? ? J> * * * ? THE WEATHER fair lonitiht ami 7 lies ilny. Slotting rising Icm iwralnre. ('?vnllf. var iable u iiidx. ******* VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION". FIRST SH AD HERE LAST SATURDAY And Weuther Leads I'UIut moil to Predict Shad Will Probably be Plentiful Dur ing This Season. First *prinu shad arrived in Kllz abeth City on Saturday and were! handled through the Glob** Fish Company. C. T. Smith \)f I)uri*Hls Neck caught two buck shad last week and brought them to Elizabeth} City by automobile. So far as is known they are the first caught sine** the first of the v?-ar and are de scribed as the first sifting . shad of the season. According to the weather forecasts! of the fishermen there will be west-' erly to northerly winds the rest of I this month because winds from the ( north and west prevailed on the first i day ftf the year. This will be good j for anchor net fishing as rough, blus- ' tery weather best suits the .fisher man's purposes. As to the shad fishing this >*ear the verdict of fishermen is that shad * will be plentiful If cold weather ac- j companies all rains. The reason for this belief Is found-! ed on the fart that If there Ik cold weather, Ice and snow on the moun tains will keep the water there for a long .period of time and the nhad | ' will find clear salt water, the kind they like. If there is ir.uch rafhy weather 'and tTie weather is warm '.there will be a heavy drainage of fresh watfr and the shad will stay away. ? It is impossible to say how plenti ful >Uad will be at present and the ? prlent themselves before reaching Eliza beth City, that few Bestcitlans ^vere prepared for the drop In temperature of Saturday nlfchf, despite the warn ing of the weather bureau. By. Sunday morning, however. It was realized In the most, .sheltered home that. a cold wave had come at last that nad completely submerged the 1'lcture City on the Pasquotank. But even at that many were not pre pared for the story told by their back porch thermometers. Those who stirred out a bit late noted readings at eight o'clock In the morning all the way from 8 degrees to 12 above zero. Hut Hev. Frank Scattergood gets the dou. He says that when he rose at 4 o'clock Sunday morning to look after his furnace the reading was 4 degrees Fahrenheit. Can you beat It? Opening Sarcophagi* Has Po^tptMiri] Luxor. Egypt. Jan. 7. ? The open inn of the saj-cophagus of Tutankha men has been postponed because of the Illness of Howard Carf1*r, Amer ican explorer in charge. IKMiKllSON FIXKD *W0 * ' FOB BK4 KI.KKH OltlVING F.d Bouerson was fined $f>0 and costs for reckless driving in the re corder's court Monday morning as an outcome of an accident on tie* WoocUille State road at ft o'clock on the nljftit of Saturday, November 10, when ap automobile driven by the; defendant struck a one-home wauon driven by Haywood Bundy, demol ishing tluOeft front wtieel .irnl efy C(?l(l Winter has come- Dress accord-. Ingly? "Munalngwear" Bloomers will] keep you warm. Trice/ 8!jc to $!.???.. M LEIGH SHF.KP. CO. Woman'* wear. V. M. I# SOPHS - I.KAYK CAMPUS Va.. J;.|i T. The entire sophomore class of tin- Virginia Military Institute is in Lcxiiiuton tmlny deter mined, arconlinu to its spoken* man. not to return to the cam pus while the school's pn-settt viuilance committee remains in* * power. The class, numbering 11",. including three. members ??!" the varsity football team, walked out at 1:110 ti** morn inu-as a protest against pun ishment imposed by tlie vijtl lance committee upon one of its members on charges of haz PLAN TO PROMOTE DRAMATIC CLUBS Extension Division of Uni versity Proposes Organiza tion of Permanent Com-I munity Dramatic Clubs. Chapel Hill. January 7. ? The nu reau of Community Drama of the Extension Division of the University ? of North Carolina announced recent ly the organization of "The Carolina Dramatic Assoc latlcm," the purpose of which will bo to promote through out the State the organization of permanent dramatic clubs. Plans as outlined in the announce ment call for Hie association to be composed of several groups as* fol lows: High school and other sec ondary pchoects to develop Is a dramatic festival week throughout North Carolina each spring when ev ery group belonging to the Drama tic Association will present similar programs in their respective com munities." , To finance the local cjubs. accord-' Ing to the present plans, a small membership fee will be charged while the locals will contribute a por tion toward the support of the cen tral organization. * "The State work in community , drama." concluded the announce ment "has been received with so much enthusiasm and appreciation that it seems advisable to perfect a State-wide organization In order to co-ordinate the varied activities. "North Carolina Is fast becoming known throughout the country for Its Interest in things dramatic and for Its contributions to a real native literature. So fnr, this has been largely due to The Carol i/m I'lav makers. Yet It is felt that through out the State there *ls much talent for all of the arts employed In creat ing and producing drama." ^ CITY IM.ANNF.lt MAKES SURVEY OF WILMINGTON Wllmln?4ort/ .Ian. 7 John Nofon, nationally known ?Kv plnnnrf. 1m* Jnst prunvlctH a prHlnilnarv aurvov of (h#? eltv of WllmtnutoTi. The plan ning* hoard liaa forolvi'd the report and will withhold action until It la printed to the elty romwlMloncn for their consideration. c.iri, under age anii registkxk is sued Mcf Tlcrn. .fan 7. **11 It ha* hoei hrounht s|n Slttwrlor Court ber?' bv J. If. Harris of Vanceboro for $20n atralnat S. S Drown. f'Hst'T Of deeda for Martin County. Mr. Ilrown l? chirgH) with Iftflulnir a marrla?:r license for .Miss Mmnle Harrl? and Erneat Boyd of Vanceboro ?n*J the fafVr n liter* that the irlrl was un der th* legal auc The law provider that ho who laaue* a license fo *an underaaed person shall pay a fine of *200 and thua the amount of Mr. flrown'a suit. ' H!LL REPLIES TO IJPSH AW'S PLEA 1 < < p 1 1 1 > I i < - .t 1 1 |{r|irr>riiluliv< l of M:u-\lan Bible classes of Blackwell Memorial Baptist Sunday School Sunday morn ing. "are only to be fouud in obe dience to f?od." Jndue Devin was discussing Abra- I ham and the migration of Abraham and ,, his household and his servants to Sanaan from I'r of the Chaldees, j an event which he described ;'?< the | most momentous in history with the single exception of the birth of Christ. Abraham's obedience t? (od.l bringing blessing to Abraham and through him to the world, was *el | out as an illustration of the truth , that in su*h obedience Is the only , true success, the only true grefc'm s.; and the only true happiness. Despite the rigor of the weather ; and the sudden 'drop in temperaiur-' during the night, a large number heard Judge Devfn and apr -ar -d greatly impressed by and apprecia tive of his message. LODGE SPEAKS ON SOVIET RECOGNITION Washington, Jan. 7.- -The admin istration's- policy of non-recognition of the present Soviet government of ItuKnia was supported vigorously in the Senate today hv Republican lead er liOdxc. chairman of the foreign relations commit tee. quoting exten sively from the public records to show the interlocking of the Soviet government and the Commtinist In ternational. Lodge also hrougliA additional ev ld< nee to support Secretary Hughes' convention that officials of the So viet government ?r?* party through' the Communist Intermit ional to th" revolutionary propaganda in the I'nited States aimed iif the over throw of the American Government. PREMIER POINCARE KETl'RNEI) TO OFFICE Paris. Jan. 7.- Premier Polncare has been returned to office as- the result of the election which was nearly unanimous, while the parties spill about even on ^eputio*. with, political work unchanged. I \\ MtK Mini m l >l \l> T VV. llrickhouAc jjI C^olumbifl died .Mondu> morning at the Com munity Hospital about 7:15 o'clock as the result of a heart attack about ?12 hou rs after he had undergone an operation for internal injuries re ceived from a fall J-'ridav night. Mr. Ilrickhoiise was admitted to the hos pital Sunday afternoon about 4: '10 o'clock. Ills body whs taken to Co lumbia fdt burial Monday morning. 1 m\ MAHKI I New York. January 7 ? Cotton closcd 'i u lot thia afternoon, advanc ing 15 points. Middling 35:40. Future* closed la followi .Iain liary 34:4fi; March 34:**$ May ?t;, :(!?; July 33:97; October J8:?0. NVw York. January 7 ? CWinn fnturda opened I hi* morn In* at I hp following leveta: January 34:00; Marrh -34:4R; Mav 34:77; July October 211:10. vitkmpt kill KKM \L PASH A M I S. .1 .1 ii . 7. \ l-omi* lit In Hi.. r? w u.i- I l'? r. K i?. r??:? \ ?: las. lo;bt ?? I _ f!*. .! thai au iMisiirc s.-fuS I ?i 1 1 ?- it i l>t luul ? made in a.-- t rnssiuat?* Mustau.a K* mal Pa s'- a. t t ? >iil? nt ??f I'..- r. ii'iMi.' I el Turkey, at Smyrna. I. and *ir nad<* inn- ule I ;?? K^iiiai in ?-? t* !iis wif ?. DISMISSES VI'l'KV! SOITUKKN POWKIt CO. ? . .. I Washington. Jan T Supreme! Court today dismissed a* improper- 1 ly brouuht tin- appeal of tin- South-, h i"i? I'owi-r Company to have s??i aside the ord?r r?*tiutriug it to sell to 1 1 u ' North Carolina Public Service C ? t : io pov/er for lire tn| operating strict railways ami 4'or salt- tr tl le public ia (irt'-nslioru ami: 1 1 iuh Point. ~ in si ri:i;ioi: cot kt Verdict Tor tlu?" plaintiff, who was nwin;l.-d d:?:n:?. s; - in tin* sum of $.VJ. w i< brought ia shortly after three n'clrck Monday afternoon by the ,i try in the case of Isaac Brothers vs. \V. 11. Zimmerman, trial of which w.is l>?*gii'llin^ Behind Mellon"-. I'laii ( U' Tux Immediate I'mli'wsM'r In Office 111 I>.\V1I) UWIIKM'E C(iirl|hl 1933 kt Th? Oall* Washinjrton. January 5 ? President Coolidjre lias let it \>h known that lu> csinnot accept the proposals of the curbstone economists in Congress who want to revise the Mellon tax pro gram. ? URGES HELP MAKE CONCERT SUCCESS President Woman's Clul> ^|> in Lovers of Mnsie in Kli/.alietl) City People and Asks Co-operulion. ) Tlii' president of I In- Woman's ? Club. Miss I.illfp Grandy urKes the ( co-operation of the public in making the concert here Wednesday night 1 1?> the Cambrea Concert - Artists a ' SUCCCSS. Miss r, randy points out tliat the J dull will strive to bring attractions jto the ritv t lint will be cultural ! value, and that as music sAems to 'appeal to the urea test number of : people in Elizabeth Cltv. the club is jbeglnnlnu by hsluuing musicians. She cites the lame audiences who heafd the Christinas cantatas- Riven in the various churches of the eily | recently as evidence of the love for , music nere. I i The Cain Urea Artists are bv no j means mere strolling musicians picked up by the club. Miss Grandy ? ?in phasi7.es, ? but were seen r? l.abnr party, leaded by Hain an y McDonald. W ill Meet Tuemlny The Wnntey Hlble Clata of the Firm ^Method tot Chttrch will be en tertained hy group one at the fcom? of Mr*. \V. J. Woodley on Main afreet Tuesday afternoon at 3: SO o'clock.