THE ADVANCE PEELS * PKKI.K. PublKber* M ERBCRT PULE. Edit#*. Member of The Aasocltled Pre#m. TW AmMtM PrtM I* ***l-?i??ly *ntitl*4 t* tft* mm tor rt-NWlMttta *f Mwi 4li?atc*** er.*lt*d la Oil NMr lit al*a t* th* local ?fwi |?WI:ht4 th*r*ta. Ultr? at tii? ?*?tofflc* r* Elfateth City. M. C.. ii Him aattar. H> Matt. ^fcroa Montlti (In fSi??l ? 11.20 Hi Month* (in a#\ tiwi) ? ... 12.25 /m Om, 12 mo nth I . ? ? Zen* Two. 12 month I W.3I By Mall Eltowher* .. S6.00 Hubscription H?tes By i'arrler. On* Wnk ~ 10 Coat* On* Mwitti (In adva?c*> 42 Cont* Tvolvo Month* (In advanc*) |UI WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Tipton Uuri talks Rome o* movin' t' tir city wliero lie kin kee a son. It don't Kit you nothin' t' ask Home* buddy If they've ever been hick when they hain't. If Josiah William Bailey doesn't watch out he will have exhausted his ammunition on sparrows before he gets within gunshot of any big game. This business of just living in Los Angeles is a bit too stren uous for us. If one must be always on the go and with something else just ahead to go to next, why not run a daily newspaper and be done with it? Abe Martin, Moving Picture Funnies, Problems of Conduct and Dr. Brady are new features annexed by this newspaper last week on a trial basis. Present indications are that the first thr^e will be retained and the last given up ? unless there should come real and unmistak able evidence that a large body of our subscribers find the ar ticles by Dr. Brady interesting and worth while. If you want Dr. Brady, then, after March 1, you had better let us hear from you. * Wilful Men? If, after Chairman Page's let ter, the members of the Cam den Highway Commission un dertake to block any road in Camden simply because they can not get the road by the par ticular route that appears desir able to them, then they, in the words of Woodrow Wilson on one occasion, "will live to repent it" ? unless they die mighty early. To fight for the route that seemed best to them was a mat ter altogether within their right while the question of route was open, but to fight for a lo cation after the State Highway Commission has definitely and finally decided against them is like butting one's head against * stone wall; while to defeat any road simply because they can not get their particular route for it is nothing other than a case of cutting off one's nose to spite his face. If opponents of the Belcross route persist in their fight for another route to the point where they delay construction for another year, "if not indefi nitely, how shall they escape the designation of a set of wilful men who put the matter of car rying their own point above that of the real interests of the people whom they represent and are supposed to serve? NORFOLK COTTON F?bm?rjr 17 Middling (opened today) . ,29 3-Rc Jfiddilnc (cloud todajr) . . , 3-4c Different , Here's something different both in line and In material. The bodice Is white pussy willow moire and the long, full skirt is of black. That row of buttons down the front and high collar are . reminiscent of earlier days. FERT1IJZKR INTERESTS ARE DISAPPOINTED AT Itl'KINESg Atlanta, Fob. 27 ? The fertilizer interests of the South have been keenly disappointed at the poor bu siness so far this year. The mixing plants which operated last season have not opened at all, weather has been adverse for planting and bankers are urging re strictions at cotton acreage. The purchases of calcium arsenate this year by the State will be higlfer than ev^r before, however. POPLAR RRANCH ROYS ARE HAPPY Agricultural Class Has Moved | Into New Room and Is Mak | in# It Interesting and At I tractive. By MII.FOK1) HA I'M roplur Branch High School Poplar Branch, Feb. 27 ? The : Poplar Branch agriculture boys j have moved into their new agri cultural room and are pleased in saying "we now have a room of our I own." These boys are putting for j ward much effort to make their MOVING PICTtKri FUNNIES Cut out the picture cm all four sides. Then carefully fold dotted line 1 its entire length. Then dot ted line 2, and so on. Fold each section underneath. When com pleted turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures. (Copyright Nat'l Newspaper Service) , Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. Noted Phygician and Author , I ll ig ? ????I? m ? * Signed letters pertaining to personal health and hygiene, not to dis ease diagnosis or treatment, will be answered by Dr. Brady if a stamped, self addiessed envelope is enclosed. letters should be brief and written in ink. Owing to the large number of letters received, only a few can bo answered here. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to instructions. Address Dr. William llrady, in care of this newspaper. Kumhleg and Growls Health hath its symptoms too. Take a quick run up two flights of household size stairs and focus your attention on your heart action and you'll find the hyart going thump, thump as though bumping the ribs hard, for a little while, if you are sound aud well. Jifrup suddenly out of bed in the morning and notice that you get just a wee bit dizzy, ff you are a healthy customer. In a gloomy, introspective moment search your field of vii^on carefully and you'll find divers and Bundry spots before the eyes, if there isx nothing ailing you. I am confident*, in fact I could get up a symtom blank, after the fash ion of the mall order quack which would work havoc among well folk who might get hold of it. "Have you spots before the eyes? Do you feel dizzy at times? Does your food disagree?" Oh, sure, everybody's food disagrees more or lesB when he gets thinking about it seriously. Take the rumblings and grumbl ings that harass some of us from within. These gurgling noises are produced by the peristaltic or wave movements of the intestine acting upon the fluids and gases which are normally present. They're present all the time, hearly, and the nolnes are nearly always audible with the] stethoscope. They don't mean any thing. So we doctors call the noises borborygmi. When a meal has been taken after a brief period of fasting, the passage of the fluids and gases of the residue of that meal through the valve from the small into the large Intestine may be heard about six hours later, if the Individual is a healthy specimen. As a rule these borborygmi are no more audible or noticeable to the individual himself or another than are the spots before our eyes no ticeable. unless we form the habit of giving them attention. Sometimes the borborygmi become obtrusive when a person Is beginning to get very hungry. The obvious remedy in such a rase would be a snack between meals, when it is a long, time between meals and tjie weight Is not already excessive. Tlils snsck should be something which re quires -hewing, not a gulp of fluid or candy. I'd suggest some peanuts, an orange or an apple. In some instances annoying bor borygmi prove to be due to the hab it of air swallowing, a habit uncon sciously indulged In by persons fond of having "nervous spells." I say persons fond of having 'spells ? that isn't sarcastic, but psychologic. Ner vous spells are a kind of funk hole to hide in until the thing you wish to evade or escape Is out of your way. An old favorite theoretical ex planation for these rumblings from within, especially when the noises are associated with flatulence (pres ence of an excessive amount of gas In the Intestine) , Is fermentation. Of course only carbohydrates ferment, and so a great many people attempt to remedy such a condition, be It ac tual or Just surmised to flt a remedy which happens aloof, by (mlachlev ous "dieting" to the extent 'of re stricting or avoiding certain articles which they conceive to be "starchy." This takes us back to the nineteenth century era of dietetics when diet ing consisted mainly of funny lists of items in two columns ? "may eat" and "may not eat." Here the game is called on account of approaching darkness. We'll finish it some day I soon. QUESTIONS AND A NSW KHS j We're All Hrowns. I am here attending school. My home and birthplace are in Haiti and I call myself a negro. I am not quite so black as the ace of spades, but I am as nearly black as any ne gro 1 have met. Here folks call me "colored." I think that comes near er the truth. Having studied anat omy and histology I happen to know that there is no such thing as a black man, that the negro skin is in all respects the same as the skin of a Caucasian, Asiatic or Malay, except In the relative amount of brown pig ment in the pigment layer. Am 1 right? (P. n. A.) Answer. ? Yes. All human beings, except albinos. In whom the pigment is congenitally missing, are some shade of brown. So are all eyes, ('roves Starch. T am in the habit of eating laun dry starch. Is this harmful, and if so. what is it liable to cause? (M. L.) Answer. ? It Is harmless, as is the eating of raw potato or raw carrot or raw turnip or other raw veget ables or raw wheat or raw flour. Of course starch Is food and If you are | already overnourished it is unwise to continue. The Spread of Syphilis. Is there much danger of contract ling syphilis from a person who takes I meals at the same table and uses the same bath room? Is syphilis I spread by kissing? (Mrs. F. S. A.) 1 Answer. ? Ordinary personal con-i tact with a person who has syphilis In the first or second stage Involves a certain risk of Infection, though a I | small risk. Many cases of Innocent I syphilis have been contracted from a kiss. A letter dealing with thlsi land other aspects of syphilis will be I sent you by mall If you will furnish la stamped self addressed envelope and write your query plainly so that I will not have to guess what you mean. Might Extract the Iron I have had bronchial asthma for 10 years. Very poor circulation. (Had heart action. Kindly inform m?* , If I would get any benefit from a| ; magnetic blanket. They want and give no guarantee whatever.! (8. J.) Answer. ? No. * hot water Jug or! a fiat-Iron Is an easier way to keep warm. Is your trouble a difficulty of breathing due to Impaired clreu-l latlon, ro Is It really asthma Inde pendent of the other conditions you mention? That Is an Important dis junction for your physician to make, 'for any treatment like to be helpful I In real asthma would be of no avail In the shortness of breath from some affection of ttie heart. room an Interesting and attractive place. They are expecting that) sometime in the near future the j walls of the room and all the furni-i turw will be varnished. This group of boys who are in terested in agriculture themselves.' have begun to get their fathers and mothers interested in better me thods of farming. A great many of the mothers have become interest ed in purebred poultry, which means ! better and more good eats as well as a larger income. Several ship The Apothecary Shop PHONE 400 A Good Drug Store merits of purebred chickens, egg*, trees berries and seeds of different kinds have been secured through the Purebred Livestock and Seed Club, i This group of yougaters are doing things. They are going to do their share toward making old Currituck County a better place to live. NORFOLK PRODUCE At Jarvls ft Fentress S PENCE-HOLLO WRLL CO. Live Prwiwd Undn. Sprg Chickens 30-35 30-38 30-3K Old Hens 25-27 30-35 Turkey 25 35 Geese 20-25 30-35 Ducks 20-25-30-35 Large Ho?? 8-10 Small Hogs 10-11 Milk Calves 12-14 Teariiugs 8-10 Eggs PROBLEMS OF CONDUCT By ProfeMor Dirk Calkins What's Wrong Here? Study the picture before you read the answer. Answer ? It isn't the original I cost, its the upkeep. SEEMS TO BE THE WHOLE SHOW ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES Thla size type (8 point), on? cent a word each Insertion; minimum 25 centa, one time; 75 centa week. ^ standing ads, five cents a we'd per week. Twenty centa per month ? In adrance. White space and pan graphed ads, 60 centa an Inch. Copy must be In the office by 5 p. m. day before Inser tion. Help Wanted SMALL BOY WANTED TO WORK In office. Call P. J. Mldgett, 392-W. feb.26-mar.3-np WANTED AT HERTFORD, CHA. p.inoke, Camden. Belcross, Gregory, Shawboro and Moyock, representa tive! of The Advance to send In new* and secure subscriptions on com mission basis. Address The Advance, Elliabeth City, N. 0. For Sale CI TV ROAD METHODIST PARSON age. 403 North Road street for sale*. Modern two-story dwelllhg In one of city's best residence sections. Sale must be made at once. Apply by mall to P. H. Williams or In person at parsonage. feb.26,27,28-pd PURE STRAIN WHITE ORPINO ton eggs from pullets that won first prlxe at Albemarle District Fair 1923. l'rlce $1.50 for 15, delivered. Phone 1220, Oklsko Line, W. H. El liott. Chapanoke, N, C. feb.25-mar.l-pd FOR HALF ? WHITE WYANDOTTE setting eggs. My stock cams from best blood lines and are good layers. $3.00 a setting. Mrs Zenas Jen nings, 111 Harney stre?t. 22-28pd FOR SALE? TWO GOOD WORK horses, bargains at $50 and 176. See |M. C. Love, City Market Building. feb.20-mar.3-np HARD AND PIJTK WOOD. ?7 PER | cord, $3.50 half cord. $1.76 load. Stove lengths. Geo. J. Kerr. Phona 781-W. Jan.29tf-np FOR HALS ? ONE NEW 1H TO* Oarford track with cab and seat. C. W. Stevens Co. feb.ll-28-np I FOR BALK? OAS RANGE AT A reasonable price. Apply (91 West IF You want to: Buy something, sell something, rent a building, find a jo!?, hire an employe, trade something or recover a lo?t article^The Advance Classified Ads will do it. Church street. feb,16-tf-np PI/OW CASTINOS FOR 8ALK cheap. Apply to Elizabeth City Iron Works ? Supply Co. feb.7-tf-np Opportunities BUY CHILDREN'S HATS E \ RLY ? W? have an exclusive line, both ?port and dress hats. Miss S. A. Perry, 12 East Main street, near Southern Hotel. f 27 mar 4 npd HOT EVERY AFTERNOON? cream biscuit ready for your sup per. Cartwright's Bakery, next to Western Union. 22-28np E IK JAR'S 1 :80 Ill's LEAVES ELIZ abeth City every afternoon for Nor folk. Also leaves Norfolk Union Station at 5:30 evenings, arriving Elizabeth City 8 o'clock. Ja.l2-tf WANTED ? A (JOOI> USED SHOW caae from 6 to 8 feet; floor case pre ferred. E. J. Cohoon & Co. feb.23-29-np Candidate Cards I TAKK THIS o< < \sio\ TO An nounce myaelf ? candlflate (or the office of Sheriff before th* Dem ocratic party on Jane 7. I am not a candidate because my friend* hare hrou it ht me out, but exercising my right at a cltlten. I feel at liberty to run for this office. Responsible to no clique, I appeal to the Demo cratic voters as a whole for their support, 1 want to be aherlff and hare the satisfaction of knowlni that my fellow citizens have confi dence In me. and In return to give them a faithful, honest. and effi cient administration of the duties of said office. If you will give me your suport and votes. It will be my ambition to make you the best sheriff Pasquotank County has ever had. J. Walton Hobbs. f27-ml? MAN WITH AMBITION, INDL'STItY and small capital can make more money selling Rawlelgh's Quality Products direct to consumers In Cho wan or Camden counties. We teacik and keep assisting you to make prac tically every family a steady, satis fied customer. Give age, occupa tion, references. W. T. Ilawlelgh Co., Dent. 1283, Freeport, feb. 20. 23, 27, mar. 1.6. 8 Dltv WOOD FOK HALE, SPLIT pine at $7 a cord and round at $t> a cord. Doth cut In short lengths, 12 to 18 Inches. M. R. Fletchei", Elizabeth City, Route One. feb.25,i7.29,mar.3,6.7-pd UEOIW1E W. BROTHERS ? CAX dldate for Register of Deeds. ? f hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Reglater of Deeds of PasquotsnK County for the next ensuing term. Subject to the Democratic Primary of June 7, 1924 The support of tho voters of this County will be sincere ly appreciated. Respectfully. George W. Bi others. fSwedtf NOTICE TO THB VOTERS OP Pasquotank County:? Ladles and Gentlemen: ? I sm a candidate tor Sheriff of this County In ths Prl msry to be held on the first Satur day In June 1**4. I shall certainly appreciate your Influence and your vote fcrr me for this office. Re spectfully, I*. W. Anderson.