. The first coiirt of the county of Robeson was held at the house of , Captain .lolin Willis and adjourned from time to time to other places until the court house was huijt. The county was assign ed to tlw superior.court district of \VI1m i uk ton. t After th< commissioners had beeu n-lined for Robeson they were cm powered-to levy a tax for a Jail and jo built it and a court house. A f x of a shilling on each tyoll and four penseK on every hundred acres of land for two yegrs w is levied. "The Assembly Hi 17SX," con tinues Colonel Olds' account, t"was asked by the inhabitants of the Great Swamp In Ifladen to annex that territory to Robeson and did so. It also changed the time of holding the Hobeson courts to April July, October, and January. "The name of the county was given In compliment to Colonel Thomas Kohcson of the Revolution ary Army, a leader in the battle nt Kll/.abethtown n Widen. n August, 178 1 when the Tories underColonel Slingsby were 90 thoroughly defeat ed that their organization in that section never revived. "The commissioners fix the site for the court house on vl.a' *.|. ' ealleiT the Lumber river (llu* spelling being Lumbce') and curly in 17SK the buildings were occupied and a town laid off. This, on the 26th of November 1788 the General Assembly named Lumbertowiw. The act said that 'John Willi? had con veyed land for the purpose of hiv ing It laid off and disposed ot by lottery to Henry Light foot. Klifts Harries, Jacob Rhodes. ^'iininnn Hridgers and William Tatham; that the lottery was drawn for the half acre lots and the place and Scheme of the town filed in the offi '? of he clerk of court of Robeson 00 nty i^d the public buildings for th county erect Ml on a public squar< by the name of Lutnherfoh.1 The Assembly thus confirmed that name and gave the justices of the count\ pdwci to eppotnt minagcrs for the town. The Assembly gave a 'title In fee simple to the Icgitl holders of the fortunate tickets In the Lumherton lottery to such lots a- they had draWti opposite the saji tickets, ond established the same a| town prop erty for taxation.' There# was a dispute .s to the lots aid tlie legis lature thn- qui ted it. "Rlla* Itarues was c??mmis-dotted colonel of the county mtl.it Is In December 1788 the count} transferred to the newlf c ected district of K*< ivet tevllle Samuel Porter was the first sheriff of the cotinty. It was In the Cap* K?ir division for voting for on- of the five members of Congress." Miss I'tlmer Warren of Norfolk sfrrlved Friday for a visit* to Miss Margaret Hondurant. SWS CONSIMU VO TO SUPI*OKT MKLLON Bll.l. Washington. tative (iardner of Texas. raiikm IVinocrat the Hiuim ways' ami an* cnminiliee. cllnrm-d y,.s*i ,la> that titer- Is an ..ritanlwd ?on, ?plrary to coerce .s.-iiuloi* a .1 i!. iir. ?. ntallv< f V CHWoil tli.- M' ? 'is ?>.?.'? STRIBLING BOUT AT FORT BRAGG Macon Chairfpioii lo l ifiln Kid ISuiiiImts I liursdav and Interest Vi ii\r? Warm in tin* llaltli'. I'urt ltrat-. l""' I,?nl III tie slaaed al l-orl 'I"}*"' Jamiarv Iietw?n Ynitna ? yfiicoll. C.eorKla. schoolboy ami K < Numbers. Ileutllar Army soldi'r ?I Kort Uraiss is important is v i. rally ' ,I. followers .rt every type of manlv spot! will Join l>o\lnK fans ?r II,.. cmuitry In wnlcltliu: for I hi rt'KtiIt Of tills " "'?>* Thursday. II.,th men are inperf-cl V>ivhI''? Iliiioli ami have |iiuo" (l Nirotiifh lit ?IniM" of iniKlllsllr . v |,.-ri. n? < Sol i?.? ,,| til' Itenular A liny at the at North Carolina art 11 Wry post on tlx It roinrade t" ? tl,.' schoolboy sensation hefor il" . ml of th- srh.'.lnl.'.l I ", rounds, wild.- II"' oil lis favor \ounK ; linu sltuhtly. mainly due to his show :us jxr;n.rr eree. It has I said. (??? th.' soldier I"-'! 'I"4-" civilian on ???!??' t* rniP. of * HI H?* . .. r'J ??r OUfxIilo Iraln ins with professional boxers """* h" balanc.. In f.vor of the you", who claim* ??>?? world s till". TIUM i. tin- (twin- Hi"' r. tnains to be s< Ih'i tn lh" rlnu at l'<"' I""" "" I-.iiniar\ Yonn* Strlbllna Is said in have the advantaxe In welaht L ,,d "P N- tint I hose who i-av. sew. ? Stnr.lv soldier In anion ?r; ??vor-thr?,nlf,nini h". Sr "lItfTltTter KM I?.i" gtrlbllns Is IS veal- of a? -<':firrSir Iml' ear.'i'for'lh1: "n't"VvV.'f Mra*''" ill. r?' Athletic I and at I oil "r " I Of.l.lSION *' >?' " M?iHT v- ., i ui>rioiiHh hurt Iml n , S" | fender and runnln.. da nil:"t N"1"' ",r"' front o, .he "f C. ".fvernmn. i n- wen parked on cull ,!?? ni.il In lh. ettilrt lo ml s II,." parked I?r?. neither drtv t uav i|iijt' ? nnufh room for pns>ln^ COTTON MIIIKKT New YorK. I." ?' I *?"' ?"'?? el.. t|itl?l. Middling an ?d ..nce "f - "V nj>t\ \(?y hl,|. Ian S5.20 Marrh SMJ. ?a> no. July 34 tx-t **.??. N.w YorH. I>^' "I '"""n ,fV turss at J P rn lodjy w.r? M '?l-1 lows: January '61' ? *l Ortob?r I Mayili.Ti. July ?r,? i mi:>. i:. r. \\ 1*1.1:ir. si;. !" I * TO*f'. n >, ,ij. ,j ?,,,i V ? u ..i\ :'f J(i:: ? at It\. mil. ??? J .: ?? ;i I H.I ??) .ill ? .11.- i'la jh i I i?il . V. ;ti? ?!i -?:.?rs all. ; >' ? had i. ? ,i.4. i i - I ?? i'.\. . t !? and I: ?? ii ?.!i? iJ ' r ?i?-h hit i'l. :?<* that v?'.-t ? ?:tl* ?l in l.er #!? -;i: tt. 1ml 111 i > K??vr till and* r< c* i'11/ [slit* 1 .id ? ????-?! I?? Im III ln-lli !???:? It It than lor J'lirii. She Ii:i?I at Ir'nilt il li:,i'| lilt: and ??vllillU MlVil' S jami Sunday -I'mul.ai lor I'lutirli mi It lie ? I si > befoii In r death: :t ii ?1 li.i-l I >i i iin-i| in tin- ln*>i ? ?1 health siii<I of I s|?ii il . Tliouuli tin* attack from which Mrc. Ayillett ?li*'?l I si > t ??I for several hours slo- was conscious to the last, recouniztni: husband anil children at flier IimIkIiIi* up to live minutes or less before tin* ??ml cairn*. ItogliliM ? tin- Immediate family in the city, i those with fu r at her (loath l wi'ri' -her physicians. !>r. t*. II. Wil liams and Dr. I!. L. Kendrlck. Mrs. .\>dlett was ?*.l yours ?>l?l. [hnvlnu been horn at Kalei^h on De ice in her IT. 1 x? ? 2. the daughter of Ch"#?< i late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ll.'IlriuKK of that city. | An unusual coincidence is the fact j Jthiir Iter birthday and her wetidiliK I ? day, as did the day of her death, I came in December. She was married to R. I'. Aydh-tt of this city In the I'irst Haptlst Church at Itahduh on December 1 ft. 1RX!I, and only a few I days nuo was- reminding her in timate friends that the 4o,Mi anni versary ? if her weddlni: had passed on the \\"e?lnesday before Christ mas. Rr>in childhood Mrs. Aydh-tt had been a member of a llaptist Church, and her devotion to her church and Its work is indicated in the fad that on th?' last Sunday of her life she was at three of its services. Ilesid?*s li'T hiishand. K. I*'. Ayd h-tt. Sr.. Mrs. Aydlelt is survived hv four children, one son. K. l-\ Aydh-tt. Jr.. of Klir.ahith City, ami three daughters. Mrs. \V. T. Minor of Dur liani. Mrs. I*. (J. Sawyer and Mrs. It. I. Kendrick. hotli of JRIIxabeth City, with a number of grandchildren. There are also four surviving broth er*, T II tlrlKKH. J A lirlKg*. K H. Ilriuus and J. I). Itriuus. all of lla h'luli. Mrs. Kvelyn Thomas Aydlctt Is among the larftc number of ii{*jdi ?i'ws and \\elce4 surviving. The funeral will *be/conducted at tttu*cc o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Itj^kwell Memorial llaptist Church. Jlld iiitermeiit will lie made he.shle the body of her first baby hoy In Hollywood. BANDIT HOBS CBKVt ON A l>ININ<; CAB ill. All iirilieil bnn <1 it' today held ii i? iiikI rohhed I hi* cri'W on tli?- diiiinu car attached to ll??' north hound New York t?? New Orleans*. 11 in i I ?*<). Louisville anil Nashville railway. 1 1 iiiIIch north of here, and exraixKi after securing $x. fJIIU. BETUBNS HOMK AITKB TWO .MONTHS Columbia. S. C.. Dec !ll. Viri uiuia lloor.fr, 17-year-old t*niv??rnTly of South Carolina xtixh ut for whom a nation-wide st arch haw hefii ron dticted for two iiiontliM, ret urn oil to tlx homo of her parents today. She .?aid hIic hail been working ?in a ?l?? partno'iit More at Jacksonville. The desire to barn whether she could make her own wax prompted her di* appearance. she said. TKACIIKB IS kll.l.KO IN AI'ABTftlENT I IBK Denver. Colo., Dec. ?, I. Mis* Meat rice Jones. :'.K y.-ar-old school teacher, wan killed, mid two other* wer? Injnred today when th< ?> leaped ' fromNthe third story of a hiirulnic' apartment ((few" MIh* Ruin K ratio r wan hurried to death and three other* were Injured at another a pint incut house. Tin? lite sit hoth w?f< faUftcd hy over heated fhriiacen, BBIIISII Mt'BDKBKD BX \l MIAN I BIBKSMKN ? h'jii^'oon, III if Inh India, Dec. ;j|, The viceroy has curtailed hi* tour of Iturnia. i?tiirnlnk to Delhi he rnu?e of Xf^han trouble. There |w Jill Increanlliu leliMefiOM* hecaii"< raid* on the north weaterh frontier fefent . London dispntctiep reported m ii rd erf of l(r it I Ii oft leer." and w??m? ti fin th*' norlhweMteru frontier of |ndhi hy Afghan tribes men. BBONX JKWKIKB IS SIIOT A\l> kll.l.KD Ne* York. December I IPtnard llrown. Ilroiit Jeweler, wii shot and klllcil to>|||y by a bandit when he re fitted to open hi* safe. STIH klloLDIJts MKKTINt. S\\ IM.s ll\NK Till ST I O. The annual n?er||ni: of the stock holder* of thlp hank, for the Election of dir? ctor* and the transaction of fiich other biialii?yw an may he hrouaht hefor?^"lt. will he held at It* tanking house, Kllzaheth Cltr. N. C-. on Monday, January 14. I f?2 4. he twcefri the hour* of fl and 4 p. m. If. 0. KRA.MKR, Cashier dec.3t.jan.4,jan.7.Janll. TG OPEN SCHOOL IN NEW Bill! DING lliuli School jiikI Si-ri'iilli (irailc- W ill Vwciiilijc W ?*<!? Ilc?ll;l\ :it ( >1.1 Illlil.lill-, Hi. i. M.ir.'li \cr(?ss in New ' Tii-i tint* I i'Vi*r really wanted t<? uo to scluiol." said a 11 i -1? school >t 11 ?l?nt tltirittu tin- holiday's. in s|>";?kin'_ ot Wi'iliu'Hiiiiy. Jamiury 2, o|M>tiinu day alter the Christmas re cess There's a reason, ami it's the now huil?tfn~. of roui'M1. Wriln?'i?du/ mottling at v: 4all high school and uratiimar school student*. including tho^ who hate been in the aftor noon relay classes, will assemble in tin* old high school building. Tin* teachers will take charge of their respective itratlfit, and all hlgii school, and seventh grade ytudenta wili make their triumphal entry Into tin1 nc.w hiuli school building. The new class rooms are ready fojr occti^?ancy. hut there Is vet a llltlo work to be done In the auditorium and huildinu will not be formally opened to the public until about tho first of February, when a real cele bration is planned. The afternoon relay classes will exist no more and all students will have ii chfnce to attend In the morn Inus when minds and bodies aro rested. Wedneslfcy will be a big day lu the primary school, too, for after tho children have all assembled there, tii?' third grades will lie marched ov er to the grammar school building .mil even little third # grader will mow about two inches and a half en route. \*<l when everybody Is ??ettled and work is stalled ofT anew, th*? superintendent and teachers and students are anxious that parcuta visit the school and see just how well II\i*?l they are and what good work they are doing. FOUR AT LIBERTY BY WAY TUNNELL Convict- jit Atlanta Fnlcral lYiiifrntiary !\Iak?' Miwl Sensational (iclawav in In stitution** History. Atlanta. Dec. .">1. In tin niosl sensational Jail delivery In tin- his tory of the Atlanta Ked^ral penlten tlar.v four convicts today are at lib erty afler tunnelling under thes 50 foot concr? I?? walls Ia1?> yesterday. The most notorious of the quar tet Im Ct'ori;.' Anderson, servlny a 2f? -v?ar t^rni for part Icl pat Ion In th? million dollar New York mall rob bery with C?-rald Chapman. who also iVfi'nHy made a sensational escape. The narrow tunnel extended from the floor of a tent In the tubercular /.one to a point outside the wall. It Is believed that the process of exca vation had been In progress several weeks. will cost lox to WELCOME NEW YKAlt New York. I he 31. Welcoming the riew >ear on llroadway will cost 60,0.00 revelers $1100,000 for the mere privilege of extending greet Inns. The largest ntimber of reaerv.1 tlons in It roadway'* memory lrav? already been made. although hot* I managers and Federal auents sa> ll will be a "dry" welcome. DAVISON llltCES THAT CAMPAIGNS BE SHOKT Klnston. Dec. Ml John (J. Daw son, cliMlrtiian of tbe State Demo cratic executive committer, ask ed when he would likely call the com mitter together to 0\ the time and place for the State convention, re plied yesterday: "It Is a little too early for the ar rant' ment of matters of that kind, but it ample tlm? appropriate ac tlon will be taken." Mr. DaWxon urged the purpo of maintaining partv solidarity that all persons looking forward to heltr.. political <uuidldates observe short rampaicos. IAIIA \S \\ H E GETS ABSOLUTE DIVORCE Providence4 It. I., Dec. 31.-?Moti Im Arbuckle, wife of |{osco<> fl-*att<i Arbuckle, wax toda\ granted a di vorce on the ground* of neftlectlu* to provldv and desertion The ?11. vorce becomes absolute r|x montl from today. SEI.I, AMMUNITION TO THE MEXICANS Washington. Dec :: 1. It la ev l>eei?d that orders will ko gut frot. the War Department within u few days for the delivery to the?Meilcar govern in*nt. headed by Ofer?gon. of surplus war materials, namely. n?m and ammunition and ten airplanes, to be sold the Mexicans for use 1ti connection with combatting the r??b els under De la Htierta.

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