*****?*?? ? THE HEATHER * * Rain tonight and If W- * * nvsday. Slightly warm * it tonight, dales on the * * \ortlieast coast. ?*#*****? * * * V CIRCl'LATfOS Monday 2. 1 09 Copies m ? FINAL EDITION. EIGHT PACES. NO. 43. J osephus Daniels Boom Is Nursed In New Y ork I Friends of Former Secretary of the Navy (.onsider Him Presidential Timber and are Quietly Sounding Out Sen timent for lliiu Since eakeniii^ of McAdoo Itv ltOUKHT T. SMAl.l, Copynohl, 1921. by The New York, Feb. 10. ? Political and personal friends cf Joso phus Daniels, former Secretary of the Navy, are quietly sounding out sentiment in this state as well as other sections of the East, as to the possible availability of the distinguished North Carolina! editor as the next Democratic Presidential nominee. The Daniels boom is a tiny i one as yet, no bigger than a| man's hand. It has risen out of I f the steam of the boiling Teapot Dome. It has much the samo impetus as the movement which j has been started in some locali-j ties calling for the nonimation! of Senator Thomas J. Walsh of; Montana, the man who had had the burden of the Dome inves tigation on his shoulders for more than a year. It has been recalled here in New York that the political career of Charles E. Hughes grew out of an Investigation, when he was special counsel for the legislative committer which show* <1 up some <.f the I practices of the big insurance coin panics. In tin* case of Mr. Daniels, how ?V?r, his friends have tentatively] brolly lit him forward before. They have considered him as -presidential timber long before the Teapot Dome disclosures have shown him in such ! a favorable light. . They have be-! lieved Mr. Daniels would have the backing of many of the best ele-j merits of his party. Not the least potent of the infill-1 ences claimed to be behind Mr. Dan iels is that of William Jennings Bry an. When Mr. Bryan announced sonic time ago that, lie bad a "dark! horse" under cover for the Demo- ' cratic convention to be held in this] city the latter part of next June, | many persons felt he had Mr. Dan iels in mind. He and the North Car olinian had served together in the Wilson cabinet. As a matter of fact it has been said that it was partly |- due to Mr. Bryan's Insistence that P Mr. Wilson named Daniels as head of the Navy Department. Mr. Bryan further asserted that his dark horse was a "dry" and a Southerner. This strengthened the belief in Mr. Dan iels. Then ,the commoner narrowed his choice. He* said the man he had In mind was a Florfdan. Demands that he "name his man" brought out the Bryan statement in favor of the nomination of Dr. A. A. Murphree, of the I'niverslty of Florida, one of the best known educators of the South, hut utterly unknown In the political field. In Florida it is con sidered that Mr. Bryan named Dr. Murpliree in the belief it would help the former attain his Immediate am bition of being elected a delegate at large from the peninsula rftatc. Mr. Daniels' friends say they are confi dent of the whole-hearted support of the Bryan wing if any headway at all can be made with the Daniels boom. The present movement In favor of Mr. Daniels has grown out of the belief that the Teapot Dome scan dals are poing to have a dominant Influence in the next election. Mr. Daniels*' frlertds say It has ? been shown that the oil plotters tried to put over on Mr. Daniels the eanie deals which developed later under the Harding regime. Mr. Dan iels, they assert, stood like the rock of Gibraltar auainst the invading hosts of privilege and the seekers after political favors. These same friends nre pointing out the launda | tory things belnir said about Mr. I I Daniels, even in the Republican pa i pers. L_ The move to create a Danloli non twent bore In Now York City has Mowed an editorial In Frank Mun r ?oy's bitterly partisan Herald in I Which the Daniels Incident was ire-' j fcrrod to as follows: "ft Is pleasant to record that whi n I Creel Introduced Stack to JoAephusj j Daniels and Stack asked Daniels to let Teapot Dome bo opened up. Dan iels refused. That refusal by Mr.1 j Wilson's Secretary of the Navy shines Hfec n good deed In a naughty | | world of ofl and monoy. Almost ev j erybody pine wanted somothlnu. or gave something, or gotsom'othlng." i laTSTlX MI'l.fiKV IX MAW HTKLI.AII ItOI.KH IN COIIIT Brief wns Tuesday morning's ses ilon of the recorder's court, but It, gras long .enough to convict Austin1 Million, colored, on two charges of AMault and one of carrying a con Meflled weapon In form of a black- j j Jack. Austin drew fine* aggregat Bsg on these charges of $86 and has1 ^?bother charge of participating In an Hfray to anawer for. Joe Fere bee gra* tlw oilu r p;i it irlpant In the af fray case, .which was continued by gtie court because tin- principals Wore the only witnesses, and their ^iatlniony was so much at varlancr. I i -toiin Copeland, colored, on r of drunk and disorderly, was 910 and costs. ' JONKPHl'S DAN'IKIjS APPEAL FAILS TO" BREAK DEADLOCK Tux Reduction Is Hour of Contention With Democratic for Garner Plan and Insur gents Still Holding Out. Washington. Feb. 19 ? An eleventh hour appeal by the White House to I the House Republicans insurgent leaders urging agreement with the, 'organization Republicans on the Mellon income tax rate schedule | failed to break the deadlock be tween the groups. As the income rates of the reve nue bill were taken up today Repub lican leaders admitted that the vote! would be close with -the Democrats ? united for the Garner plan an?l with ! the insurgents still holding out against the Treasury rates and threatening to vote with the Dem ocrats if their compromise was not accepted. DEXTIHTH MKBT THUJWDAY IN riTY Oh IKMKY MOUNT Rcvky Mount. Feb. 19.. ? The an nual meeting of the Fifth District! Dental Society of North Carolina i will be held on February 21 in the Ricks Hotel of this city, it has been | announced by Dr. A. C. Bone, sec retary-treasurer of the society. The [fifth district is composed of 31 ciyun 1 ties of Eastern Carolina. I The meeting is expected to prove one of the most interesting that has I ever been held by the Fifth District1 i Society. A number of prominent | doctors will speak on subjects of [ much Interest at this time. ? . | MRS. HARNKY RKTTKIl John Harney of Raleigh returned ! Sunday, night after spending a week (with his mother. Mrs. T. S. Harney,; 300 West Main street. Mrs. Har ney has been ill for several days but , is much improved. RAI*TfST CASTORS ATTKN'I) COVKKIlKXCli AT IIKItTI ORD Rev U. F. Hall, I)r. 8. H. Teinple pleman. Hev. W. J. Hanks and Ifr. J. If. Thayer aro attending a meet j Ing of the Hnptixt pastor* In the Chowan association in Hertford Tuesday. The purpose of the meet ing Is to plan fc*r the various sec tional meetings In the association in the Interest of the 76 million dol lar campaign during the month?) of March and April. VOTHKKH MEET \\ KPSTKOOAY Wednesday afternoon the Mother's Club will meet at the Community house for their regular meeting and Mrs. Frank Scatt?rgood will address them. There will also he 'present a physician who will speak to the mothers on common sense In the home. FI.KTCHKU IS MADE AMBASSADOIJ TO ITALY Washington, Feb. ID. ? -Henry p. Fletcher, present ambassador to Bel gium. was last night Trrrmed oy President Coolidge as ambassador^ to Italy Mrs. W. It. Halstead and her mother. Mrs. Laura Halstead of South Mills have returned to their home after a visit to Mm. C. F. Hal stead on North Road atreet. INot Worrying William Gibbs McAdoo appeared voluntarily before the Senate Laiida Committee to explain his connection with E. L. Doheny, oil magnate. He is shown posing for cameramen after cominc from the commutes room in Senate Ofllco Building. demockats will STAND BY AlcADOO Chicago, Feb. 10. -After an all clay session, Democrats from all sections of the coun try u lilted last night in endors ing William (?. McAdoo as tin lead* r of t !??? Democrats for th?- Presidential nomination of the party. McAdoo announced the plat form on which he will stand at the close of (In- meeting last night. SENATE REJECTS THE NOMINATION OF COHEN Washington. Feb. 10. ? Tlio nom ination of Walter h. Cohen, negro, to be comptroller of customs at New Orleans was yesterday rejected by the Senate. MISS AYrtM'K KKSIGNS Miss Sadie Aycock lias resigned her position- as superintendent of the Community hospital, her resig nation to take effect on the first of March. Miss Aycock came here from Xorfolk in November, 1921, as op erating room supervisor and became sup* rintendent on the first of April 1022, when Miss Mvra Ho.wiien' resigned. Miss Aycock Is the third superintendent of the Commu nity Hospital, Miss Emily Allison serving as the first, and being fol low*'! by Mfss Bowden. WILL GO AFTER THE SPECULATORS Scnutr Oil (kMlllllitter t'mlcr Inkrs to Kim Down Story of Heavy Speculation* by Gov ernment Officials. Washington. Feb. li?.- -Tlu* Sen ate oil committer today undertook to run down the story of heavy spec ulations by high Government offi cials in* stocks of the Sinclair oil companies before and after the Sin clair interests leased the Teapot Dome. H. H. Benkhard of the New- York brokerage firm of J. P. Benkhard & Company; his personal attorney, S. Ii. Bowers; and A. H. Cook, of fice manager. conferred with fhe committee today in executive session and It was decided to send expert ac countants to New York to examine the records of the firm. Harry Payne Whitney, N<w York, financier, also had been subpftrnaed and was expected to appear today but the committee received no word from him and e.Torts to locate him in Washington were unavailing. ItKTPHN TO ll.\I/riMOKH .Mrs. Ray Hanks and children who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. SprSgg Brent at their home on Main si feet. have returned to their home , in Baltimore. Appearance Of Playmakers Was Epochal Event Here Not since Its opening night has a crowd Hiirli as that which greeted I the Carolina I'laymakers in Eliza beth City Monday night been seen at the Alkrama. IlepreiM ntative It was of the host In Elizabeth City in every walk of life and it filled every neat in the theater and put standing room at a premium. hut if the crowd wan unusual the play Itself and the presentation of it were epochal. Nothing I i k ?* it has ever before been seen In Elizabeth City. Likewise no theatrical pro duction ever offered here has so stirred an Elizabeth City audience. What the Carolina 1'laymakers put on "Is. first and foremost, a rat tllng good show." Hut. besides, what they put on is of North Caro linians; by North Carollans and for North Carolinians. And yet. being of and bv and for North Carolinians, it is typically American. Miss Frances Oray. daughter of Hob C, ray. perhaps the most brilliant editorial writer ever on the Htaff of a North Carolina newspaper, who ap peared in the rob- of daughter of Mark Delllnger. substantial farmer in "The Mack booster" and as Lilly Robinson, tenant farm woman In "Flxln's," was the bright and parti cular star of these two performanc es; while Oeorge Denny, veteran -of the t roupe, was easily t'je favorite In the "robustious" plantation com edy, "Oaius ami tialus. Jr." Bver> member of the cast, however, played his or her pare in the spirit of a true artl.it and with a singular freedom from the mannerisms and affecta tions that tnlnt so generally the per lurmaiuMiM of- lb#- t?rftfo*s!onnl stag". Elizabeth t City's own ErsKlne Duff. In the' role of Dalits. Jr., of course held a generous place Jn th" attention of the audience; while Frank Hursey and Aubrey Shackell. as Well as Frances Gray, showed their rersatallty by appearing In i different casts In widely variant | roles. In I'earl tfetzer's piny. "The Black Uoorter," Is presented a com edy of plain and Biilistantlal coun try folks of today. The black roos ter, the property or Toininle. 10 year-old boii of Mark Delllnger. played by the way with an unaffect ? (1 sincerity that won all hearts by Frederick H. Koch, Jr.. was only In cidental. The Btory Is of a girl who lovt-s the country and will not leave if for the big city even for her lover. All ends happily when the lover re-' turns to her and to the old home stead. turning down a t? mptin- of fer of a place In an established legal firm to come home and dedicate bin life to the development of his native community. ! "Flxln's," by Krma Op'Mie and T'nul Greene. Ik a tragedy. stark but true, of a young tenant farmer and Ills wife, ft was not lovely, but It v.,i>; gripping, and It gripped an aud ience which had been a tittle slow to rjitch ita Bplrlt with ft completeness that showed it h power. To put the bit of grim trauedy portrayed in "Flxin's" -between the preaen tatlon of the two coiin di? ?> on the program was a master fntich. Coming after the tragedy, "Gains and Galu?, Jr." simply took the au dience by storm. Gains Mavflcld, Sr., wan an Irrasclblo old ntlenian of a day past and gone, hot tem pered and the absolute master of his household. If any author ??r play wright has produced a plctuh of old HoilUlPffi plantation home tru??r and more vivid than thai portrayed, by Mjss Cobb in "Oalns r nd Cains, Jr." the writer has not seen It. This was the first appearance of the Carolina Haymakers In Ellta bf?th City, but It Is sincerely hoped that their coming may be hereafter an annual event for #he Picture City, on the Pasquotank. SENATOH (JKEKNE IS MICll WOISS1: WuHhiii'.tt ii. r? i!?.- l ol lowii>u ;i stT*>:ul <i?.r:ili??n la.t niulit. I cmlitino ??! S?*na1or fSiv?-ii?? cf Vermont, wr.s ?!? - eland di'Miwrat*', although t!u? doctors still lio|??? that h?? will pull through. VUHKSTKI) Mrs. Asa <?. Candler (above) of Atlanta, (leo^in. wife 'of the Coca Cola king, wan arn-Ht< d by police who raided a fashionable apartment. Arr<?l<'d with her. police nay. wan William J. Stoddard (lower photo), wealthy buftlneas man. IlKTI'ItNS TO UltKKSHIIOItO Mir* Catherine Albert son return ed Monday night to her headquar ters at Greensboro after working In this corner c/f the State since . Christmas organizing _ and speaking ? before (he Parent-Teacher Assocla J J ions of town and country. I Miss Al-bertson had expected to continue her work In tills section for three weeks longer but she was called to Greensboro for an impor tant conference. Cpon leaving she Expressed" great r? gr< t a) not being able to speak at Klixa lveth City last Friday evening an had be in announced. She receiv ed the delayed invitation while on Knotts Island, Currituck County, at an hour too Into for lfer to reach Kllsahcth city by Friday night. .1 \i;yimi!C|{<; m:\vs Feb. ID ? Miss Ethel Hutnnersi and Hodge Owens of Harbinger, I motored to Currituck Sunday and | wf re married by the register of j deeds. Miss Jennie Griggs. attractive! young daugltf* r of Charles L. Orlggn j and Marshal Brock, son of Clayton hrock it Harbinger, were married | :>t CurrlttK k by Register of Ileeds Taylor, Sunday. Th'* farmer-; are busy sowing fer tilizer, getting ready to plants Irish po'.a*oes and some have oiicd the hot bed covers ready for bed ding their sllpn. "Tin- OIiI Alii Id* Convention" wasj given at Jarvl?burg school hrru Oi last Saturday night and was c| n ll r* i a success. The proceeds were overj forty (foliar* and will be used fori th'? benefit of th'- school. Mrs, C. K. Wr'glit of Powells Point and Mr*. C A. Wright of ,Jar ylsbur . m Li. red to CJI/.uOWh City Friday. I K IVi: FOR l*OHTSMOt TH Mrs \V. I. Pierce. Mrs. O. W. Simpson, Mrs. H W. Morgan and her two children, ftorothy i and Geneva, left Monday for their home in Portsmouth, after upending the week end with Mrs. S. W. Hastings at her home on North Road street. DAUGHERTY NEXT IS THE DEMAND Attorney General's Kctignn tio>i I* Stron-ily Urged and Indication* Arc That Some thing W ill Happen Soon. Wa!jli|nst"ii. ri b. I f> . ? Demand for the resignation ?>f Attorney Gen eral Daiigherty suddenly lias bitnni? on" of tin' most acute <? r all the questions growing nut of t he oil scandal ami there were indications today that some important develop ment illicit be expected shortly. Protests against Daugherty's con tinuance in office have come to the White Hons*' from several new sources today and were before, the President when the cabinet met for its Tuesday session. Daiigherty remained silently defi ant and the cabinet meeting; passed without announcement, of his resig nation. Department of Justice officials In sisted that he had no intention of surrendering to his critics hut tho Senators who had taken the lead in arivisinu the President to ask him to i ?lire remained confident that their I advice would be followed. j Daiigherty insisted after the cabl ! n?-t meeting that the question of bis resignation had not been discussed and declared that he had no stftte jmenl to make. I White House officials also de clared that the cabinet had not dis cussed the question and added that iDnuuhertv had not bubmitud ? Ilia ? resignation. j Washington. Feb. 10. ? With Sec retary Den by out of the cabinet, forces here have leveled their Are 'on Attorney General Daugherty and the cabinet meeting today was ex pected to consider the questions 01 ills resignation. He was quoted last night n? say ing that It was as much a matter for the cabinet to decide as for any body. The belief prevails here that he will shortly retire. COOI.IDCK KEGAKDS BUSINESS AS GOOD Washington, Feb. 19. ? Coolldgo regard* business gem' rally as in u (healthy condition and believes the i American people ran feel safely that ? the great hulk of th?? country's busl ines# is carried -on without any Hug* -^estioii of wrong-doing. CHANGES LEADERS DEFENDING DOIIENY Washington, Feb. 10. ? Charges that Chairman Adams of the Repub lican National Committee, Secretary Lock wood, and other Republican leader* are defending the Doheny i and Sinclair oil lease* were made in | the Senate today by Harrison, Dem ocrat, of .Mississippi. Acceptance of Denby's resignation by Coolldge van also criticized by Harrison, who said It conflicted with the President's New York speech, (OiiOitKi) woman ivniuo I.N At*T0M0mf.K COLLISION Kdenton, Feb. ID ? A colored ? woman named Ilnyne, sinter of the driver of an automobile which ' .-truck the standing cur of Rev. Mr. ' Chambers in front of N. J. Cope land's house near Small's Cross | Hearts, died Monday morning from J injuries, in which her head was crushed through the windshield un til the brain was exposed. It appears that Rev. Mr. Cham I hers was driving alone the State l highway when he notlcefl a car rig | gagging toward hfm. when he pulled I his car to the side of the road and stopped. Despite this the on-coming car I careened from side to Hide of the ? roart. gaining speed until It smash ed Into the mnister's car, the I woman being pitched through the wind shield and shaking up the driver. A baby In the car with the colored people was uninjured. The occupant* of the Haynes* car had been drinking, in fact some liquor was taken from the car after the collision. STOItM \\ A KM Mi A storm warning %from the Wea ther Hureau at Washington Tuesday morning announced that strong ncrtheast and east winds reaching ff.iltt force might be expected here this afternoon and tonight. A north east storm is moving from southern I>oui.-iii!ia toward Host on. 1'AHTOIl WILL K.NTKitTAIN On Thursday flight the congrega tion of the fann Memorial Presby terian Church will be entertained by their pastor, Hev. Frank Scatter goc/d. a>*d j:n enioyable social even ing Is ftrttfclpstr d. I OTTO \ M \ICK? . r New Vork. Feb. 19 ? Spot cotton closed quiet this afternoon, advan cing 171 points.' Middling 30.80. Futures closed as fellows: March 30.52; May 30 90; July 80.10; October 26.65; December 26.17. New York. Feb. 19 ? Cotton fu tures opened this morning at the following levels: March 30.00; May 30.26; July 29 30; October 26.48; December 26.07,

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