NO NEW SPECIES says McMillan Aiixirrnj.; ;.iul I- iiiiirr. Jli- l)ci'lar?'N Wak,. Km j.,? 14 ? .That Ih.' ? n. '-.i... . i.,?., ;iI11i Mll, ar,. 11. i !?, * ..p,. i... ;i:m1 ,|lat |ir in -ft- n.t .liy against I "l ?' > i. mil each other." Wl- ' . . . ..Hi.. i. I. A .\|r.\|,|. 'ail. .1 1 u iti , Mrr. u.i.v if Wake K .r ???' - ? ill ildi!lc ?"???xii'Hi ikruUKliaint the ??>111 li. a ?ili ii.* ? ?. i ?''i n??( j ilir.iimlioiii the ' ?rill. II .ill hi: ,.XI Ii,|r>,| |,y ,1,.. '?"'?"Ii'.i- . ???*? (,(1 M ril... ir.,?. wtl? ,llillk u|ore )lf w-r ?lce ihi i of their [J,,,,, , ? , interpretations.. """ ilr. A liuian declared : "Vixiiik Rl<> hut for h.? Interpret it Ion of the Bible [t UlhiV ir?"'" lhi" while the III He I* true his Interpretation may not be so, while the Itibl,. js inanlred Ins intern relation is not ,n*P""> "What does this babbler sav " i, Vl wlenUsl'T" i h?f M?"'?rnl.l The i-'at le" ??"1 a"CiT '??r his Intlquily * ' '^There "V""'!11''1 *a?l|i,nAih'"'! '"^,ern "'"?'II him. Me uothlng |n Paul by,' rea'^e ?bat l??e ?,"it they p,','.^ I hii.^i,' " their fool Wh"" """ flKllt between the h undaiii'-ntallst and ?lm| "'J* i on'r ec?:;sn,r'v seem n* ore .n't^terin"^. T Pharisee Z" ,,, . "ndainental iSSH '?<>rd Th.'r' worshipped her, up it ih ?? ! n *'hn looked I ?' "??? Word made flesh, on whos.. ??o.l, |,e had leaned, and there was ni- ; i ?"? i?: ?Win* th"" a man' ^ ' h"", ir,! :r ,h""Kh " within the rage of his reason Th.'l rheVwi,ol,'w.r;,;l,f,ri'h -f zta on ||, ! *'"! """ J"U" king down devoted one, departed in r\iti> or Yhwks 15. !?'. Aydlett and family aeknowl with- fxr-tal ? aiM>r?rlntlo? , yniir of sympathy Iii thHr be rcaveinvnt. A Modern Broom TK* New 2-Pi*c? Fuller Broom of Atl<*c FiWr? It rna!c?*i sweeping a pi *itur<3 T'~ P/.l-t Man Jv-nion-'lit'i it is your hoiif. WMcH ' >f Kim. .1. II. >louitti Ifiotie 27.1-.I Spencer - Walker Co. Where Every Man Find* What He LiUet To Wear Louis Selig Your Jeweler Sinee 1H82 jH'ace. Christianity today is the power that it is not Jwcauy of the Fundamentalist, not because of the ? bn' b?M-:?u?*e ot the |)ovo* , 1 1 i >t I: ilk- kingdom of God - r ? ?. t \ . inli tl iluoiu.totit i'ie ?: 2 1 wjli *?? ?*\,end?*d l?y the IK . u* . May wi! lie foiinj among i number. Attempt Reorganize Perry Post Legion State Commander Rodman In City Friday Will Address Ex-Service Men The S?-lh Kdward IVrry Post *?f tin* American will m*ohal?l> lie reorganized during (tie lalt? r part m' tliis month. Col. Wiley C. Rodman. Slate cottt maud> r ol the American i.egion. will be in Klizabeth City on Friday. Jan uary 2~>. and will speak to ex-service men at tin* County courthouse. Charles C. Sloan, ??dlt'or of the Oter:i Kcho. will be here with Commander Rodman. Though III** local post has been in active for over 21 year, the chart* r has never been taken away. Com mander Rodman desires that the ex service men of the County re-organ ize on the night that he is to visit the city. "I nut exceedingly anxious." Mr.' Rodman says in a letter to former officers of the post here, "to see the1 Legion established In Eastern North 1 Carolina as It is in Piedmont and It. K.N'HiHT. HO? SHANNON ST. ? I want a wife, 5 feet. H inches lall. ' brown skin woman 24 years old, hair' six inches long. No. 5 shoe. 135 1 pounds. Answer to *i00 Shannon 1 street. Jan. 1 4.1 5-pd ; l/IDDIESCOLDS Children have very deli cate digestiors, easily aistuibed by too much "dosing ' Treat croup and all colds "externally" bv applying ? MICKS W VapoRub OmriT MiUma Jmn 1W Y?r Dial 414:11) Norfolk. \ a. the organization of ex-ieniw men inj1 thin County to hurt theniaelvea gnJi ?!??? opinion has been repeatedly ?*** ' pressed that Pasquotank County's* ?*\-l s? rvln- men should re-oruani*. Anions the officers* of the fori:: r. oruani/atioii \t ? r? : Jerome If. Flora. I Calvin Tw.idit'ia For Rent Or Sale One 1 1 i room Hou*e, Electric Might*, Hot and (Told Water, Hot Water Heat, lladiator* in each room. I'OMfteosloti at once, No. 503 1'enu. Ave. Apply to W. S. White at W. S. White & Co 120 POIVDBXTKIl ST, Elizabeth City, N. C. I Lambertville 1 1 I Rubber Boots & WILL WEAK LONGER Tliry are the Only Genuine 'SNAG PROOF' No other boot bears this stamp ? INSIST on having the BEST. They are mada for Men, Boys and Ladies. MITCHELL'S Excltixivv Dvulvrs for | - Elisabeth City, 1\. C. ROBERT T. SMALL Internationally famon* rorre*poml ciil ami graphic iicwh writer lia? been added l<> llic ..laff ?if special corro;? pondenl* of The Advance. Mr. Small m'IkIh llii* newspaper, from hi* headquarter* in I\en York or wherever hig ami uitiiMial lliini:* ma\ lie happening, a daily dispatch deal ing with the must intcrcnting jitiiMCf of t Ik* most interesting iicwh Mory ot ill*' ilav. Tlii* dispatch i? by Tin- Advance and dor. not u|i|irar in any other daily newspaper in this section. -r i akrn alone the daily new* story hy Boh Small makes The Advance worth it* subscription price of SI a year. WHALE OF A SALE PRICES ON \ Suits N ? and ? Overcoats HAHT, SCHAFFNEK & MARX and MICHAEL STEKiS & CO. and oilier high grade makes al 1-2 OFF 1-3 OFF 1-4 OFF ALTERATION AT COST I WEEKS & SAWYER " II here the Itvst Clothes Come From " ? foV ^oV fo% JfiV Jcfii ifS% 4Si Jni ifta iftt 1 Jftt _*ftt J&t JSA. -*?t. Jit jfifc. **? f* "Is The Product Right?" It is a maxim of ?(lrrrli>in^ Unit a poor product cannot be successfully advrrtiwnl, II may flash upon tin' scene with brilliance, become the talk of the hour, ami to all appearances be destined |o ?el now records, bwl unless it is ami docs what is claimed for it, no amount of printer's ink and art ist's colors can give it permanence. Once in a while some artielc of merchandise will appear to defy this rule, hut not ..for long. Public response, at first, perhaps, ipiick and ac tive, becomes slower and slower. Sales fall off. The business grows sick, and in a few months or a few years, the very name of the proline! is for gotten. Advertising men know this so well thai today the first question upon which they must lie satis fied before they will recommend advertising to any manufacturer is ? Is the product right? And merchandise that i? right ? merchandise that will satisfy in service merchandise that will bring customers back for another purchase is the first requirement of the jobber and the retailer who expect to endure and flourish. There is no better assurance of this kind of merchuudisc than an advertising pledge to the public. i