WOMEN'S INTERESTS CO-EDS SERIOUS 1 ABOUT LEAP YEAR And Some Ten Thousand Male Students at California University are Wondering Just What They'll Do. By L. C. OWEN C*?yri?ht. 1924. by T?? A 4 sports; suit of today puts the spring rain-] , bow to the blush. Wide stripes j Ugf orange, dandelion, lemon and j H|>Wk made up the lower part of thei Costume, the upper part being plain 1 dandelion. MWMMMMMANMMWMMM Fresh RAGRANT LOWERS RYAN FLORAL CO., Inc. DAY l>H()NK HI2 MCaiT I'HOVK 421 Wwmmmmwnmmmmmm PHONE I STANDARD [ STANDARD J THEY WILL SEND IT. MK8. JOHN KIIXJORE, Editor Announcement Parly Mrs. C. W. Melick entertained informally Wednesday afteroon at I her home 102 East Matthews! street announcing the approaching! marriage of Miss Mabel Bright and j Mr. Marshall H. Jones, to take place on March 14 at Cann Memorial Presbyterian church. The color scheme of yellow and white was car ried out with jonquils and yellow candles. The refreshments, consist ing of bisque glace, with cake and accessories, also tea and sandwiches, were served by Misses Anne, Billy and Suzanne Melick. On each plate was laid a jonquil and in the heart of the flower was a tiny paper with ju?t one word written thereon. When these were read in sequence they formed the wedding announce ment. Each guest had been asked to bring a yard of kitchen toweling, and a needle and thimble. The prize j for the best hemmed towel was won by Mrs. T. S. McMullan. Jr., Mrs. Edward Griffin wan a guest towel for the towel hemmed most quickly; and Mrs. El wood Weatherly was given a darning egg as consolation. Each guest wrote her name on her towel and presented it to Miss Bright. The guests were: Misses Mabel Bright, Mary Bright, Les celles Griffin, Marguerite I^eRoy, Pauline Skinner. Helen Wood, Lai-: cille LeRoy, Olive Wood; Meadames G. R. Bright. P. W. Melick. Aubrey McCabe, T. T. Nelson, W .H. Weath erly Jr., El wood Weatherly, T. S. McMullan Jr.. Edward Griffin. W. W. Woodley, Jr.. William Dawson, and Graham Bell. Entertain At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. J. White enter- 1 talned at a delightful three course' dinner party Tuesday evening at j their home on Baxter Avenue in' compliment to T)r. and Mrs. Samuel H. Templeman. The rooms were i heatlfully decorated in cut flowers' and potted plants. Besides the J guests of honor there were Mrs. C.I R. White of Norfolk, Mrs. Sam j Leigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pool and Mr. and! Mrs G. A. Twiddy. Y. W. n. Clan* Meets The Y. W. B. Class of the First. Christian Sunday School held their, regular meeting in the class rooms' Tuesday evening, February 26.' I After th^ business meeting delicious j refreshments were served by Mrs. .Ellas Pritchard and Miss Nettie Pal mer. Those present were: Misses j Mattie Horton. Naomi Spear. Louise Dillon, Laura Alexander, Nettie Pal mer, Eva Belanga. Mrs. Elias ! Pritchard, Mrs. Martin Jennings, ! and Mrs. Wilson Williams. Mrs. Scott Entertains The Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club was charmingly entertained by Mrs. Frank Scott at her home on Elliott street. At the completion of the game a salad course was served. The members of the club and sever- 1 al guests were present. Have Measuring Party The Ladies Aid Society of the ; Blackwell Memorial Church will have a measuring party Friday evening at 7:30 in the church par lors. Personals Mrs. C. W. Mellck left Thursday for Washington. N. C. where she will spend ten days visiting relatives. S. S. Carter or Fairfield register ed at the Southern Hotel Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ganderson of Gelfand's Relish and Mayonnaise at all good grocers. Cherry street returned Tuesday from a buying trip to northern mar-: kets. where Mr. Ganderson purchas ?ed spring merchandise. Mrs. C. R. White of Norfolk Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ! White on Baxter Avenue. C. P. Mid get t of Rodanthe was! | in the city on business Wednesday. | Cox has one advantage in running for President. He has been over thej track before. =MELICK= Dinner Favors, Place Cards, Table Decorations. We have a most at tractive assortment of all the Bi'Wfsl ideas. MELICK WE ARE SHOWING A new assortment of tbe popu lar "Hose Pattern" cut glass, in water sets, ice tea sets, slierhets, wine glasses, tumblers and gob lets. H. C. BRIGHT CO The Smile You Love to See Your husband will al ways be jolly if you greet him 1 with a plate or good, hot biscuits in the evening. He's been wondering all afternoon what you would have for A,JP-() rer Suctitcrs* $3.85 McCABE &? GRICE THE BUSY STORE Have A Game Of Cards Last Night? Did you win? You didn't? Well that's hard luck; but I'll bet you had a good time anyhow. Didn't have that either, eh? What? Too cold? Where'il you play? Outdoors? In Bill's living-room? If the 1r<* was low; why didn't lie light his gas h??at?-r? Hadn't any but wished he had. did he? I thought everybody had one of /.hose gas radiantflreK. Yep. IJght'er up and make It as warm us you want. Turn'er off when you're through. Sure the (Jus Company's got 'em. Southern Gas Imp't Co. J. T. STALLING6, M^r. "If it's done with Ileal, y ou con do it heller with Cos"" ALKRAMA Today HARRY CAREY ill Good Men and True AUo William Dimraii in "THE STEEL TRAIL" ADMISSION 10r and 30c MATINEE and NIGHT THE Auction Store Id Now l/trnlril on Poiiidoxtri' Slrrrl in llir ItuildiiiK formerly ormpirri l?y W. S. White & Co. Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour are abaolntrly flour* of quality nold by the I Muling mem. ? DMrlbnt?d By ? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY Water fltreft