******** THE WEATHER * fair tonight and IT ed- * nt'sdav. Yo change in * temperature. den t I e. '? variable icinds. ******** VOL. XIV. FIN'AL EDITION*. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FACE SHOWDOWN ON SOLDIER BONUS Republicans Must I>i-.on ? ^ , Matter at Thursday NijjhlV Conference. I>ut Tax Bill' Beiiif: I'ushtil. Washington, January S ? A show-! down among Republicans on the sol dier bonus was assured today with ; the issuance of the formal call for a conference Thursday night for dis-: -cussion of the question. The call was sent out by Repre- j tentative Anderson, chairman of thej conference, and was so worded as to permit consideration of taxation and other pending legislation. With former service men in the House pressing for action on the bonus before the end of the month, the Republican organization has re doubled Its efforts, meantime, to keep the Mellon tax bill front being; displaced on the tentative legislative program. CHARGES O'RYAN CHANGED FINDINGS Washington, January 8 ? Chair- 1 iuan Reed of the Senate Veterans committee today told the Senate that' General O'Ryan, the committee | counsel, in its veteran's bureau in-' vestigatlon had "extensively chang ed" some of its findings in his report published yesterday. He said the committee had disagreed with some of O'Ryan's r recommendations and that a full report by the committee itself would be made in a few days. COOLIDGE AGAINST SURTAX PROVISION Washington, January 8 ? Presi dent Coplidge regards the surtax provisions of the Garner Democratic* tax program <is disregarding the' principle that the Government should encourage the Investment of capital in business enterprises rather than tax free securities. ASKS KAKbV I'l'lU'HASK OF CONCKKT TICKKTS The president of the Woman's I Club asks the public to purchase1 concert tickets before the last minute. I Tliey may he reserved ax Duff's piano j store from 10 to 12 a. m. and from' 2 to 5 p. m. and by buying early j good seats may be assured. Furthermore, the Woman's Club must have the guarantee money in , hand before the opening of the con-; cert, and the club is anxious that this, its first undertaking of the k/nd, shall not fall through. The concert is scheduled for Wed nesday evening at 8: AO in the gram mar school auditorium. It is given by the Cambrea Concert Company, composed of musicians of excellent renown, and secured through the Redpath Lyceum Bureau of Bir mingham. The program is varied enough to please everyone and all of It is of high quality. It is declared. PARKING OIIDINANCE PARTLY REPEALED The parallel parking ordinance aroused such a storm of protest > down town that it was repealed] Monday night by the City Council in so far as it applied to Main street ?>ast of Road, to Polndexter street be tween Burgess and Church and to Water street between the two Water street bridges. The amended sec tion of the traffic ordinance Is being redrafted a/d will be published .shortly. Meanwhile the parking pub-, lie has happily returned to (he old system of parking ut an angle of About 4 r? degrees to the curb. INHTAM, HTKAM HKAT IX Till*: U)IXTV H(?IK Strain hoat Is now being inntalled In the County Home of Pasquotank County, on the suburbs of this city, at an estimated cost of about $2600. No irtep since tho erection of ih" home will add more to the comfort and convenience of the Inmates than this It Is believed that few coun ties In the State make better provis ion for I h?? inmates of the County Home than Pasquotank. This County also usually has one or two patients ?*t the Btal* Instltu-1 tlon for the treatment of tulerculo sls at the Sanatorium, who are kept there at the County's expense. COTTON MAHKKT Npw York. January 8 ? Hpot cot ton closed steady this afternoon, advancing 30 points. Middling 35:?0. Futures cloned at the fol lowing levels: January 35: OR; March 35:17; May 35:38; July 34:24; October 28:65. New York. Januarv 8 ? Cot?r?n futures Opened this morning at the following levels: Jpunrv 34:60; 1 March 35:10; May 35:40; July, 34:23: October 28:70 Norfolk. Jan. 8 ? Middling closed this afternoon at 34 3-4c. Norfolk. January 8 ? Spot cotton opened here today at 24:75, mld-i dilng. I LONDON I IKE STILL BLAZING London. January s ? Que of the biggest fires in London in years was still Mazing a' day light near t lie West India dorks. Tile flames which started at thre?* o'clock yesterday after noon had Involved no buildings - of importance hut rubber, oil. and similar inflammable ma terials in warehouses in four acres of the fire swept area i caused a -tremendous blaze. Seventy engines fought the fire through the night. i TWO MOTHERS ARE RECEIVING AID Two mothers in Pasquotank Coun- | ty receive aid from County and State, under the .Mothers Aid law enacted at the last session of the General As-* sembly. Four visits to these mothers dur-l ing the month of December were re- 1 ported by County Welfare Officer,; Mrs. Anna Lewis to the Board of } County Commissioners at their Jan uary meeting Monday. Mrs. Lewis reported also that as a I result of the activities of her depart-' ment six children who hud dropped out of school on account of poverty { were put back into school during the month. A large part of the Welfare De- ! partment's time during De- 1 cemoer was taken up in co-opera- i ting with the churches and the var- , ious charitable organizations of the! city to systematize Christmas giving so that all underprivileged child-! ren might have a happy Christmas.! It Is the aim of the welfare depart ment to see that no family- is over look and that duplications in giv ing are eliminated. CROSS INDEX rOlt JUDGMENT DOCKET A cross index for the judgment docket in the County Clerk- hf the Su perior Court's office was authorized by the Board ? or County Commis sioners in regular session Monday, and steps will be taken to have the system installed as early as practica ble. This step has been advocated by the last three grand juries in Pas quotank. It was first recommended early last ,year. the next grand Jury endorsed the recommendation, and the last grand Jury insisted that the recommendation be carried out. FIREWORKS RACK TO THE COMMITTEE A motion to prohibit the sale and firing of fireworks " within the city limits. made Monday] night at the regular session of the; City Council, was referred to the ordinance committee. the City Manager and iho City Attorney. Christmas 1923 was a wide open one In Elizabeth City, the first of the sort In 12 or 15 years, so far as fire works were concerned, and the reck less abandon with which fireworks were discharged in the business sec tion made Christinas shopping an agony for nervous women and the street, at times, really unsafe for little children. REPORTS FIVE CASES OF WHOOPING COIIGII l-'lve eases of whooping cough, which are ' properly quarantined, were the only cases of contagions di sease reported by County Health Physician C. H. Williams In his re port to the January meeting of the Hoard, of County Commissioners Monday. PARLIAMENT OPENS WITHOUT SENSATION London. January H ? Although King George's fifth parliament met today In an, atmosphere of eager po litical expect Ion, the f I r?t session of fered no opportunity for scnwt-tional development, for It* only Immediate business was the unopposed re-slec tlon of Hon. John Henry \Vhllley as Speaker of the house of conimon* with the customary felicitations from leaders of the three political parties. NEW INQUIRY FOR SCHOONER KWA8INO Washington. January 8 ? The seiz ure of the British schooner Kwasind by the 1'nlted States authorities at Wilmington. North Carolina, after the ship had put In for repairs car rying a cargo of liquor*, has been made the subject of a new inquiry filed with the State Department to day by the British government. This action Is believed to be preliminary to the filing of n formal protest. ix srrt.itvon cot ht George F. Wright vs. the Corpora tion of Rliznheth City, judgment for $144. 4R, with interest until paid. North Carolina Naval stores v?. the ?'Elizabeth City Shipyard Corn pant. Judgment for plaintiff In sum of $197. If) Merchants and Planters Flank of Norfolk vs. J. A. McCleod. Jr.. Just** ment for plaintiff in sum of $1402.00 , Winter's Charm Lake Placid N. Y.. l? the Mecca for many persons fond of winter Mnorlft. Phntw shows Mrs. J H Goolldce. Jr.. of Cleveland, .0. (left), and Miss Carol Gregory, Ashing through the ice. In Labor's Name Th?. first trust company to open in Now York, directly controlled by organized iud>or started work recently. Warren S. Stone, grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngineer* (left). In president of the now 1J rot her hood of Locomotive Engineers Cooperative Trust Company. Ho in shown above with Mi.-?s Helen Varlck LSoswell. vice president, the first wctffinn lo I10M such j i?o?Hton in New York-' REVIVAL HAS TO BE POSTPONED i\lr. Scutlcrpiooil KfCfive* Miiwiip' from Dr. Wiillliull That He Ik t'lmlilr to (Ioiiii 'I'll in W ????!<. A telegram and special delivery letter from Dr. I). K. Wultliall of Wayneaboro, Va.. wan received Mon day night by Rev. F. H. Scattergood of the Presbyterian church, to the effect that I>r. Walthall will not he able to come to Elizabeth City be fore Sunday. The aerie* of evange listic meeting* which was to have be gun Monday night has l>een accord ingly postponed until .Sunday. Dr. Walthall reported that one of the oldest member* of hi* congrega tion at Waynesboro Is at the point of death and he is unable to leave at thin time. In the ahsenco of Dr. Walthall Monday night a service was conduct ed for the benefH of those who had come to the first service. Dr. S. H. Templeman of the First Baptist Church delivered the sermon on the theme. "Necessity for Consecration." He spbke of four fundamental prin ciples. ? salvation, faith, confession, and righteousness. Beginning next Monday there will be a Dlble study session e-ich Ofter noon at 3:. 10 o'clock and the even ing services will he evangelical. The other churches are co-operating with the 1'reshyterinn congi^WHOfi in I he meetings. If there proves to be too little room at the Presbyterian church, the services will he moved into the First ftnmlst Church, af fording to Mr. (Scatter good. ft AHIIITS ItAISKD TO KKKD ANIMAI.H WITH VAM'ADLK Ki ll Wrancle, Jan. 8. ? The United Slates hnilogical survey h-is started stocking islands in this vicinity with rabbits, in the hope that they will become established well enough to provide n continuous supply of for carnivorous animals with val uable fur. Two kinds of rabbits have been placed on the Islands, the Snowshoe. from the vicinity of Anchorage. Alaska, and the Varying Hare, from the Paget Sound region In Washing ton. Ernest P. Walkor. agent for the bureau, has !saued an Appeal to the people fo protect the rabbits. PUBLIC -UTILITIES PLAYING FOK TIMK Elizabeth City's privately iwned public utilities made what in believ ??(! by the City Council to be unotlier play for time this* month when they petitioned Judge H O. Connor 01 ihe , 1'nlted St ates District Court for a Su, day extension of time to file their i papers in their appeal from Judge ' Connor's decision favorable t<? the i city in regard to the city'* right to establish and operate its own u* II | Hies. The city, through Its attorneys. Thompson and Wilson, and I*. W. McMulkin. will fight the petition c? the ground that it In merely an at I tempt to delay the matter's reaching ! tiie higher coui t. NhXiltO .U HIST OF \(>TK hTm. HI'KAK wknmkhimy Judge William Harrison, negro Jurist of note, of Chicago, will speak at Mt. Lebanon Church Wednesday night at S o'clock. Seats will be re served for the white people and they are especially Invited to attend tk,ls service. Jtld*e Harrison arrived in the city Tuesday afternoon. ItoAltl) KI)K ATION HOl,l>s ITS JAM A ICV >IKKTI\(1 The County Hoard of Kdticution. consisting of Superintendent M. 1\ Jennings. ChalriuHn J. M. Lolloy, VVf. 0. Cox. and I). W. Morgan met in regular session Monday morning at 10 o'clock in Superintendent Jen ning's office. It was a brief sess ion owing to the fact that when the meetihg opened the room thermono' ter stood at fin. warming up slightly durlnu the meeting. Nothing but routine business a as disposed of. The schools of the County were reported as being in good order and well attended. The Weeksvllle High School has an en rollment of 404 and of these only a few are out of that district. MTATK COt XCII/Olt IlKflK TO AUDHKKH JINIOHM State Councilor J. M. Sharpe will address Worth Hagley Council, Jun ior Order, this evening st 7:30. This ls(an annual event gtfrd a great time is expected. i Hemember Kd gar's 1:30 Hus leaving here evenings. Also his 8 o'clock bus leaving Norfolk morn ings. You save time and worry and make all connections. adv BUY V\ PICKS A CANDIDA n: Miami. Kla.. Jan. s ? Wll- I liam JeniiiugH Uryan, who is a candidate for delegate from Klorida to the Democratic Na tional Convention, declared to day that if elected he would present the name of a citizen of Florida lor the Democratic nomination for presidency. In his {iiatciuiitt he did not no me ' the citizen hut said the name would be made public before January 1.". STRANGE STORY OF LOST BONDS Mailed in Onialtu to Chicago They Turned Hp in Czecho slovakia and Then (lame Back lo Wisconsin. Prague, January 8 ? A story of missing bonds, a mysterious Serb who paid $40,000 for a suit of clothes, and a Wisconsin farmer who should be grateful to a distant brother-in-law, has come to light in the records of the local j>ol|ce headquarters. A little more than three years! ago a package of bonds, valued at I $110,000 and addressed to a hank! In Chicago was mailed in Omaha. It i never reached Its destination, and investigation showed that the pack age had been sent erroneously to Kosslce. in Czechoslovakia. It was duly received in Prague, but there upon all further trace of it was lost. | Three months ago. according to in-1 formation in the possession of the Prague police, a farmer of Wisconsin j presented to the 'Chicago bank In I question five bonds of $1,000 each that hod been Included in the origi nal shipment. Questioned, he ex plained he had received them from ( his brother-in-law. a tailor of Prague. The trail now back In Czecho Slo- 1 viikla. was agnin taken up by local [ detectives, who soon found the tailor. This man related that In the spring1 of 1921 a Serb, recently arrived from > America, ordered a suit _of clothes : and left with lllm as a guarantee | of final payment. $40,000- in Amerl I can bonds. The Serb never called lor j Ills clothes,- and the tailor' not "know- 1 I in g wh it to do with the bonds, finally j sent tlieni to his brother-ln-lM w in; | America, the Wisconsin farmer. j There Is, however, another angle, to the story. It seems the tailor's j son was employed In the Prague post j office when the bonds reached there, and this coincidence has led lo thej arrest of the tailor and Ills son. who i ore now lodged In Jail pending the receint of further information from the Cnited States. STOItK lU'ltNM MO\lK%V The Interior of W. W, Hembury's store si t the end o/ North Road street near 4 lie Standard Oil tanks was ! entirely wrecked by flames Monday night at 9.30 and there was little left of the exterior. The' building wan , owned by Claude Ralph. There was some wind at that time, and though it wan not extrenw ly high, had the flumes been allowed to spread a bit, particularly to the south, there's scarcely any telling how great the damage might have been. Hut the fire company soon had the fire out and the danger wan . averted. The loss of building and stock Is estimated art approximately ) 1.800. ' The fire was outside of the city limits and about 1.000 feet of hose had to be laid to reach the nearest hydrant. TIIHKK l?AV FIN KM Three defendants, all colored, pold [ fines aggregating $40.00 In police court Tuesday morning. Charlie Lowry, for assault on Charll" Hell, alias Hill Halley. color- 1 ed. paid a fine of $lf>.00 und costs.! Lowry shot at Hell, according to his' own evidence, to scare the latter. j Hell claimed that a bullet grazed ills l<K. but the slight abrasion he ex- 1 hlhited in police court might have! been caused by tiny other sort of! scratch. (Jeorge Hawkins also paid a fine: of 116.-00 and costs on a charge of] assault, but George's offence was In making too fre<* advances to a col-i ored girl who did not know him. lie pleaded that he was drunk and did ! not realize what he was doing and! the court let him off on ?* fine. Josh Kachet y paid a fin ? of 110.00 and cdhts for trespass on th? pr??tn-| Ires of Klino Stokely. WOMAN CONFESSES* SHK KII.I KI) UIJSRANI) Sumter. S. C. Jan. ft ? Mrs. Lu! China today confessed that she shot and killed her husband. Dr. Archie China, prominent physician and j banker. Sunday morning, according to ;i statement to officers by Dr. M. M.i Slot key, who has been attending her slnc?? she was discovered In a stal", of apparent unconsciousness yester-! day. | 'EMBARGO LIMITS WAR MATERIALS Prot-luimrd l? y President Coolidp- I. ale Monday Hat Effect of Prohibiting nicilt* to Mcxirau Iteltcl*. Washington. January S ? With Mexican ted?*ral troops on the of fensive, urcordinR to embassy ad vires. along the Vera Cruz and Jal isco fronts. hopes of revolutionary leaders to get ammunition from the I'nited States have been blocked through the declaration of an em bargo which in effect will limit shipments of war materials from this country into Mexico to purchases made by the Obregon government. The embargo was proclaimed- by President Coolldge late yesterday and provides that no ammunition may be sent into Mexico from the I'nited Slates except with the spe cific approval of Secretary Hughes. NKMIIO KKKOIIMATOKV TO IlK ?X>NST?tl<TKI> SOON Raleigh. January 8 ? First units In the negro reformatory, to be known as the Morrison Training School In honor of Governor Cameron Morri son. will be constructed in the Im mediate future, according to plans of the committee appointed to handle the matter which was authorized at the 1923 General Assembly. The con tract has been let and construction will commence as soon as possible. The reformatory will be loeated In Richmond county near Rockingham, a 400 acre site having been pur chased for the purpose. WARNING tiKAOR CROSSINGS SI < VKSNFI 1, IN SWKDKN Stockholm. Jan. 8. ? Swedish rail roads have 'esU'd recently, and found successful, a device to warn auto mohlHsts. as they approach grade crossings, of the coining of a train. When a train Is 1,00(1 feet from a crossing electricity Is called Into play to drop a bar over the vehicle road. The bar is SO feet from the crossing, and t??kes a position seven feet above the road. From it hang light chains which, striking against the car. give warning of the oncoming train. After the train has passed the bar automa tically Is raised. Red and while lights help to emphasize the warning. SHEk!N(; TO SOLVE CRIME PROBLEMS Detroit. Jan. 8 ? Means toward the solution of criminal problems will be further discussed at the annual meeting here January 11-12 of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, according to James Rronson Reynolds, president, who , will report on progress in the work. Other features of the program will be reports by the committees on criminal records and statistics and on surveys made In other fields. Prof F. H. Crossley of the North western Cnlverslty School of I^aw \vlll speak on the former subject, augmented by first hand Information gathered by Prof. Samuel II. Warner of the Cnlverslty of Oregon. The Institute bus been enabled to " function In regard to records and statistics through the generosity of John I). Rockfeller. Jr.. and the work of the survey committee Is supported by the aid of the Carnegie corpora tion. according to Mr. Reynolds. ( tfoii.ti, rhrii to r.iVK CONCERT IN KKniU'ARY W. C. Sawyer Ih president of the ' n?\w choral club of Elliabeth City. | wmi A. 11. Houtz, vice president: Mrs. (\. \V. Hell. *pc ret (try : MUs Kmerald Sykes, pianist; and lT. 0. haivls. director. The f i I'M f regular meeting was h#?l<l Monday night and Monday night has l*?en chosen for future meetings The Klks Hall will lie the meeting place. The club plans to give a concert 4 lie last of February. F'ach member Is to try to t iko another member next Monday night. COMMISSION NAMED FOR CITY IM.ANMNC. A City Planning Commission for Kllxaheth City, as provided for dur ing the session of the 1 9 2 II General \*sem!>iy was created by the City Council In regular session Monday night. Members of the Commission are: A II. Houtz. VV. P. Duff. John C. Perry and Mrs. Bthel l.amb. and Mayor \V. lien Goodwin. The Mayor Is an ex officio member. The other members were ndmed by the City Council Monday night. If AVE .IOIKT MRKTINO The two branches of the Holly wood C< meter> Society will hold a Joint meeting with Mrs. Delia Chan dler at the home of Mrs. John Km tnur on Main' street Wednesday after noon at four o'clock. - Kt'KtiKA MHWK TO ilWK Hl'KI *!.%!? MKKTINO Tf?'l(Hlt Kureka I?odge of Masons will hava a special meeting tonight at 7:. TO. There will be a third degree lecture and other Interacting feature*.

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