THE WEATHER * * Cloudy with probably * light ruin tonight. Sat- '? * unlav fair. Moderate * shifting ninth. ********* VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION'. FORMER PRESIDENT WILSON AT POINT OF DEATH Turn For Worse Came In Night And Hope Was Soon Abandoned Week's Illness Had Not Seemed At All Serious, As He Was Subject To Attacks Of Indigestion, And Bulletin's Issued Last Night Had Reported Him As Better (Bv Tlie Associated Press) Washington, February 1 ? Former I'resiili-nl Wood row Wilson lies at death's door at his home in this citv. For a week lio lia<l suffered] .with a flight illness hut ho was subject to attacks of in digestion aad his condition Mas not considered serious. Bulletins issued Jast night slated that he was hotter. The change for the worse came in the night and this morning Rear Admiral Gary Grayson issued a bulletin that he considered the former President's condition very cri tical. Early Friday afternoon hope for Mr. Wilson's recovery wa ll radically abandoned. At noon Wilson see mod to rally ju-; h liitle hut then* was 110 mater ial change in his condition. IK- was fully conscious and *1n a faint voice thlked with those at his bc^idp. J At six o'clock Friday < venlnu he was reported as resting quietly hut with vitality very low and wit 11 death, humanly *p<.?Uin-. only a qu? -mioii of hours. * H> was hardly expected to live through the the niuht. CALDWELL SUCCEEDS M \JOR WALLACE STONE ilaleigh, Feb. 1. ? Captain Ken neth Caldwell of Concord was ap pointed inspector general of North Carolina National Guard yesterday to succeed Major Wallace Ii. Stone of Charlotte. IMMIGRATION Hil l. FAVORABLY REPORTED Washington, Feb. 1.- A hill pro posing the r?nt fiction of immigra tion to this country to two per cent of the foreign horn of each nation i here In IKfiO and permitting the vir tual selection of tin m (grants at tin port of embarkation was ordered fa . _vx*r?4?ly-F^p?>H**d -today br the HottWi immigration committee. WILL SHOW UOM)KR> OF NATIONAL PARKS At the Court House toniRht at 8 o'clock Dr. Williamson will give a fre lecture on "Our National Parks" illustrated with numerous stereoptloan views. 1)5, Williamson comes here at Gov ernment expense, representing the Department of the Interior, through the efforts of the Fliziihcth City Kotiry Club. Views ?will hr shown and descrip tions given by tills lecturer and trav ? ler of seventeen years experience, of Yellowstone Park in Wyoming, tllacler Park in Montana. Mount Ha uler Park in Washington. The Yoxemite an l Sequoi 1 Parks In Cfil iforna. Rocky Mountain Park and M< sa Verde Park in Colordo. and CJr.tnd Canyon and the Petrified Koiwt* of Arizona. No admission will he charged hut a Mllvnr collection will he taken for Hoy Set/at work in Flizaheth City. J. K. DOl!<;HTON MAKES STATEMEN I THURSDAY f Jr< enshori. Feb. 1. ? 3. K. Dout;h ton, indicted In the failure of th Salisbury bank, has issued a state ment declaring his Innocence and saylmr that he awaits with confidence the outcome of the Mai. RETURN oil, HESER\ FS IS IMPORTANT MATTER UhIcIkI). ?l>. 1- ? Joaeptaa* Dan IoIm yeM^rday Inourd a atatrment dp clarlnx that the return of the oil re In the moiit Important matter now and' that proaecutlona ahould follow thla action. ~ - KILLS FOLK IN A DISPUTE OVER CHILD Kluten. N. D.. Feb. 1. ? Theodore Larson yesterday killed l>is wife, her two sisters, and her brother in a dispute over, his child in possession of his wife. He then rode away on horseback with the child" but was la ter captured. Revisions Suspended For Next Five Months Washington, Feb. 1 ? Revisions upward in rates on vegetables from ! the Carolinas to the Middle West which were to have become effective today w. re ye.^t ? relay suspended for fiv? months pendinu an investigation by the Interstate Commerce C?>mniis- . sion. VOTK ON 1'OKirS OFFKIt Wellington, Fe':)? l. ? The Hcuse! military committee today voted to re* ovt out F rd's offer for Muscle Shoals as embodied in the McKenfiej bill and the Madden amendment. ? Thi? committee defeated an amend ment which would have made Ford personally responsible for the full performance of every phase of the contract.. Acting Chairman McKen -zie was instructed to draw up a bill which would embody practically the same terms as originally presented by Ford. 1 1 1'. 1 1 \\ \Y IIIDH OrRXRD Raleigh. Feb. 1. ? The State High* wav Commission vesterdav opened Idas totalling S2.fM8.747.46 on 17 roads and two bridge projects, this being the first of the 102 1 program of 800 miles of new roads. The to tal mileage of the letting is 108.83. RXSKETBAI.L TONIGHT Tonight at H o'clock the Elizabeth City Athletic Association will meet Hertford in a snappy basketball game in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. This is expected to be one of the best games of the season and the as sociation asks the support of the public. MFKT IN* APRIL Go1d?*horo. February. 1 ? -The Wonieira Missionary Union of North Carolina Ha mi si 4 will he held in this city at the Fir.'t Baptist Church on April I 'J i. It l? ? 'tliiMli'il JH'. t ween 500 and 600 will be here far the meethg. rsw phohtaih.v in < ONftTltl (TIKN HOI 8KB Stock helm, February 1 ? A new building material made from waste paper and designed for ceilings and wall linings has been perfected by a Swedish engineer, and production on a inrgb scale soon will be under taken. ^'he raw materials arc ordinary waste paper such as accu mulates in cities, clay and sulphate lye. the cheapness of which warrants cm inexpensive finished product. The covering Is said to be fireproof and durable; can be applied by unskilled labor, will take paper, paint or stain, and can even lie polished. It is a good non-conductor, and does not respond to changes in temperature. FORI) OFFER UMlEK WATER POWER ACT Washington, F? b. 1 ? Ford's of fer for Muscle Shoals would be placed under the Federal waterpow er act with th? exception th.'t the lease would run for 100 years In stead of of' under agreement mad" to the McKen/.ie hill at an evecutiv ? i session Thursday of the House mili [ tary cormmlttee. Recover More Jewels i New Yorky Feb, 1. ? lietecttvejr to ; day recovered from a gem ship an additional ITS. 000 worth of jewels ! Stolen from Mrs. Hugo Schoellkopf ion New Year's eve, 1923. This makes ja to.tal of $161,000 recovered. JriKJV-: < HITMAN l>KAI> | San Francisco, Feb. 1. ? Judge Norton Parker Chlpman died here VVOOUltUW WILSON SAFETY F1KST PLAY AT WEEKSVILLE HIGH v Chapel rxercises at the Weeksville High School witc in charge of the ninth grade Wednesday moruine. Mrs. A. T. Haley the tea. her an?l under her direction the class per formed a lf? minute, one act play, entitled. "How. Safety First was Taught.'' Practically all of the 4T? class members tcrok a part in the. play. Ths is part of the work being car ried on in thr State under the direc tion of the Safety League which Mio. J. U. Fearing so efficiently d'rerts. I'AKEM-TE VCIIE1JS TO MEET FK1DAY NIGH I" The Weeksville Parent-Teacher Association will ifteet Friday night in the Weeksville High School at 7 : Great Kiithusiasin waii f4r?l the peo ple in that section o*f this County in their dealings with anything that helps make for better education among their children, attd an excel-' lent program is planned for the i meeting. KIWAMS I.I N< HKOX FIUOAY The Kiwanis Club will hold its n gular fortnightly meeting and lun cheon in the R- d Men's Hall Friday evening at 6:30. BAPTIST LEADERS TO MEET MONDAY Cliowiiii Associatioiia! iMrc?-j injj (.allot! for 10 O'cltirk a! Itlackw ell Memorial ISapti?t Church. Pastors and other Isadora of the Chowan Baptist Association will m**et at Blackwell Memorial Baptist I church Monday at ton o'clock for an I all day meeting which will lie filled ; with inspiration and informaton. Dr. Chas. K. Maddry. who if at th??| head of the task of rounding up t lie I .Million Dollar Campaign ' in North? Carolina, has secured speakers from ' in *he State and out of the State for; this meeting. Similar meetings are heing held ' throughout the State this month In the effort to awaken the Baptis de- , nomination to the task to be under taken this year. ' Rev. R. P. Hall is the associa tional director of the work and has written to pastors and other leaders in the association urging their at en'dance at the meeting Monday. The ladies of the First Baptist and Hlackwell Memorial churches will furnish dinner and supper at the church. KEKOSKNK KXIM.ODKS AND WIPES OUT FAMILY Cnionvllle, Mich., Fef?r 1. ? Ed ward Ilowles, his wife, and two small children wore burned to (b ath today In their farm home near bore when a fiv?- gallon can of Kero.-ene u ? d to start the kitchen fire exploded. FOUR BI'KN TO 1)1' ATI! Akron. ()., I\:b. 1. Mrs. Arthur Smith, aged 22. and her thne small children, wi re burned to death, and 1: i -r brcthrr, Da?id lTa/ne-.. \va.< se riously burned when Are destroyed their home in East Akron today, 1 YKIJ/)W P|\R VDVAXt'RS Now Orleans, Feb. 1. -(By the Consolidated Press. I ? Orders for yellow pine have shown a remark able Increase since January 1. They have jumped from an average of 70,000.000 feet a v:eek in December to 100,000, 000 feet in the middle of January. The latter figure was ^.r? per cent above production. Prices have advanced from $1 to %'.) a thousand. Mrs. (>ustav Sandln of Washing ton has returned home, after spend ing several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Whltohurst of North Road street. All Dressed Up And Somewhere To Go That'* llie Fancy (Hollies Squad, I.ale?l \<l<lilinn lo tlio New York I'olicc, W tin in Ku.*I Side Furlanfi' TTave Ovliiinly^Got It (?ooil ? ? 11, li<>UI.A\i> wooit Copyright, 1974. by The Now York. Fob. 1.? -tinier the "fancy clothes" ? the latent improvement on t'ie traditional "plain clothes squad" of policed om. Every evening now a crowd of hw. 11 drPHsem, both men and women, .merge* from the dingy Elizabeth street police station, down in the heart of the Kant Hide ghetto, and makes the night life life center*? Hroadw.iv, the Roarlh* Foftl'1! and Greenwich Village. Some of the men and most r.f ?' women wear evening clothes. All faro nattily, if not formally cL-d. and al! have pk ntiful roll , of the necessn ry In theft pockets, In the parlance of the Kast Side, wife re they have their headquarters thl n? w genius of cep and eppess "linv ;**?t it good." All they have to dn Is pick out softie jazzy cabaret, dine comfortably at tin city's expen e. dance a few times, kid the waiter in to serving tlnem with drinks ? and pinch the place. The fancy clothes ?quad? ar" po lice commissioner' ttnrlght's latest move in campaign to dry up wot .Vew York. This campaign. th< y hf/pe to t ? 1 yon nps :-t police h. id quarters had It* Inception long be fore a certain major goHeral of ma rine- v, s Import* i fat ? Phil ad lp I ? to H'.itlerise booze and Vice in that wicked metropolis. Away br.< la.-d summer. Commissioner Enrlkot is sued' court instructions .</ all his in vpeet -*a t t v. r j . ? . high or To# in the city and to mop them up. So far as the casual ob server could see. nothing In particu lar requited. i'riC"* weren't even boosted In the hundreds of speak easies and Npeak loads where the "scofflsws" do their acofflng. ,A few days ago, as If reminded of his order by the big doings at Phtl-j sdelphla ? although police officials] ? - ? ? do a little scoffing at t!ii, ?ug (est Ion ? the com in i.HsloiuT preferred charges against every last Inspecting in charge of a regular police dis trict. Reason: failure to mop up the wet ipots in their respective bul warks. * He softened the blow, howevot. by hsulng a statement in which he -aid in effect that the Federal au thorities were r? 1 ly to blame* be cause they fall' d to co-ope rate In putting police liquor prisoners over tin* hump*./ Along t h I < kindly sug gested line of defense. t.h" first of thirteen inspectors "under fire" now \h &t?fohding hiiu^ if .ig??inst the tliirty-eight specific < barges laid Again*! him. Moan while the commissioners * ? ''./i-d the " -j"" i:i! i rvlco Hlaad" gave it a special headquarters ill Us own, and s'-nt It out to try it^ hand at the mapping up on which the reg ular district man had fallen down. This special Service squad, some three hundred nun and women strong. Is composed of the "nifties" of thi' foive. Ability to wear clothes and to mingle. un'bbtriislvf 'y, in place t, With the Hurry-making cofflaws are among the prime le qui. il- I The writer vlslt"d tb? Kl-zabeth Street headquarters In quest of fur ther details. "That's Just what the cabaret owners would like to have" si Id Deputy Inspector 2ane, a -corpn'eut . good na tared but ku(/Wilig supeicop*. whom the writer found In charge, "nothing doing on the details. We are getting the bootleggers, that's all you nedd to know." Hut the Inspector couldn't keep the writer from seeing some c/f the elite onea who sauntered In and >ut. And he hope* to tell you that "fancy clothes squad" doesn't tell the half! of it. They a(e all drested up like Mr. Astor's famou^horso. j Income T ax Reduction Affect March Returns Tlial American People Who Make Out Income Tax Returns Next Month May Count on 2.? I'er Cent Less Tax Than Under. Present Law Now Assured Hv l?AVII> I.A\VIIK\('E Copyright. by The Advance Washington, Jail. 31. ? When the American people make out their income tax returns on March 15 of this year they can count on a straight reduction of one-fourth of the total tax they other wise would have paid. Both Democrats and Republi cans are agreed on the proposal and the only question now i'j whether the present law will be ?amended by a joint resolution or whether the reduction will be made a pail of the general re vision of the revenue laws which have been under consider ation for several weeks. The method is not important, for the result is assured. 1 In oilier words. Conn ivhh has de cided to permit tin* American peo jde to cut themselves a piece o? cake. Out of tin* sur plus in the Treasury fully $225,000, nou will hi- refunded in the form of ?ta\ reduction applied to 102:5 in comes. Win n tax reduction was first pro P" ?'d h. Seen tary Mellon the ??> . - ?-ra! understnndlnir, of course, was fi't the new l?il 1 would not apply to 1 ! incomes hut would lie felt by the fix payers for the first time uh? n he made out his income ta\ returns in March 1925. Political leaders ?.-ond? red whether a promise of something that was to happen in 1925 \Nollld he re||iemher?*d Wlp'il the voter went to the polls In No , vemher, 1924, and the conclusion reached was that if the tax pn.v?r could l>e made happy when he payis Ills t.ives during 192 1 it would he of far greater value politically speaking, than a reduction in the future. The Democrats planned the same kind of actioarhut whether the |{ - publicans thought or it hy them- : selves or heard of whrft the Demo crats Intended to ilo or whether tli ? minds of t lie statesmen in lioth par-1 ties ran aloq^p the same channel is hard to determine. The plan on tie Republican side originated with Representative Clreen of Iowa, chair man of the House ways and means committee, who obtained the tenta tive approval of Secretary Mellon of the Treasury Department, which of course moans the sanction also of President Coolidge. Its a shrewd move and will have I important political effects. Natural ly the Treasury Department would, like t*> ?eo the 2 Ti per cent reduction which applies to 192.1 Incomes made a part of the general tax hill so that the course of the latter will he ac c? h-ratttl. Infh rrl. public opinion may now be expected to get behind tli'i Lis '"emiirn iM+para ileh-d strength so that the tax payer may actually enjoy on March 1 ft next a reduction in taxes. The Democrats will' ti>. Of (?mi rse, to separate t h?? 1 new proposal from the main tax bill ' on the around that it needs quick action and that the tax hill which will apply to 1921 Incomes can be debated for the rest of the presevt year If necessary without doing anv I'ody any harm. In answer to this the Republicans will say that husi nes't should not be kept on the anx iou eat hut should know defiuite!. durliu 192 1 what taxes are to b payable in 1025. \s for the taxes that individual will pay n o \ t March on their Incomes, of 1922. there are mauy who pav their whole tax bill in a lump sum and do not divide It Into quarter! installments. These persons won! I get a one-fourth rebate Inter on if the new proposal Isn't passed bv March 15. On the other hand, tie tax payers who pay one-fourth on March 15. one-fourth on June l.'i, one-fourth en September 15 and one fourth oil December 15, would have the privilege of onilttir: one Install ment so as to get the benefit of tie o iie-fourtli reduction to which they are entitled. The It'-puhllcans have taken the Initiative In reducing taxes for i r? 2 rt . Moth parties are vi? ? its ti, with each oth< r to give the people a tax reduc Little Is -heard about the brrn 'i Mr. Mellon' < tentative approval i? i?a1d to be based upon a d* ire to know what obligations will be In curred In connection with the bonus. The Republican leaders , realize that' to j#as;< the orl . Inal bonus bill would nj>nii?t the Treasury to sa^ that tie* fr(V fflUffffnh W&s noT po^sTRTe, iW" least for 1922 incomes. lender the elrcumstanc# h the Republicans now are discussing among themrrlves a plan for a soldier bonus which Is In the nature of a paid up Insurance 1 policy hut without the . privilege of borrowing cash on it as provided In the blH which went through both houses last year, but which Mr. Har- , .ding vetoed, j > ?-? HegMb>if?W NEW SUBPOENA ISSUED FOR FALL' Former Secretary of the In terior Now Declared Alile to Appear for Senate Oil In vestigation. Washington. Feb. 1.? Albert Fall, former Secretary ?r tho Interior, In now in. condition to appear for ex amination in the Senate oil Inquiry, tin* investinat inu committee was told today l>\\ a special medical commis sion appointed to examine him. Agr? i-nn iit wan reached today ' y House ieadi rs to take up the Wn'sh r<'.-olut inn for annulment of the na val oil leases without referring it to a committer. Debate will be llmitod in the effort to obtain a vote before ad Inurnment today. \ now . nb,;ot na will bo Issued for l*all requlrini; his presence before the Senate committor tomorrow, Chairman i. enroot jiminuqced. To < anrel I^'usen Washington, Feb. 1. ? Wthout de bate the House tills afternocm passed the Walsh resolution already ap provotl by tho Senate directing the I'l- sid'-nt to bring about cancellation of tho Doheny and Slnclar naval oil leases'. Hot It McAdoo and Thomas Greg ory. who was chosen by Cooliilge to prosecute the oil canes, have at times In < n employed by tho oil Interests, Doheny testified today before tho Senate oil committee. I l)M-: MIM.S START Hiddrfof.1, Maine, Feb. 1. ? (Hy the Consolidated Press.) Fresh or deis haw* encouraged cotton mill owners hero, and inanv idle looms have been started. Some depart ments of the Pepper* II and Laeonia mills which have been oh a three da\ a-wt el< basis have increased their schedules. itusrmcT muxicw < 'ommkikcr. New Orleans, Feb. 1. ? (fly tho Consolidated Pres?.)- One or two vrs o|m loaded with crude oil con tinue to reach this port from *Tampi co, Me\!eo. each drv, but shipments of merchandise In Mexico from here are ?_ really ^x?ulrlcted by- the revTTlu "llon. WMKAT I tltMl IM l>l\ icissil'V SI. Paul. Fell. I (Ily Tho Coil solldatod Press. ) ? -There has been a most w liolesome decrease In th* spring wheat acreage in the North vest and farmers apparently are ?o inr_' In sfron?: for crop diversification this year. The Increased nuwro^ato crop income last year has improved the financial position *?f the farmers, although their total Indebtedness COTTON MA11KKT New York. Jan. 1 . rtpot cotton. e'o-H'd quiet, Middling Hi. 10, an ad vance of .70 pf,:nts. Fnt urea, closing bid. March :: :: . 7 r? , May 34.07. July 32. 7*. O \ 28.12, Dec. 27.96. New York, February 1 ? Cotton fiturr* opened this morning at tho foHowimr levels: March 08:60; May .14:00; July 32:70; October 2S:13; Dei 'Other None. Mb ; MO" lionise Forert of Nor folk i the f: ue; t of her aunt, Mrs. Mae Wilh y on We t. Main *tn*ot. a bo' :t< bill through. The chances are they will fl:id It n< eessary ' ? [>aj-? the original bill In order to ful fill pled ? < already r.lven, hut whrN the tie aiuce fails to uot enough .vote- tn pa: r nver the President's ve to then a proposal will be made to str'.i the bin f.f the cash features and ? nable soldier* to enjoy somite of the varimH forms of aid which do not t quire an Immediate cash out lay, Vocational training, land urants and other thin- s whjch ft has hither .la.hmf n_ Aboo wht would not- h? rheTn by the ex rrvlce, nitn when cash '.vas offered would then b eome more attractive. A bill w.hich does not re quire a Jaice cash outlay either now or In the future undoubtedly would Ret Pro*fdout Coolldge's approval so that the neimhllcans mlvht ko to'the country in the coming campaign with a tax reduction applying to 1923 In comes. another reduction applying to

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