THE ADVANCE I I'KKIi: Jt PKKLK. I*nhll?her? HERBERT PE E I E. C?it?c. Mrmhrr of The Awuifliiietl I're**. Th* A???ciata4 Prtti ii aicl?lt?*ly Mlillftf to tha dm f*r rt-MMkiNn af dia?at4 00 2im T wo. 12 mo" (hi ..... . IS 00 By Mail Elaawhtr# .. W 00 THrilSDAY. JA.NI'AliV 10. )?24. I "Will you excuse it please???"] on the back page is right. It would be hard lines if the! County had to sell the dogs to collect its do? taxes. To lie poverty-stricken and I clean is pretty nearly the im possible for a city. The acceptance of the resig nation pf Dr. McBrayer is what this newspaper would call un-l hurried action. Now'd be the time, with all these sales going on in Elizabeth City, that if we had money to I spend we'd spend it. We know that if you took our advice and attended the concert at the high school auditorium Wednesday night you are not sorry. It's really beginning to look as though there might be hard-1 er sledding ahead for the bonus than theve was in the last Con gress. Here's hoping that your bank balance at the end of 1923 showed as healthy an Increase for the year as did total deposits of Elizabeth City banks.-' " The Advance could have wished that the parallel parking ordinance had been given at least a month's trial prior to drastic amendment. If the German ex-Crown Prince had always had as good teachers as when he was learn ing from little children, the his tory of the world in this genera tion might have been different. ~ "Must have been looking f or a place to warm," says the Ra leigh Times, in observing the ar rival of the first spring shad in Elizabeth City. Well, if they had waited until Thursday they would have found it. [ 'With the city ordinances! passed by the City Council Moivj day night in full in this issue, and \vith the various news items previously published in this newspaper about these ordinan ces, we hope you get 'em straight. Nina Wilcox Putnam can't understand why her literary ad viser's wife had to go and stari something. But then one sus pects that Nina hasn't put in ( much time trying to understand anybody except herself. Says the Hickory Record: "David Lawrence is regarded as one of the best newspaper writ ers in America, ? sane and fair." The Advance always seeks the best of anything that it goes after. Candidates themselves have promised to defer the opening of the campaign for Governor. But , evidently their friends are not holding themselves bound by such promises. To all intents and purposes the campaign is on.. The editor of Tft? Advance had the pleasure of voting for Ellison D. Smith of South Caro lina when he first ran for the Seiflftte. And now here he is chairman of the Interstate Com merce Committee of a Republi can Senate. The erection of a municipal building and the establishment of a municipal dock are mat ters that the City Council could hardly do better than give se rioua consideration to. Here's hoping that Elizabeth City is at last in line for both these im provements. EVERETT TRUE, BY CONDO1 X sn, >n or i?n any Nldmalk. within tlic corporate llnM*1 tA KlUalMh City. Anv h i .on. Arm or roi |HHa t Inn violating any of the in>t l-ii?n. of th< abi'VK Ordinance . Jiall tiixwi eoitrH-lion. iwv a flnr of Wl.W anil eaeti and e?er\ i|j\ -a ul fllllnu station remain* in. or on ?al tf Side walk, -lull be and ron?tUlltr a aeparate offrtta^ Tlil? iitilinaiirv -hall b" In fote* front ami after nt.ilii-at Inn. ?? | Hat Hied, thlx January 7th. 1^24. * ChaaW XXII. Saelion 307-A. PARKING REGULATIONS AT PASSENGER STATION. It *hall b<- unlawful fur an* per*on or per?on? otM-ratinc any ntoior Hilrli- (or hirr to paik at the Norfolk Southern l'?a?M-n tier* ??hall iMirk on the north and eau of station platform nplMlllf %pa?e M-t a-lde for white pataen ger< wifli the war wheel- of the oar aaa1n?t iha lilalfoini and that there -hall h,- a M>ari' of tan ami one hall feet between each ear. to Kinill the t a k i n ? on or the dl?harvinc of int??n?in. and it diall lie unlawful foi anv of w> I lielilna IMMrniietv tor a areater di?tanie than thiee i tft, ual#?i Oanalled or i-alhd by jM??ef)jier? in oMer to take hamaiii' while the pa?*ena'r train T* at Ihe ntatlon. Tlie satin- regulation* and r'??rlctlno? shall im>Ii j to all lor title nu tor colored iwopli'. evrpt that they .hall paik on the ea>iein apace j apart for the u?e of niluted ih-i^W'TT tin- l'a? ??*liaer Station. That all other n-liirlw dial I i afii>. shall h>- in effect fiom and after It* tatlfl ratlon. ami publication Uatiflrd. thl< ianuaiy 7th. 1924. The following ordinance* were am. O'Vd Chapter XXII. Sari Ian 303. PARKING AREAS. WHEN AND WHERE PERMISSASLE. It -hall I*- unlawful f<>r am i limit* to purl; other than on the ?null) ildf of the .tiert puininjr eauwardlv ami I ?r> .i wardlv : and on all Hh-h. running not'liwardli I and ?oitthwanll> . the parkin? shall tw on the eastern vide onlv, Mrr|it on t*??tnrtester Hthvi, wh*r* partt | Ina l? allowed on the w?-?t ?lde onlv and on Water | Si r?*e?. I'enn?\ hanla An nile anil lll*> r<.Kte l??l*e. whete |iatkina la allow* i| on both ?ld?v Serllan JOS. CURBING. | It diall hp unlawful for am itriter o / anv motor ' dilveti tehle|e or ant finr??- drawn i^ilel, to ,%rk pn anr nrftrr- maww> an? ?'laa? wiUtin ilhall park in a |o?ition paralhl to the eurb of the .trr*-!. and Miat the In ? hie of the wheel tkit to the riiib, *hall m>i be furtlift frtmi the ruth than tw-l*e lnehe? ; ami that Hi'ii- ?hall be a ilUtaner or ?t?n e briwrni .a- h I trhlele of three or rior* l?t at eiihrr ?ml: e? ri H on Main Street between lload ftre?t and tha l'a?f| witeet and Wat 24 I If. SNOWr>KX. ian 10 tf c'Mjr Auditor ami t'lark bSS V. S. AND OOOPYBAR TIRIW For Hervire anil Hal (afiirt Ion AtTO SLTI't.Y * VULCANIZING Oompamy 1 . PHONr ?ar RUSSIA HOLDUPS LIKE THE OLI) WILD WEST Moscow, Jan. 10. ? Wild west dfc>s i In the I'nitfd States an* having their Russian prototypes in certain thinly [ populated districts of the Ukraine land the Caucasus. Within n fortnight were reported three train hold-ups by large groups ? of bandits. N**ar Rostov-on-Don be tween the stations of Jernevo and ! Stansinkaya. a group of bandits1 ?robbed every passenger on one ex-t . press train and killed one of them who 'resisted. N^ar Kharkov, where bandits stopped a train, armed : guards opened fire and kept the ban dits at bay until support arrived 'from the nearest station, but several j passengers were wounded. N?iar Vladikavkas an armed group of 50 mounted bandits attacked the jstation. Soldatskaya. with the intent of robbing the rapidly approaching mail train. The engineer saw them, however, and passed the station at I great speed. STAMP COLUXTOIW PROTE8T Munich, January 10 ? Stamp col lectors have been complaining of the careless way in which stamp* tire cancelled. As a result postal au thorities have ordered all clerks to do their work with great care, so stamps will not be rendered useless to collectors by having ink jtmudg^d all over them. M8TOKTKII wN ^%/A/ ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES This size type (8 point), one cent a word each Insertion; piinjmum 25 cents, one time; 1 5 cents week. Standing ads, five cents a word per week. Twenty cents per month ? In advance. White space and para graphed ads, 50 'cents an inch. Copy must be in the office by 5 p. m. day before inser tion. For Sale FOR HALF, ? ONK NKW FORD roadster body with rear fenders. Al so one electric washing machine practically new. Apply to Sunshine Grocery. Jan.4-10-np FOR WALK, CHEAP ? AUTOMATIC cas heater and four-burner oil cook stove. Apply A. It. Moore, Wineke Apts., after 6 o'clock p. m. FOR K.UiK ? ONK FORD COUPK, in flrst class condition. Apply to X. care The Advance! Jan.9-tf FOR SAI,K ? IICICK <1 CYI.INRKR Touring Car." In excellent -'oonTfltlon. See I)r. William Parker, 317 Hlnton Building. Jan 9-1 Opd Help Wanted KMPIiOYMKNT WANTKD ? COL ored man. experienced tailor, butler, porter, withes wofk eivy nature. Beet references. Address "A. care of The Advance. Jan 10-1 lpd MAX, WOMAN WAN TIC D ? SALARY $75 weekly full time. $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hos iery to woarer. Cottons, heathers, silks. Guaranteed Mills, Norrls town. Pa.. Jan. 9,16.23.30, Feb. $, 13, 20, 27, March 5. 12 pd. WANTED AT HERTFORD. COMM. bla, South Mills, Chapanoke, Camden, Belcross. Gregory, Shawboro, end Moyock, representa tives of The Advance to send in news and secure subscriptions on commission basis. Address The Ad vance, Elizabeth City, N. C. PI. F ARK CALL FOB WATCH LEFT for repairs prior to week before Christmas. M. L. Britt, Savings Bank Bldg. 4-10pd PUNCH In Advance Classified Ads will win your battles for you. Use them often ? they mean money in your pocket. HKliP WANTED ? IF YOU WANT to get into good trade in a few months, on a paying basis ? usually good pay and peasant work ? learn to operate a Linotype or Intertype; learn it right, by attending the school established by the Southern Newspaper Publishers Association, of which this paper is a member. Ad dress for full information Macon Printing School, Macon, Georgia. W.\XTKI> ? HOOK KEEPER OF EX perience and ability for ?ood open ing. Reply In own handwriting with experience and references. "Hook keeper," care Advance. jan.5-ll-np WANTED ? WHITE DEMVKIIV boy with wheel preferred; about 15 years old; must have references. Write P. O. Ilox 312. eod-Jan&-l 1-np WK HAVE PL.4CKN I oic TWO MK\ of clean, dependable cnaracter to represent us in Perquimans and Clio wan counties. Our careful training enables a man to earn from $30.00 to $50.00 a week from the very start, with a splendid opportunity for advancement. Write for Infor mation to Ilox 52, Elizabeth City. Jan.3-tf-np ' ' , . - ? 'I For Rent HOTNK FOR ItKVT OR SAI-K ON reasonable term*. Si* roornn hoima equipped with modern convenience*. Corner MrPhernon and Peru* atreett. Mrs W. L. Small. Jan ?tf Opportunities KfMJAR*H MIGHT OVI.O< K lll'H leaving Union Station Norfolk morn ings puts you In Elizabeth City 1 ?? . 1 5 on opening new road. 511pd MAN AND HON FROM (WNTRY want employment of some kind ? truck driver or working in whole sale house. Address 4 22 Cherry street. lOpd RAW FIRS WANTED ? Mink, Opposmim, Muskrat, Coon, etc. Prompt returns and highest cash market prices. W. C. Glover, Elizabeth City, N. C. tf-np WANT TO 111' Y ? STANDARD HIXK second -h??tnd Meyel*. Must lw In good condition. Apply to. George Hell at Louts Rellg's Jewelry store. Lost and Found l/OHT ? MAI/TKHR KITTEN ABOUT five months old. If found return to Mrs. Noah Hurfoot, Jr., West Church street and receive reward. Jan. 9, 10 rtpd. Business Guide Killing Htallnna Filling Station De Luxe, Polnd?xt,r and Frarlng. C?r? washed. *rpn?. j and polhihed.