THE ADVANCE rKKLE * PKKLK. PtiMWhrn. MCABCRT PI CLE. r??tw. Member of The I'reM. TIM AMMiaU* Praia It t?cl?ai???? ?ntitl?< ta t*? ??a tar *at<?* at ????? *ia?atc**? cc*?if?d la thla Mp?r and alaa ?? tl?a laeal n*w auWi?n*d CnWrtd at tha ??ilo#U. at ?lt?afcrtfc City. W. C-. ai m<??4 data aiaUct. Thrta M#ntt?? (laa a*>ai?ca> ???*! Ily Mull. ?ia Maathi (In a<?a?<?) ?? 2.M !??. IJ ?m 2a*a Om, 12 a???th? * ?" Snhocriiitina H?lr? Uy <'iuil*r o~ ??** - v i! ?"!' o~ ??.? II" ????"??> - ? Imih M* - tr< ? tm ?#?????) ?** MONDAY. JANI AUV 21. 182< An Important Matter Where should Elizabeth City erect a municipal building? Where could Elizabeth City erect a municipal building? In other words, what would be the best possible site for a municipal building? Is that site available? If not, what is the best available site? These are questions that are perplexing the special^ commit tee appointed at the last session of the City Council to look into the matter of possible sites for a municipal building for Eliza beth City. Members of the com mitteee want to hear from their constituents both in way of sug gestions iis to sites that .are available and in way of views as to what is the b^st possible site. Members of the, committee are Councilmen Gordon, Fere bee and Hughes, anft The Ad vance hopes that its readers | may show the proper interest i now before decision je made as J to this important matter. Little or no good will be done by cri^-j icism of action taken after de cision has been reached and a site purchased. 5 Any1 Cit!??n w'ho has a sugges tion to make may do so directly^ * to members of the committee oi'j through the columns of this newspaper. The Advance has some ideas of its own in this) matter which it may give ex-| pression to before the next meeting of the City Council* but for the moment we yield to any reader who may wish to offer an opinion. Printer, Editor and Man With a craftsman's pride in his calling. Benjamin Franklin, | whose birthday was observed all over the world last week, had | inscribed on his tombstone j "Benjamin Franklin, printer." Franklin was indeed a print- j er, and one of the best workmen j the craft has ever produced, as well as a statesman and a phil osopher. But Benjamin Frank lin was also an editor, and every editor who has been faithful and true to himself and to those whom he serves feels a spirit of comradeship with this great American when he reads the fol lowing story: Soon after the entabllshment of his paper, a person brought Franklin a piece, which he requested' him to publish In the Pennsylvania (laiette. Franklin doslred that the piece might be left for his consideration until next day. when he would give an answer. The person returned at the time appointed, and received from Franklin this* communication: "I have perused your piece, and find 1t to be sfurrftlousland'Ylefatita-' tory. To determine whftber 1 flMuM publish It or not, 1 went home in the evening, purchased a 2 penny loaf at the baker's. A with water from the pump made my supper; I then wrapped myself up In my great coat, and laid down on the floor & *lept till morning, when, on another loaf 6 a mug of water. I made my breakfast. From this regimen 1 feel no Inconvenience whatever. Finding i can live In this manner, I have formed a determination never to prostitute my press to the purpose of corruption, it abuse of this kind, for the sake of gaining a more comfort able subsistence," The letters NBA, seen in credit lines at the head of fea ture stories in The Advance, stand for Newspaper Enterprise Association, which is the name of the Service which supplies The Advance with comics, illus trated news, and illustrated fea tures. The Association is well named, for The Advance has found it the most enterprising organization of its sort in this country. NOBFOLK COTTON (Reported br Wlnkonw ft Co.) Jinmir tl Middling (done today > 31?c t | Bids are to be let -January SI. ! The Advance observes in a re cent issue of the State Highway | Bulletin, on project Number 111, Camden County, 7.5 miles 'on route 3-1, between Camden and the Currituck County line. [The width\| to be nine feet, but having observed how work was ! stopped on this road last sum Imer as a result of an effort- to I widen it, most of us are now disposed to take thankfully | whatever width road we can get. | provided only that paving on | this project is resumed in the I early future. Already we see Camden and Currituck in the mud for another winter as a re | suit of the suspension of opera tions last year. [ THE itbi.h: fokl.m I 'I I AIMKT or It STIIKKTS Your ??ditorial, "A Hit of Repeti tion," w'as something I had wished j to hbir "talked out in school." For I years I have raised my poor weak voice along that line. Hut you :ire wrong about there being two Per*se streets. There is only one and it is "Seldom that I see it spelt correctly,! it almost invariably written Purse. ' There are two or three Williams i streets and one William. And of course it makes confusion ? in lire' insurance policies very particularly..! Over twenty-five years ago, 1 advo cated opening Harney street to Col pepper, making a straight str.-et' from Ehringhaus to Hell street, j which would have made a very much needed crosstown thoroughfare. Itj was published in The Fisherman and Farmer (that and other suggestions' headed Ought to be Done) but not I a step was taken to bring any of it} to pass. Now regarding house num-j hers, I venture the assertion that there fs not a street in the city num bered correctly. Hack of Persse' again will mention, to this day there is no sidewalk on either side of the street from Church to Ehringhaus street ulthough there is considerable passing day and night; automobiles' and vehicles of all kinds go 011 the! narrow paths at will while pedes- 1 trians step where they can. 1 find this complaint could be made of' other streets here. But i wonder how long one of our best streets is , to be called Road. Why not give It a worthy name for a worthy man. I mean Lumsden and let the people begin to get used to calling it by. that name and when our children' are grown the old Road will havej sunk into oblivion. For myself I ? dislike to speak of Road and .Main and Road and Burgess to strangers.] Hut enough said, let somebody a'sef pull ahead on this subject. I am weary. What has become of the Civic! League? I hope they will awake and get busy. ? "Righto." ToiSm \ 8aye Out of Ih not out of mind. Taxes are out of sight. * * ? About the only nice thing about polHon booze in a man kills hims >lf instead of his wife. 1 ? * * A poor start gives you more to brag about after you succeed. ? * * There is nothing about a grouch to make fortune smile. But he can moke misfortune chuckle. / ! ? ? All the world is a stage; making love is the overture, and when you marry the curtain goes up. ? ? ? . The only fool llfce an ol<? fool Is a young tool,- * a ? *' ? ' "? I* 0 ? ? ' * ?" Blowing an auto horn will not drive the wolf from your door. * ? ? A soft answer turneth away wrath. but a soft head draws It. * ? * Brevity may be the soul of wit, but there Is nothing funny about \*e ing short of cash. NORFOLK PBOOUCE At JtMll * f?ntr??? Mva Drw?'l jr.'io so ChlcVpn" 25 ' 30 25 OKI H'nii tl 30.3b i5-2? Turkey* ? - *0 30 ? OW 15 30 25 DucKa .-r? 10 KarKc Ho?? ? t0.n Small Ho*? ?? 12-15 Mil* LyparllnsK pAwert l'oti *-10 14.00 Rim ? 33c Mrs. A. A. Arnold of Nasnawadox, , Virginia, in the -uest of Mrs. A. 1.. Cahoon In the Perry Apartment. | Mrs. K T. Rouse, who nan been ?i visiting her mother. Mrs. J. "J. .White, has returned to her home iu j La Grange. '? ? E. D. Michael of Edenton spent ?the week-end with his family in the ' city. Lloyd I*ane of Durham is visiting his mother. Mrs. Julia White, at her t home in Okisko. C. K. Thompson and his Bon, Ward, who hate been in Plymouth ] for a short visit, returned Saturday. Miss Valeria Scott went to Norfolk Friday to attend the feature picture. "The Covered Wanon." She re turned home Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilson of Hertford have arrived in the city to pay a short visit to Mrs. Wilson's , mother, Mrs. A. F. Toxey. Surprise Party II. L. Taft was the honoree of a I surprise party on his birthday J Friday evening at his home, 507 ' Hunter street. After Mr. Taft's arrival home, the guests arrived and ! everyone was asked Into the dining ' room where a birthday cake with lighted candles was on the table. Cake and ice cream were served. The guests besides the members of the family were: Mr. and Mrs. J.-C.l Reed and children. Mr. and ?4rs. H. G. Davenport and children and Wes-j ley Taft. Mason* To Meet Cherokee Chapter Koyal Arch Masons will hold their regular meet ing Monday night at 7:30 in tlieir hall. ^ Khrlne Club Meets A meeting of the Elizabeth City Shrine Club will be held Monday night at 7:30 promptly. A V-Neck Blouse This la the new V-neck blouse. It's a variation of the one Lanvln created. It should be made of crepe de chine, of course, and the neck and sleeves bound In grosgraln rib bon. An embroidered motif can be worked below the point of the V If decoration is wanted. Notice how very straight It is and how tight H fits over the hips. The Apothecary Shop PHONE ?<>0 A Good Drug Store V. 8. AND GOODYEAR TIRK8 For Bervlc* And S?tl?fMtion I AUTO SUPPLY A VULCANIZING Company PHONE 407 OPTICAL SERVICES DR. J. W. SELIG OPTOMETRIST 611 lUfa St. ? BllMbatb Cltj THE day* of Itetter clolhf* are always here. To hf well drrwrd i* a neces sity pt all time*. Never before ban our stork been so eomplete with different styles and patterns a* we are now showing. D. WALTER HARRIS The City Tailor and Clothier GREB NOR WIISON IN CHAMP FORM Artillery W as Ineffective For Though Greh Hit Wilson At Will Neither I'acLed Kayo Wallop f I ll> KAIU I't.AV. 1 Copyright 1924 by The A"*w.v* New York Jan. 21. ? The battle for the middleweight title between j Harry Greb and Johnny Wilson Kri- * day night at least served to prove' one thing ? that the middleweight! ranks a(t present are woefully lack-j ing in cnampionship.class. This was, the second clash of the title holder and former title holder and appar-, ently they can fight eight or nine more 15~round bouts without either j being In serious danger of kissing the canvass for the count. The artillery of neither was-effec-i live. Greb, metaphorically speaking.^ used a sawed ofT shot gun loaded | with small "shot. He peppered Wil son with every kind of a blow from every kind of an angle but none of his efforts had enough strain behind it to bring any acute distress to thej challenging Rostonian. Greb gives an opponent a chance to set himself j and shoot at a stationary mark but.! on the other hand, he Is not able to set himself for a punch that will send his rival off his pins. Wilson carried a weapon of larg er caliber In his left hand, which hej discharged less freyuent4y and wit I. moje noise but equally little effect. ; Occasionally he would slam a sturdy | 'wallop into Harry's inid-sectlon. but' in many cases he Rave advance no tice of his intention so clearly that th*? champion was able to make him' miss without *reat difficulty. In one department CSreb clearl> proved his superiority. That was in speed and stamina. Hf maintained a terrific pace throughout, and w?? far less tired at the end of the rounds than Wilson. Instead of ap jwarin* weak at the middleweight^ limit. C.reb foiuht a far better bat-^ tt than he has put up on other oc^ customs when h?' carried more pound age around with him. THE OLD HOME TOWN BY STANLEY NO "BETTER 'OLE" IN SIGHT ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES This size type (8 point), one cent a word each Insertion; minimum 25 cents, one time; 75 cents week. Standing ads, flre^ceota a -word -per w?fek. TwSnty cents tier month ? in advance. White space and ' para graphed ads, SO cents an Inek. Copy must be In tba office by 5 p. m. day before Inser tion. For Rent HOm FOR RENT OR HALE ON ' reasonable terms. Six rooms house j equipped wfth modern conveniences. Corner McPherson and Perse streets. Mrs. W. L. Small. Jan ?tf MMl RENT ? NNE EIOHT ROOM house with big garden in Euclid Heights. PhOOe 681-W. (\ L. Lister. Jan lBtfnp THREE OR FOl'R KI'RMSHEO | rooms wanted. Apply to !,. L. Mr Kay at Standard Pharmacy. lt-n;> Help Wanted skiivaxt WAmo ? <;<K>n itNtK and one who can help with the i housework. r.ood wages. Apply 310 j west Main street. Jan 21.22.23 np WANTKI> AT HKhTTORIl. <HA panoke, Camden. Belcroaa, Gregory, Shawboro and Moyock, representa j lives of The Advance to send In news snd secure subscriptions on com i mission basis. Address The Advance, gllaabeth City, N. C. A CHAIR Turned to cash is worth two in the attic. Don't let old furniture accumulate ? turn it into money tHroujfh Advance Classified Ads. Opportunities ItOAItDKIt.H WWTKI) ? TERMH reat<onablp. Apply old flaptlut par Honavp. 210 Nortli Dyer street. Jan. 21-26-pd WWTKD ? TO TltADK \ CHKVKO. |pt coupe, run only 7.000 mild and In excellent condition, for ft *ood Ford aedan. Wilt pay some differ ence on a new or practically new se dan. R. E. Chpwion, city. Jan.21-2f?-np niH.Mfs i:no III s i.KAVKs Ki.lZ ahp|h City every afternoon for Nor folk. Alao leavea Norfolk Cnlon Station at 8 o'clock every morning, arriving K. City 10:15. Jal2tf NOTK K ? TRASMK ( HANK HHOK Shop haa moved to No. 4 Matthews street. Next door to Independent office. Phone 840. Work called for and delivered. jan!5-21pd For Sale <X>R BALK? ONE NEW 7 -ROOM houMe with bath, ateam heated, hardwood floors, oh Seldrn atreet. C. W. Stevens. fit-Jan. 1 f>-np FOB MALK ? flSVBRAL milch cowa juat freah. Prlcea reas onable. Oacar Prltchard. Rout#* 5. City. Jan.fS-24-pd Lost and Found MWT JANt'ARY 19 ? PAIR OF Beagle hounds,, male. Name*. Brownie and Spot. Dark tan, hlack and white spotted. Reward If re tnrned to Vernoiv, Caddy, Parrfbnajce street. l?-22np

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