McLean' s Speech Opens New School Building To Public Many Hoar Candidate for (iuvrriiiir in Address on Broader of Kdneatimi and Most Favorably 1 1 11 1 I .With the Speaker and Vt it Ii lluildinu Anuus Wilton McLean madf a 1 ?liost favorable impression on Kllzn In III City people mi the occasion ??1 his first appearance bt for.e an Fliza both City audience when ? ho was speaker ??r the evening at the for mal opening of Klizaboth City's in w high school htitldlnv Friday niuht. .Mr. Mcl/'an cam** to Kllzaboih City at the of a week of speech making which had carried him over long reaches hin*t MNs It. Hut the audience, apparently, did-' n't miss the punch. II was im pressed with the speaker's broad view of education and more lm pr? ssed. perhaps, as suggested by J. C. it. Ehringhaus, who Introduced the1 speaker, that there was a man behind the speech. Mr. McLean was ^ i veil close attention, generous ap plause. iind received, at the end of the program, hundreds of expres sions of appreciation of his address from those who heard him. Prior to the speaker's address 71. F. .\vt\b ii. chairman of the bonr?* of school trusteos, made a statement showing how the $100,000 bofie is sue voted for the erection of this and other school buildings in ihe cllv had been spent. The new hi.!: school hiilldlng opened Frldav n'uhi cost *2,r.0.000, $110,00') had b. . n spent on school buildings for ? ? lb: 1 people, and 150,000 for sites. For ? very dollar spent, ho told his near er?, the city had received full value, and, after being handicapped for two or throe years by lack of room, now has school facilities which, from the standpoint of equipment, are second to none In the Slate. Mr. Ayd h-tt also took occasion to d? nv wlde lv circulated reports to the effect that the colored schools Ihe city till v uot received as much money as colored lav payers have paid in for the citv's schools. "I kn? W that the white people of the city would ii want their chil dren educated with the money . r colorrd taxpayers, lie said, and we Investigated this report and found that the colored rehools have re ceived from two to three times as much monev for schools as colored tax payers have pnld In." A plea for support of ihe school* on the part of the parents by Super intendent S. Sheen and mil* Heal numbers by the Klizaheth City Choral Club were other featun s of the program Mr. Mcl.enn'H \ddrc??. Mr. McLean'. address, In snb slanr . follow.' "When I entered this magnificent bilihiing and saw what hattdsoine fttld adequate nrovMon you had m ! to rare for tin educational ne r? of thi*. city :?r? rl commun'tv them J?ass?d !n menial review be fore is: o the n.i:t"H of AycocW. Mclvep and the -other great lenders who have contflhut> d in o large a , re if North Carolina's ? 4o*a tlonni renaissance. "In the erecfion of this building the people of this community have taken another f?/rward ?e leive 1 have found out what our peo ple are most interested in. It is not roads, although they are justly proud of the wonderful de velopment of our great highway system: it is not the remarkable de velopment of our manufacturing ? ? 'sources, though tills element of our progress is now receiving wide and favorable publicity throughout the country; it is not our unprece dented agricultural prosperity, or the sturdy character < i' our citiz'ii ship. though we have Just cause to take great pride in all these things; -it is the cause of education in Its broader aspects, in which Xorth Carolina has made such wonderful progress, within the past few years, that < vary class of our citizenship is most interested In at the pre ent moment. And in ibis connection! let nie emphrtsfcu this significant and encouraging fact, --that while our people are pro'iid of what ha < already been accomplished in cbh nection with the expansion and de velopmmit of our educational sys tem. they are determined to press steadily forward until even gr ater result < lire accomplished. They h?V" put th- ir hands to the plow :.hd there will h?< tto. turning back until the blot of illiteracy Is < ne\ olopltlflit ? f I'tllrlic l/flllcat Ion '"nrtllUUS Jefferson. whose ideas' in both political nd ??lnrtthnfti riat 1(tf* were the soundest of nnv man In the early life #?f the republic; fee o knitted the almost hopeless task-" of briu tiii: education to tin* masses, under the rigid nr. <1 arlltrarv ;? clat? conditions that i \lsted in hi- day. He l?? ii? \ed In iv-mecracv in "overn ment b'-eau-' he saw in if .the no. otfnltfon of the people nn the Hourc. of all political power, but h* r> al Ized very filllv that it would be in* safe to lodge this power in the hands ef the uneducated. Therefore, lie tried to provide T/?r the odtlc'-tkn of the masses as one of the foundation Ft ones of Democratic government. \yiiile lie advocated unbounded lib Con United on Page Four 1 COMMUNISTS PLAN TO TAKK OVKIt J \l* \N ? i |B? The Attorol'd Prrii) Tokio. Fob. 16. ? Discovery of a well formulated plot to form a com munist government in Japan sup ported by Russian communists lias resulted in the indictment here of Japanese communists tin the charge of plotting to form a secret party, according to the published announce ment of results of an examination conducted by the Tokio " "district court and details printed by news papers here. iiirntirrrr nmrt rrs to ckokck christian Washington. Feb 1 6.? Objection to the confirmation of George 11. Christian, former secretary to Pres ident Harding, as a member of the Federal Trade Commission was raised today by Sena ten* LaFollette Republican of Wisconsin. c*n the gronnd that while at the White House Christian interested himself in an important case then and now pending before the commission. KLIZABETl! CITY I.OSKS OUT IN CHAMPIONSHIP ICdenton. Feb. HI. - In the first championship game of tin* season staged here between Klizabeih Citv and Edenton Thursday ni-ht at the Armory, the Green and White lad-* successfully triumphed over their opponents by the tally of 2:1-17 and left them without any chance of State honors this year. The gam** started off with tie local boys rapidly caging field goals, registering a urartd total of 11 dur inu the 4" minutes of play while their opponents \v< re only able to claim five, fouls niakinu tip the oili er eight points credited to the \i.; iting basket* ? rs. It was one of the fastest giim'es seen on the Armory court this season and those who saw the fray predict that the Green and White lads will bid powerfully for the North Carolina Stat? champion ship. TWO VKKESTEI) I\ <:?H NTEKFE1T PLOT Washington. lYh. I \ nation-wide cn^piracy ' to make and distribute counter r< it Treasury u?u?> was dis covered here yesterda* with flu aihsl of Jameg C. Hough ton of tin* Curtail of l-.'nurav iiiL; .Mid Ciirt Jacobson of New York. JOSEPH DIAMOND IS COMICTEI) Ol MUltDEK NYw York. IVI,. -Hi. ? J osc |>h Ula tnond was convicted of first degree murder here yesterday ia connection with Hi#' slayinu and robbery of two bank .mess* >11*: en*, and with his bro ther, Morris, who was also convict ed, will to to the electric chair. APPROVE POMEKENE AND OWEN J. KOBEKTS Washington. I'eh. If.. ? The Sen ate oil committee yesterday ap proved the nominal ion of Atlee I'om erene and Owen J. ttobi rts to be spe cial counsel in the oil lease cases. CIIAKI.ES B. WAKKEN AMBASSADOIt MEXICO Washington. Feb. 1?I. Charles 1?. Warren will accede to the Presi dent's request and accept the post as ambassador to Mexico, it was stSt^tl last night in official circles. HOUSE UNANIMOUS ON \\ \I.SII ItESOI.UTION Washington. Feb. 10. ? Without debate the House today adopted the Walsh resolution directing t lie be ginning of proceedings to recover :- . tions 1 f? and JIG within Naval Oil Reserve No. 1 irt California now op erated by the Standard Oil Com pany. '? A nation wide inquiry by the Pet! era 1 Trade Commission into the milling and baking industries was today ordered by the Senate in the adopting of LaFollette's resolution. ItEI'l BIJCANS SEEK AID Ol insuim;ents Washington. Feb. IG. ? The. aid o:' Republican insurgents was sougjit loday by organization leaders in I lie House in the effort to ward off de feat in the fight with Democrats ov ? r the income tax rates. An attempt will also be made to have Cp'.didfle use his influence to line up Repub licans who are out of sympathy with tlie organization's stand for compro lni-e *>ii the surtax maximum of 35 lier cent. CONVICT C\.MP is llESTKO^ El) M FIISE liirminghani, Feb. 1'G.- TI:.' con vict prison camp was desfroyed by flames here last night but prisoners were prevented from escaping. Four convicts were burned to death. SI-AMOK IMIEENE IS SIKH IN (.I N I I(;H1 . W.sliit .t n. I'-b. 1?l. Senator; ? I Y< rmont was shot audi s l ? ??u-ly itiinr. d lust nMit j ? ii li ?? -' I a sf.v bullet in a vim j n.M 1" !'.%'??? u rs and iw? - nin ? *i: i?*. t s ??n tin streets An examination today' t ha i the bullet had not re-j >r.jiti.? l in hi* head and Senator, I*. i?j expected to recover. As a result of t lie (iteene shooting 1 1: ? -.whole in ii?l?!l*> . of conflicting' ??; ir::on<. charge*. explanations. de nial-. and countercharges that have ? a ti a izi-.l efforts to enforce tin* prohibiten laws here . seems I t ? have a thorough airing in Con- J gross. TKM I IC IIKI.n I I' ON THE CAMDEN KO\l) Traffic was held i: i> for more than j an hour on tin* Pasquotank IJiv.rj State liridgo road to Camden Friday! ni-ht. I?iit a high tide was not the J cause nf t he tie-up. A power lilt was Installed for the. draw of t he bridge this week and I \\ h? 11 a fuse of the motor blew out | at about half past nine o'clock Kri- 1 day...njcht with the bridge in mid- ] air. it took an hour to get an elec- ' triciiii and locate the troubfe. Meant inn*, with a rapidly falling temperature, occupants of the/ grow ing line of motor cars caught on tie* Camden side of tin- river sat in their seats and shlverWl. Ity tin* time that tli** trouble was remedied the string of cars stretched all tin- way from the bridge to Clover's Cut. However. tin- bridge .force will doubtless soon 'grow accustomed to t4?e ways of electrical p.futivinent and ; such delays from so trivial a cause will hardly li?* |?? >i-iij i (!?? Via* I'lil In Dcalli ut Ni-vadi Stiiti- I'rUon. ( iK'liiiiiK'il fiir mih! Order Wlioei* Minion Mr \\ as I* I M ^ i 1 1 1 < -ir r;i t i 1 1 iz lit l.. r. o\vi:\. (CniiyrMil, P> The Advanro San Francisco, I'd). 1 <>-. -At last, and largely through accl . (lent, the occidontrl mind which for so long has tried nnsin-cr ? fully to comprehend and cope with tho ^nvstriiou- and impotie i trahlo psychology of the oriental has bcOn partly successful. For (Wi years law enforce ment authorities of Far West ern states and some Fasti i n ones have been virtually power less to halt Chinese tonjt wai . which ? tfrew out of fjamhiii'-' delits, purloined slave uiils, <. alleged business wrongs. Throat* of awst ntid itmsi in: Ion wi-}*" of 110 avail. Paid font' : ftfjiH whtdvd ihoir automatic* in ut t ?*r co?t?'nij?l of wlilt- nulh'it itl' .?<. "Wli'-n f?oo .Ion, a? Hop S'in folic !?' 'i-ltln'I'T WAS b-ually ? rnl. (1 at Carson City wllli l? ihal ran l;i-? ?v?> k. authority aecld?'fitf fly 1>I< tl upon not only a prov?iitl. of f unr#- l' i" Ivlllln^;-. but at tl?? .-at' ? time probably mdnl tb?- ?b tf1? ' ? ? II of the ? nflt' ** r- in. Already, i ;* result of (} Hop bo foreocl to quit bti*lnd by authorltlea an Inevit able that otlirr ton#* -and there aro a *oor< or more of them- will quick ly follow mi it . Two fact* in hup** ; u 11 \ rot | hatting font: v..M ? l tlv futur.< 1 have ; prim!.' frorti t li* I il . l ? i death of <*,?? Jon. Oim v.;i fh? 111 ? in ' it y bt th' poW . i i m I )|it m; ?. i .1 \ '? 1)1 M >' I i ll n 'ii ? j| I.- V i ? ? : r ? ' toit'V. T1). t.ihvr i. llli <?f tin N- '.;?:?!? d li ".v: ; I. - j yond th'ir fwn;?r? h?-n n i ?' int-a r y :?o IP*; rally nffw-d would n ?1 ? v?TV'? ;m an ? -ffeCtual Lnudrr. a.ntlhxi ; death. Tho fea r and l*;n?M:?.in> cif- II>?- le I thai l.;' ; fate ju?i? d mit- t?? *;?< .ton | N bout : evfdi-niftjd , l?> 'hf fart tint f IiIh body v/af H'l>(Jai'ni<*?l. llhe; i the Hop Slut: ', lioi relative:-, would have anvthJo# to do with It. A! ithoii'_'i his ton:- w. srilllnic to pay $10,000 to Have IllK 4fe. ii Would t>' ? contribute a few hundred for d? r? nt burial. The explanation tiven I" that ChlneFo funeral lit < f'?r the event cd hluh-hlnder would do no t-ood 1 that bin way of death hod made li Impoftftltolo for him to writer the, Cblnone equivalent of hraven. McAdoo's Friends Will Not Permit Withdrawal I'mtillin:: IW I'l'C'Oiil al l.?a?t to l>i ? ipnta' the Slrrnjilli anil Momentum Thai i I i~ |inienl? in Oil ScandaU ISy II Win I. AWIilM K (C\.p?. mm. Ry Tlir Adtn?ci? Washington, I"el>. 1 ?">. ? The extraordinary mauouvor by which William (iihbs McAdoo has placed himself in the hands of his friends and supporters, who are to decide whether he should continue to lie a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the presidency, will end in a decision to support him. ill-. McAdoo was ready, it is said, to withdraw his* namo from - the race when his advis ers insisted that the question was one for the McAdoo sup porters to decide. And ' there ??ire several reasons why they "ill not let jro of Mr. McAdoo even though there may In? con yinciujf arguments as to the in jury done his candidacy by the recent disclosure that he was counsel for K. I.. Doheny, oil magnate, in .Mexican matters. Mf'xi'r "itTi". wl"'?lrawal h- .Ir ,M W"1"'1 '"lv" "" . .. *"l'Port. rH wi,(, i,;, j w'mi'l.i" i" '""'"'"I I'l* l?"im mul li M.- V . % .* . . . v vi' /V s, ,h" "? '??'???ratio I friction liislil.. ii,,. ??, v |S||l'v""r 'I'- imtw.ii. all y of II,.. a dlr. ... "" "'"I" ami I .K. in I'l' H V. iy MIIH'll ||?' ,-?N,||||??- af. I II... LJ.'J" "" wl"" Hie pro . n.n .mil km, t imiiirlfs wit.' tlliiic for ,i;,,ir?| ?f Imr|y N"' ?' f' '.v of in ' V"' rlililiMi kill. I k , ! w Wl' ' ""1 ??Il ly II ila li liniirt. It, It I?|,.r ,m Tho I Hint if ? I" i"" iioinliiati'il Hipv 11 li" i ? in liar with Hi, M, ' " ?" ''"ii nine of II,,. parly. " ,Mr- ?"'?A.lni.-s candidacy iinn l-r -i nil mnir ,,f |,li [! '"'? "r- "'-"lv i-r I,. l?.|l..v.. J 111 . ii i.,?r,l |< anything ' ~V ".'i"'l "f every 111 "lll'll I u 111 ?( 111,. ' , ' '"""! u 1'" I'm lant i? 1 urcK-n,. I'lenn-nts in ( |,u ; w' :v; ?"'> t.l k?.X l,|| ;, I,|r|| mor|, (|. .'i nKi" Hi,. ](,.|.iii,u,.all ailiiiinlsirn ; 's "'? l.-llillj: what effect ^?'U!'ulr "iH ;. "t o' n... coininlt,.,. ??r|1I>s,.. ..vol, I", | ,ivi. Inn rr.-Katliin ,,.r,, r_ AI,A,I"?'. particularly con f'lr! n, " r"r r|l""u ? ! "."?'"I'ty 'l"Pi'riiii,.,,t ??! Will iHtriillnn h ,s hi 111 |? ,l:"'-v"r Tl- < 'I. H till, n'. , ?i,l ,T'''I ?" interrogate Mr. , ll;ih1"1 '"? ? "iiiiiliinl ,1 , on I',- I ?lalic t.-kn ilia, i I , eliminate him rr",n ran. Ma*,. ?r t|," Allliciiirl, ||,..?.,., t|ln| n'.''i m iitiiliMlbtPilly .I,,,.,,,-, 1 7t? l""r< on ina(|. rs of that kin, I . ? k .ilw.iys i,, ,)m, , f||i j'f' Unlit-. There t i .tiK lii-ror,- K.-dcral ,i ?i "'it r.'-i from , I ,in JmuI i i political " " eon I net wltl, wnaltl, ; f In "'???pttiiiii "? "" " ? in n an, I pro ?; ""J?lriii"?i Of ., ,.u?||<|?rv lan!jV ll!Kl'" ' "fnc" ln Ml" .M, .? iii,|,oi i, r, hni! hci n ? .ikli". ,,k:".i? h.'ailwny. r?. nlreaily ha, I Kath..r. ,l ? inajM !. . ir. iiKih .,i?| wi-r" cl,,^ ? it.- t?- thlr.U i, ?,n ir. 8omil ' "IN.' k-cili. lit I, a, l?-, ? ..m ourner ? ii"- th" Ho I, lit c rmnmlll,., a " Mr. M A,l? , w,? ? ;nr.,tl , |:,u..,.r Ir it w?r? ?,r i II"; flf 'I,., ntiark. many ?i ; ,r *>''-? I?w 111" Ilamaiti. ?I" ' ; ??..M aha, "ion hln . , ;; '/ >"?? ?n w n . ' 11 " ' l he "t. ttittli alr.-nilv . f f,'! ,"r "r"-Wii?on kirii i " '-" v v/tll inntionm th' ro. ' "I ..f XVI Ufa !n olhhi McAtlci ' j?'"1 '""I. 'tis rui". Thf ........ . fr "" 9" Pr "? it Indl ' '"? wll ''iro Into a i(cmon?lra " mi 4,y "I'y :iiid ?< ijpjWri . Union Service At The First Methodist Native Armenian Will Speal* On Near East Relief Sun day Evening The campaign ft/r Near Fast Re lief in Pasquotank county will start Sunday with a native speaker from the stricken Hi !>!?? lands who has been through (hi* .horrors of Turkish percent ion. announcement was marie by Mrs. Anna 11. Lewis county chairman for this great humani< tarian organization. Xa/areth A. Movajian. native Ar juenian. now a practicing attorney of rolumhia. S. ('.. who has beon ton rin k the stafe as a- member of Col. (It'ii. II. Ib'llamy's . volunteer ? pi nkiiiK staff, will address a 1'niOn service of local church-goers here. Sunday evening. Pasquotank County's quota for this great work is ?l.l?so which will ftM'd, 'lothe. '-belter and ? du c:ile the !i'! children aa i^ned to this county by the .North Carolina State Coinmittee. These children are part of 'the 110, nun which the American p? ople are building into a n?*w Armenian nation, of w'ii .'?n?;?ted.' P.atiks. merchants and I'caeral. busln?fs int're ? ; ar*" urir ili'/ large tind? rtakinK- i ll toa;ivford < oil- ? O r??r*f . N.iH' !i ( 4 ? J i : ? !. 1 j : ? ? l??"i? orotioii ?<' i: vi i: K r Ff-1? IT. New finn ' r t fir ' noin hr, Into T< - :?t. th< I -I ? < ? of 41 ?I?V. art' to tlv VVrWt T' \iv f"'?;iful?'-r of ??'?!?? iflfl riHrofld offli'ti.' . Sforj< r?* fx It; . '"rrit fr? in" v. rcii C* r.-t to Hi - no\V f?irto ?? of" n# 1 1 ! r ' ? ? daily. CONVICTS HELD FOR MURDER OF GUARDS ? Pil f : bur^h. F?b 1 **? Flvr ron vieta worn today Ih-IcI for murder hf ili" (f/r oner's Jury which hoard the | evidence at the lti(|U?Ht Into the