fresh from the factory NOW That favorite pocket tin of fresh Tuxedo tobacco ?which has cost you fifteen cents or more for the last five years, is yours for just twelve (12) cents from now on! Just two things havs made it possible for us to give you this 20 % reduction on Tuxedo: 1. A reduction in the cost of Kentuoky Burley tobaoco and in package materials, as well. 2. The consolidation of three of our big plants Into one. (Mr. Ford may not be in the tobaoco business but he is right about consolidation.) This gives us a chance to pass an advantage along to all our friends; to share a good thing. We haven't lost any time in taking advantage of this opportunity. You know that if is the desire arid policy of The American Tobacco Go. to extend to its customers the ibaximum of service. Reducing the price of a great favorite like Tuxedo ? the moment it's possible ? is our idea of delivering this service. ft So now you're getting the familiar tin of Tuxedo tobacco at 12 cents instead of 15 cents. 20 % PRICE REDUCTION