? THE WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight " mil Friday. So change * ?' in temperature. Gentle ? variable winds. ? ****?**? VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TIU'RSDAV EVENING, JANU ARY :J1. 1021. EIGHT PACES. NO. 27 Teapot Dome Scandal May Cost Coolidge Nomination Kvrrx tiling for Himself and for His Party Depend* on How He Conducts Himself as lo Investigation of Oil Leases Now Under Vi'ay ? His Position Delicate ltv l>.\Vin I.AWItKNTI". Co?yn?bt. 1*21. by Jhf Adonit Washington, Jan. 30. ? President Coolidge's political future !n>.s become wrapped up in the Teapot Dome controversy. There 110 lonRer 's ?*">' flies-! tion from the action of his friends both inside and outside of Congress that upon the steps he takes in the immediate future will depend to a larjce extent the opportunities he has for nomination and election. Whether the Issue Is biu enough to force the defeat of the Republl- J ? ? nirty M tlW pelll " 1,1 I'tnirii j tr.o early to say, but Hip nervous ac tivif of the Republican leaders in- i dlcates t bat they will leavo no stone unturned to prevent the Teapot Dn;.i?' affair from achieving an exag ' aerated importance politically. To ilate the supporters or Presi vlent Coo I Id m* feel be has handled an .?\vVvard situation well and that his section of Thomas W. Gregory, forv.-ier Attorney General in the cab inet of a Democratic President, to gether with Silas H. Strawn. Repub lic:*. . is a Shrewd move. link these two men will only in vestigate the criminal features of the ' cast -whether there has been cor ru. tion. They have no right to pass jipcn the competence or incompe tence of the Secretary * ? f the Nav> j ! (l|- (S,,. Attorney General in Mr. Cool Id-. - cabinet. Tin- mere fact tlint tin Attorney General is not consid ,.rf.| nn unprejudiced prosecutor. a<* cotdlnu to the viewpoint of the Dem ocrat-. and that Mr. Coolidue has ap point- d special counsel, has simply ??iV4 i the Democrats more amniuni 110:1 for their bombardment of the j Republican administration. \lnost everywhere iu Washington that one goes, the Teapot Dome scan dal i< i u i ii u discussed and the ques tion* usually asked relate entirely to the effect of the controversy on Mr. CoOlldge's chances of election if he I? , nominated. A I first In the Senate debate there was an effort to drag Mr. Coolidue into the affair by pointing out that h, sat at cabinet meetings under President llardin? and must have t>? en in a position to utter :? protect against the making of the oil leaser* The President has let it be known that he has no recollection of cabi net discussion but that If it took pipe the consideration piv? n was ?iuit?- casual. Albert H. Kail, former Secretary of the Interior, in his re port to President Harding, speaks of fr? MUent cabinet discussion, but It is possible, of course, that Mr. Cool: Idu# was absent as it will be re called that he accepted many *!?i 1 1 n ii' i a is dhl' nut Mum of any lr regularity because not until a '? * da v? auo did they Introduce their ? r.-^r.HIIH'li ftHjllll /j" anTUil..U'iit -of t e oil len^'S ill ?|<|esi ion. . ('.rnntliitt. however. Hint MnsConl Id . cannot he held responsible for r 'nt hn opened when he Vie" Pre ideiit. the Democrats now are nr. p i;' d I" attack him on the t round that he l? retaining In hi* cablr* t men whove failure to per form their dtitle* l< hrottuht onf by (I,, n cord of the Senate com m 1 1 1 Til, n solution nilllnu uuon Seen (ai\ l)< keep on tnlkln:: nbotil It until the November election*. It 1" a sub ), ct* which iiernilt* of conslderalil ? talk nnrt. on the Democratic side, thrri are some volnble talkers SonaUir r?i-wni emo cr;il" have Inject eel that oue-tlon In to the who!" controversy and will k? "o 11 ft their attack on Mr. J)ati* erty In the hope of focussing at ten 1 1 011 on the Coolldge cnhl'nrt. Moth Mr. Hobby and Mr. Tinnvh *?rty are m?n who would net for r nilnut" embarrass the l*fesilent by remaining In his Cabinet. Itut who will say tha? they would cssl-t thel; party by withdrawing: befcitv-e r> lunation* would promptly, he Inf'r tiff led hv the Democrats lit proof "bT the charge* they have he n making? I*nd<-r the eircurbstanc?-s President Coolldge will move slowly, depend lng upon the special connect To In vestigate criminal features and nr suing that only ->!te side of the case has been h?ard and that all persons Involved should he given a hearing before judement la passed by the American people. LABOR HOWLS AT SECRETARY DAVIS President Lewis of .Miners Union Asks ill Vain for Or der and Respectful Hearing of Offieial. (By The Aiocistrd PrtM) Indianapolis. Jan. .*{1. ? Howls and boos greeted Secretary of Labor Da vis today when he was introduced by President Lewis to the biennial convention of the I'nited Mine Work ers be re. Lewis asked for order and a re spectful hearing for "a member of the President's cabinet," but in vain. While the tumult proceeded Lewis again took the floor and shouted: "The honor of your organization is at stake. You are on trial before the country. Exercise your self-re straint that our organization be not publicly shamed." Then he requested those unwill ing to hear Davis to leave the hall and after prolonged handclapplng Davis besan to speak. NINK STUDENTS AltF. INJUKED IN FUtE Springfield. ().. Jan. r : 1 . ? Nine students w. re iniured today, two probably fatally, in escaping from the dormitory during a fire at Wil be force I'nivOrslty n? ar X<*nia. The fii? is said to have been of inc?n diary origin. .NO llll> VKT ACCKITKI) roll TELEPHONE IUILDIN<; No bid has yet been accepted for the proposed new Telephone Huild inu on South Ttoad street. The sealed bids were opened publicly in th?. store of the Spence-Hollowell Coin* pany Tuesday, with nine bidders, most of whom were present in per son. The award will not be made until the bids have been analyzed and considered thoroughly by the com mittee. which, however. ' will take only a few days. Following is the list of bidders, with their address and amount of their bids: L. It. Perry. Elizabeth City. $31. 144; Ag08tJne Bros., 24.'! At rude. Norfolk. $27.4Hf?; w. T. Oregon. 5?>1 Law P.uildinc, Norfolk. $33. 400; Pamfilis Cont. Co.. 4 1 .r> Equit able Iiulldiug. Ilaltlmore, L. McCloud. 1701 Col ley Avenue, Norfolk. $46,112; It. P. Wont*. It. I*. D. No. Norfolk. $:?r?,400; Forbes Hollomnn, 417 W. 20th street. Norfolk. $K18,000: Southern Construction Co.. Elizabeth City. $4?.#i:<: E. E. Weddle, 2D3 llank street. Norfolk. $ 5 ,9 f> 4 . Omalia and Deslrovers Washington. Jan. 31. ? Orders were Issued today for the cruiser Omaha and six destroyers tA remain at Vera Cruz until further orders but it was stated that this was pure ly a precautionary measure and not because of any action unfavorable to the 1' tilted States citizens in Mexico. J VI'ANESE DIET ii \s i i st fk;hi Tokio. Jan. *11.- Tin- Impe rial Diet \? a s ili >so|ved today ro'lowitiu of urra(ci>t disorder in wliirti wall r flasks were thrown and fi.^t .?* uv?d. Th?- disturbance resulted from attempts of the opposition to interpellate i !??? government regard I n u t h e attempted wrecking of a train at Na.uoya carry inu opposition leaders to Tokio. IS MOT IN FAVOR OF ROAI) TO LISTER'S IMKIt H. M. rritchard of WVfksvllle doesn't think much of 111*4 sugges tion of Ccorni' I'.' Carter of Kairfij'ld that Pasquotank County huMd a road to, Lister's Pier. Mr. Prltchard Is of the opinion that Tyrrell County farmers woull prefer the trip on the train to crosu iiiK a ferry from Newberry's landing to Ulster's Pier. , "Hog Ni ck _ Shoal, which has brought liis.i^ei m uimiv :i craft ami has been tin- occasion for the loss of more than one life, lies between there two landings." says Mr. Prlt chard. and he Is of tin- opinion thai a ferry between them would be both uncertain and unsafe. Mr. Pritchard alro believes that any extension of the road front Eliz abeth City to Weeksville should lie built with a view ? to serving the larRt'si po: : number of people in Salem township. He does not be lieve that the Lister's Pier route would serve that end. IN GRAND CANYON CAN SPIT A MILE Tlii* Is Impression Reeeni Traveller (iol of Woliilerfu! CliasKi. V lews of VHiieli Vt ill he Shown Here Friday A recent traveler on reaching the brink of the preciplee ov rlookiiv the Grand Canyon of - the Colorado remarked: "This Is the first pla? I have, ever been where I could 'spit a mile ." And St is true that the rlyer is more than. a mile belo\* the north rim of the canyon. Words Abem Inadequate to describe this gi gantic work of nature. I)r. C. I). Williamson of the De partment of1 the Interior will .show views and describe this marvel of nature in the lecture Friday nluht in the court house on "Our National Pa rks." While the canyon really a thousand miles lonu. there Is but 103 miles of it within tUc National Park. From rim to flm the canyon varies from eight to 20 miles wide, and this terrible uash In nature's side is approximately a fhlle d*?cp. It Is the most wonderful example of stream erosion known, and sea* tered throughout the canyon are peaks rising thousands of feet show ing the vari-colored strata of gran ite, limestone, sandstone and so 011. 'constantly changing In their bright colors as the sun moves and changes shade and shadow. ' This National Park alone Is almost the size of Rhode Island, and Is but one of many parks that Mr. Wil liamson will describe and Illustrate Friday night in his free lecture in the court house. The whole world has nothing com parable with the-Crand-Canyon ntiil those who can not visit it can at least get some good views of it Fri day night. UK Ant FOR A rivsii WITH HERTFORD TK\iM The Elizabeth City Athletic Asso ciation Is ready for a clash with Hertford's basketball team on Fri day evening at X o'clock at the V M. c. A. gymnrslum. The local team asks for the sup port of the public and promise- a good Kflme this time and others ii the future. Elizabeth City's lineup Is: prttlfcrfl anil Holmes, forwards; Morgart and wiiKi' r. centers; Afford and Dwi ht. guards. HF \i TIM lit! in < Oil \ r i i? i Ml TFI.IaS OF T?IK M'K kmhtivai. To rail attention to the good time to !k? had at the lee Festival in i l?o Shrine Clubrocfms Friday afternoon and evening a committee from the ways and mean* committee of *h?> Woman's Club decorated a car in ctjowv white and droVe about 'ho city Thursday. A sign at the front of the car told the object of this very attractive bit of publicity, hut at first bystanders Oil the street did not *ee the ign and ?o?rieon?' asked "Is It a b"lde and groom?" while some one i'!.v un.l V"",k IV.Ve |{ilII!I,. , | I nci-rlaiu FWinr i, Domain] "? ?>. ItOVI.K. "~k. j"n "m* tT" '""?ii or ti>. i ll"' ahl> ?i'l ii,, i '""I'1'' l?rob ciirrint Ul,""''d rturlnu tin ?" >!'?? ??M r ,? rn?'' 1 lan'J'.-H '.sT.' ,"! ' '.1 "'t"Vi " " ?"'"*>* I th* American l?urclwM?* or j wnathNr n" ?? ?w and abroad r cnl"""">'< "llier. win ? ;?n; rT try ii, j ?> ?> | ti,u if ro11" l? ha-. ! on 7 """mat,., howrv.r | Mia I ?f 7">?";m.Mo,i ..qua, las! jUrdld nn. ""I,,n ?Kur wiuiH nil., whirl, '"?'r,,a.?<> at lit,. MIX to 1022 it, V A ,'r.' >Illl,'d f1,0"'1 '?onsiini,.,! ,n | , '"tal atnoutit ' |>V(j ^ tn,|nl 09' - | t?n? , ' .' Xl" rl T. .lit I rXiX: r t;,v h:,?, ,r Mlrt.lns n,|4 , ? " . SSS#!?r?55 ?? 1 1| . | . Moo JUKI Ifi.. Vir Island-., will . . ,,'r ovoT'V^- " '' . " ' 'iulmni?nt0" fun- a re. id |, it t? ? , ? 1r?^WTiii n.n, , , " urpat?'i* bearLu^r on tLi! ^ Iinnt of rill..* or r. unlitt i,,- ?- ror' !? , o"di,rt of .-utar ' fr^;r?n Tli, Infti r.-ioii' of thr. Wr i. , ,, ,1 Ntivnr inaiMifartiiiir, n>a,|, ..i rapid Inroad* Into I, n, ' foil Mint It |q r.-iard. I i. i'm-.. ly that further . ffort- tor* mi-, r rad. of I),,.. K?Hl. ,n ?rtil,V,r i hr. In:,, I., hoeltinlns M ? ioHm V,"' 0"""" "r vv' ??1" r. , ion, x h. roni, - nrallnlil,. MKl.l.ON KF.OAKDS PLAN AS FEASIBLE W i?.hlnvton. Ji'U. .'5 1 SVrrninry Mellon rpsardr practical a imI f'-a Ihlr U,i. f.f | ft* ff?*tlbll?ft|l ! members* of the Homm- \ niiHr* eotttnittt'*? to Mai" I he ?'>''?! posted inrnnt" In* reduction-- effi ??? ! five on th? 1H2:j payment* vhle i laxpay* th will remit to th" Oov rv inV*n t )?"uinnlnu M&rch 1.1. H? ho lt< v? ? the s|p|i would on (til no lion W li ifli Oeenpie* (.enter Staiie at Capital ELKS CELEBRATE ON FRIDAY NIGHT I* a ? I Kxalteil Kulcr* i n ( lliarfic, liK'lutling Past Ex alted Ituler of ItarhiM'iics Sam Parker. The Grand Lodge of the Order of Elks has set ? aaide Friday. ? February 1. as past exalted ruler's night. On that occasion the men1 who have been awarded the highest' lurnor that may he granted them hv j local lodges will have charge of the; ceremonies all over the country. The chair and offices will be occupied by men who have served some time or other as exalted rulers in the lodge. The past exalted rulers In chargo of the Elizabeth City lodge are as follows: W. M. Baxter, G. K. Lit tle. J. c. B. Khringhaus. 1. Fearing, 11. C. G "ice, J. H. Aydlett. K. It Spence, Brad Sanders, J M. Harney, W. G. Gaither, P. G. Sawyer, S. H. Johnson, 1. B. Parker, G. \V. Bever idge. Jr. Duckworth Glover and C. IV Brown. They have all served in the local lodge except Ala*. Itrown. who was pa: I exhalted ruler 'if the lodge at Lake Charles, Louisiana. Bill ('. Sawyer now occupies the position of exalted ruler in the local lodge. '.lie Friday night program will be "iitirely in the hands of the past ex al: I rulers. Tin; offices will be iMled as follows: (J. It. Little, exal ted ruler, J. ('. B. Ehringhaus, lead ing knight, I. Fearing loya 1- knight , II. Grice lecturing knight. J. II Aydlett inner guard. K. It. spence. esquire. Brad Sanders, tiler. J. AL Ilarnev, organist, W. G. Gail her. chaplain. S. H. Johnson, secretary, and l\ G. Sawyer,. treasurer. After the meeting an old fashioned ha r beetle is to be the biggest event on the night's program. The bar becue will be presented under the direction of Sam Barker, who claims to be' a past exalted ruler of barbe cues. If he fails to make an artis tic triumph on this occasion it is very probable that the' KuKlux will become active in Elizabeth City on ?hat night. "his event is to be a home com ing of all members of the lodge. .Many of the old boys have assured the local lodge that they will make ev? ry effort toward being present Friday night. The lodge ban shown great activ ity during the last few months, more than 30 members having been taken in. The Elks home was Just recently completely overhauled and redeco rated giving the local lodge one of the most up-to-date and attractive clubs in eastern Carolina. 1IENUY LeltOY, JK., FOH PKOSEUITING ATTOHNEY In tin announcement of J. II I.e Itoy, setilnu forth his candidacy for th? office of County I'rosecut Irn: At newCfHIH'^lfl local politics, Mr. Le^** Boy is the youngest ill ember of tli ? law firm of Meeklns, McMullan A> T.-Itoy, and has been engaged In the practice of law here for the la*t two ' ? ars. He is an alumfltis of Wake Forest Colb . completed his law course at tie same Institution, t?nd was ^ ranted licence to practice with tie class examined In 1 !?20. It is not certain as yet whether Mr. Leltov will have opposition for th< office lie seeks o'r not. No Other candidate has vet announced him off. The inrumlnlit. I* G. Sawver. is now seekltl " the office of Trial Justice. Trial Justle^ Spence i ee l. tlOried as a possible riintlldali1 f ? Prosecuting Attorney, and Mr. Spence does not detiy that lie tin be. ii tHvlnfc ike Matter some eonsld eratlon, but will . ?? no further than to say definitely that he w.M.I k?;e,? the promi v made when b? Inst ?oueM i?- election to the office 1. 1 Trial Justice, not to ask for that of flee again. Til MY IIIT Till-: IIIGIIW \Y Two hoboes who dro> j>f d off the rear i'ullmau of the n.luht * \ pre;*** Wednesday ntght, Walter Lynch and M. Ii fifteen, tin latter a bowery N? w Yorker, were let off tinder a suspended jail sentence In police court Thursday moinir on condl tlon that they leave town at once. This they limb i took to do. promts Inv to make 2 !'? as soon as the> could hit the highway. The only other conviction n! Thursday's sessfotj of the recorder's court was a rase in which Augustus Mcpherson. South Mills negro, was .charged with riding a hjcycle at night without a light. Augustus was let off with the cost*. Washington. Jan. 31. ? Denhy "in itiated" ili?* transfer of tlu>-.Callfor nia and Wyoming uaval oil reserves to the Depart ment ??f the Interior. Knar Admiral Latimer. Judge Advo cate Central or tin- Navy, today told tin* Mouse Naval Committee. Tin- admiral said Denby had told him he hud "Initiated the transfer" afler investigating the question and consulting with various experts. ** Talk of I oi|H'iu linient A move to attack the Robinson res olution railing for the resignation of Den by to the WalHh oil lease annul* ment measure was today made by Senator Trammel! of Florida. 1 m mediate opposition was voiced h.v Lodge. Kcpdhlican. leader, who said there was only one way by which tin* legislative branch could remove .1 cabinet officer and that was by im peach ment. Confer* with lenders Washington. Jan. 31. ? Reports that two cnhlnet members had sub mitted their resignation several days ago and that Coolldge had refused to accept t hem were disseminated wide ly today but at once were branded a ; "absolutely untrue" by Ilascom Slenip. secretary to the President. Washington. Jan. 31. ? Roth Dem ocratic nnd Republican leaders of th? Senate were conaulted by Conlldue just before the debate on the WaMi oil lease annulment was resumed to da y. After ranking Senators In t h<* Re publican Senate bad paid an early call ;? I the Whit- House the 1're i dent summoned Walsh. Democrat, of Montana, who has had a dominant, part in the inquiry, and Robin* m of \rkansas. Democratic floor lead -r and author of the resolution calling for the resignation of Secretarv Den by. hi i ui: i> itkty-I'oi it vk\ks IIODY LOOKS (JI'ITK WITHAL Kdenton. Jan. 31. With far.-, moustache and beard as natural as i when death occurred and with chest ? x posed, although the clothes had long since rotted, the skin on the body showing of a reddish tinge, is , the description given by James W. Johnson of a body in a recently caved in grave on a farm four miles : beyond Weekavllle. which he saw on Sunday when he was over there vis iting his mother. Mrs. Sue Johnson. The visit to the grave was occa sioned bv a talk with Charlie Staf*. ford, who said that he had seen the body, and then Tom Twiddy agreed to take Mr. Johnson out to see It. The> were accompanied by several ot hers. Win n they not to the plaev an old bachelor reclnve, who runs the farm, was asked If they mi^ht look at the -rave, and be unconcernedly said "help yourself." In the clump of bushes were the two graves; apparently those of a man and bis wife, for lying on the top of a fallen in grave was a wo man's skull, but every other atom of body, clothes and casket had gone to dust, although it was said she had been burled since her husband. The remarkable thing Is that it can be testified the man's body had been burled fully 54 years, and with ?tb?* exception of Hm? rfof hr*~ bavin? ? vanished, lie was III excellent state of preservation. . Mr. Johnson says be looked tMwae kef and saw the mam as though lie had been recently buried, with skin, beard and monstuche^of a man only just deceased, the one thing that looked different, to him, was the reddish skin of his body. M \I)K lll'SIl wo DIUINK \\l? VITACKED WIFE Wilson, Jan. 31 . Charley Reasons of Mnrafovn township Is being held l?er? without ball, charged with u criminal attack on a voting whlto woman, after 111 11 in Mr husimn I with whisk' v. according to evldenc at the magistrate's hearing yester day . llMltXL MISS HI.I.A MODI.IN The funeral i T Mi Ella Mod lit! was conducted Thursday mo ftiing at 1 ' o'clock bv Dr. J. II. Tliaver nt t of h"!' brother. J. C. Mod Un, on West Cypress street :i n <1 in terment made in Hollywood Ceme tery . Mis* Moil H n was r? R .years old nnd had ln' !? an invalid for many years Khe died Wednesday afternoon about o'clock, after ufferlnu a stroke of paralysis Saturday. She Is survived by her brothi r. J. C. Modlln, of this city. ? OTTON >1 tltKKT New V'?rk. .Ian, 31. Upot cotton. ? os. ii quieL Middling 31.10, an ad v mce ' f ??? i?i n'4 Futures, closing I id. March 33.? 5. May 34.07, July *2. 7 ft. Cict. is .12. "Dec. 27.66. New Vork. January 3| ? - Cotton f'lttrre* opened this morning at the following levels: 'March 33:25; May 33:65: July 32:30; October 27:98; December 27:45.