Try This on Yours! Copyright. Harris A Ewlng. ?rte Bureau of Standards. Washington, has flev.sed this Improved measuring board for babies for the U. 8 CMIdion'. n,,,. , ,, that you have to do Is keep baby sUU. Thar. all. vnumen a Bureau. All MILK IS MATTER FOR GREAT CARE Tuberculosis Is Frequent in Cattle But Many Counties Are Waging Campaign for Its Eradication. Sanatorium. Feb. 26. ? More than 10.000 children in this country die annually from tuberculosis due to cow's milk, says the noted authori ty, Dr. Kenelm Winslow, author of the book, "The Production and Han dling of Clean Milk." According to Dr. Winslow milk causes eight per cent of all deaths from tuberculosis and about 15 per cent of all the deaths from tuberculosis of child ren. But consumption or pulmon ary tuberculosis is not caused by the bovine germ, he says. It is always derived from a human source, un-, less the bovihe germs become alter ed by growth in the human so as to simulate the human tuberculosis or ganism. It is the opinion of Dr. Winslow that milk from tuberculosis cows af of infection to children. He says: "Tuberculosis is extremely fre quent In cattle ? in some herds as many as 90 per cent are affected; among 24.000 caws in Massachu setts. 50 per cent were found tuber culous. and throughout the whole country 10 per cent of the milk cows are tuberculous." The writer ways further: "Taking at random samples of mixed milk on the market it has ? been shown that one in every ten will contain the germs of tuberculo sis and will communicate the dis ease to other animals. Even the milk from certified herds which are tested for tuberculosis is not abso lutely safe, as animals develop the disease between testing times, and the writer has known of one in stance where 20 per cent of the an imals In a certified herd was tuber culous through carelessness of the management." As to safe milk Dr. Winslow says that certified milk is the best raw milk procurable as a general propo sition, but that It is far from infall ible in even the protection against tuberculosis, which is the danger most readily avoidable. Proper pas turization, he .says, will make milk perfectly safe. Dr. Winslow's book probably places the percentage of infection by the bovine bacillus both In cows and children too high, but the danger is real and the danger is great. We have cause for congratulation in North Carolina that through the ac tivities of the State Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the U. S. Department, of Agriculture a strong campaign is being waged throughout the State for the com plete eradication of tuberculosis in cattle, and with great success for a goodly number of counties have al ready completed the work ? wouldn't It be fine if rtur people were as much Interested in themselves as they are in their cows, and would !)CCO]pe Interested In having several counties without tuberculosis In it. NORFOLK FORD PLANT TO (X>ST 92,000,000 Norfolk. Va.. Feb. 26. ? The new Ford Motor Company plant to be built here this spring will cost more than $2,000,000. Ford cars and tractors will be distributed through neighboring states, exported and sent coastwise from this point. sot THFItN TEX Til iK MILLS liOOK TO HOITH AMERICA Atlanta. Feb. 26 (By The Con solidated Press) ? Southern cotton mill men are looking toward South America as a market for their wares, according to one large manufacturer here. He said Southern mills al ready had established fine connec tions In Argentina, .which had op ened a fine field tar yarns, hosiery and towels. Fresh Shipment PRESERVES In wooden palls. Large as sortment and unusually good. Buy a pall and save money. M. P. GALLOP CO. Phones 3 and 57 No Fun Like Work To Third Graders ? I They Count It A Real Privi lege To Build Bookcases And Birdhouses "There's no fun like work," runs' the adage, and the primary school has a new plan that demonstrates it! admirably. It's like this: When the third graders have per fect lessons they have the privilege of working in the workshop from three to four in the afternoons. Privilege is the word, and proud in deed are these little people when they've had perfect lessons and may speqd that hour sawing wood, sand papering rough edges, putting the parts of a bookcase together, paint ing it and putting on the finishing touches that make the article ready for actual use in the school room. It's bookcases ncrw, but soon it's going to be birdhouses, and these are of particular interest because some of the third grade rooms have bird clubs and learning about the birds} of the Southland and their habits' and songs. To build a real bird house. well, "there's no fun like work," anyway, and the grouch who doesn't belive it. would be converted could he see the happy youngsters at their task in this-hifternoon hour under the direction of their princi pal, Miss Sallie Deasley, and their superintendent. S. L. Sheep. Now, of course. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," but that is tomorrow's story. Mr. and Mrs. L. Frank Swain mo tored to Hertford Sunday and spent the day as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Josiuh Elliott. MAIL ORDKHS SOLICITED. HOSIERY TO MATCH. THE HERO ONE OF OUR NEW SPRING STYLES MADE UP IN THE JACK R A B B I T GRAY SUEDE. MEDIUM TOE. 1 1 , I N C II COVERED BOX HEEL. COME IX AND 8KB THIS AKItO STYLE. Owens Shoe Co. EVERY WOMAN of this day And time is anxious to have their home beauti fully furnished. We believe that we are best eqnlpi>ed to furnish the home from start to finish. That Is why we ask you to come and see for yourself. Quinn Furniture Co. The MQ" Ja_QUINX'S Stands for Quality KEEPING STEP Yau'll find this firm always abreast* of*"lhe times. When more modern features and facilities are necessary they are added. We cater to the requirements of our patrons. Our recent addition consists of a large Dry Cleaning Mp ? chine; another latest model Sanitary Steam Presser, an Elec tric Rotary Extracter, and a drying room, which gives us the best equipped cleaning establishment in the city, plus twelve years of experience. Cooper Cleaning Works THOXE 280 life. t luctt i can * iPm?t cont*to? 6 ounce* d??* '^slostew ?f?Hs:.? T* ?u'e ^h?o V00 P??? ?, X,?at l? Good to the Last Drop ROMANCE lies within the cir cle of your cup of Maxwell House. That fragrant aroma breathes of Araby and distant sun wrapped lands where the _?inc& coffee is grown. There arc visions of the great ships * breaking foamy miles to bring tnc treasure home. There's the long, long queSl for the cxaft blending of these fine coffees to create the flavor that is "Good to the LaSt Drop." 1 / MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee THE Action Store X Is Now Loratcd on Poindcxter Street in the X Ruildinp formerly occupied l?y V. S. White & Co. | FOR HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Ship COTTOH To WINBORNE&CO. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA They pay drnfu for 90 per cent on cotton to be Hold on nrrival and 7.? per cent if to lie Morfd. Elizabeth City s First Flower Shop RYAN FLORAL CO. INC. (I Sotitli Itoad Street QUALITY FLOW ERS ? QUALITY SERVICE 'Phone 812, Daytime ? Night 'Phone 121 Capital Stock $250,000 Memlwr Federal Reserve HKHTFOItn COM 'Ml!! A ICI.IKAIIKTR (TTT Br. A. li. I'mMllMon, Prm. |{. l.ltllr. <'?nhl?T. aiirnc)- I". Hood, VIc?-PtM. u. C. Abbott, Vkt-l'rM. CAROLINA RANKING & TRUST COMPANY