THE WEATHER ? f.i m rally fair toniuht ''' *m 1 1 If t'llnt'sday. Sliulit- * ly inirnwr tatiiiiht. (icn- : tie variahlc ninth. ******** A?) "" VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ? ? < irtrrr ith)\ * 2. '10- 1 ( u/iiVx ? ? KVKNINO, JANl'AKY _!>. lid Kit : NT PACKS. NO. 25. Weeksville High School Is Growing Continually Dream of (lommunily Is ('oiiiins Trur in Full Mca?uri*, and Ideals Set l>y i'riiiri pal Make llie (?oa) Our That Ever ISeeodc- A- II 1- Approached It) I'.tliel Miir Stafford. (tii.tik- 1*. Wccksvillr High School ) \V> ?;svilh*. Jan. 2T?. ? Opening its ?!? 'lis for l !it? lirst time on Monday iuo) tinu. N'ovoijiIht r?. 1!?2."t. to r?? i Cir.t'alioul 250 children. tin- \Vt < ks- i v|l!? School now shown tin en roll -new -of :jss. And iwniudpiit.^ ;?!?' -till l?'inu enrolled nlinosl cvt'iy w?* . , F r four Ions y^ars t !i is common- j ity ias been dreaming about and; looting i>H|:erly forward to the mm pl?-t:oh of this wliool. Now that I Ions cherished dreams ha vol ?ci :.?? true, it Is hoped and bcllfVfd that a beginning has been made to war-1 a ;r?*at work here. The ideal s* t before the school by U. F. Coates. i principal. is continual growth and I A^anslon. not only In enrollment, lint also in the excellence of work .. <*o:u and in the course of study of fered. T e Week svl lie Hi.uh School is sit - uatt .1 as nearly as possible in the e? nt? r of Nixontoif and Salem town shir- on the brick rond leading from Hlizjbeth City to Weeksvllle. It is about 1" miles from Elizabeth City. T:. school has eight large motor bti?. ft\?. Internationals and three F- i !s. to take the children to and tt ? school. The pupils like this nine i better than the old way of having to walk two or three mile*, or ayhe more, through rain, snow, and inud to some squatty little di lapidated one or two room school l:ou-. in some isolated part of the c<? 5 uuiiity. In t hose days the pu pil- almost always arrived late and win they did arrive were too cold to study during bitter cold weather.. N ?w this is all chn#feed. The trucks take the pupils to school on tiv very, very seldom being too lit. tor the second bell, arid the pu pil4 get home anywhere from half past 3 to 5 o'clock, depending, of cout. -e. upon the distance they live fron school. Pupils who once did not like to go to school now look i forward to it with pleasure. They ' en.i ; the ride to and from the I "Clioolheuse. if nothing more. The' Wt * isville High School is housed in a large, spacious building of brick and concrete, the broad concrete together with the porches, also ?'f concrete, and the massive brick columns that support the roof of the potc'.ies, combining to make "a beau tiful and imposing entrance. T e building Is equipped with all taOvl' rn conveniences. Including run ui::. water. Delco lights, steam heat, a id sewerage. The ventilation is ?pkndid. and there is an abundance of II. lit. T e building has 12 class rooms, a science laboratory, domestic sci ence and art rooms, a music room, two dressing rooms and a large audi torium with a seating capacity of 700. This auditorium, it is hoped, will lie a happy gathering place for the community, for plans are being made for the presentation of a num ber of local talent plays and cnter taimnents soon, with the idea of making the school the social center ?of Its community. Not only, how ?v* i . are parents and visitors wel conu ? at these- entertainments. but ; fath? rs. mothers, big sisters and brothers. as well as friends, are in vited to visit the school from day to dav. (luring the class* room work. Just a few weeks ago a Parent-' SPeaohers' Assoc I m Itvrr "Was organ Tied . ?with an enrollment of 55. The large nil " I- enrolled at tin oi ganUal U'.j J was' ' "u ratify in to those wfeo^had sponsored the movement, but It Is hop* d that eventually every patron of the school will be enrolled In tills -organization. Fp to the present uothing has been done to beautlfy the campus, but plans are on foot to transform it into a bower of loveli ness that will make a fitting setting for the building. This work of beau tifying the campus Is already on the program of the Parent-Teachers' As social ion. "? Vthletic associations also have al read> been organized, and the boys are now playing baseball and foot ball. while both boys and girls are playing basketball. A team will be selected from each grade in the high school, and from the seventh grade; and from these trains will be select ed tin all star team to be put In the field against othei schools. Ily spring It I" hoped .that a schedule of gam. s with other high schools in tills section can be worked out. A tenuis court is to be laid out later ami tennis and then volley ball can be indulged in. Literary societies were organize. I soon after the opening of school and ar? doing a splendid work. lletiefl clnl because of the training they give in public speaking, debating and self-reliance. the e societies hav aroused widespread and enthusiastic Interest under the leadership of Miss Marguerite llrothers, as president of the Litrls' society. nnd filenwood Meads as president of the boys'. The hoys meet every Friday at 2 o'clock, while the rlrls meet every otheV Fri day at the same hour; and good pro cranfc' are the geft? ral rule snd not. the Ikceptloii Among queries that ? lisvewbe.ii debated this term are: (? The Midlers' llonifs. The Sending of Ammunition to Mexico. The Advan I Uges of Kit ral as Tompsred to ntv f Life, and The Value of Kxamlna FALL ON VERGE OF BREAKDOWN (jiuibcl I 'rgfd That Commit. Ire Examine lliiu in His Sickroom and VI illioiil Ally Further Delay (Br Th? A>v?ri* -d 1 rni,' Washington. January 29 ? Former Secretary Fall is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, the Senate cril committee was told today by his comhs?'1. I.evi Cooke, urging that the whole committer or subcommittee examine Fall in his sick room. Cookf said it was the (/pinion of attending physicians that delay in the examination tended only to ag gravate Ins condition and recom mendation was made that the com mittee t;?ke Falls statement without, undue delay. After some discussion the com mitter decided to call Fall's physi cians to testify tomorrow as to when Fall would be able to come before th.? committee. GRAHAM W. BELL IS NEW CASH I Kit Graham W. AU 11 has been elected cashier of Wjf Hood System Indus trial Dank dTYllizaheth City. Mr. Itell ftasVheeu with tin Caro lina Hanking & Trust Company since its establishment and now holds the position of assistant cashier in that 'institution. He will remain there through February and begin his du ties with the new industrial bank when it opens on the first of March. 1MMS l\ WASHINGTON Washington. January 29 ? After an illness ef several months Walter W. Lecgjett died at his home, corner or Third and Pierre st reel -j Sunday afte.rnoon at 1 40 o'clock. Mr. Le?i:i it was stricken with paralysis last September and on lust Wednes dav suffered a relapse from which he failed to rally. He was horn in this county sixty-one years ago and 19?9 had been a resident of tltU city where he enjoyed the es teem and confidence of a large num ber. FORD SAYS FURTHER TALK UNNECESSARY Washington. January 2!? ? Henry Ford today informed the House mili tary committee that he though it unnecessary for himself or any other representative to appear beforp the committee to further discuss his of fer for Muscle Shoals. "Further hearings would only serve to delay action and unnecessarily consume the time of a busy and im portant committee of Congress al ready in possession of all the fiirts" Ford said In his telegram tf/ Chair man Kahn. t ions. The junior and senior class * s*ati panh uiniti uv gr baflltvftnd they have formed a class which is expecting to enter represen tatives In the triangular debating content ibis year, when the querv as to Cancellation of the Int?r-Allfe I "War P.-bF will T7c debated .~T ho work of the literary societies has aroused interest not only among pupils and students, bu1 also among parents as well, a number of whom have attend ed the meetings, to the ureal encour agement and delight of thos* taking part In tin work. The c; iris* Demonstration CHib, conducted bv Miss Marcle Alhorts.>tt. County home accent, meet* hl-Wecj-ly. Miss Albertson Is tcachin. m mieis of this club to benuflfv their honi"s. to make baskets, and to sew. Later in the sprffts they will sludy cook ing. Some of the '.iris In this c!ii:? have entered the clothinw cont". t to to held in Chicago. Illinois, in March; and foiiio have joined the County Poultry Club Member* of th" club look forward to the visits of Miss MbertHon. who alHtvu brin<_ them something Interesting and new. This community and this student body are proud (if the n? w school, and they ^r? becoming more proud of It every day. Itealixtng il?.?* the finest ' building and the be?* fncttlfy would bo of no value to thi com iii ii n It y if the pupils and ?Mnl?ni? failed to apply themselves to their work-, students nf TTie "Tilgh sciioo! and pupils of the lower grade ar< ? n thusiastic and determined to ? \e the most of their advantages. Feel ing that they haye the be.-t rrral school building in Pasquotank (V?nn ty and a faculty second to no,i*? in the whole Albemarle region. It \p the aim of this community -puplli. s;u dents, and patrons alike -to make the Weeksvllle High School the- very best rural school In all this section of North Caroliha. TO HI SSI V? Juntos O'Grady. l?ahorlte in the Itritish parliament, will in all prob ability bo named Itritish envoy to Soviet ltussia. if the MncDonald gov ernment rcooKnixcx Russia ASK RESIGNATION ATTORNEY (.ENEUAI. Washington. Jan. .21). ? A resolu tion expressing as the sense' of tie* Senate that the President request the immediate resignation of Attor ne.v General Daugherty was prepared today by Senator Wheeler. I>emocrat. ? of Montana- .who mid he would In troduce it at the first opportunity Uia;E RE-ORGANIZATION OF VETERANS' BUREAU Wa.vhington. January 29 ? Full ; authority for tin- director of the ? Veterans Bureau to |?n i into force I complete reorganixat ion both ii\ the home office and in the field was proposed in the report filed with the | Senate today by the special com mittee which has spent eight mouths investigating the affcirs of the bu reau. Pnder this plan the director would be enabled to establish the ruling boards In every district stud sfihdis t rict to examine and rate claimant* in person. to greatly simplify pro cedure on appeal, and t <> make rad ical changes in hospital admlliist i :t tion. GERMANS LOST LOVE OF WORK Piano Industry Thrown Out Of Harmony By lipsel Con ditions Prevailing In That (loimtry SintT W ar Stuttgart. Jan. '29. ? Germany's piano industry has been thrown all out of harmony by the upset condi tions prevailing in Ibis country. The output is only about half of what it used to be. chiefly it Is claimed, bp cause of a luck of conscientious work men. There are plenty of craft amen to l?e had. it seems, but since the war there has been a dearth of good piano maker? who think more of their work than the financial re wards. To make perfect pianos. it is assorted by manufacturing firms, the workmen must -be conscientious and ahsoljitel) in love with their ? (Tyh'eut rut Jon" is also ah essential. it is explained, and but few of the piano makers who went to the front roving, miss and hit existence, have ever been quite the sume since they came hack. About half of the German made piano* are exported, these going chiefly to Holland, FTngland. Japan. Chile and other South American countries. Comparatively few are sent to the Pnited States owing to a high pr< tective tariff. The principal buyets of pianos In Germany, wince the paper mark started its downward .course, have been Ihe peasants who looks this means of obtaining a long desired permanent household ornament with some of the currency which was sc / rapidly losing its value. Various individual < have taken a "flver" In pianos at times when they had a hit or paper marks oti hand with the Idea of realizing at some future date when, they hope, they might be able to dispose of ttoV* instruments upon a gold basis. K\ PHtTS STI l>Yl\<i Itl HUMS INIH STItlKS IN PHILIPPINES Manila. January ?9 - Members of the mission sent by the I'nb d State- department c/f agriculture to study the question of rubber produc tion in the Philippines, methods -f planting, labor problems and the I <|fl[Sl blHtv of plantation work to various sections of the the erctflpf lago. have begun theirf investigations on the Island of P. ? Han. Aft?r studying the methods e*n f*Ar small ttaMlan p'ittt tat ions the party will proceed to ("otabato province, where rubber Is aifo grown In small quantities The nHs-lor expects to finish all the field work early next year and then return to Manila, where the rti?ts collected will be compiled. j Constable Tells How They Escaped J. M. Cartwright Of Jarvisbur^ Kxpiains Ciclaway of Mote And Lasalle Gallop J. M. Caruvright of Jarvisburg, |cousta>d.- t ? ?r IVplar ltrauch town |>hip. Currituck Comity. in the city 1 Uv.?d.i> on hi- way buck to t'urri Jtuck with ivio llrown. colored. | wan:* .l^iot* preliminary hearing in a faNf pretense cum* in Currituck. J dropped i;j a: Thu Advance office to t]ii" esca pi* o( Mofn* and La I salb* Gallop. Currituck negroes I charged with" shtvotiug a young lie-! gro hv the name of Philistine Owens* ??n Friday. January 4. from his cus tody on the following evening. " I'll.* shooting ofcurrea "Frhl-iy j night," sail .Mr. Cartwright. "but 1 did n>it hear of it until Saturday I morning and I had the negroes under j arrest hy s o'clock. I look them at | once liefore Dr. J. m. Ncwberh, ?judge of i ho recorder's court, who j ordered them held for superior court , lUidur I uind of $1,000 Waller S. j New hern, who had accompanied :ne (to the hearing expected t ?? sign Ihe ; bonds of the prisoners to the amount ot not more than $200 ouch, was not williuu ulone to assume so large a hond. hut my prisoners thought they could get T. S. llart"ll and Tom ;Kin:lw?},4Ml1i of Mamie, ro sign their bond with Mr. NVwhern. I told them I would go hark Willi l hem to Mamie , If th -v wi .i l?I pay ? raits porta t ion. as I did not feel that the county ought to have to pay for Ihe hack trip. Accordingly the prisoner* 1 hired Vern?>n Ch? rty to drive us hack to Mamie and there we *aw Mr. Ilarrell. whr as I understand. si Id he would help I ho hovs. We then w-'Ut oil to Mr. Forbes' house Ih' ?mt?sed him. and started to look for him at New hern 's landing. Cf/.ning hack to Mamie. Mose a lid Lasnllc went into Mr. II irrell's stirrc to see if I liev could borrow the money to pay "Mr. Cherry for Jitney hire I thought the hond was as good as ar ranged and that the prisoner* had now no ineintiv to escape and 1 knew that Mr. llarrell was himself a ma gist rate, so 1 did m." go with them In ?? the store Wh n T was inform d hy a passer-by that the prisoners had been seen making across the field. I went into the store and found that, unobserved by Mr. Hnr rell the necroei had escaped through the hack door and made ? f toward t lie swamp. It was get ting toward evening then and turn ing liltTerlv coid:~but I made the best search for them I could and have not been aide to find them since." ?'unstable Cartwright is of the oninion that, though somebody shot Philistine Owen*, the evidence to convict Mose anil Lasalle with the shooting is exceedingly flimsy. MAYOIt I. IKI-: KMTOK || \S NK\ Kll <>\Y\KI> \\ ACTO Mayor W. Hen flood win took in good part an eiror on the part of this newspaper Mondav In natuin-: him a* Among those riled bv the po lice Sunriax to appear in Monday's court for violation of a city anil parking ordinance. "I never owned n car in my life." said Mayor Goodwin. The Advance reporter got his in formation from Chief Gregory him self, and then went to Mayor Good win's office to get it confirmed, but found the Mi+vor' out He rPtllflWLfl" to the office and wrote his story, in tending to call tli<* Mayor later in tb? day. but by_ioy''fffKM pilled tj? do The reporter could not got in touch with Chief Gr??oiv Tuesday, but aHMUinen that he must have un derstood the Chief to refer to the mayor an onn of- Mia v'Ukli*! mss- w4km+ ln fnet Mr. Gregory was r ef? rrint to the mayor as bavins: given him instruction'', speak In l' for the C It > Council, not to prosecute I lie Sundae violations. C(H)IM, Its ON Till At. Wilmington. Jan. 2f? Lieulenant Governor W. It. Cooper, his hi -oilier Thomas Cooper, and his son. flora*** Cooper, and Clyde hn^'itff are on trial today in Federal Court 1 ? re in connection with the failure of the Commercial Hank. I.IGHT I'OIJf'K 1H?( KKT Three cases, one drunk ami lw*i. traffic ordinance violations, made up the grist of recorder's court Tuesday morning. Oscar Stroud paid $10 and costs on a drunk and disorderly charg ; W T Hohbins, truck drlv?r foi P.anks Hug hen , drew and cost for drlvlna his car on the sidewalk; and F. W. M llulb r. colored, for failure to park at the approach of the fire truck, was let off with tin eoslsr ' COTTON MA It KKT Spot cotton closed steady till* eft?M neon. advancing points. Mid dling 3 3: f? a. Futures clti <? a| th? following level* ; j March 38:22; May 33 6Rj July 32: 2* ; Oftober 2s : ?? c? ; Derem her 2 7 : 4 R . N'ew York. January 29 ? Cotton futures opened this morning At the following l^els: March 13:. 18; May S3:tt; July 12:32; October I 29: 10; December 27:ff?. 1 ) - . i ? - -ttiiiJB i No Reason T o Resign Anil No Regret Says Denby '"riTi'lur* nf Navy Drcljiro lit* lla- \n I iili-nt inn of fjctlins < >nl an<l Sa\s lie Simply (!;irrie<l Out I In* Will nl? and SitvciI I lie IVnpli STEEL INDUSTRY IS OPTIMISTIC ""I* A B 1 ""fur?, II, a. Mill Opera lion* \\ ,|| I.M-r. aM- i\lule , tally III Vxt Two Years. | ??>? <\ liOVI.H CaovrUht. | mi. by Th, A,. ;r ?? r^r ~J ^ Production 'a* Snriit c'"????anv will |? h.-uun ?llortl\ Ml |i|>(?ris Vi. w.mlnr II '?? Willi;,,,,,. , f i .V." I V ,\;, , ' J n , " * * < ? ' ?l";"t In I, ahllhailn^i",,,. V,"!;! Iteporls Hint !'r nr,u ,, , *'? ho cl. "If js 1, ...... >?*., *>'?? win ,. i? L T. '"c' ???>?' ?'1,1 II,'- I?,S ?f making |M,SKll.|.. l' ? wi"' I"*-* I.... will I '???? I'" IV ! ?&-?r it id*:,! M-' Williams u.i?T!"' ,n''w f'lulpnient. ?r Co,, r?, .xljn,,'Hr.,r:lnf hood II,.,.' ,, ''' ? lik..|| Min I .. ra|inrl|v of ll?. Iili,,,, Iff I In t liVnr nI|d 1 1 iiiav ' I II. if more limn W|,, |inv#1 mil in nr" """ oil the ,,?v I "it "" ""?? ' out lines of in,. .i ii furl ,, ,,, _ "" lliiri. plat..* a?,| shapes, Vhe h. aw rolled products wl,|, i, , ? particular m riitlny |,,si v,.?r ? l<> prim maintenance. now nr.- |? fair shape. according |? ,|? on th? mill hook*. Tlior.. Is a f ,lr m?v. i,?.?, ,)f to rold ? ;? ; maiiii/acliir. rs on contracts an, I i?t, Th N "V rntlu-r V.. . Tv J, [alter I.* n,1. npy has '.'??"'?'I'.n.'l by ||, n possibility of " fl , hi " "1 ?>ltnuiln..?s enal n, v' "I'rliiK. and jobbers ? . ' ?ton. I, u- f,?. ^r|n:. \ru"[ Sonie of ll?. i. lair mills am I hit I, schedules *-,,11.. ? cosed .ntlrply. hut til,- ?V I'l'.' w'.r11!"" ?\"'""'lHr*,l"-n<l?<-.-.| I. Th,. itiiloniohll,. Industry Is rnn ^iiid llfj. -,|Uil'"?''^ of i?:,u-rHU . if/'',1, ? nr- Ilinr II will r?? tlnu. to rt? so. Tl,. Ford I, ir "'."'""-'i i? ' v,:r;r"." t, ,h" in """ ' ,,,TI" '"nii'H ?y Is well s?t, PI., I will, mat, >ih,ls and r, fioni ,1. ill. r: In, Ileal. tl?. .nrlnk d. m?m. will loV^? Tl?. For, I foinpany, liowevrr is not ||?. only mak. r sl.arlnu Inrr, -as, ,1 Jiusliiiss, ?r tl,,. |arK?s| ,,arlH J makers, who d<? s l.nsln. ss will, I'*"",; ; v"'1 I" Iroll antomohll,. ,11.111. fan, irrr. d,rlar-,l |,?|Hy |,l? s,-I"mIii|,-s for .1 a mi si r> w,r>. ,|oul,|. tl, OS,. ?f lasi y,.ar. Ky.-rv ?f ,l|v f,,'-H'"lil,-rs has , a,iJli.?*ny ""W r"K,?"" r-' >? < i. ??r'TV' l<rol>nh|y will I urn out at 'east 7-il. r, On "t'risinu ? oni|?a nv 'iUojtOd \fifi4<i to tills comes II,,. report from , ?,,| ... Ilrolhers that imnil. ,1 orders for '-'Iiuary are ureal,, (hose of U.M January |,y 2r, ?. , i . v,'nr Wodur-,1 innnno W hleles but th. Ir r?r this for In i? 5.' T,li' ""leant, ror In preijoua 1..-SS has lie,.,, ?? are,, rat,. i?,r??? a whole r "" '"'?ualr.i a? The eoncnaiia ,.f nf.Inlon amour miom 'i " rof" !* 'I,;,' the,,, will h, *">?> i? the , . ln"' "f '? aff.,1.,1 hy H?. |.r. sl - ?I'll till I lUrtlon houia 1 "llyhl rr cession Is expert,,) i?*|n and In, ,, Oct I.ul ||,U J "" ,dk*'n account of |? ,he car sales esllmatp, \MlKUSON CASK CJOKS I'O THE JI'IIV TODAY New York. January if, _ Th.. | ;""','e W""?n. H. Anderson. ' Halnflii 1^ 'Pn' of lh" Ami: l- ,o "? ? R* Th* A?rwi?t'd Pi'M> Washing! on. .Ism. 2?'. -St-cn^ary "f the Navj Mt'iiliy I ? mJ . t * announced alter Jin- ( ihiiH t hum liijK at. which I he ?>i I lease investigation was con sidered that he 1 1 si * I "no intention what* ver <?f resigning." "I am so convinced that I did the right thing thai I would do it auai:i I otllorroW. regardless nf jnnsMHimt??- ? es." lie said. "I feel that I carried out I ho will of C'oimross ami my ac tivities fivrvnl Hi** best interests of ih?' people. Consequently I have not him: to regret and no reason to resign.** Assistant Secretary Roosevelt, whosi- name lias also boon prominent in tin- investigation, was declared l>y l>?'iiby to be "entirely and absolutely in the clear"" v ' Coolld'-'f. asked I he direct ones-, lion by calh-rs relative to the Robin son resolution requesting the resig nation of I )?-nhy , replied tluifVit wan a in. itt? r he did not care to discuss. ? Washington, Jan. 2 0 . Sensation* al developments followed fast Mon <lav in the Teapot Dome matter. The. Si -mile moved that the Presi dent lake steps to immediately can-, eel the oil b ases to Dohen.v and Slr clalr. Another resolution was introduced calling ?>n the President to remove Secretary Denhy and the other offl cials responsible in any way for signing the Navy oil leases to private interests. The House adopted a measure to give the President $100,000 to pro- - ? culi' the lease holders in criminal act ion Daniels Makes Statement Hal- iuh. Jan. 20. Following a si afeiiieiit macje in Congress, by Ttep resentalivc I .on n worth that former Secre|{ir> of the -Navy Daniels was responsible for the policy which brought about I In- Teapot Dome sit uation. Josephus Daniels yesterday , . Issued a slatemenl here asserting that he held all leases for the benefit of the N.ivy hill that the pOlicv ofc the Republicans had been to over turn his policy. Sinclair Sends ("able Paris. Jan. 20. Harry F. Sinclair today cabled Senator Lenroot. com mending President C'oolidge's ac tion to institute legal proceeding* over the Teapot Dome oil leases, but reiterating his determination not to return to testifv further until bin I'/uropean business I rip has been completed. Sinclair said he welcomed "the judicial determination of these ques tions in the lawfully constituted courts of our country al I he earliest dale possible." di:ops di: \d o\ iu)\ii Wns.h'iugtf/n. January 2 0 ? Klder Thomas Sawyer of the Primitive Baptist church, father of Mrs. On? Itespass of ilils city, while walking to Jleihaven .Monday fell dead on- the public road about seven miles from here. Heart failur? is said lo have been the cause of death. The fun eral was held from- the Primitive Baptist Baptist church at North Creek Tuesday. lie is survived by his widow and -<ix_ rhtliUmu- ? ? was r,."? years o'd. KIMT.VriON P.\l ItAlllfl ^ I'l.AV Ol-' I'MVKICHtTIKS Berkeley. California, Jan. 20 ? I! ;f ablivhment <?f "air universities." or classes taugbt by radio, will be discussed at the meeting of the Na tional I'niversily Kx tension A"*o.ia tlon, at Madison. Wisconsin. begin ning April 24, if Is announced here by Allyn (?. Smith. chairman of the I'liiversitv of California's extension division Mr. Smith, a itiember of the as>o f ation^'s edu ational radio broad r,t linr committee, is gathering ata tistics on I his phase of broadcasting. The fommittee will submit recom mendation-' I*' the association. Klghly licMi^i h to broadcast have been granted to educational institu tion : Among (hOHe already In Hi or' of extension work are the Cnivrxity of California, Oregon In ' i* ulr of Technology, Washington' Slate Coflege, I'nlverslty of Colora do. Cniversity of Arizona. Oregon Agricultural College, Leland Stan ford Jr. Cnivervity, Tulane. Missouri, perdue Texas. Cornell, Nebraska Wisconsin. Illinois. Ohio State. M :? hiimn Agricultural College, Hen seiaer Polytechnic institute, |ow.? Stale Coll- . Penney Ivan la Stale Cotb I 8lst< \Krirultur.ii College, the Cniverr.liy of Minnesota. ttmomotivk ukn KM) Til Kilt STIUKK (Ry Til# Aimil'H PfMl> London. January 29 The strike rvf the ToV-omolfve qicrj wltTcft has se riously interfered with railway traf fic in Great Britain ended this morn it\g when representatives of tfle men and companies an agreement with the mediation committee of the Trade t'nion Congress. The strikers were Instructed to re sume work Immediately. i . ? mm i

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