???????? ? * THE WEATHER * * 'Cloudy and colder lo- * * nifiht. Tuesday unset- * * lied. Moderate to fresh \ . and V. E. i rinds. ? 1 * CIRCULATION Saturday 2.36U ( tiiiies VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION". ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY EVENING, EEBRl ARY IS. l'.?2!. EIGHT RACES. NO. 12. Large Industry Saved - By Chamber Of Commerce Aided Ity E. It. Daniels of W'anclirse, Secretary Joli Rescued lilt- (?lolie Fisli Company from the (Hutches of Hijrh FreigKt Hates; Also Greatly Helped Fishermen One of the city's largest Indus tri'-s. and on** which links it In way ot mall and trade with every tishlifi cent, r on the Albemarle Sound and its estuaries was saved to the city I last week through prompt action oil ?tin* jiart of the Elizabeth City Cham ber of Commerce. ably seconded by E. It. Daniels of Wanchese. This Industry was that of the Glob?* Fish Company, one of. the I most interesting as well as one of the largest in the city, and one I which hits been doing business here since lull and which last yea r I shipped flsli from Elizabeth City tol the value of a quarter of a millio.jl dollars and did a half a million dol lar business. K. It. Daniels is pres ident and founder of this concern. T.lie factor which threatened the loss of this industry to Elizabeth City was a high freight rate. Re cently a boat line operating between Dare County and New York made a rate of $2.00 a box on fish shipment* | from Manteo to New York" by way of the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. The rate by way of E'iza heth City has been $.'1.05 a box. Man ifestly such a diiierence in rate would have < nded the shipment of fish through Elizabeth City and have forced the (1 lobe Fish Company to ntove to Norfolk. This would not only have meant tin* loss of the Globe Fish Company to Elizabeth City, but also the loss] of much trade from Dare County; | for manifestly the movement of pas-| senders and mail aQO rreig-ht would have followed the movement of fish, and the freight now shipped out of Elizabeth City to points oil the Albe marle Sound at a profit to Elizabeth City Jobbers would have ceased to move from here and have been dis-J tributed from Norfolk. Another loss to Elizab'-th City had the Globe Fish Company been compelled to move Its headquarters to Norfolk would' have be, to t^>- Elizabeth City postoffice, of which the Globe Fish Company is j one of the 1:' i":est patrons. Post - master .1 A. Hooper says that 1 1? ? * loss of the Globe Fish Company's mail would have meant reducing Elizabeth City frcm a postoffice of the first to a postoffice of the second class. Realizing th<- gfcavltvof the sltua-j f Ion when it was put before him hv Mr. r>:? ni? 's. Secreturv Job wen* with M . TVrnk'U ti? Norfolk anl| thriv the two w?nt Into conference with E. 1>. Kyle, vice-president of the No i ? "1 ic Sou t her i .Jillrond, wUh J. \V. Nfwby, t.- -'leral agent of th- j Oh? n< minion Steamship Conmanv. and with representatives of the N. Y., I*. & N. Through thes*' confer ences arrangements we're completed wherebv fish shipments may nor move by freight from Wanchese through Elizabeth Citv to Norfolk and then by the Old Dominion line to New York, and by the N. Y.. I'. & S. to Philadelphia, at a lower rate' than that offered by the all-water route to New York. This prompt action on the part rf Secretary Job for the Chamber of Commerce is m.t only of first im portance to Elizabeth City for reas ons set forth in the foregoing para graphs. but it is also of immense ad vantage to fishermen, who. In ship ping their fish, as is their custom, by prepaid freight, will find that it means to them a saving of more than $1.00 a box, increasing the net amount, therefore, on each box by that amount. When it is remem bered that between 15,000 and 20, 000 boxes of fish are shipped annu ally by the Globe Fish Company, and that thousands of boxes in addition to these are shipped direct to North ern markets through Elizabeth City by sound fishermen, it will be seen that the new freight rate secured will put something like $25,000 a year in the fishermen's . pockets. The Globe Fish Company, by tin way, is the largest fish concern hi the Slate and one of the largest >| the South. It operates several lines out of lClizabeth Citv. serving Wan ehe ?, Manns Harbor, S'utnpy I*olnt. Mashoe> , Hodanthe. Hatt - ras. i nd other communities on "the Hanks." The vessels used in freight and pas Heng'?r sep ire are the la r ? ' ? gas boats, the Jlattie Creef. the E. II. 1) 'iil? is and the I'ompano, and 11" schooner Flossy Miilr. Havf:, ejtnbll-h. .1 the Globe Fl ? Company here ami being Interested In Elizabeth City through the fact that it Urn b< en fa ??? t hat hi? has formed bfs business associations as well as through the fict that, his tW) sons. John P. Daniels and A. H;iti lels, vice-president and secretin - treasurer, respectively. cf the diet" Fish Company, hav" their hone here. E. Daniels 'ras averse tr? the Idea of having to niove his plant t.i Norfolk and was appreciative ?f t!w r. operation given him by Secre tary Job in the successful effort to mil" it possible to keep it in Eliz fclWh ('it ?. . The movement ef fish f ttr the season Is ! ist beginning and between now and May 1 will be brisk. For the convenience of fishermen, the Norfolk Southern, beginning probab ly this week, will bperate a fish freight between here and Norfolk.! leaving Elizabeth City at 5:T,0 a. m. Still a Few Seats For Plays Tonight Carolina Playrr.akers Just Visited New Bern And Pleased Audience The curtain will rise tonight at >8:15 at tlu? A1 Urania Theater on the Carolina lMaymakers. There are still a few seats left and they may be secured at Selig's until the , store clcses. The l'layiuakers are just from New Hern ami this is what the New Bcrnlun had to say of their perfor mance in that city: "A crowd that filled every seat in the Mascaic, greeted the annual i appearance of the Carolina Play makers in. three one-act plays here last night. Their bill was easily the best that a N w Hern audience has had the pleasure of witnessing. 1 he plays were remarkably well written and the arrangement of the program ideal. "AJiss Frances Gray, who appear ed in* t lie role of the wife of the ten ant farmer, principal in Krma Grten's "Fixin's" a powerful bit of tragedy, and George Denny, a vet eran of the troupe. In the clever '.comedy, "uaius and Gains Jr..*' captivated the audience with their remurka.)ly finished acting. Their wcvk brought out effectively truly dramatic fibre that runs through these fascinating North Carolintf plays. That doesn't mean that "The Black Roost* r," I'earl Setter's play, was not typical of the playmaker calibre. It* bad its place on the program, but was sacrificed to an ex;, nt j?- the opener. "Fixin's" ana "Gains niul Gains Jr." simply overshadowed it. "Fixin's" presented the conflict between a woman's passion for the beautiful in life and desir? of a g.asping. ignorant man for the purely material. The story was highly developed and required nat ural ability to be successfully por tiayed. Miss Gray had that. "In the concluding comedy was given a delightful picture of the typical Southern plantation ho:u? of the fifties and here Gaiu^ M :;y i**ld, courtly old aJri-stC'gtyit of the age, was presented in a delii lit f illy hu morous story George Uenpy inter preted this part with great skill" IN COl'ItT MONDAY Henry Hecks'.all, colored, for illegal posessfdn of liquor was fined $25.00 and cc/.-ts in police court M .in day. Four negro defendants, members of the "Church of God and Saints of Christ," w? re fined $1.00 and costs cach lor running a fence on Sunday. The defendants were F. W. Smith, John Willard, Matthew Wlllard and Lee Lassiter. Smith was pastor of tin' "Church of God and Saints of Christ," and he and his brethren ap peared before the recorder aft< r spending the night in Jail because they refused to give bond for their appearance Monday morning. NON-MEMHES BANKS MUST PAY IN CASH Washington. Feb. IX.- Federal llescrve banks act In- ?? m collecting banks must require non-member banks to pay in caih or Its equiva lent checks drawn upon them r s:e cept the liability in case other f<v .?? of settlement prove wi.rthb > 'be Supreme Court ruled todav in ibe case brought by tit" Federal I: . ? Bank of Richmond agalnsi Mali"; Brothers. NEW OYMNASIUM CONSTANTLY I SI P The opening of the new High School has ndd* d to the KyuiUiisiunt f qilipniMiU Of FIlKabet h < ity quite m. l<>r!ali>i Jjut this iquiphi mu i* ' e ng uvljfzori on uri averag ? of per hap more than ten bout.1, .? dev. \ ; fymtia turn sit the n w High School building Is In almost, c m p' .at use thnaghoiit th" sehool day and al o^ is used 5' (if practice gam ? in i he cv ning. .' t ', ?? > time t ho ('immunity Bnlldhi*: ni i labium i. r : : r. t f * Vt I ? - tV" it -s: ?? h? h It w.is the ontv pine;- f .? . High School basket ball practice and H^Tch :?:? k . si.,' , i; _v He ?e.:* j ? tewt b > ? ftoV it slim ,t oli re<4 ular schedule as well as the High H^foool basketball teams which wish t' practice while other high school teams are tiling the high school gymnasium. Crossing t lie street safer than , double crossing a friend. , TWKIA'E PERSONS ABE KILLED IN EXPLOSION <3* Th* Prrtt) Frith. Fn^land. F??b. IS. ? Kiev* n vitiiu-n and one man ww k i ? ? ? ?.! in an explosion hero today which f>! lowod ih?* outbreak of fire i:i .1 cart ridge Ailing factory. SEN \T()|{ GIILKNE IN SEIUOIS CONDITION Washington. Feb. is. ? Senator <tr*M?n?' of Vermont. victim ol a pro hibition chase;last week in the shad ow of th*? capital, remained in n' se rious condition all niuhi. MAM FANATICS ARE KILLED IN BATTLE 'B? Th? Miixiitrd PuMl Manila.- Feb. is. ? Nine constabu lary soldier* and ::5 r. liuicus fana tics w -re kilU-d in a iigilt at lialte. Amman Province. according to a constabulary report received here. Several other fanatics vvi re wound ed. MILLER SAYS BONUS ESTIMATES Jl GGLED New York. Feb. IS. Thomas \V. Miller, alien property custodian, in an address here last night declared that high Treasury officials juggled the bonus estimates In 'order to de ceive the people. M? lion di ni?-d the charm's. FARMER KILLED AND ins buggy smashed UalolKh. Feb. 1?. A. \V. Wll Hams, farmer, was killed y? sterday when an auto collided with his bu^ nv :;n d tlu? abutt of the bUggy pierced, bis chest. I OLGA MORTON FOUND BOUND AND LAGGED N \v Yorl:. F-.-b. is Oi;:i Mor ton-was boiii. I and <'. in her apartment yenter day. ma'.ir the second such case in N? w York in a few days. She \ 1 viv. d. how ever. \ IIOMK IS KNTIKELY DKSTKOYIW BY I I UK The hone ? t WlHIa Carter. col ored. coiner of Uurj.?:?s and Hnilicy 8tr?'<.''s w:is entirely destroyed by fin Monday morning r t ?? '.0 o'clock and very little of th- furniture was sav<d. 'I lie d a ? 1 1 ; i was abou' $7r,i). The ii >1.10 of fU-r.r ? Held, colored, n? vt door was al 1 par?l> burned. The dam? was about .5-""* Th?* lire tompftny > called by .in ill. 1 : 1 from I'.. \ Si. but t: e fir- ?' ?!: d already ::ui crn? id? table t?oadv. wb ?? ?'v '<lavm w >s giwri. The origin of the fire Is not known. Hi" los> ,vi w? partly cow-red by 11 su ranc". Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock the fire comp tny answered a ! Mill alarm and- found the fire at tie , tor-' <?! \V. I' Williams Wat# r ; street. Th" damage was about $10. ItCCHKlr TirtF.S SHOW i\( HK\si;i) i>ii<>m<rio\ Akron. Feb. IS - An increase in production hc-re has b ought tic* lir. output to iOO.OOO casings a day, the highest point in several months. An Inrrei.- in demand for ball u.*a tires has followed a cut of ir? t > 2<? per rent In price by the Firestone Company. When they burled the hatchet in Europe they left the handle sticking out of the ground. SECRETARY OF NAVY DENBY HAS RESIGNED 77th Thomas A. Edison celebrated his seventy-seventh birthday the other day by working in his Newark, X, J., office as usual. His Resignation Promptly Accepted By President Following Telephone Conversa tion In Which All Latest Aspects of The Situation Are Discussed Washington. Felt. Ui. Kdtvin Di-nliy today as Secrt'lary of llic iNavy anil his resignation was acrcpled. Nix decision followed "i telephone rouvmalioit with I'li^idrnl < in which all llit* lalot aspect* ??f the situation were talked ?>ver in I In* light of informnliuii passed on to the Vi liite House l>y Republican leaders in the Senate. After having repeatedly d? elared that he never would qu't under fire of those who have criticised his part in the oil leasing program, the Sec ret a rv notified Coolidge this morninj* that he was ready to step out. Not only is Denby party to the oil leases, having alfixed his signature along with that of Fall, hut he repeatedly has de fended his part in the proceed ings and has declared publicly since the present controversy arose that he believed the con tracts legal and world !?? will ing to pursue the same course again. 't has been pointed out to the President that it might appear inconsistent to have a member of the adinini (ration holding these views remain in office while the administration itself through its counsel was moving in the courts to annul the leases on thf! .ground that they were made without authority of law. Roosevelt Vi ill Sti-.y Washington, Feb. li<. ? Theo dore Roosevelt, Assistant Sec retary of the Navy, announced after a half hours conference with President C'oolidge today, that he would not resign as the result of the retirement of Den by. "I have just been to see the President and 1 am not resign ing," he said. I .eg u I Machinery Iteudy Washington, Feb. IS. ? Or ganization of the legal machin ery to handle the oil lease sui's was today completed by the Senate's conlinuation of Owen Roberts of Philadelphia "? cial Gc. u nrr.-nt council. TAIO'v? ,"??(! ItH NHS Ol' COTtOX )IAKK l?.\l K SAYS ( <? IIT Atlanta Feb. IS F v? hundred 1-1 f < ?!?:>? ? *11 t'llv JI bale, r,if ;.n ipiiiuo court Iiuh ruled In :t i-.i ? brouvh.t by ;? local bank, in whlc'.i It w <lalmcd wareho'iis? re r.jpi t'jvMi ;? 'roiJalefftl were for ?.'??? In quantities I' jw than it pound*. whteb "ih? trade is ac ru tntned to HiiHpeo.t." \l I IN' It i: ASK IN HAI/K i.i I ARMIMi IMI'MCMKN'TH ?. o, j? it F.-lJ. tR ? 3aUs of , n? rffiiHonic -n t.* in Louisiana, Mla ? .j.i an I ftn*t Texan sin* only fiv j it cent ahearl of ln*t Thh h iv beett disappointing jffr ? of Tom 2$ t?. "0 per it v. i oiTon MAItKKtr N't ? York, Feb. IS Hpot cotton at; , ,i m .h i tM* afternoon, deellnttfl! 1 1. ' V ^dii' ? ??? ?, '? . , ], f.(I ?t the following |eV?l*'. m , : i -j *1 , M \ 3b 50 ; .1 illy ( tober 2fl,53j December 26. tO. \. w York, r< b . 1* C ( Aon fa I opened this morning nt the (olloirlnK 1<\ t?: M?nh Sl.SR; M?> ai.lR: 30. HO; Ortolier 27. 35; l>fce!mber 26.V;S. KEKTII.IZLK STATUTE IS DKCLAKKI) V ALII) \\ .1 hiugt,on, Feb. 18? The North Carolina statute regulating suits for damages resulting from the use of fertiliz* r* was today declared valid and constitutional by the Su;?rt ni<? i nf in the brought by Ulch ?> ? d ton? claiming that fertilizer purchased . from the Union (Itr.inS V. i.panV t outlined a substanc harmful to tin- growth of tobacco. .lones sou gilt to re c.over damages 1 ?; ? I *. ? Nirth Carolina courts dis n:i<e' d the suit on the ground that he fulled to comply with section ?1607 of the consolidated statuteH re gulating the bringing of damage pull* arising out of the use uf fotf t ilizers WAK l)EHT POLICY KEM AIMS UNCIIANCE!) We llington. Feb. IS ? The Amer ican Government's war debt policy i .oainej unchanged today after a confer' m*ec of the American Debt t mi mission which failed t<t act on/ the proposal* that debtor . govern ?" "t ?? reirtinded again that 'the 1'nited States is awaiting funding pr opo sa Is. A(ihl) Jl IX;K K I LI. K.I) IN I I IK COLIM aoor.i Lincoln, Neb. Feb. IS William .Morning, veteran district Judge, was i y n'^ot and killed in li is eourt i ). ? in by Wallaco Wallick. who In turn sh.?t and killed himself. The judge was thot through the heart. Few like work herainc th?Ti? nre so many c/ihcr things to do. Exclusive View Thle la an exclusive view of the fnmous Harvard University "Preal dentlal Chair," uaed by preside nta alnc? 1737. It waa photographed recently (or tha Aral tlma. ll la used only on Commencement Day and then taken bacfc In vault. Hero To Give Aid To The Cripples Paul J. Ransom, assistant ? super visor of vocational rehabilitation, will arrive Wednesday at noon and remain in the city throuuh Thurs day. .\ir. Hansom comes to aid tie cripples of this County who arc- de pendent on others for support and can be seen :>t any time during his stay in the office of Mrs. Anna la-w it at the Cha'niher of Commerce. II" represents one of t ):<? bureaus of public instruction and his work is to turn the liabilities of the commun ity Into assets by furnishing tile Cripple wlili a business or vocational training and replacing- the missin.u limb with an artificial < tie, making th ? man or v.i;in:ui m If ^'ippftrtinu. Several iii? n arid women o! this ''I'lin ty h ?' vo already be.-n aided by this department and p'ac. 1 l?v them !n a ?. 'fitio.i which enabled tinm to m.-l- a livelihood. l ii ?"? bure.-'u is not for the aid < f di:;abl- d ddi-TH. but i rtrictly for civili-.Mi of the Stat'-. O.KOM1N V MKUCUANTS TO YlKKT \T |(Al.i:i(;U Statesville. X. C. Feb. 18. ? Final Ic-rt'-is hav?? been sent out to '.he i "i?m'?i of the Vorth Carolina M? r chant*' \s -.rt-iar on cnllin;* their at tention to I ho midyear meeting that will he hejd at th- Sir Walter Hotel in R,i>ftfh en February r??. it w,u< ; :i iMi itiml C .lay at t|f ?adcjtiafters af the ;i oHation here. The n?e? r i ri ir will rom-hine binhn ?? and plea .niit'. it wa sa!d. and entertiinment lor the guests after t Ijc* .business ses sion iy eomplett d has le .-u provided for. ' ? i Tlv principal speaker of the .meet ing will be Irving S. Paiill. of Wash ing!. >n, 1>. c . Chief of the Dr.mestic Cumn'rrre Division o! the Iiepart ir.ent of Commerce. ,\tr. Paull !?< jalfl t i he one of the best informed nun on the subject r?f retail di-trf l-'ifieu in the world, lie was the arfiv< head of the C</ngre?Hiona I Commlnsion that tnadp an investi g;*t<m of the retail distribution of t!" entire < antry for ihe govern ment. He al.-'o erved with the Joint cammiltt ' of the Commission of Ar.r: ultural inquiry. The gey.--.ion will open with a lun cheon at the Sir Waller Raleigh at yne o'clock Wednesday February :: i wh ej some prcininent speaker, will address the members. ,u;i:n soi dikk kills WO I II K l< 1NMATK N:is!ivlll?. !?%???. is Dr. T. Phlrkinr:. ;i : ? -?1 fl. Illlllltlc of till' Onf <!? . Horn* Im i-4 . pfobahlv will not survive Ills injuries In stMii'l I -Ma i for <1. \V llamhy, ue <1 f*T. p1?'? n f it in ? * ' ? of t!'f? h'nno.^jji a qonml y< Mt? rday ov?r ni Initio" .i wJitriow. iniK TO I "ILK STMT, INCOMK TWKS NOV. 1 x Tho llmi' for Qlinu Slat'' l!?ooin?- t. \ ?rt-furns i\ ??irc - ? llfiftf i month rttli! tlioyn who h" . r. -t i- . v It hi' c law 1 JU>n u. ? u subjrrfc t '* h n nalty of flVo :>> r jit vlth a irinlmum "f M.flli . I Jx pi i <'t?nt wlvlch wHl ar? i Ma.ch 1 "? mxt. according J It. A. I )o II L.}?t ill j?: Mr 'if V v<fnnr? of tli* S t : 1 1 * ? of North oin:?. l,a * w?r tllC offlrr; wo.'i- rtis'l'M Si I "H fit - > 'I i II ? ):?? I i ?? - ' i) ? ' ' ' , :? -onoT Don - ton. \ !h r-.M 'vlfo wait- d illtll t ?? ' ? ' ' : ?? ? j i r - ?" i'mm! t I:iw ? > r- th< i return;. ! h '!onitnix* , ? i< ?? in bnipeM that if'i n'<urr<n ' *ri"> *??? avoided ha? "?ii|?loy?d ;i*l. ? W ra < fx of r-1<-rU^ - i-l I i" ? Jill iri nidlnic it. ? public In . it 1* ?? r' twr?>< Kroin now ??!? | y : r h 15 i.Iia of < of thj vr' :\" i)< i>artm<" t w'll toe oj" i la tli? Agricultural Building and tli *? puhll*' f* nr^of! to mak?' out It* lax return a Immediately. Rumor Muy< n movli- mar will m firry i frfend'H huibnml. l) ?n't K?t mad. She may be doing th'? frhnd n favor. f

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