Politics And Economics Each Keen For Knockout * \ml (Jur?tiou I- Whether Kitlier W ill IS?- \ ietor or W 'hether Fisjlil lor l ax Itevi-ion in I jiii?ri? Will Teriiiiiiule in Draw ll> l> \\ ll> I.AWItKXt K (C?a?n?ht. 1921. Bjr The Advance) Washington, Jan. 1 I. ? Opposition to the Mellon plan for tax revision has confined itself almost entirely to the ?|UCstion of sur t '.-a-s. The talk of compromise relates to surtaxes. The cry that tlu* rich are beinjf favored arises out of the proposal to reduce surtaxes. The answer that business conditions will improve is based on a belief in the productivity of lower surtax rates. The truth about new surtax i rates will probably never I*-' learned until th* country actual ly *.ries out an amended sche dule. - Senator Cousten* or Michlssan. for Instance. want* to know why surtax - mil III !?? reduced to Improve bus In. -s when buslnwa Isn l at all hart now. Tin- split In III"' Republican ranks over the schedule of surtaxes l.v Mr. Mellon prows nut of a tear ii. .1 to reduce the surtaxes will open 1,10 ih.TK to attack from dema ue-ii.-s who will say the action fa vot? the rich. AnytlilnK that helps the rich ?IU i?-v r pet throush Conpr-ss. The ?hi- i|ii''st ion Is whether the new sur tax rates help the rich alone. II It I s the poor too by reducing rents ami makinp it easier to build home* tin ii it will pain friends. It it helps til. poor by enabling' theni to have a Mill further reduction in taxes al ter liio proposed tax law lias been In . fleet Tor awhile then lower sur t-.x - "ill K?*'u ex-en more friends. ' r.ut \\ lio knows'' The Ways and M* aus Com inltle. is betiiinin- heai it, that business at present Is satisfactory to L1 uUl' It HI Dr^'"' 111111 l'VlirVll'Ml\ Is v.-IIIInU lo foreiio an Increare In llicoi i -- Ambition and humtin d< It hav. no limits The fl-ht npalmt .ropoSed surtax rates Is nt pre - , ,,t tolltlcal. The talk In the cloak rooms Is only about political eff.c" Tie Treasury is ar-uin- the care on . ,-nnniiile vrounds today Just as m c retail Houston anil Secretary (.las-, both IxmocVai . pr. setlted' their r. c .. ndatlons for the repeal of ex profits and other unsclentlflc t-'x rat. - because of economic consider#, 11011". The Treasury has looked at It from Ho- beplnnlnp from the lat t, i . lew point . Cnnpress is eon eitl'.ed with politics. In the II" f. ... mi" ks til. battle between poll tie. .I'litl economics will l>< on In , M -.. -t v It It the opportunity for tiils-> d,.,?. seiitntlon and confusion prow i? rei'ter -very day a- the curl. commits!- in ii l< ? - their Ihcor es square with poiltlenl impulses. C OTTON IN DKCKMItHIt Wflnhliitton. -.f 'M Potion s llfifi r* ns romf?nr?'(t #ffh .12''. "12 lint and Ilnt?r#? In D?t? ml ? r the Ccn^nn niirpnii annnum <1 today. I oTTo N (iOKH I l? Sli-\r York , January ln; ? - C *i?l I ???i advneed 6L' to 70 point? in the lOonl !V?-? . ?> the nifbilcalion of the Ohmm VturpjMt'f ronmimpflon nuort. .Mnri li Contractu idvann-il to 34.2S*. Mi!*." A*d;? llilrfoof I/^Iit r<* turn.fi to Aihovltlp Sunday after *i^ldlnc Ctirftttnian with h? r i?ar? enta, Mr. and Mr?. Noah Rurfoot, Hr. BALDWIN FACES IIIS SWAN song lit* Th? London. Jan. l.V Tlio ques tlon of how the Italdwin uov eminent in view of its over whelniinKvdort'iit in the recent elections and the protective is sue would handle that subject in the King's speech was set tled today when the monarch candidly referred to the coun try's rejection of the tarilT proposals and indicated their abandonment by the govern ment. Italdwin thus fares the sit uation squarely in what is re garded as his swan souk, as experts tee nothing but defeat for him in the forthcoming vote of confidence. WOMAN DKOWNS Dltl'Nk TllltEE MEN AHE HELP Winstou Salem. Jan. 15. Mrs. Lenoir Gertrude Hill. 2*1 years old, was drowned early last night in th?? city reservoir under circumstances which led to the arrest of llurton Charles. Kllen Ilolliug and Robert Holt of this city, who were reported to the police to have come t ?? the ci ty and told ot the woman's falling from a bridge Into the re.-ervoir. All of the men were intoxicated, accordin- to the police, who also sta ted that Mrs. Hill, who they said had been out automobile riding with the men. was intoxicat* d at the time when she fill from the bridge and was d row ned. Tin inep are being held.- the po lice officers stated. pendit;'.: an iu Vestlgati4>n of the dro'wnin-. Dlt \\ . \\ . KAWVRIi i i.i < i ; IHKKtTOIt SAVINGS RANK I)r. Waller VV. Sawyer, eje and throat specialist of this ciiv. was elected a director of the S?.\ln.rs Hank Trust Company at th ai. nual directors' meeting held at the bank offices Monday afti ri:o?m. All officers of the bank e ? re elected. They are: I1. H. WilHanir. president; K. F. Aydlett. vice pre?i dent; J. T. McCabe, vice president; H. G. Kranier. vice president ami cashier; W. H. Jennings, assistant cashier: \V. \V. Wood ley. Jr.. assist ant cashier. The annual report of the uuu's activities during 102?. ahowrci thai the institution had had an unusual ly successful business year The re .sources at the close of buslne-ss on December 1 was $l,7ob.!*K7 "? 1 as compared with $ 1 12.-#'? for ti** previous year. i operations Trim Aydlett of West Main street underwent an operation for appttl djdtis at the Community Hospital '.Monday 4lKht. a J. D. (Hiappell ? ?f Hertford who was operated on for appendicitis Sum! iv at tSie Community Hospital Is gcttifiK along nicely. l'l,OR \l. IlKIMIITMIA I I OR tiik Maonii:< \kv siioc A floral department is heing in stalled In the rear of tl.e Apothecary Shop under the direction f Alton If Newton of Norfolk. Tl" depa rt ment will be In the charge of Miss i!? fRffi Twlddy and will be opera I ed by the A pothec'ary Simp in co-operation wtlh Mr. Newton. Several potto I ?dants a*?d a quant if\ of cut flower* have arrived and are on sale. W ant StrihliiiK AjZain in I'orl I'rniji! It Knyettevillo. .January lf? Plan* nrc Im-Ihk f or id ii 1 it f *?1 and dofiliitc of tprs will !>?? in df* l?y Lieut Kred< :? kvk ' 10. Coyne to Voting S tabling. (Jeortfta nufrlllsf. arid Harry (iv h. in staire n holil ?t Kofi ItraRK about I In- middle of February f.t. (foyne etht cs that Ills plans have not rarsed the embryonic -t:u?e is vol but that If bo ran *ct the two box ers to agree the match will probably take place. SIX .tltMKIl MIA STUiK MIIMMV II WK IfoMH'l* St. J.oiils, .Inn 1".. *Sfv armed m?*n entered the West Unil Trust Ar Savings Hank here today and after flrlnit several shots to Intimidate the eninloycs escaped with $2H.fl0ft In cash. i.nn.K madk. t asiiif.k and MKMIIKH llOAttl) DIKKl IOHS Kiil v stockholders were present | ami nail j.ri-Miti.'.: them a detail ed >uitcmeut mi busiue.-s tli 1 11 1.' tint ing i sit ihe animal UholtL r? mm**-" lug .*?? tlir taioiina llaliivilig A: l rn-l v .>mpati>. li?'?il -it ill fir iiiutoii buu.u:tK .miik tni; liouM- Monday. ?III.- s;ate.m? ?:t allowed mat tlje bank > 'deposits during the year had >. lowed a l??-.ilt'i>" increase. going i iom it? ^ *s?i?...34!?.ml or u }ta;a ot' 1>I,1'?2.66. Tin* ouly change nude in ill-' board oi i. hectors was tilt* election of G. It. Lit lie i*? the Hoard. sine. etl iug Gui iu'V I'. Iloutl. Mr. llood ten dering his resignation because of llie fact ilial business now keeps liim out of the city for most of the lime. How ever, Mr. Hood retains bis place as vice president of tlie bank. The only change in officers was the election of I*. K. Little cashier, lie ha ving been elected acting cash ier shortly after the resignation of G. I*. Hood last year. Officers and boards of managers for i lie two brant-lies, of the Caro lina Hanking ft Trust Cum pan y'. one at Hertford and the other at Colum bia, were not elected Monday but will be nanifil at the regular direc-. tors meeting in February. Officers of the Carolina Hanking & '1 1 u>t Cum | -iny now are: l)r. A. L. Pendleton, president ; it. C. Abbott, vice president: Gurney P. Hood, vice pre*tdeni; G. K. Little, cashier; Gra ham W. Hell, assistant cashier; N. \V. Daily, manager insurance depart ment department. Directors of this bank are: It. C. Abbott. It. K. Chessoti, \V. T. Clll pepi.er. W. Hen Goodwin. Dr. S. W. Gregory. G. It. Little. Dr. \V. T. Griggs, F. G. J.icocks, \V. K. Leary. G. G. Markham. D. R. Morgan. \V. C. Morsi . S. H. Parsons, Dr. A. L. Pendleton.. J. C. Sawyer. W. L. Small. S. G. Scott. \\\ P. Skinner. K. M. Stevens.' M. N. Toxey. L. H. rwlford. \V. H. Wejitherlv. J. Ken yon Wilson. Huxton White, and J. II. Wilkins. GROWING CROWDS HEAR WALTHALL Attentive Congregation* at Both Afternoon anil Niglit Service at Caiui Memorial Presbyterian I '.liureli Attentive and growing con ;:r< na tions a re hearlnu Dr. D. K. Walthall at jCann Memorial Presbyterian Church at the services which are he lm: held there at half past II o'clock in the afternoon and at in the evening. At the afternoon service Monday tli*" doctor spoke from the ???*>th Psalm taking as his theme a person al e.\|ierlence as applied to soul win ning. He showed that the indispens n,|. requisites for this work are: First, earnest and Importunate pray er: second, believing prayer; and third, a life free from known sin. Dr. Walthall also pointed out that success In sucli work brings not only jov to the worker but also the as surance of his own acceptance with God. At the night service the test was from the two passages in the flrst chapter of the Gospel of John, show ing that when* vor .lojm saw Christ he proclaimed Him the Lninb of God that taketh away the sins ol th world. This power of Christ was il lustrated by the two goats sacrificed on the day of atonement and the truth was emphasized that it is as much the duty of Christians today to proclaim Christ as the Lamb of God 'as It was in the day of John. The comparatively small nutiibet c,r r...ii f'lu-iHtiii n? wan liarril tn 41m. "failure of those profession u Christian^ if to point nl'en by word and life j( ij ? 'ci c reason tif thl* failiif^ was shown to be a misconception of the mennlnu of salvation and al. were li rged to get out of the Devil s cateuorv of "get" and into the di vine Category of "give. The general public i< cordially in vited to hear Dr. Walt hall at tin othej* services hi the city. simmoxs ih:i ii;> i;\ \\*. Atlanta. Jan. lf? Iii-clarflr "I iim emperor of thV Knifthfs of il ? Ku Klti\ Klan." \V I ! I in in Jo ? pn Simmon*. founder. la: t niufil in pivncd stilt* nioiit rrtjh'd upon li Im fal low Klainunrn to |?a v f? f ? jiit- !,? tin ordet . it.i jwria I Wizard, hiinlsliinu Simiiirn^ and Ft V. nifcrk. hnp'rhH Oi.m*. from the "Invisible Kiiipip'." T() < ON 11,11 Willi OitKIK.ON Washington. .fan uarv l r? - Georpe sumiiH'vifn. \ ni'' i" lean Char?o- a-t M?viro City, ban. he?*n InvtrneP-d to o|KU).4iovi>t4fr(l*>nt Avfth I !??? Obr ' n ?. o\ ? ? i> mont rtffh ?*? f ? r? n< - to tfy or d? i pr? yimtlnu the i> inH r, of any hut diplomatic rniniiiuni'Ml ion ? 1'nited SrsiK-M via tin- V?>ni Vrnz. r,afv< ston cabin. I.OMMIV l'\V> IIIO IXCOMK Y\\ London. .Ian nary 1". "The -'lujirn t it 1 1? in tin- c-if > which i rnijiroll'"! by i h?* ritrporaOon of l.nmt"n. crrr triliutcx ~onc?qtnirt<-r of total i'? corpora tion. A t??(n I of $1,750,000,000 was col lected in Income t;?* in |ho ('lilted Kingdom In 1f#20-2l ELECT DIRECTORS NEW HOOD BANK Ki^hl> SliM-kliiililt-r* l'r?*?rn! at lir-l Mi'i'lim and New I ti-t it 1 1 1 i?>li . AS! lilt I eiuht i ? f tin- ss stockhoid ? is of tin: Hood System hwlust t'i:i I I I'attk. Lli/.aheth CiljV nrui^t finan cial institution. were represented ai lli?- Ill's t meeting. of I In* stockholders j in lli*- Chamber of t'ommerc* rooms 1 Monday evening at T : I! ? ? o'clock. The. excellent attendance ul the first ? nicetiuu indicates tin* i 11 1 ? rost taken i In tlio formation of the new iiulns trial hank. Tli*' charter. which was received front the Secretary of State a day or tw?? nun. was reccjved and ordered tiled with the Clerk of tin- Superior j | Court. J. C. It. Khringhaus was dctdgnat ed chairtiian of tin- meeting and Ournoy 1*. Hood, secretary. A hy-laws committee consist inu of .1. C. It. Khringhaus. C.urney r. | Hood and C. I?. Morrlsette was elect ed to report at the first meeting of the hoard of directors. . The follow inu directors were elect ed: Hen L. Hanks, ot the Hanks Wholesale Company; Miles- L. Clark, manager of the Texas Company; J. C. P.. Khringhaus, attorney -nt-law . \V. lien Ooodwin. mayor of Elizabeth City and secretary -treasurer of the Albemarle Iluildinu & Loan Associa tion: \V. P. Duff, of the iniff Piano Company; Otirnev P. Hood, vice president of the Carolina ltatiking & Trust Company; George K Little, president of Owens Shoe Company, vice president *?f the Tidewater Ituick Company ami cashier of the Carolina" llank Inu & Trust Company; Anhrev (J. McCahe. of McCahe A; (Jrire; C. It. Morrisette. of the Apothecary Shop; J. C. Sawyer, sec rotary treasurer of Owens Shoe Com pany: Krnest I.. Sawyer, clerk of Su ' perior Court and judue of the juve nile court: Prank Sellg, of the firm of Louis n l i ii . jeweler;' Robert II. Taylor, district -manager of the. K?|iiitahle Life Assurance Associa tion; C. 11. Thompson, attorney-at law: \V. II. Weat Iterly . Jr.. of the \V. 11 Weatherlv Company. The hoard of directors will meet in the Chamber of Commerce rooms Friday night. January 1^. to elect officers, complete the organization, decide upon a location, issue a call for the payments on stock subscribed and to transact any other necessary business. SPEAKS TONKaiT ON "A TIME PROBLEM" "A Time Problem" will l?e the subject of the address to.be given tonight by \V. H. Livers at the g,r;un mnr school auditorium at X o'clock Mr. Livers arrived in the cit\ Monday from Camden, where lie spoke. From here he went to Man ten to address the students of that community. He returned to Kliza belli City Tuesday and spoke to the high school pupils at 2:4a in Ihe'af ternoon. His address tonight will be for the mothers, fathers, teachers and all interested in school work and child welfare. It is hoped that the auditorium will he well filled. Will. I\ VIvSTHi VI* K HIS (iltOl M>s I'Olt I ? I \ Old i: New Yrirk, Jan. 1",. Ifohert San d?T8nn. hushand of N'lfia Wilcox Put nam Sanderson. novelist. whos* ?!?? cri't of dlvorrt obiitim <1 in Ithodc Island recently was vacated. In a forum I st a. I ' todji* sqld lie had i'tik! flirted iiis^ attorney to hvuin investigation 'To *di I ?? r?i? I n? ? whether vroHHils ? viM on whieh I sltould brtuu actbm for divorc< against t?> Wlff." SI IKS COMI'WY I'Olt dkvui or ni'sn \mi (ir(C?nv!:<*r?. Jftrrry I". f>i ? Mullock, admini-trutrix of tin- uimen< -d suit iKnint fli" American Atfriril 4 lira I Ch'emleril- ' ompany for |2r?,noO damages for tin- (li'iifli of William Hullo'k who it i <>tlcx?*(1 was kil1"d fn November when a pi ' of acid f ?? 1 1 on liim. Tlu? complaint ji 1 1 that the mail *v-is forced In work un der dangerous condition^ and ;h a result win* kitted. Hn;\Mi;u ikmikh W'miirMon. J 'I n ? < it t ? round of i the Ca i>?? Ken t- ba t sort dft> rnor n ii . h; ' ? ? n fjoaj* d ? I the rrv-.M tfl ]'TTVr?rorlTm oifTn-r v< . roi roN M \liKKT Vi'w YOrk. ?' m t ?*?. Spot oott?n. closed point X above * ? p??n :ii ir . I*' U - turcA. ciofdftj? bid. Jan, : 33.Kr?, Mai i r: I 21. May 34.41. July 3 :: . :i r. . ot 2* fiO !>??(? 2^ 30. New YoTT?. Jvv?i. f!T HoTfTm f ii f tires rflicnod ;it the folloWlrliC levetu ; Jan, 331.50., ?M.afiph ft#.'*, Mb? Julv 83.1 0, October 1* 10. Norfolk. Jan 1" The Norfolk cotton market advanced sharply thin morning. opening at 3.". *2 and up an eighth of a cent within an | hour. Middling closed at 34 cents. m:\< ii cmunki i; visks twks ill. Tli-- \ -.. II' I*. it i?. J.II. 1 ?. T'- Clench iv !?;??.? i act i ti ?- h> t tinamu; J 'cri>i- i'jiu-4 d h\ | !?? ii itl i.i'l i ? ! rTi ? ? 1 1 a hi* has il* il to i nci ? ,i s? all 1. 1 ,i-s direct iiinl i: ;! ? i ? ? i !?> Jo | r e. Ik t ti ul mi ?!? < to nducc 1 1 n cm ? * r?i l'1 ? bu?U? t in 1 :?? l to l"i \ ?? billion francs. I PLAN PLAYGROUND ON BOGUE SOUND Historic Kurt Macon to Match Mount Mitchell ill the West If I'lans of Authorities Ma terialize. Chapel Hill. January 15 ? The historic old Fort Macon, ami (he tract of 4 10 aires fronting the Boguc Sound, opposite Beaufort." Beaufort inlet and the Atlantic Oci.ih will probably become North Carolina's second playground. a match for Mount Mitchell in the West, if plans under consideration materialize. Governor Morrison lias written Col. Joseph Hvde Pratt, retiring Di rector of the North Carolina Geologi cal and Economic Survey, strongly in dorsing a suggestion of the Director that funds be raised from private sources for the purchase of the prop erty "Acting on this suggestion and au thority. Cot. Pratt has addressed let ters to a limited number of citizens of the st ite, asking tl?em "to con tribute substantially to exorcise the option and provide for its upkeep and improvement." Fort Macon iind the ! nnl for .the park surrounding if hcoauie available to \ ?rth Carolina by Act of Congress ratified March 4. 192:1, providing for tli" disposition by the War Depart - im iit of a number of militarily obso lete forts and re.serv subscriptions in any amount rc(|ueytitiK tliiit checks for that pur pose lie made payable to Benjamin I*. Iato. Trusti e, but mailed to J oseph Hyde Pratt I)lrectt?r of tL h ?? North Cn rolina Geological and eco nomic Survey. Chapel Hill. N. C. for pu rpOBc to preservi lor?'\. 1 tin* stronghold (hat a-, a guard to the port of lieaufort whs of such slratcuie importance to tin- ('onf?d? racy. and that J I In liatth to tlii- fleet and army of tie I'lilted .-'i if'*. On thf point of its significant history alone, it were tin thinUahh- that Fort Macon !??? allow ? ??! to In* d? troyed ph-p. meal 1 1 \ rallin- Into ch?- s'-nHliiCfi fully lo-ed P -k liatidf ??l' private owiM ?rsi'tip for ('OiiiiMiTfia I pu rposen. "Ah to thte land which, K Included in the tract on whlflli th" Port i loeat?-d. Its licacltcK afford. an tin rivaled opportunit.v for development for r'T-r* atlou and for louri*ts at all season*. lPaufort is within a few oiliiiit* h\ motor hoat. OnP? Look out and It* refuge ore within easy reach On oik- side i U.o^n Sound. wllli all fire ad* .?ni ? of fl-shln:. and bathlhu in It ?: ? ? ? - ? 1 ? i n . down from the * nirtnre^|l?,: litfiT billows, afford!' - Ideal ?? rf and the front door to i hi " i fc '? 1 mild and the )\umnicis I'm h with ti 1 JJUKj ,,, v ' Xailliii ' ' i ""Natural r"ji7mV'i}t be I U vea I hut flic, of the n? \t ?> o $ th" Stat# in to h?'i.|n th>- >y>f *niatir fifi|ultii(ion of snitahi> located tract* for park pufpofM s. * Such pu rk* ''oupi I ?? made to m?rv?? t end of emphasis of worthy history: to afford practl ral object lesson* In llif conservation \ of re*oiir'ces, such it* forpntn anil l I MORE LIVES LOST IN NIPPON QUAKE I ill> ltelievel Severe Slioek Sitiet1 l,aM September Ti- I Tokio. Jan. 1 5. Fifty person:* :itv I ?? I i?k v ? ?l f?i have ln-i ii k i I lo?l in Tokio and Yokohama and outfit!** district's in todav's earthquake, while tn;uiy wcri* injured. N*?? castia ll les amonu foreigners, however. have --been reported. Siv hundred houses are said lo hate heeii demolished In Yokohama ami Odawara. the two cities suffei in.u luosl. where water mains wer?* lipped from their places and smashed hy the i|U;i ke, the second cataastrophc id' the sort In five months. and water flooded the streets and hundred of homes in both rit les last lllullt. - Osaka. Jan. 15. ? Fire Is ra^inu in the suburbs of Tokio. one train was thrown into the river sit fhinyuKawa. and six trains are reported to have been overturned between Gotentba land Tokio as a result of last nluht's eart (uptake. the most severe since the cataclysmic shocks of last Sep tember. COOPER CASE IN STATE COI'KT IS CONTINUED Washington. Jan. 15. ? The case of Thomas !?'. Cooper and VJ. C. Itourk; former president and cashier, respectively, of the Liberty Savlnus Hank of this city, charged with vio lation of the State hanklnu law.-, was continued Ift Superior Court yes terday when J ud ne Calvert was In form* it that trial of the rase would interfere with the hearinu of the case auainst Thomas K. Cooper, Lhutennnt Governor W. It. Cooper. 11. C. Cooper and C. \\\ I.asslter In Federal Court on January 2S. tki.i.s or >i \\v ii.okioa IK'ltlXt; I SKI KXT II1KKZ1-: Mrs. W. W. Newbern, fortnerly of Kli/.aheth City, has returned for a short visit to Mrs. I. W. Fisher, at her home. 225 North Iload street, from what Is generally known as the "Sunshine State." although Mrs. N? wbern says it was far from that durlir- the recent freeze. "All the water pipes were frozen and the truck in Northern Florld.i killed." said Mrs. Newbern. "The ie. lasted from Saturday until Hi ? following Tuesday. " She said that nothirt-- south of Or laitdaw as hurt, so the people of this cllv can still count on their oran-e or ?rape fruit for breakfast. Winn she left her home in Alu chua, which is 100 miles southwest of Jacksonville, last Thursday, it was, as she e\ pressed It. "like a balmy sprlnu day. and comfortable t?? iiaxe all the windows opened In the house." Aft? r .i short visit here Mrs. New bern will no to Hertford before re tu mini; (o Florida. mission \hy ill*: si IVKIiil:. J Jill IK. Mr* Julia Kll ?-n. .\ nicriraii missionary r?'ceijtly kidnapp and d?'itn of the Southern l?r<*Kbyt' rlau minister*. dlwl at his lio iiM' here today of pneumonia. ISA \ K M.OHHS INN MIS J of for on C* li y. Mo., January 15 ? Th?- 1 1 c > 1 1 ; 1 1 ? ? I ftankinu CoJUomp - S |?r|f? t'l iolf! Wit h II t'?t ill (?f T.ftov.iM'O in has horn r |r r> h> i'? lion of tho hoard of ill ??? tor?. M'-r-tfrdintr to word rerelvoil i ? v ?hr Stun Finance !)??] irtinont. (???:mi-:tv:iiv nocikty mkkis The ( ? 1 1 ? J ? - r Society of "'('Jit' t cjnireh will ii fie In1 iii ' 1 '.i Mr J, V. 'IiJ .,f i o'clock \V? A I'MsflnV i?n< rrorn A f 1 tiiornher# an i . qui - f < <1 to ho present. v/jim- ; <-. ?!?! f?i< i.iii.ii<- ?. j-mini txi t ' Jl'ilractitv.r fnurlptK from alVroitd. "Tli' onr park nl prevent own"'! l#> t ii?- swtc ?>n the summit of Mount Mitchell hliB i?rov? d IhtenaHy popn~* lar nnd fan* l ? rn visited hj incna? In l' thotH.ind* Irom North raroilna, ih> vii.ri.on< t ?i t and many for ?-i countries .".Tlit wl?i|ui?i iJ Uih- act-oflahlUU* - i'. it ban i" ? m ?f?|# ndldly }y??;. ;njd ? lit* provision by which 4 1 1 ? r.ovi-rnor was nuthnrlzcd t *> nr ropt k Ift ?? f <>!? tin ptirpf > of nciiulr Inu additional 'pnrk* trow makes it l?nft*lblft to ap|M>Hi confldt'iitly to the public to take advantage of the op portunity of nyitrhlOR MltchHI In the West with Macon In the Eaat.