l)r. Gregory Entertain* Ad elaborate five course dinner was given to the dentists of the! city by Dr. S. \V. Gregory Thursday i evening at his home. 501 West Church street. The table was beautiful with a centerpiece of nar cissue, roses, and ferns, and places! were laid for eight. 1 Enjoying the evening with Dr. Gregory were Dr. J. H. White. Dr. M. M. Harris, Dr. H. E. Nixon. Dr. H. S. Willey. Dr. William Parker, Dr. Claude Wil liams and Dr. W. W. Sawyer. Miss Flora Entertains Miss Virginia Flora entertained | the six table bridge club at her.| home, 307 East Main street, Wednes day evening. Beautiful red carna tions added an attractive touch, and after an exciting game a pretty hand-j made towel was given to Mrs. W. J. Woodley, Jr., as prize. Jolrn Pinner, won a hand-mad" handkerchief. A delicious salad course was served. -Those enjoying Miss Flora's hospital, ity* were Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Mc-j Mullan, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Toxey, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Clark, Mr. aud Mrs. W. W. Woodley, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William' Weatherlv, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Elwood j We&therly, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pinner, Missds Maud Palmer, Lescelles Grif-j fin, Olive Wood, ami Nannie Robin son, Messrs. Hubet$ Toxey, Curtis; Bauni, John Pinner, and Dr. Julian Selin. Wedil I n g Ann iveina ry Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Nicholson en tertained Wednesday night at a tur key dinner at their home on Elliott street, the occasion being their 13tli wedding anniversary. Covers were laid for 12 and the color scheme o* green and white was prettily carried out. During the evening Mrs. Rob-j ert Fearing sang several solos, and i all the guests joined in some old-! fashioned songs. Many lovely gifts were received by the host and host ess. Those present besides the fam ily were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fear ing, Bobbie Fearing. .\tr. and Mrs. G. R. Barrow, Alice Barrow, and Mr. and Mrs. G rover Falls. Valentine Party A beautiful valentine party was given Wednesday evening by Miss Sue Grice at her home, 107 East Fearing street, in honor of Mrs. J. S. Rhodes and Mrs. Charles God win of WilHamston and Mrs. Carl ton Evans of Norfolk. The valen tine idea and color scheme of red and white were carried out attrac tively with heart decorations, red roses and narcissus. The honor guests were presented with colonial boquets. Mrs. William Skinner won high score and Mrs. Walter Small cut the booby. A dainty salad course was served and the guests were given as favors pretty love birds, and heart shaped bas kets 1 tiled \Uth nuts. Enjoying the evening with the h era teas and guests of honor were Mesdaines A. L. Pendleton, C. P. Brown. Ethel Lamb, W. P. Duff. A. II. Worth. Kenyon Wilson, Walter Small, Jesse Morris. J. G. Fearing, William Skin ner, J. C. B. Ehringhaus. Duckworth Glover, J. E. Hughes. Frank Scott, W. A. Worth, J. T. McCao, Clinnle Hayes, M. S. Bulla, W. G. Galther, T. 8. McMullan, Sr., Aubrey McCabe, T. S. McMullan. Jr., A. 3. Neal and Calvin Morrlsette. Personals Miss Carrie Forbes, Mrs. Busbee Jones, and Miss Mae Forbes motored! to Jarvisburg Sunday. Miss Carroll Dale of Norfolk is spending a few days visiting Mrs.! W. A. Jackson at her home on! Ehringhaus street. Mrs. E. R. Outlaw, Jr., is spend ing a few days In Norfolk. Mrs. Wilson Hollowell is visiting, Mrs. Tom Old in Norfolk. 4 Mrs. Sam Woolford of Norfolk, who has bsnful negroes of the South In a grlrult ural work. Due to progress being made in the work with the negroes of North Car (/Una, the publisher has been at'1 tracted to this State and will spend' several days In securing data for, his 1924 publication. PINE HHIPMKNTH RXC'KKD PROMOTION OF MILKS New Orleans. Febrauary 8 ? The Mills of the Southern Pine Assocla* tion report orders for the last*- week of 74.494.194 feet, shipments of 86.8S1.28 feet tod production of 73 .841.951 f?ft. FIXINGS a tragedy 01 a tenant tartu lata presented here by the Carolina I*lny under the auspices of the Elizabeth C ny by J'aul and Ktma Green, to ba makers February 18, at the Alkrama, ity Rotary Club. MAKE A RECORD j FOR LONGEVITY Relatives of Mr*. Cam VS.] Melick Pass the Century Mark With Untlimmed Eyes and Excellent Health. A remarkable record of the lon gevity of a family has been estab lished by relatives of Mrs. Cam W. Melick of this city. Mrs. Melick received recently a letter from her father. J. (J. Bra graw of Washington, N. C., who is In his 86th year, enclosing a letter from his brother. W. K. Bragaw, of Florida, who is 93 years old. In this letter the writer asked If his brother, John, had had any news recently from their brother, E. T. Bragaw of New London. Connecticut, who is 88. nr from thFir sister Sar ah of Syracuse, New Tork, who is In her 90th year. He wrote that he heard goodt-news from sister Janet of Jamica. Xong Island, who was then approaching her 100th birthday | on February 5. and that Cousin Tom I West was very well and looking for j ward to celebrating his 102nd birth r day in April, in New York City. | The New York World in Wednes day's issue carried an interesting ac count of the birthday of Mrs. Rich (ard Bragaw when she passed the century mark on February 5, at her i home In Jamica. Long Island. The article stated that Mrs. Bragaw wore | a silk dress that she had made a few ! years ago. She Is in excellent health jand her eyesight Is so good that she does not wear glasses. One hundred years ago, when La Fayette was in this country on a vis it, Tom West, then a little lad ol two years, had the honor of shaking j hands with the noted Frenchman. With eyes that, have seen the rav ages of three wars, the coming of [electricity, steam boats, wireless and .all the inventions of modern science, this gentleman of old school looks forward with undlmmed vision to his 102nd birthday in April. HIT HY FALLING TKKK AND I NSTANTLY KILLED Washington. Feb. 8 ? While en gaged in cutting down trees on the right of way for a railway line to built by the Interstate Cooperage Company of Delhaven for a now Jog ginK road, N'oah Dudley, colored, was struck by a falling tree and instantly killed. The accident Wednesday near Plnetown. when a gale was blowing at the time. It appears that Dudley had cut down a tree which lodged against another in falling. Later another man cut at tree down close to the one Dudley was working cm and instead of th latter falling the way It had been In tended was swung around by the gale, falling directly on Dudley. Deuth was instantaneous. Mrs. Margaret Hill Ih quite 111 at her home on Fearinu street. ( Aid) OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their deeds of kindness and express ion! of sympathy during our recent bereavement in the death of our hus band and father, W. D. Williams. MILS. WILLIAMS and Children. Head colds Melt a little Viclo In a spoon and inhale the medicated vapors. Apply frequently up the nostrils. Alwr.ys use freely Just before going to bed. ViCKS ? VapoRub Ovmr IT Million J arm Utmd Ymarty ? * * * * ? ? t rmrvrmrwvvT OPTICAL SERVICE? DR. J. W. SELIG OPTOMETRIST 111 lfata St. ? Elisabeth City PEARL SETZER Ag Mat In her own play, **Tlio | Mack Rooster^' one of the trio of Carolina Folk 1'lays to be presented here February 18 at the Alkrama, under the auspices of Rotary. PLAN IIKVKLOPMKXT OF HKAL'FOIIT OIL FIKLIM Washington, N. C., Feb. 8. ? Ef forts are under way in lJeaufort County to start development of an oil field here. Theodore Hamer, manager of J. & W. Land Company of Pinetown. says that a syndicate was formed in the personnel of h(s company for the purpose of investi gations for oil and minerals in Reau fort County. Several thousand dol lars has been expended by thes" jmen. They have had geologists an l J I practical oil men h<*re from different parts of the country. The general I ! opinion of these geologists and oil | m#*n is that there is a possibility of oil here. j A proposition has been made to] Mr. Hamer and his associates that if ; they will secure leases on land ag gregating 100,000 acres, a reliable, oil drilling company will come hero ami at its own expense, drill tile n?c i essary wells to determine whether j oil exists here or not. Mr. Hamer is now making efforts to secure these, leases. Hrs must not ???' over SIXTY words. They must toll why contestant llk. in., lYhruary 23. 11)2 1. Attach this advertlse mont to loiter. YOU CAN WIN Dept. 1 i! n\\|\<;||\M Sl*ltl\(a I.KS SHADK t'O. <*reeii*boro, X. ('. I N C A S II itriRs ? Exifce BATTERIES The pleasure of driving your car equipped with an Exidc it the pleasure that comes from a mind relieved of the worry of "what's going to happen to my battery next"? Battery Electric Co. Ill X. WiUcr Street l'llone 8 15 yiBfiJLHiaiSlUlHJL ? A Well - Known New York Banker Says: "Tin- place of advertising in I Ik* present ec?? nomic ?j>lfin i* thoroughly well established." (,<><>(l?ill Iiuh come lo he a vital factor in the HiifffHH of any liiininmx, and goodwill run only In* created by right and persistent adver tiding. A manufacturer who ndvcrtisc* honestly the stability and <|iiality of hi* |{ond? nrl? for liini*??'I f a standard of product ion. He inakri* a treaty of faitli willi tin- Inlying public which lie must uphold at any cost. Frequently, for the purpose of promotion, the luuniifacturer need* financial assistance. The lime is fast approaching when hankers, having carefully invenligated the slunding of a manufacturer desiring a loan, will ask this leading question: "W hat i" his advertising appropriation ?" ?a@[3? ???????? ??s??????? ? ? n