Negro Exodus Is Stayed And Return Movement On -;"i! n?>? in I'll i- a* ill I'n-viuus Migration* l urk- Im >. l.i- <:f OiiI^ii lint 1".m uliialK ll W ill Itriiiv: Mit-t (if Black labor Back Home Ry UKUKIir T. SMAI.I; IfM. Il.'l, By Th? Aliincil .Ti.i-I. ? ns\ ille. Kl?? .Ian. 11. ? The nejtro exodus from the I' ? Ih-i-m stayed and a jrreat return movement has U>run. T'i ? ? t >' '??!' can lie any doubt of this. You hear it from th?> I'i'.ilroi-'l oil'icials and trainmen and you see it for youiself on a day's .! -hi nicy through the Southland. Tin' ' ?:,.ekwar<l llovv of tin' ne (j'" iMit (lie impetus tli.U one ti ;e Wi.s attained li.v t li? outtfo. !t is not tlu' result of an export' "I'm nor lias ft any linan l< '.'kiuK. The t - ;toes are romiiu t?ack iily or in groups of two and I *> ?*? (In,,i->iir . l!\ one encounters a Iloose v. Mian lainil> group. A trail colored woiiKi ." !???:? tin- s"et!lboi:nd train at Washington. With In r w iv children. tin- oldest on? ahlMNIi liu In he about tell years o| age. With the . luishaiul and father, this |j: ; -ily. too. had heard tin* ?"iill of tin- North. It had migrated to Philad dphia. lint a family of niii" 011 a' South* rn farm and a family of nine in t li?* crowded colored quarter of Philadelphia are two entire]; dif f -n t propositions. The mot her- -and children have conn* home. That was all Ho* money they had. The father must work a little longer In the North until he also can return to tli ? farm. The backward influx of the negro is heittu regulated entirely hy his or her ability to pa> the expense of get ting home. There was no such dif ficult) encountered in leaving the South. Th?- country -side was lllled with industrial agents drumming tip the emigrants, offering them wages they had never heard of before an. I presenting them with railroad tick ets to the new promised land. That has always been one of the most pitiful sides of all the negro migrator) movements of the past.1 this constant searching for the. "promised land." In some way the n errors associate it with the camp met ting and revival songs that they sin :. Tin > begin to believe there is a land that is fairer than this, and then along conies some colonizer painting tie- picture of a land Mow ing with in i Ik and honey right her - on earth without the necessity of wiiit inu for tin- hereafter. It is esti mated that the poor deluded negroes of the South have sunk in the ag gregate millions of hard earned dol lars in the various schemes to trans port them to Liberia, to other parts of Africa and to sonic golden tropic island in the never-never land, l-'re cyicntl) the day of departure has been set h> the fraudulent promot ers and thousands or negroes, hav ing given* up homes' and jobs and liiOney, have heen left waiting at the depot. The recent Cold waves in the North and West have driven the re cently migrated negroes home in large numbers. Many of those who went out of tleorgia and Alabama were taken to Chicago. That was to he their Promisee! Land. Hut when the Chicago mercury ten days ago went sliding down to IK degrees he low vmto. the promised land became one of suffering and misery to the negroes who at home had always thought, of a temperature of to de grees above a* a "slio nuff" cold wave. The return of the negro is viewed with a great deal of satisfaction# bv the white people here in the South east. They say now that they knew the colored people would come back Spencer - Walker Co. Where Every Man Finds What He Like? To Wear W hvit rim' rfcrri snmr- ' thing in a hurry ? fry Ihi Apothecary Shop FIRST Bradley Sweaters For these Cold - .Made like n K?od sweater should be made and ever'* one guaranteed to jrive h.i' ? isfatoiv wear. Mide i1 all sizes for Men, Ladies and Children. Mitchell!s~ F.xcliwirv Ih'tilfr* for Eliznlirlh City. I . ill tiiii*- :i ti ?l ? I . ? - \ u 1 1 iitii w (hat. uoto-rallt >| ?? living . t !? ? ? \i?dils was nut stariod 1 ? \ an> luul tiatni*iit <>1 t !??*. darkey. They sa> tin- itiovciiM'iil was !?" |wr rent ? rononilr. l-'lorida t ?*ll tho ?\odus III*- l<;ist |orhaps of any of ili?? Southern stales. f?i| III* n- was mi Upset in an> particular 1 in* of ill iluslry li*'iv. fiooruta was liil hard est of all. probably hcratis*' flu- boll wtM'vll wrought liis ravajii-i in tho rot ion crop there ami tli*' nrurbes. "asily disrourauod. r**adilv listened to tjii* agents of tin* Northern indus try ami wriit away. They are an\ ioiiH now to return homo and those already arrived say the others are r online as soon as they ran get 111*' money. In the end migratory move will not have been wit limit its blrssifl;; on both sides. The luiior ant colored farm hand of the South will have learned there Is coiuiiara tiveiy little h*' can do in tlo?__N'orth in coil) |H?t 1 1 loll with white labor," ami tlw white people of the South in tli*' joy of gQttiim th*'ir natural helpers hark, will do niurh more to make their lot a contented on*-. The North ern agentH H*?om to have disapprar* ?1 and a ^r*?at freliim of peace pervaded the older portion of the Southland. SI*K< l.\li . "Sophie Mae" Peanut Brittle 39c per package. One box 10c pure sugar stick candy free. A Lit KM A llLK I?H A RM AC Y I HOSIERY X *:* in till* new >Iia<lc> aiid at X l?ar^uin prices ? z | Owens Shoe Co. II I XTOX III ll.lll\<i For Rent Or Sale One 1 1 room House, Hfectrlc l.iulits. Hot And Colli Water, Urn Water lleat, Kadiators in earb 1 room. Possession at once, \o. 50.1 l*enn. .Ave. .Apply ?> W". S. White at W. S. White & Co 120 POINI>i:\TKK ST, ICIi/abeth City, \. C. Try A found Of ? Shannonhouse SPECIAL COFFEE 2Hv I'oiiiiiI J. W. Shannonhouse & Son I'lioti)' 1?M7 PLE.XT 1 Ol nu n l-'loi itla Ofnnue* Xlff Tniim-tiiir* Mrtliua (inipo Apple*. Try n rnji of I vmoi s <.i\(.i i: wai i-:i;s or I'AMOlM S|(i.\|{ (OOKIKS M. V. PERRY i*ik?m; 4 hh i Ttic Apnlhp'nr* Sliop PHONIC tun A Good. Drug Store I'UKslDKXT IH?TK \T TO \\ WIIM.TOV roWKVTloN K>r?*t. Jan. IS ? Dr. W. I,. l'ol? .it. pi ?--id**nt ci. Wak. l-'on-i hit Saturd.o t ?i i \Va>hin. ion. all? lid III" Anti-Sa.oon l.i ;u',n con* ??ntio'i. Januai> 12 to I ?. uu-lu?i\ ? . I 'I ? siil< in l'?H. a; wa*? ;i ppoint?fd as a d?-leuate 'to tin- con vention l?> Hovnioi Morrison ami also l?> tin- State Baptist convention. Mrs. I'oteat is accompanying hint o;i tin- 1 1 1 1>. The keynote o[ the con vention will l?- law enforcement, loyalty to the Constitution and sta tutory euaet in ? nts. At the final m?-? tinu of the convention a ureal mass me? tinu will be held at whicil linvi-rnor I'inehot of iVnnsvlvania and William J? -nuinus Bryan will speak. U.IM l\ 'If > lt\\ \|{|\\ TOWN I ok Low run t:i> roon-i ^'raiihiiiK, lluvtria. Jan. !"? ? Of ;:T irav? h*rs w':.o ali-htfd from a train hen recent l> ::4 were railroad nu n who had passes and had cono id Slraiihinu to 'take advantage of the prevailing low prices in food Muffs. An investigation by the town] authorities of tin* sudden influx of purchasers showed that most of the men wi- rrom Munich and other i cities when* prices were higher, Strauhinu officials have protested against the railroaders usinu their I passes to swoop down upon their I peaceful little town and buy up their i cheap ckks and milk and meat auu ' bread and everything. I lltlsll I'ltKK STATU AllOMSHKS SKVKUAh I N ITS OK ITS AltMY j Dublin. Jan. 15 ? With the inten tion of ultimate iy reducing the co>t of the Kiw Slake army from nno.t'Oo fo $,?oo, llw sa!v::;?' corps ami tiim infantry battalions ha\?- t.i**-n dishamh-d. anil <*<- 1 1 ? a*id s?-r\ ie?- lirani'li iitid tr ?? t ration luancli o] tit* ilt'iiarliiicnt ?>i t ti?> chi.-r of staif li;n c Im n ulioi isli< (I ami lh?<ir ?i til i? s plaod iicoti thi- ueneral stall'. A military rustoiiiK bruait**. which will assist customs oifin is on tin* northern border and patrol the roads has been approved. SEE US II VOU NEKI) AN 0\ EltCOAT S13.40toS28 Buy now Tor next M'UMiii. * T. T. TURNER & CO. SJgf5il2JcLrdJSJ'3M3JSfSJSJe.'Q!/S15fSJSMSJSJSISJSJfii Gallop-Sawyer Realty Co Let U? Handle Your City And Rural Property 't Lose Sight of the Food Value of Your ^Bakings Plain flour has a large amount of food value but it must be combined with good baking powder in order to retain this value. Most self rising flours are not successful because they do not raise the bakings to the proper lightness. This means a cer tain loss of nutrition because they are heavy and hard to digest. 'Every time you eat food that does not property di:,*est you do not get the full nutritional value ? you are overtaxing your stomach. Nourishing and perfect bikings are what cood health demands. The one surf way is ? use pure flour and good baking powder. If you want to find what thou sands of housewives have learned ? make some biscuits with self-usinj; flour? tMfen make some with good plain flour and Calumet Baking Pow der?notice t he great ditterr nee. One trial will satisty yt>u.Your health demands thajt you make the experiment. Those who know ? millions of housewives, domestic scii nee teachers, big hotels, restaurants, bakeries and railroads will not use anything but Calumet, the Economy Baking Powder. Play safe? use. Calumet ar\d-' plain flour. It is the most eco nomical and satisfactory, where light, wholesome and pure foods are desired. PACKED IN TIN ?KEEPS STRENGTH IN pot* BUCKWHEAT THE BlICKWHBAI YOUR GREAT GRANDMOTHER USED Pancakcs with the real old-time buckwheat taste ? light, health ful, delicious. All prepared-self raising. Ready for the griddle in a jiffy, by sim ply adding water or milk. ream Buckwheat ??4 Vk?%? Flour SCLf OAltlMO WHALE OF A SALE PRICES ON NECKWEAR fuc IMorknrar !?>:? ".>?? Neckwear 81.00 \rektiear ".??? 81.30 NrckHrar 9.>c 2.00 Neckvirar SI.35 S2..j0 Meektteur v.?. S l.T.J WEEKS & SAWYER "II here the liest ('.lothes C.onie From'" FURNITURE ?SLIGHTLY USED AT? 1-2 PRICE ?AT THE ? Auction Store Matthews Street E. L. Silverthorne, Mgr. Bark of 1). M. Junes f.o. January Clearance SALE of ? l.mlU'*', C.liihlrcirx mill M pit's S ttpnlprs $2.23 Children's Swuii- $5.00 Shak?*r Knit Sweat ers si.7.~? ,.|-a $:s.00 Children's Sw?*at i-rs . s:U!? $7.05 Shaker Knit S*wxt $4.00 Children'* S\ ? CM S15.S0 ' I'll r#* Worst* '! Shak $5.00 and $f?.f?5 Children's or Knit Sweaters. IJnil-c?\er Sweaters S.t.O.i and Coat Style S7.f>3 Tin 'St' are only a Jew of over one liumhifl ileitis that we are offerini* at special pri'is during our J a iniary Sale . RUCKER & SHE ELY CO. Elizabeth City 's Best Store Closing Out Business 0?r entire stock of Kleci.-ic Lighting Fix tures, Vacumn Clean ers, Toasters, Electric 1 K?"f, Heating Pads, Ho use Wiring Suppiys and all things Electri cal, must be sold by February 1, I 25 to 50 per cent off. To day is your chance for a bargain. W. S. White & Co. I PHONE 61. [| 12M-122 Poindcxtor St Elizabeth City, N. C. Q E Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour am ahoolutcly flour* or quality miIiI hy the leading rrorer*. ? By? A. F. TOXEY. & COMPANY frfc Water StrfU

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