WOMEN'S INTERESTS MRS. JOHN KILGORE, Editor In Honor of Husband* Mr?. Harold Foreman. Mrs. Wal ter Small, and Mrs. Thorburn Ben nett entertained Tuesday evening, at; the home of Mrs. Clay Foreman. 2?'!? West Main street, in honor of | their husbands' birthday. The beautiful home was lovely with fragrant spring flowers. Jonquils) and narcissus were used in artistic | profusion. According to the fancy of the guest, mah-Jongg and bridge were played. After the game an Icei course and punch were served. | Those at tbe mah-jongg tables were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wood ley. Jr., I Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Foreman,1 Mr. and Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep, Mr. | and Mrs. Frank Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs.! Thorburn Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foreman. The mah-jongg i prizes were a rose pottery vase as] high score and a box of mah-jongg candy for consolation. Playing atj the bridge tables were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blades, Mr. and Mrs. Buxton' White, Mr. and Mrs. Will Foreman, I Dr. and Mrs. Claude Williams, Mr. and 'Mrs. C. O. Robinson. Mr. and | Mrs. Will Gaither, Mr. and Mrs. Oil- j ver Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. George Beveridge, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kra-j incr. Miss Laura Rodney and Walter! Small. The high score bridge prize j was a box of stationery and the con- j gelation prize a deck of cards. Miss Purvis Entertains Miss Frances Purvis entertained at a beautiful five table bridge party Monday evening at the home of Mrs. L. E. Skinner, 221 North Road street. The house was lovely with a profusion of sweet peas and yellow and pink roses. Little pink crepe parasols were the quaint and pretty favors. A bottle of perfume won by Miss Winnie Boseman and an eversharp pencil won by Marion Love, constituted the attractive i prizes. During the evening an lee course with mints was served by Miss Pauline Skinner. Those en Joying the evening with Miss Purvis; Were Misses Dorothy Scott, Winnie Boseman, Hester Newton, Sara | Spearman, Marie LeRoy, Helen Wood, Alice Brockwell, Lucille j Pass,, Nina Pickard, Messrs Henry | LeRoy, Marion Love. Frank Dwight.j Ralph Holmes. It. T. Ryland, Roy i Chesson, Lester Winder, Dr. Julian! Selig,- Dr. John Bell, and Dr. A. L. Pearce. Ku/eliuu Class Meets The Kuzelian Class of Blackwell -Memorial Sunday School held its regular monthly meeting in its class room Monday evening at 7.30. After a very interesting business hour the class was served with de licious refreshments by Mrs. It. F. Pritchard, Mrs. Cecil Richardson, Mrs. Lemuel Jackson and Mrs. Brantley McCoy who were hostesses for the evening. Those present be sides the teacher, Mrs. S. C. New bold, were Mesdames J. J. Perry, McKinley Sawyer, A. B. Combs, John Whaley, C. W. Ward, I). C. Martin. W. O. Bauer, William Pritchard, Harry Sedgwick Jr., W. T. Harrison, C. E. Overman, C. E. Ward, R. F. Pritchard, Brantly Mc Coy, Lonnie Pritchard, Miss Florence Bell, Dr. and Mrs. J. II. I Thaler. Ilirtlulay Tarty # Little Kdward Hughes was host at a six o'clock dinner party Tues day evening at his home, 304 West Main street/ the occasion being .his sixth birthday. An exquisite cen terpiece formed of the lighted birth day cake banked with narcissus and jonquils graced the tabl? where! covers were laid for seven. A de-j lightful chicken dinner was served.! Those enjoying the b**PPy anniver-J sary with the host were: Eleanor) Foreman. Barbara HIte, Mary, Hite, Mary Leigh Sheep. Margaret' LeRoy, Faith Hite, and Edward Griffin, Jr. Year Party The Happy and Go Lucky Club entertained at a leap year theater party Monday evening, each member taking a boy to the play, "A Mouse Trap." put on by the girls literary society at the high school ( auditorium. We guarantee Holiday and Silver Dunt Flour to please or your money buck. GAITIIEH JACKSON Fli/abeth City, N. C. THE KEYSTONE SHAVING PARLOR is now upstairs over New llood System Hank near l/Oiil? Sellg'a We guarantee Holiday ami Silver Dint Flour to please or your money bark. JOE HARRELL Fllziibetti City, X. C. OJ When you order groceries remeinl?er to rail ? M. V. PERRY PHOXK MS The Perfect Thirty Six ? j "Them Days Gone Forever ' - ? Standard of Feminine Pulchritude Has Been Raised to the Perfect Thirty-eight Because S /torts Have Made I? Om en's Lungs Bigger and Their Shoulders Broader By AILEEX LAMOXT , (Copyright. 1924. By The Advanrr) New York. Feb. 2S. ? The day of. the "perfect thirty six" Is over, ac- . cording to American merchants and designers. The standard which for years re presented the ideal of feminine pul- j chritude so far as fashions are con-i cerned no longer applies, they say. What designers and dealers are! dealers are locking for are models for a "perfect thirty eight.*' The demand for the larger sizes, they assert, is due in part to the present day styles and in part to the fact that outdoor sports have gained such vogue among women that lung capacity has been increased and shoulders broadened. It Is true, that the prevailing silhouette is1 slim, but it is essential that It must1 not be tight or scrimped, especially l in view of the abandoment of the Dorset by many women. The ideal of the French designers always has been of the svelte type. ; Moreover, since the fall in franc exchange, the French cloth manu facturers and dress makers have been loth to put any more mater ial than necessary into a frock. In fact, it is charged some silk manu facturers now are selling their goods on a yard basis although they continue to charge . the same as when they used the meter as the standard of measurement. In this way they save 3.37 inches on each meter of cloth sold. Manequins with thirty eight fig ures are in inctoaslng demand, not only in Paris but in London and Sew York for the t howing of the larger gown models The approach. of Lent has turned feminine attention not away from | clothes but toward the less elaborate models. Suits and coats for spring undoubtedly are the features of the smart shop displays at present. The boyish slenderness and tailored smartness of fit and finish necessar J; | Extra Special TECO BUCKWHEAT and PAXCAKE FLOUR, Per pkg. i 8c Cauliflower, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Celery, Cale, Spinach, Cabbage, Etc. Phones 256 and 396 | Morgan & Parker ? .... i ily make the new models simple in1 design but the wide range of ma-> terials' effectively prevent them from lacking individuality. The twills, tweeds and worsteds are most popular with hoth stripes' and plaid effects artistically em-! ?ployed. The purchase of such a suit na-i turally turns the attention of the, owner to the spring furs. Xeck 1 We guarantee Holiday and Silver Dust Flour to plea.se or your money back. B. G. GIBBS Elizabeth City, X. C. OPTICAL SERVICE DR. J. W. SELIG OPTOMETRIST | 521 Mala St. ? Elisabeth Cltj)!; We guarantee Holiday and 'Silver I)ust Flour to please or your money back. JOHN T. DAVIS Klizabetli City, X. C. Fresh Shipment PRESERVES in wooden palls. T^arge as sortment and unusually good. Buy a pall and save money. M. P. GALLOP CO. Phones 3 and 57 We sell and guarantee every bag of Holiday and Silver Dust Flour E. D. MIDGETT Kllmbrth t'lty. X. C. pieces give every evidence that they I will be tremendously popular this! spring, although it is probable that the fur, Jackets will by no means be' abandoned. Sable and fox so fat* are leading their rivals In popularity j for the scarfs. Furs are also being extensively1 used on th?* new spring wraps fori both i he cloth and silk models. Many of these have clever adar*.a- ! lions of tin* cape back and of the! scarf collar. The black and white I vogue continues to prove its hold on r. the public fancy In the wraps on' which ermine frequently is em- 1 ployed. Some of the shops are stressing i the use of suede and~1Iiard leather both for entire coats aud for the | purpose of furnishing contrasts of j color and material on a mere sober . background. I George Hrlce of Powells Poltot was iu the city Monday on busi I We sell and uuaraiitee every bag of Holiday and Silver Dust I-'lour j ( HAS. DAMS, Kli/a belli i'lty, \. 1'. COTTON SEED Mexican Big Boll Cleveland Big Boll Extra Early King Wo have in stock the throe above named varieties of cot ton seed, grown and saved especially for seed purposes. The Mexican and Cleveland stand at the head of the list as the earliest big boll varieties, and the best for our state. The Mexican is said to be about two weeks earlier than any big boll variety yet introduced and best for this section, and is being offered as one of the b*.?st to plant under boll weevil? conditions. The Mexican and Extra Early King are North Carolina grown, from genuine seed in the central northern .part of the State. Our Cleveland Seed are Virginia grown from pedigree seed last year and we have no hesitation in recomm ending these seed to any one that wishes the best* They are open for inspection by any one who' wishes to see them, at our store. Why pay $2.00 or more for seed no better than ours. We do not claim our seed to be better than many oth ers oftvred for seed, but we do know that we have bought In quantities large enough to guarantee to save you money on these varieties. TTpnn ww)?oBt we will quote you our low price, and all we ask is that you give us a trial for at least a few bushels of your requirements for this year's planting. HAY! HAY! HAY! Hay is another one of our specialties in season. Since Jan. 1st. 1 f? 2 4 . up to Feb. 23rd, inclusive, we have unloaded and distributed 18 car load^ approximately 225 tons. This is evidence that we are handling a good bit before the active season is on, and we have several cars booked and a few roll ing in order to take care of our customers, which means too, that we have the quality, service and price tlrat we extend to everybody. Our earnest request is that you see us when in need of anything in our line, as you will note at the bottom of this ad what we carry in stock. We have the following grades of hay now: No. 1 Alfalfa and Timothy mixed, noth ing better for milk cows; No. 1 Lite Clover Mixed, Strictly No. 1 and Choice Timothy. Ilay, Oitt*, .Middling, Mola*ses Feed; Dairy Feed: Larro, Milk-Flow, C. S. Meal, ('. S. Hulls, fleet Pulp, Corn, Cr. Corn, Feed Meal, Table Meal; Chick Feeds: Hen Scratch, Biddy Feed, Buttermilk, Laying Mash, Crushed Shells, Wheat Ill-All, Table Potatoes, Cabbage, Itiitabagas, Heed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Seed I lye. Cotton Seed, Melon Seed, Onion Sets, Apples, Oranges, Lemons. AYDLETT & OWENS PHOXK NOTICE TO Income Taxpayers If you are an unmarried person and had an income of $1,000 during the year 1923, or if you are a married person and had an income of $2,000, you should file a return with the STATE REVENUE DEPARTMENT on or before March 15, 1924. ' Mr. R. F. Tuttle, Deputy Commissioner, will he in the office of J. W. Markham, D. C. at P. O. Bldg., Elizabeth City on 29th day of February and 1st day of March, for the purpose of assisting the Taxpayers in filing their State Income Tax returns. QORETHROAT J tonsilitis or hoarseness, gargle with warm salt water. Rub Vicks over throat and cover with a hot flannel cloth. Swal low slowly small pieces. WICKS W VapoRub O?r 1 7 Million Jan U?d IWfr Spencer - Walker Co. Where Every M?tn Find? What He Like* To Wear For quality llour try Iloll?l:i> Si'lf-Hlftlng ami Silver Dust I Main. Guaranteed to suit. P. C. HARRIS Kll/abeth City, %*. C. NEW 6ERMAN OIL FORMULA ^ ! RUBS OUT RHEUMATIC PAINS r> ? Rtmirktbl* dlacoverr promise! Quick, aoothlng relief for rheuma tlam, tout, neuralgia And neuritis i aufferera I (Hrmtn Chemistry that hu given I to the world tha boon of Aspirin for ' tha rallaf of headaohe pain, and Novocain for palnleaa dentistry, haa now coma forward with anothar acl antlflc discovery that oromlaaa to make narva, joint and muaqalar pains a thing of tha past for thou sands who have suffered tarrlbla torturaa. A new combination of cartain oils hi* baan dlecovared which prodnees a claar amber liquid that affords Im mediate relief from pain In many In* atancea. It la ao penetrating that It dlaappeura within a few seconds, .ao that It muat be entirely absorbed oy the body tlaaue. Even In the moat advanced and atubborn oaaea the uaa of thla remarkable oil haa ahown 1 aatonlahlnf? Improvement at once In > many caaes. Tired muaclea regain ? life, creaking Jolnta with tha pain all gone become aupple, the nervea are quickly aoothed and the annoy , Ing twinges cease. Rheumatism, gout, neuralgia and neuritis are due to Internal Infec : tlons which throw off poisons. These j poisons are carried by the blood to - the nerve tissue where they Inflame and Irritate the nerve sheath. Tho ] New German Oil Is designed to neu tralise these paln-causTng poisons, | bringing almoat lnatant aoothlng relief. 80 astonishing have been the rs ! suits from the use of this oil that the American dlatrlbutora have au thorized local druggists to dispense , It to rheumatic, tfoiFt, neuralgia and neuritis sufferers In thla city with a goaltlve written guarantee, algnea y themselves, to return the full purchase price of the first bottle II the palna are not wonderfully re lieved. All sufferers should take ad* vantage of this liberal offer. Unleaa you get relief from the very first bottle, your druggist will return your money. It is called Buhler Oil, and can hu had at moat good drug* glats, such as Apothecary Shop. Albemarle Phar macy and Leonard Pharmacy. ndy For quality flour try Holiday KHi-ICMim and Silver Hum Plain. Guaranteed t<j suit. A. S. DUNSTAN Klizabeth 0ltyf X. (', I "20-YEAK GOITKE "Almost Choked Mt\M Hii.vh Ohio l-nl.v ? llcllcr In Tlm?e Days By Colorless I <i ii i me ii t .Mr. Carfle Barnhouse, 421 West ('. shoot, \W I la ton , Ohio, says. "The night before I cotmuoneed Horbol Otiadruple, I sat up in bed an<l fan ned all night to get my breath. In t hri'O days tin- choking and smoth ering wore gone and in two weeks I had 110 sign of goitre. Wiii talk or write to any one." Sold by all drug stores or write Sorbol Company. Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Locally at Albemarle Phar macy. 28adr For quality flour try Holiday SHf-MMim and Hllver I Mist Plain. Ounrnnteed to suit. w. E. SIMPSON Kllxabcth city, x. oHi RUB RHEUMATISM! THE PAIN AWAY Stop drugging I Rub soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil rijjht into your sore, stiff, ach ing joints, and re lief comes instant ly. St. Jacobs Oil is a harmless rheu* matism liniment which never disap points and cannot burn the skin. Get a 35 cent bot tle of St. Jacobs Oil at any drug store, and in a mo ment you'll be free from pain, soreness and stiffness. In use for 65 years for rheumatism, sciat ica, neuralgia, lum bago, backache, sprains. Tot quality floifr try Holiday MMtinliiK and Silver Dunt Plain. Ouarantoed to iult. w. e. wood Kllmbrth l it), X. C.

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