VOL. XIV. I IXAL EDITION*. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, Fill DAY K VEXING, FEBIU AJ{Y 22. l'.?2i. EIGHT PACES. NO. 10. NEW CHAMPION OF CARTER PROPOSAL I). It. Mmulcii Di'iiio I iii prurliculiilily ami Sel? I nrsh Ailililiuiitil A?lvaii1;s{i ?> of IVn'j to Tyrrell. 7 \dvance of Janur.iv 1 v <;I.V rled an Interview from cieor-. -I C.iVr of KalrtKld. s.ttia^ J?rl.\ in uluwln - terms iliendvaiita' 1 " wo"1'! uccrue ti> KU/nheth CH . ? ?' ~ well HH to Hyde nnd Tym-ll <r<?; tl,s liv the buildillK of a ro.l I.Ut'ers' 1'ler and liy the esta'-li ?"> of a I. rry between l.lsters l'e ?? at " Ni , w V.i rrvs I.andinu I" Tyt r- u '? tv All lliat Kllzubeth City ncedei. to do. In' Mr. Caller s view. lo lirii.t Vairlhlil within 5? mile* of belli City and to annex both l|w" and Tyrrell counties to Kltirbetii Cllv's trade territory was to pavi i i* six" mile* of road from the Weeks vill, Hltih School to l.lster* ri'-r. Willi a paved road all the A*ay froi.i Listers rier to Eliiabeth Ci'.v. It was confident that private interest* could easily be led to operate the proposed ferry until the State could In- brought to take it over. 'For a while only favorable com ment was heard as to Mr. Carter ?? proposal, one of the most enthusias tic champions of tin* practice .illt> and feasibility of the plan beipa J H. l.eHoy of the Albemarle Fertiliz er Company, who has had i|"lte a wide experience In transportation ill this section. Hut a week or so al ter Air. Carter and Mr. l.eltoy bad had their *ay in The Advance, H. M. Prltc.bard of Salem township rave tills newspaper a statement wlticn si e'-ueil to deal a death Wow to the whole scheme. Mr. I'rltchard s.-i.i that 1 1i e ferry between the two coun tii's would not be feasible on v.r coant of the exposed fihore lin-' at Listers Pier which would manrf it Impossible to build a pier there tlu.t would stand the storms of winter, and on account of tin' "dan sera of Hov-neck Shoal, which lies just off the mouth of Utile River. Nobody offered any answer as to Mr. Prltchard's ?uu?estion and inter est in the -proposal lagged. TMs w""k, however, a new cham pion of Mr. Carter's proposal has com* forward who has spent the m at. r part of his life either on the wati-r or at work connected w'th the operation of water craft, nnc' he is CiMiii.lent that the scheme, with a few modifications, is entirely feasibh nnd that Mr. Carter failed to picture all the advantages that would ac crue if it could he put over. This new champion is D. It. Mun den of the firm of Munden & Alex ander, who has been in the sail bus iness for quite a number of years and who. prior to goinn into this business, was engaged In fishing or boatintr in sound waters. Naturally, then. Mr. Munden Is thoroughly fa miliar with the dej.th of water and the location of shoals at the mouth of I.lttle River. Though he admits that there is grcAtnd for objection to a ferrv landing at Listers Pier, he is confident that such objection could readily be obviated by bavin?: the ferrv landing a short distance up tin river. Shoals at the mouth of the river, hf points out, would then be an advantage lifatead of a disadvan tage. as that would give the ferry practically a land locked harbor for the pier r it which li would tie up at liluht. "There would be no difficul ty whatever." savs Mr. Munden, "In negotiating the channel nt the mouth ( ??f Little Hlvrr. I have put In ai the mouth of the river time and a :?in. and I remember vividly one Instance when, caught in a gale on the sound after leaving the mouth of the Sctippernong River, I found shelter in Little River on a night so dark that on# could not see the length of the llttl" vessel that I was sailing.- , tt , Not only would the establishment of this ferry, in Mr. Munden's opin ion. do nib that Mr. Carter sav:? It would In the way of glvlnv Hvde and Tyrrell counties an outlet and In the wav of bringing trad" from the?" counties to Elisabeth City, but also It would do much to Improve lands In Tvrrell that', though now largely, unc veloped, are among the rich, a ( tn this section. | "And not only Tyrrell and 7T. ee says Mr. Munden, "but aipo the very | prosperous and ]>rogr? sslve Duran^s Neck section of IVrquitnan i C'-*in tv, would be brought Into closer /and | more Intimate relation with Eliza- J herb City through this ferrv." Pur ants Ncek farmers*, he points out. now have to go all around their el bow t?> let their thumb In comity to Elisabeth City, while a foot ferry from the Perquimans side of the river to the proposed ferry landlii-tj would, put pu rants Neefc farmers In ; touch with a busline operating from | the ferry landing to Elizabeth Ciiy.i f)u rants Neck farmers llvintr at n[ distance from the ferry could leaVe | their cars on the Perquimans side ofj Llttl ? River, crosM the foot ferry an 1 take the bus to Elisabeth City. Mr. Munden Is enthusiastic about . the possibility of this section of Pas quotank as a summer resort. "I had i a < Ashing camp down there once/; he | savs. "and ther- was no night of the summer when I Hayed down there but what I had to sleep under a blanket. The bfcef* Is as good as It is on the sound side nt Nacs Head, and the temperature. In my opinion, la lower, as the sun does not beat down upon an open stretch of sand. "! am confident that If this sir SENATOK W M.S1I IS BACK AT WASHINGTON \Va*!iin*-:!"?. Ft b. 22. S- nai'S' Watiili. loading Run r?- in tho ? U in v? Msirii: 1 today t?? Wash ington un?'Np?*cti'(liy: W hot her th?- S< rater's r? turn forecast any ini:???rt:?nt turn in tie oil inquiry r? mailed utidi. trios* mI. Ho lt:i?l i" North Carolina for a vacation and it bad boon ? \ l?octo'\ that ho would bo ah/cnt un til Sunday or Monday. MEXICAN WKHKI, !S caph kei) at colim \ (By Thf AjMmltd Prrtt) Mexico City. 1V1?. 22.- (jonocal Salvador Alvarado, o.ie of the prin cipal rob? l leaders in tlio West has boon capturod at Coiima. acccydlnfi to roport.s given out by the war d - part mi nt. Oliver Gilbert Tells About Drum Fishi ig His Articic In William 1' nn Points Leading Feature Cf February issue All article by O. I\ Gllbrr* on Drum Fishing Sout?? or thr> >?r:son and Dixon Lino, illustrated with a picture of Fred I-foutz holding in li in hands a 44*2 pound channel bass caught at Or?-:on Inlet, is the 1 ad inu feature of the .February issu ? of William P? nn Points, senii-menthly magazine which is the lions-.' organ of the William Penn and Fort Pitt . l^otels in Pittsburgh. "Drum fishing on the Car- Una coast." says the magazine in way of introduction to Mr. Gilbert's article ?will furnish kindly sport for any aiigl. r." It is interesting to note,! in this connection that Colonel C. ,C. Butler, one of the proprietors of the two magnificient Pittsburgh ho tels mentioned in the foregoirfg par-' avrapti, Is a member of The Duck Island Club and a frequent visitor in Klizabeth City on his way to and from th?' club. It was after having felt the thrill of a- 40 pound dfum fisli on* Ills line that Mr. Butler. on returning to his home, wrote Mr. Gilbert for information about druin fislftn^ that he (Could pusq on t,o tin.*, thousands of guests that stop at his > hotels during the year. "Successful * business men." says Mr. Gilbert in the article that he wrote In response to Mr. Butler's in vitation. about like successful fishermen. Whatever your vocation may be, whether It is that of a mer chant, a manufacturer, a doctor or a lawyer, the successful man usual ly gdes Into the fundamentals of his particular line of business and stu dies all the little things pertaining thereto. lie does not trust to luck., Drum Ashing requires possibly not so much thought or attention to detail as one would devote to his business; but to be a successful fisherman there are several things which can not be Ignored and should be car - fully considered. "I hope* this article may give some busv man whf^* hasn't had the tint ? to learn by experience information that will enable him to enjoy some ??f the greatest sport on the Allan-, tic coast. Once yon feo| t' e pull of a drumfish and the swish of the* line ir. his rushes, vjtii w .11 find a thrill that you will never target." In the ho{ly of his article Y,\ Gil bert sets forth with a business man ? clearness and terseness of expression and In question and answer style f.icts the knowledge which have niad*1 him a successful drum fisher man. Oliver Gilbert Is as good a ! sport as lie |? a good sportsman, and [doubtless will Impart these facts to j any reader of Th?? Advanc< that may be Interested enough to u?*k him about them. Head by hundred* of " -,?rn J sportsine.n. Mr. Gilbert'* . 1>? the I'vans of nddinu t pop ularitv of the fish In c g?- ?? ?' - ,f the North Carolina coast during th ? coming season. ^ t.KWON OOUMANOEH AT WTiYSTON-SAI.F.M 1 Wlnston-fab ;;k. Feb. ?2. Notion al Commander John II. Qulnn of thr j American Lesion snr.Jrr* here this [mofnliiv ?t the celebration of th?' [ American Legion of North Carolina, "Mellon Jiufgler the fr-ures and bl*; business spv-nds a f * w of Its ?" n :d?tl war oroflt<i to f ht i < * f r ? 5 ? t!" passag< of obligations which m pi v.ged to us "by Tlie TTrjubllcan pet ty," said Qulnn. Declaring flint" railroad wirfittte [contracts and shipyard workers ? - c? I v . d and still receive bonuses, tie national commander prided: "T?v#-rv factor except the veteran?* who went to the front was compensated for Its [yconomlc loss and handicap." , miles pf road W'-re pnved. a ferry between TvTrrll' County rr.d Pasquo tank would I1, < stabtlshed r>n prlvat*' Initiative In short order and It would not oe more than a year after the [toad was opened hef<tre rt hotel would he built near the ferry land ing. This would give us a summer resort within es?v access of F.liso beth City, at which Kllzabeth City business nun could spend all but th? business hours of the day with their families." WANTS HEARING FOR DAUGHF.RTY < liairiuun l!<*|)iii>li<':m N:1 licual ( Tliink; '< li> Force !'i >isii> *iim \\ ill'oul \Y.-.sh inul r?r. . Kfli. 2 - . Chairman Ail:itus of the Ivi'iiuiiMcun Nntionnl Co;:itniilt'?: today tlo^htv-l that demand tor the retirement of Attor ney General Da u liberty without thorough investigation appeared to liiiu ?'absurd." Tin* chairman and other oP'Icjal* r.f the National Committee have ad-' vised President Coolidae thut tlu-yj Ivlieve I>ntmh?*rty should have a1 hearing before action is t *!.? n. Republican leaders of the Senate who believe Daugherty should get out at once agreed .with the Demo crats to place at the head of the committee to investigate his acts some other Republican than Sena tor Hrookhart, </f Iowa, one of the LaFollette insurgent group whose members repeatedly have attacked the Attorney 'General. Daugherty himself created a stir by appearing in the Senate chamber. Efe explained that a month ago he promised Senator Willis that he would listen to tile reading of Wash ington's farewell address. Washington. Feb, 22. ? Attorney General Daugherty in the face 01' Republican requests for his resigna tion as for the ^ood of his nnrtv |-.?s* night declared again that to resign would be to concede the truth to all tjie "baseless charges" against him and that he never would be a party to such a proceeding. MOKE HOPEFUL OF SENATOR GHEENE Washington. Feb 22 ? Further im provement in the condition of Sen-: ator On ene of Vermont was an nounced at noon today by Dr. Thomas LinvHle, who Issued this biilbtln: "Senator Greene'? condi tion is improved and more r .peful." New Head Major Wallace W. Kirby of the enKineers corps, has been named new head of the Bureau of Engrav ing at Washington. MORRISON EXPECTS i:\ll SPECIAL SESSION Morehead City. Feb. 22.? -Cover- J nor Ciinicron Morrison speaking here last night in tin- int<-r<-sis oi w(\ter | development of the Stale declared ' that he would call an extra session of . the Legislature to consider the chip line project I;* the n port of the] commission to him. expected to b?* made next week. is favorable, ani added that he expects it to be favor- j able. CSSIl K MVS f.KT ro!.?Stl-:i) I'ltKXt HKIt INTO ( Ol'liP Chickens cot a * >lored preujcher In trouble Friday of this we?'H ?aud the case was the only convictions in the recorder's court. The charge wan. p 'rlnittln.'-' his chickens to run at large ami Rev. I). S. lilackwHl was the defendant. He was let oil with the costs. Advertising Is Barometer Newspaper Space Oi'iisc of Change* in Local Business Con ditions \ml Indicates What May Up Expected Ilv IMHiKIt \\ liAIKOV (Copyright. 1824. fty Th? Adwitnrr) Babson Park, Florida. Feb. 22. ? A new barometer lias been added to the list of factors on which changfcs can be anticipated, ?the relationship between newspaper advertising and local business. Wo have long needed a reli able measure of business psy chology. My associates having studied and rejected several in dices finally analyzed -newspaper advertising lineage, both as a cause in changing local business conditions and as a barometer by which impending improve ment or decline can l>e antici pated. The results in this fi 'Id of investing are exceedingly in teresting nnd pertinent. *11 comparing newspaper advertis er by jv nths with the volume of local business In thirty leading cities for a period of ten years my asso ciates find thai thorn is a distinct connection between these two fac tors. An Increase In newspaper id-, versing Is paralleled In almost every case by an Iner?ase In loaal busl r .an beglnnH'? the same month. ? >e Ullage of local newspaper ?*d eitHIng turrit and begins to de ^lir* the moiinntum gained ca/ries ill*; general buplr- -?*>. in the lominiin It;- either from one to three months be ft*re It definitely turns downward. The figures on the city of Chic ago. for instance. Illustrate thi^ton d* ncy In a larger center. New.<pa r?r advertising in January 1922 was pry cent less than that carried i" *1 cpi icr. Oene?al business in Jan uary increased over the nec?m her figures, the drop forfrchst by tlijs de cline In newspaper Unease however, developed during the first two ' ?ontliK of lf?22. Both advertising llnet'K" nnd hiislno-s Increased In in M .rc.h 1022 and advertising turn <ul downward In ^AlajE* . . Gem ral I in ess f. Mow. ii that tame month. >'??w.-:pipt r advertising turning '.-.wnward fjotiw-n Jure nnd July forecast the decline in Kenoral bn?ln"ss which started in the fol lowing month. Advertising de creased between May and June, bus in"?s turning down definitely in .Tup". Advertising started up In fv*p tertiber with general business. It Mimed down b^tw^en October and .!>?? m1 WAS follow'* :1 hjT l? i activity the same ntonjb. In the year If 23 , both general busings ?? d ndvMvtia'ug Increased In F b fnarv and advertising again turned downward in May... general bnsin? - following in June. Lineage Incres's^d in September cp ' ? paralleled by the revival of fall business. , A de cline of the N'oveniber figures Indi cated a drop In general activity which materialized after the first ol .tlr* year. In tlie city of Minneapolis, ad' vertising Increased during February c>MrW-2. Gem rjil .business hnprove in: nt began to be felt in March. Ad vertising lineage lurried downward in June and general business worked o f to a 1"W print in August. Ad \t Mining lineage increased slightly in September and was paralleled by the fall rise in general business ac tivity. The drop in business occurr ing during the fir t two months of wns forecast by a substantial decline in advertising lineage be ? tween November and Decembor of the previous year. Advertising and general business turned fur tho bet ter Ir. February of l4?23 and the de cline of advertising lineage between April and May clearly indicated ttye recession r/T business which followed, beginning In the latter month. Both advertising llneagn and general bus ine?i again turned upward during July, a month ahead of 'he u/ual seasonal turn. The marked decrease i*i advertising lineage following a )::gh point In October of last year, foretold" the decline in local activity developing, beginning In November .?'ill developing thru December and January of this year. For scfentilic study of this factor, it is necessary to eliminate seasonal trend* both, In business and in ad vert "sing, so Hint you get the trti" variation in the behavior <>f both ?iKse factor . In this c m the ex tent of the deMl.i" !ti K-n'T.tl busl ncfv. Is proportionate In mo.t rases ? thp previous d'-rreaso in ad vert is in* lineage. Continued studies will4 be *nade ??long this !1 n ??. but nrogress so far "?i'l "Justify t ?? sddliion o'f -advertis ing llneH>r?'to the list- of aeee^ted hus-lnes* barometer. "on. the ground that in the majoiity of ens'* adver tising lineage and general 5 . *i ? lii??*r increase together, but thai the turn downward 'n advertising I- f: Mowed from one 'o fTir <? months by a de cline in local activity. It Is hoped that extensive studies now bein# made alone this '!ne by :ny associates will male It possible fo e-Mni'iO no* onlv the turning point* Sot the severity of l'.*cal bus iness depressions by the relative de cfl?r??ie in loral advertising, lineage. Long swing sturtie along these sme Uites, Indicate t! at wherevet advertising llnoa#" deHliir-s stbailMy over a period of m?n'l's, g*?n<*r,i! hits' new also frills off materially and that in comparing several citler the locality suffering the greatest loss in advertising linkage likewise f experiences the greatest depression. 1. England Mak in g F ranee - Final Friendly Gesture to If Franco MUiiiuleiMaiiils anil Urjei-I* Tliis Ovcrluro Mrili-li Lilwr Mini-lry May Fail Itui ftriiMi Alliliitlc \\ ill Sol < Itui Harden r.v I'K.WK II. sijiosds " <'??!?> I'iuht, I !)? I !?y iim? Neu *|:ap?'r S3 iidimti* London, Feb. ? "Not only is the present the best but it is also the lirst real chance of a general Knropeun settlement since the close of the Paris peace conference." This opinion, expressed to me; * by an Englishman of European \ reputation_not connected with; Hit? present Labor government,) pretty accurately measures the extent of the present optimism in this, country. Settlement with France and ? the adjustment of Europe, these things are gener ally expected by the British public at the present time. Ramsay MacDonald's severest cri tics agree that in the foreign he has begun woll. I?y a single ges-| turn, l?y liis direct telegram of re- 1 gfet at Lloyd George's shining injlis cretlon in the matter of tvie Spender Interview, ho suddenly brouuht homo i to Monsieur Poincare the fact that) the now Itritish Prime Minister In-* tended to don! directly and openly., The results wore astonish i lg in Par i Id. Of cour?i . MacI)onali1 has* the! very great advantage of unit ? d na- J tlonal s'-nthnent behind bin. So far! as Europe Is concerned. Tnr as1 fc'rsjice is c^ncerm-d. ! *.r?t :? ; n has come dbwn to * <1- fix: it ? state of mind. While l b yd Oeurv- v-n In! power ? as many Hiltons Sympathised with France as with tin- P.ritlsh Pre mier who was distrusted, quite as much in Lomton as in Paris. During ] the two recent Tory goverui louts the s'. igulo between Paris and London wi'.s carried on by the f<?rei*~ i offices, the Driton bad a distinct, resentful _ feel Inn: that his was netting the worat uf it. tau ftecret diplomacy cov ' ered the facts. Now tie- British ;tubllc baa mad. up its mllid and Miirfb aid Is be ginning to express It. Th re Is no longer any < ha*hco of a tipec.Inl alli ance with France. The Kr.tente l< I dead in that reuse. There is no ' more chance of a private Frit lab guarantee ot French security; that: Is over, too. All France c::n t,et now tnilBt be t hrou r.'h tlie m<d<ui i of the League of Nations;' any I3ritisli guar antee will have to be some form of pb-d so to carry out the League de clslon. Consideration of Fri ar, in terms of war-tini't Ventlne nt ban! pretty well t expired in I'rltnint ' thin;* are back en' a business basis! ' But by contrast, with the adv< nt of a new government, there Ms beep ? sudden well-nigh complete end o' press campaigns against France; the atmosphere has been cleared; the at titude of querulous s uspicion on both ?Ides of the channel has disappeared. Aluive all, MacDouald has not tried to j.To round France and to make any European coalition agaljisi her, with cioriuany admitted. Tl is is what was expected by some, feared' by others. On the contrary, lie has rot out to prepare the ground for general settlement by reaching a liv able relation with France. He hn ; warned the French that he cannot S ?? eye to eve with them about many things. They must expect dif ferences. Milt he has also assured them that his opposition will he op en. his whole mind revealed. London believes a great c!-,nce l.? coining over the French mind, itib lieves a new mood la r.omltr? out, thst If. opportunity Is granted !?o|n care or his successor to follow new lines without violent humiliating of the public and the r? nttncin'leiis of old. much may yet be accomplished. And It lacfltlv iMiprovs the obvious ly f rb ndl.v frmblon in which Mae Dona I I has approached Poincare, It' !*>cogn !/'? i th ? noed' for a new deal. Hut when a If is said :?:d done Franc will henceforth find not only a n- w spirit, but a united nation wh ui It far 4 the Pritfah. En: Msh neo. none more than the Ltbor ii'miber*. are profoundly hum 11 la ted l the Tachion in which thev fael i hat t heir natlona I f?r? st I ;e ha ? ' en lowered, and that tljelr* Count*".* has reased to have Influence In Kurope. Along with a np w recognition of tie* nee* h Ity to deal generously w'tp Frafice. th? re l - -n unmi t ? knh! d terminate ?? *o ileal fii ml;. , \ "? n. rnl liquids'! jti with Frp'ic' nf vll outst :? ri'li-ju differ* t'ce<, a ?>??". iioxv rful Impulse t<? tiw t,' Vatloni when the .Moment s? < m* m*Udt tons, a n? w world cruilYre ee, r?t least snotlu r Murop'atj c? tf r 'itice; that Is MacDonaldv : rog ram . tbdl'eving that nnA^.cinl pressor" and other similar circumstance* have brought France to a more reas onable state ?>f mind, knowing that the Itrllish mind has at last be#\n char d and cry?fall5tedi 'ookin^ nl the Eurm??*en m? mm with fresti appre ciation ()f the neeenslty that it he cleared un, there Is today unmistak able confidence and ofitlmlum in l?ondou. there Is a hlessi-d surcease of newspaper and political cross rlianjiel bombardments. Sometime this year, the mass of the Pritish people now believe tha|ithe whole Ruhr, Rhine, reparations business Is >1ACRE\IV\ IS SMI) TO HAVE MADE RECORD O.. I-Yb. 22. For the sec ond i i 1 1 1 ? ? within I wo months l.lent. John Marlicatly. McCook l-'leld ace. tiiok his Lepre biplane aloft at i J this naming In tho attempt i.i wri'Ht Ho- altitude flli. lit record Iroiii Saill l.ar >nte, French flier. Macreadv n-malned In the air onn ht.'i- and to mlnntei nnil renched i!i- :Ultiiile of 41.00(1 feet, accord ing t"i unofficial announcements. I (i" Conte's mark is 34,000 feet Appropriation Is Less for Roail Construction Washington. Feb. 22 ? A tirtol up protiriatiou of $">6,75S,5 1 3, of which ' f 17,700,000 would lit' available for Improvement of highways during the coming fis cal year, was carried in the annual agricultural hill reported by the House appropriations committee today. The total is $16,082,940 lesi i Inn the appropriation a year ago when $32,300,000 was alltrted tw; slat.' aid in road construction. AGREE ON INCREASE INHERITANCE TAX W.-.tliliigu-n. 22 ? Agree ment to increase I lie estate or ln Imm Itance tux and to Institute a gift ' tax in the r even no bill was reached today at a meeting of- a group in : eluding members of both parties on :l,.. ijiju.'C w.i vs* and means com mittee. Treasury experts were ' asked to figure out a net of rates. REVOLUTION SEEMS VIRTUALLY AT ENO Mexico. Feb. 22.-? The Mexican war department announced last iiinbt that the revolution has virtu- ? ally been stamped out and that the remaining task Will he to kill off the guerillas who are acting as uiati rauding bands In several states. KI?KXTU\ HOSIKHV >111.1. SOI.O TO IlKHTCITV CONtKUN Kdenton. Feb. 22.- The F den ton Hosiery Mill has been sold and trans fer made to the HHzhIk til City Ho siery Company. Tile old machinery jn the l>Cal, mill will l>" dismantled anil new ma chinery Installed "* quickly as pos sible. after which operation "111 slnrt uti ln-re. according to Informa tion Clvep out by tl-.i- new on Iters. W ILL PRESENT PLAY I OK PARENT-TE \CHERS The February Meeting of the Par ent- Tcpcher's Aa-ocalloll will he field next Tuesday afternoon a' four ' o'clock In t!i C.nmtiin* ho"l V"- . Illtorlum A very Interesting pro gram has i.een planned end all parents and friends are urged to be pri ent. Ml-s Km ma Willis" secrfbd grado pupils will present a-' ? if ?i'"" playlet. "C.eorgo Wahlngton's Birth day Party.4" 'Me rcxc< l-if>r Orcitestra composed of M If - Unda Delon's sixth grado pupils v 'I render "Anierh'a. the r !? ii 1 1 f i? I " and "Columbia the Gem of lb- Ocean." A fin# will bo presented to the ro??m which has the larf?e?t per cent of parents present. ? OTTON MAIIKF.T New IVY 'J 2 ? The Cotton Ex change If closed here to-day on ac tiount of Washington's birthday. jrolir; to find at h a: f temporary ad juMi.M '.t. Moreover, there is a s-trll - 1 1 )u li.'f ? ! i n * Ttriti'h bad rshlp t:i ';uroe? I m r: a in roIiik to count for ?? ?r ' < ? h lit ' 'i ful if ' v. any chance \ h.-t l; mj??- w . r?- block*'! by Krarc ? iii'-ue or with fro nds. th?n at last I ix liev th? Hrlfish i>? onle would if i lie* ultima t - wartime bord heel been r.. ?" r? I : th< whole nation, without l? :ard to parties er past sentiment . would not only feel but show r >;er.t metit. Actually, fllimnay M?ctK.nftl$ c? i.irikln: what may pr<?\ ? th" nvmpatljelk of '!??? nritlsh nation to th?- l-'renelvr The fact that u ? to now It Ikih !?? en pleji.^nntly n - rr lv. d hns hi' uuht material eencer nlons. In i'?i? d rendition* eiiorr.i r , I : |v ; i.i' < f etuir*'- the main ' ' - pt acle?> sflU r> math to he Mirinouuf - id if iVatirt rhonld mlsued<rMand i. -id nppem wantonly to ,e pulse this gesture, the confteo.iences might h?' tr:i".ie for Wantsoever party is In iK)W r now. but the national nttttudo hep after Is hardly llkelv to chan*<? ? I?? aim oat certain to harden, not soften. 1

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