i in: it f mini Hi in li'iiii-lit iinil siiiiH I' liiit nihil r. I hiirsiiiv fr.ir mill imirli rolilvr. Vr?w a >. to ^.11 . tiiiitls a: # * V *? * ? TS!pf% vn!.. Xiv. KIXAI. KIMTIOX. ! I.izal;T: > < u v. noli n iwuoi.i: ; top. (I. {?:??! at Isnif-H J: ? mi. 'it w.!! hsive lw'.?n ;.n oM-ti.nie preacher it (ling lit.- niMi'-t is am' ?-.?n;.w wi-.nt tta? ii* duty wax. For instance, lie de clined I liar ill' COIlUI lint t:4'| |||t jmy hol> horror ov? r little Willi, 's shont iii- era ps when Dud hot on t Ii?* elec tion, Sister bet boxes of fudge with ?'* i' beau, Brother lot on the Kirpo I). ;ivi y match. ?and Mot Jut played catds for prizes. As an ( diicator he had ih \ < r '?? ?'ii nb|o to tear Ids hair uv'.t ill' jazzy conduct of y?iin'-' peo |do. 1 1 ? ? rc-;ird< d it as a symptom rat her than as a disease in itself. He saw its beginning in the fact that the court r\ taught Its youn;: m< n to hate diniiiu tlie war. its reaction in the se. iim of ideasure after the war t ?? dr*.wn the war's horrors, and he >aw the jazz symptoms in the grown ups ?inite as much as in the young pe<<;.le. He included the modern Ist fundamentallst con t rovers y in the * i "toms of the jazz age. Mr. Livers was speaking tinder the " auspices of t|?e Elizabeth City Par ent Teachers' Association and he he -an by saying that too Ions the par ents and teachers have passed the lute;, the parents dcmamlinu -that tli. teachers do it all for Willie. and the teachers, in turn, saying. "When school is out, the responsibility is yours.'* T e Parent-Teachers' Association ? ' ?* to u? I away from the Jazz tine s, and t .??;? ???thins for Willie that will mak? Mm a cleaner, more decent chap win he grows up. Mr. Livers figured. that siving the boy the required hours in school, two services at church 011 Sunday, t necessary time for oating and >' ? .in- nt houM."? be still has 4S0 d:i> - of.Ylght hours each per year on Ms hands, and this is the "time preMem" which must be solved. Much of It must be solved at home. . Mother and Dad must get acquainted with th? ir own children. No teach er. no Hoy Scout leader, no anybody can lake the place of ibis. But leading up to the point of the addiess. supervised play must he provided. This is necessary today b. cause Willie has no kickinu cows to * illk. Ho tcts his milk delivered In bottles at the door. He has no wood to chop, and few. if any. chores to do at home., Times have channel and something lniifjt be provided as an outlet to tbt* boy's energies. Supervised play is the answer. "Don't put all your money in ex pensive equipment." said Mr. Livers. "You have opportunity here that niak? ?? me envy you in the open Space about your school plant. Su pervision and room are the funda mental needs. Certain equipment ' such a? baseballs and bats, volley balls and nets, and certain other comparatively Inexpensive Items will have to be purchased, but these are merely Incidental expenses. Put a trained supervisor In charge of your play ground and with this lit tie equipment she will organize the various units' a^cftfdlnu to their nee and physical vlcor and will bring tr pass results that will astound you. "I say 'she'." said the speaker. "In response to a question from the floor, because men trained as play direc tors are scarce and command a high saTnT> . TTTTf WT mn n woman Capable of directing play activities on your playground at a very much more moderate salary and I believe that *he would fill your needs almost if not quite as well/* Unlike previous theorists who have sought to preach play grounds In Kllzabeth City, Mr. Livers was in tensely practical. "You can ?? f a youn. woman such as 1 have spoken of," he raid, "and you can start wor'i this slimmer, without any mor ? dela? . vo that when 1 come again I will find you busy dofnu mid plan ning on your playc round." Mr. Livers abo nrgAd eight years work Instead of seven In the lower grades and the need of a supervisor of music in the schools here. Hnl. those problems are to be tacklvd la tef. The biggest and best part of his message was thaf Kllzabeth 0?'v ne?d no longer t;ilk about compli cated and expensive and far-away play u rounds. but may by the sunt * mcr have a workable plan that will keep the children happ> and busy durluu their vacation. H* did not confln*- hln^self to dl?v school need|> hut referred to church and Sunday1 school needs a onr day schools Vere to indulge ? In such practice she'd get the ax," he told his hearers. Hotter preach ers, men who could he real commun ity leader*, he declared to be the and t?'nr1rrrs In f hp Sund ? . acIiooI ? l? n t would pal In tho work aomethtnH of th?* ?am** ni^nmirc of wMttty nnHflrtlBWf AHA 'MHIhilitln'Tn h ? toaeh*?m In the public nchoolft. Mr. . .l,tvfrH wn." t*#nrd with ur'iif In to rent, nnd thf. prr*ldi>j!c iiKUi Say-. \ !rM I)i* Jn-I I *?r .1 t i I". ii' I lad Iii-^irrtnrV Jn1\ t'TVnl Sia!? ;*uton-o'>il< Inspector is a I'MI'.,; VM1.V." So ::v? ijj T. S. MeMvlInn. Jr.. who rclitrnoil from CnrrHisc;: Monday] short of which !>. l?:-d to pay] for lici'nsi- on li'.< Ford l'luiiibout. "1 told Mr. Studdert.'* says Mr Mullan. "?' tf. lie iii ? ? had been stolen from my car -or had .been lost ? in ny w;-\ . to Cu rrituckr?tlmt I n t<> it ." "That 'makes no difference/' said Mr. Studdert. "I can't listen to ex reuses. C ive. me $1l.:it and you can go bnok to Klizaheth Clt\\" Ahont this time Sheriff Flora sr?ok?- up "I know this man Mr Muljatt." In* said. "He is salesman for the Auto & (las J-Inulne Works and I am sure that he is honest in telling you that license has been tak en out for the car and that the li cense tag was citlfer stolen or lost. " "I can't help that." the inspector replied. "The license tag isn't in the brackets." "I pulled cmt my check book." said Mr. McMullan. "and wrote a check for $14. "4 and uave it to the inspec tor and told him that my old Ford was hardly worth that amount. "In the few minutes that I was over there." he said. "I guess lie collected over a hundred dollars. H? collected from three Norfolk car drivers. One of them tried to yt> t hard and told the inspector thai the Vir-inia law save them 30 dsiyjJ trace 'You can't collect license from me.' the Norfolk man told him. I'll take it to court first.' "'Von may take it' to court and win vonr law suit.' said the inspec tor. 'hut it wjll cost yon a great deal more than $H."4. Sheriff Flora, see that that Velie doesrt't lea-ve here' before the driver pays you for his ' license.' "Those Norfolk fellows went home mad.," said McMullan. "but none of them left Currituck without paying for their license. I don't blame the inspector for being hard. If I had Ills job I'd be just as hard as lie is. He can't afford to listen to excuses. If lie did he would never pet any where with his work. There are a number of people in Currituck Coun ty who don't seem to know what an automobile license Is." George J. Studdert. the inspector, was in lower Currituck last week and has been working the upper part of the county this week. He sent over $t;00 for licenses collected last week and will probably turn in a larger sum this week. M.VU.AM) OlMiAMZES , ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION New-land. January 16 ? At a mass meeting of the larger boys Of New land High School last Monday an Athletic Association was organized. The following men were unanimously elected to corn pose the cabinet of "The association:" FresifTeTiT, IT H. White; secretary and treasurer. John Brothers: volley hall captain. Everett* tteamm; frack man tgers. Logan Sharber. (running); Kugenc Sharber. (jumping >: baseball man ager. Frank Sawyer. Plans are being made for several" contents with other schools during the spring months. i \r 1 i ItK ItHJ 1 11.1 Moyock, .foil. | in. Inderal pro hibition officers from Norfolk cap tured one of the laruegt stills ever found In this county one dnv last week on the edge of the Dismal Swamp There were men op? rating the still when the raider arrived, but t!i''v all escaped. Ogiinlv offi cer-: foutid a smaller still Tin-day which was abandoned when the> ap peared. Win. II \VK ItlONIft TO LEND STATE FAIWKKS Hai?*lffh. Jan If. ?The North Carolina Agricultural Corporation was formed here yesterday to t ike advantage of the federal land hank system and the statement wqs made ? that within a week it will ha v - mon ey to loin fanners for development of err, -is in North Carolina. I wo Powers oi CJcnn.~nv Dr. A. Hermes (left), former German minister of finance, is in this country, and the other day, in company with Dr. Wei'dfeldt, German am bassador. called to pay his respects to President Coolidse. It is believed Dr. Hermes is in this country nrimarilv to test sentiment lor a loan to his country. LATHAM TALKS TO MOYOCK BOOSTERS Says llii* Srclion l'n-iii p##sw] for liaising for IMarkcl ami Tells Movock ?*rs lion lit- l)oc? 1 1 . Moyoek, Jan. 1 T'ipc spi'iikorR at tin- meet in:: oi tin Club here Tucsda\ nii;lit contributed to th>; success and vain? lo tlx- tanners of this section of t!?. fust of a series of t?'ii meeting** on cattle ami hou raising. The nicotlii!: was well at tended, enthusiastic and will prove without a doubt of ureal value to the members. T. II. Klllott presbl ed-nt the meeting and Introduced the f|K>akfr8. bushels. It's true more has been done to that land than plant a pasture but It was a ureal help. A pasture not only yrnws yood hoys, cattle, and chickens, but II main - land." Fred I'. Latham of Ileihuven was then asked to explain his system for raining hoys, Before be ginning his interesting talk on ho* raising Mr. Latham explained how he came to present. "When I saw notice In tie- Eliz abeth Cl?\ Advance." lie said, "that this meeting was to he held, I de cided that something was yoiny on In Currituck County 1 ought to know about. I believed a move had been made here thai wili tell on the fu ture of the county and 1 made up nr mind to be present." Mr. Latham said he did not be lieve an> section of the terrltorv cast of the Mississippi or south of the Ohio has the advantages to pro duce inltf of food for man and ben t t/oss?s ?" d by Tidewater North Caro lina. lie had just made a visit to th' best catt'e Falsing *ff with a driving f?*ed of fish meal, sov bean meal and corn tn his itrnzlni: rotation he uses some land for citlf)ril#d crops but he does not feed his plus In the barn p\c<*i>t for f lir- flritahlir. off pr?> ros*. Fn 1 1) l?* ho ???> f Iip N'ortlt sn '* \V?**t eannot touch u? with a 4 0-f *?*??? poh\ aiul y?t w?- ;?>?? *'ill Importing pork and On Mr. 1?nf hit id's 10 hor farm of 22ft ??rr?'y h? hop# 'I ^o produce l.flOO pound- of llvi' pork for piipfi hoix unit. H?' Actually produced t fii?* > ? >a r * 1.000 pound* and ciotffili to *prv?* top f/ttin bolides. HI* trn _ch? ck hops t'mV ?-fT i-.iin! ??f from 1 it, 2" pounds a day, during the driving {< <-d ?, Mr. Latham fcnld 1m* would not hav?- anything Out a pan* bi'-d boat on hin 'placn. but Ibat bp would rath ??r have a ?ood two-third pur*4 firadr sow. that huMlPa, for conitnorrlal tiap than a mow Vrltb a banket of ribbon* , ? CHICAGO KOHBF.m I! \S II K K.N SOLVKI) Chicago. Jan 16. Tin* .mil lion nml ;i half union depot robbery whlrli iH'rnrii'd Ihtc January 17. 1921. has l?oon wrsier Caiin Fate n ' ? i f> i ? ooilSaniantsivUoJe r."cyoc"v l^oost'?r Organization Has Unusual Ic'ea Of Func ticr; of Chamber Commerce M .hilt. It;. CmiiImu k. Ilk :i 1 ! ?.)'?>? coiiiiiitv, has lis titiforlii n.it* ?< -.i !/. ii. N? ?: t-vrv r -until ? . Imw - eVel*. Ii;i s ' colli peHSJlt loll . i !l III'1 I*r< ???!??? ? of :i li\t\ ? IH1U? lie use fit I hodv mi" tt it'll Mich :is tin1 Itnoj'tt'rs Club t?l* < J t was recently r?*| mi rt ??n s i I ? i I i I ' miiihi have In ?? -*i shift ? ?el to other shoulders wtihout anv r<-||.?i iun hi. (mi tin- I roost crs Chin. Hut the Itoo-icrs Hit* made of bettor stuff. Tb? y M*nl olio of i h< ir num ber inuii'diati h tnr locate the trou i lilo and lali< necessary measures. On. We of J. Cf. i Acls. Mrs I Ack'-rson, in a delicate condition of i h<-;? It h . w as. ina U int. evi ry effort to attend to tho w<*ds of her lour youii > children, hut was hnvitm poor suc cess. due to lark of food. Th<- woman and lo r children were in a deplorable condition. I'riuhi ? ik 'I. Iiuimrv. and distracted, tin y were in sore need of aid. ? T!k boosters f'luli stepped in throu- li its representative nnd pro vidod food for tho unforMi tuile man's family and means of . burial^ for the hod". At the Roosters Cluh here Tuesday ni-ht individual nieinhers uave from their pockets euoiiuh t'? cover the e\|>enses. Mrs. Ackerson's father was locat ed at South Norfolk and sent for. He persuaded Iho family to leave with him for his home there. Acker son had been employed by (\ C. I'p ton for about 2?> years, according to reports. He had the reputation of dealing in moonshine liquor hut wats not regarded as a desperate or dan it his man. NKW XOIlh. ClfOSKN \S CONVENTION CITY Washington. January 1 fi After n stortny session tho Democratic N' i tionai Convention wis last night awarded to New York over Sati Fran cisco and the time was set for June DECI.AIIES TAXES IN MI?;iNI\ TOO IIICII Richmond, Jan. lfi. The house of deh (rates here yesterday adopted a resolution declaring the present tax; in Virginlll on real and personal prop erty too high and went on record as Opposed t(. any tax Increase. mini lis o\ si i : i k i ? f>^fiiw*v:sVov sVotlri' .rr. n iia ry^i Twelve 1 !) oitfisi u rl workers In Dlfttrlet Number 2.V I ' it it . net tsi;i: \<;iioi \i? Clalv- t?/n. Texas, January 10 The I'nl^eil Slates eruiser, Taeotua, is iground ami Is In distress on Han quijlas Keefa, 16 miles ff.onv Vera Cruz. and Is sending out distress calls saying th if unless help arrives nulrlily It will he too late. Orpliiin^r I'rtT I'roni Sl;ilr Support n?lelt^!i. January 1 ?? (irofld Ma ? lef II. M. Potest In* opening the thir teenth ifuiual ronniiu nidation of the; grand lod-flfft of North Carolina. w? nt on r<( ud a- wanting to s? e the! Masojjfr OrplWnag" at Oxford ffec from State support and as urging th?? consummation of this plan winch will re? n|f approximately $36,000 from the Institution. HIIOIJT SESSION roniT Marlon l/ove. for violation of a < Ity ordinance in driving rattle un? hi' It ered through t h ? ? Ktrpft^ . wjp wftfi f tio costs In police court Wednesday. This wam ;? l? ? -r iv | ? r.r. in i *-?i no I ' first I -Mir aid t ? ill i .'V? i d I fir -h.-M-V st'lh'W;?V ? * | upm r vf.ir-, . tim' . ?i r-i i?- up " iti-ur : '><1 idol' wen- tnried^i.;) niif! iiit(\ l|... walls wi jv r?.fi stand inv.. These .arc practically vawefes* ;mmI n if flil- were mil flu* ra??* ?'. structure coulil not bo n*|Milt*d as If In. flip flr?* district In which no frame huildinv eomt ruct ion can ,1m- authorized. 'I'h. alarm was. turned In at K:50 '? "i. ami tin' entire equipment of the tin- ch partnnnt was used In com bat the blaze, members of the fire '?ompainv workitu: until half an hour oast midnluht Pump No. tapped I'olndevter civ. k at tin- bridge ami pum ii No. 2 tapped the same stream at i In* Water street lifldcp, from which :? hose, was la hi to I In* hark of H ho building. Tho hiilhlinu was occupied hy a negro harlier shop, a negro pool room, and a 'nevro furniture store. Tin* furniture was saved, hnl was considerably damaged hy water. Tui'Kdaj night's alarm was the fifth turned itt this week, and the only serious fire a mom; them. An alarm from ho\ 1 fi called the. d in HOSPITAL I OK INS \INK AmIk ville. Jan. tfi Hubert Moore, who recently killed another phi lent at the Highland Hospital, will not he tried hut will be confined it a hospltal fir I lie Insane In (loorgla. it was stated here last night. MOIUUSON TALKS ON FltKKaiT RATES \i*w Hern. .1 mi Hit ry 1 (* ? Spoiiklnt; at tin* Chamber of Commerce annu:il iiUM'tioK li ? i ?? yfulcrdiiyi (lovernor .Morrison idv wounded .f 0)111 Heck man. l'fi ?ti>?< ? r'fiiit ti . of Hammond, In dians! , who tried to prevent their es cape. and lied with $7.f?00. \\ \l.sll VI. \VS V %M . Washington, Jan. Ifi. Kortnor S During the past thr?e year?* AshevIHe'* popula tion l??s increased lo per c?-nt. or 1 0,10 1 p< imoiim, according to flyure* compiled by local chamber ? of commerce. Two hundred and ??Iv.htv I'lirkt person* have, moved to Abbe ville ? ton closed cjulet t drvclfnlng * i?r* - Middling 33:Sft. Futures closed as follows:, lanuary :sx; March 33:53; May 33: 7.1; July 32:ftO; October 28:10. New York. Jan. 16. ? Cotton fu tures* opened today at the folio wlftfc level*: Jan. 33.!)*. March 34.21, \f?y 14.30, July 33.30. Oct. 28. ?0.