Birthday Party A very sweet, but simple little birthday party, was Riven A?l. lb Louise Bartron, by her mother, at t'vir home on Hunter strep*. Satur day atternoon. in honor of the liitle girl's sixth birthday. Tlie dining room was decorated with red and creen. A wry small Christmas tree. w -.der which were placed the favors. Ciadiea wrapped in red and green papers, ornamented the buffet. Two large tables were used to serve the iu?*sts. In the center of one being the little birthday cake, while in the cen tal of the other was a lar^e basket of fresh fruits. Dainty lad / f.nyers. Ice cream, and fruits were served. Many lovely sifts were received, of w'.ich the little girl was very proud. T!ose enjoying, the fun and frolic wore: Alice Harrow. Margaret Bail -ey, Louise Wllley, Francis Griffin, Abbott Bailey, Helen Reichle, Georce R-ichle, Jr., B. S. Sawyer, Jr.. James Davenport. Thomas Davenport. Mar jorie Reid, Ruth Reid._ Vergie Hughes. Anna Elizabeth Bailey. for Roanoke, Virginia. Mr. Stuart, formerly of Scotland, now of Michigan, was in the city for a few days, the of friends. Mrs. K. L. Mays who has been vis iting friends in Washington has re turned to licr home on Church St reel. W. f. Olov?-r and Mrs. Noah Bur foot Jr.. spent Monday i 1) Norfolk. Mrs. L. G. Ramey and daughter, Kathleen, of Greensboro, are 'lie quests of Mrs. Harney's mother. Mrs. Anna Lewis, of Riverside Drive. Miss Catherine Albertson left Tuesday for Perquimans where she goes to organize |>? rent-Teacher As sociations in that county. Robert Brooke, Albertson left Hun i day for Alexandria, Virginia, where he will resume his studio* at the ' Episcopal High School after spend ing the Christmas holidays with his aunts. Misses Albertson. of West Church street. .Mrs. L. B. Barneman and son, Lewis. Jr.. of Wilmington are the guests of Mrs. Barneman's mother, Mrs. A. L. Cohoon, at her home in the Perry apartments. Ossie West who has been ill for some time Is in a very serious con dition at his home on Cherry street. Msses Sarah Dillon and Augusta Walker have returned from a visit to their aunt, Mrs. K. H. Brockman, in Eden ton. Mrs. W. B. I>evin of Oxford has joined Judge Devin. who is holding court in this city. She will be here some* time as Judge Devin is making Elizabeth City his headquarters while holding court in this district. Among the recent additions toi Elizabeth City is the young daughter, i of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott of West 1 CheVry street. She has been named Elsie Virginia and is about two weeks old. J Miss Ella Prltchard is visiting ? friends in Camden county. I Mrs. D. J. Kercheimer and sons, j Edward, William and Joseph, of ! Norfolk, who have been visiting Mrs. I j Kerclieimer's sister. Mrs. D. Ray Kramer, have returned to their ! home. STKAM AND LAXOUAOR FX PI/OSION IN "Sl'DS" Explosions of steam are as nothing | in compdrison toTffe vocal explosions! of Madame Rose Dione. the celebrat ed French actress, accenting to Mary Plckford, whose second United Af-I | lists Corporation product tot) will be at the Alkranui on Tuesday and Wednesday. "The steam was very emotional at I times." said Miss Plckford, "but it was niild and peaceful in compar ison with Mnie. Dione and her out bursts of French when she wouldl ! scold me iii the laundry scenes. | "You know Mine. Dione played for ? long time ?wMh Mine. Sarah } Bernhardt and she has a wonderful speaking voice. so consequently i when site would launch forth in a tirade -it me the whole set would tremble. Lots of times I could catch her saying the nicest things about me and yet she would say them in French in sucl) a tragic manner that it sounded as" if she were abusing me terribly." "For th?* steam \v?? secured an old fire engine which had long since passed out of usefulness but which' ' we discovered still, had a lot o: pent - no. ? Ouu' we were all I peacefully working on the set when ) the director decided that the water was not bubbling quite hard enough so he called to the man who was i running the fire engine to turn on more steam. He opened a liitle throttle and away went the kettle cover and steam, and boiling water I flew all over the place. Fortunately I however, no one was hurt, but it goes without saying that everybody was badly scared." : COeatkedy's Hifih grade Candies in the Aritlot- (iuiulv C.h<1 KM( ) X STRATI OX MKKTIXUS THIS WKKK Following is the schedule of meet ings of the home demonstration clubs of Pasquotank County, as made pub lic by the County iiome demons! iu tion agent. Miss Marcie Alberts. ?n: .Monday, Dry Ridge Club; Tuesday morning. Providence and lierea School Clubs; Tuesday afternoon, Body Road Club; Wednesday morning. Brothers School and Simons Creek School Clubs t Wednesday afternoon. Mothers Club at Community House, Fleet wood street; Thursday morning. Fork School Club; Friday morning,. Xewland Girls Club at school; Friday afternoon. New land Wom an's Club with Mrs. Dolly Williams at Saturday, club market. corner Fearing and Pojndexter streets. Meet Tuesday Niglit The Student Wesley Tiihle Class! of WOMEN'S i SHOES * ? (.mi line Unrunins .j. X A special purchase r>f stand- y ard ({Utility grade* offers more X. ? Footwear value than ever !>?? X for*'. Fascinatlnu. rlinrniiii-. '? ^raccful line*. anil above all X *f comfort and r?'*tfulnes* coin X billed to make thin a meat snl?'. :j: | Owens Shoe Co. :j: IIIXTOX ll! IM)l\(i !j! J \i* >+++++++++++*+++<- ??++4++4l>**+**4"9?+4?++++ Instant relief ? no waiting. Your ' clogged nostril* open right Up; the nir parage* of your head clear and you , can l?re?thr? freely. No more hnwking, nnuffling, blowing, headache, drjUMs. No struggling f*?r breath at night; your cold ' or catarrh disappear*. (Jet a small hot tic of Kly'n Crt'iiir j Balm fr?>m vonr druggist now. Applt a littlO of thi* fragrant. anNwptic. heal- 1 ing crcam in your nnMril*. It penetrate* through every air passage of the head, soothe* the inflamed or swollen mucous j membrane and relief come* instantly. It's ju*t line. lJon't stay aluffid-up I with a cold or naaty catarrh. MELICK: BISSELLS C.MIIMKT SWIllI'MtS are housekeeping necessi ties. Kasv to handle. They got this dirt and make no dust. Th?*v will not do the work of a Vacuum Cleaner but a vacuum cleaner rill not do the work of a W*i?ells as easily .or cheaply. The only Tin 1 1 Hearing Sweeper made. MELICK j City Road Church wlfT meet Tuesday ? night at 7:30 with Mrs. L. S. Gordon ! on llurgess street. Group one will entertain and all members are re quested to he present. CHRIST CHURCH HAS HAD YEAR OK PROGRESS The annual meeting of the congre I nation of Christ Church was held j Sunday night in Christ Church. The different organizations of the I Church reported all activities for the [year 1923 showing improvement. I progress and nreater interest along all lines. Despite the cold weather there was an attendance larger than the average. The following men were elected vestrymen to serve during 'he year 1 9 2 I : K. C Conger. A. It. Hontzr-A. l?. Pendleton. C. \V. Gaither. C. I). Koh insnn. .1. T. McCahe, C. .M. Griggs, li. !l Martin. At a meeting of the new vestry. | Tuesday. January 8. at 7:!t? n. in. at the Parish House the two wardens, secretary, treasurer will he elected.; Delegates to represent Christ Church will' also he elected it this time (o att?*nd the Dlo^'iiin Council which meets January 22 at New Hern. HICII POINT PLANS ENTERTAIN FIREMEN High Point. Jan. S ? Plans are un d?*r *v:iv ho?-?. thouuh il still Is early, for tie entertainment of the North Caiolina Fireman's Association dor ? "??I i It was rriginally decided that the convention should I v'o to Wilson but :?ct;.?tr taken since | indicates tin t High Point will he the chosen city. SPRINGLESS SHADES Last Longer_Look Better , adornment of beautiful hands .{. ami nevr wit#* Hip deidmifl V more attractive. nor workman- jj nhlp moiv finish* d than in our ?!? present illxplay. y X \\V welcome you to see X them. .J. | H. C. Bright Co. | ( x f liflrKCsl .leweli'is in Kftsterii .J. V. .North Carol imi v UNION SUITS nut iioys a \n CARLS. 'I'lir hiihI mill pluill kind. I, oil}: mill knw 0 l,X,V'X*V'X":"X"'* I WASEO FLOUR 'Whvnyi C?imm1 A <;ool?t rll>ut or* ? \{ D. R. Morgan | & Company ICE CKEAM MEN AT Vt'INSTOVS VI. EM Winston Salem. Jan S ? (Special > Ice cream manufacturers of the State will gather here Tuesday and Wednesday, January 15 and 1 ?? for the annual convention of the North Caiolina Ice Cream Manufacturers' Association. A record attendance is forecast ! ? by ['resident Charles K. Landreth of I Winston-Salem. He is head of the] Forsyth Dairy Company. Other offi- J rers of the association are I'hll De voto. Greensboro, vice president: a. K. Dl\on. I'ayetteville. secretary-1 I treasurer, and the following direr-' tors: George I*. H. White, Raleigh;! I. A. Corning. Hamlet; J. C. Grimes. (Lexington, and Messrs. Landreth and Dixon. i Among other things the associa- 1 tion will discuss the development of . the ice cream of North Carolina. I which is rapidly taking its place j among the leading dairy states of I i the country* according to the asso- : clatlon's official organ. The Ice ? Cream Review. I Fresh Fruits il x ? i AXD V B< ; KTA I ll.KS. X Y - ? -Yl ?j* We are receiving dally the Y| best the markets afford. x | Main Street \ Grocery \ ? I'llo.VK * |j pj ami Coals iioic in pro- | 1 fft'.ss. Substantial rv ' ilurtions throughout | M Leigh Sheep V Co. H oman\s M var i IP fp) r~ ' f5i?JPIia,'eiP ^ fi3 iT2.' F1 (? - .N I Spencer - Walker Co. j Where Every Man Finds Whal m Hr Liket To Wear For Rent Or Sale Olio 1 1 rotmi IIimihc, Klertric Llulit*. Hot ami <*ol?| Wilier, Hot Wntor Ileal, Hndlntoi^ in ivicli room. |'os4(t?>>ion at onrc, No. I *01111. Avo. Apply to \V. S. \\ lilto nc W. S. White & Co 1 2 Itnllrr .?!?? I X Morftan'ft (jiffcc 2J5i i | M?>lln*r? Out* I Or | f{ INmI Tnanlirit He !j, X Cocoa I'lidiliiifi, X Small I0<- | l.arfjr lOr Y I 4 I'll. .11.- 236 ami 306 v | Morgan & Parker x i % f<8ISl^rpyt^ff81">rru WIr JWffjWniW ?J WfflftCfrQ ? LWn ,7ji Gallop-Sawyer Realty Co L?t U? HandU Your City And Rural Property I B hen yoii need some thing in a hurry try the Apothecary Shop FIRST ' Legal Notices NOItTII I'UtOUNV iv\si|i'V-rwh ami lm>hinil. Jnha Thotita* Klrixli. Mj'tlr N;"?*n??' inma? Ktwiv-.. lUtilia Ual.. I'hatU* K. INwl, J j -nr. I: I'ihiI. lUi hU Jot>n*?a ami hu>hand. Na ihanirl Ji>lin |jiml>. ll<-nitHta Unib, l-ai,ib. ? ilir w>n of (Mara l'i-'l l_?i.ib dr>ra?r un known to |M-titi?n<-ri Hich and all thi* oiln*r ctnl dnn , of Clara I'nol l.amh, itrrra>ilund. Ku?iia l|n*?. Vn-I Ann I.anll"rri? Sli-rrn*. Kat-Fl anil all thn I nr\> of Km of Ann Ntrt?-n? natm-* h. iiiir to iM rtrkonrr unknown i. I'rlrr llradd<*-l?. William Itraddnk. NXo-mou* l!i.nld-n>-r*% AiIiiik. Winnir Adam*. Ilrlro Adam-. ? harllr Ad ? . ann. J Kd. lamb. Mllllr ?>an? and litikband. Il-nrv litan*. Joidan Umb. . Ilndxln*. *urtl?lna li'i-lunrt of Martha l.amh lliualn* (wlio.? I full name l? to i?etitn>ni*r unknowm. Mary Whit* | and husband. Mirk Whlif, Man Vimlnia Owm., William ll<-nrv Own-. Karli and all thr nni of kin and di-iitta (?? Kai h and ?**?*ry cred itor i?f I In* I'Mill1 nf Jortlia I'ool, Orrratnl. If 1 ant ihrtf (th?*lr nanw>. If ant. bi?'1*. if am. of I "l:n* I'tail I jiiiiIi. d?iri?rd. Hatld Mntrl* S'-iniv M-IHr Kt?u< ami Ini.hand. Ilrmv K. JomUa Uudum. (tlie aur ikvinv lin-luml i>l M.iittia l.aiiiT) llndw. ii-i. Mir/ Vitamin ih* n-, Wilt nn llmrv ll?>ii>. m
  • r ilic iii-ii of i. it ami rfMrttMitr.** of Jordan I'iNtl. of Salini Oinnlit. or M m Adam*, of Rll. r? {'?Mil. ?( Jrrtv liank*. t?r of riilor or aiiv of ||u>t i. nml rarti and r?-i? |w'rM.n liatnu or ilaimtni an/ in or atii'tn-i i iHtair of JhhIjii I'ih>I i|if>-'?Mi| ? i-.u-h ainl cvi' i ) otln r ilcfi-mlani ta lln* nlimi" I'ti'iil'd ?'? ?????' \ .u ami ea.-li of ?mi will Ukr gnilrr that a Si^rml I'f.avrdtii.- .ntitl.d a>. alt- ?. ?? lia? lu-rn ?nn. niriM'.'i| in vIm* Surnior ? '??hi t ? >fl,a~ni.?iank fmintv. NoiMi fai.-litui : liinl tin- i.'irpoM' ?.f -aid action t? ili'ifi miiic ? ti>> Mii' Ho1 m-ii of ami dWrS ImiI.i. On' ? w? a* ?? of Jmtlun l'"fil. and ?rln> ara Wliltl'il mi iii'?n--? In or au.-iln-l >-a;-d r*tiii.-. and In Mt;>i i* in flit' distribution tlli'iNif. and tq d - ? ii'riiiim- h. ? k*> n> o! I'ui'li Mf Mid ln'?'r?".t>.. ? tiTiirr^d ?" In- ami at i offir?< of t iliid-'t - -ii'it f I. ik s.i; ? i . r (??nn in tin* fotm llmim* hi II Mbrlli ? '. Xoitli I :n Imil' o M-" *uT d bv law. | :? ml fiinli. r tin' it '. ii lail t.. pj>i?r-ai and Vvltllill H.-' ll.r J||. .I-I ill- r| l?v law. til*' ll'lkrf IHBIill i. fm iii . .i .. I iifiii'mi ? 1 1 .*?J ? d. * ? I Til.. I >. I.' |I.. ,||.I*Y l'ij i i:\i -t i. .k-au vi:h. 1 '-l.ljnr.ll. I I. ik Sni. imr Colli t. \OTK i: <>??' \l>MINISTlt.\Tlf>\ 1 1 1 * Ilia >n i :i 1 1 ri- ?1 a- AdtuinUtratiTx of tin- |a'? Kill-, alt Ii Ann l!n.i|i I In n In Uo- ????' iii* l? all l"?*r M-n? iiij.-li'.il to li'-r i'?t*li; fn "iin*. forwar?l a;id i 1 1. ?- ir lurdiaii" Mlllnmnl. anil llmsi- holding i-lalma 11 J. .11 -t f'ir MitiK" to tiri -illt Ihrin for |>iiv nnllt 'W.|?? in<> nil ? f i -h i Ho- ilati' of t Ii i b n<'t Irr. or II will ba l l-nitnl in har of Ih-'li r?i?>?t>. M All Y r IIIIIO'IT. Ii- . i-i?.-f is. j '.".. AdmlnUirairls. rr-o.r- 17 '.'I J m 7 ? I. 21. \OTMK |S? iirtm of j ?/ Older i.lai.d ill fin IhumI- fioin llii' I ir .-i . 1 1 - - . ? '"'n r- i.t Ill'itMlir |ll*lrl?*t N". I. Iii l'aw|tmlaiil< I'liiiii'' to rolltit tatr-i Inmi tin tmrtiii alii"'1 ini nn - nti> lu|. uiMf ' ?-?" ? i mil. Ii.-lni ,i. i. nt, dui- .i- ii-- ?:d l? I'.i -'I'lniaiik Cniiiitv lira ii... Iij.irin V. I I tlmll <>n .M"nda? ilm lili of in'l fin, Norili fandlnu. flu- lantli nf flu* in?ii a- ??' ???ii IkI.iw, fo <:o)l?>rf tin- ana ?'? III. II- ?r Mil 'Mow. K?r full d<"< i Ud inn "f tin i.kii-ii''. Ir Jiiv afiid. ?..- iii- with tin* d.-ilpfWii. of n>i Intnl . ? " ? i... n|. . .f tin I'm-- !'?<.' iik fouiv/ Ihm-imU' I In i hi v.. I. Tin -aid ii. i. mad *> i-iovidid In .law. T ?? n. . f ??. In <'d-li. Tiriir ot IliJr Miln i in U - |.?V A I Arlnn At.. P.m. "lor fH'^ I i- ton it.- in - , I f. I II Itin Mffi- (f?in Will Itiddk Vi In I'l :? ]' Mrs. lift I If HllTf*'* ' O.i .ion -H'nliiii/.. i. tut.. Mini WillldO. A 'I ii Oiiitiu {? Mi I'm- UillWiris 11. *3 CII AM. IIIJO. .< r of I'a -'iiiofaiik ii.uiii,. N f. jin i.7.1 l..'l NOTII K Ol \IMIIMsTI|\TI()N | llano. I l-,tV.1 .i? \dmiii -irm. x If 11,.. btf O i Hi, it i ti*j-? l>4r m tlnli iifttnm. i.rxzii: fill ay. |iMI.\lSTIt \TIO.\ lN'.:n_- 'i?! i ?MiinM 'rafoi. of Mo- la?,. I I: I >.IA ?. win mlk all |.rvitu ili d li*i'il h - - - ? ,*i ? ?-oi. ? fr, iw:.n| ^rid makf in. M.tliat* ''litneiV and IIi^a" ln-1-lin. t-laho. aaullk.l ii.- -an.. H -- I.I n i-i N r |iaffm nf ' WiHdn tw. li -> . ,-.nti - Tf -I Ml. i|atr 1.1 i l?i* not;.,-, oi it Mill M1IM mm: \\ KKAfSlNfl, .. r~J.. 1L KKAltlMI. .III.. AdmifiMiali'i . J. II, K'Hi iiiv, d "n?cd. J lljU i. 1*21. " lan I 7,1 1. 21 a*.f< * ? voni i;: Satf :Of \ iihinfili' l'ro|M'i*t>. lit t- tit ii .?! a Ihid of Tiii-i ? *c?ui< il In im- Iw l. II, l'r'?" and wifi-, >??liti- I. IVn . tor rt-rOiin |iHf|*M>? (In Mil imtilirtiWl, whkli ?aiil llfnl j Tnt-j bear- d-t' Jarn.Mii l-i, l?c;, and l< i-ai.tei d III lln- It- . ,tta<* orr I '.ir l'a-i|>iinanV t minn in | fl'al ?? . ... ;M.| and I -i.all |.rorw?? on | Maturda< . IMirnarr .'?>> I at I.' oVl<< k M. h I ollrl till aa I. u! I t;ill* II. HIV.. |||H|| .1) .Mid ?*ill||lf./, ai imlili' mi'' i| It r ?a.|i, tin- IHMmM a- -"tlt^iol i.. on a ' Tin ? ?. : II. ..o.i-n* af a piiHH 1 llati.-i. |i t -t< It I 'l M I.ji?i of Mi' Nonthwrit ] nunn of tin i -i ii|a.|i n'ii.-h Ihr -aid W, M HattHT i imiw it-?ldf ?nl -rtiit) -t pirariM* la i.? * f?- t ? fi.mi ilit- m?it|.- of ?l?r ?'iiili a- n?tw li?i<. ? I ? n- Mnr'fiWfl - 1 lfr.1, it IfKln--, to rtfl allii. .. i - . 1 1 alni-."?i?.mi. I It ll.l frit | .,t Jtf thl ?, M. Nairn Ldii-mr Int. fin ii' I... it... if Ilia aa -I | all* t to tlir Inn- of Mo I* ! I- III II If Walkrr. | h- ln^ V<*> itrt ft^sm x.'Ttl n ft-mMi i Waidl. al?n? -aid I Mo- ia< m *lari' \