THE HEATHER I air ami n(/r/?icr #?> Tucsilny cloudy ( ml ivtirmvr. Moilcralc youllii'ust H inds. V ******* VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. A lien Land Law May Send Farm Products Prices Up l i.l,.,, 4 '.a! i lorn i a W hile l.aml Ownris Can l-'iiul VVv to Mri-1 Siliiatiini liii- Amount I'lantt-il tin* ').> ul X^rirultiiral" I'rodm-t-. V ill l>r i ar ???-!<>? Normal lit .1. i . l:.>vi C -r>fn'it. I ??:. b< T " . N? vv York. Jail. 2S. ? S|>iiiivr i>l:n. . :i.. v.M'i.-: uv. of ;iv : .i-u!:fir:;i products. which have i , v.ov I |.art by ?I..; huso in California ill llu.' past, . .? ' . k! .1 l.:e a.?u. 1 time in "h>l state. ?-*oveovei\ i:nk\ss some aH MUaie linancial arruu^cmcnts c.;:i be made by the white land owners there to meet the situa tion created by the anti-alien land law, the amount planted promises to be far smaller than no: mal. I .? se farts hav** distant li>-u rililE <*:. inducers ami consumers in tidier - i 'ins of the country since It Is ni .txl thai 6a per rrnt (if the trult* ami vegetables produced UiruuKh the -yy Japanese are consumed >1. hastern atid .Middle Western I-, .lust what litis moans may t>e Jia!i;ed iri/m the fact that the Japa As1so*;l?"?" ?r California in l.J-1 admitted .1 ana nose controlled acres of land in the stale (.trough cropping contracts. and another 73.000 acr es through rentals vu I< ascs. 'j he association at that t;ni? \\h??n it desired to 'minimize tin* Mais as much as pi/sslljle. admitted I - -'"Panese-groun crops had an an 11 mi J valuation of $ At the same lim ? the California1 > ;u boa rd of control declared that 4V* J,rr"* of California land ? re controlled by Japanese and that '?>. annual value of their crops >\.?s ? There are n :. l figures ?ince thai time, al though state employes who have kept ' sav the acreage controlled "i! " ,!l'' i'l effect of the land law had grown to f>.!f?,Ooo ?? : - and the value ??f their products' to. >' T.t.onu ooo. I- veil .with th?' production placed ar 1 4ie lowest figures, the California Ian. I owners fare a loss in revenue of ? a l ?!T" part of 94n.oOU.iiOo unless 1 ' 1 ' ':tn induce white farmers to i,., i r ri,l,r?rno to be able to emplov th?> Ja pan. se farmers as day laborers, i ho Japanese' fifriuers - have had of urg.-nt offers to transfer their activities to other states where prohibition t ? ? the holding of land' hv men of their race does not exi?t How ver. many of them are content to r- main and work as farm laborers but at a very definite and sizeable price. I he Japanese are demanding a minimum of $6 a -day for short li'no joas and {100 a month of -leady ^ The difficult v faced bv the and owner lies not only in having to ay th. -e wages but in securing .-uiricient backing I.; finance the w. liking of the acreage thrown back < ?:i his hands. 'lef ore the anti-alien land law was u ;>.?eid by the I'liited States supreme law. the Jajia ties- who farmed lands on >? iia res. financed his own agrieul tu:al activities, AH the white land owner did was to let the Japanese hav. his land far a stated period and *Ii. a the crop was sold, collect his peicentagi?i_jix)W owner him to do all the financing and is finding if ? xireiuely difficult to make the Pei ' ?? ^arv arrangements. r ?>"**< "tlrtlj llfTiHy^M >^,1[|jj||.| pio ?ablc ihijt Now Voi k. fhicaga an. I ?.tlK*r centers which absorb large quantities of California pro-ducts will' far,, a scarcity this spring and sum mer. and thai consumers will feel the effect* in prices. The similar pro duce from other sections mav find a wider market but a decided increase in production oulMld?- California is hardly probabl.. In vl??w of the short ate of farm labor which exists In nearly every state. S ' jrreiit in till/ sh(/rtaico that 20 ' ' 1 ? have made liji! i i? in.l i the .1 ? 1 ri i ? ? farmers to illiterate to Ihelr < ! u in unit I. <. Th.-se offers In mot . . licve li.en .ill a crop share I ? n - I I I.I I'.iity onytni'ir haslj nml the ?< niiil ?>! land Involved exceed* 61.0,000 acres. Florida hn< offered fi'.ofm acres of : rult and carden irurk Jund n. ;ir 1 ?> Oain, .? Ille. II, tc I I, a , ' ? t ? - ? -I 33.000 acres. Vis-i*. ipp, AJnliania II. l.mii/lana ovi r JJ.ntio. A bl r estate in Hoi CIl -"r Mtlit;. .Murylaml || . a?k il . ap.iiiese to farm 1' . 4 '1 0 acre* aail own. near Cnrnlnir. N. v.. desire t 'tinnls for r.4u ?crcs. Vlrnlnla invn ers will consider pi-oposftl. Involving I (1,1). HI fieri - near Norfolk and "inn n. u Chester. 'I'll- land ftffer. ll In tin Mid West Jpcijjdui^Uilili act.,. In Ml,i,u.?,. In Indiana, i.nnn in Ohio. In. 0(1" In Wisconsin nml an einial amount in Mlssonrl. Arkansas Kan SH* unit Iowa would like to inrn over h.'"'". lil.Odii and 11,000 aeres re spTCtlvcl.v to Japanesi , i i'i? , nr Wl ''. CIkR would pro .(.nml acres. Colorado 4.! noo Nevada 11 J 20, Idaho '20,200. Arlwi >'? 1 ,000 and New Mevlco lloooo UnTrcl !"a h?W0V,'r. Includes unlrrlsaled tracts. All. L\' READINESS i rOGPF.R CASE Li' ill ??in* ill (iovrrnor. His Hritllic., .\ilil ill- S?;ii On Trial In I nltTal t.ourl At \\ iliiiiii^lon Wilmlhglon. Jan. 2S. ? All was in ^ readiness here this morning for the i special term of Federal Court here today, when charges against officials of the d"fn:ut Commercial National hank oi Wilmington were handed to the grand Jury (or consideration. Those against whom charges have been made and who were some months ago hound over before the Cnlted States oiuniissioner for the action rue of the clos ing i?f the Commercial National Hank on December...:! 1. 1^22. Following an Investigation by the Compii'oli -r General of the United States, charges were prepared and served by the I'nited States commissioner during la>t .-print', charging the four in ? -n with violation of various Federal banking law*. They were allowed to make bond for their appearance* to day ami pending the outcome of the case before the grand Jury. The failure of the Commercial Hank, regarded as one of the strong est banks in K a stern Carolina, pre cipitated the failure wimm? ? vf which have been settled out of court while others still are pending. I OHTY 1MKN LOST LIVES IN MINK Shanktown. I'a.. Jan. 28.-- A check-up shows that 40 men lost their lives in the 'Lancashire mine explosion here late Saturday. Illnd' red by water and g.-.s areas today rescue crews were battlirg to reach the small group of miners still entombed Ln Laiican*hire Mine but little hope was held out thai any sur vive. The bodies of *1 of tho?e wlio died as the result of the explosion oi , the gas In the mine late Saturday have been removed. The !??dlw of five others have liefn located and four more it Is believed are yet to be found. Mllll Oil IIK(>INM WOII K ll\ SIMMY HCIKHlli llt'llJlIM* Work wnts begun Monday on (he new two story Sunday School build ing which Is to he added to Sbllob Haptist Church. It i to in feet long and an up to date modcrfll}' equipped building The limber Is! >n ib- ground and Che work (it ? .chiircb-audliorlum two higher wa* begun Monday and ' Is hoped that tlte new rooms wil'. b? finished In about six weeks. P v. S. 8. Hudson is the pant or of thi? growing church. Edgar's NVirfolk llns Is operating and ^wishes to correct any imp^e* sion that might prevail Otherwise, as, per mv schedQlo. Except for .TOO, yards on bank I could not hope for j I better roads this time of year, ariv.i Her Dream Rca!lr.c\i zA..r When Mrs. Helen Piano (above). 93. unveiled the sculptured portrait of General Robert E. Lee's head (inset) on Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, Ga., a dream of many years was realized. It was Mrs. Plane, widowed in the Civil War. who coneived the idea of a memorial. Gutzon Borglum desisned the work, of which the giant head of Lee Is a cart. KI.EVKN I ) K \ I ) IN (. VS KXIM.OSIONi I'u wuick<*t . 11. I.. Jan. 'JS. ? I'bven peiv-ons W4 r?? U i! l?"tl by gas plosion to. lay in a tWQ 'amiJy House at Manville. Mrs. Michae? Conway v.aa iiwnkiMiotl l>y her y0 ia on in currency consigned to 111 ? Misroula Hank, loeal *>os: >ff:ee authorities announced today. CHIMNEY I IKK SI\I>.\V Called by an alarm ft''. a Hox i\<; .mtomoiiiij: Washington, January 2K |',d ward Keys. colored, on** of tie employe:; otr the farm ??f Mr. Otia way K 11 m 1#\. about a mil** from this < H> on tl??* KinHii aid** of tin- riv? r. was knork<'d from 1 1#?* cart in wlilrli In was ridinu by ""a speeding auto bile and painfully If not seriously injured. .\t first it was thought l?: that Keys' b v was broken but a' later < \aminaJion, according to i< l?orN from [h?> hospital Saturday, tills Is not thy case. The ne^ro also had several bad bruises on lils !????? *1 and parts of his body. -The acci dent occurred on the concrete road and not a ureal distance from the root of the river bridge around <1 o'clock Friday niulit. K**ys was found Jvlni: on the toad by a Mr. Ferguson anil the police w? re notified, Tin- police on koIiiu to the seem* recognized a hat ly in u near the Injured netro anil Satur day morning Hoy Ferrer. a youn^ whit*' man of C!hocowinity. w?k ar rested and is now in custody. It i understood that l'< rn r admits striking the cort iti which Keys wa ridJtia. It is said tl at the radiatoi of tho car in which I'.-ner was rbl inu was considerably damaged h\ tie- collision with the cart. Keys lias been working on fit" farm of Mr Itumley for some and was looked upon as one of the verv best employes. The iie_-ro Is now in Washington Hospital for treatment, tils condi tion was said to ?more favorable Sat urday afternoon. MKXICWtf IvXHCUTKII - AR TK WTOKS STXTHY HI |?BK'?. Tex Jan. - v Five V.< r Icaus were executed at Juarez yes terday folb/wJnK tjie discovery of a ?dot alleged to he designed to de liver Juarez to the I)e la Hucrtri force*. \TTK\I? TVIiltKI.I, rot HI In addition to Judv N\ A. I ?? \ in and Solicitor W f?. Small tin***- lea* In1-. Monday to attend Superior (!out t in Tyrrell this w? ? k wen: K. I'. \)dle?t, Sr.. I1 W. Mc Mil I Ian and C. I'. Thompson No Millionaire Row At Atlanta Federal Prison It) mii. i. \ i : i ? i i:i!(.i sm\ Oopv lOhV int. b, fH? *?!..? All. mm. I#.:.. .Inn 2*. Tli?-rr i r ?} "iii(fll??nnf r? row" at f !? ? Alton t a V* ilrral penitentiary, nrrt ? v? n f *?r ? i.rvo Ili itiUf.' tin* "niilll' : n it* hoot?- t' of f lt?* M iy in a private r.n. Vv ?i ? th?y no v. orriip> Hi? io| of "in w bn\ ? ' " hi llio ?1? ?>i? a? ir at ??f t ' ; ? iW>v?>rniti?ai!i ??ri-"?n. rnl a*va>*. In an at the fashionable Trmrrv 1lot??? to ilu Su r r? N ? Coil : I i?: fnj- I iirolc uml hi Uuh Mt-tf plication No of ' ih! ilny* l?ut It is ??x prrti-d (lint ftfttin* will ho viv<-n work in thr clinic shop or in the of Hfo. Ho l? up export ^ l)!tl Nk I \'.r, I 1 1 t.i I'ltiK-il, I-..1I ,;.i. V . i. I !!? ? ?1 a ? < i"\ " i t' i.:. ut v ? and ?? ? ? t*? i i II- i ' ? l ? iMit'pi* ? ?? :*:? "I t r -hit ! '??red tin t ?? ill ink % * i ; - ; ? \ unlit 1 1:? \ :;..toii. Ii ! \ i : i I ? . ir;i t d :: ?i?i (In i .! !??.? ?iUesfjo:ihl*.: :i l i: m<; ii \i i. in r con.nvT i.vm) risu I'oliet* hi'imiiH Thrown Out Sinning 1 Mm iiiiiu Cauulit I 'liimii-uoor* \ll|>|iinu: Cil) Council Inter* coed What promised following church sorvli'i'g Sunday morning to the liiKBt'Ml li :? ii 1 of the year hy the Kliz iiheth City police developed intn on.' of tlje tamest Monday morning Wh' siotis of police oi.-irt on record when Chief of Police Gregory anil County l'rt? prosecute Sunday's violntionii '.*f the recently enacted nnti-pafklng ordinance passed hy the Citv Council. AmonR those cited hy the police to appear in court Monday was at least one* mem her of the City Council and the Mayor himself. Many automobile owning church goers of the city, coiuiiiu out of their respective houses ' of worship following the morning s< rvice. had their Sunda> morning spirit of devo tion rudely broken into, when llu*y found their cars tngged with notice to appear hi police court Monday moruinu for violation of tlx parkin-*: laws. Some fifty cases were docket ed lor appearance in court Monday ?niornint: as a result. llnstllv conferring with each other dutiu. tl" afternoon, members of the City Council were of the oj iiub.n __l ll a t the police hail heell rat her ab rupt. iii t>< winning drastic ? nforce nient of th? new ordinances* on Sun day. and i?> trifled the p'llire, ;ic cordinuh, in withdraw warrant for the Sunday offenders in this instance At Vast oik cop i? re u at ion. that of tin I'i 1 I '.apt i-jL- Church . ? i\tind? rt a vote of thanks to the Council for the indulgence. Tin* public ueuerally were put on notice that the new ordinances would become ff? *c t i ve on January I. but. following that notice, flu* ordinances were modified and probably many obtained tin- idea that they no Umn ? r a p pi led. City Manager Ilra> hopes that It is now generally un derstood that practically the only ,amendnient to the new ordinances . was on* permitting parking at an an*. 1? of | d' -iee* to the curb in certain block-- of the business sec tion. and that-. otherwise the nrw ordinance are to be enforced. If any provision of the traffic ordi nance- an found to be impractical. In says, tin best way to find it out is to enforce them. N'o ordinance, he think-, should be permitted to b? come a dead lettei. lest it breed di; j respect for all ordinances. .Inmes Co;. eland was fined $f> and costs for spe? dine, and Maxwell Wrk'bt. paid a like ficnnlty for op ? fat inn i??- car with ati open cut out. These two cases cleared the j police court docket Monday. '?:r ri \ txtogizks 1 1 Kit 1)1. \ I) f.F.AIU.K L . ~ o Mil' iifr. -Mnn.Tn M II II sill iiiwi' i ' (???>"< - in on I a I , Nikolai l.? nln< was I'm rfi'il ypxtv-r?1a> uhib littn dr? d- of thousand* ??f hi* nitmtry j~* t oc id to pay tribute In } > i m hi i< I ? ni|?f?ratur<- ISO at fli nth. lto\ S* < 1,1 II .%I>I>S SI \ m:u >ii;\liii:ns to 1:01.1. Th? ?' Club f?HH I riiif. ?m?t Saturday nf< wor? *orv??d. Os* in* t'i tire unavoidable' nb< : '? of Mr. I. u*', no further pfati i> marie. \MKItH W I Mild) IN SI'KKI) Hs. \ TING ( ;iainoni\. Franco. .tan Kin I*,.? v. on fli?' first ? vini of Hie 102 4 ()' v in |*!c by taking the xjM'-d *ktit{ ? w rit h? ro v '?t??nlny. .America cant** third. roTTOX M %ltK1 I Vi ? York. January 28 Spot rMtoti i low d qui?t Hi 1 8 aft'-rnooil. ?i'tTininK 1'? j?ofni h Middling ; '4-4;,. , Future rt<>.ert at fht- fol lowing WHs: March 3 ^ : 12: May r.r,:4:t; July .".2:lfi; Octobcr 2 ; Decpmber 27:2n. N i* w York. Jjitv. 2S. ? Cotton fu tilflM om-iud at the following Ipv??|?; March 33.20, May 3*. 49, July P. 2.04, October 27. HO. I>etf<*mhpr none. SECRETARY EMI OX WITNESS sTANO teapot Dimit* >i,!iii(la] (Innn - 1 1' 1 1 ? *:: 1 1 I '?n!i''? r con . i' ."iotial w.iriv t ' ? T- pot !?..?. i.. rraniial i* ... ... a f., to a li. .ill today witb iortt.?-r S' (T'Cirj i ? t ill.* Ini.-r i?'f ] ". II" ;i [ i filiv. a* :? wil n?'*s . Ie*? I'm .' H. i:ul? in\ ? -i ival in*- coil' tniftee: I ?. \ ? rTi;.? ? t?l - i!?u 'ii ?li.- w ? ? nul \v? if that Coo! blue indicated would move t ? ? cancel 1 1 ??* 1 ? -n . it ml also announced thai 1 wotib1. employ attorneys to iirowniii' rrliu inal phases of the ease, if any, ind? ? peudcntly of Attorney (ieneral l>a albert y. to snow I'icrriJKS Ol WO!\l)KII HIKES If ?wiih incredible that anything >hould In* able to livi* to such an njje it n't I yet scientists .declare that Ronif of iln large Sequoia that ^u.n?l in the National Parks in Cali fornia are ??iisily litiMi years old. Dr. Williamson of the Called States Department Of. the Interior, who will deliver, a free illustrated lecture in the Court House Friday ev. nine February 1. at o'clock will tell something of these marvelou* irees and show views of these patri arch* .Many of these "old boys stand 20, to feet through at the hase. Au arched roadway has been cut right through the stump ol one of the*e trees tltrough which large pouring ears pass. ,? This will lie only one lecture Fri day evening which \V 1 11 show scene* oi beauty and grandeur from th" Nutional Parks in Montana. Wash ington. Colorado. California and Arizona Dr. Williamson comes here at I!* temmeut expense through the efforts of the Rotary Club. SIJCAR AND C.QKFEE sim nisMissKh Washington. January ' 2Jr~=- The tiovernnien-Cs suit against the New York Sugar ?tH ? foffe.. Kxchaitm ? which was charged with operating in violation of the Anti-trust laws, win dismissed by i lie Supreme Court to day. DECISION ACAINST Hit \NCII HANKINC. Washington. January 28 The t -In: hi of tho static to pr?'V?'iit Nation* ;il hank- wiili in tln-lr borders from ? KtiililiKlitiiK branch- ?< was t ?>?ln y n - hold by M?.? Siipromo Court, which at tin- same litiii' r'ulod thai I In* prohi bition w ;i - < i-rftuiiiod In tin- Federal Mjii nioj* 1 h'-msfh oh. miis. nooi'i:i: in: \ i ? Mrs. Mnr> I') lloopi r. widow < f tin- Info C'jt |*t si in I ".r win Hooper, di< Snndav niuht al tin- hotm- nf h? I i:rnmldanfchi< r. Mix. I'. L. Davln. j;t Norfolk. Sho whs x v yoaru old. Mr- Hoopoe had Im ? ii III for h-v ? ?i a I nioiiths, hut lio:? her fufforlm; with piitioiioo. Sho wa a dovot.- ' Christ liin, wifi ;i ii ?l mot lo r and i -urviv. d li\ a son. I. S. Hoopoe of tilt*4 c*lt \ ; a dauvhtor. Mrs. <1. S. S a f. - durji.iil Cap.- Ilonr; ; r r Mi>. Colom I Wli 1 1 Hon of Norfolk; a broth-* ? r, J. I. Mann of Ma hum Harbor. ^ji.:*?t ra inlfitilih-i 11O1 ml *T-von jjfroal ? ?rul,. I Tlo bod> will bo b roil u hi Itoro Tuesday 1 1< oil 1 1 it v fill thi' 11:20 trail* and tin- fuii' ial ? II be oo ml lifted at 111*- urave at Ifol'l vwood < "t?i?j?*t??ry li!itiii'dfal<-i> followliiL Hie arrival of flu* train. i'rii nil- un in\ltod to liii*? t tlo train ami attend the ftir. ? ral. i <>i in: i tniM i;i?k\ton WKIi II KICK ON MONDAY A beautiful but quiet wedding win* to i I'.Tpsh ? Loifffcle, .Ian 2S. -An tn?tltlito of world i i iiiinmi' ? ha? ho^fi e*iah 1m* 1 he?. und? r tho direction ?? ' l>r Ktri'i Si i:I/'. bead of tho I ' n I v. - i*|t v of I ?oi ; !;?, K? t?iOml