******** * THE WEATHER * fVi/r tonight. Tlmrxtltiy * incrvnsiiij! ctomli n f s s * <mtl iiarmcr. Wodvrtitr niriiililr iciiitls. ******** ? ??????*? ? * * CIRCULATION TlU'SllllV 2.277 f <?//???* VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. WEHNESDAY EVENING. JANI AIIV !>. I-.f.'l. EICHT I'ACES. NO. 8. Bank Deposits In Bestcity Show Sharp Upward Turn ltliiU-aliolt* ? Cimililiuii- iir(.il\ ;:iv S.;im ; UiS 'i hal IYu>.|ii*ril> ll;i- Avfaiti (miTt'il ! I:i*- >??*.*? lion <?! tin* < ? ? ?? ??i <>!?! Nurlh Stiili IUuiU ilv i>o>ils iit Kiizabulit CU liav. ?>l:r\v(i' a d? fi'l' ?l upward turn duii;i~ lit* ? past > ? ur. imliculiuu that bu>i:n >s conditions in the city ar sou id andthii prosp? rily ? has again covered ili'is j-ectioti. More than ouo.moo is on deposit in the hunks of ( 1 1 i city. IV. posits in 1 1 1? - First A: Citizens National. Flizabeih City's oldest and lar-' st hank, have all but readied til* $3,Ooo.(mhi mark. The total at tin end of the yiar was $2,002, 20<>.ist less than llOO.Ooo from ooo.otMt. Deposits in the First &- Cit izens National in 101:! aggregated $505,960.04. The increase to the mark reached by the end of 1023 represents a gain in deposits of 500' per cent for a 10-year period. Part 'Of this increase, however, is account ed for in the mercer of the First Na - tional with the Citizens Hank in] 101 v However, in the last two years: the deposits of this hank have in cr? ased hv about three-quarters of a million dollars. Deposits of the Savings Hank & Trust Company increased during last year from $1 ,2^8.345.86 to $1,455. 171.51. a gain for the year of more than $200,000 and double the in crease in deposits of the previous year. In 1021 deposits of the Sav-~ in-? Hank & Trust Company totalled $1 .Ft 7.147.87. indicating an increase for the past two years of more than one-t hind of a million dollars. In' th? past 10 years the Savings Dank A: Trust Company's deposits have In- J created from $34 6,000 to the pres- 1 ent mark of nearly one million and j one-half dollars, which represents a gain of nearly 5.00 per cent. One* ' more, however, part of this gain is! due to a merger, the Savings Bank) & Trust Company having taken over) ll ? Mi leant il? Hank in 1 9 1 " Hllzabeth City's newest bank, the) Caiolina Hanking & Trust Company, i shows an increase in deposits from $7^1, 217. 20 in 1022 to $065,340.86 j at the close of business in 1023. Th!s cair. in deposits of about $200*000 is all due to the normal growth of the I bank. The year previous the Caro lina Hank gained over $600,000 in deposits: but part of this was due to th?: opening.. .of ll le branch bank at rtenford and to the merger of the two banks in Tyrrell County. Elizabeth City's negro bank-, the Alb. marie Hank on December" 31, 102:!. had deposits aggregating $83. 390.03, as compared with $47. 600.60 at the close of business for 1 !? 2 2 . This \* a gain in deposits of $35. 60 1.3 3 1 or about 75 per cent in one year. At the close of business for ?the year of 1020. in which the Albe marle Hank was organized, total de posits were $32,525.00. IX COl ItT WKI)\KSI).\V A submission on a charge of speeding, in which A. O. Smith was defendant, and paid a fine of $10.00 and costs, was the only conviction In police court Wednesday morning. One case Involving tlx* passing of a worthless check was tried, but the ?defendant was found not guilty. ILLINOIS HAVING KLAN TROUBLES BelWCI'll lilt' Kll kllix lliul tlx kniulit* of lh?' I'liiniinj; <>ir There's Work for N;* liomil Guard. Marlon. III., Jan. fl. Three com panies of IlllnniH National Guard nr.* on <1 ut y In Williamson County today under order* to be In rpudlnon* for anv emergency occasioned hv alb-ucd blftcrnpM between the Ku Klux Klan and an antl-Klan faction known a? the Knight* of the T'lamlnic Clr? rl?'. following a series of prohibition raid-. .Mann meetings said to havo bp*in announced wcrPtly for today l? KnU'htn of the Klatnlnu Circle and the Kii Klliv Klan an* said by soine to have been thr real cause for Sher iff Oeor.ue (l&ltlgan appealing for troops. Mr*, s. \v. flutter and daughter. Kvelyn, of Norfolk, who have been visiting Mrs. J. I*. Thompson, will spend the winter in Kjizabeth City. NOTICE! Gas whs cut off today from 2 o'clock until tomor row at noon, whilp repair ing lioilcr. THK GAS COMPANY NEGRO MAY DIE AS RESULT SHOOTING Kfrrivcd Lund from Shotgun I'irod Through \\ indou in Brca-I ami Midoim-u ? IVr pilrator- (iriini' Escape. I'oWfllg Point, January 1?. ? Anoth ?t wit if trap of the crimp wave thai has been sweeping tin* Albemarle countieH broke on iliis community last Friday night at the home of George Gallop. colored . when the ??Idest son of Joe Henry Owens, col-' ored, was shot through the window ot Gallop's home and probably fatal ly-wounded. the whole load from a shotgun taking effect in his breast and abdomen. Telephone wires have been down in this section since the big freeze of last Saturday niulit .and particu lars are meager, it being impossible here to so iiiurh as obtain the name of the boy who was shot and Is now ?said to be in serious condition. The shootinu. however, seems certain to have been done by Moses, and Abra ham .Gallop, nephews of George Gal lop, who. though arrested following the shooting and held for prohahl ? rause. escaped from the custody n| the officer who had them in charge and are still at large with little or nn prospect of beinu . taken at any time soon. Ilotli Moses and Abra ham are in bad repute in this com .munity. bavin u but recently returned here from the State prison at IU lelgh where they served a term for shooting up the postoffice at Harhin [ ger, only a few miles from here, two years ago. The shooting Friday is said to have I been the outcohie of an affray at an entertainment at the Powells | Point colored schoolhouse on Friday , niulit. Having. It Is alleged, beaten up one netro. the young son of Hen ry Westcot t , Moses and Abraham are said to have followed their unci*-' the house, to have fired a shotgun throuuh the window with probably i ratal result to the Owens boy, who i was at the home of George Gallop j at the time. Moses and Abraham were arrested Saturday by Constable Cartwrlglit and taken before Magistrate Harrell for a preliminary hearing. Ilotli lie ? u roes protested their Innocence, but the court held them for Superior Court on grounds of probable cause j but was willing to release thent un 1 der bond. The negroes, however, were unable to give bond and were returned to the custody of Constable Cartwrlglit. who, put off his guard ! by the peaceable demeanor of his ; prisoners, relaxed his vigilance and allowed them to escai?e. They were last seen enterlnu the "111*; Swamp" In the locality of the Harrell home . but it is believed that In the Intense I cold that came on Saturday night they must have found refuge in some negro home in the vicinity of the swamp. Nothing has been seen of them since, however, and It is gen erally believed here that It will be no easy task to recapture them. McLEANlPEAKS AT HIGH SCHOOL Candidate for Governor Will Make l'riii<'i|ial Adilrriw al Formal Opening of New Building. ^ Angus Wilton McLean. candidate for tin* Democratic nomination for Governor, has accepted an Invitation to deliver the address at the formal opening of ( b?* new quarter of a mil l'on dollar high school building, which will take place the firm week in February. Superintendent Sheep announced Wednesday. Short addresses will also he made by a few members* of the school board and the choral club has agtfeotfi to give a musical program fo* occasion, 7 - ^ J? t Keats hav* been initialled in t 'i ?* auditorium and as soon as the new scenery arrives the date for the opening will he set. Frank Mllbttrn. Washington. I?. c arcbtteet; of the firm of Mllburn & Holster Company, which drew the plans for the new building. ws^'ln file city Tftesday to Inspect the build ing afnd pronounced It well con structed and thoroughly satisfactory. Superintendent Sheep says. si;\ EKE CRITICISM OF GOVKUNOK WOOD Washington. Jon. ??-A plea for Philippine Independence was erncw ed today by the I'hllllplne mission In a memorial to Congress making a se vefc criticism of Governor General Wofrd. MORE CHANGFS !V H7Y OR5JT, lY(T? < :J; < '.n:in il i )iJ * ?p Mm. Mri'iti Hi nil \\ -.\r ll V {> ? ... Mailt Ml- . t ? a?- 1 ? f I; ; *?. . i I '??in ?|. t.r sljt.l In |\* v 1. Church u fl 1 Ittnx> .1 a nil ? >ii . W.i |. r str?? t I;* twe? ti lN?in<!* \t> r creek and Front tin Cit> Council Mmi day night fiirtln r tinkered with I ! i ?? recently adopted city parking ordi iiancis. Tin* most radical of tin' in w reg ulations relate l?? the parkin. ol automobiles at the p:is*fiiger s-t . : tion. Chapter XXII.. Section :u?T-.v now reads as follows: "li shall ln? unlawful -for any per son or | ?? -rsona operating any motor vehicle for lilt"** to park at tin* Nor folk-Southern Passenger Station oth er than in tin' following manner: That all cars for white passengers shall park on the north a ltd east of station platform opposite space yet aside fpr white passengers with tie rear wheels of the car a ua I list tin platform ami that there shall he a space of two and one-half f?'?*t be t ween -each car. to permit the taking on or the discharging of passengers, and it shall be unlawful for any driv ers operating a for hire car. to leave said car. for the purpose of solicit in?: passengers for a greater distance thau three feet, unless signalled or called by passengers in order to take baggage while the passenger train is ! at t he station. **The saine regulations and restric tions shall apply to all for- hire cars for colored people, except that they shall park on tie- eastern side of that space set apart for the use of col ored people at the Paasenger Station. That all other vehicles .shall park as directed by the Pol if e Depart m? nt. in order to prevent congestion. "This ordinance being In the in terest of puhlioyuitety. shall he in ef fect from andiJHter its ratification and publication^ The following ordinances were amended: "Chapter XXII. Section It shall ta, unlawful for any person or persons/operating any motor driven or horse drawn vehicle within the city limits to park other than on the south side of the street running east wardly and westwa.rdly; and on all streets run nlng northwardly OTT71 , southwardly, the parking shall be on the eastern side only, except on Poln dexter street, where narkinu Is al lowed on the west side only and on Water street. Pennsylvania avenue and Riverside drive, where parking Is allowed on both sides. "Chapter XXII. Section Hftfi. ? If shall be unlawful for any driver of any motor driven vehicle or any horse drawn vehicle to nark In any other manner in any place within the city except that all vehicles shrill park in a i?osltlon parallel to the curb of the street, and that the In side of the wheel next to til* curb, shall not be further from the curb than 12 Inches: and that then- shall be a distance or space between each vehicle ?f throe or more feet at eith er end: except on Main street be tween Road street and the Pasquo tank River; Polndexter street be tween Church street and Purges* street and Water street between Polndexter Creek and Front street, shall be at an angle of 4$ degrees. "Chapter XXII. Section :i07. Snbj. section 7. That no vehicle shall b<? allowed to stand within the Intersec tion of any street. In the fire limits. , or within eighteen feet of any fnter sertlng roadway thereof. "In force from and after ratifica tion and publication." An ordinance was, also enacted prohibiting the putting-. ?Meeting or placing of any gasoline ffflinu station on any of the sidewalks of Kllzabeth City. This ordinance ix a part of Chanter XXI. 'Syation 2 40- A. and Is as follows: ? "lie It ordained bv the Hoard of Aldermen of Elizabeth City, that It shall b? unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to build, erect. Install or place any gaaollne filling station or tank upon, in or on any sidewalk, within the corporate limits of Elizabeth City. "Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of the Above ordinance, shall upon convic tion# pay a fine of |f>n.00 and each and every day said Ailing station re mains In. or on said sidewalk, shall |>e and constitute a separate offense. "This ordinance shall 1?< in forn tiVli and after ratification." DAt CllKlfn SAYS HAS THE KV IDKNCK Washington, Jnn. S>? Attorney General PatiKherty today declared In n form il statement that t lie Depart ment of Justice hart "an abundance of evidence" to hark up the State I tu?-" recent statement* con cerning Communist propaganda In ilie l.'nltcd State*. THINK ? \n ERT BlUNGINGiH' BONI S Washington . Jan. !?.- ?The Repub lican* today exprwncd confidence that they can avert the hrhticlnit up of the pqldler bonus, before action Is hart on t tax revision hill. !< \\ ll'i:i> ( H'T : . : ..J ! ' 1. j I i *?? V/^ < t ? u j - ? TRANSPORTATION I f oriniil.iiiitii ?.'<> ti :i \ irw I'uili i.s i'i*r S* .sr.ir [':iiiuv in I niti'ii M. ;. s. V.'. .-Yw:?n. J;?M?irv !?-- Formu lation of **!eng vi.'W . national poli ri? * in tr::n-j?o I i;irn" i.? a funda mental ti i. !-??:>? : r s.-.uriiig the ? or" ftMur?> of 'lie I'nhetl Stales, Herbert llmiVcr declared today in hi i Micas before the li*a;i.?|.oi'iat ion ? i. < onco called 1 >y tin* ( ' n i t *-?l S .'.???? Chamber of Commerce. Hoover- listed ten points of appli cation for such policies, among which were the statutory revision of the Railway Labor Hoard's powers on <i basis to >>?? determined by an agreement between labor and :he railroads, the reorganization of rate structure. the early consolidation of railroads into a few powerfui svs tehis, and inland waterway develop ment under a national plan. NEW OFFER FOR MUSCLE SHO \LS IViidercd Government l>\ Nine Associated Power Companies of the Soulli for I Manufacture Fertilizer. tn?- Tti* A ?w?r I ? ' ?-ct I rrn.' Washington. January I? A new i offer to the government for the hydro-electric power of Muscle Shoals providing for the manufac ture of .-fertilizer has bven tendered by nine associated power compatiies . of tin*. South. The language of the off. r de~ scribes the proposal as one "to per mit the use of a substantial part of i the power for the production of fnr tlliz?T. to place .Muscle Shoals' power i under I he protection and regulation of the Federal water power act, to ??liable the government to collect during a fifty year period approx imately ,i hundred million dollars in rental, and Mt ill rethin ownership of ..ill its properties." VEIJDICT KOK IIINKS IN CASK OF IM.UMI.KK The 'Hertford County chain van-: has been under ftre in Superior Court here this week In the action of Oscar Plumlee vs. H. V. Him k ??< ? al. which is a suit for damages grow ing out of the alleged action on the part of Hines. then superintendent of t*?- Hertford rhalngang, In confining Plumlee while the latter was serving a sentenf- on the Hertford chain gang. In the same sleeping quarters ^witH nenrws, Plumlee claiming that at th? time he was shackled with neuro nrisoners. However, a Pas quotank Jury, after considering th" issues In the case for less than an hour, returned a verdict for the de fendant Wednesday shortly before 1 o'clock. Plumlee was convicted of. larceny in Superior Court In Paaquotank and was given a road sentence. He was charged with stealing hosiery from one of the local hosiery mills. Another case against Hlnes brought by Paul l'rltchard of this, city, co-defendant with Plumlee in the conviction for larceny, is now being tried. Mr. Hines recently resigned as road superintendent of Hertford .County. THIItTEEN KII.LGD BY KKI.IUOUS FANATICS Manila. Jan. f Thirteen iihmii 4 Im-is of ih?> Phllllplno ronstiihulnfy. inrludlnK two Officers. have bern k i I l?*d by religious fanatic* on linear l?land. arcordfnt! to official advlcos from the Island of Mindanao. I { ?- 1>< i i-l ( ..lion (.inm-il WawhlnL'ton. Jan. '? Cotton clnn?d prior to Januarv thr flrft to failed 'i.soT.ris running bales, la? rhidinu 2:: 1.72". round bains, count ?-d a* half hales, bab-s Am?*r lean Kieyfttian, and 7 70 bale* S?*n Island, the Onsun nur??an An nounced today. <??TTO\ MAUlTKT New York. January ft 8p<. c ton closed quiet thin afternoon, with a <lollne of 4 T? points. Middling 35.2$. Futures closed as follow*: rv 4*; March 34 :7^; May 34:12; July 3*T*0; October 2<t:40. v#?v Vork. Jan. 9 ? Cotton futures opened this morning at th#- foilow Jnr ?r.v?ls- January 34**&: Marrh 35:01; Mar Sl:?t; July 34:06. October 28:55. Week Be Significant In House Of Commons i i"-. ! i'iiiji 1 in- Dixtilcil lii i '1 anil 1 1 lii "i ? 1 1 - s * ? J \j> >;? ii" "!n?l < iTlainlx :i? Next t'lemier itut \\ it Si* mil I'ohci' lo (!:iit) < >nl i li? I'nlirii - llv I'llVMi M. sl*'H\lls l "|',v liulil 1>\ MrClllie New -|ia|KT SjnillfH10, V.'.-..?!)i!i"f<o,i. -Ian. 0.- Il would In- impossible to i-xaiwrate i;" .*? ? r-- 1 1 i L " anil the importance of tin- events which arc Ijound '? take phce (Itil-iiiff the present week in the l'.riti^h House of i'oi'inioiis. I'nless all siirns fail till' existiiij; Tory cabinet is (! vi'iic l t ' f ill without delay. Slunli'v. Jtaldwin xvj|| jsap - , 0'il.v i>s Prime .Minis-' tt'i- Init us ' party leitder. His place will lH> taken not l>y Mr. Asijuith. formerly Prime Minis ter and now lender of the re unit l.ilx'ial party, but by Ran. say Mac Donald, leader of a La ,bor party which in the past dec ado has risen from practicallv nothing to the rank of the off i" - cial opposition. Tin- -situation, huu-i'vt r. is nile.l h V " w,,llp T"" , . hea v i l\ hl , i, ,lM4 h M . II Y7"V' WV.TI.I ao culled independents ln ., III."' i'"' .T'"' '?Mbor wriv. mi In otli?-t Imiiil coil ills just ;il,,iv(. ar > Joritv , l?n ? ! i pusses i? ||?. i.i?, ,,,|^ who rim ; i t ! I"1," " "? """ witi.li /i "? vvi|l W I, II". ? Cnn.ervaflve* 41,1,1 | liUH \ - I?pI tin- Labor ca billet I'or II,.. first ,, ,, , , I"'- ' ,!,,,n. ?l'- llrttlBl, ?f ummons is without a. muJorllv; i, "mo part It's and tins.. t ti r??> US II,.' I. CM, showed >>?"1 III, ..I, substantial and '"??'"."?"?tit divisions-. The t ta.1 tin,, that -His Majesivs uovern. must !??? carried pn" Insures continuity. bti, ii is el.-a, Urn J" n l"' "? "lability ,,i t|? |ir.'s.-nt ,T i, """" " matter J, . J1" "r """" II, out!, K 1,11111 ti''ii'"r?n.. """ ",,kM "f'f" ?'. r.'lv l?.r?? ~ , v .*/!!? / I., a k . J .fnn" of coalition win, Tor ' " holds office Insecurely |,e 'il!'h"?ro ''"'"f'l 1-a.l. r r , ?P,P0"ed lo ?"?>' f,l!,i"?- anv thi L " r"ml" ntallv !wo;,aHr,u.^"n1"??,,? kuu h"twe<n l.ahor will lake office committed ""?","'r "f , ?;v,r. policies, th.n ; l",vv' "atlon, HI/.,, tlo,, or mines and railway*. |i?, ,. cannot carry out any of these policies bccutise a majority o t ,1?. ?,.w house lonuinu to the Tory anil l.lbcni i'artl.R, oppose these projects |t '? l".?"i also to cl.anK, II,.- Ilritlsl, f?r.!|K11 p0?'" Willi respect of derm,,,,, ??,| ,lf hni."?l' thl" I' mil v hrr J I ih"'n," . " -u?"rl..?? nun, n allr.- ^ ?"ak" '? Hi" Hitpr.'m.. .Ilfriciltv of l.abor th-It* It Tl V,"".K '?<?' Hi.,, |t is unil'TtHkltiK to nil.' with less than a third of II,.. me,u 1,^1,1,, f th.' House of f'oinmons and II, a, of hl J'hi 'h" ,?""???'.t |.os,V nr cabinet Who. how.-vrr fir, a, ih.ir al.lli^y, are without ox ""?il.-nce and Ihernfore liable to ,??k? true I,', V,"kT,.Thl" * "M* ici.1 trf for.'im, arraiis Wb?-r<- the situation Is rrltlral In Hie mnT hp ratal. S"""U" ce,''",her v tn tinder, akn to' tl,.- I r.nrh and llelclan Ironn. " the Huhr. ,? rearue rlVftnan v I to call an International conference to I deal Bill, th. Whole reparations mat er Its I.rouram Is antl-Kr. nrh. but! lo absolulelv , T. r,n"" ll"' nire to risk a new war |? a Worrtf while |,s anil . Irene), l.ollcv ,?a, , "f lead lo ? collision win, the I n nch uovernment. |, iK p I pared defend Its policies l.v f?rre and may as ia conaenuenee be brniu-l,, t" a bumlllatlnc situation. ?,y"r,, "tile in llrillsh hi - ' toil, the treat ruHn* families and clasi. s have been excluded from II, . ioyrann,,,,!. ^ere H a Labor cabinet. The break wlt\ lie pari la not - only romplete. but i, .< .*il? ance which .an bardh he ll,tslak>-n. \ ll(1, I'owm. lis |,r.i|tram alms a, holh i . i ? tipper classes and II,. i,. d,,s,rl?f ml.lfll' elaases it | . a i.ar-1 ty of Il,e proletariat, relnforc .1 bi i few Infeiieeiual.. |,? hrr)..?, control represent, notiiina less than a complete political icvoliillot.. al coiifllct nr,'l"v,", *?' ".it Krantlc efforta on the par, of the l.ondon press and of certain Tories to prevent a l.abor minis, n have T no"''nK. A similar rathe, move ?t Mr. As. fef.,1 "I" "" r""l'"t'?lbllltv I., ireiuae tq a/t upon Mr. Ma. lional.l s advlee and dlsaolve parliament. ,hu I he format I n,r /,'e,,"'"i rather than, tne formation of a new government has similarly failed and not:,),,* i,? more cert.ta fh,? ,hl| JllHY SELECTED IN COLLINS CASE Trial of Allrfictl Slayer of Dr. Difuwav Gels |!ndor \\ ay in Washington ('onnty 4 .ourt Today. Plymouth, Jan. 0. Willi I lie jury hnvinu In on selected yesterday, the trial of t !??? ease of Ralph Collins, charged with tin- slayinu of Dr. A. \v. Dlfowa.v ??f Tyrrell County at Sklnnersville last November w is ? 'vjh'oImI to m*i under way today In Washington County superior court, which in In session here this week with Jtidgo W. M. I Ion (I presiding. I)r. Disoxvay was shot while sleep ing in a shark on a huiitinu preserve in Washington County and died the following day. Collins is charued with having entered t shark and * tin d the shot resulting in the physi cian's death. < o\< i:ht this kvkm\ <i IIMil.VS AT KHiHT-THIIKTY The concert 4>f the C'umhreu Con-, cort Artists .begins this evening at S : 0 in the grammar school auditor ium. This will give those who at tend prayer meeting an opportunity to also attend the concert, which Is sponsored hy the Woman's Club and Is of high ordfr and pleasing variety. .II IKiK SIGNS .11 IMJMKNT : IN IVVUIt DKILNDA XT Superior Court Judue W. A. Dev In feigned Wednesday, pursuant to the jur> verdict last week in favor of the defendant In the case of J. T. Sawyer vs. W. Cf-vll I'ritchard et nl.. a judmnent ordering a deed from Column, Commissioner, and convey , Ing certain lands to J. T. Sawyer, re formed so as to except from the deed 'certain lands formerly occupied hy N. I Williams which were set apart to Mrs. Itertie Alhertson a h her dow er land, since under the Jury's ver idlct "the plaiutiff," to 4juote the judgment. "Is not owner of these lands nor entitled to possession thereof Imt tin- said lands belriug to the defendants." The linds in controversy were a part of ihe John Alhertson estate in N'ewland township. whose position Is not challenged hy Labor now. will avoid any step which might Involve the crown. from any American point of view the three-party situation Is perhaps most Interesting, since we are at least threatened with a similar oroo Jem. We have long ago read ed ? situation of complete democracy, hi deed we have never known anything quite like the Hritish system In which the Democratic machinery r?? malned mainly In the hands of great families. Therefore this phase of tin* present Lnulish experience ran have no value for us. (in the other hand, the rise of Labor as such, to politi cal power, does at least open new vistas, provided the present e*|?erl ment 1* even moderately successful. It must be noted, moreover, that the leaders of the present Labor party are men of very meat Hhillt), they compare favorably Intellectua' Iv and morally with the masters of the other parties. They are not In the main remlsts. they are com mitted to the attainment of ends which may seem revolutionary by wholly constitutional methods. Their Integrity Is beyond question and It would be Idle to think of ttieh movement as in any sense evane* c.-nt Labor has come into politics Ifi llrlfalh"to stay .'tT'Ts" liow to ta '/'? office and it is hard to see any fu ture in which it * will not be the sec ond If not the flrst party In. numbers. - The rise of Labor In Knvlarid is v consequence of the war, |i? -rhaps the most inli ri'Mtinu, not Impossibly the most Important. With the rise of Labor the obi two-part^ system has been destroyed ?:wl llritaln is con fronted wifh those conditions out of Which bloc rule has developed on the continent. Moreover, llritinh Labor In all its methods shows the fact that the f alitor** of Oofahevism In Kussia and Socialism In Germany hav?' bean understood and that firlt ish Labor Is In nil Its essential char acteristics a purely HritlHi creation and a totally constitutional party.' Hey ond much questloh It means to transform the social and economic conditions of the Hritish Isles, but It equally resolved to pvold any de struction of the fundamental govern* mental machine.

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