asiMfe ; I VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. \VKI>\KSI?AY KYKN1NG, .TAN I AKY :!??. 1:?l> :. EH HIT PACK*. NO. -k\ Republicans Have Agreed On Maximum Surtax Rates ?*? Approval of Srrrrlary !\lt*!!o<i nn ( oinjiroiiihr V, !?ir!i !t I- Will Win l.noiinit Drmnrralic Voir* To i.arry h I liroimli Rv D.WII) I.AWHKM K Co?><i7lll. I'd. b? Tn* Aiii-r \ ': shii'nton. Jan. 2!'. ? Republican meinbi-i\* <?!' the Mouse \v: y;? and means committee have agreed amonir themselves to phtce t!io maximum surtax rates at .'55 per cent. They are solicit itijf th'.' approval of Secretary Mellon and President C'oolidjte and some Qf the house members think the approval will be forthcom ing as it is the best compromise they think they can net in the I h 'Use. Mr. Mellon proposed 25 per cent as the maximum while the Democratic plan introduced by! Representative John Garner of, Texas provides for a maximum of 4 1 per cent. Tl?o Republican leaders have been trying to win converts among the Democrats, particularly those wlio represent districts with law elites in them, the supposition being that the his business Interests will be able to persuade their Democratic Con ? reesinen to no alonK with the Re puhilcans at :15 per cent rather than' Jeopardize the chances of the whole ( tax question beinu ground between the upper and nether millstone of partisan rivalry. Thirty-five per cent is better than nothing, ami ".5 per cent is better than ? that's the argument bcln^ used among the conservative Demo crats enough of whom are said to he interested in the Republican propos al to encourage the Republican lead ers lo go to Secretary Mellon In or der to win his approval. Those Democrats who are leaning toward the 35 per cent proposal do not represent a majority of their partv bv anv means, but enough are, said' to be lined up to enable the Re publican* with their aid to get the :;S per rent rale through the Hons" hut these Democrais will not pledge themselves to vote for it unless they ha v. assurance thai Secretary Mel lon will accept It and that they will : he voting for something that Willi reallv Ik- adopted. If the President, and Secretary of the Treasury stand pat on the 25 nut rate, the Demo crats do not want to put themselves in the position of abandoning the It 1 per cent rate In the C.arner plan. I The ways and means committee Is alreadv changlim the Mellon propo- , aals considerably. The amendment accepted by the committee on Mon day. which limits the 25 per cent re duction on earned incomes to those ? with incomes of 120.000. is not what Secretary Mellon suggested. He wanted the 25 per cent reduction to applv to all earned Incomes of what ever size. The House Itself, or the, Senate, may change It later, but the chances are the maximum will not be increased. Another amendment which was not vital so far as 'funda mentals are concerned but which af fects widows, orphans and others who are dependent on the work or j others for their incomes provides that all incomes up to 15.000 shall I... reitarded as earned income ami sub led to a 25 per cent reduction of ti\.- This amendment was inserted, because of the widespread demand | that OnnKress should treat and orphans and Invalids who ar supported by Invested funds on the same basis as the class who earn tlveUJtuionu^- TJ?^4lwtt-of-?rftO", ? It was felt, would take care of all II,1' cases of this kind and yet ?ould not carry the 25,i'er ^ctfrl exemption . ^romVaVrtuwrance policy of appro'* Imatelv ?Kt.OOO are set aside and n vested at K per cent the annual In come would be approximately ?s. Z" This would take a 25 l-r cent reaction tn la MB Just II" the man or woman ?rv of $5,000 a year Hut If a !?? r son has a trust of JlOOnnn the an nual Income Don. which at ? l-er t?..nt would he Ifi.noo the first *5 000 M subject to the 25 per cent reduc JF.rn but the remaining *1.000 takes usual tax rato*. Tho way a and m*ana rommltt^ l? pmUinu rapid projrna* In consldoi ,nc the hill and the all-important question of surtax rales has finally been reached The next few da s should see significant development in the fixing of the maximum surtax rates. ; RESUMES RELATIONS WITH THK GREEKS Washington. January SO ? The fnited Slates yesierday aitnouncen resumption of dlplomalic relations with Oreece. MAVOli IMKH China Ortwe. January JO? Adol pltns W. Wlnecoff. former Mayor of Chin* Orore. who died at his home Sunday afternoon following a long Illness, was burled here Monday afternoon He was one </f the best know men In Itowan County. Il.tVlllMiN I'ASMW MAIIK Charlotte. January JO U*T" J?.on College campaign for $?00.0f?0 iniiir?ment and Improvement f"""', aided yesterday with $?7 5.000 aub Ward Introduces Dismal Swamp Billj Measure For Purchase By Gov ernment of Canal Presented | To Congress Congressman Hallft S. Ward lias J already Introduced into Congress a bill for the purchase of 1 1* ?* Dismal Swamp Canal hv the Government For the information of readers this newspaper the bill in full fol lows: "He it enacted by the Senate and ? House of Representatives of the, rnited States of America in Con gress assembled. That the sum of $500,000 is hereby authorized to bo appropriated, out of any money in ' the Treasury not otherwise appro priated, for the purpose of purchas ing and acquiring by the Govern ment of the I'nited States all rights, titles, and interests in aud to the I?ake Drirmmond (Dismal Swamp) Canal, running from Elizabeth River, ill the State of Virginia, to Pasquo tank River, in the State of North Carolina, in accordance with the re port and recommendation of the Hoard of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors made to the Chief of En gineers of the 1'nited States Arrav. December 6. 1921, and by him ap proved and submitted to the Com mittee on Rivers and Harbors of the House of Representatives, February 25, 1022, same being House Docu ment Numbered 5, Sixty-seventh Congress: Provided, The owner.* shall certify to the Secretary of War in writing their willingness to con vey the same for the price above named and in accordance with said recommendations. "Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War Is authorized and directed to commence negotiations without de lay to the end that title to said canal be acquired free and clear of all en cumbrances and liabilities, and whenever the title shall be tipproved by the Attorney General it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the said amount from the funds herein appropriated." TEXAS IS THE MECCA OF CATTLE BUYERS II) .I.VMFS It. KKCOIII) (Copyright 1021 by The Advance) Fort Worth. Jan. HO. Texas to day is the mecca of the California!! and Mexican cattle buyers. For sev eral weeks they have been combing the ranges Inr -sie^s for -immediate and future delivery. Texas owners are holding on to their stock, how ever. Ruyers are said to be offering ?* liju'i as S'i.llii aalimul rfil in ill' Til Honth Texas for choice f?t bul locks weighed there, without produc ing results. Population and meat consumption In California are said to have jutii|>ed by leaps and bounds and. reports from MaeWle -Const and - Intermonntaln states show a short age in producing areas In Oregon, Washington. Montana and Idaho. Canadian cattle are reported here to be pouring Into California through Oregon ports of entry at the rate of ten to 15 cars a day and paying $2 a hundred pounds duty as well as freight. Canadian cattle are averag ing about 1.000 at Sacramento and are commanding about slv dollars a hundred with some sal'?s as high as $7.50 or about one dollar a hundred less than good native stock. FIXKD FOII POSSESSION* W. R. Smith, Riverside Drive, was fined $25 and costs in the recorder'# court Wednesday morning for illegal possession of liquor. He took an ap peal and gave the appeal bond of $50 required by the court. Police Tuesday night went to a new residence on Raleigh street be- , Ing erected by Mr. Smith on com- , plaint that drinking and cursing was going on there. When they began to flush their lights on the building.1 Mr. Smith came toward them with two whiskey bottles In his hand?. When he saw the officers he dropped the full bottle but the officers found a trace in the other bottle in his hand and also in another bottle on his person. They also testified that the defendant had been drinking. Mr. Smith's version was that he, had heard cursfhu at the n*?w resl donee he was putting up and, going over to Investigate, found the liquor, and was just bringing It out of the; building when the officers came up. [ With Pomp and Ceremony i J The kins and queen of England, with all the pomp of ancient times. Tide In their golden coach to Parliament. Never before in England's hlatory has a monarch gone to speak before a Parliament the dominant figure In which Is a Laborlte. This Is a splendid close-up of Queen Mary la her queenly robes, and crown. ANOTHER ARREST IN BIG MAIL RORRKKY Boston. January 30 ? Henry Man iff of Revere today surrendered at the Federal building here and was arrested on charges of conspiracy to roh in connection with the million dollar mail truck robbery in Los Angeles in March. 1921. , Mert Chapman was arrested on a similar charge yesterday. GOVERNOR McCRA* ADJUDGED BANKRUPT Frankfort, lnd.. January 30 ? Gov ernor Warren McCray was today ad judged bankrupt in the report of Harry Sheridan. Federal master In chancery, who recently conducted a hearing on the petition of three Fort Wayne banks. Sheridan held that McCray Is not a farmer or laborer and is therefore exempt from Federal laws governing Involuntary bankruptcy proceedings. IIKTHI KI. IIAI.LA.XCK DKAI) liethuel Mallance, 97 year old resident of Maple, Currituck Count ty, died at his home on Monday night, and was burled in the family burying ground at three o'clock Wednesday afternoon. lie 1* sur vived by one sister, Mrs. Lotitia Marco of Waterlilly; and one brother. Sam Mallance of Durham, also by a nelce. Mrs. W. O. Saun ders. and a nephew. Captain If. M. Mallance, both of this city; and by a number of great nelces and ne i phews throughout North Carolina. Some time ago, Mr. Mallance. who was reputed to be t b ?? oldest man in Currituck County, suffered a stroke of paralysis and has been In delicate' health ever since, so his death, while coming suddenjy. Was not a shock to'hU family. WILL SHOW RELICS OF LONG LOST WAGE Most of l)r. C. I). Williamson's b*c 'l.*!?.- : been set aside to preserve natural .wonders, but In describing and Illus trating M?-sa Verde National Park the pubic will learn something of that marvelous museum of 77 square UlTTliT area, containing the most no table and best preserved prehistoric cliff dwellings in the Cnited States, If not in the world. Most people are accustomed to re gard the Indians of the United States as a race of wanderers, living In temporary habitations of skin or bark. > Here are seen the dwellings of a superior race who built homes and lived #ln communities, houses crowd ed together wall to wall and fre quently th ree stories high. Rome of these dwellings have as many as 20<? room**. While no definite age l? given for these ruins, it Is estimated they are ai least 1.000 years old. Dr. Williamson will show views of these ruins during his lecture on "Our National Parks." TO PUNT >IOIlK COTTON S?. liouis, January 30 ? It is estl-j mated that the cotton districts of Southeastern Missouri have gained ten thousand in population In the1 last year and cold weather freetlftjt Insect pests has given new Impetus to plains for 1924 production. Ten gins are under construction and eleven more are planned. TAIJiM TO M KItCHA NTH Durham. January >0 J-olim. Sprunt Hilt, prnnrliient Durham cit I- J Jlen, addressed the Merchants As-; sosociatbm of Atlanta at the Georgia capital on Monday evening. "North Carolina? -a story of Triumphant De mocracy," was Mr. Hill's subject. ZKY J. \C. Zeveiy, Intimate friend and personal attorney for Harry F. Sin clair. oil kins, testified before Senate committee that Sinclair loaned for ?luiiT- -Sop -Fall ? "Til or (J Krapli snapped on Washington street b?fOre hoarinu on the Teapot Dome oil lease. t-Hev, famous rare lit>r*e, wa3 rtaiiirfr " yiiVi.ii- - -V <TT IIV THHiri Durham. January 3ft ? Henery Johnson axed negro. In In a Durham ili>il?Jlai.JUli'IuEl?M 4whii-? -severr?-riTt in his neck Inflicted by thugs as he I ?<<?snd through the railway yards here the other night. Johnson Is said to have come from Wilmington, DelcwarcF. No trace of his assail afits has heen found. Kobbery is helleved to have heen the motive of the attack on Johnson. FINDS DKMKItTKD NTII.Ii Durham, January 3ft ? Deputy Will Hill, West Durham-, found a 26 g.iilon liquor still in a thicket m-ar tin- old Oxford read several days ago. The still had apparently been aban doned for some time. ItOSBEK SUKKENDKItS AM) BONDS HKCOVEKEO Boston January 30 ? fieri H. (liapman, wanted In connection with the million dollar mail truck rob bery In l^os Angeles III March. yesterday surrendered to the police and $300,000 worth of- bonds stolen at the time were recovered. < OTTON MARKKT New York, January 30? -Spit cot ton closed quiet this afternoon, de clining 15 points. Middling 33:40. Pa (0 ret closed at the following levels March 33 07: May 33:28; J??lv fl'J.ttf; Oclbber 27:9ft; Decem ber 27 43 New York. January 30 ? ? Cotton futures </pened this morning at the following 'levels: March 33:05; May 33:32; July 32:00; October 27:88; December 27:38. il&tthv 4Ti<w*ae i aiva a* (. >41 ' ,1 ti? '^t* \?lvo< .i!i' l?rnrr;?l i?l Ni?\ \ I t - j ! -?? l!4ii*>?<' \.:\:tl millrr ! od t\ I 1 1 .tl in !>????? r.i!?rrt I1)!?!. 1 1 * ? Src !? I.?:\ 1?1 I i i i ? \<Kin' in Krpui] < > i I I. ANDERSON WILL APPEAL HIS CASE Was IoiiiiiI On ill \ ?f Forg ery I. in S<>nl?' ?!<??> \<>t to Im PasM>d Until Friday of N,.\t W ?'ek. ? Vorl<- Jan. lir\ leaders' intimated tndav that William H \n ' ?r ,|... ' Jtir> before Supreme Court Justice 7' "'''1V ,a"' ?!'??'! ?f t liinl .l..UI ... ruict before February S. the date "nrp"r "ronounc"'?-?t ?f hl? H.II The hall of IS.OOO. In wlilrli Im l'"-r,.v Mnc ||, r indict - ziirz:;. r"turn,a *? II NCm,i t'.'rk' Jan""r>' Sft? William of .h? a ""Kerlntendent T - . Anil-Saloon League. was yea f"",n<l K?'?'y "f forgery and will lie sentenced ou Friday. INDICTMENTS TODW ..... fN < <H)i?ki{ casks , " "'?"iigton, January P,o The w",t* Printed lo the f* '? v ? *?"t??tay anil ih?. ""?'i't ments art. expected to, lav after which trial will im mediately pro MOVIKs ItKDl'C 'K I'ltllKH < loveland. January .!,i |>rU-<. r,.. duel ions Of about thlriv per cent two local mnvlnM pictuii. ih.atres i? attract additional week day patrons. I'AHENT-TEACUKKS TALK PLAYGItOtflNDS 1 ??Shan the achool children stand in the mud back of t|?. |,ig|, warn! r " ,he> ?h'l" w ailing for money enough t? provide "'?""I- w?? '>n- of III,- - lions taken up at the I'arept-Tench cra meeting. Tuesday afternoon. | rhrough all the had weather the pu I ittendlng high school have been to sit up all day will, feel I el. hernune of (ho condition of (lie I path Where they line up" It was said ,at the meeting Supl. s. I,. Sheep , teplled that plans were being made rio provide a cinder path. A coin ml t tee connoting of .Mm. A It Hour, Mrs. K. K. Ktherldge anil il, e president. Mrs. <?. \v. Mellck ex-offlrlo ehalrman. was appoint ed roIlf,.r w|,h th|> ? K It"d Men. Junior Order, and other organizations for I the establishment or a supervised I'lay ground in th.; city to lie worked out this coming summer ami taken over by the schools next session Weeksvllle, Forks and Newland have organised Parcht-Teacher Asso "in lions an.l It was voted |,r wHnTfo lh?m and welcome the#.. CftDwas | also planned f,,rm a JLojinty/V I "" .<onnty As February 17,. the anniversary of the founding of the I'arentTeach wa? decided |., ask the different ml,,. "TCVTflr C * 'j'-Jjggalt. on Chlhl wrrrare oil that day. No other celebration will be planned. through Mr?. Anna l.ewis, the Mother. Club expressed the desire U> affiliate wilh the Parent-Teachers !h?Teni W'" Uk-n ?? it was found that thmigh primary * ar" "'"""I by the : III Ik fund Committee. the other schools Were neglected, so y|,|t|?K co in m lite*'- ?f Mr? M ,, Mnrr|?e| ; "nd Mrs. J it. wiiklna were ap. j iHilnied t<: Visit the grammar school >}" A " und Mrs. [Ichool. M""rK 10 V"" II n account of examinations no | program was presented but at the ? next I meeting on the last Tneadav in r ebriiarjr, a program will lie pre sented by the program committee. HO.ins IMI-ltOVKI) pr. W. W. Sawyer, who wax In Maple on Tuesday, reports that the roads are being Improved wonder fully end that from Currituck court house to p., we||, p?,n| lhp roi(, u |n splendid et/ndltion. The road con struction camp Is now stationed at Maple a .id nr., Ik Is rapidly being car j riefl on. ncn\Kt? TtiiifiVi) it.? it v Wllso-n, January an _ Herbert "n ^u"' h,1<'n bound over to li a?? r"""": tourt under I1.00# bond charged with burning a tobacco barn owned by Annie Mercer an fUd Fleld'a township cllliea. i:, r . ? a ? j <i J f \V*??iliinu < Ji. .I.nni.-r v ::>? U*ir Admha! I ... y liner, .ladm- Advocatn 1 ? I ? ? 5 I It ?* Navy, today told l!lt? llioise luiv.'t commit !???' that In De ??????? t . 1 !? 'J I . informed Sec ret a ry Den by that it w o ii I ? I legal lo enter into a c(iiit rat- 1 with the Doheny In terests fur the const met ion of tank* age ill IN'iiri Harbor. Hawaii, as a. part (?f their louse of tin* California oil reserves. The admiral saiil he based his opinion on the authority granted the department l?y Congress in June, .1.920. ^to exchange oil and provldtt " sijri' facilities. Moth Republican and Democratic leaders in the Senate today pressed fur a vote on the Walsh oil lease annulment resolution. Debate wai resinned immediately after the Se nate convened. Itcen Watching Fall Washington. January 30 ? A state no nt in Congress yesterday by Sena tor Willis revealed the fact that former Secretary of the Interior Fall J has been under the watch of the De partment of Justice since revelation* were made in the Senate by Archie Roosevelt and that agents watching Fall while lie was in N?-w Orleans had Instructions not to permit him | to leave the country. Attorney* Selected N ' Washington. January 30 ? Presi dent Coolidge yesterday announced his selection of former Attorney Gen eral Thomas W. Gregory and Silas It. Strauglian of Chicago as attorneys t?: prosecute tho oil fraud cases for t he Government. l ieu in Prosecution Washington. Jan. 30. ? Steps to , word tin- prosecution of oil cases ? were begun today by Silas Strawn of l ! Chicago, one of the special counsel : selected by President Coolidge. M Strawn conferred with the Presl | dent today and announced that he would proofed Immediately with Irla work of organization. , Matters await the arrival Frldav ?, of Thomas Gregory, attorney general j in the Wilson cabinet, who will con duct the prosecution jointly with Strawn. The only instructions received from t lie President. Strawn said. I were to proceed in accordance with I the Kxecutive's statement of last ; Saturday night. Physicians attending Fall todav told the Senate oil committee that 'the former Secretary of the Interior ?is in no condition to appear belore 'It and testify. The hearing was be. , hind closed doors and the details , were not divulged. COKMSS (ailH IS IS j ItEl .EASED BV GEKMANV ] Washington. Jan. 30. Corliss G riff Is. American, who attempted to kidnap G rover llergdoll in Germany, j has been released fr(?m prison by Germany, the State Department was advised today. i. ,, OISCOVKH SllOKT\<,K IN M.KEESI'OIIT BANK Harrlsburg, Pa., Jan. 30. Dlsffty *ei 44-. Inn'tau1 nf f T 4 .fllll " ; the funds of the People's Hank of McKeeaporl was announced today by i the state banking department. Peter Cameron, state secretary ? f ban h in aid fl warrant had foecn ls ! sued for t lielmest o7 James Baker* an employe. DEMI 'KltEIIS SUSTAINED BV StU'ltKME C.OUBT Washington, Jan. 30. The DIs t lift of Columbia Supreme Court to day sustained the demurrer* of !ten edlct Crowell. former assists. r Sec retary of War. and six others indict ??d with him in cases g rowing out of the building of wartime can no-tits. STVIK < II MIJMAN AND ins: otiieiis indicied Washington. Jan. 30 John !#. Phillips. Republican Mate chairman of Georgia, and nine others indicted in connection with the sale of snr plus lumber from Army cantonments must stand trial, the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia held to day In overruling the demurrers to their Indict mi nt tfNMASKKI) BANDITS 04l?TtJKED BY POSSE Chattanooga. Tenn.. Jan. AO. ? I Two unmnsked bandits today held up the Farmers Itank at Jasper and stole $10,000 in currency. A |>crw"' o\ ertook and captured the nun at Whltewell.

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