Teapot Dome Lease Is Scandal Of Generation Di-ufijiinj; It* I'fllv Trail Across Iti-piihliran Administration Pall Now Bigger White Elephant t? Hi- Party Than W as Ever Lorimer or Ncw liem lly It.wm UV ltKNI K Cttymhl, ,tm. bjr The A4?a*c* Washington, Jan. 25. ? The biggest scandal the national I ?capital has had in a generation or more has swept its ugly trail ; across the Republican administration. Albert B. Fall, while a mem ber of the Harding cabinet, bor rowed 8100,000 from his friend E. L. Doheny, oil magnate, and a few months later negotiated in secret a Government contract with the Doheny interests giv ing them a valuable lease to oil lands which three presidents Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson had sought to preserve for th.i benefit of the oil burning ships of the United States Navy. That's the principal disclosure thus tar. and Mr. Doheny has said in- ? \ peeled to make a hundred mil lion dollars out of the lease. far as can be determined, no law was violated In the persona transaction between Mr. Doheny and Mr. l-'all. and there Is 110 proof that tl\e close relationship between -lr. Kali and his oil magnate friend ln lUnneed the former hecretarj of the lnt- vlor to make the contract, but in- on the wall and offers to giv th7 lease back If a commission of ?ov. rnment expert, decides it was a 1,1,1 trade for the Government. resident Coolidjie came into pow er after all the leases had been c! Ulted vet he knows lie will hi held responsible for everythinKthal h, does or fails to do now that the fan- are comlnu to the surftKH-. He 5E to^lnatitute t".?' Democrats, principally Sena strs was a prominent Republican mem; a? tactoV 'n ^nepublican admlnla t rat lot? which came into power In "politically. ? J? ?T'.iv bad casts doubts on the capacity fcSgSgggS pursue. I'nless , ,, " ,,miral phases can tine ? ,nv,;J|' X ? Arm stand V,\' ar1,Jl!e Whole thing up so far a* t'ie present administration Is con a u will b?- a source of i?io discussion and will be talked about on the stu.np f-n. o^ne end of country to ^ Newberry casts Tn which Improper use of funds was iilh'iied. If, a cur,""."..t,!1^1li 'j- /.'"l'loh'tiy castlnK s.,Hl?i^lons tn ?n ? , , , is sonal ntt? r J investigation of who started tt* - rumored Mevlcun 'J' he was belnv ln at the time that h r ^ ))(,l?.ny. w^'io'was so largely Interested Irt Me, ,C^,::'Urdny innuence in Washing Xcir.rp^i^SH rtSluSl end sen. theb.l.sln a satahel revok-d. but two inn ?f which may n,nT officials of Conxresi". II * i.t enter before Yhe Comment. an. to the conduct of o?",n,T" the Government? vvi.? the present administration r?r*ra- 5 f, rftvi.rnm?'nt from engaging In i?f0ri Government depart - t'n >n ti wlth w hi ' It they had been con Job to b? plvrn after an ' I'wnsclon's'or unconscious mn,.en,o that I" Inescapable In th? conduct HOOD BANK HAS FOUND LOCATION The committee apponted to select a site for the new Hood System Industrial Hank has se i lected the location of the Key stone Barber Shop on Main street. It is expected that po sesslon will lie granted about the middle of February. ANOTHER INQUIRY INTO OIL LEASE Coolidge Call- on Interior i Department to Investigate I Whether Lease* Protect Government Interests. Washington, Jan. 2ft. ? While the j j Senate oil committee was seeking 'further light on the relations of for- 1 I iiut Secretary or 1 1 ? ? - Interior Fill 1 and Harry Sinclair. President Cool- 1 t idge today asked the Department of ? the Interior to submit to him expert : advice as to the wisdom of the policy ' under which the Sinclair and Dohnny interests secured th?* lease ffom Fall , for oil reserves In Wyoming and Cal-i ifornla. The I'retiident asked the depart ment to furnish at the earliest pos sible moment a report on whether! the leases protect the interests of tiie Government. This inquiry Is separate from the. Instructions given the Department of Justice which Is studying th?* evi dence to determine whether then* has been proof of fraud, but both j 'actions are directed toward the same end. The purpose is to ascertain defin itely whether the leases should be cancelled. COMMUNIST PLOT AGAINST GERMANY Berlin. Jan. 2ft. ? An alleged com ! mu n 1st plot for the overthrow of this government was brought to light to day in a debate of the finance com mittee of Wurtemburg parliament. ! according to advices front Stuttgart. l>arge quantities of explosives aiv said to have been seized. OLD CIVIL WAR HjffCLL KILLS \ LITTLK HOY Scotland Neck. January 26 ? A [Civil War shell exploded in a negro; house here yesterday killing a little! boy. KIRK IIAtiKS FOR HOI Its I Connersvllle. Ind., January 2ft ? Fire originating' today from un known causes in the Green Drug Company spread, to the Fusl^Jsui-'. tU/nal Bank block and raged tcrrner- 1 j eral houfs before being checked with ! the assistance of the Richmond, In-? (liana, fire department. MKLLOV ItMOMMKNOATION VOTKD IPOW X HV rOMMITTKK Washington. January 2ft ? Secre ! tary Mellon** recommendation that j husbands anil wives be prohibited i fram dividing family incomes fald ap?-nts resident here. So far a they net as attorney* or spokesmen. J they are within their rights. Whon Ithey entertain lavishly and give ["presents" or lend money to Govern ment officials or otherwise use fh?*fr' fund* to curry favor tliey overstep to that extent what lias generally been regarded as the ethics of their position. It may never be proved that Albert Fall did anything Illegal 'but what he did do In accepting a loan from a man he had dceling:*' with on behalf of the Government w!fl undoubtedly he. set down as poor Judgment, to say the least. Plavmakers Here During February Bcstcity Boy In Cast, Which Make This Event Even More Interesting The Carolina P'.avmakcrs. the well knc/wti dramatic organization Oi the University of North Carolina, on their seventh Slate tour, will ap pear here. February 18. at the Al krama under the auspices ot the Rotary Club in three original folk plays of XonUi| Carolina life. The Playmakers are of especial] interest here because an Elisabeth City boy. Erskine Duff, talented son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Duff, la a member of the cast. Folfowin'g a performance In Chap_*l Hill on February 8 and 9/ the Pluymskers will include the fol- ; lowing towns in their itinerary: ; Louisburg February 13. Smith*! field February 14. Kinston Febru-. ary 15. New Hern February 16, [ Elisabeth City. February 18. Eden ton February 19. Scotland Neck Feb- j ruary 20, Raleigh February 21. I The plays selected for this tour, make a varied and most interesting bill. "The Black Rooster." a com edy of tenant farm life, by Pearl Setter, was the most popular t/f the three plays presented on the sixth State tour last Fall. "Fixin's" the second play, is a tragedy, bv Erma and Paul Green. Paul Green Is one of the most distinguished play wrights the organization has yet de veloped. and his works are now pub lished by the Atlantic Monthly, and other lending periodicals. Miss Erma Green, his sister, came to the I'ni versity to study playwritlng and production, anc. wrote * Fixin's" in J collaboration with her brother. ! Gains and Gains. Jr.. .? farce comedy: by Lucy M. Cobb, was a great suc cess when presented on tour last fall, which is the main reason for its revival for this bill. A ^election of the best players available has been chosen to presen; these plays. I An unusual amount of versatility is displayed by these, young actors in i doubling up in two oi thiee part3 In the different plays on tli? saute pro-1 gram. rt XKR.ii. <.hoi;<.i: u wis iiklu si .mi.w .\m;i(\(N>\ The funeral or George Davis, whose body arrived in this city from New York Friday, will be conducted Sunday afternoon at o'clock at Zlegler's Undertaking Establishment by Dr. S H. Tempieman and inter ment will be made in Hollywood Cemetery. George Davis was 25 years oid and had been away- from home, onlv coming for short visits, for the last . ti-n years. At the time of his deat'.) i he was a seaman on the British S. j S. Satanta. Last Monday, whiw 1 aloft on the ship lie missed his foot ing and fell to the deck below, frac turing his skull, and died shortly af- , terwards. His body was turned over to the British Consul, who immedi ately notified his niofher, Mrs. Mile Davis of 107 Dyer street. He is sut - Vlvcd by Ills mother and two sisters. Misses Annie and Lessie Davis, nli of this city. cooi.hk;f. vr v.sv- of teapot dome scvnoai.I Wiishinui ?n. Jamtary 20 ? Pros!-, ih'iit i'oi*!ldge yesterday derided ; (h.it certain aspects n f the Teapot I Heme st'.tiiilal avay warrant criminal! pros"cutions ami so informd his cab-| in. t officers. high school dkfeats ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION 7n what hps br?. Henry Ford will be requested to appear enr ly next week before the House mil itary committee to discuss his offer for Muscle Shoals. IT'S A I)KY YEAII IN CALIFORNIA Hill Wen I her. Not l?a\v Knforcomont Is llciisriu Why ItusitioMs, From Auto AcpCHsmioji I'o Farm Implement-*, Is Ibol II) M. K. F.I>SltKll rr? d liou one section to another and a special division creat? ?i to hai. die prohibition violations Ad ver tisin gHasHelped T o Make Florida Great II) HOI If < I (T T. SM M.I. C?tyri?M. 1931. hn Th* Ad Miami, Fla.. Jan. 26. -Southern Florida, wltli Its not work of amnz-> in^ cities and homo communities, iv a living monument to the efficacy of. publicity. The ureat name of hospitable it.-- supposedly cold and Moonless people can he. l>own l?? re they have reduced the boosting art to a science; not only a science hut :? continuing business. In all the walllne nnd 'ftnilldiint: of teeth which has been goln-- up the eountrv over on the subject of taxa tion. not a murmur has bpen beard , from the property holders of Miami, who, In addition to all their otlur Federal. state and county n be had from a re port made by the Miami chamber of commerce today. The budget fur e\ ??ending the r!ty publicly ta\ fund includes an Item * ?f f?nn for Pi \ or's band, to play twice dally In the \ public park. The sum of $::0.non is : wt aside for ndv? rti^ln. In new spa ?ers and magazines. In addition to the ftino.ono pro tided from taxes, the chamber of commerce Is spending $4 B-.flfno this winter on entertainment of visitor*, m outdoor Sport K bureau, pageant-. V air meet'*, flower show*, and so on. Countless millions of dollars ar? l?elng |Kiured into Florida ever v yoar by Northern and Western visitors.! wnd by Northern and Western rapl (allots. The latter money Is beiiu spent In Industry, in property devei rrpment and in more advertising. Ad vertlflng h,"> shown Its value down - here In a thousand ways. More and more Northern neonle ar?- coming in to'Tbe stat ? to live and eventual!* i this influx Is goins to liaVe an effect . upon the politics of Florida. Of} course, the "crackers" still 7ri)tnum her the new residents by a la rue ira tlo, but the wishes and the view* of the newcomers are being consld< red more and mof? and ft would not bo, surprising to see Florida In a few i years a real political battle ground. Ay d Sett To Oppose Ward For Congress ft a# Not (,>nili' Iti'iidv lo \mmiiiirr (landiilarv Hut I'uWIira tion (if iNi'H. Itrm Kliril? \ion llt'VIn tin* Hart* lit l{t*|trt*su'lll Tlli* roiijiir? ional I > i - 1 1- i ?? I men booti k<;<;ki< LANDS IN THK I'KN Atlanta. Jan. 2?.- -Ceorge Remus. millionaire bout leaner of the Middle Went, and eleven of his associates. arrived at th? penitentiary here ymtitday to serve Ions sentences as Mi#- re sult of breaking up the liquor gang In that section of the country. JAPAN REJOICES AS PRINCE WEDS First Gala Day in Tokio Sincc tin- IVrrihif Earlhquak? and Fire Occurring l.?>l Si'iiti'inlicr. Tcikio. Jan. Tin- wv Ralelah. Jan 2?. T. T. Ilrowne. State director of vocational educa-, # Juration. was yesterday named as head of State Colbn summer school to succeed l>r. W. Winters ? o\VMTS AT I.AIIOK A he v ill . January 26- Blevep of the eighteen convicts who e scraped Troni camp near Here ?arl> yest? idaj *tlll remained at large this morning. TWO KIKKS HAT! Rl>\% At 9* 'JO Saturday morning the fire company w;i< railed to the home i?f vnnie Freshwater, colored. on wr< Tic ? chimney fire. 1 her? wa-* no dstnftge. Again at j j ; 4 r? p. In. they answered an alarm frei i box 1 and found a chimney f\ re. which resulted in little damage. ,t Ibe home of Wiley Moore, colored. >ji ll.inoy street. POTATO DKMANH HTItOXO Portland, Ore r op, January 2*',. Demand for potatoes fw carload movement I * quite favorable here, with pi.ee* for number 1 f. o. 1>.. rornmon termln.il at $1 2T? a hun dred pounds. Growers are showing more disposition to sell. KAII.KI) to ARRIVF. 'Colonel W. II. Rodman, depart ment commander of the American . .egion. failed to arrive In Klixabeth City Friday and the meeting at which he wn? to sneak Frldaj night had to be called off. | "Well, I didn't authorize it, but 1 guess it's true," said K. !? . Aydiett when questioned about a news item sent out from Ahoskie and appearing in the morning newspapers of Satur day, stating that he would be a candidate for Congress from this district. Mr. Aydiett went on to ex plain that he had not known un til questioned alxuit it that the item had appeared, and that ho had not yet prepared a formal statement announcing his candi dacy. "However, I have fully decid ed to run and will issue a for mal statement announcing my candidacy in a few days," said Mr. Ayd|ett. Publication of a report that Congressman Hallet S. Ward j would have no opposition in seeking the Democratic nomina tion for Representative in Con gress from the First North Car olina . Congressional District some months ago brought out r. report that Mr. Aydiett would enter the race. Mr. Aydiett admitted at that time that he had been ap proached by friends urging him to run and that lie had given the matter serious considera tion ; but he would not say def initely that he was oi? that he | was not a candidate. Ilis statement' Saturday puts an end to all doubt in the mat ter. He will enter the race. Mr. Aydiett has : been fre quently mentioned prominentlv as a possible candidate for Gov ernor; but it was onl.f recently that it became generally under stood that he was seriously con sidering offering himself for Congress. Washington, North Carolina, has had the Congressman from this district now for many years, former Congressman John II. Small as well as Ilallet | S. Ward, incumbent, having his home in that city. NO STATE AID I OK WKTf l-I.Tt R \I, I' d US Kulflgh. January 26 ? Attorney (Jenera 1 Manning ye*terday ruled that the law pr when thV went ??ound Ma it iinor?* & Ohio pimnenm train d? tnoMtfhfd thefr automobile at a yrade crossing. \l? KM IS I S PLAN FOHK1GN CAMPAIGN Charlotte, January 26 ? A cam paign for raiding $150,000 for the erert ion of a publishing house In foreign countries will he staged by Si v? n t it pay A IventlM*. the co nven lion In < *lon here Friday doc Wed. WHS AT IlK IIMOM) ftlchii.ond. January 26 ? Mr*. Jnme* V ox, formnrly Minn Minnie Ilagley of Kalelgh, died pt a local HoftpllKl today. > < OTTO\ ?MKKKT New^ York, January* 26. ? Spat cotton rloyed steady this afternoon, advancing t? :? pent*. MiddMnic t future* dosed at the follo*ln*r lev"Is: March ^3:21; May 34:47: July 32.22; October 27:Nfi, Oeremher 27:50. New York, Jan. 26. ? Cotton fu ture* opened thl* morning at the following level*: January none; M.irch 33:37; May 3,3:65; Jnly ?. 2:ft3; October 28:10; December none.