THE ADVANCE PICKLE * PKKLE. Publ father* MCRBCMT PCCLC. Editor. Member of The Associate* I Pre**. TlM AMMlttH PrtM It ndiiMii li mm Mr ro-MMicatioa ?1 kiwi di?Mlc*?i crtditad In tf* I ? HMT ??< iIm to tt?? local newi *tMlt*?d | EnUrvd at th# pottoffu* at CHntttta Clt>. N. C.. ? I MC?r>d Hih ??ttf. Tkr?? Morttii (In i<?iik?) -..-t? #1.20 ' _ II) Mall. Stx Monthi (In Idiiitn) $2.71 ' Zona Two. 12 ??nthi (3.00 I 2ana Ona, 12 Monttii M-OS Subscription Kates lly Canter 0n? Woo* .. : 10 CaMa , On* Mo "til On ad?antf) ? 42 C?nl? f Tnln Month i (in a??anct> M.M ; THURSDAY*, FEBRUARY 7. 1924 Lei's Give Mac u Hearing Newspapers that are ringing the death knell of the McAdoo candidacy, it seems to The Ad vance, are a bit hasty, to say the least. The Advance has been for Mc Adoo first, last and all the time ; but this newspaper would not continue to favor his candidacy should it find that ho had ac cepted a fee from oil interests tendered him because of his supposed influence with the ad ministration with which he had been identified. On the other hand we are not disposed to turn thumbs down on the McAdoo candidacy until Mr. McAdoo himself has been heard from. Our attitude is identical with that of otfier friends of Mr. Mc Adoo whom Mr. Lawrence, in his Wednesday dispatch, rep resented as not willing to "quit him because of an unverified statement of a man who desert ed the Democratic party in 1920 and contributed to the Republi can campaign fund and whose leases have been annuled large ly through the efforts of Demo cratic members of the United States Senate." More Good Work Credit the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce with another good piece of work. Most of us had given up the idea of anything better than a nine-foot road through Camden County and were asking onlv that paving on the project be not longer delayed. But this man Job, who is sec retary of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce, is cer tainly a persistent cuss. And, as a result of his persistence and perseverance, Camden is again within sight of a 16-foot highway. Of course if Camden wants to gum things up by prolonging the controversy as to the route of the highway, it can probably do so. But that won't be Mr. Job's fault. On a I'crmunriit Bania The Advance is pleased to an nounce that the staff of special correspondents that have been serving this newspaper for the last two weeks are to be re tained on a permanent basis. * In addition to being an Asso ciated Press newspaper, in oth er words, The Advance is now a Consolidated Press newspaper as well. V "By thus supplementing your Associated Press report," writes the business manager of thn Consolidated Press, "you are giving the people of Elizabeth City n paper the like of which few, if any, communities of sim ilar size in the United States can boast. I trust that it is ap preciated and that you are get ting deserved returns in busi ness and circulation." Why Not Sooner? The Advance doesn't like to butt in on a Camden controver sy with which it has no concern, but it feels sure that the only thing that tho?e who seek to change the route favored by the State's engineers can do is to de lay action. Sooner or later the road will be built by the route favored by the engineers. Why not sooner and have done with controversy? As the Funeral Procession Left Wilson Home jjuamj .. -?-hi " -u /. -x..; ^ , .1 ? - ? - - ' ?" ' ' ? ' ? ?* -'? - 1 Flint picture of Wood raw Wilsm's funeral, taken as the procession left the Wilson -mansion on S street in Washington, on the way to' Beth lehem Chapel of the National Cathedral, whore it will remain until the cathedral is completed. Services w? re conducted by Her. James H. Tay lor, of the Central Presbyterian Church at which the ex-President: worshipped, by Rev. Sylvester lJ*-ach, his spiritual adviser at Princeton, and lUshop James IS. Freeman, llishop of Washington. The active pallbearers were enlisted men of the Army, Navy and Marines. The honorary pall bearers, former classmates, cabinet* members and associates, were, Cleveland H. Dodge, Cyrus H. McCormick, Dr. E. P. Davis, .Dr. Hiram Woods, Frank L. Polk, David H. Houston, Newton D. Raker, Josephus Daniels, Albert S. Hudson, John Barton Payne, Win. G. lledn?'ld, K. T. Meredith, Thos. W. Gregory, Senators Swan son and Glass, John Sharp Williams, Congressman -Garrett and Charles S. Hamlin. Other mourners at the home were President and Mrs. f'oolidge, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Marg iret Wilson, Mr.and Mrs. Win. G. McAdoo, Joseph Wilson, a brother, an 1 John Randolph Dolling and Wilmer Rolling, brothers of Mrs. Wilson, ALONG THE WATKIIFROXT Flags around the Elizabeth City waterfront were at half mast Wed nesday in honor of Woodrow Wilson, rhe t UK Ann and* Hammer on the ways at the Elizabeth City Iron Works flew a flag at half mast and mother was flown from the derrick at the Iron Works pier. The schooner Annie and Nora took on a cargo of general mer chandise Wednesday for Stumpy Point. The schooner Eugene H. Brown doeked at Woodley's wharf Wednes- i day to discharge frcrm and load for Little Alligator River. The U. S. Lieut. Edgar F. Koeh ler docked at the foot of Fearing street Wednesday, enroute from Key West to Boston to be used there as a quarantine vessel. The Koohlcr has been in the quarter master department at Key West but has been turned over to they public health service. The freighter Hettie E. war re ported disabled n . i< . . . river Wednesday and the gas boat Jones of the North River Line went to her assistance It was reported that the Hettie E. had broken her shaft. She is owned by E. W. IJau in of Kitty Hawk. The schooner Onward loaded a cargo consisting among other things cr a quantity of pound net poles for Roanoke Island at Flora's wharf on Wednesday. The schooner Missouri loaded for Hatteras Wednesday at Flora's wharf. Among the cargo was a; new Ford touring car. The schooner Julia W. Bell took] general cargo Wednesday at Flora's wharf for Avon. Vessel* I" Port. ' Schooner Flossie M. Muir, Globe Fish Company wharf. Schooner Annie and Nor*, at foot of Burgess street. Schooner Eugene H. Brown at ' Wood ley's wharf Schooncr Onward at Flora's wharf. Schooner Julia W. Bell at Flora's wharf. Schooner Missouri at Flora's wharf. Steamer Texas, at Elizabeth City ' Iron Works, waiting for charter. Steam tu? Vlente y Tret, at Elis abeth City Iron Work, tied up. I Steamer Hertford at Elizabeth j City Iron Works, waiting. Schooner Lorena at R. C. Abbott's wharf loading for Llttl,e River. MISSION" Alt V SOCIETY IS DOI NC3 EXCELLENT WORK j The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church held Us monthly meeting Monday .With! fjtuv attendance and much interest i and enthusiasm. Tli" newly elected president, Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep, is very earnest and , capable and the society expects to do great things this year. The year just past showed marked improve ment in the various activities of the organization. * | The circle plan has proven most satisfactory and helpful. The sociT ety Is maintaining two scholarship* In the Scarrltt Training College at Kansas City, of wjiieh Dr. J. L. Cun-, ninggim Is president, besides respon ding liberally to all other calls. The financial report for 1923 showed $2,305.54 raised by the mis sionary and local aid departments, an increase over the year previous, t Every woman of the First Metft-i odist Church is invited to jdtn with | the organization In the aim to make; this the best year in the histpry of. the Woman's Missionary Society of' the First Methodist Church. IMPORTANT MEETING OF MINISTERS ON FRIDAY! A me-eting of- the Ministerial Asso ciation of Elizabeth City is called for an important conference Friday; morning at 11 o'clock at the Cham-i ; her of Commerce rooms. Every tncifl-' ! ber Is asked to be present. EVERETT TRUE, - RY CONDO 'wn4T__voy hav*s jo9T,'5/*to/ tfR,TRue,_ ^ (?eMlN,T>3~Tis"oi?""/? Coupi.cs op vofts&s 'op ?E?^OTIt?Ut. , -T(??lvjCH-'SN-r/ iN^PlR-lMa POSTR.Y. IT Goes (.!*.?- TM?g I? __ - - -~?T!V *" THK MOTIIKKS < 'I.I' It HAS | <;o??l> MKKTIXG \VKI)\KSI)AY The Mothers Club had a splendid j meeting Wednesday afternoon at th?? Community House on Fleetwood | street. ? One new member was ad ded to the roll. Eleven babies wore weighed "ami all had gaiued ex cept one who had been sick. Fif teen visits to the sick were reported. Seven visitors attended the meeting and thoroughly enjoyed it. Miss Marcle Albertson, home de monstration agent, gave a demon stration in the making of whole wheat muffins. The muffins were baked and served and pronounced extremely good. While Mfrss |Aibertson gave the demonstration for the benefit of the mothers, Mrs. J. H. Thayer and Mrs. Maggie Blount told stories tor the children. lil'XDIlED YEAK8 OLD Washington, N. C.. Feb. 7. ? Tues day was a day of a notable ev??iit in the history of the Bragaw family of this city. Mrs.* Richard Bragaw, sis ter-in-law of Capt. J. O. Bragaw, was 100 years old and the occasion was a regular centenary celebration at her home in Jamaica. Long Island. Mrs. Bragaw is bright and active ? still able to go up and clown stairs, and in full possession of a!l her fac ulties. Her vision is slightly 1m- ? paired but beyond this she is a won derfully self-possessed woman. Mrs. Bragaw evidently comes from a long lived family -as her cousin. . Tom West, haa reached the ripe old jage of 104 yea pa. 1 j \( ( IDKNTAU.Y SHOT BUT NOT SKIUOISLY INJIHED Ernest White, 27 years old, was j accidentally shot just above the right! ankle Wednesday night about 11 [o'clock in his room at the Raleigh* ] Hotel. Mr. White and his room ? mate, Ira Garrett, were getting ready j to go to bed when White took his1 2.r> caliber automatic from under hisj I pillow to lay it on Ihe dresser. In some way he dropped it on the floor and the jpistol was discharged, the bullet going through his leg just, above the ankle. Dr. Howard Combs was called and j dressed the wound, and an X-Ray i was taken Thursday morning. Mr. While is from Belvidere and is a machinist at J. B. Venters par age. The wound, though painful, is i not considered at all serious. ; IMiOW CASTINGS KOIt SALK cheap. Appjy to Klizabeth City Iron Works & Supply Co. feb.7-tf-np , FREE MOTION PICTURES AT FIRST METHODIST The motion pictures at the First Methodist "Church on Friday even ings are proving interesting, instruc tive and enjoyable not only for t h ? children, for whom they are primar ily provided, but for all who attend The pictures begin promptly at 7:3?> and all are cordially invited to at tend. The church is seeking to d?> a community-wide service. An offering is taken each evening with the hope that the pictures will prove self-sup porting, but no charge is made and all are welcomed. The pictures con sist of industrial pictures furnished by the International Y. M. C. A. &n?l one reel from the Herald Picture's Story of tho Bible films. As Cain and Abel is the subject of the Bible picture this week, it i * suggested that all read the chapter in Gen^i.j which tells the story beforehand and that parents tell the story to th.? children who are too young to read for themselves. The industrial pic tures this week are "Story of a Watch," three reels. "Story of tho Orange," one reel, and "A Trip to Mt. Tom," one reel. 1IREAKS I .EFT HIP Friends in Elizabeth City of Miss Carrie Z^igler Breughton of Ports mouth will regret to hear of her falling from a jitney and breaking her left hip. She Is now at Kings n-..w.l.?oro Unpolta) r- f *>r>r* >*".10U t ll . ? ; '.I'l- j. tl idhS-r ? Mrs. V. C. iiailey IM I r. 1!. Zlet ? . f this city. . * KORFuU UOTilN Kehrunry 7 Mi ' ''??tc (onrned today) ... .34c .Middling (closed today) ...3l3-8c NORFOLK PRODUCE \t Jarvls & Fentress srK.YCE-HOLLOWKLL Cr>. lilve Drc^p.l <*n?lfi. Chickens 25-30 30 25-30 Hons 25 . 30 Jo Turkeys 30 30-35 28-30 Oeeso 20 30 25 Ducks 25 30 Large Hogs 8-10 Small Hogs 11 Milk Calves 12-15 Yearlings $-10 Sweet Potatoes . $5.00 f , ? Market Fin: NOT1CK OF S.\l>: OF VALVUILK KKAL KSTATK NOHT1I CAROLINA. 1'ASQL'OTANK COUKTY. IN THK BITKMOII COURT ? Rr Ttmir of the i<o*rrr of *ale muhI 'r? me in a oiHin Drfd or Tm>t eicvuted hv lt?id and dat>-d A<uru?t '.".Hi, lf?22. rwidt-d In 'lie Itfc Uter -f JVrd'* Office of l'i?iuuUnk C'oun' . N. In IWw.k fi5. pase 55H. vwurlnc a certain ?!? ?? there in den-rib<d ami by reason of d-fault In the* w men' rif *aid not"-, and by re?'nn of a ?. i al -- of the bid at the prior sale. I will <>n SatUldiy. Fth ruary ?lh. 1?24. at Ij; o'clock M.. at the t'ouit II<wm! D?Kir In I'a&quotank fount v. N. C.. >rll at public auction for m>li. the following .IwriM l roiHTty, to wit : Situate In l*a?iuotank County. N. C. I'eiilnninB at the Northeast corner <f the Cbartai Catkin lot M 'he West |M ?.f t'.- N'tw lUiad and fronting 117 fevt on ??ld ml' t<> a ditch; thi-nre alnfig said dllrh S.' feet tn M le? Twine's land: llwow alon? *?ld T *?<!>? "? ha 117 fert to Charte* O*. kin's land; Hirti e Ea?t along *ald Oa*kln'? llae $2 fet to thr ; ta . ot t*Kinnine. It bHnu that tract or i?w -tl of land conveyed hv \\11wn Bubfo to <}? n. BHd by IHed d it ?-rJ February 9th. U'CC. mil r-cotd ?d In the Ue#Mer of D ? ?d'- Office of i':?wjuo tsuk County. N. C.. In Hook &4. page 407. Posted and dat<d thli January 25tb. 1M1. W. L. PMA1.I.. Trustee (lidding will start at 1530.35. rKUMS OK SALK CASH. Jnn.31f.h 7 ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES This size type (8 point), one cent a word each insertion; minimum 25 cents, one time; 76 cents week. Standing ads, live cents a werd per week. Twenty cents per month- ? In advance. White ? space and para graphed ads, 50 cents an Inch. Copy must be In the office by 5 p. m. day before lnrer tlon. For Rent FOR ItEXT ? TWO OH THREE rooms. Furnished or unfurnishod. Lights, water and phono. Call 756-J or apply 636 Cherry street. feb.4-9-pd For Sale MUl/KH FOR HALE ? AT THE court house door, Elizabeth City, Saturday. Febrauary 9. 1924 at 2:00 o'clock p. m. Pasquotank Highway Commission will sell at public auction for cash five grrod work mules. Pasquotank High way Commission, per J. J. Morris, chairman. 2-8npd Help Wanted WANTKD ? MAX WITH KXPKIM ence an wheelwright and general re pairs In wood shop, alao one expe rienced blacksmith for wheelwright and general repair ahop. J. M. But ler A Ron, Suffolk, Va. feb.S-ll-np WANTED AT HERTFORD, CHA. panoke, Camden. Relcrosa, Gregory, shawboro and Moyock, representa tive* of Ths Advance to send In newa and secure subscriptions on com mission baals. Address The Advance, Kllrabeth City, N. C. Mrs. Jones wanted a cow. She had $85. Mr. Brown wanted to sell a cow. He needed $85. Advance Classified Ads turned the trick. Lost and Found LOST ? TIESDAY MOKMXCJ February f? one 30 x 3 Goodyear tire and rim somewhere between Camden Court House and South Mills. Reward If returned to J. B. Anderson at A. P. Toxey Co. f 7-1 3pd ix>sts ? hcottish ritk kino. Finder pleHite return to Lottts Hellg's Jewelry store and receive re ceive reward. 7tfnp IjOHT ? 8IOM A 1?HI IPfllLON FRA trrnlty pin not with pesrit Reward If returned to J. E. Weatherly. Feb. 5 tfnp. IX>ST ? TjARCJR C AMEO PIN, HAT urday afternoon, between Mellck's store and Camden Court House. Re turn to Advance Office and receive reward. feb.5-ll-pd Opportunities HARD A1*I> PINK WOOI>. ?7 PKIt cord, $3. SO half cord. $175 J?*d. Store length*. Geo. J. KerT. Fhone 791-W. Jan.l9-tf-np KDHAR'S MM) lltm I.KAVRH KI.IX abeth City every afternoon for Nor folk. Also leaven Norfolk Union KMzah" "' !* : \? ??enl"W, arriving i.llzabi lh City 8 o clock. . Ja.l2-tf Candidate Cards NOT1CB TO THK VOTKIW* OF Paaquotank County: ? I.adlr* and Gentlemen: ? 1 am a candidate Tor Sheriff of this County In the Pri mary to be held on the first Satur day In June 1924. I (hall certainly appreclate"Vour Influence and your vote frrr me for this office. R? xpcctfulljr, L. W. Anderson. FOR HHFRIFF CAMI?F\ ? ! HERfc by announce mytielf r a mndlrinte for the office of Sheriff of Camdc:i County In the Democratic primary to be held Saturday, June 7, 1924. I shall certainly appreciate your In fluence and your vote for me for thin office. Respectfully, Luke G. Wright. FOIl HHKRtFF* ? I MB R R H V announce myself as u i?ndldat? for the office of Sheriff of Pasquotank County, subject to the decision of the Democratic primary to be held Saturday, June 7, 1924. I earnestly solicit the support of the Democratic voters In said prl mray. Any aid that may he ren dered me In furtherance of my can didacy will be keenly appreciated. Respectfully, Chas. Carmine. Jan 24,thur tl

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