Effect Of Flight Of Capital Eur (> >1:1 \mi-rieaii limit)*, for Kuro |M-an < ":?? ?i t ill ? ~t - Set- ilic \mt-riran Dollar a? thr Safi>l (liiri'i'iicj in tli<' W orlil. Saj? Statistician I!) lUM.KK \v. ItAllsON 'CotyrifHt. (|> Ih? Admnc) Wellesley Hills, Mass.. January 11. ? I am KoinK to discus.* today "the l!i>;lit of capital" from Kuropc and its probable effect on our security markets. The steady increase in jrokit imports from impoverished 1 Ku rope is partly accounted for; by the anxiety of the Kuropean! capitalist to protect his wealth.; Russia . i :i ?! Germany have already1, collapsed : 1 1 1 < I several nf their neigh-, bors are i:i prciviriiius shape finaii-j daily. A capital levy is seriously proposed by one of the great politi cal purlin out for some place of refuge the Kuropean capitalist has chosen the American dollar as the safest currency In the world. He Is now busily engaged in transfer- 1 ring his holdings to America in one form or another. German capital- 1 Ists have dumped merchandise Into our markets at extremely low prices, often selling at a loss ? even on low | German costs ? in order to build up, large cash balances in New York Banks. Much money is coming overj as merchandise. French interests, which face a heavy tax on capital ex- , ported, are managing to buy a vol ume of American Securities through England.' It is estimated that sever-! al thousand Kuropean capitalists are sending funds to this country to be "Invested in American securities for j them. Every two or three years they come over, clip their coupons!) reinvest the income, lock the box ami quietly go back home. It Is prob-? able that they declare neither prin-, cipal nor income for tax purposes at home. All (if this increases our gold Im ports which reached a total of I300.uou.000 lust year. It looks . as though this stream of precious metal will increase during 1924. As gold reserves grow here our banks' must either loan more money for commercial purposes or buy more! bonds. Some people believe that this in-! ,flux and the resulting lowering of' -money rates would lead to another' period of inflation. Personally. I do not fear any such development J American business, today, as record-' ed by the Habsonchart is runnluK at two percent below normal. Any ten-j deucy to increase commodity prices will encourage a flood, of foreign made good* that can bp sold here, tariff and all. at low figures. If it were not for our immigration wave of workers from Kurope. They, cannot come personally but we mrgt expect their labor in. the form of foreign made merchandise. Under these circumstances it is' probable that the h:(nks will turn to' "bonds as an outlet for a large part , of their surplus. Heavy investment in bonds by our banks always tends to strengthen prjees. Adding to this an abnormal Investment by European capitalists and the prospect of lower money rates and we have the promise of a strong bond market In 19 24. BEAUTIFY GIU)UNI)S SOUTH MILLS HIGH South Mills, Jan. 11. ? When t lie* gentle winds of springtime softly op en the fragrant blossoms, the school grounds ait South Mills will be n: place of beauty, and fully compen sate the teachers and pupils who, have labored to plant out the flow ers and shrubs this autumn. A border of privet surrounds th ? grounds and in th*' shade afforded, violets are planted. In the corners spruce pines raise their uroceful heads and grow towards the sun. Roses too will unfold their lovely petals and give to the children their inmost*. t'repe"* myrTTTT Southland flower, will have a share In making 'more beautiful this garden spot. "It is an accomplishment to be proud of. this school garden, and a step onward in (lie life of a growing community," said a visitor In the town this week; Gallop-Sawyer Realty Co Let Ui Handle Your City And Rural Property | FRESH ! ii- FRUITS | ] ? When you want reliable gro- * j ) | tr ! [ C'ot-ncr Main and \Va4cr St. ? *> | FARM EXPERT TO TALK ON WEEVIL This Second of Serie# of Weekly Lectures 011 Apri-i cultural Topics al South Mill- llijih School. South Mills. Jan. 11. ? tli^l direction of W. I>. liar bee, huimtvIs- i or of iIh- agricultural department of j !i I u li schools in this district, a rep- ] roKPntaliw of tlx* State Depart men t of Agriculture at Italclgli. will ad dress the agriculture department of j South Mills Itljch school and others interested in better farming Monday! nixht. January 14, at the South I Mills hiKh school auditorium. Thi? subject will be the boll wee vil. Thin is a subject that every larim-r wants to know about and the talk ne\t Monday nicht proinim-s to be intensely iitt?r?siiii-.; and instruc ts. The bi-h >?-ln?ol i\p?i b<*liir?> by capabb* sj?*-ak iers. this b'inu tin- second. Th?-> will In- It* Id ?ach Monday ni^ht at tlx* lii.b school buildinu. ?'A MAN'S MAN" TODAY Nine hundred .Mexicans play sol* diers of Sobrante in Warren J. Ker rigan's l'aralta production of Peter ]?. Kyne's love story* "A Man's Man." wh.rli the F. O. H. announces lor presentation at tlie Alkraina Theatre today. Lois Wilson plays opposite Mr. Kerrigan. tdc 9 he greatest breakfast ever eaten was a bicj stack of cjolden brown pancakes made with Old Homestead Pancake Flour HecJCetS OLD HOMESTEAD PANCAKE FLOUR Just odd water and cook THE UNIVERSAL CAR \ Looking Ahead LAST Spring a total of 350, CCO peop!e were disappointed in ' not being able to obtain deliveries of Ford Cars and Trucks, as orders were placed faster than cars could be produced. The demand for Ford Cars and Trucks this Spring will, accord ing to all indications, be far greater than last Spring. Winter buying has been increasing at a greater rate than ever before. ? Actual retail deliveries the past 60 days totaled 308,170 Ford Cars and Trucks , an increase of 1,961 a day over a year ago . Dver 200,000 people have already ordered Fori! products on >ur purchase plan, the majority of whom will take delivery in he Spring. The above facts are given with the suggestion that you list your >rder promptlywith a Ford dealer i f yuu I'uniemp tare "the pCg chase of a Ford Car or Truck for use this Spring or Summer and wish to avoid delay in delivery. * You need not pay cash lor your car. You can ?rrance to make a small deposit down, taking care ol the balance in e*sy payments. Or. you can huy on the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. This put* you on the preferred ord*r' li*C and insures delivery ol your car at a time to determined by youraciL Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc. C. W. GAITHER, President hello.tom! ) how ate you TODAY? -^HELLO, WILBUR <-~^7 what ARE. VOU ALL j ' PUFTEX' UP ABOUT J < 50 TODAY? ,y' #?' ' V ^ ' I BELIEVE THIS 15 TOM COM I NO * ?I HAVEN'T SEE N HIM FOR A WEEK OR MORE 1 GOT IT JU6T LAST WEEK , I SUPPOSE IN A COUPLE WEEKS MORE you'll be so Puffed UP you'll Blow away WHEN DID ALL this Happen ' DOINGS OF THE DUFFS It Kaixrd Mix Ch. *1, Too BY ALLMAN tv7 DIDN'T YOU HEAR ABOUT IT I GOT A RAISE IN SALARY - A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL RAISE TOO 77 Judges Named To Render Decision In Money Case Mayor W . Itcn (mmmIhSii, *K from Everywhere. The far-reaching effect of this novel advertisement may be plainly seen, as there are names and ad dresses registered in the contest from all over Eastern North Caro lina. One feature of the guessing con test that has just become evident is thr-- fact that the Spencer-Walker Company has handed either in per son or In the mall, a check for $2.00 to each and every participant In the Guessing Contest. In Wednesday's Advance we car ried a story of the $2.00 check, but It seems that the fact that one of these checks was tA be presented to each guesser. was flHd as a surprise by the Spencer- Walker Company. Itig Sale Starts Monday. These checks will be received as cash on any Hat. Sweater. Pair of Shoes. Smoking Jacket or Path Kobe In Spencer- Walker's stock from $6.00 up. The sale will consist of Illce & Hutchins Shoes, every pair guaran teed to give satisfaction or a new pair; Stetson and Hi-Lo Hats, Inter national Path Ilobes, and Virgin Wool Sweaters. Everyone who has looked over the stock to be placed on sale has had a word of approval for the class of merchandise offered and the ex tremely moderate prices on every thing. and hundreds of folks are waiting for the beginning of the sale. Monday, Jariuary 14th. 1 ,lail. "We have Just mailed out one thousand of these $2.00 checks to all parts of Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County and adjoining counties and ? the results are already apparent, ev 1 en before the sale starts." said Mr. Spencer yesterday when talking to I the Advance representative. j "It is surprising even to us. that such a measure of advertising for our sale should meet with so ready a response. Dozens of our frieuds and customers and new customers as , well have called us and Informed us [that they have received their checks |and indicated the articles that they were most interested In purchasing when our sale starts Monday. Everybody Entitled to Check. "We want to make it plain that I these checks are not limited to thos<; who have guessed or will mi ess in the guessing contest, nor limited to our customers of the past. There are checks here for as many as wish to come in and gnt them, telephone for them, write for them or ask for them. , "We want everyone who may bo in need of a Hat, Pair of Shoes, Sweater. Bath Kobe or Smoking Jacket to have an opportunity to use one of these checks and obtain the benefit from It in this sale which starts Monday, and ends Saturday, January 19th." Spencer- Walker Co. Inc Million Bid)!. "W/ierc Every Mtn Find * What III- Likes to II for" | Closing Out Business | ? d ? ? [?| We have a few more Electric Irons, Toasters, Vac- [5 |W1 uum Cleaners. Heating Pads, Table Lamps and Wire [? 11 Shade Frames, *1 inches to 21 inches. The price is cut [?] way down. Also Electric Lighting Fixtures at a slaugh- [5] II ter price while they last. Today is your chance. {?] 1 W. S. White & Co. I (i) 120-122 Poindexter St. Elizabeth Citv, N. C. [? iii m -i * n i r? if? i i?i r? ?? ?? ?? -? ? | FOB HIGHEST MARKET PRICES f I Ship COTTON To j WINBORNE&CO. ? NORFOLK, VIRGINIA | | Tliry pay draft* for 90 per cent on culton In v % sold on urriviil and 7.? per rent if to lie stored. X | ' THE BEST PLACE TO BUY FURNITURE Both in Quality and Price Let Us Save You Money Quinn Furniture Co. Try The Advance For Job Printing